Analysis Through Thermal Energy
Analysis Through Thermal Energy
Analysis Through Thermal Energy
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Thermal analysis
Several measuring methods are available. The method used varies according to the physical
properties being analyzed. The most commonly used ones are as follows:
In this technique the change in sample weight is measured while the sample is heated at a
constant rate (or at constant temperature), under air (oxidative) or nitrogen (inert)
What are the types of Thermogravimetric Analysis?
The three types of thermographic analysis represent different ways to apply heat to the sample,
as weight change is measured over time.
Fig (4):Typical Thermgram for a polymer Fig (5):TG curve for decomposition of hydrated calcium
oxalate and magnesium oxalate
Factors affecting Thermogravimetry 10
Factors affecting
q Measurements can be carried out in the penetration mode, the dilatometry mode,
or the Dynamic Load TMA (DLTMA) mode.
Dilatometry involves the measurement of the expansion or shrinkage of a sample.
Dynamic Load TMA (DLTMA) is a highly sensitive technique for determining physical properties.
Contrary to DSC, it involves characterizing the mechanical behavior of samples.
Fig (8): DLTMA measurement of PET from room temperature to 160 °C.
Applications of TMA
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
It is the technique that measures the temperature difference between a sample and a
reference material as a function of temperature as they are heated or cooled or kept at a
constant temperature (isothermal).
Differential Scanning Caloriemeter (DSC) measures the amount of heat absorbed or released by a
sample as it is heated or cooled or kept at constant temperature (isothermal).
Description of DSC
q DTA are analysing and characterising clay materials, ceramic, ores, etc.
q DSC applied to most of the polymers in the curing process of the thermoset materials.
q DSC is determining the heat of melting and melting point of thermoplastic polymers,
glass transition temperature (Tg.).
Applications of DSC of liquid crystals.
It is the well-suited technique in the detection and further studies of liquid crystals materials.
Fig (13) DSC profile of liquid crystal materials at 5 K/min scan rate.