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DOI: 10.15625/2525-2321.2017-00542
Three simple, rapid, sensitive and accurate extractive-spectrophotometric method for the determination of
ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical preparation has been developed. These methods are based on the formation of yellow
ion-pair complexes between the examined drug and three sulfonephthalein acid dyes, namely; bromophenol blue
(BPB), bromocresol green (BCG), and bromothymol blue (BTB) in acidic medium. The formed complexes were
extracted with chloroform and measured at 420, the colored chromogen was stable for twenty four hours. The effect of
optimum conditions via pH, dye concentration, time and solvent are studied. Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration
ranges 0.50-25.0 μg/mL with molar absorptivity of 1.46 104, 1.83 104 and 2.07 104 L. mol-1. cm-1 and limit of
detection (LOD) of 0.105, 0.101, 0.084 for BPB, BCG and BTB methods, respectively. No interference was observed
from common excipients present in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed method has been applied successfully to
determine ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical preparation (tablets, infusion and eye drops).
Keywords. Ciprofloxacin, extraction-spectrophotometry, ion pair complex; sulfonephthalein dyes.
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Nguyen Trung Dung et al.
In this paper we report three simple, rapid and 2.2. Standard solutions
sensitive extractive spectrophotometric methods for
the determination of ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical A stock solution of ciprofloxacin (1mg/mL) in
formulations. The methods are based on ion-pair double distilled water. The working standard
complexation between ciprofloxacin with anionic solution of ciprofloxacin containing 100 µg/mL was
dye namely bromophenol blue (BPB), bromocresol prepared by dilution.
green (BCG) and bromothymol blue (BTB) The dyestuffs were used as 0.025 % solutions in
subsequent extraction into chloroform and measure doubly distilled water.
the absorbance of color complex. The proposed
methods were applied to the determination of 2.3. Pharmaceutical preparations of ciprofloxacin
ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical preparation.
. Tablets: Weigh and mix the contents of twenty
O O tablets (each one contains 500 mg ciprofloxacin), an
F accurately weighed amount of powder equivalent to
0.1g of CPF transferred in to a 100 mL beaker.
N N Using a magnetic stirrer, the powder was completely
HN disintegrated in doubly distilled water, filtered
through a Whatman filter paper No 40 and diluted
up to 100 mL with doubly distilled water in a
. volumetric flask. The working solution of the drug
Figure 1: Chemical structure of ciprofloxacin containing 100 µg/mL was prepared by dilution and
the below procedure was followed.
2. EXPERIMENTAL Infusion solution (2 mg/mL) and eye drops (30
mg, 10 mL each ): a suitable volume was diluted to
2.1. Chemicals and equipment 100 µg/mL with double distilled water and the
below procedure was followed.
All chemicals used were of analytical grade and
double distilled water was used for dilution of 2.4. Procedure and calibration graph
reagents and samples. Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
(Sigma-Aldrich, Germany, certified to be 99.0%), Into a series of 125 mL separating funnel, volumes
bromophenol blue (BPB), bromocresol green (BCG) of CPF working standard solution equivalent to 0.5-
and bromothymol blue (BTB) (Maya - R, China, 25 μg/mL were transferred. To each funnel, add 4.0
certified to be 99%) were used. The most common mL of 0.025% BPB, BCG, BTB, respectively and
solvents are chloroform, dichloromethane, carbon mixed well. Then 10 mL of chloroform was added to
tetrachloride, dichloroethane, benzene, toluene, n- each of the separating funnel. The contents were
hexane and other chemicals used were of analytical shaken for 2 min and allowed to separate the two
reagent grade. layers. The absorbance of the organic phase at 420
The following dosage forms containing nm was measured in each case against a reagent
ciprofloxacin were purchased from local pharmacy blank similarly prepared and and a calibration graph
market and employed in the study: 1 – Hasancip was constructed. The colored chromogen was stable
and Kacipro tablets equivalent to 500 mg for twenty four hours.
ciprofloxacin (Hasan-Dermapharm and Dong Nam
manufacturing – Trading pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, 2.5. Statistical analysis
Viet Nam), 2 – Ciprofloxacin infusion equivalent to
200 mg ciprofloxacin /100 mL solution for infusion Method was validated according to ICH
(Hebei Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Guidelines[14], in terms of linearity and range,
Shandong Hualu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, China) accuracy and precision, limit of detection (LOD),
and 3 – Ciprofloxacin 0,3% eye drops equivalent to limit of quantitation (LOQ).
30 mg ciprofloxacin/10 mL solution (Thanh Hoa Calculation and processing of data were done
pharmaceutical and mediacal supplies joint stock using the programs Origin Pro 8.0 (USA).
company, Viet Nam).
A Biochrom Model SP-60 double beam, UV- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
VIS spectrophotometer (Biochrom Ltd., UK) with
1.0 cm matched quartz cells was used for absorbance 3.1. Principles of the method
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Extractive spectrophotometric methods for…
Ciprofloxacin contains a secondary amino two tautomers are present in equilibrium but due to
group, which is protonated in acid medium, while strong acidic nature of the sulphonic acid group, the
sulphonic acid group is present in BPB, BCG and quinoid body must predominate. Finally, the
BTB that is the only group undergoing dissociation protonated ciprofloxacin forms ion-pairs with
in the pH range 1-5. The colour of such dyes is due anionic dyes, which are quantitatively extracted into
to the opening of lactoid ring and subsequent chloroform. The possible reaction mechanisms are
formation of quinoid group. It is supposed that the proposed and given in figure 2.
Figure 2: The possible reaction mechanism for the reaction between ciprofloxacin and bromocresol green,
bromothymol blue
3.2. Optimum reaction conditions for complex pH and effect of shaking time.
3.1.2. Effect of pH
The optimization of the methods was carefully
studied to achieve complete reaction formation, The influence of pH on the ion-pair formations of
highest sensitivity and maximum absorbance. The ciprofloxacin with various dyes has been studied
following parameters were optimized such as dye using HCl 1 M and NaOH 1 M. It was noticed that
concentration, type of extracting solvent, effect of the highest absorbance value were observed at pH
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Nguyen Trung Dung et al.
3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 for BPB, BTB and BCG method, and stability of color of the formed ion-associates
respectively (Fig. 3). Thus, all the absorbance was chloroform for BCG, BPB and BTB (table 1).
measurements were made at pH 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 with
BPB, BTB and BCG, respectively. Table 1: The effect solvent that required for ion-pair
complex formation ( max = 420 nm)
Absorbance (10 µg/mL of
0.8 CPF- BTB Organic solvent CPF)
0.6 Chloroform 0.452 0.565 0.695
Dichloromethane 0.436 0.553 0.663
Dichloroethane 0.182 0.325 0.140
0.2 Carbon
0.033 0.046 0.047
0.0 Benzene 0.028 0.044 0.175
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Toluene 0.133 0.008 0.074
Figure 3: Effect of pH on the absorbance of 10 3.2.4. Effect of shaking time
g.mL-1 CPF acid-dye
The effect of shaking time on the formation and
3.2.2. Effect of dyestuff concentration stability of the ion-pair complex was studied by
measuring the absorbance of the extracted ion-
The effect of dyestuff concentrations was also associates at increasing time intervals (0-4.0 min), the
studied by adding different volumes of 0.025 % results showed that the ion-pair complex were
dyestuff (0.5-7.0 mL) to a constant amount of formed almost instantaneously in all cases at room
CPF(10 μg.mL-1). The results showed that the temperature with 2.0 min shaking time (Fig. 5). The
maximum color intensity of the complex was absorbances of the complexes were found to be
achieved with 4.0 mL of 0.025 % of each dye. Thus, stable for more than 24 h.
4 mL of each dyestuff was used for ion-pair
formation throughout the experiment (Fig. 4). 1.0
0 1 2 3 4
Shaking time (min)
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Extractive spectrophotometric methods for…
continuous variations (Job’s method) (Fig. 6).The Harmonization (ICH) guidelines [14]. The limit of
results indicate that 1:1 (drug:dye) ion-pairs are detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the
formed through the electrostatic attraction between method are given by and respectively,
positive protonated CPF+ and negative BPB-, BCG-
relative standard deviation (RSD(%)= ;
and BTB-. The extraction equilibrium can be
represented as follows: where SD is the standard deviation of blank
CPF+(aq) + D-(aq) CPF+ D-(aq) CPF+ D-(org) absorbance values, b is the slope of the calibration
where CPF+ and D− represent the protonated curve equation, " is the average value of the
ciprofloxacin and the anion of the dye, respectively, measurement. Blank samples were prepared as
and the subcript (aq) and (org) refer to the aqueous described in section 2.4 but without CPF.
and organic phases, respectively. Under the described experimental conditions,
calibration curves for proposed methods were
constructed (Fig. 8). The linear regression equations,
CPF-BCG standard deviation, slopes and intercepts, correlation
coefficients, relative standard deviation of response
factors, and linearity ranges were given in (table 2)
for each proposed spectrophotometric method. The
0.4 molar absorptivities, Sandell’s sensitivity of each
methods was calculated and these values showed
that the molar absorptivity of BTB > BCG > BPB
ion-pair complexes.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Figure 8: Standard curves of CPF ion pairs with
CPF-BTB BTB, BCG and BPB at max 420 nm
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Nguyen Trung Dung et al.
The extent of interference by various excipients Table 4: Effect of foreign species on the
(magnesium stearate, glucose, lactose, starch and determination of 10 µg.mL-1 ciprofloxacin
sodium chloride) which often accompany the
Tolerance limit
pharmaceutical preparations was studied in a total Excipients
(μg. mL-1)
volume of 10 mL chloroform. The interference was
Magnesium stearate 500
determined by measuring the absorbance of a
solution containing 10 µg/mL of ciprofloxacin. This Glucose 250
study was carried out by following the proposed Lactose 500
procedures for a 10 mL sample system, by adding a Sodium chloride 500
known amount of foreign species to a ciprofloxacin Starch 250
solution of 10 µg/mL. The tolerance limits of
interfering species were established at those 3.5. Comparison with other spectrophotometric
concentrations that do not cause more than ±2.0% methods
error. The tolerance limits of excipients are listed in
table 4. The results indicated that there is no The proposed method compares favorably with other
interference from the degradation, indicating a high reported methods. As shown in table 5 the proposed
selectivity for determining the studied ciprofloxacin method is more high sensitivity than other methods,
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Extractive spectrophotometric methods for…
3.6. Application of the proposed methods formulations. The relative standard deviation values
are below 2 % indicating the precision of the
The proposed method was successfully applied to method. The validations of the proposed methods
determine ciprofloxacin in different pharmaceutical were further confirmed by recovery studies. The %
preparations (tablets, capsules and eye drops). The recovery vary from 97.41 to 101.20 indicating high
results given in table 6 of the analysis showed that accuracy of methods.
the data are consistent with the label claim of the
VJC, 55(6), 2017 Nguyen Trung Dung et al.