Jurnal Volvulus 2
Jurnal Volvulus 2
Jurnal Volvulus 2
HE first description of megacoIon is It was noted that stimuIation of the
usuaIIy ascribed to Hirschsprung in Iumbar sympathetic gangIia caused an
1866 and sometimes bears his name. inhibition of peristalsis with a diIatation of
However, it has been shown that this con- the coIon. Prior to this period the Iesion
dition had previousIy been recognized by was thought to be due to inflammation of
Mya and others. Finney,’ in 1908, reviewed the coIon, enIargement of the coIon, actual
the condition and described the pathoIogica1 mechanica obstructions, and congenita1
aspects but did not contribute an etioIogy apIasia of the muscuIar tissue.
of the disease. The neurogenic theory is based on definite
An agreement is now heId as to the gen- physioIogica1 reasoning. It is assumed that
era1 aspects. There is usuaIIy a uniformIy there is a reflex spasm of the internal
enIarged, diIated coIon. However, in some sphincter in the absence of a gross obstruc-
onIy segments of the coIon are involved. It tive Iesion. There is a reIaxation of the
is within and associated with the segmenta interna sphincter and a paraIysis of the
form that mechanica obstruction such as bowe1. This is tenabIe with the knowIedge
voIvuIus may occur. The diIatation is that stimuIation of the sympathetics causes
thought to be a progressive one in which a contraction of the bIadder and rectum
there eventually deveIops a Ioss of motor and a diIatation of the waIIs of these
activity of the intestine. The muscuIature viscera. It is assumed that in norma
and the remainder of the intestina1 waI1 health these structures are functioning
deveIop hypertrophic changes which occur harmoniousIy in aIIowing the fiIIing and
in spite of continued diIatation. There is emptying of the viscera. Depression of the
not infrequentIy found an associated ob- parasympathetic or a stimuIation of the
structive Iesion within the waIL of the gut sympathetic systems wouId produce a
which accounts for the acquired forms. megacoIon.
These obstructions may either be due to an Wade and RoyIe,4 in 1925, performed a
inff ammatory stricture or a long-standing Iumbar sympathectomy for megacoIon
annuIar maIignancy of the Iower Iarge which was soon foIIowed by others.5 Adson
intestine. and Bergen6 made a distinction between
Fenwick, 2 in I 900, proposed the deveIop- the types of the disease and were particu-
menta1 theory with associated diIatation IarIy interested in the contro1 of constipa-
and hypertrophy of the coIon. FoIIowing tion in the atonic forms. A biIaterai
this there were many proponents of the resection of the fn-st and second Iumbar
mechanica idea that the condition was ganglia and the spIanchnic nerves was done.
associated with atresias, vaIves in the A resection of the superior and inferior
rectum and anus, which produced spasms mesenteric gangIia and presacra1 nerves
and were foIIowed by diIatation of the were denervated onIy in the dista1 haIf of
coIon and eIongation of the mesentery. coIon. The cephaIad portion is controIIed
In 1895, LangIey and Anderson3 proposed by the postgangIionic fibers from the celiac
the first possibIe etioIogica1 factors reIative pIexus and mesenteric gangIia. It is, there-
to the present knowIedge of the disease. fore, necessary in order to remove the
* From the Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine.
NEW SERIES VOL. LXIV, No. 3 Martin, Ward-Megacolon American Journal of Surgery 413
yet considerabIe vagueness in regard to the taken. This report is concerned with a
parasympathetic arrangement. problem of this nature. With the use of
The sympathetic cord is supposed to be suIfonamides, particularly succyni1 suIfa-
derived from segments from the second thiazole, resection of the coIon can be
thoracic to the third Iumbar. Therefore, accompIished with Iess mortaIity and
wide ranges of operative procedure are morbidity. If the megacoIon becomes
performed; perivascular sympathetic or acuteIy obstructed, operative treatment is
aortic pIexus and inferior mesenteric sym- imperative; and the protective benefit of
pathectomies, Iumbar sympathectomy, this form of chemotherapy cannot be
ram&ectomy of the medialIy directed rami, obtained at the time of operation.
and resection of the presacra1 nerves. The
use of the Iatter procedure has the disad- CASE REPORT
vantage of producing the Ioss of ejacuIatory J. B., age twenty-two, a white, male, gave a
functions. Weeks14 advocates, therefore, in history of having a marked enIargement of the
younger individuals ganghonectomy, and abdomen al1 his Iife. He had no difficulty unti1
some type of resection in oIder individuaIs. 1939, when he was admited to Emory Univer-
In the presence of gross obstructive sity HospitaI by Dr. WiIliam H. TrimbIe. On
pathoIogica1 Iesions surgica1 care must be admission there was marked abdominal pain,
directed to the IocaI probIem.15 Dilatations nauska, vomiting and distention. The treat-
ment consisted of mecoIy1 bromide, hot fomen-
of the ana sphincter, correction of fissures,
tations, colonic irrigations and supportive
remova of vaIves and atresias shouId be
measures. Under this treatment he improved
beneficia1 where there is no derangement of
but remained in the hospita1 for several weeks.
the autonomic nervous system. He did fairIy we11unti1 March 2, 1942, when he
The size and mobiIity of a megacoIon began to have cramp-like pains in the abdomen,
may aIIow a voIvuIus to occur. It is for this marked distention, nausea and vomiting. A
reason primariIy that resections of the MiIIer-Abbott tube was inserted, fluids were
coIon, either in part or totaIIy, are under- given intravenously, and some improvement
NEW SERIES VOL.LXIV, No. 3 Martin, Ward- -MegacoIon American Journal of Surgery 413
was noted. On March 22, 1942, the pains be- The convalescence from this procedure was
came more severe and distention was more uneventful. The clamp on the proximal side
marked. The same measures as had been pre- of the colon was removed on the fourth day. A