Unit 3 Evaluation of Analytical Data Ii: Structure

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Evaluation of


3.1 Introduction
3.2 Some Important Terms
Average Deviation
Probable Deviation
3.3 Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation of the Mean
3.4 Relative Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation
3.5 Precision of Computed Results
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
3.6 Gaussian Distribution of Data
3.7 Confidence Interval
Confidence Interval When σ is known or s is a Good Estimate of σ
Confidence Interval when σ is not known
3.8 Criteria for Rejection of Data
4d Rule
The ‘Q’ test
3.9 Tests of Significance
The t-test or Student’s t-Test
The χ2 (Chi-square) Test
3.10 Control Charts
3.11 Summary
3.12 Terminal Questions
3.13 Answers

A scientist always worries about the quality of analytical results. Whether these results
are obtained directly by him or from someone else, he always thinks that the result
should be good enough to use as a basis for action and should be of sufficiently good
quality as need be. Any laboratory that performs analysis providing a basis for utility
must have a solid quality assurance programme. The aspects which can answer the
quality assurance are the assessing of analytical data. When assessing certain
analytical data we are generally interested most in learning that upto what extent the
results are reliable or how far they agree with the actual content of the component
analyzed. Later on we wish to know whether statistically the same reliability is
achieved in the analyses of different samples.

Statistically calculations are necessary to understand the significance of the data that
are collected and, therefore, to set limitations on each step of analysis. The role of
statistical calculations is to sharpen the analysts judgment concerning the effects of
indeterminate errors. We can use statistical methods to evaluate the random errors
which follow a normal distribution or Gaussian distribution. Advances in theoretical
statistical methods and their application to industrial problems have given many

Basic Aspects answers in a logical manner. The behaviour of most industrial plants is subject to
variations caused due to multiple effects. That is, the individual results are subject to
chance variations and in order to draw any worthwhile conclusions it is necessary to
examine a set of data with a proper statistical approach. As more and more results are
available the accuracy of estimation improves.

In this unit we shall examine the methods used by scientists in evaluating the
significance of analytical data with the knowledge of normal distribution of errors in
terms of probability. We shall be able to make use of the theory of probability to
express the reliability of our data. We shall also see how the precision of
measurements can be determined, how different sets of data may be compared with the
help of different tests of significance. We shall also examine how to set the relation
between dependent and independent variables of measurements through regression
analysis and least square method. Finally we shall learn how to plot the data on a
quality control chart.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
• define some common terms of statistical calculations,
• understand the normal error curve,
• estimate the precision of analytical data,
• get a guideline concerning whether or not an outlying value in a set of replicate
results should be retained or rejected,
• estimate whether the difference in two sets of data in experimental results is just
by chance or there is some source of systematic errors in one of the sets,
• calculate the confidence limits and confidence interval, and
• analyse the data with the help of control charts.


You have experienced that a single measurement can not be taken as an accurate
result. Our confidence in an analytical result is increased by increasing the number of
parallel determinations, known as replicate determinations. Determination of the
number of times a measurement should be replicated in order to approach the value of
experimental mean around the true mean with a certain degree of probability. That is,
the more numerous the number of observations the more their results approach the
truth. The replications are useful to us in two ways. First, a reliable central value of the
set of analytical data should be evaluated. The mean is the most commonly used
measure of the central value and the less common used measures are the median and
the mode. Second, an analysis of the variation in results helps us to estimate the
uncertainty associated with the central value of the data. You should note that a
population is the collection of all measurements (very large number and to infinity to
the analyst, while a sample is the subset of these measurements (finite number of
measurements) selected from the population and we also call it as finite sample.
Statisticians use Greek letters (such as µ, σ) for the population parameters, whereas
English letters (such as x , s) for finite samples known as statistics. The dual set of
symbols is a valuable aid in discussing experimental data.

3.2.1 Mean
The mean is the most widely used measure of the central value. For a finite sample

Evaluation of
(for n < 30) the mean known as sample mean is represented by x and is the arithmetic Analytical Data II
average of all the observations in the set of data;

x =
x1 + x 2 + x 3 + ... + x n
∑x i
… (3.1)
n n
where, x1, x2…, xn are the replicate observations, xi represents the individual value of x
making up the set of n number of observations, the symbol ∑ xi means summation of x
individual values from i = 1 to i = n, i.e. to add up all of the individual values of x in
the set of replicate analyses.

For the entire population of data or universe of data (the number of observations
approaching infinity i.e. N → ∞) the mean known as population mean is represented
by µ and is given by

x1 + x 2 + x3 + ... x N
∑x i
…. (3.2)
where N has been used to denote the large number of observations. We will see later,
after studying the probability distribution of data that the population mean µ is the
most probable value and is taken to be the true value of the measured quantity.

3.2.2 Median
When quick measure of central value is to be decided and when gross errors are
suspected the central tendency of a group of results can be expressed in terms of
median by arranging the observations either in ascending or descending sequence.
Median means the middle value. That is, there are equal numbers of results that are
larger and smaller than the median. For an odd number of total observations (n is odd),
the median is obtained directly as middle value. For a set of even numbered total
observations (n is even), the median is the average of the middle pair of observations.

The median is a less efficient measure of central tendency than is the mean, but in
some cases it may give an easy look of central tendency in the sequential arranged
data particularly in dealing with small samples. Thus, for small number of
observations, the median may be a better estimate of the central value (the true value).
Statistically it can be shown that the median of 10 observations is as efficient
conveying the information as is the mean from 7 observations.

The median is used advantageously when a set of analytical data contains a probable
outlying result, a result that differs significantly from others in the set. An outlying
result does not affect the median value since the outlying result lies on the extremes.
On the other hand, an outlying result can have a significant effect on the mean of the
set since it is included in the calculation of the mean.

3.2.3 Mode
The observation which occurs most frequently (i.e. with maximum frequency) in a
series of observations is known as mode. It is yet another quick measure of central
value if the number of observations is not too small. For example, the mode of the set
of data: 12,6, 12,7, 12.9, 12,7, 12.6, 12.8, 13.0, 12.5, 12.6, the value 12.6 is the mode
since this is occurring with maximum frequency (four times).

3.2.4 Deviation
The error of a measurement can not be stated if the true value of the quantity is not
known. It is meaningful then to take the difference between a particular measured

Basic Aspects value (observation) and the arithmetical mean of a series of measurements and this
difference is called as its deviation for apparent error.
A deviation is generally taken without regard to sign. It is defined mathematically as,

d=|x– x | … or D = | x – µ | … (3.3)

where, d is the deviation of the observation x of a finite sample from its mean x , D is
the deviation of an individual measurement from the population mean µ, and | |
denotes that the difference is taken as absolute. The reproducibility of measurements is
expressed in terms of various types of deviations.

3.2.5 Average Deviation

The average deviation (a.d.) or the mean deviation is the average of individual

a.d. =
d 1 + d 2 + d 3 + ... + d n
∑ d = ∑| x
i i − x|
… (3.4)
n n n
where the symbols have their usual meanings.

The ratio of the average deviation to the mean is known as Relative Average Deviation
(RAD) which can be expressed as percent average deviation when multiplied by 100.
RAD = … (3.4)
% a.d. = × 100 … (3.5)
Historically the average deviation has been widely employed as the estimate of
precision. However, it suffers from the disadvantage that the estimate of this statistics
depends upon the number of measurements. The larger the number the better will be
the estimate.

3.2.6 Probable Deviation

The probable deviation P is an older measure of precision and now only rarely used. It
is defined as the deviation having a magnitude such that there are equal numbers of
deviations greater and smaller than itself. In a set of large number of observations it is
also known as probable error.

3.2.7 Range
The difference between the largest and smallest values in a set of measurements is
known as the range. It tells the spread of data. The range is often used, with
appropriate factors that depend on the number of measurements, as a quick statistics to
a rough estimate of precision.

Calculate the median for the data: 14.1, 13.8, 14.3, 13.6, 13.4 & 13.5.


Evaluation of
Standard deviation is the most important statistic to indicate the precision of an
analysis. According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) the symbol σ is used for population standard deviation and the symbol s is
used for sample standard deviation.

When the number of observations is very large (N →∞) the standard deviation known
as population standard deviation, σ, which is used to express the precision of a
population of data is given by the square root of the average of squares of deviations,

1/ 2 1/ 2
D12 + D22 + D33 + .... + Dn2  i
  Σ (xi − µ )2 
σ= =   =   …. (3.6)
N  N   N 

where, xi represents the individual observations, Di the individual deviations, µ the

population mean, N the number of observations, and the symbol ∑ denotes the
summation for i = 1 to i = N values.

For most of the cases in analytical chemistry a finite sample is considered where
number of observations is finite (n < 30) and for finite sample the standard deviation
known as sample standard deviation, s, is the square root of summation of squares of
deviations divided by (n – 1) and is given by
1/ 2 1/ 2
d 12 + d 22 + d 33 + ... + dn 2  Σd 2   Σ(xi − x ) 2 
s= =  i  =   … (3.7)
n −1  n − 1  n − 1 

Where (n – 1) is known as the degrees of freedom and other terms and symbols have
their usual meaning. Note the divisor (n–1) is used to calculate s rather than the divisor
N used to calculateσ. The value of s is only an estimate of σ and will more nearly
approach σ as the number of measurements in an analysis increases.

Now let us see why the divisor (n – 1) is used in place of N. Obviously, for large
values of N, it is immaterial whether N or (N – 1) is used, but for small number of
observations n, which we take practically in analytical chemistry, the distinction is
important and we should evaluate this.

At this stage only a qualitative approach will be considered to use (n – 1) as divisor.

For a finite number of observations with a sample mean x there are n individual
deviations (xi – x ). If they are all added with regard to sign (both positive and
negative) the sum of all deviations will come out to be zero. Therefore, only (n – 1) of
the deviations are necessary to define nth deviation and it removes one degree of
freedom. That is, only (n – 1) independently variable deviations or (n – 1) degrees of
freedom (υ) are necessary. We say that the divisor, (n – 1), is a reminder that there are
only (n – 1) independent deviations from the mean.

To illustrate the calculation of standard deviation let us take an example.

Example 3.1
In an iron determination (taking 1 g sample every time) the following
four replicate results were obtained: 29.8, 30.2, 28.6 and 29.7 mg iron. Calculate the
standard deviation of the given data.

Basic Aspects Solution
xi (mg) |(Xi – x )| (Xi – x )2 xi 2
29.8 0.2 0.04 888.04
30.2 0.6 0.36 912.04
28.6 1.0 1.00 817.96
29.7 0.1 0.01 882.09
∑xi = 118.3 ∑(xi – x )2 = 1.41 ∑(xi )2=3500.13

x = = 29.6
Σ(Xi − x )2 141
i) Using Eq. (3.7) s = =
n−1 4 −1

Or s = = 0.47 = 0.69 mg

3.3.1 Standard Deviation of the Mean

The standard deviation calculated as above by Eq. (3.7) or (3.20) refers to scatter in
terms of standard deviation for a single measurement. We know that the arithmetic
mean of a series of n measurements is more reliable (precise) than an individual
observation. It can be shown statistically that the mean of n results is n times as
reliable as any one of the individual results. Thus, the mean of 4 results is twice as
reliable as a single measurement; likewise, the mean of 16 results is 4 times more
reliable than any of the individual results etc. The precision is expressed in terms of
deviation and less the deviation the more precise the result is. In other words, the
deviation in the mean of a series of 4 observations is one-half that of a single
observation, and the deviation in the mean of a series of 16 observations is one-fourth
that of a single observation. That is, the deviation of the mean of series of n
measurements is inversely proportional to the square root of n of the deviation of the
individual values. Thus
Deviation of the mean = dmean = … (3.9)
And the standard deviation of the mean (smean) is inversely proportional to the square
root of n of the standard deviation of the individual values (s).
smean = … (3.10)
The standard deviation of the mean is sometimes referred to as the Standard Error.

3.3.2 Variance (V)

The term that is sometimes useful in statistics is the variance (V). This is the square of
the standard deviation. The sample variance is given by

Vsample = s = 2 ∑d i

∑ (x i − x) 2
… (3.11)
n −1 n −1
And is an estimate of population variance σ2,

Vpopulation = σ2, =
∑ (x i − µ) 2
… (3.12)

The variance is a less commonly used measure of precision mainly because of the Evaluation of
drawback that it has the units of data squared. The standard deviation having the same Analytical Data II
units as the data is preferably employed as a measure of precision because it is easier
to relate a measurement and its precision if they both have the same units. However,
the advantage of using variance is that variances are added in many cases. We shall
use this in determining the propagation of error.

The ratio of two variances is known as F function, that is F = V1/V2 where V1 > V2.
The F function is used to compare the precision of two sets of measurements (section


It is worthwhile to quote standard deviation in relative terms rather than absolute. In
doing so we can get a clear picture of data quality as compared to that by absolute
standard deviation. The relative standard deviation, RSD, is calculated by dividing the
standard deviation by the mean value of the analytical data. It is often denoted by the
symbol sr and can also be expressed in suitable units as desired.
RSD = sr = … (3.13)
Expressed in parts per thousand is,
RSD = × 1000 ppt … (3.14)
Or in parts per million is,
RSD (in ppm) = ×106 ppm. … (3.15)
In a special case (see below) when it is expressed as % RSD, it is known as the
coefficient of variation (CV).

Often the analytical error is reasonably constant over the useful working range for the
procedure. But problem arises when the analytical error depends on the quantity of the
element present. For such observations sometimes the range of concentration can be
divided into intervals and the standard deviation given for each interval. When the
standard deviation turns out to be approximately proportional to the amount of the
element present, it is meaningful to give precision compactly in percent by using the
quantity coefficient of variation that is the standard deviation expressed as the
percentage of the mean.
CV = × 100 … (3.16)

Calculate the coefficient of variation and relative standard deviation in ppm for the
data given in Example 3.1.


Basic Aspects
The calculated result for certain analysis requires data from two or more independent
set of analytical measurements, each of which has a random uncertainty and each of
which contributes to the net precision of the final result. This is also known as
propagation of error or standard deviation of calculated results. How such random
uncertainties affect the net outcome of an analysis will be discussed in this section. Let
us assume that the final result W is dependent on the experimental variables: a, b, c…,
each of which fluctuates in a random and independent way. For this we can say that W
is a function of a, b, c …, or
W = f (a, b, c ……) … (3.17)
Since the precision is best measured in terms of standard deviation, we have to
calculate the standard deviation of a result which has been obtained by the calculation
of two or more analytical data points, each of which has a separate standard deviation,
we shall consider here at this level only two types of arithmetic operations: (i) the
addition and subtraction, and (ii) the multiplication and division.

3.5.1 Addition and Subtraction

The absolute standard deviation of a sum or difference is calculated by taking the
square root of the sum of the squares of the individual absolute standard deviation.
Consider the situation where a dependent quantity W is calculated from three
quantities a, b and c in terms of sum and difference as follows:
W=a+b–C … (3.18)
Let us assume that the standard deviations of these quantities are s, sa, sb and sc
respectively. Since the variance of a sum or difference is equal to the sum of the
individual variances, we have variance of W, sw2 as given by
sw2 = sa2 + sb2 + sc2 … (3.19)
Hence, the absolute standard deviation of a sum or difference is equal to the square
root of the sum of the squares of the absolute standard deviations of the individual
quantities irrespective of the quantity W being sum or difference of variables a, b and
c. To illustrate let us consider the following example.

Example 3.2
Three quantities are to be summed up as y = a + b – c. The individual absolute
standard deviations of the three quantities are given in parentheses. Calculate the
standard deviation of the arithmetic operation and express the result of summation.
a = 2.50 (± 0.02), b = 3.10 (±0.03), c = 1.97 (±0.05)

y = 2.50 + 3.10 – 1.97 = 3.63

sy = s a2 + sb2 + sc2

= ( 4 + 9 + 25) ×10−4

= 38 × 10–2
= 0.06

Thus, the standard deviation of the summation is 0.06, and the result should be
represented as
y = 3.63 (±0.06)

3.5.2 Multiplication and Division Evaluation of
Analytical Data II
In multiplication and division the precision is calculated in terms of relative standard
deviation. Thus, the relative standard deviation of a product or quotient is determined
by the relative standard deviations of the numbers forming the calculated result
according to the following rule:

“For the products and quotients, the relative standard deviation of the result is equal to
the square root of the sum of the squares of the relative standard deviations of the
numbers making up the product or quotient.”
Consider the case where the quantity W is calculated from three quantities a, b and c
as W = . Let us assume that the relative standard deviations of these quantities are
s w s a sb s
, . and c respectively. According to the rule given above the relative
w a b c
standard deviation of the result is given by
2 2 2
sw  s a   sb   sc 
=   +  +  … (3.20)
w  a b  c 
Note that from relative standard deviation RSD the standard deviation s can be
calculated as
= RSD, or sw = RSD × W.
To understand the rule let us take an example.

Example 3.3
The result of three quantities a, b and c is to be calculated as y = (a × b)/c. The
individual standard deviations of each quantity are given in parenthesis: a = 50.23
(±0.07), b = 27.86 (± 0.05) and c = 0.1167 (± 0.0003). Calculate the standard deviation
of the operation and express the calculated result with absolute uncertainty.

50.23 (± 0.07) × 27.86 (± 0.05)
0.1167 (± 0.0003)

First let us calculate the result without standard deviations,

50.23 × 27.86
= 11991.497 = 11991
Let us now calculate, the relative standard deviation of y according to the rule of
multiplication and division,
2 2 2
sy  0.07   0.05   0.0003 
=   +  + 
y  50.23   27.86   0.1167 
= [ 1.9 ×10 −6
+ 3.2× 10−6 + 6.6 × 10−6 ]
= 11.7 ×10 −6 = 3.42 × 10–3
Or sy = 3.42 × 10–3 × 11, 991 = 41
The result is expressed as
y = 11991 ± 41

Basic Aspects
You learnt in section 3.3 that the precision of a given set of measurements can be
ascertained from the value of standard deviation. However, this term does not indicate
how the replicate results are distributed. Probability distributions are of fundamental
importance to the use of statistics for judging the reliability of analytical data. You
learnt in the Unit 2 that even after taking all the precautions to avoid systematic errors,
the replicate results vary with each other by small to large extent. This variation in
results is due to indeterminate or random errors. The word error is used somewhat
loosely while talking for indeterminate error. Strictly we should speak of deviation,
since the true value is not known. However, as we shall see below, in general
convention the use of term error for indeterminate error should not create any
confusion. The indeterminate errors can not be eliminated and are often the major
source of uncertainty in a determination. The combined effect of the individual
uncertainties, usually, causes replicate measurements to fluctuate randomly around the
mean of the set.

What we say is all measurements contain random errors. The elimination of these
errors is beyond the power of the observer. However, an analyst can estimate the
uncertainty introduced by random errors. We can apply the laws of probability
provided we have sufficient number of observations. These laws of probability or rules
of chance in an empirical way are summarized as follows:

i) Small errors occur with high frequency,

ii) Large errors occur with low frequency, and

iii) Positive and negative errors occur with equal frequency, so that the arithmetic
mean is the most probable value.

The above three rules of chance are applied for a very large number of observations
which is known as the entire population or universe of data. You will see below that
the rules can be verified graphically when frequency of errors are plotted as a function
of their magnitudes. The plot so obtained is known as NORMAL ERROR CURVE –
and describes the properties of universe of data. As an explanation consider the
discussion given below.

If a large number of replicate readings are taken of a continuous variable, e.g. the
percentage of iron in an iron ore, the results obtained will usually be distributed
around the mean in a roughly symmetrical manner. When frequencies of observations
(on y-axis) are plotted against values of observations (along x-axis), we get the
distribution as shown in Fig.3.1 where the dots indicate the frequencies of respective
values of observations. Such a distribution of random values (also of random errors) is
called the normal frequency distribution. On drawing the boundaries of these
frequencies we get a bell shaped curve that is symmetrical around the mean and is
known as the normal distribution curve or a Gaussian Distribution Curve (as this
follows the normal frequency curve of Gauss). You see that on either side of the curve
there is an exponential decrease in frequency as the magnitude of error increases. The
inflexion points of the curve are obtained when the result is ± 1 σ of the mean µ. With
this type of distribution about 68% of all values of the universe of data will fall within
± 1 σ of the mean. The value of σ also indicates the precision. On comparison the
values of σ on the curves (x – µ = σ) the precision of two sets of data can also be
compared. For example if the standard deviation (σ1) of the first data set is ½ of the
value of the standard deviation (σ2) of the second data set as shown in Fig. 3.2 means
that the precision of the first data set is twice than that of the second data set.

Evaluation of
Analytical Data II

Fig. 3.1: Frequency distribution curve

Fig. 3.2: Normal error curves (a) the abscissa is the deviation from the mean in the units
of measurements (b) The abscissa is the deviation from the mean in units of σ
Mathematical Form of Probability Distribution
It is frequently possible to find a suitable mathematical model for the probability
distribution of random errors. The distribution of random errors follows the normal
frequency curve (of Gauss) and can be expressed by a differential Eq.,

dN 1  1  x − µ 2 
= exp −    dx … (3.21)
N σ 2π  2  σ  

where x the value of observation varies from – ∞ to + ∞, N stands for total number of
observations, is the fraction (i.e. frequency of the population with values in the
interval x to (x + dx); proportional, therefore, to the probability that a given value falls
in this interval, µ is the average value of the entire population, σ is the standard
deviation of the population. The differential Eq. is given by the two population
 x− µ
parameters µ and σ. We can follow that   gives the deviation of an observation
 σ 
x from population mean µ in terms of σ and if we express this deviation by a variable
y, it is possible to express the normal law of error Eq. (3.34) in terms of a single
variable Eq. Thus,

Basic Aspects | x − µ|
=y … (3.22)
Differentiating: dx = dy … (3.23)
Substituting from Eqs. (3.35) and (3.36) into Eq. (3.34), we get the Eq.,

dN 1
= exp (– y2 /2) dy = f(y) dy … (3.24)
N 2π

Which is plotted in Fig. 3.3.

Fig. 3.3: Normal Error curve

From the differential Eq. (3.24) we can see that the maximum of f(y) will be obtained
when y is equal to zero. That is, the probability of occurrence of observation being
maximum for y = (x – µ)/σ = 0, that is for x = µ. It shows that the average value is the
most probable value of the population of data. The total area under the curve of
Fig. 3.3 can be obtained by integrating the Eq. (3.22) within the limits – ∞ to + ∞,
which is

1 +∞ y2
2 π ∫
) dy = 1 … (3.25)

Corresponding to a total probability of unity for the total number of observations lying
from – ∞ to + ∞ (entire population). This also indicates that the area gives the fraction
of the total population (dN/N) having magnitudes of y between these two values. In
Table 3.1 are listed values of ±y and the deviation | x – µ | beyond which lie various
fractions of the total area under the curve 3.3 to indicate the probabilities greater and
smaller values than this deviation.

Table 3.1: Values of Error and Probability Evaluation of
Analytical Data II
Error |x – µ | ±y Probability of Probability of
greater value smaller value

0.674σ 0.674 0.50 0.50

1.00σ 1.00 0.317 0.683

1.96σ 1.96 0.05 0.95

2.00σ 2.00 0.045 0.955

2.576σ 2.576 0.01 0.99

3.00σ 3.00 0.0026 0.9974

3.29σ 3.29 0.001 0.999

According to the values of Table 3.1 you can see that for a normal distribution of
errors the probability of an error greater than 0.674σ is 0.50 and also smaller than
0.674σ is 0.50. It means that 50% observations are such that their magnitude of error
is less than ± 0.674σ and for rest 50% observations the magnitude of error is greater
than ± 0.674σ. The probability of an error smaller than ±1σ is 0.683 or 68.3% and of
an error greater than ±1σ will be 31.7%. Similarly the probability of an error greater
than 2σ will be 4.5% and of an error greater than 3σ is about 0.3% and so on. You
follow from above that the area under certain limits in the probability distribution
curve is a measure of probability of occurring observations under these limits.

From the normal error curve find the probability of a result (i) lying between 0 and
+1σ of the mean µ, (ii) lying between +1σ and + 2σ of the mean.



From the above discussion you understand that mostly in chemical analysis, the true
value of the population mean µ can not be determined because a very large number of
measurements (approaching infinite number) would be required to calculate it.
However, with the help of statistics a range can be established surrounding sample
mean x within which the population mean µ is expected to lie with a certain degree
of confidence based on probability distribution. Thus, “the range (or a numerical
interval) around the mean x of a set of replicate analytical results within which the
population mean µ can be expected to lie, with a certain degree of confidence (i.e.,
with a certain probability), is known as Confidence Interval. “The boundaries of this

Basic Aspects range are called the Confidence Limits. “The likelihood that the true value falls
within the range is called the Probability or Confidence Level and it is often
expressed as a percentage” consider the example that in a set of iron determination it is
95% probable that the population mean µ lies in the limit ± 0.20% Fe of sample mean
x = 11.30% Fe. It tells that the confidence interval is 11.10% to 11.50% Fe with 95%
probability. The 95% confidence limit for µ = 11.30% ±0.20% Fe, and the confidence
level is 95%.

The confidence interval is related to the standard deviation of the mean and its size
depends on how well the sample standard deviation s estimates the population
standard deviation σ. If s is a closer estimate of σ, the narrower is the confidence
interval. To give confidence interval at the high confidence levels is one of the best
ways of indicating reliability. We shall discuss below two cases for finding the
confidence interval: (A) when σ is known or s is a good approximation of σ, and (B)
when σ is not known.

3.7.1 Confidence Interval When σ is known or s is a Good Estimate of σ

In section 3.6 you have learned that the normal error curve can be expressed by an
Eq. (3.24) in a single variable y where y is defined as ± y = (x – µ)/ σ given by
Eq. (3.22). From the definition of y it follows that (x – µ) = ± y σ with the help of
normal error curve and the values of y with probability given in Table 3.1 we see that
the areas represent probabilities for the absolute deviation | x – µ | to exceed the value
of y σ. Since y σ is the deviation of a single observation x from the population mean µ,
we can express the probability in terms of y as,
± yσ = x–µ
Or µ = x ± y σ … (3.26)
Again from Table 3.1, when y = 0.67 there are 50% chances that an observation will
lie in the area having a lower deviation than ± .67 σ, & when y = 1.00 there is a 68.3%
probability that a particular measured value has a deviation ± σ and so on. Thus, based
on measuring a single value we can write for population mean µ (from Eq. 3.26) lying
within limits.
µ = 0.67 σ with 50% confidence (or 50% probability), … (3.27 – i)
µ = x ± 1 σ with 68.3% confidence … (3.27 – ii)
µ = x ± 2 σ with 95.5% confidence … (3.27 – iii)
µ = x ± 3 σ with 99.7% confidence … (3.27 – iv)
Otherwise in more useful way as
µ = x ± 1.96 σ with 95% confidence … (3.27 – v)
µ = x ± 2.58 σ with99% confidence … (3.27 – vi)
µ = x ± 3.29 σ with 99.9% confidence … (3.27 – vii)
However, it is not advisable to estimate the true mean from a single observation x.
Instead we generally use the sample mean x to take the better estimate of population
mean µ. We also know that for mean x of n observations the standard deviation of the
mean is times of the standard deviation of single observation. Then in terms of
x , the population mean µ lies within the limits.

µ= x ± with the confidence level corresponding to the value y.

yσ yσ yσ Evaluation of
That is, confidence interval for µ = x ± or from x – to x + , and Analytical Data II
n n n
confidence limits can also be expressed with certain confidence level in the same
In the modern practice it is usual to employ a confidence level of 95% for y = 1.96 or
99% for y = 2.58. Thus, we can say that the population mean µ lies within the limits.

µ = x ± 1.96 σ/ n with 95% confidence … (3.28 a).

It means that it is 95% probable that the population mean µ lies in the interval x –
1.96 σ/ n to x + 1.96σ/ n . In a similar way the population mean µ lies within the
µ = x ± 2.58 σ/ n with 99% confidence … (3.28 b)

µ = x ± 3.29 σ/ n with 99.9% confidence … (3.28 c)

Consider the following example,

Example 3.4
Measurements of glucose levels in a patient suffering from diabetes gave the
following results: 1.108, 1.100, 1.122, 1.088, 1.115, 1.099 and 1.075 g/L. Calculate
the 95% confidence interval when σ = 0.019 g/L.

1.108 + 1.100 + 1.122 + 1.088 + 1.115 + 1.099 + 1.075
x =
= 1.101 g/L
1.96 σ
For 95% confidence the limits are ±
1.96 × 0.019
= ±
= ± 0.01407
= ± 0.014 g/L
The population mean µ lies within the limits
µ = (1.101 ± 0.014) g/L with 95% confidence
Thus, it is 95% probable that the population mean lies in the interval from 1.087
to 1.115 g/L.

3.7.2 Confidence Interval when σ is Not Known

In the usual practice the population standard deviation is not known and can only be
approximated for a finite number of measurements by the sample standard deviation s.
To overcome this difficulty another method is used, which is based on a statistical
factor, “t” (also known as student t), that depends on the number of degrees of
freedom and confidence level desired. The quantity t is defined as the difference
between the two means divided by its standard deviation:
( x − µ) ( x − µ) n
±t= = … (3.29)
s/ n s
Statisticians have compiled the values of t for the given degrees of freedom (ν = n – 1)
and for various confidence levels desired. For illustration some of the values of t are
listed in Table 3.2.

Basic Aspects Table 3.2: Values of t for υ degrees of freedom and various confidence levels.
υ Confidence level
90% 95% 99%
1 6.314 12.706 63.657
2 2.920 4.303 9.925
3 2.353 3.182 5.841
4 2.132 2.776 4.604
5 2.015 2.571 4.032
6 1.943 2.447 3.707
7 1.895 2.365 3.500
8 1.860 2.306 3.355
9 1.833 2.262 3.250
10 1.812 2.228 3.169
∞ 1.645 1.960 2.576

A simpler and approximate procedure, particularly useful for small numbers of

observations (n < 10) to express confidence interval, is based on the range R (the
difference between the largest and smallest values of observations). According to this
to a certain degree of confidence the population mean µ lies within the limits
µ = x + Cn R … (3.30)
where Cn is constant depending upon the number of observations and the desired
confidence level. A few values of Cn are given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Values of Cn for sample of n observations

N Confidence level
90% 95% 99%
2 3.196 6.353 31.828
3 0.885 1.304 3.008
4 0.529 0.717 1.316
5 0.388 0.57 0.843
6 0.312 0.399 0.628
Note: All methods based on range should be used with caution, since the outlying
results may cause uncertainty.

A replicate analysis of potassium in blood serum yielded concentration of K+ in
mg/100 mL: 15.30, 15.85, 15.55 and 16.30. Calculate the 90% confidence interval for
the set. Assume the value of Cn for 4 observations at 90% level = 0.53.


Evaluation of
Sometimes, in a set of analytical data there appears a value which is not fitting in the
set as it looks at a wide difference from the rest of the values. Now the question arises
how to decide whether to remove out a result which appears out of line with others
when there are no known reasons to suspect it? The question is not of much
importance if the number of replicate observations is large since a single value will
have only a small effect upon the mean. But it is, of course, important when the
number of replicate measurements is small, since here the divergent observation has a
significant effect on the value of mean, while at the same time there are insufficient
data to decide the fate of the suspected result. In a small set of data the decision for
rejection or retention by the blind application of statistical test is no doubt an arbitrary

The criteria for rejection of an observation are based on the supposition that an outlier
is due to some systematic source of error. If it is not, then it falls within the random
error and should be retained. So many authors agree that the question of rejecting one
divergent value from a small sample can not satisfactorily be answered. It is
unfortunate fact that no universal rule can be invoked to settle the question of retention
or rejection. Out of various rules we shall discuss below only two of the more widely
recommended criteria for rejection of outlier: one is based on the average deviation
and is called the “4d” rule, and the other which is based on the range is called the “Q”

3.8.1 The “4d” Rule

This test is based on the fact that 4 times of average deviation which is an estimate of
(4 × a.d. = 4 × 0.80 σ) = 3.2 σ which lies in the probability distribution curve at a
confidence level of 99.8% that a value of measurement lies within this limit. To apply
this rule there must be at least 4 observations excluding the outlier (preferably 10 to 30
observations) and the following procedure is adopted:
i) Omit the doubtful value and find out the arithmetic mean of the rest.
ii) Find out the average deviation of rest of the values obtained after omitting the
doubtful value. Call this as “d” and its four times as “4d” (i.e. 4× a.d.)
iii) Obtain the difference between the doubtful value and the mean calculated in (i)
call this difference as z (z = | xs – x |) where xs is the suspected value and x is
the mean.
iv) Criterion: If the difference z is greater than 4 times of average deviation
calculated in (ii) the suspected value should be rejected otherwise retain it. That
is, If z > 4d, then the doubtful value is rejected, and if z ≤ 4d, then the doubtful
value is retained.

3.8.2 The “Q” Test

Another criterion used to check the rejection of suspected result (in a set of 3 – 10
results) is the Q-test which is a simple and widely used statistical test. Q, the rejection
quotient, is defined as the ratio of the divergence of the suspected value from its
nearest neighbour to the range of the set of measured values. If the value of Q
calculated is greater than the value of Q given in the table at the desired confidence
level for the given number of observations, the suspected value is rejected. The Q test
is applied as follows:
i) Arrange the observations either in the increasing or decreasing order. The lowest
or the highest or both may be the doubtful values.
ii) Calculate the range, R = highest values – lowest value

Basic Aspects iii) Find the difference between the suspected value and its nearest neighbour. Call
this difference as Y.
iv) Calculate the rejection quotient, Q = Y/R and call it as Qcalculated.
v) Consult the table of Q (Table 3.4) for the given number of observations and call
it as Qtabular.
vi) Criterion: Compare Qcalc with Qtab. If Qcalc. > Qtab, then the suspected value is
Note: Since both lowest and highest values may be considered to be the
suspected values, it is advisable to apply the test for both. Say in above if the
lowest value was taken as the suspected value we have to extend the test as
vii) If the lowest value is rejected, then the range R' for remaining values is
calculated and if the lowest value is not rejected, then the same range R is used
and apply the above procedure steps (ii) to (vi) for the highest value.
viii) Repeat the process further if necessary. Some Q values are given in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Values of Rejection Quotient Q at 90% confidence level

Number of observations (n) Q
3 0.94
4 0.76
5 0.64
6 0.56
7 0.51
8 0.47
9 0.44
10 0.41
The following example will illustrate application of the Q test.

Example 3.5
Apply Q-test to check the rejection of the highest value in the following results:
2.18, 2.19, 2.30, 2.15 and 2.20
R = 2.30 – 2.15 = 0.15
Y = 2.30 – 2.20 = 0.10
Q calc = Y/R = 0.10/0.15 = 0.67
From Table 3.4, for n = 5, Qtab. = 0.64 Qcalc > Qtab, therefore the value 2.30 is rejected
at 90% confidence level.

In replicate determination of iron the following results of percentage of iron were
obtained. Should any of the results be rejected?
%Fe: 52.40, 52.47, 52.50, 52.51, and 52.46.


Evaluation of
In analytical chemistry we develop new methods of analysis and it is frequently
desired to compare the results of a new method with those of an accepted (say from a
past experience or a standard, e.g.; from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, NIST) method. The average values obtained from the two methods may
show a difference. The question arises whether this difference is due to random
fluctuation (indeterminate error) or directional fluctuation (systematic error). The
answer is qualified by a degree of certainty involving the method what is known as
NULL HYPOTHESIS which considers that there is no significant difference between
two sets of data.

In null hypothesis procedure a comparison, of statistical parameters (based on mean or

standard deviation, or some other property), is made between two sets of replicate
measurements obtained by two different methods, one of them being the test method
and the other usually being accepted method. With this comparison the value of the
statistical parameter of test of significance is calculated and compared with the value
of the parameter given in the statistical tables available. A simple examination of the
two values (calculated & tabular) will show how large a difference needs to be in
order to be considered for the limit of significant divergence. Thus, if there is not a
statistically significant divergence, means the null hypothesis is valid or that there is
no source of systematic error and the variation in results follows the law of random
errors. And if there is a statistically significant divergence, means the null hypothesis
is not valid and a source of systematic error is highly probable.

We shall discuss below three tests of significance: (i) the t-test which is based on
comparison of two means, (ii) the F-test which is based on the comparison of two
variances, and (iii) the chi2 – test (χ2 – test) which is given in terms of frequencies.

3.9.1 The t-test or Student’s t Test

The t-test is used to test the null hypothesis that two means do not differ significantly.
The application of t-test will be considered here only in a simple case.
When Accepted Mean Value is Known: Eq. (3.31) used to get the confidence limit is
also applicable to the comparison of the finite sample mean x and the population
mean µ. The quantity t is defined as
± t = ( x –µ ) √n/s … (3.31)
where x = average value for the finite series
µ = population mean when the series has been carried to an infinite number
of observations, or accepted value given by some national standards
s = standard deviation of the finite series, and
n = number of measurements in the finite series.

Values of t with reference to probability levels of 90, 95 and 99 percent are

summarized in Table 3.2. In the table ν refers to the degrees of freedom.

In the procedure to apply the null hypothesis the quantity ± t = ( x – µ ) √n/s is

calculated for the given observations and known as tcalculated. This value of t is
compared with the corresponding value of t (t – tabular) found in table of t (Table 3.2)
at the desired confidence level and corresponding to ν degrees of freedom of finite
sample (ν = n – 1). On comparison,

Basic Aspects i) If tcalc < ttab, the null hypothesis is valid, there is no significant difference
between the two means ( x and µ), the variation in results is just by random
errors and no systematic source of error is probable.
ii) If tcalc > ttab, then the null hypothesis is incorrect, a significant difference
between the two means is indicated and the difference is due to some source of
systematic error in the values of finite series.
The above criteria indicate that the smaller the calculated t value, the more confident
you are that there is no significant difference between the two means.
Suppose five observations obtained for the determination of atomic mass of cadmium
were: 112.25, 112.36, 112.32, 112.21, 112.36. Does the mean of these values differ
significantly from the NBS accepted value 112.41?

The test is applied as follows after calculating the required quantities

x |x – x| (x – x )2

112.25 0.05 0.0025

112.36 0.06 0.0036

112.32 0.02 0.0004

112.21 0.09 0.0081

112.36 0.06 0.0036

∑x = 561.5 Sum = 0.0182

x = 561.5/5
= 112.30
s = (0.0182) ½ = 0.067 and n = 5

±t = ( x − µ) n / s

= (112.30 – 112.41) 5 /0.067

= – 0.11 × 2.236/0.067 = – 3.67
Or t calc = 3.67 (disregarding the negative sign)
From Table 3.2 at 99% probability level corresponding value of t for 4 degrees
of freedom is 4.60. Thus ttab = 4.60.
Comparing two t values we see that
tcalc < t tab at 99% confidence level.
It is concluded that the null hypothesis is valid at 99% probability level and there is no
significant difference between the two means. The variation is due to indeterminate

3.9.2 F-Test
The F test serves to show whether the precision of two different methods is the same
within specified probability limits. It is applied in terms of variance ratio. The F value
which is the ratio of two variances in question is determined by the relation
V1 s12
F= = … (3.32)
V 2 s 22

Evaluation of
Placing of the larger of the two variances in numerator ( ( s12 > s 22 ) , so that the value of
Analytical Data II
F is always greater than unity. The value of F determined by the use of Eq. (3.51) for
experimental variances s 12 and s 22 is known as Fcalculated .

Statisticians have compiled tables of F values for various significance levels for
various degrees of freedom (υ1 = n1 – 1, υ2 = n2 – 1), where n1 is the number of
observations for the set of larger variance (i.e. larger standard deviation). Table 3.5 is a
brief F table (two sided) for the 95% confidence level. The value of F obtained from
such a table is called as F tabular.

To test null hypothesis for the two sets of data by F test, the calculated value of F is
compared with the corresponding tabular value of F. On comparison (i) If Fcalc < Ftab,
that is if the experimental F is smaller than the corresponding tabular value of F, then
no statistically significant difference is indicated between s1 and s2 (i.e. between two
sets of data), and the null hypothesis is valid, and (ii) If Fcalc > Ftab, then s1 is
significantly greater than s2 , and the null hypothesis is not valid.

Table 3.5: Values of F at 95% confidence level

2 3 4 5 6 ∞
2 19.00 19.16 19.25 19.30 19.33 19.50
3 9.55 9.28 9.12 9.01 8.94 8.53
4 6.94 6.59 6.39 6.26 6.16 5.63

5 5.79 5.41 5.19 5.05 4.95 4.36

6 5.14 4.76 4.53 4.39 4.28 3.67
∞ 3.00 2.00 2.37 2.21 2.10 1.00

To illustrate “F” test suppose that two series of observations are made one of 4
observations of standard deviation equal to 0.02 and another of 6 observations of
standard deviation equal to 0.04. We have to test whether there is significant
difference between the two standard deviations.
For the condition of application of F test we have to consider the greater standard
deviation that is, 0.04 as s1 and the smaller 0.02 as s2. Hence υ1 = 6 – 1 = 5, and
υ2 = 4 – 1 = 3
F is calculated as
V1 s12 (0.04) 2
Fcalc = = = = 4 .0
V2 s 22 (0.02) 2
Corresponding tabular value of F for υ1 = 5 and υ2 = 3 from Table 3.5 at 95%
confidence level is F tab = 9.01.

An examination of two F values you find that Fcalc < Ftab, therefore, it is concluded that
the null hypothesis is valid and there is no statistically significant difference between
the standard deviations of the two sets of data or statistically no significant difference
is observed between the precisions of the two sets of data.

3.9.3 The χ2 (chi-square) Test

Chi-square test is applied to study the behaviour of data if the theoretical behaviour
can be expressed quantitatively in terms of expected frequencies. The test is applied to
check the number bias (if any) for a particular digit in instrument reading. A number

Basic Aspects bias varies considerably from observer to observer and also depends on the number of
sub-division of instrument readings. Naturally, for a limited number of observations, a
certain fluctuation is statistically expected. However, if the fluctuation, is such that is
not governed by probability, can be due to a number bias. Such a number bias can
actually impose a limitation upon the accuracy of readings by an individual. The chi-
square test informs us about such a number bias. This test gives the comparison of a
number of frequency distribution. The quantity chi-square is defined by
χ2 = ∑(fi – Fi)2/Fi … (3.33)
where fi = observed frequency
Fi = expected frequency
The calculated Chi-square applying Eq. (3.33) is compared with the values of chi-
square given in the table for the corresponding degrees of freedom. In Table 3.6 some
critical values of chi-square are listed. On comparison of the two,
2 2
i) if xcalc > xtab , there is a number bias,
2 2
ii) if xcalc > xtab , there is no number bias, and fluctuation is by chance.

Table 3.6: Some values of Chi-square

υ Confidence Level
95% 99%
1 3.84 6.63
2 5.99 9.21
3 7.81 11.30
4 9.49 13.30
5 11.10 15.10

To illustrate let us consider the tossing of a coin for 500 times. The expected results or
theoretical results should give expected frequency of 250 times head and 250 times
tail. It is rare that these results are obtained exactly. Suppose 270 times we get head.
Then 250 is the expected frequency Fi, and 270 is the observed frequency fi. From
Eq. (3.52) we get
χ2 = (270 – 250)2/250
= (20)2 / 250 = 1.6

Thus, χ2 calc = 1.6

From Table 3.6 for (v = 2 – 1 = 1) one degree of freedom at 95% of confidence level
χ2 tab is 3.84. On comparison we get,
χ2calc < χ2 tab.
It is concluded that there is no number bias and the fluctuation is by chance.
As a second example if we were to examine the last digit of the students burette
readings estimated to 0.01 mL, we would find a considerable number bias in favour of
the last digits as 0 and 5.


In order to keep the track of day by day performance of the production process that is,
for quality control, the industrial analytical laboratories often use the control chart

technique. By plotting a sequence of points in order, a continuous record of the quality Evaluation of
characteristic is available. This technique readily indicates whether or not a result lies Analytical Data II
within certain confidence limits, and the trends in data or sudden lack of precision can
be made evident so that the causes may be sought.

The control charts usually have 3 or 5 horizontal lines; that is, a central line and either
one or two pairs of limit lines, the inner and the outer control limits. The central line
represents some standard value. The inner and outer pair of lines corresponds to the
confidence limits for the entries made on these charts. Usually, a pair of inner limit
lines of deviation 2σ is drawn on both sides of the central line representing a
confidence level of 95 percent. Thus, the probability of an observation falling outside
this limit is 5 percent, that is, only 1 in 20, and a tendency for a greater scatter would
indicate that the precision is not under control of 95 percent confidence. It is common
practice in most industries to set inner control limits of ± 2 σ as warning limits and
outer control limits of ± 3 σ (Fig. 3.6). The outer control limits correspond to a
confidence level of 99.7 percent, or a probability of 0.003 that a point will fall outside
these limits.

Fig. 3.4: Control Chart

The entries which are usually averages of three or more observations are plotted
serially on the control chart one after the other. The plotted points that lie inside the
particular pair of limit lines indicate result within control with the given degree of
confidence whereas the plotted points that fall outside the particular pair of limit lines
indicate falling out of control for the given degree of confidence. Special attention
should be paid to one sided deviation from the control limits, because systematic
errors often cause deviation in one direction.

Statistical analysis is necessary to understand the significance of analytical data. In
this unit you have studied the methods used by scientists in evaluating the significance
of analytical data with the knowledge of normal distribution of errors in terms of
probability. Replicate determinations should be made in order to approach the value of
experimental mean around the true mean with a certain degree of probability. To
indicate the precision of an analysis the most important statistical parameter is the
standard deviation. A clearer picture of data quality is sometimes obtained by relative
standard deviation. Precision of the calculated results is estimated by the calculation of
standard deviation by taking care of uncertainties of different sets of data used in
computation of results.

You have learnt here that the study of probability distributions is of fundamental
importance to the use of statistics for judging the reliability of analytical data. What
we say is all measurements contain random errors which follow the normal law of

Basic Aspects error. It can be expressed by a differential Eq. The area under various limits of the
normal error curve can be calculated by the integration of the differential Eq. The area
is the measure of probability that an observation lies in these limits. Various
confidence limits are used to get the confidence interval. The rejection of an outlying
observation can be ascertained by the suitable statistical methods.

In analytical chemistry it is frequently desired to compare the results of two different

methods, one of them is the test method and the other is usually an accepted method.
This is done by null hypothesis using the tests of significance: the t-test which is based
on the comparison of two means, the F-test which is based on the comparison of two
variances, and the chi-square test which is given in terms of frequencies. In many
analyses the relation between a physical quantity measured and concentration on
plotting gives a straight line. The method of least square is used to obtain the best
straight line for which the sum of the squares of deviations of the points from the line
is minimum. For quality control, the industrial analytical laboratories often use the
control chart technique which tells the trends in data of certain analysis.


1. Consider the following set of replicate measurements of an analyte: 0.792,
0.794, 0.813 and 0.900 g. The true value is 0.830 g. Calculate (a) mean (b)
median (c) range (d) standard deviation (e) coefficient of variation (f) absolute
error of the mean (g) the relative error of the mean in parts per thousand.
Consider no observation is rejected.

2. Calculate the uncertainty of the operation y = a/b. The individual uncertainty (as
standard deviation) of each quantity is given in parenthesis: a = 36.2 (± 0.4);
b = 27.1 (± 0.6). Express the calculated result with absolute uncertainty.

3. An analyst got the percent alcohol content in a blood sample: 0.084, 0.089 and
0.079. Calculate the 95% confidence limit for the mean assuming t = ± 4.30 for
two degrees of freedom and 95% confidence.


Self Assessment Questions

1. Arranging sequentially the observations: 13.4, 13.5, 13,6, 13.8, 14.1, 14.3 the
median will be the mean of 3rd & 4th observation.
Median = (13.6 + 13.8) / 2 = 13.7

2. x = 29.6 mg, s = 0.69 mg

CV = (0.69/29.6) × 100 = 2.33%
RSD (ppm) = (0.69/29.6) × 106 = 2.33×104 ppm.

3. i) Fraction of area under the normal error curve lying between – 1 σ to + 1 σ

= 0.683
Therefore, probability of a result lying between 0 and + 1 σ is = 0.683/2 =
0.342 or 34.2%
ii) Similarly probability between 0 and + 2 σ = 0.954/2 = 0.477
Therefore, probability between + 1 σ and + 2 σ will be
= 0.477 – 0.342 = 0.135 or 13.5%

4. Range R = 16.30 – 15.30 = 1.00

x = (15.30 + 15.85 +15.55 + 16.30)/4 = 15.75
µ= x ± Cn R = 15.75 ± 0.53 × 1.00

15.75 – 0.53 = 15.22 & 15.75 + 0.53 = 16.28 Evaluation of
Therefore, with 90% confidence the population mean µ lies between 15.22 and Analytical Data II
16.28 mg/100 mL.

5. The value 52.40 is not fitting well in the other observation, therefore, this value
is the suspected value. Omitting this value, the arithmetic mean of the rest is,
52.48 + 52.50 + 52.51 + 52.46
x = = 52.49
0.01 + 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.03
Average deviation = = 0.07/4
and 4 × a.d. = 0.07
Difference between suspected value and the mean of the rest = 52.49 – 52.40 =
0.09 which is greater than 4 × a.d. Hence the suspected value 52.40 should be
rejected according to 4d rule.

Terminal Questions
Σx i 0.792 + 0.794 + 0.813 + 0.900 3.299
1. a) Mean = = =
n 4 4
= 0.824525
Rounding up to three decimals the mean is
x = 0.825 g
0.794 + 0.813
b) Median = = 0.8035
= 0.804 g (Rounding off to 3 decimals)
c) Range = 0.900 – 0.792 = 0.108 g
|xi – x | = di (xi – x )2 = di
0.825 – 0.792 = .033 1089 × 10–6
0.825 – 0.794 = 0.031 961 × 10–6
0.825 – 0.813 = 0.012 144 × 10–6
0.900 – 0.825 = 0.075 5625 × 10–6
∑di = 7819 ×10–6

1/ 2
 Σd 2   7819 
1/ 2
s=  i  =  × 10 −6  = 51.05 × 10–3 g
 n −1  3 
 
Standard deviation s = 0.051 g.
e) Coefficient of variation CV = (s/ x ) × 100
= (0.051 / 0.825) × 100 = 6.18%
f) Absolute error of the mean = Mean – True value
= 0.825 – 0.830 = – 0.005 g
g) Relative error of the mean = ( – 0.005/0.830) × 1000
= – 6.02 ppt

2. First let us calculate the result without standard deviations.

36.2/27.1 = 1.335 = 1.34
Now to get the relative standard deviation of y, let us apply the rule of
multiplication and division. Thus,

Basic Aspects 2 2 2
 sy   sa  s 
  =   +  b
 y  a   b
 
= (0.4/36.2) + (0.6/27.1)2

= 122 × 10 – 6 + 490 × 10 – 6 = 612 × 10 – 6

sy/y = (612 × 10 – 6)1/2 = 0.0247
sy/y = 0.0247 × 1.34 = 0.33
Uncertainty of the operation = ± 0.03
The result is, y = 1.34 ±0.03

3. Mean x = (0.084 + 0.089 + 0.079)/3 = 0.084

(0.000) 2 + (0.005) 2 + (0.005) 2
s= = 0.005
3 −1
95% confidence limit µ = x ± ts/ n
µ = 0.084 ± (4.3 × 0.005) / 3
= 0.084 ± 0.012

Some Useful Books

1. Analytical Chemistry by Cary D. Christian , John Wiley and sons.

2. Basic concepts of Analytical Chemistry by S.M. Khopkar, New Age

International Publishers.

3. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by J. Menham, R.C.

Denney, J.D. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th Edn, Low Price Edition, Pearson
Education Ltd, New Delhi (2000).

Evaluation of
INDEX Analytical Data II

χ2 test 61
‘d’ 57
“4d” rule 56
“Q” test 57
“t” test 55, 58
Absolute error 27
Absorption spectrometry 12
Accuracy 31
Activation analysis 14, 15
Addition and Subtraction Operations 48
Amperometry 7, 10
Analyte 10, 12
Anion exchangers 18
Apparent error 43
Average deviation 44
Biamperometry 11
Cation exchangers 18
Chemical expression of results 46
Chi – square test 59
Chromatography 17, 18
Classification of chemical methods of analysis 9
Classification of different analytical techniques 9
Classification of electrical methods of analysis 10
Classification of nuclear methods 14
Classification of optical methods 12
Classification of separation methods 17
Classification of thermal methods of analysis 15
Coefficient of variation 47
Conductometric titrations 11
Conductometry methods 11
Confidence interval 53
Confidence level 62, 63
Confidence limits 42, 43
Constant error 28
Control charts 62
Coulometry 11
Criteria for rejection of data 56
Current-potential curves 11
Derivtive thermogravimetry (dtg) 16
Detection of errors 27, 41
Determinate errors 28
Deviation 41, 47
Deviation of mean 46
Differential scanning calorimetry (dsc) 17
Differential thermal analysis (dta) 16
Directional fluctuation 58
Dropping mercury electrode 11
Emr 12
Electroanalytical method 10, 23
Electron spin resonance 15
Electrophoresis 17
Emission spectroscopy 12
Error 28
Error and types of errors 26

Basic Aspects Error due to equipment 28
Error due to reagents 28
F – test 60
Filter photometry 12
Fluorophotometry 13
Gaussian distribution 41, 50
Gaussian distribution of data 49
Gravimetry 7, 9
High frequency methods 11, 12
I-e curves 11
Indeterminate errors 41, 50
Infrared (ir) 13
Infrared techniques 14
Ion exchange 18
Ionophoresis 18
Isotopic dilution methods 15
Mass spectrometry 15
Mean 42
Median 43
Methodic errors 29, 30
Methods of analysis 6
Minimization of errors 29
Mode 43
Mossbauer spectroscopy 15
Multiplication and division operations 48
Normal error curve 50
Normal frequency distribution 50
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 15
Null hypothesis 58
Numerical expression of results 35
Operational errors 28
Optical methods 12
Personal errors 28
PH-meters 21
PH-metry 21
Polarograms 11
Polarographic waves 11
Polarography 11
Population mean 43
Population standard deviation 53, 55
Potentiometry 10
Precision 47, 48
Precision of computed results 47
Probability 49, 50
Probable deviation 46, 47
Probable error 42
Propagation of error 46
Psychological errors 28
Radiochemical methods 14
Radiometric analysis 13
Raman effect 13
Raman spectroscopy 13
Random errors 29, 32
Random fluctuation 58
Random values 50
Relative Average Deviation 44
Relative standard deviation 45

Replicate determinations 42 Evaluation of
Reporting of results 34 Analytical Data II
Sample standard deviation 53
Separation of interfering substances 51, 53
Significant figures 36
Solvent extraction 18
Sources of determinate errors 28
Spectorphotometry 11
Standard deviation 46, 47
Standard deviation of the mean 46
Standard error 46
Student test 55, 58
Systematic errors 44, 63
Test of significance 58
Thermogravimetric analysis (tga) 16
Thermometric enthalpy titrations (tet) 17
Turbidimetry and nephelometry 13
Types of errors 28
Ultraviolet spectroscopy 13
Variable determinate errors 40
Variance 46
Visible absorption spectroscopy 13
Voltage curves 11
Volumetry 9, 10
Y 57


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