A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: Prepared By: Victorio T. Nacman, JR
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: Prepared By: Victorio T. Nacman, JR
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10: Prepared By: Victorio T. Nacman, JR
Prepared By:
Victorio T. Nacman, Jr.
Prepared to:
Mrs. Rowena Pasigay
Coordinating Teacher
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of one hour discussion, 75% of grade 10 students will be able to:
A. Review
Good morning class.
Good morning Sir!
How’s your day?
Fine Sir!
Good. So, last meeting we are done with our discussion in
Deciles for Ungrouped data right? Yes Sir!.
Okay. As a recall, who can state what Deciles are? The deciles are the nine score points which divide the
distribution into ten equal parts.
Good. Now let us consider this example. Everybody please read. Find the 4th decile or D4 of the following test scores of a
random sample of ten students:
30, 41, 39, 28, 17, 24, 35, 21, 19, and 16.
I bet you are very much ready for our next topic.
B. Motivation
Okay. Very good grade ten. Now what word did we find?
Percentiles Sir!
Good. So, do you now have any idea about our topic this
morning? Yes Sir!
C. Presentation
Our lesson for today is about Percentiles of Ungrouped Data.
But before we proceed. Please read our lesson objective, At the end of one hour discussion, 75% of grade 10
altogether. Go. students will be able to: Illustrate, Calculate, and Interpret
the percentile for ungrouped data
Thank you. So, do you have any idea about what percentiles None Sir!
Okay, going back to our previous lessons, the quartile and the Quartiles are the score points that divide the distribution
deciles, again, what are the definitions of quartile and decile? into four equal parts. And the deciles are the nine core
points that divide the distribution into ten equal parts.
Q1 Q2 Q3
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9
Very good. So, notice that in the illustrations for quartiles and 3 points for quartile and 9 points for decile ma’am
deciles, how many points are there?
Divide the distribution into four equal parts and ten equal
And what do these points do? parts ma’am.
Very good. And again, what are the formulas in finding the nth
quartile and nth decile of the data set? Who can write it on the 𝑘
board? 𝑄𝑘 = (𝑛 + 1)
𝑘(𝑛 + 1)
𝐷𝑘 =
Very good.
So, what if we are going to divide the distribution into a
hundred equal parts?
How many points do you think are there that divides the 99 Sir!
distribution into a hundred equal parts?
Since in quartile, there are 3 points that divide the
Why? distribution into 4 and in deciles, there are 9 points that
divide the distribution into 10. So, if we divide the
distribution into one hundred equal parts, there will be 99
Thank you. Points are symbolized by P1, P2, P3, …P99 that divide
the distribution into 100 equal parts. And illustrated as,
P1 P2 P98 P99
Data data
Value value
Again, what do we call to this points (P1, P2, …. P99)? These are
score points that divides what? Score points that divide the distribution into hundred equal
parts Sir!
Very good. So that each part here represents the data set. Each
part is 1%.
Now what do you think will be the formula in finding the nth
percentile of the elements?
Let’s go back to the formulas that are being written on the
board, what have you observed in the formula for quartile? What
about in deciles? Why do you think is it divided into four and Because quartiles divides the data into 4 equal parts and
ten? decile into ten equal parts Sir!
Thank you. What is our n here in our example? 30th percentile Sir!
And what is our k? What is asked? What shall we find here? Arrange the data into ascending order Sir!
Good. But before we solve for the 30th percentile, what shall we
do first? What shall we do to our data or distribution? 15, 18, 20, 23, 28, 28, 33, 35, 40, 42
Good. After arranging the data into ascending order, what shall Yes Sir!
we do next? Can we now proceed on finding the data value on
30th percentile? 30(10 + 1)
𝑃30 = = 3.33 ≈ 3
Who can solve it on the board?
Yes Sir!
Good. And 3 is our what? Is this our final answer? P30 is the 3rd element Sir!
Very good.
1. Activity
Now in order for you to learn more about this topic, let us have
an activity. We will divide the class into 6 groups by counting
And please proceed to your groupmates positions.
I have here an envelope and inside it were the materials and the
instructions of what you are going to do. You are given only 3
mins to finish it. So, all you have to do is to cooperate with your
groupmates for you to finish this within 3 mins. Afterwards,
please post your works on the board. And have your presenters Yes Sir!
to present your works. Is that understood? Am I making myself
Good. You may start. 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 28, 33, 35, 39, 42
𝑃45 = 100 = 7.2 ≈ 7
Group 1
𝑃45 is the 7th element and is 23.
Find the 45th and 60th percentile of the following test scores of a
60(15 + 1)
random sample of 15 students: 𝑃60 = = 9.6 ≈ 10
19, 35, 42, 28, 27, 15, 23, 16, 24, 33, 20, 21, 18, 39, 28. 100
𝑃60 is the 10 element and is 28.
2. Analysis
(presents their works)
Okay let us now proceed to the presentations of each group.
Presentors of group 1.
Yes Sir!
Okay thank you group 1. Class, are the answers of group 1 (presents their works)
Thank you group 3. Class, do you agree with the answers of Yes Sir!
group 3? Is it correct? (clap5x)
Good. So, after arranging the data into ascending order, what did
you do next? From the group 3?
Good. and afterwards, from the group 4, why 9000 and 1600 The percentiles are the ninety-nine score points which
here are your final answers? divide a distribution into one hundred equal parts so that
each part represents the data set.
Very good.
3. Abstraction 𝑘(𝑛 + 1)
So again, who can define what percentiles are? 𝐷𝑘 =
What are percentiles? nth percentile and The total number of distribution.
Very good. And what is our formula in finding the nth percentile
of the elements?
4. Application
And what is our p? In what pth percentile does data value x lies?
Good. Now, who can explain or interpret this illustration? Using (possible answers)
the statement given earlier.
(follow up questions)
Again, where does our data value x lies? In what position?
Good. And using the statement we have just read a while ago, p-
percent of the values are less than or equal to the value N(p), who Sam is the supervisor in one big company in Cadiz city.
can interpret re-state this illustration? His salary is in the 70th percentile. Should Sam be glad
about his salary or not? Why?
75% of all the values in the data set are less than or equal to x
and that 25% of the data values are greater than x.
Sam’s salary
Is that understood?
Okay thank you. Now who can do the illustration on the board
showing the salary of Sam in 70th percentile?
Yes Sir!
Is this understood?
IV. Evaluation
(a) Determine the 71st and 35th percentile of the above datas and interpret you answers.
15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 28, 33, 35, 39, 42
71(15 + 1)
𝑃71 =
𝑃71 =
𝑃71 = 11.36 ≈ 11
𝑃71 = 28
71% of the students got the scores 28 and below. And 29% of them got the scores above 28.
35(15 + 1)
𝑃35 =
𝑃35 =
𝑃35 = 5.6 ≈ 6
𝑃35 = 21
35% of the students got the scores 21 and below. And 75%of them got the scores above 21.
V. Assignment
Given a test in Calculus, the 70th percentile is 15. What does it mean? What is its measure of position in
relation to other data? Interpret the result and justify.