Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
In partial fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Methods of Research (EDUC 200)
October 2018
country has long been named one of the poorest countries in Asia. According to
Balisacan, in his book entitled Causes of Poverty, Myths, Facts and policies,
household: a) with the larger than average family size (six or more members), b)
than male-headed households, c) with a household head who is less than fifty
years old, d) with a household head with little or no schooling (for 72 percent of
education), e) more economically active than the rest of the population, with
substantially higher labor participation rates, especially among the youngest and
oldest age groups, but with less access to the formal labor market, f) living in a
earning activities as part of their coping mechanism. Yet they are largely
Among the seven enumerated above, family situation and education has
been a primary attribute of poverty. With this, the Philippine government found it
the Philippines, the percentage of children who are not primary grade completers
are at least double than that of other countries in comparison; which does not
foretell a good quality of Philippines’ future quality of labor force. This makes
as we see that when children are being forced to work to help the family, they are
left with no choice but to stop schooling and help their parents. It is through the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, that through the cash grants given to
children for their schooling, they are able to continue going to school and are
of people who have access to health services than in the neighboring countries.
A related indicator, the number of persons per physician shows a much larger
number of people that a doctor has to serve in this country than in others. All this
indicate lower future quality (and quantity) of life as well as lower productivity of a
labor force. (Balisacan, 1994) With the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, the
families get a monthly cash grant that is provided for their health concerns. With
this, they are also monitored regularly, because they are required to visit
But the question is how much of this cash grants are being used for such
reasons? Are families’ situations improving because of the program? Does the
program serve its objectives of helping the poorest of the poor families? Are the
program? These are the questions that prompted us to study the Pantawid
if the Philippines aspire to be one of the tigers of Asia, the government will have
to pay more attention and exert greater efforts towards improving the capabilities
of its people and expanding the opportunitites that are available for them to make
health and education it is impossible for a nation to develop and build a great
Theoretical Background
emphasis on the conduct of the study. The following theories are shown
poverty comes about as result of the situation a poor person finds himself or
through education so that they can access basic requirement for upkeep such
as food rations, health programs and subsidies. (Coser, 1969; Harvey &
Reed, 1992:280).
Lewis in 1968 and builds on the Marxian theory of poverty by pointing out
immediate gains because culture takes a long time to change because of its
relative autonomy.
result in poverty.
types of poverty based on studies in the urban areas. The first type is
normal-class poverty which is a correctable situation caused by social and
ecological developments that take place in urban areas. This type of poverty
The second type of the social Darwinist theory of poverty is the lower-
poor rather than from distinctive cultural values…”. The poor do not work
commensurate result between efforts expended by the poor and the resulting
school fees, career counseling, text books and the like will lead the child to
give up and engage in immediate gratification such as street vending, theft,
commercial sex activities and the like in order to satisfy immediate daily
Legal Bases
1987 and Republic Act 7160 (Local Government Code), the DSWD is hereby
programs which are directly lodged with the Department and/or not yet
devolved to LGUs”.
cash transfer programs are also being undertaken in Asian countries such as
Welfare and Development (DSWD) in 2007 when the agency was embarking
on social sector reform. Like most conditional cash transfer programs, the
2007—in which the household targeting system and basic operation of the
2008 as a response to the food and fuel price shocks and global financial
crisis. The Pantawid Pamilya has undergone two more phases of expansion
since then. By January 2011, the program had about 1 million beneficiary
households, making the Pantawid Pamilya one of the largest social protection
pooling resources from the government and the World Bank. The World Bank
poor households with children aged 0-14 years who are located in poor
areas. The cash grants range from P500 (US$11) to P1,400 (US$32) per
eligible for the cash grants, households must meet multiple criteria at the
time of registration. First, they must reside in poor areas selected by the
have a pregnant woman or at least one child aged 0-14 years. Four, the
(FIES) by the National Statistics Office (NSO). The targeting system uses the
proxy means test (PMT) method to select the poor households within a
among pregnant women and children under 5 years. The household has
responsibility for bringing children aged 0-5 years to health centers for
immunization and weight monitoring, while the children aged 6-14 years are
pre- and post-natal care, and delivery must be assisted by skilled personnel.
areas. For the education grant, the conditionalities help improve the
enrollment and school attendance rates of children. Children who attend pre-
school or day care centers, primary school, or secondary school are required
not comply with the conditions of the program or no longer meets the
eligibility criteria. Cash grants for a particular period are paid to beneficiary
households within the next two months. This procedure allows DSWD to
particular month, the cash grant will not be paid for that month. However,
there are changes in the household situation that make the household
The Operations Manual for Pantawid Pamilya states that the third offense of non-compliance results in termination of the grants
and temporary suspension from the program (DSWD, 2009b).
instance, the youngest child in the household has turned 15 years old—or if
Social Services and Development (MSSD) in 1980 under Deputy Minister Ms.
experiences in assisting individuals and needy families uplift their lives from
With the passing of time, the social/family welfare indicators were set
minimum basic needs (MBN). The MBN was primarily developed by DSWD as
V. Ramos. These tools were reviewed in relation to the updating of the SWI.
as follows:
The SWI is one of the tools in social case management. Its purpose is to
social worker/case manager to solve their problems using their internal and
external resources. Social work interventions will thus restore or enhance the
Related Studies
system to deal with various sectors of government which have converged and
agreed to begin with a set of services (the Minimum Basic Needs) prior to
basic sector. As expressed in Administrative Order 194, the SRA has three
absolute poverty are those families whose incomes are below the food
Next program was under the Arroyo Administration, called the KALAHI-
line of “ Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap”, that set up his journey to
Program that has already been started by the previous administration. There
have been only a few programs that reached a significant number of people
to offer benefits to make a noticeable contribution to poverty alleviation.
this administration, these are, the National Health Insurance Program and
the Social Pension. Also, a prominent program during the Ramos and Aquino
congressmen has the discretion to put funds to their specific projects without
projects. But along, with these is the issue where some certain funds are
given off to political allies and still is a legal issue hanging over the former
Related Literature
encounter political interference and using the same by politicians to assure poor
voters that their need will be provided in exchange for their political position.
Overview of the Philippines’ Conditional Cash Transfer Program: The
a means of providing social assistance to the poor. Like many other countries,
help them with their daily consumptions needs. To qualify for the grants, the
household must go through certain activities that are meant to improve health
Education and the Department of Health. Since the program started, the program
shows an increase since 2003. The share of the poor population, of those who
cannot meet their daily basic food needs, reached 26.5 percent. Along with this
government is able to address source of poverty among Filipinos, that made the
program reached a lot more poor families. The budget as well, increased rapidly
2012. The Philippines version of the conditional cash transfer known as the
education particularly of children aged 0-14. The two main objectives of the
program are, social assistance which directs their immediate needs, and social
investing in the most essential needs of a person, to assure their good future.
The program fulfilled the country’s Millennium Development Goals, namely: (1)
eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieve universal primary education,
(3) promote gender equality, (4) reduce child mortality, and (5) improve maternal
Theories: Legal Bases:
of poverty
Figure 1
Research Flow
1. health;
2. food; and
3. education?
Null Hypotheses
Significance of the Study
because the 4P’s will be cognizant of how far they have or have been
investigation for those who will seek to create similar type of study and
students of Pablo Malasarte High School of Balilihan Bohol who are recipients
Figure 2 Vicinity Map of the Cong. Pablo Malasarte National High School
food, education and others and the level of compliance and level of
The researchers secured the official permission for the conduct of the
study and the distribution of the questionnaires from the Social Worker
Officer of the Cluster 2 of the province of Bohol and approval by the Principal
of Cong. Pablo Malasarte National High School and the Schools Division
accomplish and answer the forms before they were retrieved. The
analysis and interpretation and then were statistically treated to test the
The protocol before the conduct of the study was properly observed.
Appropriate permission and consent from the parents were done by the
objectives of the study. Moreover, they were also given the assurance of the
Statistical Treatment
by the 4Ps recipient parents of the students of the Cong. Pablo Malasarte
Symbol Description Meaning Equivalent
95% - 100%
FC Fully Complied compliance to the 4
80% - 94%
PC Partially Complied 3
60% - 79%
HC Hardly Complied 2
40% - 59%
NC Not Complied 1
Symbol Description Meaning Equivalent
Very Difficult to
VS Very Serious solve, need 4
Quites easy to
SS Slightly Serious 2
𝑵 ∑ 𝒙𝒚 − (∑ 𝒙)(∑ 𝒚)
√[𝑵 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 − (∑ 𝒙)²][𝑵 ∑ 𝒚𝟐 − (∑ 𝒚)²
r = Pearson-Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation
N = number of pairs of scores
∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores
∑x = sum of x scores
∑y = sum of y scores
∑ = sum of squared x scores
∑ = sum of squared y scores
T = the calculated t
N = the number of items
𝑟2 = the square of the obtain coefficient of correlation
Definition of Terms
CCT – It is the acronym for Conditional Cash Transfer; a program which aims
receiver’s action.
poor household with pregnant women and/or with children age 0-14 years
DSWD – It is the acronym for the agency, Department of Social Welfare and
of this program.
social worker/case manager to solve their problems using their internal and
external resources.
SOCIAL ASSISTANCE – benefits paid to bring income up to minimum levels
established by law.
nutritional needs but falls short of enabling himto provide for his basic
short of enabling him to provide for even just his nutritional requirements.
Velarde, Rashiel, and Luisa Fernandez. "Welfare and distributional impacts of the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program." Social Protection Note 63418 (2011).
Reyes, Celia M., and Aubrey D. Tabuga. "Conditional cash transfer program in
the Philippines: is it reaching the extremely poor?." Philippine Institute for
Development Studies 42 (2012): 2012.
Balisacan, A.M. and S. Fujisaki (eds.) (1999). Causes of Poverty. Myths, Facts &
Policies. A Philippine Study. Quezon City : University of the Philippines Press