Projects, Livelihood Trainings, Rights-Based Approach, Skills Training
Projects, Livelihood Trainings, Rights-Based Approach, Skills Training
Projects, Livelihood Trainings, Rights-Based Approach, Skills Training
Following the normative-descriptive type of research using a semi-census survey, this study
gathered information on the profile of school-going children of Baguingey Elementary School. It also
utilized document scanning and analyses of grade reports to describe the academic performance of
school children. Based on findings of the study, the study formulated an Assistance Program for the
school children and their families. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the school children
spoke Ayangan, who were enrolled from grades 1 to 6, and affiliated with Union Espiritista and Born
Again. The parents of the learners were in their middle adulthood. The mothers were younger than their
fathers and they had big number of children to look after their needs. Most had nuclear families and
followed the patrilocal type of residence, a big majority of the heads of families either finished
elementary or no schooling completed. They only had elementary access during their time and no
college access, thus, many of them did not finish basic education. The heads of families earned below
poverty line compensation from works that they were currently employed in. They were mostly new in
their jobs and shift from one work to another. Some people in the area still make use of open pit toilets,
did not have a good drainage and garbage disposal systems that could become sources of future health
problems in the area. Although they availed of free medical check-ups, these were limited to treatments
of colds and cough, skin allergy, fever, deworming and dental care. The people had minimal political
integration and did not have political groups that could serve as their voice in bringing up important
concerns to authorities. In terms of academic performance, the school children from Grades 1-6 were
found to be at the approaching proficient level. Although some pupils exceled individually with
advanced levels, majority were in the approaching proficient levels. The girls were also performing
better than the boys in all grade levels. The study concluded that the Ayangan children were in need of
assistance to be able to finish their education as gleaned from the profile. Government, NGOs and
private sponsored – projects were seen as vital in enhancing their opportunities in life. Since about 97%
are Ayangan, the integration of indigenous peoples’ education also helped in preserving, protecting and
promoting relevant indigenous knowledge, systems and practices to sustain cultural life. Today’s
generation of Ayangan learners at Baguingey Elementary School exhibited opportunities to grow or
enhance themselves through education. They were good academically and could exhibit greater chances
to succeed but much needed educational support was called for, including economic support for their
families. The proposed infrastructure projects like paving and widening of roads, school building
construction, livelihood trainings for mothers and feeding program were seen as important activities
since they were need-based and rights-based in as far as the approach of community-based programs
and projects were concerned.
Keywords: Community-based Programs, Educational Assistance, Feeding Program, Infrastructure
Projects, Livelihood Trainings, Rights-based Approach, Skills Training
The center piece of a democratic nation is prosperity derived from a sound human relationship.
The Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal has said that man is a masterpiece of God’s creation, perfect
within his conditions, who cannot be deprived of any of his components, moral as well as physical,
without disfiguring him and making him miserable (Capino, Gonzales, & Pineda F., 2005). It is also
mentioned by the national hero that the youth is the hope of our future when he envisioned that the
young generation will be the future leaders. In line with his visionary works and writings, the 1987
Constitution secures the right to education of every Filipino. It states that the state shall protect and
promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to
make education accessible to all (Article X1V, Sec. 5, 1987 Philippine Constitution).
In the belief that education also involves financial aspects especially among the parents who send
their children to study, the government has acknowledged their duty to free the Filipino people from
poverty through policies that shall provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising
standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all. Moreover, the Constitution provides that the
state shall assign highest budgetary priority to the education sector (Article II, Sec. 9, 1987 Philippine
However, even after years of implementating such policies, development can still be seen as
vague from the perspective of those in the rural areas especially from those in the upland areas. This
was affirmed by a study conducted by the World Bank (2003). Accordingly, 70% in the upland areas are
poor and are in dire need of assistance from local government units and from benevolent private and
non-governmental organizations. Guiang (2008) of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) also described the people in the upland areas to be poor farming families with
insecure land tenure and insecure food source. This was further affirmed by Angeles (1985) who states
that poor families in the upland are into agriculture because it is the only source available to engage
with. Accordingly, about 88% of all those poor families consume all of the rice they produce and do not
have a marketable surplus for themselves to meet basic necessities like a better shelter, extra garments,
health and medication, savings for emrgency, including the everyday needs of their school-going
In the perspective of people in the remote areas, development itself has failed to offer answers
to human suffering and disadvantage and to realize its promise to make the less privileged people better
off eventually. Regional differences in living standards and immobility can still be perceived through its
clear picture of geographic disparities. Upland tribal groups live mostly in remote rural areas due to
lower living standards, and these inequalities in levels of living are due to the fact that they reside in less
productive areas with poor infrastructure, difficult terrain, less access to market economy and industrial
work and inferior access to education (van de Walle & Gunewardena, 2001). Moreover, in many
instances, upland tribal groups whether living in developed or developing countries are disadvantaged
with regard to digital information access, literacy and other skills necessary for effective utilization of
Information Communication Technology (Germanakos, Mourlas, & Samaras, 2005).
Recently, the Philippine government introduced its 2040 goal also known as “Ambisyon Natin
2040”. The said goal states that by 2040, all Filipinos enjoy a stable comfortable lifestyle, secure in the
knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses that we can plan and
prepare for our own future and that of our children. Our family lives together in a place of our own, and
we have the freedom to go where we desire, protected and enable a clean, efficient, and fair
government” (National Economic and Development Authority, 2017). However, the researcher is in a
quandary as to how far have the Philippines gone towards the goal of “Ambisyon Natin 2040”.
It can be noted that since time immemorial, administration after administration, the government
continuously seek for a comprehensive approach to alleviate the quality of living that marginalized
people experiences. The government, until now, spends billions of funds for programs that aims to
eradicate poverty. Amidst all these, it can be observed that many Filipinos still suffer from poverty as an
effect of being uneducated.
Educators, social scientists, and historians have identified explanations for poverty. First is the
“war and armed conflicts” such as in the case of Marawi. The Marawi siege 2017 for example has left a
devastating outcome for all people in the place – the elderly, adult and children, men and women, rich
and poor, all of them were victims of one of the most violent sieges by an extremist group comparable
or may be even greater than the Lanao and Maguindanao atrocities. The damage is even greater for
children as they are not only able to feed themselves regularly, mourn the death of their deceased
family members, but have to experience the psychological trauma that the war has brought them. They
have to stop their schooling and have to constantly live in fear. Most of them rely now on the
benevolence of other people to feed and clothe them and may be to help them regain self-confidence
and start to hope for peace and order all over again in makeshift tents with very meager amenities.
Educators and social scientists articulate that these conflicts disrupt the current productive
activities such as livelihood which serves as the main source of income of the people. Another factor is
that the “political systems” established by local political elite with profit-motivated economic systems
seemingly decrease opportunities for most people to earn enough to meet their basic needs. Another
reason is that the inequitable distribution of wealth and resources which has been observed since
colonial period favors the rich and those who have the capital. And lastly, environmental conditions.
Some places are blessed with abundant resources while others have to suffer from lands that cannot
even yield crops, and others have to suffer from over-utilization of resources such as destroyed coral
reefs, over-logged forests, and over-consumption of such resources (Vega et al., 2009).
In the context of the the local government unit of Solano, the municipality is now recognized as a
major growth center in Region 02 as evidenced by the influx of enterprises doing business in the locality
coming from various places not only from neighboring municipalities but also those coming from the
Region and Metro Manila. However, along this progressive picture of Solano, some people still do not
benefit from this economic progress especially those in the upland areas. LGU Solano has 831 families
as 4Ps beneficiaries. About 64 families are from Commonal, a barangay of Solano (Interview of Matias,
2018). This implies that there are still Solanoans left behind from the progress of the municipality
particularly in rural areas like barangay Commonal of which a sitio called “Baguingey” is a part.
In pursuit of the country’s sustainable development goal, education plays a great role, not only in
valuing cultural diversity, but also in promoting inclusive education that is based on the concept of social
justice. Sustainable development aims to do away with social and economic inequalities for those who in
the past have been deprived with these benefits from a democratic society (Cooper & Ryan, 2013).
Having in mind the four core values of Marian Culture (excellence, innovation, communion and
passion for mission) not to mention, the practical lessons inculcated to the researcher’s mind by the
faculty members of Saint Mary’s University School of Graduate Studies, the researcher envisions to
prove that millennials form a significant part in the realization of “Ambisyon Nation 2040.” Looking at it
in the perspective of a young mind, development must start from the grass roots and outward. This
development must satisfy the first level of need which is our biological need. An indicator of this
development must translate it to the ability of families to provide the basic needs – nutritious foods,
safe shelter, medication, sustainable livelihood and others.
Consequently, the researcher is challenged to conduct a worthwhile research endeavor taking
the case of the school – going children of Baguingey Elementary School located at Baguingey, Barangay
Commonal, Solano Nueva Vizcaya. Another important factor in the conduct of this study is that the
researcher happens to be a young municipal legislator whose main concern is the youth’s welfare. As a
millennial professional teacher, the researcher’s passion is to help combat the various challenges that
face the current generation of youth who remain to be saddled by a lot of difficulties in their education.
The researcher finds it important to come up with a substantial and research-based empirical data which
will become the basis in urging and enticing benevolent private individuals and organizations, non-
governmental and governmental agencies to deliver relevant support services that are due the young
school children of Baguingey Elementary School.
In fulfilling such goal, a participatory profiling through a guided survey plays a great role in
obtaining important baseline information on the current situation of the children through the various
demographic attributes of families in the research locale. Thus, a profiling is conducted to go beyond
physical topographies depicted in traditional-style maps but to include social, and economic features,
which can harness local knowledge and stimulate social change starting from the grass-roots level
(NOAA, 2009; IFAD, 2010; Tebtebba, 2012), thus, this study. This study generally aimed to describe and
analyze some personal and demographic profile of the school children of Baguingey Elementary School
as well as their academic performance for the formulation of a relevant assistance program. Specifically,
it sought answers to the following objectives: (1) Describe the school children of Baguingey Elementary
School in terms of the following characteristics: (1.1) Personal Profile such as Ethnicity, Grade Level, Age,
Religion and Sex; and (1.2) Demographic Profile such as: Father’s Age, Mother’s Age, No. of Children,
Household Type, Type of Residence, Education of the Head of the Family, Type of School, Educational
Access (Elem.), Educational Access (HS), College Access, Adequacy of Classrooms and Teachers, Efforts of
Educational Institutions to educate the Learners based on One’s Culture, Top five reasons of heads of
the families for not attending or finishing studies, Employment status, Employment type, Workplace
description and year in the workplace, House Ownership, Monthly Income, Number of persons earning
in the household, Information technology gadget usage, Health, sanitation and medical needs, Political
affiliation and membership , Benefits or Assistance received, Ranking of priority for needed assistance,
Trust in the government system and Participation in Cultural Rites and Religious Activities; (2) Describe
the academic performance of school children; and (3) Formulate an Assistance Program for the school
The study utilized the normative-descriptive type of research using a semi-census survey to
gather information on the profile of school-going children of Baguingey Elementary School. As well, the
study utilized document scanning and analyses of grade reports to describe the academic performance
of school children. Based on findings of the study, the study formulated an Assistance Program for the
school children. The study was conducted within the political jurisdiction of LGU Solano, the commercial
center and major job provider of the province of Nueva Vizcaya. The school children of Baguingey
Elementary School were the respondents in this study, however, through a guided survey, the teachers
were asked to serve as their guide in responding to the questionnaire. The semi-census survey used in
this study was patterned from an earlier survey crafted by Dacles and Del Rosario (2014) in their study
entitled, “The Iwaks of Kayapa and Sta Fe: Coping in a Changing World.” Accordingly, said instrument
was validated and approved by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the National
Commission on Culture and the Arts for an appropriated funding. Encompassing personal and socio-
demographic information, education, health, religion, technology and political affiliation, this instrument
were directly lifted with the approval of the authors. The portion as to the reason for not attending
school is exactly lifted from the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) questionnaire.
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