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James F. Malec, Ph.D., ABPP-Cn,Rp

Research Director
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Professor Emeritus, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

Muriel D. Lezak, Ph.D., ABPP-Cn, CL

Professor Emeritus, Neurology
Oregon Health and Sciences University
Portland, OR

First edition: April 2003

Revised with adaptations for pediatric version added: January 2008

We are very grateful to our collaborators who have shared their time and their data in studies of the

Randall W. Evans, PhD, in memoriam. During his outstanding career, Dr. Evans was a leader in the field
and worked with several pioneering programs for TBI rehabilitation. During his work on the
MPAI, he was associated with the MENTOR ABI Network/National Mentor, Chapel Hill, NC.
Karen L Finley, PhD, MENTOR ABI Network/National Mentor, Chapel Hill, NC
Ann Kent, Gentiva Rehab Without Walls, Melville, NY
Dan Keating, PhD, and Suzanne Lentz, Bancroft Rehabilitation, Louisiana and New Jersey
Jerry Villemain, Learning Services Corporation, Durham NC

And to colleagues who assisted in these efforts at Mayo:

Miriam Kragness, PhD, Anne Moessner, RN, MSN, Jeffrey Thompson, MD, Lisa Degiorgio, MA,
CRC, Angela L. H. Buffington, MA, CRC

We are grateful to those who reviewed a preliminary draft of this manual for their excellent feedback that
was critical to the development this version:

Glenn Curtiss, PhD, J. A. Haley Veterans Administration Hospital, Tampa, FL

Shannon Swick, Michigan Rehab Without Walls
Karen A. Schwab, PhD, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center, Washington, DC
Keith Cicerone, PhD, JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Center, Edison, NJ
Cynthia Boyer, Bancroft Rehabilitation, Louisiana and New Jersey
Kathryn Kendall, RN, BSN, Lisa Degiorgio, MA, CRC, and
Susan Lepore, OTR, Mayo Clinic-Rochester, MN

We are thankful to Helen Badge and The Community Outcomes Project Working Group and New South
Wales Brain Injury Rehabilitation Directorate Injury Rehabilitation staff for their assistance in developing
a pediatric component to this manual. The pediatric adaptation (MPAI-P) of the MPAI-4 is based on
work by Bruce Oddson, PhD, at Laurentian University, Sudbury and his colleagues, Peter Rumney, MD,
Patricia Johnson, PhD, and Nancy Thomas-Stonnell, BSc, DSP, at Bloorview Kids Rehab, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.1

This work was accomplished in part with support through a TBI Model System grant from the National
Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) in the Department of Education.

OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Test materials……………………………………………………………………….……... 2
User Qualifications………………………………………………………………………... 3
Completing the MPAI-4……………………………………………………………………. 4
Guidelines for completing individual items………………………………………………... 4
Mobility………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Use of hands…………………………………………………………………………… 6
Vision…………………………………………………………………………………... 7
Audition………………………………………………………………………………... 8
Dizziness……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Motor speech…………………………………………………………………………… 10
Verbal communication…………………………………………………………………. 11
Nonverbal communication……………………………………………………………... 12
Attention/concentration………………………………………………………………… 13
Memory………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Fund of information……………………………………………………………………. 15
Novel problem-solving………………………………………………………………… 16
Visuospatial abilities…………………………………………………………………… 17
Anxiety…………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Depression……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Irritability, anger, aggression…………………………………………………………... 20
Pain and headache……………………………………………………………………… 21
Fatigue………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Sensitivity to mild symptoms…………………………………………………………... 23
Inappropriate social interaction……………………………………………………….... 24
Impaired self-awareness………………………………………………………………... 25
Family/significant relationships………………………………………………………... 26
Initiation………………………………………………………………………………... 27
Social contact…………………………………………………………………………... 28
Leisure and recreational activities……………………………………………………… 29
Self-care………………………………………………………………………………... 30
Residence………………………………………………………………………………. 31
Transportation………………………………………………………………………….. 32
Paid employment……………………………………………………………………….. 33
Other employment……………………………………………………………………… 34
Managing money and finances………………………………………………………… 35
Pre-existing and Associated Conditions…………………………………………………... 36
Alcohol use…………………………………………………………………………….. 37
Drug use………………………………………………………………………………... 38

Psychotic symptoms……………………………………………………………………. 39
Law violations………………………………………………………………………….. 40
Other conditions causing physical impairment………………………………………… 41
Other conditions causing cognitive impairment……………………………………….. 42
Scoring……………………………………………………………………………………... 43
Reference data…………………………………………………………………………… 44
Test interpretation: Case examples……………………………………………………… 45
Development………………………………………………………………………………. 48
Reliability………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
Validity…………………………………………………………………………………….. 53
The MPAI Participation Index (M2PI)……………………………………………………. 58
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………... 63
Raw score to T-score conversion tables…………………………………………………… 64
Appendix I: National Sample Staff Ratings………………………………………………. 65
Appendix II: Mayo Sample Staff Ratings………………………………………………… 68
Appendix III: Mayo Sample Ratings by People with ABI……………………………….. 71
Appendix IV: Mayo Sample SO Ratings…………………………………………………. 75


The Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI) was designed:

to assist in the clinical evaluation of people during the postacute (posthospital) period following
acquired brain injury (ABI),

to assist in the evaluation of rehabilitation programs designed to serve these people, and

to better understand the long-term outcomes of acquired brain injury (ABI).

Evaluation and rating of each of the areas designated by MPAI-4 items assures that the most frequent and
important sequelae of ABI are considered for rehabilitation planning or other clinical interventions.
MPAI-4 items represent the range of physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social problems that
people may encounter after ABI. MPAI-4 items also provide an assessment of major obstacles to
community integration which may result directly from ABI as well as problems in the social and physical
environment. Periodic re-evaluation with MPAI-4 during postacute rehabilitation or other intervention
provides documentation of progress and of the efficacy and appropriateness of the intervention. Research
that examines the responses to the MPAI-4 by individuals with longstanding ABI and by their caregivers
and close acquaintances helps to answer questions about the future of those who are newly injured, and
their long-term medical, social and economic needs.

Currently the MPAI is employed by a number of provider groups to evaluate the efficacy of the range of
postacute rehabilitation interventions through pre- and post-intervention assessments of those served.
Providers using the MPAI represent the full range of postacute services from community-based services
through traditional outpatient rehabilitation and day programs to residential services.

Now in its fourth revision, the MPAI-4 and its three subscales (Ability Index, Adjustment Index,
Participation Index) offer measures with highly developed and well-documented psychometric properties.
These measures may be effectively employed in research applications as well as in clinical settings. The
psychometric properties of the inventory are reviewed in detail (pp. 54-64). The brief 8-item Participation
Index may serve as a particularly useful measure of the final common aim—societal participation—of
rehabilitation or other intervention efforts.

Throughout its development, the MPAI has been designed for possible completion by professional staff,
people with ABI, and their significant others (SO). Research (pp.59-60) establishes the reliability of
completion by these various rater groups and also documents characteristic biases of each. The MPAI-4
offers the possibility for combining results of the inventory completed by two or three rater groups to
provide a potentially more reliable and representative assessment.

MPAI-4 Items and Subscales

The underlying subscale structure of the MPAI was explored extensively in analyses of data from
previous versions of the MPAI. These analyses led to the identification of three domains or subscales.
Items were identified that correspond to rational grouping for three categories: Ability (i.e., sensory,

motor, and cognitive abilities); Adjustment (i.e., mood, interpersonal interactions); and Participation
(e.g., social contacts, initiation, money management). Items by subscale or Index are listed in Table 1.
Three items (Initiation, Social contact, Leisure/recreational activities) contribute to both the Adjustment
Index and the Participation Index). The MPAI-4 provides the rehabilitation professional or other clinician
with a brief and reliable means of assessing functioning in each of these three major domains to help
target areas for intervention and assess progress.

Table 1: MPAI-4 Items by subscales

Ability Index Adjustment Index Participation Index
Mobility Anxiety Initiation
Use of Hands Depression Social contact
Vision Irritability, anger, Leisure/recreational
Audition aggression activities
Motor Speech Pain and headache Self-care
Communication Fatigue Residence
Attention/Concentration Sensitivity to mild Transportation
Memory symptoms Work/school
Fund of Information Inappropriate social Money management
Novel problem-solving interaction
Visuospatial Abilities Impaired self-awareness
Dizziness Family/significant
Social contact


Test Materials

The MPAI-4 consists of this manual and the MPAI-4 form. The manual contains information on the
development of the MPAI, detailed instructions for rating and scoring the items, interpretative guidelines,
normative data, and information on the reliability and validity of the measure. The MPAI-4 form consists
of four pages that contain brief instructions for completing the ratings for each item, the 29 items
comprising the MPAI-4, 6 additional items (items 30-35) for recording additional preinjury and postinjury
information about the person being evaluated, and the scoring area. The inventory has been translated
into French, German, Danish, and Spanish. All materials for the MPAI-4, including the translations, are
available for download on the web site ( for the Center for Outcome
Measurement in Brain Injury (COMBI) sponsored by the National Institute of Disability and
Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) through its TBI Model System Program.

Drs. Malec and Lezak retain copyright to the MPAI-4 and previous versions. The MPAI-4 may be
downloaded from the COMBI web site, copied, and used without fee or other charge. However,

distribution or sale of the MPAI-4, related materials developed by Drs. Malec and Lezak, and previous
versions for profit, fee, barter, or trade is expressly forbidden.

User Qualifications

The MPAI-4 may be completed by people with ABI, their SO, medical or rehabilitation professionals, and
other designated observers who know the individual well. People with very severe cognitive impairment
should not be given the MPAI. Professional staff should review the rating guidelines provided in this
manual prior to making ratings. People with ABI or their SO should have a professional who is
experienced with the MPAI-4 review the rating guidelines with them prior to making ratings and be
available to them to answer any questions that may arise during their completion of the inventory.

Currently we recommend that people with ABI and their SO complete the same version of the MPAI as
staff. In clinical practice, comparisons among independent ratings by staff, people with ABI, and their SO
can offer information about the varying perspectives of each of these rater groups. Examination and
discussion of these varying perspectives are often critical for effective rehabilitation planning, as well as
for revealing more subtle problem areas.

Scoring and interpretation of the MPAI-4 require professional training and experience. Ideally
professionals with advanced training in tests and measurements will be available to clinical teams that use
the MPAI-4 for clinical evaluations. Such a skilled psychometrician should also be involved when the
MPAI-4 is used for program evaluation or research. Interpretation of the MPAI-4 by professionals in the
clinical setting requires specific experience with the instrument and with ABI in addition to basic
knowledge of tests and measurements.


Completing the MPAI-4

Separate forms for the MPAI-4 should be used by staff, people with ABI, and their SO if the inventory is
to be completed by multiple raters. Staff may complete the inventory by consensus using one form.
Consensus evaluation by staff results in the most reliable and accurate assessment. If a single staff person
completes the MPAI-4, it is recommended that other staff be consulted who have evaluated or treated the
person with ABI. To complete the MPAI-4, begin by placing the name of the person with ABI at the top
of the first page. A space for a “clinic number” or other number that links the person to other information
specific to the facility is also provided. Date the inventory and circle (or write in) who is completing the
inventory. Then rate each item. Brief descriptions to assist in making these individual item ratings are
provided on the MPAI-4 form.

Guidelines for Rating Individual Items

The first 29 items of the MPAI-4 indicate current status or “outcome” after ABI. Rasch analyses have
revealed that a single dimension represented by these 29 items possesses substantial internal consistency.
Additional analyses have indicated that this primary dimension includes the three regions that represent
Ability, Activity, and Social Participation. Items contributing to each of these regions are identified in the
three subscale Indices.

The MPAI-4 is designed primarily to represent the sequelae of ABI. Nonetheless, the first 29 items of
the MPAI-4 should reflect the current status of the person being rated whether or not conditions
other than brain injury are contributing to restrictions in Ability, Activity, or Participation. This is
because it is often very difficult, if not impossible, to determine what factors (i.e., brain injury, other
factors) are contributing to current status. If other preexisting or coexisting conditions are present that are
contributing to restrictions rated in the first 29 items of the MPAI-4, these will be identified in items 30-
35 of the inventory.

If medication is required to achieve normal or near normal functioning, this is reflected by rating the item
at level 1. For instance, if attentional problems are eliminated with stimulant medication, the person
would be rated “1” on item 8. If depression has resolved but the person remains on antidepressant
medication, that individual would be rated “1” on item 14.

Professional staff using the MPAI-4 should be familiar with the rating recommendations described in this
manual. Persons with ABI and their SO who rate themselves or those close to them on the MPAI-4
cannot be expected to study the manual. When such individuals are making ratings on the MPAI-4, they
should have access to a staff person familiar with rating recommendations in this manual who can respond
to their questions and advise them if they are unsure about how to respond to specific items.

Basic Guidelines For Rating Children And Adolescents Using MPAI-P

- A score of zero is automatically applied to items that are age inappropriate for that child.
- For physical and cognitive functions, the rater must consider the normal developmental process
for children of that age.
- Children whose functioning is not at a normal level expected for their age are scored 1-4,
depending on the impact of the problem for that item as per the scoring criteria.
- Some items are only scored when a child reaches a certain age

Modifications for age range
Four items need to be modified according to the age of the child:
1. Residence: independent living expected at 18 years; the individual may continue to reside in the family
home and receive some financial support from this family (for instance, a college or technical school
student) but otherwise functions with complete independence
2. Driving: score only for children over legal driving age
3. Fund of information: scored for children attending school/ tertiary education or who have finished
4. School/ Work: scored for children attending school/ tertiary education or who are working. The
primary role must be scored (i.e. Children who are attending school and have a part time job are scored on
their primary role as a student).

Modification according to normal development

For physical and cognitive function the rater must consider the normal developmental process for children
of that age. For some items specific recommendations regarding how to score have been made:

1. Mobility: Normal gait assumed from age 2

2. Motor speech: normal speech sentences achieved by 2 years and clear articulation achieved by 4 years
3. Pain: best assessed after 2 years of age
4. Alcohol Use: scored according to legal drinking age; alcohol use below the legal drinking age is
considered problematic and score 1-4 according to severity of abuse or dependency.

The Table on the following page should be used in conjunction with other information in this manual to
ensure consistency of scoring for different ages and improve reliability of MPAI-P. This adaptation is
based on work by Oddson and colleagues.1

MPAI-P Adaptations for Scoring for Children and Adolescents
1. Mobility Assessed as per developmental norms with normal gait assumed
to be achieved by 2 years
2. Use of hands Assessed as per developmental norm
3. Vision Assessed as per developmental norm
4. Audition Assessed as per developmental norm
5. Dizziness Assessed as per developmental norm
6. Motor speech Assessed as per developmental norm with normal speech with
sentences by 2 years and clear articulation by 4 years
7A. Verbal Communication Assessed as per developmental norm; clear communication after
4 years of age
7B. Nonverbal communication Assessed as per developmental norm
8. Attention Assessed as per developmental norm
9. Memory Assessed as per developmental norm
10. Fund of information Assessed as per developmental norm; based on child/adolescent
achieving at expected grade level
11. Novel problem-solving Assessed as per developmental norm
12. Visuospatial abilities Assessed as per developmental norm
13. Anxiety Assessed as per developmental norm
14. Depression Assessed as per developmental norm
15. Irritability, anger, aggression Assessed as per developmental norm
16. Pain and headache Assessed as per developmental norm; best assessed after 2 years
of age
17. Fatigue Assessed as per developmental norm
18. Sensitivity to mild symptoms Assessed as per developmental norm
19. Inappropriate social interaction Assessed as per developmental norm
20. Impaired self-awareness Assessed as per developmental norm
21. Family/significant relationships Assessed as per developmental norm
22. Initiation Assessed as per developmental norm
23. Social contact (beyond family Assessed as per developmental norm
and professional contacts)
24. Leisure and recreational Assessed as per developmental norm
25. Self-care Assessed as per developmental norm
26. Residence Assessed as per developmental norm; independent living at 18
27 Aassessed as per developmental norm; driving only assessed after
. Transportation child 16 years of age or over
28B. Other employment/school 0 1 2 3 4
Full Reduced Full or Reduced No
course course reduced course load, attendance
load, no load, no course educational in school
support support load with assistance program
resource greater than ½
support day
29. Managing money and finances Assessed as per developmental norm


1. Mobility: Problems walking or moving about including balance problems. This item deals with
difficulties moving oneself from place to place, either by walking without assistance, with assistance, or
moving about with assistive devices including a wheelchair. Balance problems are included in this
category if they interfere with mobility.

0 No problems in moving about; independent mobility without assistance or assistive devices.

Children are considered to have achieved normal gait by the age of two years. If walking is
considered inappropriate for a child of that age automatically score zero as no limitations are to be
assumed. Children and adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age should be
scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines. Adults,
adolescents and children who are aged 2 or above and have limitations with gait are rated
according to the following guidelines:

1 Problems in mobility are apparent on examination but do not interfere with any normal activities
of daily living including climbing stairs or moving at a rapid rate when required. These activities
may be accomplished with the help of an assistive device. For example, individuals who use a
walking stick/crutch or an orthotic device (AFO) to ambulate may score at a level 1 if they are
able to accomplish all normal activities required for mobility including climbing a flight of stairs
and moving at an increased rate, for instance, to avoid unexpected traffic. Those scoring at this
level may also show mild gait disturbances on clinical examination, provided that these do not
interfere with the kinds of activities mentioned above.

2 Gait disturbance or other mobility impairment interferes some but not the majority of the time
(less than 25%). Examples of this level of problem would be individuals using wheelchairs who
are able to accomplish all normal activities of daily living independently with the exception of
climbing stairs, or ambulatory people who cannot always move rapidly when required or are
limited in a few other specific aspects of mobility like having difficulty in rough terrain. If such
problems occur rarely (i.e., < 5% of the time), the person would be rated at level 1.

3 Mobility impairment interferes much of the time (25% to 50%), restricts many activities, and
precludes a few. Examples of this level of problem would be individuals using wheelchairs who
must avoid a substantial number of activities because of difficulties in independently working the
wheelchair, or those who require assistance with the wheelchair much of the time but are able to
move short distances on their own. This level of problem would also include those who are able to
ambulate within a confined area without assistance but are restricted in many other activities that
require ambulation including moving substantial distances independently.

4 Assistance is required in moving from place to place most or all of the time. Examples would be
individuals who are able to ambulate only very short distances independently, are confined to bed,
or require assistance more than 75 percent of the time in moving about in a wheelchair.

2. Use of Hands: Impaired strength or coordination in one or both hands.

0 Normal strength and coordination both on clinical examination as well as in activities of daily
living with both hands. For children, use of hands is at developmental norm. Children and
adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on
the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Problems with dexterity or speed in one or both hands are apparent on clinical examination.
However, these problems do not interfere substantially with activities of daily living. It is
possible, although unlikely, that some individuals at this level lack complete or substantial use
of one hand provided that their adaptation requires no external assistance

2 Impairment interferes some but not the majority of the time. Examples of this level of
impairment are provided by those who require assistance in a few activities, such as, cutting up
their food, or who are unable to participate in a few activities because of upper extremity
impairment like playing a game of catch.

3 Impairment interferes much of the time. Typically, at this level, people need substantial
assistance with many aspects of instrumental activities of daily living. Examples of this level
of impairment are provided by those who are able to dress themselves independently, or
almost independently, but need assistance with most other activities which require finer motor
dexterity, such as writing, set up for meals, or opening doors.

4 Assistance is required in all or almost all activities of daily living because of upper extremity
impairment. Typically individuals at this level are unable to dress without assistance. Many
activities that require the use of hands such as, writing or using utensils for eating, cannot be
accomplished or are accomplished with extreme difficulty.

3. Vision: Problems seeing; double vision; visual field deficits; other eye, brain, or nerve injuries
that interfere with seeing. Visual disturbances which are due to perceptual disorders rather than
impairment of the primary visual system should be rated under item 12 (visuospatial abilities). For
example, visual neglect should be rated under item 12, if there is no field cut or peripheral visual

0 Normal near and close vision with the use of corrective lenses, providing that the corrective
lenses were not made necessary by the injury. For children and adolescents, vision is at
developmental norm. Children and adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age
should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Normal activities of daily living are accomplished despite mild visual disturbance. Examples
of this level are provided by those with very mild or intermittent double or blurry vision.
Other examples include those with loss of vision in one eye who, with compensation
techniques, continue to perform all daily activities including driving.

2 Visual disturbance interferes some but not the majority of the time in specific activities.
Examples of this mild level of impairment are demonstrated by those whose only restriction is
being unable to drive because of visual problems, or who are unable to participate in some
sports or leisure activities because of visual disturbance.

3 Assistance is required in many activities of daily living. Examples of this level of impairment
are provided by those who have difficulty reading and require information to be read to them,
or have difficulty recognizing faces because of visual problems, or cannot participate in many
sports or leisure activities because of visual problems.

4 Visual impairment interferes with all or almost all activities. Typically at this level, people
are legally blind and need assistance in most activities that require seeing including reading
and recognition of faces. Those who have become adept at compensating for blindness may
be rated at a lower level (1,2,3) depending on the degree to which blindness interferes with
everyday activities.

4. Audition: Problems hearing, ringing in the ears that interferes with hearing or other activities.

0 The person has a normal audiological examination or clinical tests of hearing and
demonstrates no impairments in daily living because of hearing. For children and
adolescents, audition is at developmental norm. Children and adolescents who are not at
an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their
problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Hearing impairment is apparent on examination but does not interfere with daily life.
Examples are provided by those who function normally with the help of a hearing aid, or who
have mild tinnitus at a level that does not interfere with daily life.

2 Hearing problems interfere only some and not the majority of the time. Examples of this level
of impairment are provided by individuals who require occasional repetition in
communication because of impaired hearing, or who avoid a few activities or situations
because of hearing problems.

3 Hearing problems interfere much of the time. An example of this level is demonstrated by the
person who participates in interpersonal communication only with great difficulty because of
hearing problems and may require frequent repetition in everyday communication.

4 Hearing loss interferes in all or almost all activities. At this level people are typically legally
deaf and require the use of a sign language interpreter or writing for interpersonal
communication. Those who are legally and who have become adept at using compensation
techniques for deafness may be rated at a lower level (1,2,3) depending on the degree to
which deafness interferes with everyday activities.

5. Dizziness: Feeling unsteady, lightheaded, or dizzy. If dizziness is associated with balance
problems that interfere with mobility, also rate balance problems as a disturbance of mobility at the
appropriate level under Item 1.

0 No symptoms or complaints.

1 Mild symptoms which do not interfere with everyday activities or are effectively eliminated
with medication.

2 Dizziness interferes with some but not the majority of activities and precludes some
vocational activities such as working at heights or recreational activities, such as, team sports.

3 Dizziness interferes with many activities, precludes more than very part-time community-
based employment or school attendance, and raises significant safety concerns, particularly in
activities, such as, getting about in the community or driving.

4 Dizziness is almost totally disabling and interferes or precludes most activities throughout the
day. In extreme cases, movement from a supine position without symptoms of dizziness is
not possible.

6. Motor speech: Abnormal clearness (articulation, phonation), or rate of speech; dysarthria and
apraxia of speech. Aphasia and impairments in the pragmatics of communication should be rated
under item #7 A & B.

0 Normal communication with no evidence of speech impairment on clinical examination. For

children and adolescents, speech is at developmental norm, i.e., normal speech with sentences
is expected by 2 years of age and clear articulation by age 4. Children and adolescents who
are not at an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of
their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Impairment is apparent on clinical examination but rarely interferes in daily life. Examples
are provided by those who experience very intermittent stuttering or slurring of words at a
level that does not interfere substantially in most interpersonal communication situations.
Another example would be someone who communicates at a normal rate with the use of a

2 Motor speech impairment interferes in some but not the majority of communication situations.
For instance, stuttering or slurring of speech requires the other person in the communication
to ask for repetition more than occasionally but not more than about 25% of the time.

3 Speech impairment results in frequent requests for repetition from the listener or use of
alternative devices, such as, writing or a communication board much of the time for effective
communication. Conceivably at this level, people may be completely mute but are able to
carry on communication with the use of a word board or electronic communication system. A
person who is mute and who is very adept at the use of such an alternative device for
communication may qualify for rating at level 2 but will almost never qualify for level 1
because the use of such devices significantly slows interpersonal communication.

4 Muteness or severe dysarthria. At this level, individuals are not adept at the use of an
alternative device to the degree that interpersonal communication is laborious and ineffective
more than 75 percent of the time.

7A. Verbal Communication: Problems expressing thoughts through language or understanding
such expressions from others.

0 Normal verbal communication skills, that is, speaking, writing, listening. For children and
adolescents, verbal communication is at developmental norm with clear communication
expected by age 4. Children and adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age
should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Mild impairments in language (i.e., word finding or naming problems) that do not interfere
significantly with conversational and functional communication.

2 Mild deficits in the use of language interfere with functional communication some but not the
majority of the time. Examples are exhibited by those who are aphasic on formal evaluation
but whose communication is functional for conversational purposes; aphasia is apparent only
when communication becomes more complex, or those whose language impairment is
confined to writing or naming.

3 Mild to moderate aphasia interferes much of the time with interpersonal communication.
Adults, adolescents, and children at this level of impairment usually are not able to engage
effectively in conversational interchange without significant help from other people involved
in the communication.

4 Moderate to severe aphasia interferes with all or almost all interpersonal communications.
Adults, adolescents, and children at this level of impairment are usually able to communicate
only about very basic needs and not able to engage effectively in conversational interchange
even with support.

7B. Nonverbal Communication: Problems expressing thoughts through gestures, facial expression,
or other nonlanguage behaviors or understanding such expressions from others. These include
deficits in the pragmatics of communication (e.g., tangentiality or other organization of language and
non-language communications, turn-taking in conversation, hyper or hypoverbosity or other lack of
modulation in verbal or nonverbal expressions, poor listening without receptive aphasia, for instance,
due to distractibility or impulsivity.

0 Normal nonverbal and pragmatic communication skills for age. For children and adolescents,
nonverbal communication is at developmental norm. Children and adolescents who are not at
an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem
as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Mild impairments or restrictions in nonverbal communication or pragmatics that do not

interfere significantly with conversational and functional communication, for instance,
absence or reduced facial expressiveness.

2 Mild deficits in nonverbal communication or pragmatics interfere with functional

communication some but not the majority of the time. Examples include limited gesturing,
distractibility, mild tangentiality, and verbosity which do not create barriers in most
communication situations but are noticeable in more demanding communication situations.

3 Deficits in nonverbal or pragmatic communication much of the time with interpersonal

communication. Adults, adolescents and children rated at this level of impairment usually are
not able to engage effectively in conversational interchange without significant help from
other people involved in the communication.

4 Very severe pragmatic communication impairment interferes with all or almost all
interpersonal communications. At this level, pragmatic communication skills are so impaired
or so frequently inappropriate that almost continuous support from others is required in any
communication beyond very brief and simple exchanges.

8. Attention/Concentration: Problems ignoring distractions; difficulty shifting attention from one
thing to another; difficulty sustaining attention. If memory lapses are reported that are due
primarily to attentional deficits, code the appropriate level of attentional impairment and code Item 8
(Memory) as “1.” Without neuropsychometric testing, it is difficult to distinguish between memory
lapses that are due to attention as opposed to a primary memory disorder. One sign that attention is
the primary problem is when the person describes most memory problems as being unable to retrieve
specific information at specific times but appears to be able to remember the information at others
times. For example, forgetting a person’s name but remembering it later with no additional help, or
forgetting facts that have been learned in school but then remembered later.

0 Normal attention and concentration in functional settings and on neuropsychometric testing

(when available). For children and adolescents, attention is at developmental norm. Children
and adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent
on the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Variable attention and distractibility are apparent on neuropsychometric testing, apparent in

clinical evaluations and interviews, or is a complaint but does not interfere more than
minimally (<5% of the time) with everyday activities including communication or educational
achievement. In some cases, the lack of interference with everyday activities may be due to
the implementation of compensation techniques, external supports, or reduced environmental
demands, or attention is within normal limits with medication.

2 Variable attention and distractibility interfere with activities some but not the majority of the
time. At this level, interference is usually apparent only in highly demanding attentional
situations such as busy classrooms, group activities, or tasks that require a high degree of
sustained attention. At this level, attention problems result in some restriction of activities,
particularly educational, recreational and vocational activities or driving. However, with
reduction in environmental demands for attention, such problems are more of an annoyance
and do not pose serious problems.

3 Attentional impairment interferes in most settings. Recommendations for environmental

modifications, compensation, or medication to improve function are appropriately considered.
At this level of impairment, adults are usually not able to maintain community-based
employment. Children and adolescents are usually not able to engage in educational activities
independently and require one to one assistance to ensure their involvement and completion
of tasks. Attentional impairment is severe enough to create critical or dangerous situations and
may preclude some activities such as driving or operating power equipment (e.g. lawnmower)
that require sustained attention for safety.

4 Attentional impairment interferes with virtually all activities. Individuals at this level appear
distractible most of the time and require frequent redirection or focusing in conversational
interactions and most activities. Adults and adolescents at this level cannot drive safely,
operate power equipment, and usually require at least partial supervision in most activities.

9. Memory: Problems learning and recalling new information

0 Normal learning and delayed recall demonstrated in functional settings and on

neuropsychometric testing (when available). For adults, memory is normal for age. For
children and adolescents, memory is at developmental norm. Children and adolescents who
are not at an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of
their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Mild memory impairment is apparent on formal assessment such as neuropsychometric

testing but does not interfere with everyday functioning more than very occasionally.
Alternatively at this level, people complain of memory lapses—which may be attributable to
other factors, such as, concentration, emotional issues—even though no impairment of
memory is apparent on formal assessment. In other cases, the lack of interference with
everyday activities may be due to the implementation of compensation techniques, external
supports, or reduced environmental demands. For example, an individual demonstrates more
moderate memory impairment on formal testing but have become proficient enough at using
compensation techniques (such as, memory notebook) that memory impairment interferes
only minimally with everyday activities.

2 Memory impairment interferes some but not the majority of the time in activities either with
or without compensation. Memory lapses should be due to forgetting not just unreliable
concentration. In other words, new information is truly lost to recall with the passage of time
and not just because of trouble retrieving information due to variable concentration or other
factors. Memory problems at this level result in some restriction of activities, particularly
vocational activities or educational achievement. However, with reduction in environmental
demands for attention, such problems are more of an annoyance and do not pose serious

3 Memory impairment (forgetting) interferes with most activities. Unless memory problems are
very severe, usually those rated at this level are not reliably compensating for memory
problems. Recommendations for developing memory compensation methods are
appropriately considered. At this level, memory problems severely limit educational
participation and achievement and interfere with social interaction and leisure activities. For
adults, vocational options are significantly limit and typically community-based employment
is not realistic. Memory problems can create critical or dangerous situations for the individual
such as forgetting to take medications or leaving the stove on and some supervision may be

4 Learning and retention of new information are very limited and this severe memory
impairment interferes with virtually all activities. For many people at this level of
impairment, self-directed compensation techniques are not possible because of memory
impairment, and environmental cuing and other environmental supports will be required to
increase functional abilities.

10. Fund of information: Problems remembering information learned in school or on the job or
general knowledge about the world; difficulty remembering information about self and family
from months to years ago.

0 Normal retrieval of remotely acquired information for age. If neuropsychometric testing is

available, scores on tests of fund of information or vocabulary knowledge are in the average
range or above (i.e., 25th percentile or higher). Autobiographical recall is intact. For children
and adolescents, memory is at developmental norm. Children and adolescents who are not at
an expected level for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem
as per the scoring guidelines.

1 A few but significant deficits in general knowledge, vocabulary, or knowledge of common

cultural information in comparison to same age peers. Few, if any, deficits in retrieving
significant personal history in comparison to same age peers. (Younger children may have
age-appropriate difficulty accurately recalling autobiographical information and events.)
Psychometric estimates of general knowledge and vocabulary are in the low average range
(i.e., 10th to 25th percentile).

2 Infrequent but noticeable deficiencies in general knowledge, knowledge of cultural standards,

or personal past history. Psychometric estimates of general knowledge and vocabulary are
between the 5th and 10th percentile.

3 Relatively frequent deficiencies in general knowledge or retrieval of personal history are

apparent. Psychometric estimates general knowledge and vocabulary are between the 1st and
5th percentile.

4 Marked deficiencies in knowledge and ability to describe personal history. Psychometric

estimates of general knowledge and vocabulary are below the 1st percentile.

11. Novel problem-solving: Problems generating solutions or picking the best solution to new
problems. Novel problem-solving in this context refers primarily to conceptual problems rather than
interpersonal problems. Impairment in conceptual problem-solving and reasoning may interfere with
solving interpersonal or other life problems. However, emotional issues may also interfere with
problem-solving in relationships and real life situations. For instance, people with unimpaired or
even superior reasoning ability may exercise poor judgment because they are angry at someone or
about something. To the extent possible, this item rates only the thinking and conceptual reasoning
part of problem-solving. Emotional and behavioral factors should be rated under appropriate
subsequent items. Also included in this category is the ability to conceptually organize information
and activities, to plan, and to develop and maintain a systematic personal schedule.

0 Normal problem-solving and abstract reasoning in functional and everyday activities and on
neuropsychometric testing for age (when available). For children and adolescents, problem-
solving is at developmental norm. Children and adolescents who are not at an expected level
for their age should be scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem as per the scoring

1 Mild impairment of reasoning or problem-solving may be apparent on formal testing or other

assessment situations but does not appear to interfere in everyday life. In some cases, the lack
of interference with everyday activities may be due to the implementation of compensation
techniques, external supports, or reduced environmental demands.

2 Impairment in problem-solving and abstract reasoning interferes with some but not the
majority of activities of everyday life. People at this level need infrequent help from others in
addressing problems, for instance, making significant changes in financial affairs or future
plans. Children and adolescents need specific help with large school assignments or those
that focus on reasoning and problem-solving. Impairment in this area may also limit
educational achievement and vocational options. However, impairment in problem-solving
and reasoning rarely, if ever, result in serious problems or safety concerns.

3 Impairment in problem-solving and reasoning interferes with many activities and may result
intermittently in serious problems or safety concerns. Impairment significantly limits
vocational options and may preclude community-based employment in all but very routine
jobs. For children and adolescents, impairment in this area significantly limits educational
achievement and precludes independence in completing all but very routine school
assignments. Impairment recommends regular supervision or consultation from others in
addressing complex tasks, significant life changes or—for adults—financial decisions.

4 Impairment interferes in almost all everyday activities that require development of a new
perspective or a new plan to address a complex task or life problem. At this level, adults have
or should have formal supervision in the conduct of financial affairs, and usually require some
degree of supervision in independent living because of impaired judgment and reasoning.
Similarly, children and adolescents require supervision in virtually all complex tasks and life

12. Visuospatial abilities: Problems drawing, assembling things, being visually aware of both the
left and right sides. Visual neglect should be rated under this item. Primary impairment in the
visual system (e.g., hemianopsia) should be rated under Item 3 (Vision).

0 Normal visuospatial abilities in functional and everyday activities and on neuropsychometric

testing if available. For children and adolescents, visuospatial abilities are at developmental
norm. Children and adolescents who are not at an expected level for their age should be
scored 1-4, dependent on the impact of their problem as per the scoring guidelines.

1 Mild problems in visuospatial abilities or mild neglect are apparent on formal assessment.
However, people at this level are able to compensate for these mild deficits to the degree that
impairment does not interfere with everyday activities or present a safety risk.

2 Impairment in visuospatial abilities or visual neglect interferes with some but not the majority
of everyday activities and may limit educational, vocational and other activities. Even at this
mild level of impairment, driving or operating power equipment (e.g., lawnmower) may not
be recommended because of safety concerns. However, other than such activities that require
a high degree of visual attention or visuomotor abilities for safety, serious problems or safety
concerns because of visuospatial impairment rarely occur.

3 Impairment in visuospatial abilities or neglect interferes with many activities and severely
limits vocational options without compensatory or environmental accommodations for adults.
For children and adolescents, educational and participation I recreational activities is very
limited without compensatory or environmental accommodations. Impairment is associated
with significant safety concerns even in routine everyday activities. That is, the person is at
significant risk for getting lost, negotiating stairways, missing important information on one
side of visual space. Impairment at this level precludes driving or other activities (such as,
operating power equipment) that require intact visual attention and visuomotor abilities for

4 Impairment in visuospatial abilities or neglect interferes with most activities of every day life.
Significant environmental accommodations and/or supervision for safety are usually required.

13. Anxiety: Tense, nervous, fearful, phobic, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder such as
nightmares, flashbacks of stressful events.

0 No complaints or evidence of abnormal tension or anxiety

1 Infrequent or mild symptoms of tension or anxiety but these do not interfere with activities and
usually do not require further evaluation or treatment. Symptoms do not create significant
disruption in interpersonal or other activities and may appear appropriate reactions to significant
life stress. Individuals who are currently involved in effective, that is, symptoms of anxiety are
minimal or absent, treatment (such as, pharmacologic or psychotherapeutic) would also be rated
at this level.

2 Mild anxiety that interferes with some but not the majority of activities. At this level, adults,
adolescents, and children usually appropriately receive a psychiatric diagnosis, such as,
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder NOS, or a specific phobia. At this
level, anxiety most often only interferes with social or interpersonal activities.

3 Anxiety is sufficiently severe to interfere with many activities including vocational activities. As
for level 2, these individuals usually appropriately receive a psychiatric diagnosis.

4 Anxiety is disabling. Examples at this severe level are provided by those who are unable to work
or attend school because of anxiety or unable to leave the house because of severe agoraphobia.

14. Depression: Sad, blue, hopeless, poor appetite, poor sleep, worry, self-criticism.

0 Normal mood and variation in mood

1 Infrequent or mild symptoms of depression that do not interfere with activities and usually do not
require further evaluation or treatment. Symptoms do not create a significant disruption in
interpersonal or other activities and may appear appropriate reactions to significant life stress.
Those who are currently involved in effective, that is, symptoms of depression are minimal or
absent, treatment for depression (such as, pharmacologic or psychotherapeutic) would also be
rated at this level.

2 Mild depression that interferes with some but not the majority of activities. At this level,
individuals usually appropriately receive a psychiatric diagnosis, such as, Adjustment Disorder
with Depressed Mood, Major Depression, or Mood Disturbance due to Brain Injury. At this
level, depression may be most apparent in reduced social or interpersonal activities.

3 Depression is sufficiently severe to interfere with many activities including vocational activities
or school attendance. As for level 2, adults, children and adolescents at this level usually
appropriately receive a psychiatric diagnosis.

4 Depression is disabling and those at this level may require hospitalization. Examples at this
severe level would be an inability to work, attend school, or almost completely social isolation
because of depression. Individuals who are actively suicidal would be rated at this level.

15. Irritability, anger, aggression: Verbal or physical expressions of anger.

0 Normal control of aggressive impulses.

1 Intermittent displays of anger or aggression, usually at the level of “irritability.” These

episodes do not create a significant disruption in interpersonal or other activities and may
appear appropriate reactions to significant life stresses and frustrations.

2 Mild loss of control of aggressive impulses is reported or observed. Such behaviors create a
disruption in interpersonal activities but usually do not interfere significantly with or
jeopardize vocational activities. Lack of control of aggression usually presents itself in social
or family situations at this level. A psychiatric diagnosis, such as, Adjustment Disorder with
Disturbance of Conduct or Personality Change due to Brain Injury can usually be
appropriately applied, although at this level, the disorder may also be secondary to a primary
depressive disorder or to marital or family discord.

3 Lack of control of aggressive impulses interferes frequently in social activities and, for adults
who are employed, will typically create problems at work. For children and adolescents,
aggressiveness causes problems at school. At this level, aggression is usually displayed during
the clinical evaluation as well. Psychiatric diagnosis is appropriate.

4 Severe lack of control of aggressive impulses may present a significant threat to others, at
least intermittently; adults, children, and adolescents at this level may require hospitalization,
residential treatment, or extensive supervision.

16. Pain and headache: Pain complaints and behaviors. If pain originates from multiple body areas,
for example, head and back, rate overall impact. For children, especially very young children, both
verbal and nonverbal complaints of pain are greater than is typical for children of similar age. In
children, an increase in seeking comfort from others or self-soothing behaviors may be apparent at
levels 2-4.

0 No significant pain reported.

1 Pain is present but does not interfere or interferes only minimally with activities and is not
associated with significant pain complaints or behaviors. For instance, individuals rated at this
level may report, when asked, that their headaches have increased since the injury but who do not
spontaneously complain of pain or engage in behaviors that draw attention to their discomfort.

2 Pain complaints and behaviors occur at a frequency that interferes with some but not the majority
of activities. At this level, pain may be associated with specific types of activities or situations,
for instance, high stimulation environments, physically demanding activities, or sudden intense
stimulation (noise, bright lights) which are avoided.

3 Pain complaints and behaviors interfere much of the time and can interrupt any activity to the
point that those with this level of pain must withdraw from the activity. Pain at this level is a
significant obstacle to community-based employment for adults. For children and adolescents,
this level of pain is a significant barrier to full-time school attendance or age-appropriate
participation in social and recreational activities.

4 Pain complaints and behaviors are totally or almost totally disabling. Adults, children, and
adolescents at this level spend significant amounts of time on bed rest or in isolation because of
pain. They typically cannot work or attend school or other community activities because of pain.

17. Fatigue: Feeling tired, low in energy; fatigability, that is, feeling low in mental or physical
energy after a relatively low level of mental or physical activity. Fatigue may be a symptom of
depression and should not be rated here unless it appears to be a problem that exists independent of

0 No significant fatigue reported or observed.

1 Fatigue is present but does not interfere or interferes only minimally with activities. For
instance, adults, children and adolescents at this level may indicate that they tire out more
easily but compensate for fatigue by pacing their activities with more frequent rest breaks or
through other methods. For children, parents may initiate or frequently prompt these
compensatory strategies. As a result of their adaptation, fatigue does not present a significant
obstacle to their overall level of activity.

2 Fatigue interferes with some but not the majority of activities. At this level, fatigue may only
be a problem only during more demanding physical and mental activities.

3 Fatigue interferes much of the time and can interrupt any activity that requires more than a
small amount of physical or mental exertion. Fatigue at this level is a significant obstacle to
attending school full-time, participating in age-appropriate social or recreational activities or,
for adults, working full-time in community-based employment.

4 Fatigue is totally or almost totally disabling. Adults, children and adolescents at this level are
usually inactive during most of the day because of fatigue.

18. Sensitivity to mild symptoms: Focusing on posttraumatic cognitive, physical or emotional
problems. Rate only how distress or concern about other symptoms affects current functioning over
and above the effects of the symptoms themselves. In some cases, concern about posttraumatic and
postconcussive symptoms can become a problem in and of itself. This item represents such
disturbances that may range from mild anxiety about the symptoms to extreme worry and obsession.
At more severe levels, focusing on symptoms interferes with participation in rehabilitation,
psychological, or other recommended treatments. Some people become so focused on proving that
they have a neurologic condition that they are unable to effectively engage in treatment or other
activities that may help them to re-engage in life and feel better. In some cases, denial or
minimization of psychological or interpersonal problems also has a negative impact on adjustment as
well as participation in and benefit from treatment.

0 Emotional reactions and concerns about symptoms are appropriate.

1 Distress about and focusing on symptoms or denial of psychological issues is mildly excessive
but does not interfere with activities or participation in treatment. At this level, concern about
symptoms does not interfere with engagement in rehabilitation, psychological, or other

2 Distress about and focusing on symptoms or denial of psychological issues interferes with some
but not the majority of activities as well as with recommended rehabilitation and other treatments.
At this level, children, adolescents and adults can usually be engaged in rehabilitation and other
treatments directed at improving adjustment but concern about symptoms interferes with

3 Distress about and focusing on symptoms or denial of psychological issues interferes with many
activities and presents a clear obstacle to rehabilitation and psychological or other treatment.
Those at this level usually feel that rehabilitation and other interventions that increase adjustment
to the problem fail to recognize the critical nature of the problem.

4 Distress about and focusing on symptoms or denial of psychological issues creates a disability in
and of itself. At this level, individuals usually reject rehabilitation, psychological, or other
interventions aimed at increasing adjustment and engage in no activities that may reasonably be
expected to improve their situation. They may “doctor shop” to secure incontrovertible proof of a
neurologic disorder or a cure. For children and adolescents, it is important to attempt to assess
whether the exaggeration of impairment is coming primarily from the child or parent(s).
Recognizing that in many cases a child or adolescent may have become convinced by a parent
that they are more disabled than they are (folie a deux), this rating should be of the identified
patient. Significant clinical concern is raised, however, by a parent who appears to be attempting
consciously or unconsciously to reinforce greater impairment or disability in a child than is
objectively present.

19. Inappropriate social interaction: Acting childish, silly, rude; behavior not consistently fitting to
the time and place or age-appropriate. This item represents a variety of disinhibited behaviors
which most people find inappropriate to the social situation. Inappropriate lack of response should
not be rated here but should be rated under Item 22 (Initiation).

0 Normal age-appropriate behavior in social situations.

1 Infrequent or very mildly disinhibited or socially inappropriate behavior in social situations.

At this level, inappropriate behavior is apparent at a greater frequency than for most
individuals of the same age but is not so unusual that it seriously jeopardizes interpersonal
relationships, work, school, or consistently disrupts social encounters.

2 Disinhibited or socially inappropriate behavior is apparent in some but not the majority of
social situations. At this level, inappropriate responses usually occur in informal social
settings and less so at work, school, or in other structured social environments. Inappropriate
behavior may occasionally create problems at work or school but does not occur so frequently
that participation in work or school is seriously jeopardized.

3 Disinhibited or socially inappropriate behavior occurs in many social encounters in both

informal and more structured social settings including at work and school. It is a serious
obstacle to full-time school or employment and may preclude community-based employment
for adults.

4 Disinhibited behavior is apparent almost continuously. Adults, children and adolescents at

this level may require supervision or placement in a supervised setting because of their
behavior. Disinhibition at this level would clearly preclude full-time school attendance or, for
adults, community-based employment.

20. Impaired self-awareness: Lack of recognition of personal limitations and disabilities and how
they interfere with everyday activities, work or school. For children and adolescents who
typically have an evolving sense of self, normal self-awareness is most often communicated by
behaviors that represent a recognition of personal limitations, even though verbal expressions may
communicate an idealized or aspirational sense of self.

0 Normal, age-appropriate recognition of personal deficits and how they affect activities.
“Normal” does not indicate perfect self-awareness since few, if any, people are this insightful.
“Normal” means that limited self-awareness is expressed verbally or apparent in activities and
relationships no more so than for most individuals of the same age.

1 Limited self-awareness is represented primarily by a tendency to minimize personal

weaknesses. Those at this level are generally aware of their deficits, compensate for them
with relative consistency, and generally avoid situations in which their deficits will cause
major problems.

2 Individuals at this level generally are able to report deficits and may even consistently
compensate for them with the use of a memory notebook or other techniques. However, they
do not reliably anticipate the effect of cognitive and behavioral deficits in all situations to an
age-appropriate degree. Consequently, limited self-awareness interferes with their
interpersonal and other activities some of the time.

3 Impaired self-awareness affects many interpersonal interactions and activities. At this level,
individuals may recognize their deficits to a degree and usually are able to report that they
have "memory" or other cognitive problems. However, they typically do not anticipate how
these deficits will interfere with their activities, or compensate for their deficits by using a
memory notebook or other techniques.

4 Awareness of personal limitations is so impaired that it creates almost constant problems for
individuals at this level in most of their interactions. Such people generally deny having any
problems because of brain injury despite obvious impairments. At the extreme, they may
even deny that they have a brain injury despite obvious physical as well as cognitive

21. Family/significant relationships: Interactions with close others. Describe stress within the family
or those closest to the person with brain injury. “Family functioning" means cooperating to
accomplish tasks that need to be done to keep the household running as well as providing mutual
support. “Family” refers to close others living together or in close proximity and may represent
either traditional or non-traditional "families.”

0 Normal stress. Most families experience stress with some frequency, particularly as children
and adolescents deal with issues relating to dependence/independence or family members
experience life stressors outside of the family. At this level, stress within the family is well
within the family’s ability to cope.

1 At this level, stress is significant enough to challenge the ability of members of the family to
cope but does not result in sustained distress and does not significantly disrupt the family
routine or maintenance of the household.

2 Family functioning is disrupted in some but not the majority of the time. Arguments or
isolating oneself may be more frequent for family members. Meals and routine household
chores are not completed consistently, potentially leading to additional stress and distress.
However, family members feel that the situation can improve and are still able to be
supportive of each other. Family counseling is an option but not clearly required.

3 Family routine, household functioning, and mutual support within the family are
unsatisfactory to family members much of the time. Arguments and isolation occur
frequently. Cohesion within the family is largely absent, or pathological to the point of
enmeshment (i.e., inappropriate, unconstructive, or potentially destructive over involvement
in each others’ affairs). Family therapy is usually recommended.

4 At this level, the family is characterized by an almost complete lack of cohesion or obviously
pathological enmeshment. Family therapy is clearly recommended.

22. Initiation: Problems getting started on activities without prompting at an age-appropriate level.
This item is meant to capture the lack of motivation or abulia characterizing some frontal lobe
conditions. In some cases, reduced activity and lack of initiation may be due to psychological causes,
such as, depression. Impaired initiation should be rated here if it is believed to be due to a neurologic
rather than a psychologic condition.

0 Normal initiation of activities for age.

1 At this level, adults, children and adolescents may require an increased degree of prompting
or encouragement compared to others their age to engage in conversation and other activities
but their overall level of activity and participation is not significantly reduced. Self-directed
compensatory mechanisms (i.e., cues, alarms, prompts) or medication may be used with the
end result of a generally normal level of initiation and activity. For children, compensatory
mechanisms may be directed by parents or other care givers.

2 Prompting by another is required for initiation of behavior some but not the majority of the
time. For children and adolescents, prompting is greater than is required for most individuals
of similar age. Activity level is reduced overall. At this level, lack of initiation usually does
not present safety concerns. It may limit vocational options but does not preclude
community-based employment or school participation.

3 Prompting (beyond what is typical for age) by another is required much of the time for the
initiation of behavior. Lack of initiation may occasionally present safety concerns resulting
from failure to initiate critical behaviors, such as, taking medications or taking meals.
Impaired initiation presents a significant obstacle to school participation, participation in age-
appropriate community activities, or community-based employment.

4 At this level, adults, children and adolescents rarely initiate behavior without prompting even
in interpersonal exchanges. Impaired initiation presents definite safety concerns and
recommends supervision. Severely impaired initiation usually precludes community-based
employment, full-time school, or participation in social and recreational activities.

23. Social contact with friends, work associates, and other people who are not family, significant
others, or professionals: The frequency of contacts and consistency of relationships with people
who are not related to or have a professional relationship with the person with brain injury.
The range for normal social activity at any age is relatively wide. Some people are temperamentally
more introverted and maintain a small number of particularly close friends with whom they engage in
activities regularly but infrequently. Others are more extroverted and have a large number of friends
and acquaintances with whom they socialize almost daily. Typically the amount of social activity
changes with age and family responsibilities. In rating this item, preinjury level of social activity
may serve as an indicator of desired degree of social activity. As for most items, it is often difficult
to obtain a clear idea of preinjury status which may be idealized by those being rated and their
significant others. The satisfaction of the person being rated with their current social life is another
potential indicator of the degree to which their social activity is “normal” for that person.

0 Normal for age as suggested by frequency and consistency compared to other persons of this
age, personal satisfaction, and time available considering school, work and family

1 Infrequent discomfort, limited initiation, or obstacles to socialization are reported. However,

these are relatively rare and affect socialization less than 5% of the time. Adults, children and
adolescents at this level generally report overall satisfaction with their social life.

2 Discomfort, limited initiation, or other obstacles interfere with socialization some but not the
majority of the time (< 25%). Those at this level are more isolated or dependent on family
and professional relationships than is appropriate for age. They may express a mild level of
dissatisfaction with their social life.

3 Discomfort, limited initiation, or other obstacles interfere with socialization much of the time.
Social activity other than with family and professionals is more the exception than the rule.
Individuals at this level are relatively isolated and may express significant dissatisfaction with
their lack of social involvement.

4 Aside from socialization provided by family or professionals, social activities are very rare or
non-existent. Those at this level are socially isolated and may express marked dissatisfaction
with their level of social activity.

24. Leisure and recreational activities: Involvement in hobbies, sports, and other active and passive
activities primarily for enjoyment either alone or with others. Rating this item is similar to that
for Item 23 in that frequency, consistency, and satisfaction are considered in deciding to what degree
leisure and recreational activities are “normal” for age. The degree of engagement in other activities
and responsibilities should also be considered. For instance, it would be “normal” for people who are
working full-time and have significant family responsibilities to be involved in fewer recreational
pursuits than those with less work and family responsibilities. Leisure and recreational pursuits rated
here are those that require a degree of physical or intellectual activity. For instance, watching old
movies on television would not qualify for rating as a leisure/recreational activity unless the person
were part of a club or group that regularly discussed old movies. Similarly reading would not qualify
for rating under this item unless reading led to a less passive activity, such as, writing, discussion,
vocabulary building, or research. Some recreational pursuits may be relatively isolated, i.e., painting,
model building but would qualify because they require active engagement with the environment and
produce something tangible.

0 Normal for age as suggested by frequency and consistency compared to other people the same
age, personal satisfaction, and time available considering work and family responsibilities.

1 Infrequent discomfort, limited initiation, or obstacles interfere with leisure pursuits.

However, these are relatively rare and affect leisure activities less than 5% of the time.
Generally those at this level express overall satisfaction with their leisure time.

2 Discomfort, limited initiation, or other obstacles interfere with leisure activities some but not
the majority of the time (< 25%). Adults, children and adolescents at this level are less active
than is appropriate for age. They may express a mild degree of dissatisfaction with their level
of leisure interest and activity.

3 Discomfort, limited initiation, or other obstacles interfere with leisure activities much of the
time. Active leisure involvement is more the exception than the rule. Those at this level are
relatively sedentary and may express significant dissatisfaction with their level of leisure
interest and activity.

4 Leisure activities are very rare or non-existent at this level. Those rated here are generally
sedentary and may express marked dissatisfaction with their level of leisure interest and

25. Self-care: Eating, dressing, bathing, hygiene. This item considers the amount of independence
with which basic self-care activities are performed including eating, bathing, dressing, and other
aspects of personal hygiene. In all ratings, performance must be acceptable in terms of societal
standards. For instance, people being rated may routinely dress and groom themselves with no
assistance from another person. However, if their appearance is disheveled and their grooming is
incomplete, then they would not be rated as “0”. In such cases, they should be rated according to the
amount of assistance they would require in order for their performance to be acceptable. For children
and adolescents, the amount of assistance and prompting required is compared to the norm for those
of similar ages.

0 Basic self-care activity is performed independently without the use of assistive devices and
with a socially acceptable result. For children and adolescents, the amount of assistance or
prompting is age-appropriate. For adults, no assistance, prompting, or assistive devices are
required to perform these activities.

1 Self-care is essentially performed independently with the use of assistive devices or an

external system for prompts or cueing or less efficiently. At this level, individuals may
perform these activities with greater effort or more slowly than most other people their age. If
assistance or prompting (beyond what is age-appropriate) is required from another person, this
is infrequent (<5% of the time).

2 At this level, adults, children, and adolescents require greater assistance than is typical for age
from another person for self-care some but not the majority of the time (< 25%). Assistance
includes prompting or cueing from another person.

3 Physical assistance, prompting, or cueing (beyond what is age-appropriate) from another

person is required much of the time for acceptable performance of basic self-care.

4 Physical assistance, prompting, or cueing (beyond what is age-appropriate) is required all or

almost all of the time for acceptable performance of basic self-care.

26. Residence: Responsibilities of independent living and homemaking (such as, meal preparation,
home repairs and maintenance, medication management, and personal health maintenance
beyond basic hygiene (see #25) but not including managing money (see #29). This item focuses
on the amount of supervision that an adult requires for maintaining their residence. For children and
adolescents, this item assesses the degree to which the child or adolescent participates to an age-
appropriate degree in maintenance of the household in which they reside. Children and adolescents
under age 18 are developmentally not expected to live independently and are rated as “normal” unless
the amount of assistance and supervision they require is more than is typical for others their age. This
item mirrors the dimension defined by the Supervision Rating Scale (SRS).2 A copy and more detail
about the SRS are available at the COMBI web site (

0 Living independently alone or with others. If living with others, adults at this level do not
receive supervision or special help from these others. They appear capable of living alone.
They perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living without assistance and at an
acceptable level, as indicated by an absence of concern about their independent living ability
from themselves or others. Children and adolescents do not receive more supervision or
assistance than most others their age. Equivalent to a score of 1 or 2 on the SRS for adults.

1 Although responsibilities of independent living and performance of activities of daily living

(except money management) appear to be generally at an acceptable level for age, a degree of
concern about safety or rare examples of difficulty in performance are reported. Equivalent to
a score of 3 on the SRS for adults.

2 More than age-appropriate assistance or supervision is required a small proportion of the time,
i.e., a few hours a day. Equivalent to a score of 4 or 5 on the SRS for adults.

3 More than age-appropriate assistance or supervision is required much of the time, i.e., more
than 8 hours a day and enough that a special caregiver must be employed or a significant other
is unable to work full-time outside the home. Equivalent to a score of 6 or 7 on the SRS for

4 More than age-appropriate assistance or supervision is required virtually all the time. Adults
scoring 8 or higher on the SRS would be rated at this level.

27. Transportation: Independence in moving oneself outside of the home in the community. In
rating this item, consider ability to perform these activities without assistance as well as
environmental limitations. For instance, some people may be able to use public transportation
independently but public transportation is not available because they live in a rural area. In such
cases, these people should be rated as needing assistance most or all the time because they cannot
drive and automotive travel is the only option.

0 Adults at this level are able to use all forms of transportation safely and independently
including a personal motor vehicle. They hold a valid driver’s license for operation of a
motor vehicle. Children and adolescents below the legal driving age are able to use public
and private transportation safely and independently.

1 Adults, children, and adolescents at this level use all forms of transportation independently
but others have concerns about their safety in these activities. For adults, safety concerns are
usually regarding their driving ability. This category also includes people who are completely
independent and safe in all forms of transportation except use of a personal motor vehicle
because they have chosen not to drive or been restricted from driving.

2 At this level, people require a small amount of assistance with transportation, i.e., less than
25% of the time. Adults usually cannot or do not drive. Adults, children and adolescents may
need physical help or may need cognitive assistance, such as, help in arranging schedules and
prompting or cueing to keep the schedule.

3 Physical or cognitive assistance is required for transportation much of the time. Those at this
level may have a few routine routes that they can manage independently but require assistance
in negotiating transportation to all other locations. Adults cannot drive.

4 Physical or cognitive assistance is required for all or almost all transportation. Adults cannot

28A. Paid employment. Work for pay. All other categories of productive activity are rated under 28B
(Other employment). A person should be rated only once on either 28A or 28B but not on both. The
person should be rated for the social role that appears primary as indicated by the relative amount of
time devoted to the role and the value the person attaches to it. For this reason, almost all children
and early adolescents will be rated under 28B for their participation in school activities even if they
are working part-time for pay. Another example is provided by a working mother who works full
time for pay. This person would be rated under 28A (Paid employment). On the other hand, a
working mother who chooses to work only part time for pay because she feels that her primary role is
at home would be rated as a “homemaker” under 28B. An older adolescent or adult student who is
working for pay primarily to support his or her activity as a student would be rated as a “student”
under 28B. A person who is in rehabilitation in order to return to a valued social role would be rated
on the primary role to which they wish to return. In other words, an unemployed person who is
trying to find a job for pay would be rated under 28A; the same person trying to return to school or
homemaking would be rated under 28B. Except for the special case of retirement under age 60 (see
below under 28B), the person who is being rated is the ultimate authority regarding the primary
desired social role.

For both 28A and 28B, “support” for employment may be permanent or temporary and includes
special assistance from another person such as a job coach or shadow, tutor, housekeeper, or other
kind of helper including “natural” support from family, friends, and co-workers. “Support” also
includes ongoing accommodations in terms of time such as a reduced work load (i.e., less
productivity per unit time), extra time for some activities (for example, extra time for tests for
students), longer or more frequent breaks, or other schedule modifications. “Support” does not
include physical accommodations such as ramps, aids for seeing, or any of a number of one time
modifications to the physical environment that facilitate employment, educational or other activities.

0 This level is reserved for those working full time (30 or more hours per week) for pay in the
community without support. There may be some local variation in what is considered “full-time”
work. For instance, in some settings, people may be considered “full-time” employees but be
restricted from working more than 28 hours per week because the employer is required to pay
additional benefits if employment exceeds that amount. The definition for purposes of rating this
item should reflect the local definition of “full-time” employment and is usually about 30 or more
hours per week.

1 This level includes only part time paid employment in the community without support.
Employment is considered part time that requires between 3 and 30 hours of work per week.
People who are working very intermittently, that is, less than 3 hours per week on average, are
considered “unemployed.”

2 This level includes full- or part-time community based paid employment with support as defined
above. Supports may be temporary or permanent.

3 This level includes only employment in a sheltered workshop.

4 If criteria are not met for any of the above categories, the person is considered “unemployed” and
rated at this level.

28B. Other employment. Unpaid work, such as, formal schooling, volunteer work, homemaking,
and retirement for those over age 60. People who identify themselves as “retired” but are under
age 60 are rated for their primary social role before “retirement.” For example: a person with TBI has
the following characteristics:
identified himself as a member of the work force prior to TBI
is retired as disabled or because he received a large amount of compensation
is under 60 years old
is currently unemployed.
In this example, the person would be rated as “4. Unemployed” under 28A. If the same person was
employed prior to TBI as a student, he would be rated according to his current level of activity in the
student role on 28B.
For 28B, “support” is as defined the same as under item 28A.

0 This level includes:

Independent homemaking in which “homemaker” is the primary social role and involves at least
30 hours of responsibility each week. In almost all cases, full time homemaking includes child
rearing responsibilities or care of some other person such as a disabled parent.
Full-time school, that is, carrying a full class load for age without special education, schedule
adjustments, or other support.
Independent volunteer work for more than 30 hours a week without special assistance or support.
At this level, volunteer work is almost always chosen because the person has financial reserves
and does not have to work for pay. People who wish to work for pay and are doing volunteer
work because they have been unable to obtain paid employment should be rated as “unemployed”
under 28A.
Retired, over age 60, but engaged in role appropriate activity more than 30 hours per week.
Typically such activity is some combination of volunteer work, assisting children in raising their
children, and organized personal enrichment or leisure activities with peers.

1 This level includes:

Independent homemaking activities less than 30 hours per week but more than 3.
Students carrying at least one course and engaged in academic activities at least 3 hours per week
but not full time. Academic activities must be accomplished without special education or other
support as previously defined.
Independent volunteer work between 3 and 30 hours per week on the average.
Retired above age 60 and involved in role appropriate activities between 3 and 30 hours per week.

2 This level includes engaging in any of the following activities with support at least 3 hours per
Homemaking with regular support from paid help or a family member. “Support” in such cases
must be above assistance that would normally be expected from a cohabiting spouse, relative, or
Full- or part-time school with special education services, tutoring, or other support.
Volunteer work with special assistance or support.
Retirement activities that are largely accomplished with support. An example would retired
people primarily involved in leisure activities at a community retirement center that are
orchestrated by staff at the retirement center.

3 This level includes accomplishing role-related activities in a supervised setting at least 3 hours per
week, other than a sheltered workshop. For instance, people who are involved in volunteer or
“homemaking” or leisure activities in the residential supervised living center in which they live.
Those working in a sheltered workshop should be rated under item 28A.

4 Those for whom the desired social role is not paid employment but criteria are not met for any of
the above categories in 28B are considered “unemployed” and rated at this level.

29. Managing money and finances: Shopping keeping a checkbook or other bank account,
managing personal income and investments. For children and adolescents, this item typically
refers to managing pocket money or an allowance. For purposes of this item, “shopping” refers to the
use of money in acquiring goods. Other aspects of shopping, i.e., acquiring sufficient goods to
maintain the household are considered under “independent living.” In rating this item for adults,
consideration is given to whether the amount of money being managed is small or large. Adults who
are able to make small purchases with relatively small amounts of money for clothes, groceries or
other personal items but would be at risk for managing larger amounts, unable to make prudent
investments without assistance or vulnerable to being taken advantage of in managing larger personal
finances would be rated at levels 3 or 4. On the other hand, children and early adolescents typically
are not responsible for managing larger amounts of money and are rated for their ability to manage
money at a developmentally appropriate level. Some adults may be capable of managing their
finances but do not because this duty is the responsibility of another person, often a spouse. In such
cases, the rating should be based on their apparent capability.

0 Large and small amounts of money and personal finances are managed independently.
Advice may be sought periodically about money management strategies from others or from
professional advisors. However, seeking such advice does not appear to be essential to
assuring prudent and appropriate use and management of personal finances.

1 Large and small amounts of money and personal finances are managed independently.
However, others have concerns about the person’s ability to manage money and personal
finances. Adults for whom concerns exist even about their management of small amounts of
money are typically rated at levels 3 or 4.

2 At this level, adults require a small amount of routine assistance in managing large amounts
of money and their personal finances. For instance, they are able to take care of shopping and
managing a check book but routinely consult about management of investments and longer
term financial decisions with a trusted advisor or paid consultant. This consultation appears
to be critical to their prudent management of their finances. At this level, children and
adolescents may require occasional assistance in managing money at an age-appropriate level.

3 Assistance is required much of the time in managing both small and large amounts of money.
Typically at this level adults cannot independently manage a checkbook and require
assistance in making most significant purchases. They require assistance in managing a
savings program and in all long term financial decisions. Nonetheless they are independent
and require no help in making small purchases. Children and adolescents at this level require
assistance in managing even small amounts of money most of the time.

4 At this level, adults, children and adolescents require assistance in virtually all but the
simplest activities using money. For instance, their use of money may be limited to making a
few independent purchases involving small amounts. Even in such situations, they are usually
unable to count change reliably and will use alternative strategies (such as, carrying exact
amounts for purchases). Typically at this level, another person, such as, a conservator or
guardian, has legal authority over their finances.

Pre-existing and Associated Conditions

Items included in this next section do not contribute to the total score or subscale scores for the MPAI
because they do not represent direct or typical outcomes of ABI. Rasch analyses have demonstrated that
these items do not “fit” with the previous items in defining a measure of outcome after brain injury.

Nonetheless, these six additional items define factors that are important to consider in planning
rehabilitation or other interventions with people after ABI. The presence of any of these factors may
indicate that the person being evaluated requires more extensive rehabilitation services (for instance, a
person who has both a spinal cord injury and a brain injury), special needs for supervision (a person with
Alzheimer’s Disease who also sustained a brain injury), or additional treatment (a person with a pre-
existing substance abuse problem or with co-existing severe psychiatric symptoms).

Because it is often difficult or impossible to determine accurately the individual’s functional

capacities before injury, comparisons with preinjury status are avoided in rating the 29 items for
brain injury outcome included in the MPAI. However, for these additional items, rating both pre- and
post- injury status should be attempted because whether the condition existed before the injury occurred
or emerged after the injury may be an important consideration in determining treatment recommendations.

30. Alcohol Use: Use of alcoholic beverages both before and after injury. Although the absolute
quantity of alcohol consumption may be a factor in determining whether use is a problem, the primary
factor is the degree to which alcohol use interferes with everyday functioning, accomplishing social
role activities, or is medically contraindicated. For instance, one person may have a drink or two
every day with no undesirable medical or social effect; whereas, another may experience negative
effects or put them at medical risk with only an occasional drink.

0 Use of alcohol is associated with no medical risk and results in no negative consequences.

1 At this level people infrequently overuse alcohol or binge drink but this is not a pattern, is
associated with no medical risk, and results in no regular negative consequences for them or close
others. People with a past history of alcohol abuse or dependence who are currently maintaining
sobriety and in remission or under active treatment are also rated at this level. For active users,
intervention at this level is usually appropriately educational and supportive or directed at
addressing the primary condition (such as, anxiety, depression, marital discord) that is contributing
to substance abuse.

2 There is a strong suspicion that overuse or binge drinking occurs relatively frequently and is
interfering with social role responsibilities. The pattern of alcohol use raises concern about
possible dependence and recommends further evaluation for possible treatment.

3 There is a clear pattern of dependence or binge drinking that requires further outpatient treatment
or other organized intervention.

4 There is a clear pattern of dependence or binge drinking that requires inpatient or residential

31. Drug Use: Use of illegal drugs or abuse of prescription drugs both before and after injury. As
for alcohol use, an important factor in making this rating is the degree to which drug use interferes
with everyday functioning or accomplishing social role activities. However, any use of illegal drugs
or of prescription drugs outside of medically recommended use is considered a problem.

0 No use of illegal drugs; prescription drug use according to medical recommendations. Some
people use prescription drugs according to medical recommendations but have clearly
manipulated the system to obtain prescription drugs (for instance, obtaining multiple prescriptions
for multiple providers for benzodiazepine medication). These people would be rated at a higher
level even though technically they are using the medication “according to prescription.”

1 At this level, people use illegal drugs or abuse prescription drugs infrequently but this is not a
pattern, is associated with no medical risk, and results in no regular negative consequences for the
person or close others. Examples are provided by the teenager who infrequently uses marijuana
or the person who occasionally takes an extra dose of tranquilizing medication under stress.
People with a past history of drug abuse or dependence who are currently maintaining sobriety
and in remission or under active treatment are also rated at this level. For active users,
intervention at this level is usually appropriately educational and supportive or directed at
addressing the primary condition (such as, anxiety, depression, marital discord) that is
contributing to substance abuse.

2 There is a strong suspicion that use of illegal drugs or possible abuse of prescription medication is
occurring relatively frequently and is interfering with social role responsibilities. There is
concern about possible dependence. Further evaluation for possible treatment is recommended.

3 There is a clear pattern of dependence or abuse that requires further outpatient treatment or other
organized intervention.

4 There is a clear pattern of dependence or abuse that requires inpatient or residential treatment.

32. Psychotic symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, other severe distortions of reality. The degree
to which such symptoms were present before injury and are present after injury should be rated. This
category is for more classical psychiatric symptoms and should not be used for perceptual distortions
or poor conceptualizations of reality resulting primarily from cognitive impairment or impaired self-
awareness due to brain injury. These should be rated under the appropriate previous MPAI items.
Symptoms in this category are typically associated with a psychiatric diagnosis in the schizophrenic
spectrum, Paranoid Disorder, or severe Borderline Personality. In rare cases, such symptoms may
appear to be the direct result of brain injury and cannot be entirely explained by cognitive
impairments rated previously.

0 No symptoms.

1 Symptoms may have been present before or after injury but are controlled with current treatment
or have remitted. At this level, symptoms may occur but do not interfere with everyday
functioning. For instance, people at this level may hold a fixed delusion, such as, that Martians
have taken over the bodies of all high government officials, but recognize that no one else believes
this and keep this belief to themselves because they realize that people will think they are crazy if
they share it.

2 Symptoms emerge infrequently and very occasionally interfere with social relationships or social
role responsibilities. However, symptoms are managed as well as possible with current treatment
and no additional evaluation or treatment is recommended.

3 Symptoms are frequent or sufficiently severe that they interfere significantly with social
relationships and social role responsibilities. Further evaluation for treatment is recommended

4 Symptoms are severe and acute and require inpatient treatment. Typically at this level symptoms
create a substantial risk to the person or to others.

33. Law violations: Preinjury or postinjury history of conviction for legal infractions.

0 No history of law violations or conviction only for minor traffic violations (such as, rare
speeding or parking violations).

1 Conviction for no more than two misdemeanors other than minor traffic violations.

2 Conviction for more than two misdemeanors other than minor traffic violations.

3 A single felony conviction.

4 Multiple felony convictions.

34. Other conditions causing physical impairment: Physical effects of other conditions that were
present prior to brain injury, resulted from nonbrain injuries, or occurred after the injury.
Examples are spinal cord injury, amputation, and many other diseases and conditions that result in
physical impairment. The physical impairment should not be either the direct or indirect result of the
brain injury. For instance, impairment associated with a “stroke” (that is, disruption of the cerebral
blood supply) due to brain trauma would not be given an additional rating here. However, if the
person had a stroke before or after the injury, impairment associated with that event would be rated
here. Specific combined effects of the stroke and the brain injury would be rated under items 1-29.
Thus, this item provides notation of whether additional preinjury, posinjury or comorbid conditions
that affect physical functioning contribute to ratings of ability, adjustment and participation provided
by items 1-29. The general impact of these additional injuries or illnesses on physical functioning
both before and after brain injury are rated on the standard scale used for impairment rating in the

0 No physical problems or difficulties due to non-brain injury condition.

1 Physical impairment is present but does not interfere with everyday functioning. At this level,
people may use medication or an assistive device to accommodate for the problem.

2 Physical impairment interferes with activities and everyday functioning some but not the
majority of the time. At this level people require assistance in the performance of physical
activities less than 25% of the time.

3 Physical impairment interferes with activities much of the time. People at this level require
assistance in the performance of physical activities 25 to 75% of the time.

4 Physical impairment interferes with all or almost all activities. People at this level require
assistance in the performance of physical activities more than 75% of the time.

35. Other conditions causing cognitive impairment: Cognitive effects of other conditions that were
present prior to brain injury, resulted from nonbrain injuries, or occurred after the injury.
Examples are Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, anoxia, or many other diseases and conditions
that result in cognitive impairment. The cognitive impairment should not be either directly or
indirectly due to the brain injury. For instance, impairment associated with anoxia occurring during
the injury should only be rated if it is believed that cardiopulmonary arrest resulted in cognitive
problems that are clearly more than can be attributed to the brain injury alone. If uncertainty exists,
err on the side of attributing cognitive problems to the brain injury and do not make any additional
rating here. This item was included to identify those people who clearly have another brain condition
that results in cognitive impairment and, in many cases, is the primary contributor to cognitive
impairment. An example is someone who was in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s disease prior to
injury, had a mild brain injury due to a fall, and now has returned to the nursing home with
essentially the same level of cognitive impairment as prior to injury. As for item 34, specific
combined effects of Alzheimer’s disease and the brain injury are rated under items 1-29. This item
provides notation of whether additional pre-, post- or co-morbid conditions that affect cognitive
functioning contribute to ratings on items 1-29. The general impact of these additional injuries or
illnesses on cognitive functioning both before and after brain injury are rated on the standard scale
used for impairment rating in the MPAI:

0 No cognitive problems or difficulties due to conditions unrelated to the brain injury.

1 Cognitive impairment is present but does not interfere with everyday functioning. At this
level, people may use medication or an assistive device to accommodate for the problem.

2 Cognitive impairment interferes with activities and everyday functioning some but not the
majority of the time. At this level people require assistance in the performance of cognitive
activities or communication less than 25% of the time.

3 Cognitive impairment interferes with activities much of the time. At this level people require
assistance in the performance of cognitive activities or communication 25 to 75% of the time.

4 Cognitive impairment interferes with all or almost all activities. At this level people require
assistance in the performance of cognitive activities or communication more than 75% of the



Scoring: for adults, adolescents and children

Use the scoring sheet at the end of the MPAI-4 form to assist in scoring. First, score each of the subscale

For the Ability Index, item 4 (Audition) must be rescored. If the original score for item 4 was 0, then the
new score also is 0; if the original score was 1, 2, or 3, then the new score is 1; if the original score was 4,
then the new score is 3. Place the new score for item 4 in the column for summing scores. Then sum the
raw scores of the other items contributing to the Ability Index, that is, items 1-3 and 5-12. Use only the
highest score from either 7A or 7B. Add the sum of these scores to the new score for item 4 to obtain the
total raw score for the Ability Index. Place this raw score sum in the appropriate blank at the bottom of
the scoring sheet.

For the Adjustment Index, item 16 (Pain and headache) must be rescored. If the original score for item
16 was 0, then the new score is also 0; if the original score was 1 or 2, then the new score is 1; if the
original score was 3 or 4, then the new score is 2. Place the new score for item 16 in the column for
summing scores. Then sum the raw scores of the other items contributing to the Ability Index, that is,
items 13-15 and 17-24. Add the sum of these scores to the new score for item 16 to obtain the total raw
score for the Adjustment Index. Place this raw score sum in the appropriate blank at the bottom of the
scoring sheet.

For the Participation Index, both items 27 (Transportation) and 28A/B (Employment) must be rescored.
Rescoring is different for each of these items. For item 27, if the original score was 0 or 1, then the new
score is 0; if the original score was 2 or 3, then the new score is 1; if the original score was 4, then the
new score is 3. Place the new score for item 27 in the column for summing scores. For item 28, only
28A or 28B should have been rated. Use the original score for the part of item 28 that was used. If the
original score for item 28 was 0, then the new score is also 0; if the original score was 1 or 2, then the new
score is 1; if the original score was 3 or 4, then the new score is 3. Place the new score for item 28 in the
column for summing scores. Next sum the raw scores of the other items 22-24. Note that these items
contribute both to the Adjustment Index and the Participation Index. Place the sum of items 22-24 in the
summing column for the Participation Index and in the appropriate blank at the bottom of the scoring
sheet. Next, sum the remaining items for the Participation Index (that is, item 25, 26, and 29). Place this
sum in the scoring column and obtain the total sum by adding the new scores for items 17 and 28, the sum
of items 22-24, and the sum of items 25, 26, 29. Place this raw score sum for the Participation Index in
the appropriate blank at the bottom of the scoring sheet.

Finally, at the bottom of the scoring sheet, obtain the Full Scale score for the MPAI-4 by adding the raw
score sums for the Ability Index, Adjustment Index, and Participation Index and then subtracting the sum
of items 22-24. (The sum of items 22-24 must be subtracted once because it has been used in both the
Adjustment Index and the Participation Index.

For adults only: Raw scores inventories completed by staff for the Full Scale MPAI-4 score and each of
the subscale Index scores can be converted to T-scores using Tables in the Appendices with reference to

either the National sample (Appendix I) or the Mayo sample (Appendix II). Reference data for T-score
conversions for inventories completed by adults with ABI (Appendix III) or SO (Appendix IV) are
available only for the Mayo sample. Procedures for T-score conversion are described in more detail in the
next section of this manual. Similar reference data are not currently available for children or adolescents
below age 18.

Reference data

Data are available from two samples for comparison purposes. These data sets were both obtained for
adults with ABI and, as such, do not represent true “normative” data, that is, these data are not referenced
to a non-ABI sample. Data for the first larger (n=386) National sample was obtained from

Table 2: National sample characteristics (n = 386)

Gender: Male 73%
Female 27%

Age (years): Mean = 38.0

SD = 12.4
Median = 38.0
Interquartile range = 29.0-47.3
Range = 14 to 77
Time since injury (years): Mean = 6.9
SD = 7.5
Median = 5.0
Interquartile range = 1.1 to 10.0
Range = 0 to 40
Race: African American 07 %
Asian/Pacific Is. 02 %
Caucasian 80%
Hispanic 06%
Native American 02%
Other 03%
Education: <12 years 23%
12-15 years 66%
≥16 years 11%

Type of injury: TBI 88%

CVA 6%
Other 6%

Severity: Mild = 05%

Moderate = 29%
Severe = 39%
Undetermined = 26%

Geographic location: Southeast 30%

Midwest 28%
Southwest/Mntn 21%
California 21%

staff ratings of adults with ABI served through the Learning Services Corporation, Rehab Without Walls
and Mayo-Rochester. Characteristics of this National sample are described in Table 2. Data for the
second sample for adults evaluated only at Mayo-Rochester includes ratings made by staff, people with
ABI, and their SO. Characteristics of the Mayo sample are described in Table 3.

Following scoring of the MPAI-4, raw scores for staff ratings may be converted to T-scores with
reference to either the National or the Mayo sample or both. Tables for T-score conversion referenced to
the National sample are provided in Appendix I. Reference data for MPAI-4 raw scores obtained from
inventories completed by adults with ABI and their SO are available only for the Mayo sample. Tables
for T-score conversion referenced to the Mayo sample are provided in Appendix II-IV.

T-score conversion is accomplished simply by finding the raw score for the Full Scale or subscale Index
in the appropriate Tables in the Appendices and recording the T-score next to the raw score. T-scores
have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10 with reference to the sample on which they are based.

Table 3: Mayo sample characteristics (n = 134)

Gender 61% male
39% female
Race 92% white
8% non-white (African American, Native American, Hispanic, mixed)
Education 18% less than HS, HS with spec ed, GED
51% high school degree, high school + some college
31% college degree, advanced degree
Type of 65 % traumatic (TBI)
injury 15% cerebrovascular accident, other vascular
8% resected tumor
5% encephalitis, infection
7% other (including anoxia, toxic exposure, multiple sclerosis)
Severity of 29% mild
TBI 12% moderate
(n = 87) 44% severe
15% unknown
Age Mean = 38.8 yrs SD = 13.5 yrs Mdn = 38 yrs Range = 17-77 yrs
Time since Mean = 5.3 yrs SD = 8.4 yrs Mdn = 1.8 yrs Range = 1 mo – 43.4 yrs

Test interpretation: Case examples. Interpretation of the results of the MPAI-4 is straightforward.
Ratings reflect actual behaviors and restrictions of interest to rehabilitation. Scoring and use of T-scores,
contrasting results of subscale Indices, and comparing results obtained from people with ABI, their SO,
and staff may inform the rehabilitation planning process, as the following case illustrate.

Case #1 is a 25 year old woman named Jane who was injured in motor vehicle accident. In addition to
lower extremity fractures, she sustained a relatively severe traumatic brain injury with an initial Glasgow
Coma Scale of 8, coma lasting about 1 week, and initial head CT scan showing multiple cerebral
contusions and small hemorrhages.

She was seen for an initial rehabilitation evaluation about 9 months after her injury by an outpatient team
that included a rehabilitation physician, a neuropsychologist, a PT, and an OT. Completing the MPAI-4

by consensus, this team rated her in the mild-moderate range on the Ability Index (raw score = 12;
National T-score = 42; Mayo T-score = 46) noting mild problems with hands, nonverbal communication,
and novel problem-solving, and more significant problems with attention and memory. Social and
emotional adjustment, self-awareness, and family support were judged to be relatively good, resulting in a
low score on the Adjustment Index (raw score = 7; National T-score = 35; Mayo T-score = 30).
Restrictions were noted on the Participation Index, however, in social and recreational involvement,
independent living, transportation, and money management. Jane was also unemployed. Her score on the
Participation Index was also in the mild to moderate range (raw score = 17; National T-score = 46; Mayo
T-score = 51).

Outpatient rehabilitation and community-based services were organized that focused on developing
methods to compensate for cognitive problems, primarily through use of a “memory notebook,” as well as
in a number of functional areas that included increasing social and leisure activities, independent living
and money management skills, and vocational rehabilitation. Re-evaluation with the MPAI-4 was done
periodically throughout this process to assess progress.

After 6 months of outpatient rehabilitation and community services, Jane had greatly increased her social
activities and was living and working in the community. Scores on the MPAI-4 documented a little
improvement on the Ability Index (raw score = 8; National T-score = 37; Mayo T-score = 39) but more
dramatic improvement on the Participation Index (raw score = 2; National T-score = 25; Mayo T-score =
29). Jane had re-engaged with her community despite her remaining cognitive and physical impairments.

Case #2 is a 46 year old man named Ralph who sustained a mild TBI. He collided with another player in
a softball game and was briefly unconscious (a few minutes) and experienced a period of post-traumatic
amnesia lasting about a half hour. He was taken to a hospital Emergency Room where head CT scan was
normal and he was dismissed to home without hospitalization. Ralph worked as a software developer in a
relatively intense environment with high demands for productivity and meeting deadlines. He attempted
to return to work after his injury but was unable because of problems with memory and frequent severe

He was evaluated by a rehabilitation physician and a neuropsychologist who also conducted

neuropsychometric testing. The physician and neuropsychologist coalesced their assessments of his case
by completing the MPAI-4 together. They found little impairment on the Ability Index (raw score = 3;
National T-score = 25; Mayo T-score = 27), noting mild problems with attention that probably accounted
for Ralph’s experienced “memory” problems. Neuropsychometric test results were generally within
normal limits except for mild variability indicating difficulty sustaining attention and mild impairment on
the more demanding attentional tasks. A number of indicators on the Adjustment Index were elevated
(raw score = 24; National T-score = 54; Mayo T-score = 55). Ralph appeared depressed, anxious, and
irritable. He experienced frequent headaches and fatigue. The doctors debated to what degree difficulties
with attention represented the residuals of mild TBI vs. the effects of depression, headache pain, and
associated sleep disturbance and fatigue. Although his symptoms appeared genuine, he was very focused
on them and this increased his distress. All these factors interfered with his family and social life and
with his participation in leisure activities. However, with the exception of mild limitations in social and
recreational activities and being currently unemployed, Ralph was generally participating fully in areas
measured by the Participation Index (raw score = 8; National T-score = 40; Mayo T-score = 41).

Planned intervention focused on medical treatment of depression and headache, and psychological
treatment to address adjustment issues, including vocational reassessment, and coping with stress.
Ralph’s family was involved in a number of these psychotherapy sessions. After several months of
treatment, emotional and social adjustment problems had resolved. Headache and intermittent attentional
problems remained but not at a level that interfered with everyday functioning. Ralph started his own
software company in which he was able to work from home at his own pace. His old employer was one of
his primary customers, contracting with Ralph for the development of software components that were a
specialty for him. Re-evaluation with the MPAI-4 at dismissal from outpatient services revealed all T-
scores below 30.

Case #3 is a 31 year old man, John, who sustained a severe traumatic brain injury (initial Glasgow Coma
Scale = 8; coma X 2 weeks; multiple areas of hemorrhagic contusion on head CT) in the context of multi-
trauma. He had a history of alcohol dependency prior to his injury and his wife, Mary, is concerned about
his current use of alcohol.

John was evaluated about three years after his injury by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team who
completed the MPAI-4 by consensus. Staff noted relatively severe problems in most areas reviewed by
the MPAI-4 resulting in T-scores above 60 on all three Indices using Mayo norms. As part of this
evaluation, John independently completed the MPAI-4 as did his wife. One of the issues raised by staff in
rating the MPAI-4 was impaired self-awareness. Consistent with this observation, John rated himself
much lower in most areas. T-scores for Mayo norms for John’s completion of the MPAI-4 were all below
40. His wife’s ratings on the MPAI-4 resulted in scores in between John’s and the staff’s ratings, that is,
T-scores in the 50s on the Ability and Adjustment Indices and of 48 on the Participation Index. Mayo
norms were used in computing these T-scores because norms are available for this sample for the MPAI-4
completed by people with ABI and SO as well as by Staff.

The higher scores on the Participation Index by staff compared to scores from John and his wife suggest
that staff may have overestimated the degree to which John’s community participation was limited.
Nonetheless, there was little question that John was struggling with a complex array of physical and
cognitive impairments, emotional, social and other adjustment issues, and had not been successful to-date
in returning to many usual social, leisure, and vocational activities in the community. The rehabilitation
team recommended that John enroll in an intensive day treatment program. Participation in this
rehabilitation program was coordinated with intervention and recommendations from substance abuse
specialists. Despite his initial objections, John agreed to this type of treatment with pressure from his
wife. After about a month in the program, his awareness of how some of the impairments that had
resulted from his injuries interfered with social and vocational adjustment appeared to be improving. He
resisted participating in formal substance abuse treatment. However, with support from the rehab team,
his wife became more assertively insistent about and supportive of John’s not drinking. With only a few
short relapses in the course of the program, John appeared to maintain sobriety.

Following about 6 months of day treatment, John started a job in the community with ongoing support.
He was compensating for his cognitive problems and his wife felt that his communication and behavior in
social settings and with her were much improved. John, his wife, and rehabilitation staff independently
completed the MPAI-4 again at the end of the program. All T-scores from all raters were between 40 and
50. John’s status had improved significantly from the perspectives of his wife and the rehabilitation staff,
and all parties appeared more “on the same wavelength” than before the program.



In 1987, Lezak3 developed the original Portland Adaptability Inventory to provide a scale for meaningful
documentation of the variety of cognitive, behavioral and social challenges that face many people with
acquired brain injury (ABI). Malec and Thompson4 subsequently refined this instrument, adding items
for rating pain and specific areas of cognitive impairment. The resulting scale, the Mayo-Portland
Adaptability Inventory (MPAI), consisted of item rating categories that focused on current functional
ability without reference to preinjury level.

Reflecting World Health Organization (WHO) distinctions5, 6 between impairment, activity, and
participation, ratings on most of the original MPAI items were designed to indicate whether performance
is (a) within normal limits, (b) mildly limited but not to a degree that interferes significantly with
everyday functioning (impairment only), or (c) sufficiently limited that it does interfere with everyday
functioning to varying degrees (restriction of activity and participation). This rating scheme could be
applied to most MPAI categories. However, those items that measure participation in the community,
such as, employment or independent living, did not lend themselves well to this rating system and were
scaled in terms of extent of participation. The rating scale was further modified in subsequent versions to
maximize the internal consistency of the measures and to acquire information on problems that may have
been present before as well as after ABI.

Previous versions of the MPAI include the original MPAI, the MPAI 2.3, and the MPAI-3. Analyses of
sequential versions of the MPAI are described in greater detail in subsequent sections of this manual. The
MPAI 2.3 expanded the rating scale for each item from 4 levels to 6 levels. Analyses of MPAI 2.3 data
revealed that a 5 level rating system was sufficient and this was used in the MPAI-3. The MPAI-3 also
added items to represent better the types of problems frequently found for people with milder ABI (such
as, fatigue, dizziness, and sensitivity to mild symptoms). Analysis of MPAI-3 data led to
recommendations for rescoring a few items to improve their “fit” with the overall measure. These
analyses resulted in the MPAI-4.

Rating instructions for MPAI-4 items were also clarified on the form itself and provided in more detail in
this manual. Rating for the Communication item and the Employment item were elaborated by splitting
these items into two sections. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication for the Communication item, and
Paid and Other Employment for the Employment item. Because it was infrequently used and did not fit
well with the overall measure, the Child Rearing item from the MPAI-3 was dropped as a separate item
but included as an option under Other Employment. Specific subscales (Ability Index, Adjustment Index,
Participation Index) were identified through analyses of MPAI-3 data. For the MPAI-4, items were
rearranged for presentation in an order that corresponds to these subscales. The rating system for the
MPAI-4 is based on analyses of the MPAI-3. Consequently reference data (see previous section) obtained
with the MPAI-3 may be used to compare a specific person with ABI with other people with ABI on the
overall MPAI-4 measure and each subscale.

Rasch analyses have been used as a primary method for evaluating and improving the MPAI.
Nonetheless evaluation of psychometric properties reported subsequently also includes more traditional
psychometric indicators. Rasch analysis provides a method to evaluate, not only how well the items
contributing to a measure represent the underlying measure, but also how well these items provide a range

of indicators that reliably differentiate among people rated with the measure. Item fit provides an
indicator of how well each item serves these functions. Rasch fit statistics are based on the squared
residual values of expected minus actual values of an item. Infit provides more weight to actual values
closer to the item’s expected value. Outfit provides an index of the influence of outliers. For this reason,
Infit is generally felt to be the more critical indicator. In developing the MPAI-4, information gained
from Rasch analyses guided our selection of items and the development of rating and scoring procedures
that maximized item fit.

Other important indicators for Rasch analysis are Reliability and Separation. Person reliability indicates
the degree to which items distinguish among people in a consistent manner. Item reliability indicates the
degree to which items relate to each other in a consistent way for different people. The maximum
possible reliability in either case is 1.00. For most measures, Person Reliability over .80 and Item
Reliability over .90 are desirable. Separation provides another indication of how well a scale measures.
Separation describes the extent to which items distinguish among people (Person Separation) and are
distinct from each other (Item Separation). In Rasch analysis, a Separation of at least 2 is desired.

A major advantage of Rasch methods over traditional psychometric methods is that Rasch analyses
evaluate whether the measure provides a reliable assessment of the full range of the characteristic being
measured. Rasch analysis also evaluates whether items reliably distinguish among people at these various
levels. By contrast, using traditional psychometric methods, a summary test score may have a high
degree of internal consistency and reliability because the contributing items are largely redundant. Such a
test score may appear valid in that it correlates relatively well with other similar scores. However, such a
score will not include items that are sensitive to people at the extremes of the dimension of interest.
Rasch analysis encourages the selection of a few items that represent the extremes of the measurement
dimension but which, because they represent extreme values for the measurement domain, may not
correlate highly with the overall measure. More extensive presentation of Rasch analysis may be found in
Wright and Masters,7 Linacre,8 and Bond and Fox.9


Reflecting the WHO nosology, development of the MPAI has been based on the assumption that an
accurate characterization of people with ABI and outcomes requires assessment of key indicators of
impairment, activity, and participation. Rating scale (Rasch) analyses of sequential versions of the MPAI
have supported this model.

MPAI. By examining the relationship of individual items to the underlying measure, Rasch analysis
provides an assessment of the internal consistency or reliability of a measure. Rasch analyses of 305 Staff
forms of the original MPAI completed as part of outpatient rehabilitation evaluations demonstrated that
items relevant to each of the domains of impairment, activity, and participation form a single dimension
in relationship to the level of overall severity of negative outcome after ABI.10 These analyses also
demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency (Person Reliability = .82; Person Separation = 2.12; Item
Reliability = .99; Item Separation = 9.33). A Rasch analysis of the MPAI completed by people with ABI
(Self MPAI) also showed satisfactory reliability for a scale constructed from the same items as the Staff
MPAI.11 Person Reliability for the Self MPAI was .84 (Person Separation = 2.29) and Item Reliability
was .94 (Item Separation = 4.82).

MPAI 2.3. Although initial analyses indicated satisfactory reliability for the MPAI, we believed that the
reliability could be improved by further refinement of the item rating scales. To accomplish this, we
developed a modification of the MPAI, the MPAI 2.3. The MPAI 2.3 used a 6-point rating scale
throughout. Some items in the original version (specifically, Psychotic Symptoms, Alcohol Use, Drug
Use, Law Violations) were found not to contribute specifically to the measurement of the outcome of
ABI. These items were retained at the end of the MPAI 2.3 because, when present, they offer information
that is important in developing service plans. However, these items do not contribute to the MPAI score
because they are not specific measures of ABI sequelae or outcome.

Rasch analyses of the MPAI 2.3 for 126 cases from the Mayo Medical Center and Bancroft Rehabilitation
in Louisiana14 showed excellent Person Reliability (.92), Person Separation = 3.49, Item Reliability (.95)
and Item Separation (4.54). A 5-point scale appeared to best represent the range of individual item
ratings. Further analysis of this same data set found that traditional indicators of item reliability, that is,
item-to-scale point biserial correlations were in the moderate to strong range (i.e., most point biserial
correlations between individual items and the overall measure ranged from .57 to .84 with a median of

Following Rasch analysis, we conducted a principal components analysis of residuals. A principal

components analysis of residual item variance (i.e., variance remaining after variance accounted for by
the primary Rasch dimension is removed) helps determine if a scale is measuring more than one
construct. The principal components analysis suggested two subscales. One subscale, the
Physical/Cognitive Impairment Scale, consisted of 11 items for Mobility, Use of Hands, Vision, Audition,
Motor Speech, Communication, Attention/Concentration, Memory, Fund of Information, Novel Problem-
solving, and Visuospatial Abilities. The Physical/Cognitive Impairment Scale itself demonstrated good
reliability and separation (Person Reliability = .88; Item Reliability = .97; Person Separation = 2.66; Item
Separation = 5.56). The second subscale, the Social Participation Scale, consisted of 10 items for
Initiation, Inappropriate Social Interaction, Impaired Self-awareness, Family/Significant Relationships,
Social Contact, Leisure/Recreation, Self-cares, Residence, Transportation, and Work/School. The Social
Participation Scale also possesses good internal reliability and separation (Person Reliability = .86; Item
reliability = .95; Person Separation = 2.46; Item Separation = 4.17).

Despite the indication from principal components analysis of a degree of independence for these two
subscales, the MPAI 2.3 Physical/Cognitive Impairment Scale and Social Participation Scale were highly
correlated (r = .75). The principal components analysis was of item variance remaining after the variance
corresponding the overall measure identified through Rasch analysis was removed. Although this
analysis suggested that more specific item clusters (subscales) provide additional information to the
overall measure, the dimension described by the overall measure was very strong and accounted for most
of the variance. Consequently subscales were highly correlated. In examining the relationship of the
subscales to each other and the overall measure, the Physical/Cognitive Impairment Scale appeared to
better represent the severe end of the continuum. The Social Participation Scale better represented the
mild end with both scales having some items in the mid-range. Thus, these two subscales appear to
measure different levels of the same underlying construct of long-term outcome after ABI. A third
subscale, the Pain/Emotional Disorder Scale, also was suggested in the analyses. However, even though
the Pain/Emotional Disorder Scale appeared to contribute information distinct from the other subscales, it
included only 4 items and lacked sufficient internal consistency for formal scoring.

MPAI-3 & MPAI-4. Analyses of the MPAI 2.3 resulted in further refinements and development of a
subsequent version of the measure, the MPAI-3. New items (Fatigue, Dizziness, Sensitivity to Mild
Symptoms, and Managing Money and Finances) were added to this version to represent better the milder
end of sequelae of ABI.

National sample. Rasch analysis of the MPAI-3 based on 386 cases from a geographically diverse
sample of people with ABI receiving services through Learning Services Corporation, Rehab Without
Walls, and Mayo Clinic confirmed the internal consistency of this version.12 This analysis resulted in the
elimination of the Child Rearing item because of its low utilization and minimal contribution to defining
the measure. This analysis also demonstrated that recoding four items (Audition, Work/School,
Transportation, and Pain) resulted in a better fit of these items to the total measure. With recoding of
these four items, the 29-item measure revealed acceptable Infit and Outfit statistics (less than 1.4) for all
29-items (actual range .5 to 1.38) and satisfactory overall Person and Item Reliability and Separation for
the measure (see Table 4). Other changes were made to clarify item ratings resulting in the current
version of the MPAI—the MPAI-4.

Table 4: Rasch indicators of reliability and separation for MPAI-4 and

subscales based on national sample (n=386)
Scale/subscale Person Person Item Item
Reliability Separation Reliability Separation
MPAI-4: .88 2.68 .99 10.80
29-item Measure
Ability .78 1.88 .99 11.94
Adjustment .79 1.96 .99 8.42
Participation .78 1.89 .98 7.59

Mayo sample. MPAI-4 scoring procedures were applied in a sample of 134 people with ABI seen for
outpatient rehabilitation evaluations at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.13 For most of these cases, data
were available for the inventory completed by people with ABI and an SO as well as by rehabilitation
staff. Person and Item Reliability and Separation indicators were generally acceptable for the Full Scale
and subscale Indices representing items rated by each of these rater groups (Tables 5-8). A Rasch
procedure called Facets analysis8 allows for the examination and development of measures based on
multiple rater sources. Facets analysis was applied to the Mayo data and resulted in MPAI-4 Full Scale
and Indices that represented a composite of ratings from all three rater groups. Reliability and Separation
indicators for the 3-rater composite for the MPAI-4 Full Scale and Indices are also provided in Tables 5
through 8.

Using this sample, we also examined inter-rater agreement among the three rater groups (Table 9).
Agreement was generally within acceptable limits for most items, providing further evidence of the
reliability of the inventory. Substantial differences, however, were also found among the three rater
groups in the mean ratings and reliabilities of subscales as well as on individual items. These differences
reflect types of rater bias that are important for understanding the rehabilitation and psychosocial needs of
people with ABI and their SO.

Table 5: Full Scale: reliability and separation (Mayo sample; n =134)
Person Person Item Item
Reliability Separation Reliability Separation
Person with ABI .92 3.31 .96 4.97
SO .92 3.37 .94 3.84
Staff .86 2.49 .98 6.81
3-Rater .94 3.86 .99 11.06

Table 6: Ability Index: reliability and separation (Mayo sample; n =134)

Person Person Item Item
Reliability Separation Reliability Separation
Person with ABI .84 2.30 .97 5.66
SO .84 2.31 .93 3.68
Staff .81 2.09 .98 6.72
3-Rater .86 2.52 .99 12.99

Table 7: Adjustment Index: reliability and separation

(Mayo sample; n =134)
Person Person Item Item
Reliability Separation Reliability Separation
Person with ABI .89 2.85 .92 3.29
SO .86 2.43 .89 2.88
Staff .76 1.79 .97 6.08
3-Rater .90 3.03 .97 5.74

Table 8: Participation Index: reliability and separation

(Mayo sample; n =134)
Person Person Item Item
Reliability Separation Reliability Separation
Person with ABI .74 1.70 .97 5.70
SO .82 2.15 .97 5.50
Staff .85 2.41 .99 8.17
3-Rater Composite .89 2.80 .99 9.80

Table 9: Percent exact agreements and agreements within 1 point between
rating groups on individual items (Mayo sample; n =134)
People with SO and Staff People with All Rater Pairs
ABI and SO ABI and Staff
Exact +/-1 Exact +/-1 Exact +/-1 Exact +/-1
1. Mobility 51% 86% 41% 88% 44% 75% 45% 83%
2. Hands 50% 83% 43% 82% 45% 71% 46% 78%
3. Vision 59% 90% 54% 87% 50% 88% 54% 88%
4. Audition 67% 91% 76% 90% 67% 84% 70% 88%
5. Dizziness 49% 85% 34% 73% 37% 69% 40% 75%
6. Motor Speech 58% 87% 51% 81% 42% 77% 50% 81%
7. Communication 48% 83% 26% 64% 21% 59% 31% 68%
8. Attention 38% 77% 23% 68% 21% 65% 27% 70%
9. Memory 40% 77% 32% 70% 20% 62% 30% 69%
10. Fund of information 35% 76% 30% 70% 32% 66% 32% 70%
11. Novel problem- 34% 76% 33% 68% 23% 56% 29% 66%
12. Visuospatial 43% 80% 28% 66% 33% 66% 35% 70%
13. Anxiety 38% 82% 40% 82% 38% 78% 39% 80%
14. Depression 46% 81% 38% 82% 29% 86% 37% 83%
15. Irritability 39% 82% 47% 90% 39% 79% 42% 84%
16. Pain/headache 53% 88% 54% 92% 44% 79% 50% 86%
17. Fatigue 36% 76% 32% 76% 31% 79% 33% 77%
18. Mild symptoms 44% 76% 28% 67% 36% 67% 35% 69%
19. Inappropriate social 43% 76% 31% 67% 34% 66% 36% 69%
20. Impaired self- 35% 60% 32% 68% 18% 46% 28% 58%
21. Family 40% 78% 34% 79% 24% 63% 32% 73%
22. Initiation 24% 70% 39% 66% 37% 68% 34% 68%
23. Social Contact 43% 73% 43% 71% 22% 56% 35% 66%
24. Leisure 28% 69% 40% 74% 31% 67% 33% 70%
25. Self-care 55% 85% 56% 90% 53% 85% 54% 86%
26. Residence 40% 74% 42% 82% 31% 57% 37% 71%
27. Transportation 47% 84% 60% 82% 39% 76% 48% 81%
28. Employment 79% 89% 71% 83% 60% 76% 69% 82%
29. Money management 31% 73% 39% 73% 31% 58% 34% 68%


Concurrent and predictive validity of the Staff MPAI has been demonstrated in a number of studies. The
Staff MPAI correlates moderately well with the Disability Rating Scale,14 Rancho scale,15, 16
neuropsychological measures, and the SO MPAI.4, 17 Because successive versions of the MPAI measure
the same underlying construct with increasing consistency and sensitivity, validity studies of earlier
versions support the validity of later versions.

Rasch analysis provides a means for converting scores from the MPAI to an interval-equivalent scale that
can then be used in parametric statistical analyses. Using this interval-equivalent MPAI scale, other
studies have looked at the predictive validity of the MPAI. In one study,11 logistic regression

demonstrated that the original Staff MPAI (χ2 = 8.30, p <.01) and time since injury (χ2 = 9.70, p <.01)
were the best predictors (69% correct classification for full model) of job placement following
participation in a vocational rehabilitation program designed specifically for people with ABI. Other
potential predictors included in the model that did not contribute to this prediction were age, education,
severity of injury, traumatic vs. nontraumatic injury, and a self-awareness measure (the difference
between Staff MPAI and Self MPAI).

In another study,18 the original Staff MPAI was the best predictor of long term vocational and
independent living outcome following a comprehensive day rehabilitation program for people with ABI.
Logistic regression analysis included age, education, severity of injury, traumatic vs. nontraumatic injury,
time since injury, and Rasch-converted Staff MPAI score as potential predictors. This analysis showed
that the MPAI alone predicted vocational status one-year after program participation (correct
classification = 67%; χ2 = 5.33, p <.05). Logistic regression analysis of this same set of predictor
variables also found the MPAI was the only significant predictor of independent living status one year
after program completion (correct classification = 70%; χ2 = 6.85, p <.01). Those with scores below the
60th percentile (compared to other outpatients with ABI) had a very good chance (86%) of living
independently with no supervision one year after program completion. In contrast, those at greater levels
of disability (that is, at or above the 60th percentile on the MPAI) had only approximately a 50/50 chance
of progressing to completely independent living. Only 30% of program completers with scores below the
70th percentile on the MPAI prior to admission to the program were unemployed one year after program
completion. In contrast, 73% of those with scores at or above the 70th percentile were unemployed at
one -year follow-up. Identification of individuals who are at high risk for failure in state-of-the-art
rehabilitation programs, such as the one evaluated in this study, is important for planning future
rehabilitation services. Clearly such individuals will typically require interventions that go beyond
traditional day treatment, potentially involving more extensive community-based services and the
development of long-term supports.

Malec and Degiorgio19 reported that logistic regression of the MPAI and time since injury could be used
to estimate the probability of community-based employment as a result of either comprehensive day
treatment or limited outpatient rehabilitation and vocational intervention following ABI. For instance,
people with ABI evaluated less than two years postinjury were often able to return to community-based
employment with only limited vocational and outpatient rehabilitation services despite demonstrating a
greater than average level of disability on the MPAI. However, those seen more than five or ten years
after trauma with greater than average disability on the MPAI showed a low probability of vocational
success with limited intervention. Similar individuals (above average disability per MPAI; many years
postinjury) were found to have a substantially higher probability of success with intensive day treatment.

Rationally derived MPAI-4 subscales. Subscales emerged from principal components analyses of
residual item scores following Rasch analysis of previous versions of the MPAI. These principal
components analyses informed the selection of items for subscales. However, items for the MPAI-4
subscales or indices ultimately were selected on a “rational” basis because they corresponded to clinical
experience and appeared of value in clinical settings as well as cohered on a statistical basis. Rational
subscales for items are described in Table 10. For the national sample of 386, Rasch analyses of each of
these three subscales separately showed a reduction in Person and Item Separation and Reliability for
each; however, the Reliability and Separation of each subscale remained adequate (see Table 4). For the
Mayo sample, Reliability and Separation varied with rater group (i.e., people with ABI, SO, staff) for
each subscale (see Tables 5-8). Most of these indicators were within acceptable limits. Rasch Facets

Analysis of measures that combined ratings for all three rater groups resulted in Reliability and Separation
indicators that were good to excellent (Tables 5-8).

Item cluster analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis of items with the Ward-Hook Method produced a
result similar to rational item groupings. The 3-cluster solution grouped items into clusters that
overlapped considerably with rational groups. A comparison of item-subscale correlations for items
assigned to different groups, based on rational versus empirical clustering, indicated there was no
statistical advantage to moving any item to a different group (see Tables 10 and 11).

Table 10: Content and Internal Consistency of Rational MPAI-4 Subscales

Abilities Adjustment Participation
Mobility Anxiety Initiation
Use of hands Depression Social contact
Motor speech Irritability, anger, Leisure/recreation
Communication Aggression activities
Fund of information Pain and headache Residence
Visuospatial abilities Fatigue Transportation
Dizziness/balance (.41) Sensitivity to mild Work/school
Vision (.37)* Symptoms Money management
Audition (.17) Inappropriate social Self-care (.61)
Attention/concentration Interaction
(.48) Initiation
Memory (.55) Social contact
Novel problem solving Leisure/recreation
(.55) activities
Impaired self awareness
Relationships (.41)
rxx’ (alpha) = .80 rxx’ (alpha) = .76 rxx’ (alpha) = .83

Items assigned by empirical clustering to a different subscale from that assigned on a rational basis did
not correlate markedly better with the subscale assigned empirically than with the subscale assigned
rationally. For instance, empirical clustering assigned Self-care to the Ability Index and rational
clustering assigned this same item to the Participation Index. The item itself showed a slightly higher
correlation with the Participation Index (.61; see Table 10) than with the Ability Index (.57; see Table11).
Differences in item placement from one set of subscales to another are interesting in their own right,
however, because they illustrate the interdependency between capacity and function.

Table 11: Content and Internal Consistency of Empirical MPAI-4 Subscales
Derived from Cluster Analysis (Ward-Hook Method)/
Abilities Adjustment Participation
Mobility Anxiety Initiation
Use of hands Depression Social contact
Motor speech Irritability, anger, Leisure/recreation activities
Communication Aggression Residence
Fund of information Pain and headache Transportation
Visuospatial abilities Fatigue Work/school
Self-care (.57) * Sensitivity to mild Money management
Symptoms Attention/concentration (.50)
Inappropriate social Memory (.54)
Interaction Novel problem solving (.63)
Vision (.23) Impaired self awareness (.54)
Audition (.25) Family/significant
Dizziness/balance (.53) relationships (.36)
Rxx’ (alpha) = .78 rxx’ (alpha) = .73 rxx’ (alpha) = .85

* For Tables 10 and 11, item-subscale correlations in parenthesis are for items assigned differently with
empirical vs. rational assignment; items common to both sets of subscales are highlighted.

Principal Components Analysis. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation of the 29-item
MPAI-3 yielded seven factors with eigenvalues of at least 1.0 (see Table 12). Results of this analysis are
consistent with a previous study.17 For understanding the multifactorial structure of outcome following
ABI, factor analysis may be informative. However, the rather strong internal consistency of the three
rational subscales suggests that for practical use, further item subdivisions are not only unnecessary but
produce scales consisting of small numbers of items that are consequently of limited reliability and utility.

As a result of these analyses, we concluded that empirically derived subscales were not superior to
rationally derived subscales. The rationally derived subcales possessed satisfactory internal consistency
by Rasch measures as well as by the more traditional psychometric alpha coefficient. The viability of
rationally derived subscales is supported by item cluster analysis. Item cluster analysis did not precisely
reflect rational subscale assignment. However, items did not correlate markedly better (and in many cases
correlated slightly less well) with the subscale to which they were assigned on an empirical basis than
they did to the subscale assigned on a rational basis. We retained rational assignment because it reflects
more general clinical theory and practice.

That in many cases individual items correlate about as well with one subscale or another reflects the
strong unitary dimension underlying these subscales. Correlations among subscales suggest that each
subscale accounts for a degree of independent variance. However, correlations between subscales are
moderate and taken together with the Rasch analysis suggests that each of these subcales represents a
different region of a unitary underlying dimension.

Table 12: Rotated factor structure of the MPAI-4
Memory Transportation Family/significant Motor speech
Novel problem-solving Residence Relationships Use of hands
Fund of information. Work/school Social contact Mobility
Attention/ Self-cares Leisure/recreation
concentration Money management Inappropriate
Initiation social Interaction
Sensitivity to mild Pain, headache Vision
Symptoms Fatigue Audition
Anxiety Dizziness/ Visuospatial
Irritability, anger Balance Abilities

Additional psychometric properties of subscales. Traditional psychometric indicators of internal

consistency (i.e., alpha coefficients) for rational item subscales are acceptable for rating scales, ranging
from .76 to .83 (average .79). Inter-scale correlations are lower, indicating a degree of independence
among scales, as shown in Table 13.

Table 13: Interscale correlations of recoded MPAI-4 subscales.

Subscale: Ability Adjustment Participation

Adjustment .49

Participation .65 .63

Full Scale .86 .82 .84

Comparability of data obtained people with ABI, SO, and staff. We have investigated the contrast
between self-rating by individuals with ABI on the MPAI and the ratings of these same people by
rehabilitation staff.20 Differences between Staff MPAI ratings compared to Self MPAI ratings appear due
to multiple factors including: different interpretations of terminology by lay people and professionals;
differing values; differing observational opportunities; the differing impact/burden of sequelae on people
with ABI, SO, and staff; depression; and self-awareness among people with ABI. Differences between
Staff MPAI and Self MPAI did not predict vocational outcome of a vocational rehabilitation program11 or
outcome of comprehensive day rehabilitation.18 These findings suggest that people with ABI can be
engaged in effective services with rehabilitation providers despite initial disagreements between them and
staff about the nature and extent of impairments and disabilities.

Results of a subsequent study13 revealed satisfactory internal consistency and inter-rater agreement for the
MPAI-4, regardless of rating source (see Tables 5-9). Nonetheless, detailed inspection of data obtained
again revealed a number of sources of potential rater bias, including lack of self-awareness, bias towards
positive self-evaluation, and aspirational bias on the part of the person with ABI; advocacy and sensitivity
to impact and burden of the difficulties of the person with ABI on the part of SO; and enhanced
objectivity as well as more limited sensitivity to and experience with the person with ABI on the part of

From a pure measurement perspective, rater bias and its negative impact on reliability is undesirable.
However, in the clinical settings in which the MPAI-4 is used, these types of rater biases may accurately
represent the differing perspectives of people with ABI, their SO, and staff. Assessment of these varying
perspectives and biases in the clinical setting is not only representational of outcome as evaluated by the
different parties involved, but is often essential to developing effective plans for rehabilitation and other
interventions. Effective interventions cannot be implemented if there is substantial disagreement about
the nature of the problem to be addressed. Discussions as well as other types of interactions and
experiential explorations may need to occur among involved parties to resolve important areas of
disagreement discovered through MPAI-4 assessment before all parties will actively commit to and
participate in intervention plans.

Review of individual cases in this sample reveals examples of all possible variations of agreement and
disagreement (that is, staff agreeing on items with people with ABI but not with the SO; SO agreeing with
staff but not with the person with ABI; SO and the person with ABI agreeing with each other but not with
staff). Exploration of specific variations and biases in the individual case is possible with independent
completion of the MPAI-4 by the person with ABI, SO, and staff and may be beneficial, if not be critical,
to future treatment planning.

The MPAI Participation Index (M2PI)

Because a measure of outcome after ABI that focuses on social participation with acceptable
psychometric properties is lacking in the field, we conducted more specific evaluation of the Participation
Index of the MPAI-4.21 As can be seen in Table 13, previous evaluation of the MPAI completed by
rehabilitation staff for 386 adults with ABI showed a relatively strong correlation between the 8-item
Participation subscale and the total score for the 29-item MPAI. We further explored the viability of the
MPAI Participation Index as an independent measure of outcome after ABI as completed not only by
staff, but also by people with ABI and their SO in the sample of 134 persons with ABI seen at Mayo. The
MPAI was completed by staff in all 134 cases, independently for 103 of these persons by an SO, and
independently by 115 of the people with ABI themselves. The Participation Index rates initiation, social
contact, leisure, self-care, residence, transportation, employment, and money management (see Table 1).

Rasch Facets analysis revealed strong internal consistency for a composite form of the 8-item
Participation Index that combined ratings of staff, individuals with ABI, and SO (Table14). This
composite index correlated moderately well with a composite measure based on all 29 MPAI items
(Pearson r = .77; Table 15). Using the 3-rater composite Participation Index as the “gold standard,”
measures based on pairs and individual classes of raters were evaluated. Reliability and Separation
indicators for measures based on the M2PI completed by various rater groups and combinations of these

groups are provided in Table 14. Pearson correlations of M2PI measures with the 3-rater Full Scale
composite index (and with each other) are shown in the Table 15.

Table 14: Rasch indicators for M2PI completed by each of 3 rater groups and
composite indices.
Participation Index Person Reliability Item Reliability
completed by: (Separation) (Separation)
People with ABI, SO, staff .89 .99
(3-rater composite) (2.80) (9.80)
People with ABI and staff .85 .99
(2-rater composite) (2.43) (8.69)
People with ABI and SO .84 .98
(2-rater composite) (2.33) (7.26)
Staff and SO .89 .99
(2-rater composite) (2.78) (8.96)
People with ABI .74 .97
(1.70) (5.70)
SO .82 .97
(2.15) (5.50)
Staff .85 .99
(2.41) (8.17)

As can be seen in Figures 1 and 2, cumulative distributions for M2PI raw scores show minimal floor or
ceiling effects unlike other brief scales of ABI outcome.22, 23 (Raw scores for the 3-rater composite
measure were placed on the same scale as independent ratings by dividing the total score by 3; all scores
were prorated for missing data.) As can be seen in Figure 1, the cumulative distribution of raw scores for
the 3-rater M2PI composite index approximates an “S-curve” that is characteristics of normal
distributions. The curve for M2PI raw scores for ratings made by people with ABI climbs more rapidly
than the 3-rater curve and reaches the median value (50th percentile) between scores of 10 and 11,
illustrating the tendency of the group toward lower self-ratings. Despite this tendency, very low scores
(<3) are infrequent (9%) among these self-ratings. The distribution for staff raw scores climbs less
rapidly and finds the median value at about 16, illustrating the tendency of this rater group toward higher
ratings. The lower third of the distribution for SO tracks closely to the distribution of people with ABI
then crosses over to track more closely with the distribution for staff. Both of staff and SO have a low
percentage (<7%) of very low scores (<3) and very high scores (>27) are rare for all groups (< 5%).

Table 15: Pearson correlations among measures for MPAI Full Scale and M2PI
composite and independent ratings
M2PI completed by:
Full Scale People People People SO and People SO
(29-item) with with with staff with
M2PI Composite SO, and and SO
completed by: Index staff staff
People with
ABI, SO, staff .77
People with
ABI and staff .81 .97
People with
ABI and SO .86 .93 .88
Staff and SO
(2-rater .72 .95 .88 .83
People with
ABI .80 .78 .81 .87 .60
.72 .88 .77 .88 .92 .62
.61 .89 .88 .70 .93 .50 .74

Figure 2 displays distributions for composite measures derived from pairs of ratings compared to the 3-
rater composite. (To place Figure 2 on the same metric as Figure 1, total scores for paired ratings were
divided in half.) The measure combining ratings made by staff with those made by people with ABI
closely approximates the distribution of scores for the 3-rater composite M2PI measure.

The brief 8-item M2PI demonstrates relatively strong internal consistency and concurrent validity as
demonstrated by moderately strong correlation with the Full Scale MPAI. Ratings made by rehabilitation
staff combined with those made by the person with ABI provide a good approximation of composite
ratings made by all three classes of raters. Potentially the M2PI may be completed for research or
rehabilitation outcome evaluation through minimal personal or telephone contact.

Figure 1: Cumulative distributions of M2PI total raw
scores by rater group and 3-rater composite index
3-rater composite People with ABI SO Staff









0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Total Raw Score

Figure 2: Cumulative distributions of total raw scores
for 3- and 2-rater composite indices

3-rater composite People with ABI and SO

Staff and SO People with ABI and Staff











0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Total Raw Score


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Raw Score to T Score Conversion Tables

Raw scores from the Total Score and three Indices of the MPAI-4 may be converted to standardized T
scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) by using Tables in Appendices 1-IV. T-score conversion is recommended
because it facilitates comparisons between subscale scores and identification of specific areas for
intervention, i.e., ability, activity, and participation.

T-scores in Appendix I are based on a reference sample of 386 individuals with ABI receiving outpatient,
community-based or residential rehabilitation. Demographic features of the sample are described in Table
2. Ratings for this sample were made by professional staff. All of these individuals have a history of ABI
which was moderate to severe in the vast majority of cases. Consequently T-score conversion does not
provide normative data in the classic sense of comparison to a “normal” (i.e., uninjured) reference group.
T-score conversion for the MPAI-4 does provide comparison to a group of people with moderate to
severe injury.

T-scores in Appendix II –IV are based on a reference sample of people seen only at Mayo-Rochester for
outpatient brain injury rehabilitation evaluations. Demographic features of this sample are described in
Table 3. Appendix II provides raw to T-score conversion data for ratings made by staff; Appendix III
provides for conversion of ratings made by people with ABI; and Appendix IV for conversion of ratings
made by SO.

T scores between 40 and 60 would be considered average or typical of people involved in outpatient,
community-based, or residential rehabilitation following brain injury. T-scores between 40 and 50 may
be considered in the mild to moderate range of overall severity compared to other people with ABI.; T-
scores between 50 and 60, in the moderate to severe range.

T-scores above 60 would suggest severe limitations even as compared to other people with ABI.

T-scores between 30 and 40 suggest mild limitations.

T-scores below 30 represent relatively good outcomes.

Table I-A: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Total Score (National sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -38 38 43 76 62
1 -16 39 44 77 63
2 -4 40 44 78 63
3 2 41 45 79 64
4 7 42 45 80 65
5 11 43 46 81 65
6 13 44 46 82 66
7 16 45 47 83 67
8 18 46 47 84 67
9 20 47 47 85 68
10 21 48 48 86 69
11 23 49 48 87 69
12 24 50 49 88 70
13 25 51 49 89 71
14 26 52 50 90 72
15 27 53 50 91 73
16 28 54 51 92 74
17 29 55 51 93 75
18 30 56 52 94 76
19 31 57 52 95 77
20 32 58 53 96 78
21 33 59 53 97 79
22 33 60 54 98 80
23 34 61 54 99 81
24 35 62 55 100 82
25 35 63 55 101 84
26 36 64 56 102 85
27 37 65 56 103 87
28 37 66 57 104 88
29 38 67 57 105 90
30 39 68 58 106 92
31 39 69 58 107 94
32 40 70 59 108 97
33 40 71 59 109 99
34 41 72 60 110 102
35 41 73 60 111 106
36 42 74 61
37 42 75 62


Table I-B: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Ability Subscale (National sample

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -4 17 48 34 66
1 12 18 49 35 68
2 21 19 50 36 69
3 25 20 51 37 71
4 29 21 52 38 73
5 31 22 53 39 74
6 34 23 54 40 77
7 35 24 55 41 79
8 37 25 56 42 81
9 39 26 57 43 84
10 40 27 58 44 88
11 41 28 59 45 92
12 42 29 60 46 99
13 44 30 61 47 109
14 45 31 62
15 46 32 63
16 47 33 65

Table I-C: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Adjustment Subscale (National sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -6 16 46 32 62
1 10 17 47 33 63
2 19 18 48 34 64
3 24 19 49 35 65
4 28 20 50 36 67
5 30 21 51 37 68
6 33 22 52 38 70
7 35 23 53 39 71
8 36 24 54 40 73
9 38 25 55 41 75
10 39 26 55 42 78
11 41 27 56 43 80
12 42 28 57 44 84
13 43 29 58 45 88
14 44 30 59 46 94
15 45 31 60


Table I-D: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Participation Subscale (National sample)

Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores

0 7 11 40 22 52
1 19 12 41 23 53
2 25 13 42 24 55
3 28 14 43 25 57
4 31 15 44 26 59
5 33 16 45 27 62
6 34 17 46 28 65
7 36 18 47 29 69
8 37 19 48 30 74
9 38 20 49
10 39 21 50

Table II-A: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Total Score (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -42 38 46 76 70
1 -19 39 46 77 71
2 -7 40 47 78 72
3 0 41 48 79 73
4 5 42 48 80 74
5 9 43 49 81 74
6 12 44 49 82 75
7 14 45 50 83 76
8 16 46 51 84 77
9 18 47 51 85 78
10 20 48 52 86 79
11 21 49 53 87 80
12 23 50 53 88 81
13 24 51 54 89 82
14 25 52 55 90 83
15 27 53 55 91 84
16 28 54 56 92 85
17 29 55 56 93 86
18 30 56 57 94 87
19 31 57 58 95 89
20 32 58 58 96 90
21 33 59 59 97 91
22 34 60 60 98 93
23 34 61 60 99 94
24 35 62 61 100 96
25 36 63 61 101 97
26 37 64 62 102 99
27 38 65 63 103 101
28 38 66 63 104 103
29 39 67 64 105 105
30 40 68 65 106 107
31 41 69 65 107 110
32 41 70 66 108 113
33 42 71 67 109 116
34 43 72 68 110 119
35 44 73 68 111 123
36 44 74 69
37 45 75 70


Table II-B: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Ability Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 1 17 52 34 75
1 15 18 54 35 77
2 22 19 55 36 79
3 27 20 56 37 80
4 30 21 57 38 81
5 33 22 58 39 85
6 35 23 60 40 87
7 37 24 61 41 90
8 39 25 62 42 93
9 41 26 63 43 96
10 42 27 65 44 100
11 44 28 66 45 105
12 46 29 67 46 111
13 47 30 69 47 121
14 48 31 70
15 50 32 72
16 51 33 73

Table II-C: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Adjustment Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -14 16 45 32 65
1 4 17 46 33 67
2 13 18 47 34 69
3 18 19 49 35 70
4 22 20 50 36 72
5 25 21 51 37 74
6 28 22 52 38 76
7 30 23 53 39 78
8 32 24 55 40 81
9 34 25 56 41 84
10 36 26 57 42 87
11 38 27 59 43 90
12 39 28 60 44 94
13 41 29 61 45 100
14 42 30 63 46 107
15 43 31 64


Table II-D: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Staff MPAI-4 Participation Subscale (Mayo Sample)

Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores

0 15 11 44 22 57
1 24 12 45 23 59
2 29 13 46 24 60
3 32 14 47 25 62
4 34 15 48 26 64
5 36 16 49 27 67
6 38 17 51 28 69
7 39 18 52 29 73
8 40 19 53 30 78
9 41 20 54
10 42 21 56

Table III-A: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Self MPAI-4 Total Score (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -4 38 51 76 63
1 10 39 51 77 63
2 18 40 51 78 63
3 23 41 52 79 64
4 26 42 52 80 64
5 28 43 52 81 65
6 30 44 53 82 65
7 32 45 53 83 65
8 33 46 53 84 66
9 35 47 53 85 66
10 36 48 54 86 67
11 37 49 54 87 67
12 38 50 54 88 68
13 39 51 55 89 68
14 39 52 55 90 69
15 40 53 55 91 69
16 41 54 56 92 70
17 41 55 56 93 70
18 42 56 56 94 71
19 43 57 57 95 71
20 43 58 57 96 72
21 44 59 57 97 72
22 44 60 57 98 73
23 45 61 58 99 74
24 45 62 58 100 75
25 46 63 58 101 75
26 46 64 59 102 76
27 46 65 59 103 77
28 47 66 59 104 78
29 47 67 60 105 79
30 48 68 60 106 80
31 48 69 60 107 81
32 48 70 61 108 81
33 49 71 61 109 84
34 49 72 61 110 86
35 50 73 62 111 88
36 50 74 62
37 50 75 62


Table III-B: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Self MPAI-4 Ability Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 7 17 51 34 65
1 20 18 52 35 66
2 27 19 53 36 67
3 32 20 53 37 68
4 35 21 54 38 69
5 37 22 55 39 70
6 39 23 56 40 72
7 41 24 56 41 74
8 42 25 57 42 75
9 43 26 58 43 78
10 45 27 59 44 80
11 46 28 59 45 83
12 47 29 60 46 88
13 48 30 61 47 96
14 49 31 62
15 49 32 63
16 50 33 64

Table III-C: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Self MPAI-4 Adjustment Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 12 16 49 32 61
1 23 17 50 33 62
2 29 18 51 34 63
3 33 19 52 35 64
4 35 20 53 36 65
5 37 21 53 37 66
6 39 22 54 38 67
7 41 23 55 39 68
8 42 24 55 40 69
9 43 25 56 41 70
10 44 26 57 42 72
11 45 27 58 43 73
12 46 28 58 44 75
13 47 29 59 45 78
14 48 30 60 46 81
15 49 31 60


Table III-D: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
Self MPAI-4 Participation Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores

0 4 11 49 22 66
1 20 12 51 23 68
2 28 13 52 24 70
3 33 14 54 25 72
4 36 15 55 26 74
5 39 16 56 27 77
6 41 17 58 28 81
7 43 18 59 29 85
8 45 19 61 30 91
9 46 20 62
10 48 21 64

Table I-A: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
SO MPAI-4 Total Score (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 -9 38 48 76 61
1 -5 39 49 77 61
2 14 40 49 78 62
3 19 41 49 79 62
4 22 42 50 80 63
5 25 43 50 81 63
6 27 44 50 82 63
7 29 45 51 83 64
8 30 46 51 84 64
9 32 47 51 85 65
10 33 48 52 86 65
11 34 49 52 87 66
12 35 50 52 88 66
13 36 51 53 89 67
14 37 52 53 90 67
15 37 53 53 91 68
16 38 54 54 92 68
17 39 55 54 93 69
18 39 56 54 94 69
19 40 57 55 95 70
20 41 58 55 96 71
21 41 59 55 97 71
22 42 60 56 98 72
23 42 61 56 99 73
24 43 62 56 100 74
25 43 63 57 101 74
26 44 64 57 102 75
27 44 65 57 103 76
28 45 66 58 104 77
29 45 67 58 105 78
30 45 68 58 106 80
31 46 69 59 107 81
32 46 70 59 108 83
33 47 71 59 109 84
34 47 72 60 110 86
35 47 73 60 111 89
36 48 74 60
37 48 75 61


Table IV-B: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
SO MPAI-4 Ability Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 4 17 50 34 65
1 18 18 51 35 66
2 25 19 52 36 67
3 30 20 53 37 68
4 33 21 54 38 70
5 36 22 54 39 71
6 38 23 55 40 73
7 39 24 56 41 74
8 41 25 57 42 76
9 42 26 57 43 79
10 43 27 58 44 82
11 45 28 59 45 85
12 46 29 60 46 90
13 47 30 61 47 98
14 48 31 62
15 49 32 63
16 49 33 64

Table IV-C: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
SO MPAI-4 Adjustment Subscale (Mayo sample)

Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score Raw Score T Score

0 6 16 47 32 59
1 18 17 48 33 60
2 26 18 49 34 61
3 30 19 50 35 62
4 32 20 50 36 63
5 35 21 51 37 64
6 37 22 52 38 65
7 38 23 53 39 66
8 40 24 53 40 68
9 41 25 54 41 69
10 42 26 55 42 71
11 43 27 55 43 73
12 44 28 56 44 76
13 45 29 57 45 79
14 46 30 58 46 83
15 47 31 59


Table IV-D: Conversion of raw scores to T scores (Mean = 50; SD = 10) for
MPAI-4 Participation Subscale.

Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores Raw Scores T Scores

0 10 11 46 22 58
1 22 12 47 23 60
2 29 13 48 24 61
3 34 14 49 25 63
4 35 15 50 26 65
5 38 16 51 27 67
6 39 17 52 28 69
7 41 18 53 29 73
8 42 19 54 30 77
9 43 20 56
10 44 21 57


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