AyutthayaEn 1516783613
AyutthayaEn 1516783613
AyutthayaEn 1516783613
Wat Mahathat
Amphoe Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 8
Amphoe Bang Pa Han 25
Amphoe Bang Pa-In 25
Amphoe Nakhon Luang 30
Amphoe Wang Noi 31
Amphoe Bang Sai 32
Homestay 36
Bicycling 37
Elephant Back Activities 38
Boat Trip 40
Accommodation 49
Restaurants 53
Ayutthaya Historical Park
Wat Phra Si Sanphet (วัดพระศรีสรรเพชญ) palace of every king was located close to
This important and most outstanding the city wall of Ayutthaya. A road passes by
monastery is located in the Grand Palace from Chantharakasem Palace, which is two
compound like Wat Phra Si Rattanasatsa Kilometres away to the north. Important
daram (Wat Phra Kaeo) of Bangkok. Used as buildings inside the Grand Palace compound
a residential palace, it became a monastery are :
in the reign of King Ramathibodi I. When King
Wihan Somdet Hall (พระที่ นั่ง วิห ารสมเด็ จ)
Borom Trai Lokanat commanded new living The top of this hall has been decorated
quarters built, this residential palace was
in a unique style of architecture called
given to be a temple area, thus originating
Prang. It has longer space in front and rear
Wat Phra Si Sanphet : The royal chapel does
gabled rooms, and shorter space in the side
not have any monks and novice inhabitants.
gabled rooms. It was surrounded with a three-
It is open everyday from 8.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.
sided cloister and utilized for various royal
For more details, please contact Tel. 0 3524
ceremonies such as coronations. This was the
2284, 0 3524 2286. Admission fee is 50 Baht.
first building over constructed in Ayutthaya
Grand Palace (พระราชวังหลวง) Currently to be affixed with gold leaf.
called “Ancient Palace”. The residential
Chakkrawat Phaichayon Hall (พระทีน่ งั่ จักรวรรดิ์ Wat Phraram (วัดพระราม) This monastery
ไพชยนต) With a three-gabled roof, it is on the was situated outside the grand palace
inner eastern city wall in front of the Grand compound to the east. King Ramesuan
Palace. It was used to view processions and commanded it built on ground, where the
military practice. royal cremation ceremony for his father,
King U-Thong, took place. A big lagoon is in
Trimuk Hall (พระที่นั่งตรีมุข) This is located front of this monastery. Its original name was
behind the Sanphet Prasat Hall. It is believed “Nong Sano”, it was changed to be “Bueng
to have been the residential area of the Phraram” or currently Phraram Public Park. It
consort members and is also the royal is open everyday from 08.00 a.m.-06.00 p.m.
relaxing place in the garden. Admission fee is 50 Baht.
Banyong Rattanat Hall (พระทีน่ งั่ บรรยงครตั นาสน) King U-Thong Monument (พระบรม
Formerly known by the name of “Phra ราชานุสาวรียพระเจาอูทอง) Erected between
Thinang Thaisa”, it is located in the back Bueng Phra Ram and Wat Phra Si Sanphet.
compound of the Grand Palace on an The life-size and a half statue cast from
Island in a pond. It has a four-gabled roof bronze and fumigated with green chemical
architecture. is standing with a sword in his right hand. He
Remains of the throne halls that are left is clad, crowned and bejeweled in a royal
to be seen at present were constructed in costume of the early Ayutthaya period. The
the reign of King Borommatrailokkanat and monument was opened by His Majesty King
used to serve as royal residences for all later Bhumibol on June 24, 1970.
Wat Lokkayasutha
20 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya
Wat Chaiwatthanaram
in front of Wat Kasattrathirat, turn left to Wat Mai, approximately 3-4 kilometres to the
Chaiwatthanaram. Follow the direction signs, northeast of the city island of Phra Nakhon
you will find a left turn to Wat Phutthaisawan. Si Ayutthaya. There is a life-size and a half
This monastery was built in the area where bronze statue of Queen Suriyothai on the
King U-Thong moved to establish his city. The neck of her war elephant as well as another
area was first known as Wiang Lek, named 49 associated sculptures, models of historical
after the royal palace of King U-Thong. The events, a huge reservoir and a public park.
most interesting part of Wat Phutthaisawan This plain was once a battlefield for several
is the great principal Buddha image; its style Thai–Burmese wars in the past. One of the
is of the early Ayutthaya Period. heroic deeds that took place here was Queen
Wat Phukhao Thong (วัดภูเขาทอง) Located Suriyothai’s fight to save her husband, King
2 kilometres northwest of the Grand Maha Chakraphat. She was killed on her
Palace, this monastery was constructed in the elephant’s neck by the King of Burma.
year 1387 during the reign of King Ramesuan. As a historical battlefield of such great
Somdet Phra Suriyothai Monument significance, a monument of Somdet Phra
(พระราชานุ ส าวรี ย ส มเด็ จ พระศรี สุ ริ โ ยทั ย - Suriyothai was constructed under Her
ทุงมะขามหยอง) Located on a plain known Majesty Queen Sirikit’s suggestion. Funding
as Thung Makham Yong on the east bank was provided jointly by the government and
of the Chao Phraya River at Tambon Ban Thai people. The monument was constructed
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 21
in honour of Her Majesty the Queen to mark person and enjoy the village’s elephant
her sixtieth birthday anniversary in 1992. shows, Theatrical history : the show has
Elephant Kraal Pavilion (พระที่นั่งเพนียด) 3 times on Monday-Friday and 4 times on
The pavilion, utilized as the royal seat to Saturday–Sunday, Open everyday during
witness the elephant round up, is located 10.00 a.m.-09.00 p.m. For more information
in Tambon Suan Phrik, 4 kilometres from Tel. 0 3588 1733-4.
the city along Highway No. 309. The outlook Wat Na Phramen (วัดหนาพระเมรุ) The former
is a big cage surrounded with logs having, name of this monastery was Wat Phra
from the front centre, fencing lines of 45 Merurachikaram. Located on the bank of
degrees spread out to both sides far away Khlong Sabua opposite the Grand Palace,
into the jungle area. Around the kraal itself, the date of construction is unknown. The
is an earthen wall with bricks to the height Ubosot design is of very old typical Thai style.
of the pillars’top. Behind the kraal and The most interesting objects are the principal
opposite the front fencing line is the pavilionBuddha image, fully decorated in regal
housing the royal seat. The Kraal currently attire, and another ancient buddha image
seen was renovated in the year 1988 by the made of black stone in the small Wihan. It is
government. open everyday from 08.00 a.m.-06.00 p.m.
Ayutthaya’s Floating Market (ตลาดนํา้ อโยธยา) Admission fee is 20 Baht.
Located at Mu 7, Rojana Road, Tambon Phai Wat Kudidao (วัดกุฎีดาว) Located in front
Ling. Ayothaya Floating Market has over of the railway station to the east, this old
200 shops offering goods and food where monastery has beautiful work with better
divided area into 16 zones due to districts in craftsmanship than many other temples, but
Ayutthaya following : Phra Nakhon Sri it has deteriorated to a high degree.
Ayutthaya, Tha Ruea, Nakhon Luang, Bang Wat Samanakottharam (วัดสมณโกศฐาราม)
sai, Bang Ban, Bang Pa-in, Bang Pahan, Phak Located near Wat Kudidao, it was renovated
hai, Phachi, Lat Bua Luang, Sena, Wang noi, by Chao Phraya Kosa (Lek) and Chao Phraya
Bangsai, Uthai, Maha Rat, Ban Phreak. There Kosa (Pan) during the reign of King Narai the
is also has the tourism activities such as : - Great. The main attraction is a large Prang
a boat trip around the premises at 20 Baht having an unusual outlook different from the
per person, a 20-minute elephant ride around others. It is believed to imitate the design of
ancient Wat Mahaeyong at 100 Baht per Chedi Chet Yot of Chiang Mai.
Ayutthaya king (1630-1655), he had the to be used and was left unoccupied for 80
Chumphon Nikayaram Temple built on his years. It was only during King Mongkut’s reign
family estate. Later, he had a palace built (1851-1868) that Bang Pa-In was again visited
on a lake in the middle of the island where by Kings. King Mongkut stayed there and had
he could periodically reside. a house built in the old palace compound.
The palace, surrounded by a lake 400 metres His son, King Chulalongkorn (1868-1910)
long and 40 metres wide, and the Chumphon liked the place, stayed there every year and
Nikayaram Temple, are all that remain of constructed the royal palace as it is now seen
King Prasat Thong’s construction work at today. Important buildings inside the palace
Bang Pa-In. compound are :
Bang Pa-In was used as a country residence Ho Hemmonthian Thewarat (หอเหมมณเฑียร
by every Ayutthaya monarch after King เทวราช) is the stone Prang under a banyan
Prasat Thong. But when the new capital was tree near the pond within the outer part of
established in Bangkok, Bang Pa-In ceased the royal compound, where an image of a
deity is housed.
26 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya
King Rama V ordered its construction in 1879 Phra Thinang Utthayan Phumisathian (พระทีน่ งั่
to replace an old shrine built by villagers อุทยานภูมิเสถียร) is a two-storey building
as an offering to King Prasatthong of the located to the east and opposite the pond.
Ayutthaya period. It is a piece of elaborate work seen tinted
Aisawanthipphaya-At Pavilion (พระที่ นั่ ง alternately with dark and light greens. Its
ไอศวรรยทิพยอาสน) A Thai design pavilion balcony is similar in design to a Swiss chalet.
in the middle of the pond was built in the Before being destroyed by fire during the
reign of King Rama V. Originally built of wood restoration in 1938, the whole building was
throughout, King Rama VI commanded to built from wood and decorated inside with
change the floor and pillars to be reinforced mahogany furniture ordered directly from
concrete. Europe. Other decorative items were precious
offering rarely to be found, but forwarded to
Warophatphiman Hall (พระที่นั่งวโรภาษพิมาน) the capital from satellite towns. A beautiful
It is north of the“Saphan Sadet” the royal flower garden surrounded the building. Now,
path to and from the river landing. Formerly a concrete structure of the same model has
the two-storey wooden villa was used as been built to replace the one that was burnt.
both the royal living quarters and Throne
Hall. Later during his reign, King Rama V Theatre (โรงละคร) This theatre was constructed
commanded the original one to be demolished by the royal command of King Rama VI in
and replaced with a European design building the compound of his consort’s living quarters
to be used as the Throne Hall to receive his near the pond in the garden west of Utthayan
subjects for royal ceremonies. In this hall are Phumisathian Hall.
paintings of the royal historic records, Inao Wehat Chamrun Hall (พระที่นั่งเวหาศนจํารูญ)
literature, Phra Aphai Mani literature and the This hall located in the north of the palace,
Ramayana epic. was constructed in the Chinese Emperor
Saphakhan Ratchaprayun (สภาคารราชประยูร) style as the royal offering by Phraya Choduk
This two-storey building on the river bank Ratchasetthi (Fak). King Chulachomklao
outside the palace wall was constructed by usually made a royal visit during the cool
the royal command of King Rama V. It is in season.
front of Warophat Phiman Hall in the south Keng Buppha Praphat (เก ง บุ ป ผาประพาส)
and was used as the living quarter of the is the Chinese-style pavilion nearby the
non-consort members. garden’s pond within the inner part of the
By Train There are trains running from Hua Wat Niwet Thamprawat (วัดนิเวศธรรมประวัต)ิ
Lamphong (Bangkok Railway Station) to Bang is the monastery located to the south of
Pa-in Railway Station daily every hour from an island in the Chao Phraya River, on the
06.40 a.m.-10.00 p.m. Then, connect a Song riverbank opposite the royal palace. In 1878,
Thaeo, motor tricycle or motorcycle taxi to King Rama V ordered its construction to have
Bang Pa-In Palace. Bangkok Railway Station, the same architectural style of a Western
Tel. 1690, 0 2220 4334 www.railway.co.th. cathedral. The building and its decorations
By Boat Please contact are of Gothic style and beautified with
colourful stained glass. The base; where the
- Anantara Tel. 0 2476 0021-2 principal image of Buddha and his followers
- Chao Phraya Princess Tel. 0 2860 3700 were placed, was designed to resemble the
one for the Cross in a Christian church, not a
- River Sun Cruise Tel. 0 2266 9125-6, 0 2266
traditional Chukkachi base as seen in general.
Aranyik Knife
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 31
Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Centre
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 37
Naresuan Road, turn right at the intersection Watthanaram, continue on the asphalt road
and go straight ahead, turn left again into the via old traditional Thai houses, turn left at
around town or Rop Ko Mueang Road, follow the T-junction via Wat Phutthaisawan, the
the Lop Buri River to Wat Na Phra Men. Portuguese Village is at the end of this road.
Visitors should spend at least one hour here Route 8 Portuguese Village–
to admire the beauty of the Phra Ubosot and Wat Phutthaisawan A total distance of
its principal bejewelled Buddha image of the approximately 2 kilometres. From the
Ayutthaya period. Portuguese Village, return on the same
Route 5 Wat Na Phra Men–Wat Lokaya route to Wat Phutthaisawan. Visitors
sutharam A total distance of approximately should spend about half an hour here.
1 kilometre. From Wat Na Phra Men, turn right Route 9 Wat Phutthaisawan–TAT
to follow the Lop Buri River, via the remains Ayutthaya Office A total distance of
of the old Grand Palace of the Ayutthaya approximately 1 kilometre. From Wat
Kingdom on the left, go straight ahead and Phutthaisawan, pedal via Wat Phutthaisawan
down the bridge, turn left to the canalside School, turn left to the ferry pier, cross the
road, straight on and turn right into Wat river on board the ferry, turn left to return
Lokayasutharam. Visitors shouldspend about to the TAT Ayutthaya Office.
15 or 30 minutes here.
There are still many other bicycling routes
Route 6 Wat Lokayasutharam–Wat such as to the Japanese Village, Wat Yai Chai
Chai Watthanaram A total distance of Mongkhon and Wat Phananchoeng. For more
approximately 2 kilometres. From Wat information, contact the TAT Ayutthaya Office
Lokayasutharam, return on the same route at Tel. 0 3524 6076-7. Bicycles for rent are
to the entrance of the canalside road, turn available at Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Tourist
right via Suan Somdet Phra Si Nakharin, go Police Office, in front of Ayutthaya Railway
straight ahead to the T-junction and turn left Station, Chao Phrom Market.
across the Wat Kasattrathirat Bridge, turn left
again and continue along the route to Wat Elephant Back Activities
Chai Watthanaram. Visitors should spend at Ayutthaya Elephant Camp (วังชางอยุธยา
least half an hour or more here. แลเพนียด) Located opposite to Khum Khun
Route 7 Wat Chai Watthanaram– Phaen within the area of the Ayutthaya
Portuguese Village A total distance of Historical Park. It provides elephant riding,
approximately 4 kilometres. From Wat Chai shows and feeding everyday during 09.00
Elephant Riding
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 39
Boat trips to enjoy the beautiful scenery and Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Centre Fair
Thai lifestyle along the Chao Phraya River, (งานประจําปศูนยศิลปาชีพบางไทร) At the end
the Pa Sak River and around the town island of January Held annually toward the end of
of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya are available. January at Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Centre, the
A long-tailed boat can be chartered at the pier Fair features displays and contests of the arts
in front of Chantharakasem National Museum, and crafts products, sales of local products
Pom Phet Pier, and Wat Phananchoeng Pier. and cultural performances.
The fare depends on the route and duration. Songkran Festival (งานเทศกาลสงกรานต)
April 13 Held annually in front of Wihan Phra
Mongkhon Bophit, Amphoe Phra Nakhon Si
Ayutthaya, it features a traditional
Boat Trips
40 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya
procession, Thoet Thoeng drums procession, The ceremony is usually held on an early
Song Nam Phra ceremony of the miniature Thursday morning which may be the 7th, 9th,
of Phra Mongkhon Bophit image, and Nang etc. day of the waxing moon of the 5th lunar
Songkran beauty contest. month (around April-May) in order to express
Wai Khru Bucha Tao Ceremony (พิธีไหวครู gratitude to their masters, sweep away
บูชาเตา) Around April – May A ceremony held possible accidents during their works as
by blacksmiths and knife-makers of Aranyik well as for their own auspiciousness and
knives at Ban Ton Pho, Ban Phai Nong and prosperity. After chanting for a congregration
Ban Salai, Tambon Tha Chang, Amphoe of angels and saluting the Triple Gem, the
Nakhon Luang to pay salute to their masters master of the ceremony will chant for a
and forge spirits. congregration of gods which include Siva,
Vishnu, Brahma, Vishnukarma, Matuli, Vaya,
Songkran Festival
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 41
Gangga, 8 ascetics, etc. as well as Thai, Activities include Nang Nopphamat beauty
Lao, Mon, and Chinese masters who have contest, contests of processions, Krathongs,
imparted them with the ironwork skills, for and hanging lanterns, folk entertainment,
them to receive their offerings and bless all traditional and international long boat races,
participants. All tools and equipment will be and sales of the Centre’s products.
gilded and lustral water made to sprinkle on Ayutthaya World Heritage Fair (งานแสดง
the tools and participants. แสงเสี ย งอยุ ธ ยามรดกโลก) in December
Bang Sai Loi Krathong and Traditional To commemorate the occasion of the
Long Boat Races (งานลอยกระทงตามประทีป Ayutthaya Historical Park being declared
และแขงเรือยาวประเพณีศูนยศิลปาชีพบางไทร) a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on
in November It is an annual festival held December 13, 1991, a celebration is held
toward the end of November at the Bang annually for 1 week during the same period
Sai Arts and Crafts Centre, Amphoe Bang Sai. of the year. The Fair features local ways of
Si Ayutthayathani (โรงแรมศรีอยุธยาธานี)
59 Mu 2, U-Thong Road, Tambon Thawasukri,
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Provincial Hall Tel : 0 3533 6647
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Public Hall Tel : 0 3533 6550
Police Station Tel : 0 3524 2225
Tourist Police Tel : 1155, 0 3524 1446, 0 3582 4041
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital Tel : 1669, 0 3532 2555
Ratcha Thani Hospital Tel : 0 3533 5555-61
Highway Police Tel : 1193
March 2015
E-mail: info@tat.or.th
Website: www.tourismthailand.org
Produced in Thailand by :
Tourist Information Division (Tel: 0 2250 5500 ext.2141-5)
Marketing Services Department.
The contents of this publication are subject to change without notice.
2015 Copyright. No commercial reprinting of this material allowed.
March 2015
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