PP 3

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2016 - Professional Practice 3


This unit is part of the Professional Practice component of the Master of Teaching (Secondary) at
Western Sydney University. Professional Practice 3 is a 60 hour professional experience undertaken
in a variety of educational settings. The purpose of this professional experience is to provide Pre-
service Teachers with a different perspective on teaching, learning and learners. It is based on a
‘community engagement’ ethic with reciprocal benefits for the community (ie. learner, educational
site) and for the pre service teacher. It should meet an identified need in that site or for that learner
or group of learners. If you wish to develop your own PP3 placement you will need to articulate
these aspects of your proposal.

Title of your proposal: Choir Coordinator Intended dates: 28 November 2016 – Feb 2017

Student name: Student Number:

Aniva faustina Tuiletufuga-Nickel 17876490

Supervisor Name: Has the supervisor been contacted?

Fr Thu Nguyen (SFX Parish Priest) YES
Mrs Mary-Ann Laoulach (Office Manager) NO
Phone: Does this placement meet the requirements of
(02) 9607 8760 number of hours (60).
 NO
How does this placement meet the unit requirements and philosophy?

St Francis Xavier (SFX) Parish consists of a diverse cultural, ethnic and age groups. Within this
diversity, there is a significant number of young people (youth) ages between 12 to 18 years old.
SFX is situated in the Western Sydney region – an area considered to be a low socio-economic and
mostly disadvantaged area. SFX parishioners are from Lurnea, Casula, Liverpool, Prestons,
Horningsea Park, Hoxton Park, just to name a few.

St Francis Xavier Parish has a Choir that sings at the Sunday, 9:30am Mass. The choir was formed
in 2008 aiming at utilising the musical talents of the youth, leading up to forming the parish Youth
Group. More specifically, the initiative was instigated because it was identified that many of the
young people did not feel a sense of belonging in the parish leading to most questioning their
Christian/Catholic faith. Many of the young people were of Pacific Island background who felt
that they were disadvantaged in many ways because of their race and colour.

Hence, the Youth Choir was established with 15 young people aged between 10 years old to 25
years old. The influence of the young people has attracted their parents and guardians to join the
choir. Today it is called the Parish Choir (Sunday 9:30am Mass) although 99% of its members
mainly consist of young people.

As aforementioned, the influence of the youth in their singing and choir activities have many-a-
times mended family and cultural relationships and situations which have contributed to the
problems many of the youth were encountering. The most salient problem was, and still is, the
effect on the youth’s education.
But parents and guardians have seen and accepted their children’s inherent talents. Many
parishioners are acknowledging and appreciating the talents of the young members of the choir
which have opened up a dialogue between the latter and the former.

This unit will help me expand my views and understanding of the importance of service-learning.
By continuing to work with the disadvantaged young people of St Francis Xavier choir and their
parents/guardians, we can learn from, and support each other. I will offer my musical and
administrative talents and expertise. We can discuss and learn age and ethnic cultural differences,
at the same time, draw on our Catholic/Christian faith to understand our individuality and our
places in the many communities in which we belong. My ultimate goal is to promote education –
good education – in the youth of St Francis Xavier parish, as well as to assist the parents and
guardians to support their children with their education, and life goals.

Thus, this will hopefully give each of us a great sense of belonging, and to be effective members in
the bigger Australian society.

Outline your Role and duties: (Be precise: Supporting..., helping , providing...., designing......, etc):
Liaise with Fr Thu/Mrs Mary-Ann Laoulach re any changes of Christmas Carols
Select carols for SFX Christmas Carols (9 December, 2016)
Select music/hymns for Sunday 9:30am Mass
Attend Parish Liturgy Committee meeting
Select and work with soloists/cantors
Conduct choir
Coordinate choir workshops and practices
Liaise and work with choir members, pianists and guitarists
Coordinate with parents
Print and distribute music accompaniment sheets
Work with youth members who prepare the powerpoints; check, provide feedback,
ensure powerpoints are properly prepared
Allocate duties to choir members eg: turn on screens and monitors, check microphones,
check seating,
Briefing prior and after mass if, and when necessary
Organise lunch/snacks for choir during workshops and practices

NB: When this form is approved you are also to complete a RATIONALE and submit as required.
 This form is to be lodged ONLINE via InPlace.
 You will need to save a copy of this document for your records.
 All InPlace or emailed submissions need to be labelled the following way in order to identify
assignment components clearly.
(Student number)(surname) (course short name/DYO). doc eg 8403695JONES DYO.doc

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