B Cvetkova-Ketoprofen PDF
B Cvetkova-Ketoprofen PDF
B Cvetkova-Ketoprofen PDF
Original Contribution
B. Tsvetkova*, L. Peikova
Dept. of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria
PURPOSE: A simple, specific, precise and accurate reversed phase liquid chromatographic (RP-LC) method
has been developed for the determination of ketoprofen in tablet dosage form.
METHODS: The chromatographic separation was achieved on a LiChrosorb C18, 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm
column at a detector wavelength of 230 nm and a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The mobile phase was composed
of methanol, 0.1M ammonium acetate buffer pH 6.9, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran (73:20:5:2 v/v/v/v). The
retention time of ketoprofen was 3.49 min. The method was validated for the parameters like specificity,
linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of quantitation and limit of detection.
RESULTS: The method was found to be specific as no other peaks of impurities and excipients were
observed. The square of correlation coefficient (R2) was 0.9999 while relative standard deviations were found
to be <2.0%.
CONCLUSIONS: The proposed RP-LC method can be applied for the routine analysis of commercially
available formulations of ketoprofen.
Detector A:230nm
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 min
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 11, № 1, 2013
TSVETKOVA B., et al.
System suitability parameters for this method were reported in Table 1.
To determine the accuracy of the method, the The newly developed LC method is specific,
recovery was checked at three different precise, accurate and rapid. The analytical
concentration levels – 50, 100 and 150 %. procedure is suitable for quality control of
Values of analytical recovery experiments were pharmaceutical preparation containing
listed in Table 3. ketoprofen.
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 11, № 1, 2013
TSVETKOVA B., et al.
Table 3. Results from study of accuracy
Theoretical Observed Mean
Drug Level (%) concentration concentration recovery (%) RSD (%)
(μg/ml) (μg/ml) ± SD
50 24.90 24.43 99.11±1.31 1.32
Ketoprofen 100 49.25 49.10 99.81±0.642 0.64
150 74.72 74.85 99.63±0.620 0.62
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 11, № 1, 2013
TSVETKOVA B., et al.
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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 11, № 1, 2013