Gt-1 Liquid Fuel Primary Spill Valve and Reverse Purge Pressure Drain Monitering Fault
Gt-1 Liquid Fuel Primary Spill Valve and Reverse Purge Pressure Drain Monitering Fault
Gt-1 Liquid Fuel Primary Spill Valve and Reverse Purge Pressure Drain Monitering Fault
On 22nd June 2013 early in the morning GT-1 was running smoothly on 2870
kW load. Around 5.55am suddenly the turbine tripped on Liquid fuel primary
spill valve not closed fault (ZT-91).At the same time Liquid fuel Pump spill
valve not open (ZT-92) alarm also occurred.
On 29th June 2013 at 9.57 pm the turbine tripped on Liquid Fuel reverse
purge drain pressure monitoring fail fault. All the parameters associated with
CN-1044, CN-1045, CN-1046 and CN-1047 I/0 cards were also out of order
due to this fault.
Alstom Gas Turbine (GT-1) was installed in March, 2001 at Soda Ash Works.
Alstom gas turbine can be operated on both Natural Gas and diesel fuel.
Normally natural gas is used as fuel for gas turbines in works. On 22 nd July
the GT-1 tripped on liquid fuel primary spill valve not closed fault.
Liquid fuel
After shut down the turbine, following methodology was adopted to
investigate the Liquid fuel primary spill valve and reverse purge drain
pressure monitoring fault.
This portion discusses in detail all the activities carried out to determine the
root cause of the Liquid Fuel primary spill valve not closed and liquid fuel
reverse purge drain pressure monitoring failed fault.
The troubleshooting started with opening liquid fuel circuit. Liquid fuel circuit
that includes SOVs, Pressure transmitters and position transmitters were
inspected. After inspection it was observed that The SOL-293 of liquid fuel
pump spill valve was leaked. The Instrument air to SOL-292 and SOL-293 is
supplied from common header. Due to leakage at SOL-293 the instrument air
supply pressure dropped at SOL-292 of liquid fuel primary spill valve, due to
which SOL-292 status changed to false safe condition. Due to this reason the
turbine tripped on liquid fuel primary spill valve not closed fault. When
Natural gas is used as fuel then the Liquid Fuel block valve SOL-8 will be in
closed position. Liquid fuel prime valve SOL-292 will be closed and the liquid
fuel pump spill valve SOL-293 will be opened.
The faulty SOV was replaced and complete liquid fuel circuit was
checked.SOL-292, SOL-293 and SOL-8 was operated multiple times. But after
all this the fault did not clear. Liquid fuel circuit Pepperell & Fuchs I/O cards
were inspected. The fault was cleared after resetting the bus isolator power
supply. At this stage turbine was ready to run.
Turbine was started on Gas fuel but it did not light up and tripped on no light
up fault. Several attempts were made but the turbine did not light up and it
was decided to start the turbine with liquid fuel.
When turbine was
attempted on liquid fuel the Electronic control unit common fault tripped it.
After proper consultation and assessments it was decided to bypass the ECU
and to start the turbine on liquid fuel. Turbine was attempted on with liquid
fuel but it tripped on high top temperature.
It was decided at that point that turbine wash up process should be carried
out. Turbine was handed over to maintenance team for wash up.
Maintenance team carried out wash up process in two hours.
After wash up it was decided to start turbine with liquid fuel. ECU was
already bypassed and turbine was started with liquid fuel successfully. After
online fuel changeover the ECU jumper was removed.
On 29thJune at 9.57 Pm the turbine tripped on Liquid fuel reverse purge drain
pressure monitoring failed fault. All the parameters associated with Pepperell
&Fuchs I/O Cards CN-1044, CN-1045, CN-1046, and CN-1047 were also out of
order. It was very much cleared that the bus isolator is faulty. Bus isolator
card was replaced. The TCM was reset and turbine was ready to run. Turbine
was started on first attempt on gas fuel.
The Liquid fuel primary spill valve not closed annunciation occurred due to
instrument air leakage from SOL293 and Bus isolator fault. So SOL-293 was
replaced & Bus isolator module was restored after resetting. On the later
tripping (29thJuly, 2013) Bus isolator card was also found faulty and it was
A proper annual Preventive Maintenance Routine of field instrumentation
should be established in SAP and followed.
To be Agreed
AA/TMM/Adnan Ahmad
The Electronic control Unit (ECU) common fault should be properly
investigated in order to resolve this problem for ever.
To be agreed
AA/Adnan Ahmad
Rustronic Mark II Control System Manual
Liquid Fuel System P&ID
O:\Engineering\E&I\Common\Manuals nd Drawings\Manuals & Drawings\GT1
E&I Drawings\Drawings\P&ID\T99-40681 - Liquid Fuel System