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Human resource is one of the important pillar in an organisation. Employees need

to be happy and satisfied with the job they do for the organisation. Job satisfaction
is a feeling of employees towards his/her job. When the expectation of the
employee is fulfilled then the employee feeling is satisfied. The satisfaction of the
employees is very important for the company as it helps to increase the productivity
as well as lesser the level of attrition in company.

Job satisfaction is all about how one textures about (or towards) one’s job. An
employee who articulates satisfaction is said to have a positive attitude towards
the work, A person having negative attitude shows a personality disposition
which is inclined to knowledge nervousness, tension, concern, upset and distress,
where as those with positive attitude will feel happy with themselves, others, and
with their work.

Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people discovers gratification or

fulfilment in their work. Job satisfaction shows that personal issues such as an
individual needs and ambitions determine his/her attitude, along with group and
organisational factors such as relationships with co-workers and supervisors and
working conditions, work policies, and recompense. A satisfied employee tends
to be absent less frequently, to make positive contributions, and to stay with the
company. The result of job satisfaction goes out of organisational setting.
Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied people. These people will
hold a more positive attitude towards life in over-all and make for a society of
more psychologically fit.

1.1 Meaning and Definitions of Employee Job Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is a role of perceived act and expectations. It is a person’s
feeling of preference or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s
outcome to his/her expectations. If the performance reductions short of

expectations, the employee is dissatisfied and if it matches the expectations, the
employee is satisfied.

Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels self-

motivated, content and satisfied with his/her job, job satisfaction happens when
an employee feels he/she is having job stability, career growth and comfortable
work life balance. This implies that the employee is having satisfaction at job as
the work meets the expectation of the individual.

1.2. Importance of employee’s job satisfaction

When employees are allowed to work freely, job satisfaction can donate
considerably to the organisational effectiveness. It can contribute to productive
outcome in the form of high quantity and quality of products or services, as well
as to organisational upkeep as represented by low absenteeism and turnover. Yet
in a great many cases, aspects of the individual, the organisation, or the
environment compel the satisfaction-product relationship to the point where its
practical importance is minimal. Ultimately pressure may catch up with such a
person and signs of deprived corporate citizenship may appear, but such denials
of natural satisfaction output patterns can maintain themselves for long periods.

Therefore, job satisfaction is often much more important to the individual than
to the employing organisation. Persons can change jobs, thereby obtaining more
satisfying work. Organisation can switch people from job to job within the firm,
but their ability to move people from organisation to organisation is very limited.
The clear exception is when a firm provides outplacement assistance to its laid-
off workers.

1.3. Factors Influencing Employees Job Satisfaction

There are various factors which effect job satisfaction. Value system influenced
by an individual and the culture supporting the value system in the organisation
can be called as vital and basic for job satisfaction. Though, some of the
important factors that determine job satisfaction of the employees in the
organisation are as under:


2) Work Content
Content of the work itself is a main source of satisfaction. The work
given must be challenging which helps the employees to enhance their
skills, ability and knowledge. It is very important to make the work
interesting so that they are linked with work they are doing and enjoys it
to do which can help them to be satisfied..

3) Pay and promotion policy:

Working hard in the organisation is must but to motivate to work there
must be some force that help the employees to work. One of the important
force is money either it is monetary rewards or basic salary and wages.
Everyone works as to earn something for their standard of living. Giving
good salary or wages can attracts the employees to work. The promotion
also can be one of the good factor to influence the employees to work
hard. It gives them encouragement to work harder to achieve good
position in the company The Company must have good pay and
promotion policy to satisfy its employees.
4) Supportive Working Conditions:
Working environment is important for the employees to work in good
way. The healthy environment can help the employees to work more
freely and stress free. A supportive management can help the employees
to open up and exchange their ideas to solve the problem as well as to
develop the organisation. The psychological fitness and balance must be
there for the employees to be satisfied.
5) Work group:
Every work cannot be done by individual. There need a group or team to
complete a task. A good team or a group can achieve as well as come
through any difficult task given. Satisfaction is also related to a good team
and group as a bad group or team can lead to conflict which arises stress
in individual which brings barrier in working.
6) Supervision:
Supervision is important factor in job satisfaction. An employee is
satisfied when he/she is supervised properly. One has an expectation in

developing their career. A good supervisor can help the subordinate to
move forward and grow in their career which can fulfil the expectation
which lead to an employee job satisfaction.



Company Name: CarePro Global.
Company Logo:

 “CarePro Global” which is started in 2009, emerged as one of the top

recruitment firms in Bangalore and Pune, leader in providing human resource
solutions to some of the best companies. The company give manpower
solutions to IT, non-IT and Healthcare sectors. The company is built on the
base of 3P’s principle- people, performance and process. The team is
committed to deliver solution at right price, in given time frame and quality
resources. CarePro Global specialize in
• Leadership Hiring

• Startup Hiring

• Business Incubation services

• HR advisory

 “CarePro Global”, headquartered in Bangalore is a leading recruitment firm.

They are focused and result oriented. The recruiters in the company clearly
understand how important matching job skills and personality to the

corporate business needs and culture of an organization is for both clients and
 They help many organization to find out the best talent from the pool of
candidates across the country.
 They have made good relationship with many clients across India. The
company believes in clients success as their success.
 Their some of the clients are:

• Alten

• Mother hood

• Orchid International

• Tricog

• Klay

• Crisil

• Monster

• M fine

• Cure fit

• Ekmatra

• Austin medical solution

• Monster



• Charles Hudson

• Aditya Birla

• Doctsapp

• Muthoot IT

• Victorious kids educare

• Founding years

 More than 90 happy clients.

 CarePro Global partners with its clients to solve the clients short and long
term needs or business objectives. Once they are clear with the clients
requirements they will be able to source the people with the right skill,
attitude, and commitment to help the clients to achieve their goals.
 They conduct their business with the highest ethical & confidential standards.

 They follow best HR practices.

 They put clients first

 Process innovation and risk taking to drive the growth of the company.


• A consultancy base of 40 recruiters.

• Process oriented, fast update, in time planning and execution.

• Large number of clients and corporate tie-ups

• Outsourced training solutions

• Management of payroll

2.3. VISION:
To be leading business services provider in human resources consulting and
technology solutions to empower customer organization with right skill resource
at right cost and within stipulated time frame.

Enable employees, companies to address their business needs with efficient
business process and technologies.


 “CarePro Global” emerging as a leading recruitment firm is their consultative

approach with clients; dependable association with candidates and
trustworthy; they have the ability to provide at any level of operation in client
 “CarePro Global” variety in recruitment services comes from their values and
their excellent recruiters who are committed to deliver the best.

Their search methodology comprises of the following:

 Talent mapping as per brief.

 Screening with the help of expert panel which includes both technical & non
 Coordination for interviews.

 Counseling and giving proper guidance to candidates in decision making.

 Reference checks for the candidates who are short listed- optional ▪
Adherence to time frame.

The Company’s Achievements

• Till now they placed best candidates in the position of managers, officers,
head teachers, doctors etc in different organizations.
• Their experience in consultants provides the integrity and the valuation of
qualified candidates that they provide to their clients.
• The company have dedicated and efficient recruiters utilizing the latest
technology and successfully proven sourcing and screening methods. As a
result they are working smarter for their clients.

• Pentagon Consultancy Services

• Brain logic HR Solutions

• Inspire Consultancy Services

• Pace Global HR Consulting Services

• 3Leads Resources India pvt.ltds

• Brain Tree HR consulting

• Inspiration Manpower

• Spectrum Consultants

3.1. Literature Review
The history of job satisfaction stems back to the early 1900’s with the
situations viewpoint on job satisfaction. This belvedere states that satisfaction is
determined by certain characteristics of the job and features of the job environment
itself. This view has been existing in the literature since the first studies by Hauser,
Taylor and the various projects at the Western Electric plants in Hawthorne
(Cranny, Smith & Stone 1992). These studies follow the supposition that when a
certain set of job conditions are existent a certain level of job satisfaction will
follow. The Hawthorne Studies are considered to be the most significant
investigation of the human scopes of industrial relations in the early 20th century.
They remained at the Bell Telephone Western Electric manufacturing plant in
Chicago beginning in 1924 through the early years of the Depression. The
Hawthorne plant shaped an Industrial Research Division in the early 1920’s. Human
Resource managers developed experiments to explore the effects of various
conditions of work on morale and productivity (Brannigan & Zwerman 2001).
“Today, orientation to the “Hawthorne Effect” denotes a situation in which the
introduction of new conditions intended to identify salient aspects of behaviour has
theconsequence of changing the behaviour it is designed to identify. Simply stated
when people realize that their behaviour is being observed they change how they
act. The development of the Hawthorne studies also means the beginning of applied
psychology. These early studies mark the birth of research on job satisfaction
connecting to ergonomics, design and productivity.

One of the most famous and researched measures of job satisfaction is the
Job Descriptive Index (JDI). “The JDI is a 72-item adjective checklist type
questionnaire introduced by Smith,Kendall, and Hulin in 1969” (Gregson, 1991).
This amount basis itself on five facets of job satisfaction. The first plane is the work
itself, satisfaction with work itself is measured in terms of the core job
characteristics such as independence, skill variety, feedback, task identity, and task
significance (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). Supervision, the second feature, is

measured in such ways as how supervisors provide feedback, assess employee’s
performance ratings, and delegate work assignments.
Co-workers, the third factor, are measured in relationships of social support,
networking, and possible benefits attached to those relationships (Cranny, Smith &
Stone, 1992). Pay, the fourth face, is an key source of satisfaction because it
provides a potential source of self-esteem as well as the generic opportunity for
anything money can buy (Brockner, 1988). Clearly satisfaction with pay is
measured primarily by current income but also by opportunities for salary increases.
Promotion is the last factor and the one that the JDI explicitly assesses how
perceptions about the future can affect job satisfaction. Nowadays the facets of the
JDI are generally assessed by modifying the adjective checklist and using a Likert
scale on statements such as, “opportunities for progression are plentiful” measured
from one to (Cranny, Smith & Stone, 1992).

Another widespread and highly researched measure of job satisfaction is the

Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). The MSQ can be scored for twenty
facets; scores from one question for each aspect provide a single overall composite
score. The MSQ is usually used in conjunction with the Minnesota Importance
Questionnaire (MIQ). “These instruments were designed for use with adult career
counselling clients with workexperience. They are particularly valuable for clients
that might be called “career changers,” that is, adults with considerable work
experience in one or more chosen occupations who are disgruntled with their work
and remain unsure about their vocation future” (Thompson & Blain, 1992).

A study directed in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas reported

likenesses among workers. “10,339 employees were surveyed across 10 European
countries, Russia, Japan, and the United States. Researchers consistently identified
the same top five main attributes in a job: capability to balance work and personal
life, work that is truly enjoyable, security for the future, good pay or salary and
enjoyable co-workers. Across the four key geographic regions studied, workers
specifically emphasized the importance of potential advancement and the
opportunity to build skills as a way to maintain employability and job security”
(Yankelovich Partners, 1998 p.42). A survey questioning members of the

Association for Investment Management and Research found that 81% of the
managers said that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their job. When asked to
identify the factors that make positive feelings about their job, most managers
named professional achievement, career growth, the work itself and their degree of
responsibility more important than compensation. Factors they watched as creating
negative feelings about their jobs were companypolicies, administration,
relationships with supervisors, compensation and the negative impact of work on
their personal lives (Cardona, 1996, p.9). In order to discount some of these negative
feelings and increase productivity it has been proposed to reduce the number of
work days employees failure by increasing job satisfaction, reshaping incapacity to
plans and involving supervisors in management (Maurice, 1998, p.13).

Other research indicates that customer satisfaction and loyalty are excellent
analysts of profitability…the strongest predictors of customer satisfaction:
employees’ general satisfaction with their jobs and employees’ satisfaction with
their work/life balance” (McDonald & Hutcheson, 1999, p.18). Again it’s
significant to note that job satisfaction is subject to change. “Outcome of studies
comparing differences between age groups and level of job satisfaction report an
increases in job satisfaction with age” (Osipow, 1968).

3.2. Statement of the problem:

The problem that can be faced if the employees are not satisfied with the job are
absenteeism, low turnover, higher rate of committing mistake, more time taken for
achieving targets, leaving the job, etc. The survey will help the company to know
the level of employee’s satisfaction as well as some suggestion that can be required
any in the future.

According to the past data, it has been observed that the employees leave their job
within one to two years in CarePro Global. The one of the reason can be employees
not satisfied with the job. Therefore, this study can help the company to know the
reason of frequent resignation of the employees.

3.3. Objectives:

1 To know the level of employees job satisfaction in CarePro Global .

2 To know the factors influencing employee job satisfaction in CarePro Global.
3 To give suggestion if required for the growth of employees job satisfaction in
CarePro Global.

3.4. Research Methodology:

The data needed for the study is collected from the employees of
CarePro Global, through questionnaire. Analysis and interpretation has
been done by using the MS Excel by the help of table and charts.

3.4.1. SOURCES

The data will be collected with the help of primary and secondary data.


The primary data will be collected by the help of questionnaire, which

will be asked to the employees of CarePro Global. The questionnaire
will be content of 20 questions, which will help in fulfilling the
objectives of the study.


The past employee record will be used with the permission of the
company. The other secondary data that will be used for the study are
the books, journals and articles that gives the study about the
importance, factors influencing employee’s job satisfaction.


The data will be collected by the help of Google Form, which will
contain all the 20 questions which will be asked to the employees of
CarePro Global.



There are total 45 employees in CarePro Global in which 30 re permanent and 15

are interns in total.


All the 45 employees are taken ffor the study.


The study will be done by the survey method as for the convenience of the
employees, so the sample type is convenient sampling.


The data collected will be analysed with the help of MS Excel and the data will be
analysed and interpreted with the simple percentage method.

3.7. Limitation of Study

1) The data collected was only from 45 employees of the company.

2) The respondent could bias with their answer.
3) As the study was limited to one company only so cannot give the solution
as general.

3.8. Plan of Analysis:

The collected data will be further analyse and interpreted with help of table,
bar, charts and graph


The data collected from the primary data with the help of Google form is
represented in tables and graphs and the graph is interpreted below.

1) How long are you working in CarePro Global?

a) 0-6 months
b) 6-12 months
c) 1-3 years
d) More than 3 years
The question is asked toknow the experience of the respondent in CarePro Global.
It help us to know the employees relationship with the company which will give
more light on how much they are satisfied with the job in the CarePro Global.

Table 4.1. . Periods of Working

Periods of Working Responses
0-6 months 11
6-12 month 8
1-3 years 14
More than 3 years 12

Chat 4.1. Periods of Working

Periods of Working
10 8

0-6 6-12 months 1-3 years more than 3 years

It is been seen that 11 of them has just started with the company. 8 people is from
6-12 month. 14 people are already with the relationship with company since 1-3
years and 12 people are working more than 3 years.

2) What are you working as?
a) Intern
b) Employee
c) Work from Home

Table 4.2. . Role of working

Role of Working Responses
Intern 10
Employee 29
Work from Home 6

Chat 4.2. Role of Working

Role of Working




15 29


5 10
Intern Employee Work from Home


In CarePro Global there are 29 permanent employees who are working in the office.
10 people are interns who are also working in from the office. They give a facility
of working from home also. There are 6 people who are working from home.

3) How comfortable are you with working environment?
a) Excellent (5)
b) Very Good (4)
c) Good (3)
d) Average (2)
e) Bad (1)

Working environment must be comfortable to work in stress-free and freshly. To

motivate employee’s organisation must make their working environment with good
and adoptive. This question was asked to check that the employees believe in what
scale of comfortableness is there in work environment.

Table 4.3. Comfortability in work

Comfortability in work Responses

Excellent (5) 6
Very Good (4) 20
Good (3) 14
Average (2) 5
Bad (1) 0

Chat 4.3. Comfortability in work

Comfortability in work
Excellent 6
Very Good 20
Good 14
Average 5
bad 0

0 5 10 15 20 25

Series 1


It is been seen that the working environment of CarePro Global is very good as
average as 6 people say it excellent whereas 20 and 40 say very good and good

Only 5 of them feel its average and non of them feel that it has bad working

4) How much helpful are the management and peers?
a) Excellent (5)
b) Very good (4)
c) Good (3)
d) Average (2)
e) Bad (1)

To work in an organisation one must help and motivate each other. Every task
cannot be done by an individual we need a group or a team to complete a task. Very
helpful management and peers make the work easy and time saving. The question
helps us to know that the management and peers support each other or not.

Table 4.4. Helpful Nature

Helpful nature Responses

Excellent (5) 3
Very good (4) 25
Good (3) 14
Average (2) 3
Bad (1) 0

Chart 4.4. Helpful nature

Helpful Nature





bad average good very good excellent



The graph shows that the management and peers are very much helpful as 25 of
them has responded as very good. 14 of them think its good and 3 of them feel its

Whereas 3 of them feel it is average and non of them feel its bad.

5) Do you get the opportunity to express your idea in work?
a) Yes
b) No

Idea generation is important to solve the problem or to get new development. Every
organisation faces problems or need to develop for that brainstorming among the
employees is important so as they get various ideas. Every organisation need to give
opportunity to all their employees to express their views and ideas. The question
help us to know how much does the CarePro Global allow their employees to
express their ideas.

Table 4.5. Idea sharing opportunity

Idea sharing opportunity Responses

Yes 30
No 15

Chart 4.5. Idea Sharing Opportunity

Idea sharing Opportunity



yes no


By the help of pie chart we can see that 67% employees only feels that they can
express their views and idea in front of everyone. Whereas 33% feels that they do
not get any chance to express their ideas and knowledge.

6) Does senior managers communicate well with the sub ordinates?
a) Yes
b) No

Communication should be flown in good and proper manner show that organisation
can run smoothly.

Table 4.6.. Flow of communication.

Flow of communication Responses

Yes 38
No 7

Chart 4.6.. Flow of communication

Flow of Communication



1st Qtr no


It can be noticed that there are good flow of communication from top level to lower
level as 84% of employees feel that senior management has a good flow of
communication. Whereas only 16% feels that the communication channel is not
much g

7) Do you get motivation to achieve your objectives?
a) Yes
b) No

Motivation is one of the key factor that helps employees to

Table 4.7.. Motivation

Motivation Responses
Yes 36
No 9

Chat 4.7.. Motivation




yes no


It can be noticed that 80% employees are been motivated to achieve their objectives
and complete the target. But 20% feels that they are not been motivated to complete
their task and achieve their objectives.

8) Are the team leader supportive?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.8.. Support from team leader

Support from team leader Responses

Yes 35
No 10

Chat 4.8. Support from team leader

Support from team leader



yes no


It is seen that team leader are good supportive in CarePro Global as 78% says that
their team leader help and support them in their work. Hence, 22% feels that their
team leader does not care to be supportive.

9) How much is the work pressure to achieve the target?
a) Very high (5)
b) High (4)
c) Average (3)
d) Low (2)
e) Very low (1)

Table 4.9.. Work pressure

Work pressure Responses

Very high 10
High 13
Average 17
Low 5
Very low 0

Chat 4.9. Work Pressure

Work Pressure
18 average, 17
14 high, 13
very high, 10
6 low, 5
very low, 0
very low low average high very high

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3


It is seen that there is work pressure in CarePro Global to complete their work target.

10 of them feels that there is very high work pressure.

13 and 17 of them feels that there is high and average work pressure respectively.

10) Are you comfortable with the working hours?
a) Comfortable
b) Un comfortable
c) Under pressure
d) No comments

Table 4.10. Working hours

Working hours Responses

Comfortable 20
Un comfortable 9
Under pressure 11
No comments 5

Chat 4.10. Working hours

Working Hours
no comments

under pressure

un comfortable
comfortable un comfortable under pressure no comments


It is seen that 45% of the employees are comfortable with the working hours that
company has set.

Whereas 20% feels its un comfortable them to work in the hours that company has

24% employees feels that they are coming to the work in the timings the company
has set in the pressure to attend. 14% employees didn’t want to comment on the

11) Are you satisfied with the salary paid?
a) Satisfied
b) Not satisfied
c) Okay
d) No comments

Table 4.11. Salary satisfaction

Salary satisfaction Responses

Satisfied 9
Not satisfied 14
Okay 17
No comment 5

Chat 4.11. Salary satisfaction

salary satisfaction
no comment
11% satisfied

not satisfied

satisfied not satisfied okay no comment


The main satisfaction of the employees must be the monetary reward they get for
their work but it is noticed that 20% employees are only satisfied with the pay they

get. Whereas 12% didn’t want to comment on their satisfaction towards the salary
they paid.

Whereas the 38% feels that it is okay to them but 32% employees feels that they are
dis satisfied with their payment which can be one reason of living the job..

12) Is there any internal conflict in the organisation?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.12. Internal conflict

Internal conflict Responses

Yes 12
No 33

Chat 4.12. Internal conflict

Internal conflict



yea no


Conflict can led the organisation not to develop and lack behind. It can be said that
CarePro Global do not have much internatl conflict as 73% of them as responded
no conflict and 27% feels that there are internal conflict.

13) Are you encourage to learn from your mistake?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.13. Encouragement

Encouragement Responses
Yes 40
No 5

Chat 4.13. Encouragement


yes no


89% of the employees feels that they are encourage to learn from their mistake they
do during working time. The supervisor are helpful to help them to improve and
correct their mistake, whereas 11% feels that the supervisor do not help.

14) Do you get reward for your achievement?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.14. Rewards

Rewards Responses
Yes 42
No 3

Chat 4.14. Rewards


yes no


Oy os found that CarePro Global gives rewards to the employees for their
achievement and as well as when they achieve their target. The majority of the
employees feels that they gets rewards for their work whereas only 7% feels they
are not awarded.

15) Is there encouragement for career development?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4. 15. Career development opportunity.

Career development opportunity Responses

Yes 18
No 27

Chat 4.15. Career development opportunity

Career Development Opportunity



yes no


It is a 60-40 situation where 60% believe that there is career development but 40%
feels it is not available.

16) Are you satisfied with the career development?
a) Completely satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Average
d) Dis satisfied
e) Completely dis satisfied.

Table 4.16. Career Development Satisfaction

Career Development satisfaction Responses

Completely satisfied 4
Satisfied 9
Average 16
Dis satisfied 15
Completely dis satisfied 1

Chat 4.16. Career Development Satisfaction

Career Development Satisfaction



33% 20%


completely Satisfied satisfied average dis satisfied completely dis satisfied


36% of employees feels that they have average rate of career development in the

33% of the employees are dissatisfied with the career development whereas 20%
are satisfied and we can find that 9% employees feel that there is high chance of
career development in the company.

But 2% clearly denies the fact of career development.

17) Do they give credit to your work?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.17. Credit Awarded

Credit awarded Responses

Yes 28
No 17

Chat 4.17. Credit Awarded

Credit Awarded



yes no


62% of the employees are happy that they get credit or appreciation for the work
they do but 38% do not feel the same.

18) Are you satisfied with the work and company?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Average
d) Dis satisfied
e) Highly dis satisfied

Table 4.18. Satisfactory level

Satisfactory level Responses

Highly satisfied 1
Satisfied 9
Average 21
Dis satisfied 13
Highly dis satisfied 0

Chat 4.18.Satisfactory level

Sattisfactory Level

highly satisfied 1

satisfied 9

average 21

dis satisfied 13

highly dis satisfied

0 5 10 15 20 25



It can be sensed that the majority of the employees are averagely satisfied with their
job, whereas most are not satisfied, only few are highly satisfied with their job.

19) Will you work with the company in future?
a) Yes
b) No

Table 4.19. Future Working

Future working Responses

Yes 29
No 16

Chat 4.19. Future Working

Future Working

no, 36%

yes, 64%

yes no


The future association with company can be seen as 64% of employees are willing
to continue with their job whereas 36% are not satisfied with the company which
can lead them to quit the job and go.

20) Any suggestion from your side to the company?


As it is an open ended question there were various different form of answer

as everyone has different opinion and feeling towards their satisfaction.

After a survey in job satisfaction level in CarePro Global it is found that some of
the factors are satisfactory whereas some are not.

Few factors like: help from the team leader, credit given for their work, rewards
paid for their achievement are few important factor that are met

Whereas the main factors that makes the employees job satisfied like : salary, career
development are not much fulfilled.

It is also found that majority of the employees are in good relationship with the
management and peers.

It is found that there is not much internal conflict in the organisation as 73% of
respondent, response that there is no internal conflict in the organisation

It is also seen that there is high level of encouragement to learn from their mistakes
in the company as majority of employees thinks that they are encouraged to learn
and rectify their mistakes.

The survey clearly shows all the finding that need to be done to fulfil the objectives
of the project.


There was an open ended question which was respondent by the employees which
gave the brief idea what they want to suggest the company to improve. They most
repeated suggestion was they need to pay a good salay according to the work load
they do.

Another was they should be rewarded as monetary too. The timing for the interns
were seen that they were doing it under pressure as there was no fix timing for them.

In my point of view the company should check all this and balance properly so as
there won’t be too much of resignation and loyal employees will be there for the


Job satisfaction is one of the most important factor in the employees to make them
loyal to the organisation. It is mandatory for the organisation to check whether their
employees are satisfied with the job or not. If not then they should take necessary
steps which will make employees feels that organisation needs them and they are
important factor which helps the organisation to run.

In CarePro Global it is found that the employees are not satisfied with the salary
they are been paid for their job as well as they are not been rewarded monetary for
their achievement.

Job satisfaction helps the employees to encourage them to give their 100% to get
the target done and develop the organisation. It is in hand of the management to
make their employee happy to work.

By doing this project it is found that the employees who left the job were due to the
less salary package they were offering.


1) Elsevier Article.
2) Article published in IJGI-MDPI




1) Why employee satisfaction is as important as customer satisfaction- By

2) Ways to improve Employee Satisfaction- By Management Study Guide.


1} The essential guide to employees engagement- By SarahCock.

2) Linking employees satisfaction to business results- By Paulo. S.





1) How long are you working in CarePro Global?

e) 0-6 months
f) 6-12 months
g) 1-3 years
h) More than 3 years

2) What are you working as?

d) Intern
e) Employee
f) Work from Home

3) How comfortable are you with working environment?

f) Excellent (5)
g) Very Good (4)
h) Good (3)
i) Average (2)
j) Bad (1)
4) How much helpful are the management and peers?
f) Excellent (5)
g) Very good (4)
h) Good (3)
i) Average (2)
j) Bad (1)

5) Do you get the opportunity to express your idea in work?
c) Yes
d) N

6) Does senior managers communicate well with the sub ordinates?

c) Yes
d) No

7) Do you get motivation to achieve your objectives?

c) Yes
d) No

8) Are the team leader supportive?

c) Yes
d) No

9) How much is the work pressure to achieve the target?

f) Very high (5)
g) High (4)
h) Average (3)
i) Low (2)
j) Very low (1)

10) Are you comfortable with the working hours?

e) Comfortable
f) Un comfortable
g) Under pressure
h) No comments

11) Are you satisfied with the salary paid?
e) Satisfied
f) Not satisfied
g) Okay
h) No comments
12) Is there any internal conflict in the organisation?
c) Yes
d) No

13) Are you encourage to learn from your mistake?

c) Yes
d) No

14) Do you get reward for your achievement?

c) Yes
d) No

15) Is there encouragement for career development?

c) Yes
d) No

16) Are you satisfied with the career development?

f) Completely satisfied
g) Satisfied
h) Average
i) Dis satisfied
j) Completely dis satisfied.

17) Do they give credit to your work?
c) Yes
d) No

18) Are you satisfied with the work and company?

f) Highly satisfied
g) Satisfied
h) Average
i) Dis satisfied
j) Highly dis satisfied

19) Will you work with the company in future?

c) Yes
d) No

20) Any suggestion from your side to the company?



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