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A research paper

Presented to the faculty

Senior high school department

PHINMA Araullo University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for the subject

Inquiries investigation and immersion















MARCH 2019




A Social Media Sites continue to grow in popularity,

it is our premise that technology is a vital part in

today’s student activity. Some student use it advantage to

their study and some of them use it as disadvantage because

of wrong use of it. Some high school students take

advantage to easy to connect in the internet because of

smart phones that they have. Nowadays, everywhere has an

internet connection. How social media sites really affects

the student’s academic performance and how much time their

usually spend using social media sites.

Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow

people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and

picture/videos in virtual communication and network. Social

media is defining as “a group of internet-based

applications that build on the ideological and

technological foundation. And that allow the creation and

exchange of user-generated content. Furthermore, social

media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create

highly interactive platforms through which individuals and

communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-

generated content.

Social media are different from traditional or

industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach,

frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. There are

many effects that stem from internet usage. According to

Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with

social media sites than any other types of site. At the

same time.

Many ways that the social media affects the life of

college students in terms of interacting personally to

other person. And make face-to-face conversation.


Foreign Literatures

The increased use of Social Networking Websites has become

an international phenomenon in the past several years. What

started out as a hobby for some computer literate people

has become a social norm and way of life for people from

all over the world. Teenagers and young adults have

especially embraced thesesites as a way to connect with

their peers, share information, reinvent their

personalities, and showcase their social lives. With the

increase of technology used for communicating with others

and the popularity of the Internet, “Social Networking” has

become an activity that is done primarily on the Internet,

with sites like MySpace, Face book, Bebo, Friendster.

Many people actively participate in content generation and

value creation, and several researchers have examined their

profiles to determine why and to what extent they are seen

on posting their entire identity, sharing pictures and

videos, and indicating their religious affiliations,marital

status, and political orientations on the internet. These

users interact with others, exchange informationabout their

interests, and raise discussions about new topics, follows

news about specific topics on different Social Networking

Sites.Teenagers now use the Internet for the majority their

daily activities and information gathering, as opposed to

older generations who used resources like the television or


A recent survey showed that approximately ninety

percent of teens in the United States have Internet access,

and about seventy-five percent of these teens use the

Internet more than once per day. This study also showed

that approximately half of all teens who have Internet

access are also members of social networking sites, and use

the Internet to make plans and socialize with friends. In

September, 2005, out of total adult internetusers (18-29

years) 16% were those who were using any social networking

site and this percentage increased to86% on May, 2010.

Tuck man (1975) defined performance as the apparent

demonstration of understanding, concepts, skills ideasand

knowledge of a person and proposed that grades clearly

depict the performance of a student. Hence, their academic

performance must be managed efficiently keeping in view all

the factors that can positively or negatively affect their

educational performance. Use of technology such as internet

is one of the most important factors that can influence

educational performance of students positively or

adversely. Shah et al. (2001) proposed that student users

are affected by the internet and this impact is determined

by the type of internet usage. They are positively affected

by the informative use of internet while having drastic

impact of recreationaluse of internet on them. Also,

Oskoueiproposed that internet is advantageous to both

students andteachers if used as a tool of knowledge

creation and dissemination.

Several studies have been done regarding social networking

and grades. White more School of Business and Economics

recently conducted a survey of over 1,000 students. They

asked questions regarding which social network sites were

used, how much time they spent on a site, what their grade

point average (GPA) was, and what they were going to school

for. It was concluded that there is no correlation between

how much time inspect on a social networking site and


The University of New Hampshire agrees, and believes that

current college students grew up in the technology and

social networking is now just a part of a student's daily

routine. Their research show that '63% of heavy users

received high grades, compared to 65% of light users. The

University of New Hampshire said that a majority of

students use social networking for social connections and

entertainment, butare also using it for education and

professional reasons.Kirschnera revealed that students who

multi-task between social networking sites and homework are

likely tohave 20% lower grades than a student who does not

have a social networking site in visual range. Kirschnera

believes that even running a social networking site on the

background on a student's PC while studying or doing

homework could lower a student's grade.

He believes that "the problem is that most people have

Facebook or other social networking sites, their e-mails

and maybe instant messaging constantly running in the

backgroundwhile they are carrying out their tasks".American

Educational Research Association conducted a research and

it was declared on its annual conferencein San Diego,

California (2009) that SNSs users study less and generated

lower grades eventually. Similarly, Banquil found a

continuing drop of grades among student users of social

networking sites. However, many researchers also found a

positive association between use of internet and SNS and

academic performance of the student users. Students, using

internet frequently, scored higher on reading skills test

and had higher grades as well.

An ever increasing growth rate of SNS not only calls

for the parental and teacher monitoring of student users

but also attracting the focus of academicians and

researchers towards this phenomenon. Student’s use of

social networking continues to create challenges and issues

for higher education professionals and keeping abreast of

these challenges has proved difficult because of the speed

at which new technologies are being introduced.There is

evidence that higher education institutions have taken

initiatives in disclosing information about online social

networking involvement to their students. An example is

Cornell University’s “Thoughts on Facebook”,which creates

students awareness about the responsible use of online

social networking.

Following Cornell University, many institutions have

adopted this approach to informing students by

usinganecdotal literature to guide their actions.The study

looks at Social networks in relation to its impact on

academic needs. Social networks are studied with an

educational context; they are part of a virtual learning

environment. The classroom is shifting in time and space

with e learning. The rampant use of social networks for

learning purposes by students makes this study imperative.

SNS are part of this virtual learning environment where the

classroom is shifting in time and space.

Foreign Study

The rapid development of information and communication

technologies has sparked the creative incorporation of

social media into current pedagogical applications and

processes. Social media includes a variety of web-based

tools and services that are designed to promote community

development through collaboration and information sharing.

These tools provide opportunities for individual expression

as well as interactions with other users. Social media can

include blogs, wikis, media (audio, photo, video, text),

sharing tools, networking platforms (including Facebook),

and virtual worlds. Current research has indicated that

using social media as an educational tool can lead to

increased student engagement. By encouraging engagement

with social media, students develop connections with peers,

establish a virtual community of learners and ultimately

increase their overall learning.

This literature review will explore the dimensions of

student engagement through social media as a means of

fostering increased student learning and implications for

educators on how to incorporate social media with academic

course content. Student engagement represents both the time

and energy students invest in interactions with others

through educationally purposeful activities. Nelson Laird

and Kuh reported that students who use information

technology for academics also have a higher likelihood of

contributing and participating in active, academic

collaboration with other students. This collaboration

indicates that as engagement with technology increases,

engagement with academics also increases, promoting a

deeper connection between the students, educators, and

course content. By participating in a community of

learners, students become more engaged with the course

content which increases the achievement of popular learning

outcomes, such as critical thinking and individual student

development. Therefore, student engagement through social

media can increase connections to create a virtual

community that leads to better content learning. Social

media use has increased in recent years across all age


The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that

although 73% of teens between the ages of 12 and 17 use

social media, the rates of social media use are even higher

(83%) for young adults between the ages of 18 and 29. Due

to age restrictions and limited access to social media,

pre-adolescent students do not appear to have the same

level of social media use as older student. In addition to

the number of teens and young adults using social media,

two-thirds of adult Internet users are also using social

media. Social media has also been implemented in academic

settings to motivate students to participate, share, and

learn with other collaborators. Nelson Laird and Kuh found

that students use information technology regularly in both

their academic and personal lives. However, students use

social media more than other course related technologies

because they are already familiar with the features and

settings. Nowadays, most researchers agree that knowledge

not only exists in individual minds but also in the

discourse and interactions between individuals. Such

interactions support active participation, which is an

essential element in student learning. Learners need to

develop skills to share knowledge and to learn with others,

both in face-to-face situations and through technology

including social media.

Kabila found that students build learning communities

by working collaboratively to construct knowledge. Social

media serves as a tool to facilitate the development of

these learning communities by encouraging collaboration and

communication. Moreover, these interactions reinforce the

achievement of desirable learning outcomes. As a result,

social media supports collaborative learning, which in turn

helps to strengthen the creative learning process.

Collaborative learning is characterized by student

interactions and connections with course content. Social

media provides an opportunity for students to expand their

learning environment since only a portion of student

learning occurs within the confines of a classroom. Fewkes

and McCabe (2012) further argued that it is the

responsibility of educators to find ways to incorporate

current social media into their classrooms. Educators can

use social media to develop creativity in their students by

encouraging them to explore the content material in new

ways. For example, social media provides students with

options for creating authentic, creative products through

tools such as blogs, YouTube, and podcasts.

Students can also use social media to research content

material in order to develop new knowledge. By allowing the

needs of creative learners to be met through a cooperative

learning environment, students are better able to balance

their individualism with the need for contact with others,

allowing new ideas to flourish.Technology, when used

independently, does not necessarily contribute to learning.

Aguilar-Roca, Williams, and O’Dowd found that students who

take notes by hand achieve higher test scores when compared

to students who use laptops to take notes. Additionally,

prior computer knowledge plays a factor in a student’s

perceived learning through online methods of instruction.

However, the Internet can provide a rich environment for

hosting the educational and learning activities for

students. Chen found that students who primarily take

online courses also spend more time using online tools and

social media as supplementary learning tools when compared

to students who primarily take face-to-face courses. By

supplementing student course work with outside materials as

well as creating and sharing knowledge among peers, social

media creates an environment where increased critical

thinking and collaboration are possible. Thus, the active

engagement and establishment of virtual relationships

through social media offers opportunities for increased

learning by encouraging students to build on established

connections with other sources beyond the classroom.

Local Literature

March 29, 2012 marked the 18th year since the

Philippines was first connected to the internet back in

1994. But almost two decades after, most Filipinos still do

not have access to the Internet, much more high-speed

broadband Internet that have come to be associated with

economic progress over the years (Villavicencio, 2012)

Accessing online newspaper is not possible without the

internet. The internet can be conceived as a rich, multi-

layered, complex, ever-changing textual environment. The

internet provides several opportunities for the academia.

It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a

medium for collaborative interaction between individuals

and their computers without regard for geographic

limitation of space. Content created on the Internet ranges

from simple e-mail messages to sophisticated documents

(sites) incorporating sounds, images and words.

The Internet is a live, constantly moving,

theoretically borderless, potentially infinite space for

the production and circulation of information. The internet

is a arguably one of the most significant technological

developments of the late 20th century.

Verona asserted that while printed materials have a

certain fixity and finitude, texts published via the

Internet have a much more fluid character. With texts no

longer housed between library or bookshop walls, it becomes

impossible to pin down all or even most of the available

materials in given subject areas for archival and

classification purposes. The Internet might thus be

described as a sea of information, subject to the ebb and

flow of various forces (political, corporate,

institutional, etc), creating an ever-shifting shoreline.

Local Studies

In the study of Lanorio, majority of the respondents

rated the positive effects of internet-related activities

higher than its negative effects. The preferred internet-

related activities of the respondents are social

networking, listening to music, downloading internet files,

and other documents and researching. They also use

chatting, e-mailing, reading news and other articles,

internet gaming and blogging. In terms of time allotted in

internet-related activities per week, data revealed that

his respondents mostly spent 1 to 3 hours per week on

internet-related activities. As cited by Landorio, Mercado

said the emergence of computers in our day to day

activities has transformed our lives to a large extent.

Computer is the central tool in what is becoming an

information society. Most of us spend a great amount of

time indulging in information activities such as reading,

writing, listening to music, watching television, making

calculations, playing computer games, planning, and even

dreaming. All these activities can be computer-aided.

Katamba (2009) affirmed that the most important

difference that has taken place in the world in the last

few years is the rapid development and spread of

information technology in every field. It is accepted by

all environments that information technology provides value

in materialistic and moral aspects, and that is widely used

in the field of education, economy, health, agriculture,

social life and entertainment.

Justification of the study

There researchers claimed that this study is their

original work which is the result of their efforts and hard

work. No other studies were reproduced or duplicated.

Studies that are related to this study were only used as

reference and were cited in this study as it should be.

These materials served as a frame of reference for

this research paper. It was indeed helpful in the

construction of the research design and in formulating the

instrument for data gathering.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Influence Of Social

Media To Academic Performance Of Senior High School Of

Grade 11 Gas Educ Students Of Phinma Araullo University

Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. How may the socio-demographic profile of the respondents be

described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 monthly Family Income;

1.4 daily allowance;

1.5 no. Of hours using social networks;

1.6 daily expenses for social media;

1.7 types of technology used in social media;

1.8 location when using social media;

1.9 types of social media used,

2. How may the effects of social media be described in terms

of the following:

2.1 Social effect;

2.2 Emotional effect;

2.3 Moral effect, and;

2.4 Intellectual effect

Significance of the Study

The proposed research study will benefit the following:

The Researcher, This will lead the researcher to go on

in depth study about how popular the Social Media in senior

high school students.

The Future Researchers, This will be serve as

reference for them who may be interested study further

about “online”.

The Community, This proposed study will benefit the

people who are aware of this kind of study.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study was conducted to determine Influence Of

Social Media To Academic Performance Of Senior High School

Of Grade 11 Gas Educ Students Of Phinma Araullo University

The researcher confined the study in Phinma Araullo

University among Grade 11 senior high school students

Definition of terms

Social Media, it’scollective of onlinecommunications

channels dedicated to community-based input,interaction,

content-sharingand collaboration. Websites and applications

dedicated to forums, micro-blogging, social networking,

social bookmarking, social creation, and wikis are among

the different types of social media.

Information, it’s Describe it as one or more

statements or facts that are received by a human and that

have some form of worth to the recipient.

Sharing, it’s to join or alternating use of inherently

finite goods, such as common Pasture or a shared residence.

It is also the process of dividing and distributing. Apart

from obvious instance, which we can observe in human

activity, we can also find many examples of this happening

in nature.

Tablet computer, it’s a mobile computer with touch-

screen display, circuitry and battery in a single unit.

Tablets equipped with sensors, including cameras, and

microphone, an accelerometer and a touch screen, with

finger or stylus gestures substitution for the use of

computer mouse and keyboard.

Computer, it’s a general purpose device that can be

programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical

operations automatically. Since a sequence of operations

can be readily change, the computer can solve more than one

kind of problem.

Cellphone, A computer is a device that

accepts information and manipulates it for some result

based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the

data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the

means for storing data (including the program, which is

also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A program

may be invariable and built into the computer or different

programs may be provided to the computer. Today's computers

have both kinds of programming.

Laptop, Portable and compact personal computer with

the samecapabilitiesas a desktop computer.

Laptop computers have an L-shape design and the screen can

be lowered and closed to allow for easy transportation of

the machine. The primary feature that attracts users to

laptops over desktops is their portability. Laptop

computers provide users the ability to run the machine

using an internal battery or an outside power adaptor.

Laptops have dramatically decreased in size since their

introduction in 1979. Laptops are usually more expensive

than standard desktops and do not have the same life-span

as fixed personal computers.

Effect, are power to bring about a result (merrim-

webster,2012). Is used in this study, refers to the result

or outcome that is brought by social media to the


Social effects, Today’s world is a global village.

Everyone is connected to one another in this vast network

generated by the Internet. As said by Marshall McLuhan, a

philosopher of communication theory, “

Emotional Effects,Forgas notes that affect and

emotions influence everything we do and all the decisions

we make in our everyday lives.

Intellectual Effects,a person who engages

in critical study, thought, and reflection about

the reality of society, and proposes solutions for

the normative problems of that society.



This chapter presents the method used by the

researchers and the techniques used to gather information

necessary to complete this research study.

Method of Research

The research used descriptive to provides data the

subject being studied, it characterized as a survey to the

study of condition, and it used when the objective is to

provide a systematic description that is as factual and

accurate as possible.

Research Locale

This research study was conducred in Phinma Araullo

University among Grade 11 Senior high school Students.

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Techniques

Different technique were utilized by researchers

in data gathering, information that are necessary in the

purpose of the project that are not available inside the

library was preassembled using the survey from this:

Observation. Additional information, especially no

matters pertaining to the business actual operation was

gained through this method.

Library Technique. Araullo University Library

researchers own library used as secondary sources of

information required to support and justify the visibility

of the project.

Web Surfing. Though the help of the internet, the

researchers were able to gather information related to the

operation of this kind of business and useful data can be

obtain from the internet which are not published on book

and magazines and not available to the public can be

acquired easily.

Questionnaire Technique. The questionnaire was used as

an instrument in gathering data.

Description of the Instrument

Research data was sustained through statistical

treatment. It involve the process of counting, comparing,

measuring and differentiating as it governed the

interpretation of findings of the study. The data were

analyzed and interpreted with the use of weighted mean and


In order to ascertain the perception of the

respondents about their view on the aforementioned areas,

the following rating scale was used:

Statistical Treatment of Data

After distributing and collecting the

questionnaires, responses were tallied accordingly,

organized into table by using the weighted mean, frequency,

percentage and ranking.

The following formula were used:

To get the weighted mean:

WM = TWF / N


WM = Weighted mean

TWF = Total weighted frequency

N = Total number of respondent

Weighted mean identifies the average degree of responses

from each variable.

Degree Class Interval Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Always

4 3.41-4.20 Often

3 2.61-3.40 Sometimes

2 1.81-2.60 Seldom

1 1.00-1.80 Never

To get the percentage: % = F / N X 100


% = Percentage

F = Number of responses

N = Total number of respondents

Percentage helps to determine the portion of each response

as a part of a whole.

Chapter 3


The data gathered and organized are shown and reflected on

the tables presented in this particular chapter.

Part I. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents

Table 1.1

Distribution of respondents according to age

Age F %
14-15 5 25
15-16 10 50
16 and above 5 25
Total 20 100.00

Table 1.1 presents the distribution of respondents

according to age. The data shows that there were 10 or

50percent percent whose age range from 15-16 years old, 5

or 25 percent belonged to 14-15 years old, and those at

16 and above age group. The most respondent is 15-16

years of age.

The data showed that most of the respondents –are

under the age bracket of 15-16 These age bracket showed

that the respondents with matured age are really aware to

their behaviour as adolescents.

Table 1.2

Distribution of respondents according to sex

Sex F %

Female 15 75

Male 5 25

Total 20 100.00

Table 1.2 presents the distribution of respondents

according to sex. The data shows that there were 15 or 75

percent whose sex range to female, 5 or 25 percent belonged

to male.

The data showed that majority of the respondents were

females who are the subject of the study.

It implied that female were always concerned about

the behavior and mass media than those of male students.

Table 1.3

Distribution of respondents according to monthly family


Monthly Family Income F %

10001– 28000 5 25
28001 – 46000 6 30
46001 – 64000 4 20
less than 10000 3 15
64001 – 82000 2 10
Total 20 100.00

Table 1.3 presents the distribution of respondents

according to monthly family income. The data shows that

there were 5 or 25 percent of respondents who recorded

their monthly family income within the range of less than

Php10,001 – Php28,000, 6 or 30 percent at Php28,001 –

Php46,000, 4 or 20 percent at Php46,001 – Php64,000.a nd

3 or 15 percent earned of less than 10,000 and 2 or 10

percent earned of 64001-8200

The table 1.3 showed most common family income per

month is averaging to 10001 – 28000 to spent for their


Table 1.4

Distribution of respondents according to daily allowance

Daily Allowance F %

100 – 200 15 75

201 – 300 3 15

301 and above 2 10

Total 20 100.00

Table 1.4 presents the distribution of respondents

according to daily allowance. The data showed that 15 or 75

percent of the respondents had a Php100.00 – Php200.00

daily allowances, 3 or 15 percent had Php201.00 – Php300.00

and 2 or 10 percent had Php301.00 and above daily allowance

of the respondents.

The table 1.4 showed the daily allowance of the

respondent are mostly in the average of 100 – 200.

Table 1.5

Distribution of respondents according to no. of hours using

social media

Number of hours using social

media F %

1 - 2 hrs. 17 85

3 - 4 hrs. 2 10

5 hours and above 1 5

Total 20 100.00

Table 1.5 presents the distribution of respondents

according to no. of hours using social media. The data

shows that there were 17 or 85 percent were 1 – 2 hours

using social media, 2 or 10 percent were 3 – 4 hours, 1 or

5 percent were 5 hours and above using social media.

The table 1.5 showed the number of hours that the

respondents using social media is 1 – 2 and 3 – 4 and some

is using more than 5 hours.

Table 1.6

Distribution of respondents according to daily expenses for

social media

Daily expenses for social media F %

15 - 30 pesos 5 25
No response 3 15
30 - 50 pesos 2 10
50 and above 10 50
Total 20 100.00

Table 1.6 presents the distribution of respondents

according to daily expenses for social media. The data

illustrated that the respondents’5 or 25 percent were 15 –

30 pesos daily expense for social media, 3 or 15 percent

were no response, 2 or 10 percent were 30 – 50 pesos.and

there are 10 or 50 percent for daily expenses which is 50

pesos and above.

The table 1.6 showed the average daily expense for

using social media is 50 pesos and above pesos daily.

Table 1.7

Distribution of respondents according to types of

technology used in social media

Types of technology used in

social media F Rank
Cellphones 18 90
Personal computer 1 5
Laptop 1 5
Total 20 100.00

Table 1.7 presents the distribution of respondents

according to types of technology used in social media. The

data showed that 18 or 90 percent of the respondents using

cell phones, 1 or 5 percent were laptop and personal


The table 1.6 showed the most type of technology used

is cellphones for easily access for the social media sites

Table 1.7

Distribution of respondents according to location when

using social media

Location when using social media F Rank

School 3 15
Home 14 70
Internet café 2 10
Canteen 1 5
Total 20 100.00

Table 1.7 presents the distribution of respondents

according to location when using social media. The data

confirmed that 14 or 70 percent were at home, 3 or 15

percent were at school, 2 or 10 percent were at internet

café. And 1 or 5 percent at canteen.

The table 1.7 showed the location when using social

media most of the respondents’ answers at home for easily

access for the internet connection.

Table 1.8

Distribution of respondents according to type of social

media used

Types of social media used F Rank

Social networking sites(Facebook, Google
Plus, CafeMom, Gather, Fitsugar) 5 1
Micro-blogging sites(Twitter, Tumblr,
Posterous) 4 2
Publishing tools (WordPress, Blogger,
Squarespace) 1 6
Rating/Review sites (Amazon ratings, Angie’s
List) 1 5
Photo sharing sites (Flikr, Instagram,
Pinterest) 3 3
Video sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler) 1 4
Personal broadcasting tools (Blog Talk radio,
Ustream, Livestream) 1 7
Virtual worlds (Second Life, World of
Warcraft, Farmville) 1 9
Location based services (Check-ins, Facebook
Places, Foursquare, Yelp) 1 9
Widgets (Profile badges, Like buttons) 1 12
Social bookmarking and news aggregation
(Digg, Delicious) 1 11
Group buying (Group on, Living Social, Crowd
savings) 0 10
*multiple response

Table 1.8 presents the distribution of respondents

according to type of social media used. The data shows that

there were 5 answered Social networking sites(Facebook,

Google Plus, CafeMom, Gather, Fitsugar) ranked as number 1,

4 answered Micro-blogging sites(Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous)

ranked as number 2, 3 answered Photo sharing sites (Flikr,

Instagram, Pinterest) ranked as number 3.

The table 1.8 showed the type of social media used is

social networking sites and ranked as number 1 for the

respondents to get in touch to others and also the micro

blogging sites like twitter is ranked as number 2 most used


This implied that in Media not all children are

affected in the same way, but there is much more evidences

that media programs with violence can be harmful to young

viewers and it really shows that it has an effect on

development of youth delinquent behavior.

Part II. Effects of Social Media to the Respondents

Table 2.1
Social effect

Social Effect WM VI

I’m having fun interacting with other Social 4.32 A

Media user

I can easily connect to my relatives abroad 4.38 A

I confident to get in touch with my friends 4.49 A

by means of social networking sites

I am aware with what I see and hear in 4.44 A

everyday news

I respect other Social Media users 4.38 A

I experience cyber bullying 1.72 N

OWM 3.96 O

Table 2.1 presents the effects of social media inters

of social effects.

Shows in the table that social effect that social

effect highest weighted mean was “I confident to get in

touch with my friends by means of social networking sites,”

with a weighted mean of 4.49 and interpreted as “always”

followed by “I am aware with what I see and hear in

everyday news,” with a weighted mean of 4.44 and

interpreted as “always” and “I can easily connect to my

relatives abroad,” and “I respect other Social Media

users,” with a weighted mean of 4.38 both interpreted as


The above data reveals that the respondents often use

social media sites to help them socialize to their friends

and connect to their relatives abroad as well, and get news

updates from those sites and the lowest weighted means of

1.72 and interpreted as never, if they experience cyber

bullying those respondents have the lowest confident to

interact to social media sites because of bullying and this

means most senior high school students are highly

interacted using social media sites to communicate.

Table 2.2

Emotional Effects

B. Emotional Effect WM VI

1. I understand the feelings of others in 4.33 A

terms of their post

2. I am easily irritated on different 4.24 A

notifications and advertisements
interrupting my usage

3. I am in the good mood every time I saw 4.12 O

good post of other

4. I get pissed off on bashers 4.10 O

5. I am more comfortable expressing my 4.15 O

feelings through Social Media

6. I feel emotional every time I saw sad 4.20 A


OWM 4.19 O

Table 2.2 presents the effects of social media in

terms of emotional effects

Shows in the table that emotional effects highest

weighted mean was “I understand the feelings of others in

terms of their post” with a weighted mean of 4.33

interpreted as “always,” followed by “I am easily irritated

on different notifications and advertisements interrupting

my usage” with a weighted mean of 4.24 interpreted as

“always,” and “I feel emotional everytime I saw sad story”

with a weighted mean of 4.20 interpreted as “always”.

This means that the table shows above the respondents

are emotionally in touch to other by using social media

sites they felt sad, happy, understanding, irritated and

sad when they post something or saw the other social media

users they express feelings and share some of it by means

of social media.

Table 2.3

Moral Effects

C. Moral Effect WM VI
1. I patiently read the story of others 4.37 A
about family, friends and relationship
to god
2. I get distracted about the story of 4.29 A
family when something happened to their
family member
3. I feel blessed when someone post a 4.32 A
spiritual quotes
4. I gain more values in terms of life 4.45 A
5. I treat Social Media as one of my 4.44 A
spiritual guide through quotes and other
Social Media user posts
6. I appreciate other post about life and 4.53 A
OWM 4.40 A

Table 2.3 presents the effects of social media in

terms of moral effects

Shows in the table that the moral effect highest

weighted mean was “I appreciate other post about life and

god” with a weighted mean of 4.53 interpreted as “always,”

followed by “I gain more values in terms of life situation”

with a weighted mean of 4.45 interpreted as “always,” and

“I treat Social Media as one of my spiritual guide through

quotes and other Social Media user posts” with a weighted

mean of 4.44 interpreted as “always”.

It shows the respondents are morally affected about to

his/her surroundings. What to do right or wrong and they

shows that by using social media, but some of them get

distracted about the post of other or if they share some

thoughts about life, friends and relationship to god, all

data shown that the moral aspect really affect the

respondents and all of that got the highest average.

Table 2.4

D. Intellectual Effect/Academic Performance WM VI

1. I use Social Media as my tools o 4.22 A

2. I become more aware of the day to day 4.36 A

school work by using Social Media
through group chat

3. I have easy time doing my home works and 4.40 A


4. I use Social Media to get help of my 4.39 A


5. I am participating on our block mates 4.34 A

group chat

6. I can’t concentrate with my study 3.55 O

because I get distracted using Social

OWM 4.21 A

Table 2.4 presents the effects of social media in

terms of Intellectual effects

Shows in the table that intellectual effects highest

weighted mean was “I have easy time doing my home works and

research” with a weighted mean of 4.40 interpreted as

“always,” followed by “I use Social Media to get help of my

study” with a weighted mean of 4.39 interpreted as

“always,” and “I become more aware of the day to day school

work by using Social Media through group chat” with a

weighted mean of 4.36 interpreted as “always”.

All in the intellectual effects had shown it can help

to the study of the respondent. In terms of reviewing,

participating or group chat and also sometimes they got

distracted doing their things because of social media, but

it’s more useful to the respondent social media.



This chapter represent the summary of the study,

findings, conclusions based on the findings of the study

and recommendation for future studies.


This study determined the problems, the control

measures and effects of social media is focused on selected

senior high school students of Araullo Colleges The

respondents were 20Grade 11 high school students and

chosen through purposive sampling. This descriptive study

used qualitative and quantitative approach. Researchers

used questionnaire to determine the perception and options

of the respondents in the simplest and understandable



Based on the gathered data and the computation obtained

from the statistical treatment, the following findings are:

Distribution of respondents according to age

The data shows that there were 10 or 50percent percent

whose age range from 15-16 years old, 5 or 25 percent

belonged to 14-15 years old, and those at 16 and above age

group. The most respondent is 15-16 years of age.

Distribution of respondents according to sex

. The data shows that there were 15 or 75 percent whose

sex range to female, 5 or 25 percent belonged to male.

Distribution of respondents according to monthly family


. The data shows that there were 5 or 25 percent of

respondents who recorded their monthly family income within

the range of less than Php10,001 – Php28,000, 6 or 30

percent at Php28,001 – Php46,000, 4 or 20 percent at

Php46,001 – Php64,000.a nd 3 or 15 percent earned of less

than 10,000 and 2 or 10 percent earned of 64001-8200

Distribution of respondents according to daily allowance

The data showed that 15 or 75 percent of the

respondents had a Php100.00 – Php200.00 daily allowances, 3

or 15 percent had Php201.00 – Php300.00 and 2 or 10 percent

had Php301.00 and above daily allowance of the respondents.

Distribution of respondents according to no. of hours using
social media
. The data shows that there were 17 or 85 percent were 1 –

2 hours using social media, 2 or 10 percent were 3 – 4

hours, 1 or 5 percent were 5 hours and above using social


Distribution of respondents according to daily expenses for

social media
The data illustrated that the respondents’5 or 25 percent

were 15 – 30 pesos daily expense for social media, 3 or 15

percent were no response, 2 or 10 percent were 30 – 50

pesos.and there ar 10 or 50 percent for daily expenses

which is 50 pesos and above.

Distribution of respondents according to types of

technology used in social media

The data showed that 18 or 90 percent of the respondents

using cell phones, 1 or 5 percent were laptop and personal


Distribution of respondents according to location when
using social media
The data confirmed that 14 or 70 percent were at home, 3

or 15 percent were at school, 2 or 10 percent were at

internet café. And 1 or 5 percent at canteen.

Distribution of respondents according to type of social

media used
The data shows that there were 5 answered Social

networking sites(Facebook, Google Plus, CafeMom, Gather,

Fitsugar) ranked as number 1, 4 answered Micro-blogging

sites(Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous) ranked as number 2, 3

answered Photo sharing sites (Flikr, Instagram, Pinterest)

ranked as number 3.

Effects of Social Media to the Respondents

Shows in the table that social effect that social effect

highest weighted mean was “I confident to get in touch with

my friends by means of social networking sites,” with a

weighted mean of 4.49 and interpreted as “always” followed

by “I am aware with what I see and hear in everyday news,”

with a weighted mean of 4.44 and interpreted as “always”

and “I can easily connect to my relatives abroad,” and “I

respect other Social Media users,” with a weighted mean of

4.38 both interpreted as “always”.

Emotional Effects

That the emotional effects highest weighted mean was “I

understand the feelings of others in terms of their post”

with a weighted mean of 4.33 interpreted as “always,”

followed by “I am easily irritated on different

notifications and advertisements interrupting my usage”

with a weighted mean of 4.24 interpreted as “always,” and

“I feel emotional everytime I saw sad story” with a

weighted mean of 4.20 interpreted as “always”.

Moral Effects

That the moral effect highest weighted mean was “I

appreciate other post about life and god” with a weighted

mean of 4.53 interpreted as “always,” followed by “I gain

more values in terms of life situation” with a weighted

mean of 4.45 interpreted as “always,” and “I treat Social

Media as one of my spiritual guide through quotes and other

Social Media user posts” with a weighted mean of 4.44

interpreted as “always”.


That intellectual effects highest weighted mean was “I have

easy time doing my home works and research” with a weighted

mean of 4.40 interpreted as “always,” followed by “I use

Social Media to get help of my study” with a weighted mean

of 4.39 interpreted as “always,” and “I become more aware

of the day to day school work by using Social Media through

group chat” with a weighted mean of 4.36 interpreted as



Based on the findings of the study, the researchers

concluded that age among 14-15 which categorized as young

the respondents high school students are more interacted

using social media and more affected using it. Also the

family monthly income has an impact for using social media

due to the availability, accessibility and affordability of

the things that they used to log in social media sites.

Furthermore, in terms of the technology used are important,

on the researchers finding the most used technology is cell

phones that they can carry anywhere and use it anytime.

Also the majority are using social networking sites like

facebook the most commonly site in social media. And most

of the time their using social media at home for more

availability of the connection in the internet.

All affects that the researchers mention on the

researcher study (social, emotional, moral and

intellectual), all those aspects finds the mostly effects

of the user of social media. They usually using social

media sites to connect to their friends or family abroad,

to read news, post of the other social media user and care

to those family or people suffering on something, social

media used tools of reviewing or get help for the study or

sometimes they get distracted by using of social media.


Based on the result of the findings and conclusions

gathered to this study, the researchers recommend that the


1. Parents and significant others must primary support and

guide their children for using social media sites.

2. Friends and family need to encourage one another to do

their task first and don’t get distracted by using social


3. That the respondents limit their time on social networking

especially at night and have a balance schedule so that

their rest and sleep should not be compromised.

4. And also for those respondents they need more care about

using social media site

5. That the respondents responsible use social media for

education purposes, they can visit several site for

downloading articles and literatures relevant to their


6. That the respondents continuously use social media properly

especially when it comes to interpersonal aspects that they

use it to interact with their friends and loved ones who

are far from each other.

7. That the future researcher conduct further studies on some

topics but with other educational institution to verify,

amplify or negative findings of the study.



An undergraduate Thesis: ”Effects of Social Networking

Site to the Student Nurses of Wesleyan University

Philippines”. School year (2009-2010)

An undergraduate Thesis: “Social Networking and it’s

effects of Sophomore Students or College of Nursing and

Allied medical Science”. School year (2012)


Pasek, J., More, E., &Hargittai, E., (2009.) Facebook

and academic performance: Reconciling a media sensation

with date.First Monday, 14(5). Retrieved









Age: _________
Sex: □ Male □ Female

Monthly Family Income: _____________

Birth Order: _____________

Daily Allowance: ___________

No. of Hours. Using Social Networks: ____________

Daily expenses for social media: _______________

Types of technology used in social media:

□ personal computer □ laptop
□ tablets □ cellphones
Others please specify: ______________

Location when using social media:

□ school □ home
□ internet café □ canteen
Others: please specify: _____________

Types of social media used:

□ Social networking sites(Facebook, Google Plus,
CafeMom, Gather, Fitsugar)
□ Micro-blogging sites(Twitter, Tumblr,
□ Publishing tools (WordPress, Blogger,
□ Rating/Review sites (Amazon ratings, Angie’s
□ Photo sharing sites (Flikr, Instagram,
□ Video sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler)
□ Personal broadcasting tools (Blog Talk radio,
Ustream, Livestream)
□ Virtual worlds (Second Life, World of Warcraft,
□ Location based services (Check-ins, Facebook
Places, Foursquare, Yelp)
□ Widgets (Profile badges, Like buttons)

□ Social bookmarking and news aggregation (Digg,
□ Group buying (Group on, Living Social, Crowd
Others: Please specify:

Part II. Effect of Social Media to the respondents in terms

of social, emotional, moral and intellectual. Please check
the number that corresponds to your answer.

5- Always 4 – Often 3 – Sometimes 2 – Seldom 1 -


A. Social Effect 5 4 3 2 1
1. I’m having fun interacting with other
Social Media user
2. I can easily connect to my relatives abroad
3. I confident to get in touch with my friends
by means of social networking sites
4. I am aware with what I see and hear in
everyday news
5. I respect other Social Media users
6. I experience cyber bullying
B. Emotional Effect
1. I understand the feelings of others in
terms of their post
2. I am easily irritated on different
notifications and advertisements
interrupting my usage
3. I am in the good mood every time I saw good
post of other
4. I get pissed off on bashers
5. I am more comfortable expressing my
feelings through Social Media
6. I feel emotional every time I saw sad story

C. Moral Effect
1. I patiently read the story of others about
family, friends and relationship to god
2. I get distracted about the story of family
when something happened to their family
3. I feel blessed when someone post a
spiritual quotes
4. I gain more values in terms of life
5. I treat Social Media as one of my spiritual
guide through quotes and other Social Media
user posts
6. I appreciate other post about life and god
D. Intellectual Effect/Academic Performance
1. I use Social Media as my tools o reviewing
2. I become more aware of the day to day
school work by using Social Media through
group chat
3. I have easy time doing my home works and
4. I use Social Media to get help of my study
5. I am participating on our block mates group
6. I can’t concentrate with my study because I
get distracted using Social Media


The main focus of this study was to identify the influence

Of social media to the academic performance of senior high

school of grade eleven gas education of Phinma Araullo

University. The study determine the problems, the control

measures and effects of social media is focus on selected

senior High school of Araullo University. The respondents

were 20 grade eleven senior high school education students

and chosen through purposive sampling. The descriptive

study used questionaires to determine the perception and

options of the respondents in the simplest and

understandable manner. The data shows that there were 10-50

percent whose age range from 15-16 years old, 5 or 25

percent belong to 14-25 years old, and those at 16 and

above age group. The most respondents is 15 years of age.

The data shows that there were 5 answered social networking

sites ( facebook,google plus, cafemom, gather, fitsugar)

rank as number 1, 4 answered micro blogging sites (

twitter, tumblr, Pinterest) rank as number 3. Friends and

family need to encourage one another to do their task

first and don’t get distracted the using social media all

effects that the researchers mention the researchers study

( social, emotional, moral and intellectual) all those

aspects find the mostly effects of the user of social

media. They usually using social media sites to connect to

their friends or family abroad, to read news, post of the

other social media user and care to those family or people

suffering on something.


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