2.head Sluice
2.head Sluice
2.head Sluice
It is proposed to have a WES peofile with 1H:3V slope on U/S side and downstream
slope of 0.7h:1V conforming to the equation
X 1.836 = 1.936 Hd 0.836 Y
as per Hydraulic design chart 111-7 Corps of Engineers.
D/S slope is 0.7 :1
dy/dx= 1/ 0.7
The equation to the WES profile
X 1.836 = 1.936 Hd 0.836 Y
differentiating w.r.t. X
1.836 X 0.836 = 1.936 Hd 0.836 dy/dx
1.836 X 0.836 = 1.936 0.75 0.836 1 by 0.7
X= 1.224339
Y= 0.952645
For y= 0.952645 x= 1.224339
1.F.R.L : 471.50
2.M.W.L : 472.25
3.T.B.L : 474.00
4.Head over crest : 0.75
5.Maximum discharge : 2650 cusecs
6.Ground level : 467.1
7.Down stream side slope of
spillway 0.7
8.Upstream side slope of
spillway 1 in 3
Page 1
Stability analysis at foundation level
The stbility of over flow section is checked for the following seven
conditions as per the IS-6512-1984
1 Reservoir empty -With out EQ-- Loading combination A
2 ReservoiratMWL,Fulluplift,Maximum tail water,WithoutEQ-Loadingcombination-F
3 Reservoir empty -With EQ-- Loading combination-D
4 Reservoir at FRL, Full uplift, No tail water, With EQ- Loading combination-G
471.500 0.17775
1 471.452 0.04815 1 467.950
3 0.904 3 2 4 0.953
5.1 470.547 0.301498 0.17775 1.22434 4.40
0 0.7 0.850
3.447 1 7 5 1
467.100 6 467.100
4.4 0 1.703587 2.413149 O
0.75 4.11674
0.850 0.850
Page 2
2.Reservoir at MWL, Fulluplift,with tailwater,without EQ-Loading combination- B
Coefficien length depth Unit wt. V H + -
Weight of masonry&Concrete
1 0.667 0.178 0.048 2.400 0.014 3.704 0.051
2 1.000 0.178 0.904 2.400 0.386 3.726 1.438
3 0.500 0.301 0.904 2.400 0.327 3.916 1.281
4 0.667 1.224 0.953 2.400 1.866 3.148 5.874
5 1.000 1.704 3.447 2.400 14.095 3.265 46.019
6 0.500 2.413 3.447 2.400 9.983 1.609 16.060
7 0.500 0.000 3.447 2.400 0.000 4.117 0.000
weight of water
1 0.333 0.178 0.048 1.000 0.003 3.771 0.011
2 0.500 0.301 0.904 1.000 0.136 4.016 0.548
3 1.000 0.301 0.048 1.000 0.015 3.966 0.058
4 0.500 0.000 3.447 1.000 0.000 4.117 0.000
5 1.000 0.000 0.953 1.000 0.000 4.117 0.000
6 1.000 0.479 0.750 1.000 0.359 3.877 1.394
Water Pressure
1 1.000 4.400 0.750 1.000 3.300 2.200 7.260
1 0.500 4.400 4.400 1.000 9.680 1.467 14.197
Up lift pressure
1 1.000 4.117 0.850 1.000 -3.499 2.058 -7.203
2 0.500 4.117 4.300 1.000 -8.851 2.744 -24.291
Seismic forces
As per the investigation the location of the dam site is contemplated in zone II
of map in IS 1893--1984.
Basic horizontal seismic coefficient= ao= 0.02
Design value of horizontal sesmic coefficient=
a coefficient depending upon the soil foundation system= 1 for dams on rocks.
a coefficient depending upon the importance
of the dam structures=(vide table 4 of IS1893/1984.) 3 for dams
h= 0.06
h at top of dam= 0.09
v at top of dam 0.045
Page 3
Horizontal& Vertical coefficient
0.09 471.500 0.045
Vertical coefficient for water
0.045 471.500
0.044852 1 471.4856
0.044754 3 471.4759
0.041424 2 471.1504
0.040129 5 471.0237
0.023505 4 469.3982
27.138 73.967
Page 4
Base width= 4.117
X= SM/ SV= 2.726
e=b/2-X 0.667
6e/b= 0.972
Maximum stress = Sv/b*(1+6e/b)
= 13.003 T/m2
Due to the horizontal acceleration of the foundation and dam, there is an instantaneous
hydrodynamic pressure(or suction) exerted against the dam in addition to hydrostatic
forces. The direction of hydrodynamic force is opposite to the direction of earth quake .
acceleration.Based on the assumption that water is incompressible, the hydrodynamic
pressure at depth'Y' below the reservoir shall be determined as follows.
P= Cs* h*w*h
where P=Hydrodynamic pressure in Kg/m^2 at depth ' Y'.
Cs=A coefficient which varies with shape and depth.
=Cm/2 {Y/h (2-Y/h)+ Y/h(2-Y/h)}
where Cm=maximum value of Cs obtained from fig. 10 of IS 1893/1984.
Y= depth below surface
h=depth of reservoir
h=design horizontal seismic coefficient.
w=unit weight of water in Kg/m^3.
h= depth of reservoir.
The upstream slope is 1H to 0V
therefore Q=tan~1 0= 00
for 0 degree the value of Cm as read from fig10 of IS1893/1984 works out to
Cm= 0.65
y= 4.40 h= 4.40
y/h= 1
Cs= 0.65
P= Cs *a(h)*w*h 0.2
P= 0.2574
Vh= 0.726*P*y
Vh= 0.822239 T 1.812121 m
Mh= 0.299*p*Y^2
Mh= 1.489996 T.Mt.
lever arm at foundation level
= 1.812121 m x
x= 0 1.81212 = 0
y= 0 h= 4.40 y/h= 0
P= 0 Cs= 0
Vh= 0
Mh= 0
L.A= 4.116736
Moment of vertical component of hydrodynamic force
= 0 t.m.
Page 5
4.Reservoir at FRL,Full uplift, Notail water,with EQ--- Loading combination-E
Sl no Des Description Forces LA Moments
Coeff length depth unit Wt eq.co V H + -
Wt. of Masonry&Concrete(vertical acceleration)
1 0.667 0.178 0.048 2.400 0.955 0.013 3.704 0.048
2 1.000 0.178 0.904 2.400 0.960 0.370 3.726 1.381
3 0.500 0.301 0.904 2.400 0.962 0.315 3.916 1.232
4 0.667 1.224 0.953 2.400 0.961 1.793 3.148 5.644
5 1.000 1.704 3.447 2.400 0.982 13.846 3.265 45.208
6 0.500 2.413 3.447 2.400 0.988 9.865 1.609 15.871
7 0.500 0.000 3.447 2.400 0.988 0.000 4.117 0.000
Wt. of Masonry&Concrete(horizontal acceleration)
1 0.667 0.178 0.048 2.400 0.089 0.001 4.371 0.005
2 1.000 0.178 0.904 2.400 0.080 0.031 3.900 0.120
3 0.500 0.301 0.904 2.400 0.077 0.025 3.749 0.094
4 0.667 1.224 0.953 2.400 0.078 0.146 3.828 0.559
5 1.000 1.704 3.447 2.400 0.035 0.497 1.724 0.857
6 0.500 2.413 3.447 2.400 0.024 0.235 1.149 0.270
7 0.500 0.000 3.447 2.400 0.024 0.000 1.149 0.000
Page 6
AT LEVEL +467.1m
1 Reservoir empty with
out EQ. 12.081 0.876
2 Reservoir at MWL,
Full uplift,Max. tail
water,with out EQ. 7.41 -0.203
3 Reservoir empty with
EQ. 13.003 0.182
4 Reservoir at FRL,
Full uplift,No tail
water,with EQ. 6.994 1.472
Page 7
Irrigation Design Handbook
Cd - Coefficient of discharge= 0.62
Driving head h= 0.3 m
No. of vents = 2
Size of vents = 1.75 X 1.5 m
Q= 7.8969815
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
12 Length of concrete floor required beyond the jump =5X(D 2-D1) 7.17
13 Frounde No. F = q / ÖgD 1
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
0.3314758 < 1
Discharge per metre width q = 2.2571 cumecs
Adopting Lacey's silt factor= 1.25
Hence , Scour depth = 1.35(q 2/ f )1/3 = 2.156435 m
Scour depth= 2.200 m
Design scour depth at U/S side= 1.25xD = 2.750 m
Design scour depth at D/S side= 1.5xD = 3.300 m
U/S scour level= 469.500 m
D/S scour level= 468.200 m
Crest level= 470 m
Ge = H 1
d PÖl
l = 3.2058656
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
a = Ö (2 l-1)2 -1 5.318537
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
Ci = 0
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
Ci = 0.398472
corrected f E2 = 24.65153 %
s.no. f pile1 pile2
1 fE 100 24.65
2 fD 81.5 22.3
3 fC 76.67 0.00
Elevation of HGL
U/S WL D/S WL Head U/S Pile D/S Pile
fE1 fD1 fC1 fE2 fD2 fC2
100 81.5 76.67 24.65 22.30 0.00
Static head for u/s pile
472.25 467.1 5.15 5.15 4.19725 3.948505
472.25 471.29725 471.0485
static head for d/s pile
472.25 469.5 2.75 0.67792 0.61325 0
470.178 470.11325 469.5
Dynamic head for u/s pile
472.25 471.5 0.75 0.75 0.61125 0.575025 0.18489 0.16725 0
472.25 472.11125 472.075 471.685 471.66725 471.5
472.075 472.25
Dynamic HGL
471.0485 471.900
470.600 471.685
Static HGL 471.5
470 1.70
467.1 1.10
465.6 469.86 469.5
1.53 2.9 1.5 7.47
15.4 468.00
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
Provide a thickness
Provided thickness 0.8 m
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures- 6.Anicut( Head sluice-Design) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
Calculation of D1
Ef1= 2.392
q = 2.26
2 0.3
2.5 0.38
D1 = 0.341142857
say 0.341
Calculation of D2
Ef2= 1.642
q = 2.26
2 1.8
2.5 1.75
D2 = 1.77
say 1.774
(III) Typical Design of Various Irrigation Structures - 6.Anicut (Head Sluice-cal.sheet) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
1/a fD fE
0.02 8.9 12.7
0.04 12.6 17.9
0.06 15.3 21.8
0.08 17.6 25.1 1/a fD fE
0.1 19.4 28 0.08 17.6 25.1
0.12 21.2 30.6 0.1 19.4 28
0.14 22.7 32.9 0.09 18.5 26.55
0.16 24.1 35 1/a fD fE
0.18 25.3 37 0.12 21.2 30.6
0.2 26.6 38.8 0.14 22.7 32.9
0.22 27.6 40.6 0.13 21.95 31.75
0.24 28.7 42.2 1/a fD fE
0.28 30.5 45.2 0.12 21.2 30.6
0.32 32.1 47.9 0.14 22.7 32.9
0.36 33.6 50.4 0.13 21.95 31.75
0.4 34.8 52.7 1/a fD fE
0.44 36 54.7 0.08 17.6 25.1
0.48 37.1 56.7 0.1 19.4 28
0.52 37.9 58.5 0.09 18.5 26.55
0.56 38.8 60.1 0.1 19.4 28
0.6 39.6 61.7 0.12 21.2 30.6
0.64 40.3 63.2 0.11 20.3 29.3
0.68 40.9 64.5
0.72 41.6 65.8
0.76 42.1 66.9
0.8 42.6 68.1
0.9 43.7 70.7
1 44.6 72.8
1.1 45.2 74.7
1.2 45.8 76.4
1.3 46.3 77.9
1.4 46.7 79.3
1.5 47.1 80.4
1.6 47.3 81.4
1.7 47.7 82.5
1.8 47.9 83.3
1.9 481 84.1
2 48.2 84.9
For 1/a fD fE
(III) Typical Design of Variouis Irrigation Structures -6.Anicut (Head Sluice -Cal.sheet) Page No.
Irrigation Design Handbook
u/s pile
For 1/a fD fE
8 Err:504 Err:504 Err:504
9 0.18 25.3 37
For 1/a fD fE
0.16 Err:504 Err:504
(III) Typical Design of Variouis Irrigation Structures -6.Anicut (Head Sluice -Cal.sheet) Page No.