2016 09-27-3 Generator Advanced Concepts 1

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Generator Advanced Concepts

Common Topics, The Practical Side

• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
What Determines Voltage Output?
• E = 4 × f × fb × kd × kp × N × F, where
f= Frequency of operation which correlates to the difference
in relative speeds of the field and conductors
fb = Shape of the magnetic flux wave arising from rotor
lamination design
kd = Winding distribution factor related to winding details
kp = Winding pitch
N = Number of turns per phase in winding
F = Total magnetic flux per pole, which includes machine
stack length and operating magnetic flux density
Application of V Output Equation
• E = 4 × f × fb × kd × kp × N × F
• What if we want a 60 Hz machine to run at 50 Hz too?
– f decreases by a ratio of 50/60
– E will also decrease by a ratio of 50/60 unless another
factor changes:
• Increase magnetic flux densities (F)?
– May not be possible due to material characteristics.
– Can cause excess heating.

• Increase stack length (F) – Increases cost.

• Change other aspect of the design, including different
laminations and different winding configuration or turns.
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
Pitch: Pole and Winding
• Pole pitch is the
mechanical angle
between adjacent
poles, e.g. 4 pole =
• Winding pitch is the
coil span divided by
the pole pitch, e.g.
60º / 90º = 2/3.
• Key design factors
include number of
poles, number of
slots, and number
of slots spanned by 1-9 coil span
Pitch: Common Values Specified
• Optimum pitch allows the designer flexibility used to
balance generator performance to effectively utilize the
generator’s active materials.
• 2/3 pitch is often specified because it reduces 3rd
harmonic content. However this may require a larger
machine to meet the power ratings.
• Lower pitches
– E = 4 × f × fb × kd × kp × N × F
– kp decreases with lower pitch. If the voltage is to remain the
same, something else has to increase.
• Increase magnetic flux densities
• Increase stack length
• Increase turns
• Use a different lamination set
Pitch: Effects When Reduced
• Coils spanning anything less than the full distance from
pole to pole are called short-pitched.
• Reactances are reduced as pitch decreases (keeping all
other design factors).
• Harmonics are generally reduced more than the
fundamental, and specific harmonics can be cancelled
– 2/3 pitch reduces 3rd harmonic L-N at the expense of
increasing 5th and 7th harmonics.
– There is never a 3rd harmonic L-L on a balanced system.
• Generator may need to be oversized to meet its rated
power output and temperature.
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
• Purely sinusoidal (clean
and smooth) waveforms
are desirable.
• Clean and smooth
waveforms minimizes
sudden changes in
voltages, currents and Pure sinusoidal waveform
• Power system
waveforms typically are
NOT clean and smooth.

Note: Example is for demonstration purpose only

and is not typical of generator waveforms. It shows
exaggerated harmonics without phase shift. Waveform with harmonics
Harmonics (cont.)
• Signals can be broken into a
main (fundamental) sinusoidal Signal
(smooth) waveform and a
series other smooth waveforms
at frequencies that are multiples
of the fundamental waveform
– Harmonics are the extra signals
other than the fundamental

– Lowest harmonic usually has

highest amplitude.

– Specifications call out individual

harmonic limits as well as total
harmonic distortion (THD).
Harmonics (cont.): Signal Breakdown

Signal --- fundamental --- Signal --- fund+3rd+5th ---

Signal --- fund+3rd --- Signal --- fund+3rd+5th+7th ---

Load-Induced Distortion Example
• Pictured below is a real waveform that has notching
caused by SCR loads
• This increased harmonic content and the issues
associated with higher harmonics.
Harmonics (cont.): Resultant Problems
• Insulation systems may stress and get damaged.
• Generator components may overheat, requiring derating
of the generator.
• Motors on the system may experience overheating, high
audible noise or increased torque ripple.
• Transformers may overheat due to harmonic flux core
• Power factor correction capacitors and other electronic
equipment may receive excess currents and/or voltages.
• Telephone systems may get interfered with by higher
order harmonics - telephone-influence factor (TIF).
Harmonics (cont.): Sources
• Arc furnaces
• Transformers
• Fluorescent lamps
• Rotating machines
• SCR (thyristor)-controlled
• Pulse width modulated
• Switch-mode power supplies
• Battery chargers
• Adjustable-speed drives
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
Circulating Currents When Paralleling
• Circuit diagram is of two generators in parallel.
• When there are differences in specific harmonics (3rd
harmonic in this diagram) then circulating currents will
flow through the generators

+ + V3A - V3B
Ic IC =
3 ͯ (X0A + X0B)
_ _ V3 is L-N third
harmonic voltage.

XoA XoB X0 is zero-sequence

reactance of each
source (including
external grounding
Circulating Currents When Paralleling
• For non-2/3 pitch generators,
the key harmonic is the third
– The difference in third + Ic +
harmonic voltage is the V3A V3B
driving force behind _ _
circulating currents.
– It flows in neutral and can
cause false tripping of the
differential protection relay
and other problems.
– The grounding method used
can greatly decrease current
– Identical generator pitch does
NOT guarantee successful
parallel operation.
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
• Reactance is the opposition to AC current flow
(like resistance, but recall that there are more than just
simple toasters in power systems).
• Reactances are used to describe the behavior of a
generator during certain operating conditions.
• X’d is used in motor starting calculations.
- lower X’d results in better motor starting (i.e. lower
voltage dip).
• X”d is used in short-circuit current and arc flash
- lower X”d results in higher short circuit currents.
• There are other reactances for different situations.
- e.g. direct and quadrature axis, zero and negative
sequence, saturated and unsaturated.
Reactances (Cont.)
• Test method to obtain
X’d, X”d:
– Machine operating at
rated voltage, no-load,
manual excitation

Sample data
– Short circuit is applied
across all three
phases simultaneously
– Current envelope in
each phase is
captured over time as
it decays
Time Constants
• Time constants characterize the length of time that
currents flow during a specific instant in time of a given
• The two most common are the subtransient time constant
T”d and the transient time constant T’.
– Sub-transient time constant T”d determines length of time
sub-transient (damper) current flows.
– Transient time constant T’d determines length of time
transient current flows.
Time Constants
Time Constants (cont.)
• Another time constant example: Open circuit transient
– This represents the decay in armature output voltage when
main field excitation is lost
– This requires a different test setup than previously
mentioned time constants: slip rings to manually control the
main field.
Reactances, Time Constants: Why are
they Important?
• Very useful to predict performance in large system
simulations because they simplify and speed up
• Now, for many users, the reactances and time constants
are plugged into simulators used for system modeling and
coordination studies.
• Generator manufacturers use this information to produce
three curves commonly used for system coordination:
– Thermal damage curve
– Short-circuit decrement curve
– Reactive Capability
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Two Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
Thermal Damage Curve
• Plot of armature current vs. time for the class of insulation
Sample damage curve for a Class-H insulated, Class F rise machine.
Short-Circuit Decrement Curve
• Plot of fault current vs. time that the generator produces
for various fault conditions.





15.00 3PH, ASYM,





10.00 REG, HOT





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000
Reactive Capability Curve

Limited by rotor
Inductive Load
(Power Factor)
0.7 heating

Limited by stator
Leading -- Reactive Load kVAR -- Lagging

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Limited by control
Capacitive Load


-2000 0.8
0.6 0.7 Limited by dynamic
0.4 stability
Power (kW)
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
• Ratio of electrical energy output against the required
mechanical energy input.
• Usually expressed as a percentage and always less than
100 percent.
• Usually improves with increasing sizes.
– For a 5 kW output, a typical efficiency is about 80%.
– For a 500 kW output, efficiency is typically 93% or better.
• Reduced by losses:
– Fixed losses (independent of load current)
– Variable losses (directly proportional to load current)
Efficiency: Fixed Losses
• Fixed losses
– Friction and windage losses:
• Bearing friction and wind resistance spinning rotor and
associated fans
• Reduce by optimizing fan blade pitch
– Laminated core losses:
• Hysteresis
– Heat losses in the stator core due to change in magnetic flux flow
– Reduce by using low-loss silicon steel

• Eddy-current losses
– Loses due to induced current in the stator core
– Reduce by using low-loss silicon steel
Efficiency: Variable Losses
• Variable losses
– I2R losses in the armature and field coils
• Losses in the form of heat due to resistance in the windings
• Main armature I2R losses can be reduced by using insulation
with higher dielectric strength and adding more copper.
• Main field I2R losses can be reduced by controlling the load
power factor and reducing excitation requirements.
• Brushless exciter losses are typically negligible.
– Stray losses
• Due to changes in the flux distribution, eddy currents, and high-
order harmonics.
• Can be reduced by using higher cost materials for the
lamination clamping plates and stranding the armature copper
into thinner cross sections.
Efficiency: Example
• Assume a generator is 90 percent efficient; that means if
1000 kW is applied to the generator shaft, only 900 kW
can be extracted as electrical energy.
• The prime mover must provide the real power of the
alternator. One horsepower is equal to 0.746 kW. So, for
a generator to deliver 900 kW of three-phase power at
90% efficiency, a prime mover with the following
horsepower is required (no capability for overload is

900 kW = 1340 HP
0.9 efficiency x 0.746 kW per HP
Common Topics, The Practical Side
• Machine Output Voltage Equation
• Pitch
• Harmonics
• Circulating Currents when Paralleling
• Reactances and Time Constants
• Three Generator Curves Used for System Coordination
– Thermal Damage Curve
– Decrement Curve
– Reactive Capability
• Efficiency
• Parallel Operation
Parallel Operation: Basics
• The generators share the power needed by the load.
• The operating points will depend on the load and set ups
• Why?
– To increase the power of an installation,
– To add flexibility, reliability or dependability.

G1 Load

• Must have +/- the same
– Frequency
– Voltage
– Phase angle
– Phase sequence
• The voltage regulator must have parallel operation
capability and fitted with a paralleling CT or be controlled
by a bias signal coming from the genset controller.
• The active and reactive power sharing must be balanced
or prorated if they are of different sizes.
Metering Required

V A kW
Volts Amperes Watts


Cos ᵠ or A
Frequency PF or exciter
field current
Synchronizing Parameters: Frequency
Ex. For 60 Hz:
Period min = 16.67 ms
DF = +/- 0.2% Period max = 16.70 ms
(Speed must be practically equal!)

-100 t

Maximum frequency shift: ± 0.12 Hz

Synchronizing Parameters: Voltage


0 10 20 30 40 50 60



-150 t

Maximum voltage difference: ±5%

Synchronizing Parameters: Phase





0 10 20 30 40 50 60




-125 t

Maximum phase offset: ±10°

Synchronizing Parameters: Phase
Clockwise rotation CCW rotation
from drive end From drive end
Generator terminals Generator terminals
U1 - V1 - W1 U1 - V1 - W1
T1 - T2 - T3 T1 - T2 - T3
Network connections Network connections
L1 - L2 - L3 L3 - L2 - L1
U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

L1 L2 L3 L3 L2 L1
1. Verify the wiring and polarity of the sensing voltage and
paralleling CT.
2. Equalize perfectly the no-load voltage of each generator.
3. Set the same droop for each generator.
4. Run the generators at the same voltage, phase
sequence, frequency and phase angle.
5. Monitor the meters as you close the breaker and open it
if the Amp meter fluctuates wildly.
6. After closing the breaker, adjust the engine governors
per their power.
7. Ensure the reactive power of identical sets is roughly the
same without any voltage adjustment.
• When an generator is running in island mode supplying
power to a load or a factory, there is no requirement to
synchronize it. The engine will regulate the RPM or the
frequency and voltage regulator will regulate the voltage
and the load connected will dictate how much power is
• When more than one generator run together or with the
utility, it is necessary to synchronize them together.
• In order to synchronize one generator with another unit or
with the mains, both sinusoidal wave forms must match.
• Any greater-than-rated difference could damage the
generator to be synchronized.

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