Bromocresol Green
Aldehydes Fuchsin
Lipids Antimony trichloride; Bial's; Orcinol; Bromothymol blue; Cupric acetate; 2,7-
Dichlorofluorescein; Diphenylamine; Dragendorff's; Molybdenum blue; Ninhydrin;
Potassium- Dichromate/H2SO4; Rhodamine B; Phodamine 6G
Hydroxylamine / iron (III) chloride For detection of amides, lactones, carboxylic acid esters
and anhydrides
Solution I: Make up a solution of 7g hydroxylammonium chloride in 100ml methanol and a
solution of 7.2 g potassium hydroxide in 100ml methanol. Mix both solutions together and filter.
Solution II: Dissolve 2gm of iron (III) chloride and 1ml conc. HCl in 100ml water.
Dry plate in air
Spray with solution I, then with solution II
Rhodamine B
For detecting lipids, and
For detecting metals (Au, Bi, Cd, Fe, Hg, Mo, TI, V, and W.)
Dissolve 0.25gm of regent in 100 ml ethanol or acetone.
Placing the sprayed chromatograms into an ammonia atmosphere, increases sensitivity.
Rhodamine 6G
For detecting lipids.
Dissolve 0.01 gm Rhodamine 6G in 100 ml methylene chloride.
1. Rubeanic acid (sodium dithioxide)
For detection of cations gb111A and 111B
Dissolve 1gm reagent in 100 ml ethanol.
2. Rubeanic acid for detection of heavy metal ions
Spray with a solution of 0.5gm rubeanic acid in 100 ml ethanol
Dry briefly
Spray with 25% ammonia solution or place in a chamber with ammonia vapour
Ultraviolet Light - fluorescence Examine the dried chromatogram under both 254 and 360nm
UV light.
Ultraviolet Light - quenching For detection of various compounds which absorb 254nm UV
This wavelength light will appear as dark spots against a green or white fluorescence caused by
the UV activation of the fluorescent indicator in the plate.
Urea / hydrochloric acid For detection of sugars
Spray with a solution of 5g urea in 20ml 2M hydrochloric acid, with 100ml ethanol added and
heat to 100°C.
Ketoses and oligosaccharides containing ketoses turn blue.
Vanadium (V) / sulfuric acid For detection of carbohydrates, glycols, reducing carboxylic
acids, steroids, antioxidants, vitamins, phenols, aromatic amines, antihistamines
1. Spray with a solution of 1.2g ammonium monovanadate in 95ml water and 5ml conc. sulfuric
2. For beta blockers: spray with saturated solution of ammonium monovanadate in conc. sulfuric
Vanadium pentoxide / sulfuric acid Spray with a solution of 1.82g vanadium pentoxide in
30ml 1M sodium carbonate, sonicate to achieve complete dissolution, after cooling add 46ml
2.5M sulfuric acid and fill to 100ml with acetonitrile.
Vanillin / potassium hydroxide For detection of amines and amino acids
Spray with a solution of 1g vanillin in 50ml 2-propanol and dry 10min at 110°C
Then spray with a solution of 1ml 1M potassium hydroxide added to 100ml ethanol. Dry 10 min
at 110°C
View at 365nm UV
Vanillin / phosphoric acid Used as a charring reagent for polymer bound TLC plates.
Spray plate with a solution of 1g vanillin in a mixture of 50ml water and 50ml H3PO4
Heat 5-30min at 110°C.
View frequently for colored or fluorescent spots (at 254 and 360nm) to appear.
Charring can be continued until spots are brown, grey or black.
Vanillin / sulfuric acid For detection of steroids.
This charring visualization reagent can only be used with glass TLC plates in which a G
(gypsum) binder has been incorporated.
Dissolve igm of vanillin in 100ml conc. sulfuric acid and spray plates. Dry at 120°C until
maximum color development.
Another formulation of this reagent: 0.5g vanillin in 80ml sulfuric acid and 20ml ethanol.
None available
Study References:
1. Thin Layer Chromatography, 2nd edition, E. Stahl, ed, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1969
2. TLC Reagents & Detection Methods Physical & Chemical Detection Methods: Fundamentals,
Vol 1a, H. Jork, W. Funk, W. Fishcer, & H. Wimmer, Wiley, NY, 1990
3. Practice of Thin Layer Chromatography, 3rd edition, J.C. Touchstone, Wiley-Interscience,
NY, 1992
4. Vogel's Textbook of Qualitative Inorganic Analysis by Vogel, A.I., 3rd, Ed., Longman (1961).