Evaluation of Ocular Manifestations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of Ocular Manifestations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of Ocular Manifestations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Article history: Objective: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing globally and a range of ocular conditions with
Received 11-04-2020 sight threatening complications due to diabetes are known to occur. Aim of this study is to evaluate diabetes
Accepted 18-04-2020 related ocular changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital.
Available online 30-09-2020 Design: Observational study.
Materials and Methods: Study was conducted with a total number of 90 patients with Type 2 diabetes
mellitus in a tertiary care hospital. Patients aged 40 to 70 years with duration of diabetes mellitus of more
than 5 years were included. They underwent a detailed fundus examination and ocular evaluation which
Diabetes mellitus included refraction, Schirmer’s test, corneal sensitivity, Applanation tonometry, gonioscopy along with
Diabetic eye diseases systemic investigations and the observed findings were recorded.
Diabetic retinopathy
Results: It was noted that among the study population, majority of them (42.2%) were in the age
Ocular manifestation
group between 51-60 years and men (54.4%) were more in number than females (45.5%). Diabetic
retinopathy was the most common ocular manifestation (47.7%) followed by cataract (44.4%), cranial
nerve palsy(16.6%) and glaucoma (16.6%).
Conclusion: These ocular findings suggest that regular screening and eye examinations of diabetic patients
is mandatory to reduce the burden of visual impairment.
© 2020 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license
2395-1443/© 2020 Innovative Publication, All rights reserved. 338
Deepa R and Anuradha P / Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2020;6(3):338–342 339
history was obtained along with systemic examination Table 1: Distribution of study population based on BCVA
was done. All patients were subjected to routine systemic BCVA Number of patients (n=90)
investigations. Ocular examination and evaluation was done 6/6-6/18 20(22.2%)
which included best corrected visual acuity, Schirmer’s test, 6/18-6/60 26(28.8%)
corneal sensitivity, Applanation tonometry, gonioscopy and 6/60-3/60 28(31.1%)
fundus examination using IDO and the observed findings < 3/60 16(17.7%)
were recorded.
4. Discussion
Thus this study help us to know the different spectrum
of ocular manifestation of patients with Type 2 diabetes
mellitus In our study, majority of them were in the age
group 51-60 years (42.2%) as in accordance to many
studies. 7–9 and males were more in number than females
but a study reported that chronic subclinical inflammation
showed stronger association of Type 2 DM with women
than men. 10 According to our study, majority of the patients
(31.1%) with best corrected visual acuity was between 6/60-
3/60 and around 17.7% had visual acuity <3/60 which
Fig. 2: Sex distribution emphasizes that all diabetic patients must be aware of the
vision threatening complications of diabetes and hence the
Among the diabetic patients who presented with cranial need for regular eye examinations. 11,12 It was noted in our
nerve palsy (16.6%), the pattern of involvement of cranial study that most common acquired cranial nerve palsy due to
nerve palsy is as follows (n=15).(Figure 4) diabetes(16.6%) was abducens nerve followed sequentially
340 Deepa R and Anuradha P / Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2020;6(3):338–342
by oculomotor nerve, facial nerve and trochlear nerve. As patients detected with glaucoma(16.6%), the most common
reported, diabetes is the underlying cause in 25-30% of was primary open angle glaucoma followed by neovascular
the patients aged above 45 years who developed acute glaucoma. About 44.4% of the study group manifested
extraocular muscle palsy. 13 Corneal abnormalties were with cataract and numerous studies have documented an
noted in 14.4% of the patients while a study reported that association between diabetes and cataract. 19–22 Diabetic
corneal pathologies were detected upto 73.6% of patients retinopathy being the major cause of visual impairment in
with diabetes due to high accumulation of sorbitol. 14 patients with diabetes, 23–28 about 47.7% of patients have
Patients with diabetes are at a risk of developing two major been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy where majority
types of glaucoma which is primary open angle glaucoma of them had severe NPDR. Thus this study revealed a
and neovascular glaucoma 15–18 as in our study among the wide spectrum of ocular conditions that has been associated
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