(David Nettelbeck) Computers, Thinking and Learning PDF
(David Nettelbeck) Computers, Thinking and Learning PDF
(David Nettelbeck) Computers, Thinking and Learning PDF
Thinking and
Inspiring students with technology
David Nettelbeck
ACER Press
First published 2005
by ACER Press
Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd
19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, Victoria, 3124
All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968 of
Australia and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the
While every effort has been made to check the currency of web sites, the publisher does not
accept responsibility for the content of web sites referred to in this publication. Likewise,
reference in the publication to web sites or products does not constitute endorsement of
them, and no financial benefit has been received by the author or publisher from products
and services referred to.
Includes index.
ISBN 0 86431 779 4.
and Learning
and Learning
Classroom strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Wider applications and suggested
Accessing the immediate . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The challenge of cartoon analysis . . . . . 96 Open-ended learning modules . . . . . . . .119
The study of a still from a movie . . . . . . 98 Write a poem with a poetry slide
Other text study incorporating visual show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
responses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Linking the visual to the verbal . . . . . . . 102 10 Responding to student work: Can
Visual responses to poetry . . . . . . . . . . 103 computers help? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Wider applications and suggested The learning and thinking context . . . . . . . 122
activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Classroom strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
A novel path to political, geographical Keep your eye on the big picture . . . . . 124
and cultural research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Play down the routine tasks . . . . . . . . . 125
Using online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Plan the method of submission when
Designing a memorial . . . . . . . . . . . 107 you plan the task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Virtual museum of history . . . . . . . . 108 Computers as a personal workspace . . 127
Aboriginal history or Australian Classroom management . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
studies exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Wider applications and suggested
activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9 Critical use of the World Wide Web . . . . 110 Experiment with e-correction . . . . . . . . 129
The learning and thinking context . . . . . . . .111
Classroom strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 11 Whole brain learning, whole brain
Teaching good analysis skills . . . . . . . . 112 assessment: Exemplar units for English
Coping with frustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Practical tips for productive Web The learning and thinking context . . . . . . . 133
searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Classroom strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Web sites – resources for thinking . . . . 114 The novel Holes – a Year 8 or 9 text
Sites for pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Newspapers online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 An open-ended research task . . . . . 135
Shakespeare online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Theme study and oral – a wide
Online resources for English . . . . . . . . . 116 choice of response options . . . . . . . 136
Web sites for poetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Character analysis using concept-
Web sites for fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 mapping software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
and Learning
Vocabulary and word study task . . . 137 The starting point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Creating writing – a traditional Other picture story books . . . . . . . . 144
essay enhanced by pictures or Other print resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
hyperlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 History texts and Web resources. . . 145
Wide reading response . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Report writing activities . . . . . . . . . . 146
Senior literature text study: The Lost Salt Extensions and thinking activities
Gift of Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 – ways of commemoration . . . . . . . 146
Research report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Final task – prepare a narrative on
Oral response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 World War I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Annotation of a passage from the What did we achieve? . . . . . . . . . . . 148
text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Concept map on the themes of the Final reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Essay response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Middle school History unit on Appendix 1 Linking student tasks with
World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 curriculum objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Flanders Fields – a multidisciplinary unit Appendix 2 Software packages . . . . . . . 157
for Years 8 or 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
The learning goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Computers, Thinking and Learning and literacy education actually mean.
is about thinking and learning in the The ideas in this book have been
digital age and how computers can distilled from classroom experiences
be used to enrich these processes. over many years, but particularly
‘The old computing was about what during the last decade when I have been
computers could do; the new computing privileged to work with amazingly open
is about what users can do. Successful and supportive groupings of colleagues.
technologies are those that are in Many of the examples in this book have
harmony with users’ needs. They must been drawn from the English classroom
support relationships and activities that because that is the scene I know best,
enrich the users’ experiences.’1 but the skills and applications are often
Teaching has been a long and changing generic and could be applied across a
roller-coaster journey for me. When wide range of subjects.
I began, the technology consisted of In the early days of computers in
blue wax stencil sheets, pen, radio, tape schools I was one of a largely self-
recorder and chalk. Whether I like it or selected group of interested teachers
not, I now teach in a world of laptops, who met for breakfast every few weeks
the Internet, online resources, electronic to share ideas and encourage each other
submission of work and a whole new in what were essentially pioneering and
concept of what the terms ‘reading’ risk-taking teaching practices. After
and ‘literacy’ mean for the cyber-kids, several years of some exciting forward
the N-Generation, the ‘screen-agers’ or thinking, genuine collegial support
whatever euphemism we may devise and great professional stimulus, this
for our current students. For many rather esoteric ‘think tank’ group was
of them, the traditional classroom is disbanded. I owe an enormous debt
almost becoming an alien world. of gratitude to that ‘breakfast club’
Today’s teachers have no choice but to and also to some fine professionals
re-conceptualise what the terms literacy in several schools who have been
and Learning
their submissions. It limits flexibility extremely useful and I recommend these
of classroom teaching but is a good commercial software packages (with
compromise. In another school there an assurance that I gain no financial
was abundant lab access to computers advantage from doing so).4
with restrictions on the IT classes so What we all need, rather than glitz
that their demands did not become the and glamour, is strong and visionary
‘camel in the tent’ and take over the labs. educational leadership, supportive
I have also seen banks of computers in colleagues, helpful technical assistance
the back of secondary classrooms with and a climate that encourages simple
encouragement for teachers to use group risk-taking.
work and flexible learning programs, Just start in a small way and have
much like we so often see in primary a go.
schools. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me if
We do not need sophisticated you would like an electronic copy of any
commercial programs or elaborate of my own text material in this book or
front-end organisers for our intranets, if I can help in other ways. The email
helpful as these might be. You will address is davidnettelbeck@bigpond.com,
find that most suggestions in this book or write to me via ACER Press,
are simple and achievable in Word, Melbourne, Australia.
with a few in PowerPoint. I have also
found Inspiration and SchoolKiT David Nettelbeck
1 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge Massachusetts, 2003, p. 2.
2 D. Carter, ‘The role of teachers in the school of the future’. Abridged from a paper presented at the
Technology Colleges Trust’s Vision 2020 Online Conference 2002, Snapshots: The Specialist Schools
Trust Journal of Innovation in Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2003.
3 S. Holden, ‘Just connecting’, Professional Educator, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2004. Report of an
interview with Di Fleming, former school principal and now Associate Professor of Digital Design at
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
4 See Appendix 2 for further details.
In memory of our son
1976 – 2004
and without whose encouragement this book may never have been completed.
Author's Acknowledgements
I am grateful to many whose support and willingness to break new ground with me
have kept me optimistic. I am especially grateful to:
Tony Hewison and Fr Paul Cahill, who gave me the rope to run with;
the editors of ACER Press, who glimpsed some potential in early journal articles I
had written and helped me hone my ideas and experiences into this current shape;
Bruce Dixon and Jenny Little, whose workshops, conferences and support have
given me a strong desire to explore the many ways in which new technologies can
enrich and transform the teaching and learning environment;
Professor Richard Andrews for his valuable research, perceptive insights and very
generous Foreword.
Source Acknowledgements
p. 15 ‘Caught Reading’ by Mike Lane, The Baltimore Sun. © Copyright 2004 Mike Lane;
p. 32 From: This Side of Silence, Poems 1987–1990, Bruce Dawe, Pearson Education
(Longman), 1990; p. 33 ‘Only Nineteen’ words and music by John Schumann © Universal
Music Publishing. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Printed with
permission; pp. 35–6 ‘Small-town dream’, reproduced with the permission of Kathielyn Job;
pp. 35–6 Annotations by Year 9 students Kerry Matthews and James Waters; p. 37 ‘Bury
Me’ by Chu Hsiang. Translated by Kai-Yu Hsu. Published in Richardson, P., Watson, K.,
& Gill, M (eds) 1998, Snapshots of Planet Earth: An anthology of international poetry,
Oxford University Press; p. 37 Annotations by Year 9 student Kerry Matthews; p. 38
‘Smugglers’ © Maria Lewitt. Published in O’Connor, M (ed.) 1988, Two Centuries of
Australian Poetry, Oxford University Press. Reproduced with permission of Maria Lewitt;
p. 39 Poem extract from: This Side of Silence, Poems 1987–1990, Bruce Dawe, Pearson
Education (Longman), 1990; p. 39 ‘Rusting Junkyard’ photo © 2004 Amanda Pinches;
pp. 41–2 ‘The Ivory Trail’ © Victor Kelleher, 1999. Published by Penguin Books Australia,
1999; p. 47 Reproduced by permission of Mehdi Sadeghi, Cartoonists & Writers Syndicate /
cartoonweb.com; p. 53 ‘Grandmother’s Hands’ photo © 2004 Anne Peterson; p. 60 main
image © 2004 Amanda Pinches; inset image © Digital Vision; p. 60 ‘Afternoon Tea’ photo
© 2004 Amanda Pinches; p. 84 Table prepared by Year 11 student David DeAngelis. He
gathered the sound files from http://www.frogs.org.au, the web site of the Amphibian
Research Centre which has links to the Victoria Frog Group; p. 94 Reproduced by permission
of A. Moir, The Sydney Morning Herald; p. 95 Reproduced by permission of John Spooner,
The Age; p. 97 Reproduced by permission of John Cole, The (Durham, NC) Herald-Sun;
p. 98 The Shawshank Redemption; Director: Frank Darabont; Producers: Liz Glotzer
(executive), David V. Lester (executive), and Niki Marvin; p. 104 Cartoon strip © 2004
Robert D’Alberto; p. 105 Extract from ‘But you didn’t’ by Merril Glass, published in
Latitude: Exploring and creating poetry. Edited by Lisa McNeice, Oxford University Press,
2002; p. 105 ‘Formal dress’ © 2004 Scott Cheslin; p. 119 Lesson reproduced with permission
of SchoolKiT International; p. 120 Left slide – photo © 2004 Anne Peterson; p. 142 Extract
from The Lost Salt Gift of Blood by Alistair McLeod published by Jonathon Cape. Used by
permission of The Random House Group Limited; p. 149 ‘Boat’ and ‘Train’ images and text
copyright © 2004 Will Allen; p. 149 ‘German Soldier’ PowerPoint slide text © 2004 James
Magree; p. 149 ‘Annabelle’ PowerPoint slides © 2004 Tom Yore. Photo of gaunt woman
© 2004 Amanda Pinches. Every effort has been made to acknowledge and contact copyright
owners. However, should any infringement have occurred, ACER tenders its apology and
invites copyright owners to contact ACER.
Chapter 1
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ractice 1 e
Who leads
the renaissance in
your school?
and Learning
Focus on what computers can do. Focus on what people can do with
Teachers get excited about the ‘aha’ computers, not on what computers can do
moment when something new and exciting for people.
Technician and technology driven. Driven by the curriculum and learning goals
Focus on bits and bytes, connectivity. of the forward thinking educational leader in
the school.
Teachers often told to adapt their classroom
practices to fit the system. User-centred not technology-centred.
Management initiatives:
Who leads the renaissance
in your school?
Classroom strategies
Let us be quick to take account of the Personal organisation and
ubiquitous influence of technology in the planning
world of our students. We hear them say
things such as: ‘I like to do things my Let me begin with a personal anecdote.
way’, ‘Give me the information, skills I began teaching with laptops as an add-
and tools and let me get on with it’, on to classroom management practices
‘visuals appeal to me more than text’, that I had long been used to, including
‘I can take responsibility for my own some blackboard work, some discussion,
learning process’, ‘I believe that breadth some reading of the text and some
of experience is as important as depth’, student response in each 50 or 60 minute
‘I need to be involved, to do it myself’. lesson. Laptops appeared to cause
If we are to fulfil the potential of immense frustration. The network would
this new learning paradigm, there are go down so online resources could not be
three key areas that teachers need to accessed; log-on time could be affected
concentrate on: by network connectivity issues or more
• personal organisation and planning; commonly by music or games files that
• classroom management and were using up computer memory; some
expectations; and students would forget or lose their blue
• factors quite beyond the control of the cords or wireless cards to connect to
teacher. the network; others just wanted a few
and Learning
minutes to send their homework for listened to oral presentations from peers.
another subject or access e-mail because Brabazon calls such face-to-face teaching
the school was expecting students to a ‘tactile, aural, visual, sensory explosion
read notices but rarely gave them an of possibilities’,5 and these are vital
opportunity in the timetabled day to moments for any teacher.
check vital information about things In exchange for this computer ban
such as sport or music rehearsals. There in some periods, I set modules of one
were a plethora of other excuses, and the or two weeks’ duration which could be
student who was reluctant to have pen completed in some designated class-time
and paper ready was just as reluctant to and for homework and in any order.
maintain a laptop in good working order. Students could therefore choose whether
I also found myself very frustrated to read in class and do Web research at
at my inability to get the students’ home, discuss a creative writing task
heads out of the screen when I wanted with a group and work on it together, or
them to listen to me or engage in work alone on a poetry response. This
group discussion, pay attention to gave enormous flexibility and choice,
oral presentations or share literature and a far greater sense of control of their
together. I still see computer-mediated learning for those willing to take the
communication as one of the positive rope and run with it.
gifts to this generation, but I also To my surprise, many were able
fervently believe in face-to-face to reflect, with some insight, into the
relationships where facial expressions enhanced quality of their learning
and body language are vital elements in experiences. Of course, others who
building trust and understanding. The did not generally do pencil and paper
occasional teachable ‘aha!’ moment in a homework were not enthusiastic about
poetry or drama lesson, when faces light this kind of work either, and for some, I
up, is rare enough, but even more rare if had to build in intermediate checkpoints
students are tempted to keep their eyes through the week to ensure that they did
glued to the computer screen. not sink into a mire of despair on the
In order to minimise these problems date when the whole module was due.
in a one-to-one laptop or desktop It was also a great spur to me to ensure
classroom (where every student has that I planned lessons well in advance
access to a computer), I tried designating and a check that I included some
certain lessons in which students could elements of poetry, writing, fiction and
bring and use their laptops, and other oral in each module. The amount of face-
lessons when they were firmly told to to-face teaching actually increased and
leave them in their lockers. In these I was able to allow more time to help
latter lessons we went together to the those who needed it, while others were
library for fiction reading, or listened to glad to be left alone, immersed in their
poetry, shared the class novel, discussed various self-chosen tasks.
the current media topics in groups or It is advisable to have computer-
Management initiatives:
Who leads the renaissance
in your school?
free days when students don’t access Only the Heart by Brian Caswell and
their e-mail and the network. David David Phu An Chiem in a traditional
Lyon, Professor of Sociology at Queens way with much face-to-face interaction
University, Kingston, Canada, says, in the classroom. Open-ended response
We must rest from gathering tasks were then offered with the proviso
information just as the ancient that if students did not like the choices,
Israelites rested from gathering food at they could make up their own topic.
least one day a week. Likewise … we Subjects for response included:
should regularly practice media fasts: • Draw the Vo family tree, using
days or weeks during which we reduce Inspiration7 software. Show
the flood of information to the merest the relationships between the
trickle … We say we are frustrated by characters and add paragraphs in
having so much to respond to, but we Add Note to say what you know
still carry cell-phones everywhere and about each.
check our e-mail every ten minutes. It • Explore the topic ‘Attitudes to War’.
makes us feel important to be so busy. Use a concept map to tease out this
Media fasts should help us to become topic in your own way.
more honest about our motivations.6 • Choose any passage which is a clear
Perhaps we need to be more honest description of a person or event
also about real engaged learning and from the novel. Put it into your Word
meaningful classroom interactions. Document, either by typing it in or by
One of the more significant scanning it in or by reading it into a
achievements to come from the way sound file. Now annotate the passage
of working outlined above was that I with Callout boxes or using the Add
was able to get away from the curse of Note function or a verbal explanation
the worksheet culture, where there are in a second sound file, or respond in
narrowly defined lists of tasks. When some other way.
these kinds of tasks are set the good • Interview a Vietnam veteran or a
students often race through them and Vietnamese person who was in
think that they have learnt something Vietnam at the time of the war or
while the weak students use their well- someone involved in the Vietnam
developed avoidance strategies and protest movement or someone who
think they are clever to have beaten has strong opinions about Australia’s
the teacher. In neither case does much involvement in the war in Vietnam
critical, scholarly or interpretative or someone who has something to
thinking take place. Teachers need to say about our treatment of Vietnam
provide a rich range of opportunities veterans or some other person who
that facilitate open-ended learning and will elucidate your understanding of
thinking processes. the novel. Summarise the interview
One brief example comes from a in a maximum of six PowerPoint
Year 10 class which studied the novel slides to present orally to the class.
and Learning
Management initiatives:
Who leads the renaissance
in your school?
which the student has accessed. This has to the Science lab staff or Art or Home
a salutary effect! Economic aides teachers have been used
Web discussions8 can be a particularly to working with in the past.
fraught area of classroom management Generally, we are familiar with teacher
with secondary students unless they are aides working near the staff offices and
tightly set up and carefully controlled. teaching spaces, readily available for
Anonymity of contribution in a large communication with teachers, aware of
group may offer an opportunity for the academic program and with clear
extroverts to show off and quiet students lines of responsibility to the Heads of
to retreat, so that the learning outcomes Faculty, who can direct and evaluate
can be minimal, even if the potential their work so that they are well tuned in
is educationally limitless. Although to support the curriculum. By contrast,
Web discussion can rarely capture the our IT technicians often work in an
immediacy and fiery interaction of a inaccessible area behind security doors
good classroom debate, it does give the and windows for very good reasons,
students – especially the quieter ones, surrounded by an apparent fog of jargon
slower thinkers and ESL students – an and mystery. Few seem to be aware of
opportunity to have a say and reflect on the details of curriculum and what kind
their answers before pressing the ‘send’ of support teachers need, and can often
button. be critical of teacher incompetence in the
IT area. Teachers too are critical because
they believe that technicians focus on
Factors quite beyond the tweaking or modifying the network and
control of the teacher delivering clever solutions to problems
that don’t relate to educational outcomes.
My third and final area for teacher
One of the major problems, as I see
concern is the need for teachers to
it, is that very few system managers
recognise that there are some things we
are accountable to anyone, from the
have no control over, any more than
Principal down, who is able to assess
we could stop the photocopier from
the technical details and competence of
breaking down. The best laid plans can
their work. Even school bursars, whose
be sabotaged by a flaky network or
work is a mystery to most teachers,
technicians who do not seem to support
generally have a financial wizard on the
what teachers are trying to do, or by
school council who keeps a supportive
poorly maintained machines. We do
eye on their work and are also subject
not live in a perfect world and there
to an independent external review each
will always be a need for ‘Plan B’ when
year when the auditors are called in.
any kind of technology is involved, but
Rarely are such accountability or support
we also need to recognise that good
mechanisms available to IT managers,
IT technicians are people who have
yet they may spend millions of dollars
undergone specialised training, and that
over several years on the network,
they often have different personalities
and Learning
Management initiatives:
Who leads the renaissance
in your school?
Sections of this chapter were first published as ‘Classroom management challenges of notebook
computing’, edition of Global Educator Newsletter, May 2004, a higher education Web publication
of monthly peer reviewed papers on issues relating to the IT global education classroom.
See http://www.globaled.com/articles/DavidNettlebeck2004.pdf
1 M. Fullan & A. Hargreaves, What’s worth fighting for in your school? Teachers College Press,
Columbia University, NY, 1992.
2 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge Massachusetts, 2003, p. x.
3 A. Goodwyn, ‘What is the relationship between ICT, literacy and subject teaching and learning in
a secondary school?’ Paper presented at the International Federation for the Teaching of English,
July 2003.
4 R. Andrews, University of York, UK. Seminar presented at ACER Melbourne, July 2003 on some early
findings of research on the impact of ICT on literacy learning.
5 T. Brabazon, Digital hemlock: Internet education and the poisoning of teaching, UNSW Press, Sydney,
2002, p. 115.
6 D. Lyon, ‘Would God use e-mail?’ in Zadok Perspectives, No. 71, Winter 2001.
7 See details of this software in Appendix 2, p. 157.
8 This area of the management of online discussions is dealt with more fully in Chapter 6, p. 67.
9 Reference is to the management structure at Donvale Christian College, Melbourne.
Chapter 2
‘Give u
p the i
pace o dea tha
f chan t the
down … g e w ill slow
It is no
change t the p
that w ace of
it is th e i g hs us d
e piece own;
fragme m eal-nes
ntation s and
us dow t h a t weigh
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change l o f us ca
the im n
contex m e d iate
t aroun
leads u d us and
s down this
transfo t h e path to
rmatio 1
The new
paradigm for
Practical consequences
for the classroom
The new paradigm
for literacy
and Learning
related to computer language and use’); films, newspapers, Web sites, and video
information literacy, where students screens to arrive at meaning’; television
have ‘the ability to recognize when literacy, where students can ‘read and
information is needed and … to locate, interpret television messages including
evaluate, and use effectively needed advertising’; and visual literacy, which he
information’; media literacy, which says is ‘an interdisciplinary concept that
he defines as ‘as the ability to access, includes theoretical perspectives, visual
experience, evaluate, and produce language perspectives, presentational
media products’, and where students perspectives, and technological
have the ability ‘to sift through the development, including digitization’.
variety of presentations, including
The new paradigm
for literacy
and Learning
The new paradigm
for literacy
screen with the enormous advantage of cannot do is to pretend that the changing
easy drafting and revision to improve experiences and world view of students
meaning and the ability to incorporate can be ignored in the classroom. Marion
the texts of others into their writing. Meiers, who edits Literacy and Learning
There is also the potential for interactive in The Middle Years for the Australian
composing between students, just as is Literacy Educators Association, said in a
the norm in many offices and institutions recent article,
outside the school. Few students have The conversations that will engage
ever been original thinkers, but we teachers and their students in
should perhaps be more conscientious articulating new theories, including a
than ever before in our teaching of theory of the visual and verbal, will
the need for careful referencing and be complex, provocative and even
acknowledgement of sources. daunting, but in the end, we will have
The purpose of this chapter was not once again incorporated changes into
to be a treatise on the changing nature of the study of texts in English.15
literacy and the role of the teacher, but Hopefully this book will contribute to
to set the scene briefly for the practical this ongoing conversation.
suggestions which follow. What we
and Learning
Some sections of this chapter were presented as a keynote address in the 21st Century Literacies strand
at the International Federation for the Teaching of English conference, Melbourne, July 2003, and
subsequently published as D. Nettelbeck, ‘ICT and the reshaping of literacy: a secondary classroom
perspective’, in the joint publication English in Australia, No. 139/Literacy Learning: the Middle Years,
Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2004.
1 M. Fullan, Leading in a culture of change, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2001.
2 G. Kelly, Retrofuture: rediscovering our roots, recharting our routes, InterVarsity Press, Illinois, 1999.
Includes a fuller discussion on the post-literate generation: Chapter 6, ‘Gutenberg and Fries’.
3 A. Goodwyn (ed.), English in the digital age: information and communications technology and the
teaching of English, Cassell, London, 2000, p. 5.
4 V. Prain & L. Lyons, ‘Using information and communication technologies in English: an Australian
perspective’, in A. Goodwyn (ed.), 2000, op. cit.
5 B. Doecke, ‘Is anybody listening?’, EQ Australia, No. 1, Autumn, 2004.
6 M. Semali, Defining new literacies in curricular practice, Reading Online, viewed 7 January 2003,
7 Meredith, Russell, Blackwood, Thomas & Wise, Real time: computers, change and schooling,
available at http://abs.gov.au 2000, quoted in C. Durrant & C. Beavis, P(ICT)URES of ENGLISH
– Teachers, learners and technology, Australian Association for the Teaching of English, Adelaide,
2001, p. 213.
8 C. Beavis, ‘Critical engagement: literacy, curriculum and ICTs’ in Idiom – Journal of the Victorian
Association for the Teaching of English, Vol. 38, No. 2, Sept 2002.
9 R. Andrews, ‘Framing and design in ICT in English: towards a new subject and new practices in the
classroom,’ in A. Goodwyn (ed.), 2000, op. cit., p. 23.
10 ibid., p. 8.
11 B. Cope & M. Kalantzis, ‘Putting “Multiliteracies” to the test’, Newsletter of the Australian Literacy
Educators Association, February 2001.
12 I. Snyder, ‘The new communication order’, in C. Durrant & C. Beavis, 2001, op. cit.
13 D. McDonald, ‘Hypertext and historical literacy’, doctoral thesis under preparation, Monash
University, 2004.
14 J. Misko, ‘On-line learning in the knowledge-based society: a VET perspective’, Unicorn, Journal of
the Australian College of Education, Vol. 28, No. 3, December 2002.
15 M. Meiers, ‘Then and now: texts in the English classroom’, EQ Australia, No. 1, Autumn 2004.
Chapter 3
end in is neit
itself her an
It is a n o r an add
tool fo on.
and u r impro
ltimat v i ng …
teachi ely tra
ng and n s formin
learni g
ng.’ 1
ICT as a learning
and thinking tool
and Learning
Concept mapping:
ICT as a learning
and thinking tool
Classroom strategies
The following examples demonstrate in the concept boxes or use the ‘Add
how one group of colleagues took Note’ function as a separate, yet linked
the first tentative steps along this very writing space. They can also manipulate
exciting road. the shape, placement, colour and size of
the concept boxes, making their maps
highly individualistic. They can label
Concept mapping task – and move the links. This software allows
a Year 11 online examination a high degree of manipulation and the
students can easily change and modify
Linear essays have been the staple of
what they have done as they make their
classroom practice and examinations
links and associations. It is a powerful
for many generations. They can be
visual learning tool that inspires students
efficient, but take time to plan and
to develop ideas and organise their
write, are tedious to mark and favour
only one style of thinking. Often ideas
We wanted our students to create a
are obfuscated by a student who plans
‘clustering’ concept map in which they
poorly or sets out to hide ignorance. Of
were asked to begin with a main idea,
course, the planning and writing of an
in this case a quotation from Heart of
essay is still an important skill, but what
Darkness, the classic novel by Joseph
a range of other response possibilities we
Conrad. They were then asked to
now have available to us!
generate other ideas around it relating
Inspiration software not only allows
to the characters, prose, symbols,
the students to create a concept map
themes and narrative. We anticipated
but to manipulate it. They can ‘write’
and Learning
that their maps would be essentially The notes for this student behind the
non-linear. The links between the ideas box labelled ‘Journey of the Self’ were:
would be explained and they would be
able to make connections and possibly The trip upstream was called ‘Journey into
new associations between the various the Heart of Darkness’ for not only was it a
journey into Africa but into the soul.
elements of the novel. We expected the
students to be able to show and explain The Doctor told Marlow before he left, ‘The
the relationships in the novel. Hopefully, changes take place inside you know.’ While it
is easy to claim that the Africans had ‘horrid
they would create links and cross-links
ways’, Marlow claimed that all men had the
that could be rich in meaning. It was a
susceptibility to go wild. In Africa there was
noble ideal! Did it work? no judgement over what the whites did. Kurtz
After classroom practice, we asked adopted the savage ways, putting heads on
students under examination conditions spears as trophies. There were no limitations
and in less than 30 minutes, to respond put in place. So while the ‘cannibals’ may
to any one of five quotes from Heart of have been savage, the whites also murdered,
Darkness. The task was open-ended in pillaged and remained guilt-free.
that they were required to explore the
topic in at least four ways, identify in the
links the relationship between the quote
and the concepts, and then to write up
to 300 words as notes behind the boxes.
Below is the response of one student:
Concept mapping:
ICT as a learning
and thinking tool
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
This exercise was surprisingly quick to not particularly talented at writing linear,
mark and we found it very easy to sort argumentative essays, ‘unpacked’ the
out those who did from those who did topic in some remarkable ways. They had
not understand the fundamentals of the clearly understood the intertextuality of
novel. It was also open-ended, so that Heart of Darkness and demonstrated this
no two responses were remotely similar. understanding quickly and succinctly. All
Most students demonstrated quite 150 Year 11 students completed the task
innovative thinking to a greater degree in the 30 minutes that were allocated.
than would have been possible within the There were no software failures or
confines of an essay format. The writing suggestions of unfairness because it was
in the links used a specific telegraphic not a traditional pen and paper essay
mode of literacy where the students test. Many expressed their delight in
could encapsulate understanding in a being able to organise their response in
particularly concise way. such a different way. The range of marks
It was soon evident that some students was as wide as an essay response, but
did not know the text. This ‘virtual’ task with some different students at the top
did not hide their lack of knowledge and bottom of the range.
in the ‘colour and movement’ that is As in Gardner’s theory of multiple
one of the attractions of the Inspiration intelligences, perhaps this form of
software. Our verbose essay writers, response provided those students who
more often girls, could no longer hide are visual/spatial learners with an
behind a flurry of words. Our creative opportunity to shine in English, where
but disorganised students, more often normally the verbal/linguistic students
boys, took their diagrams in various perform the best. The former ‘wrote’
directions but sometimes found it the information more pictorially (as
hard to clinch what they wanted to indeed they can with other multimedia
communicate. authoring tools), although Inspiration
did allow the verbal/linguistic students
What did we achieve? to do what they do best – ‘write’ fluently
Some quite exciting creative thinking was and effectively in the note boxes, where
demonstrated by students, who, while we suggested a desirable word limit.
and Learning
Concept mapping:
ICT as a learning
and thinking tool
This student’s notes behind the Snape did not understand the key concepts in
icon are: the text, giving us a basis upon which to
develop further teaching.
Snape is the meanest teacher there ever was In similar vein, Year 8 students
and ever will be. He walks around picking on developed quite complex character
people and trying to find someone doing the
maps from the novel The Hobbit. Their
wrong thing.
starting point was the requirement to
Snape only picks on kids that aren’t in explore the ideas of good and evil and
Sletheren. He picks on Harry the most even
to develop their understanding of the
though he saved his life.
characters in relation to this. Instead
of using the library of clip art in the
It would have been a tedious program, they imported actual film stills
experience indeed for a 12-year-old to get from the film’s web site. Part of the map
all this information into an essay form and text which one student developed is
and even more tedious for the teacher to shown below. (Film stills have not been
mark it, yet as a classroom exercise we reproduced for copyright reasons.)
could see very quickly who did and who
In a Year 10 Religious Education class one of the many art museums from
studying a unit on Sacred Texts, with around the world online. Their final
emphasis on the two creation stories understanding of these scripture texts
in Genesis, the teacher established the was summarised in a traditional essay.11
conceptual framework by first teaching Nothing outlined above is particularly
them the history and geography of the innovative or difficult to achieve, but
ancient Middle East. The outcome from it does require a measure of collegial
this section was peer-assessed after support and a risk-taking culture within
students prepared short PowerPoint the school. Exploring new ways of
presentations which included maps, teaching can be an exciting challenge.
diagrams and other graphics. For the There is no suggestion that we
study of the concepts of one God, abandon essay writing, as this is still an
faithfulness, revelation, covenant, important skill and one that is strongly
promise and so on, the students valued in high stakes mass testing,
summarised their understanding in a particularly as a hurdle for tertiary
concept map using Inspiration software. entrance. What this kind of learning
After the text analysis section of the does is to stimulate ideas, challenge
work, the students annotated a section conventional thinking and hopefully
of the passage as they had a copy of the prepare students in a far better way
Bible on their laptops, but they were for the narrow gateway of written
also encouraged to annotate a work of examinations. It may also make learning
art that illustrated some aspect of the more open-ended and, therefore, more
creation story. For this, they searched exciting.
and Learning
Sections of this chapter were first published as D. Nettelbeck & D. McDonald, ‘Mapping the heart of
darkness: using Inspiration software to explore the inter-textuality of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness during
a Year 11 on-line examination’ in Opinion – Journal of the SA English Teachers Association. Vol. 45,
No. 1, Term 2, 2001.
1 Mission Statement – Lin Wood Public Schools, New Hampshire, veiwed 28 May 2004,
2 J. Novak, The concept mapping, Homepage, viewed 3 December 2000,
3 S. Burford & L. Cooper, ‘Online development using WebCT: A faculty managed process for quality’,
Australian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 16, No. 3, Summer 2000, p. 208.
4 J. Brooks & M. Brooks, ‘Constructivist classrooms’, viewed 3 December 2004,
5 S. Papert, The children’s machine, Harper Collins, New York, 1993.
6 See Appendix 2 for details.
7 Education and Technology Convergence, Commissioned Report No. 43, January, 1996. National
Board of Employment, Education and Training. Australian Government Publishing Service, p. 84.
8 Snapshots: The Specialist Schools Trust Journal of Innovation in Education, UK, Vol. 1, No 1,
July 2003, Editorial p. 2.
9 A. Hargreaves, ‘Teaching in the knowledge society’, Snapshots: The Specialist Schools Trust Journal
of Innovation in Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2003, pp. 7–10.
10 Prepared by Harry Leather when teaching at St Michaels Grammar School.
11 Unit of work developed by Rowan Swaney, Geelong Grammar School.
Chapter 4
‘Few t
as a g s see
oal in techno
i t logy
to see s e l f. They
how te want
make chnolo
their s g y might
writer tudent
s, read s better
They d ers an
on’t ca d thin
re mu kers.
wheth c h
er the
proces y are
sors.’ 1 good w
A focus on close
reading of the text
and Learning
A focus on
close reading
of the text
also be idealistic about the power that It happens when ‘deep processing occurs
students can now have over texts, their through challenging and open-ended
own and those of others.3 tasks’.6 Computers help teachers do this
Here, computers are not simply used more easily than was possible in the past.
as word processors, where students can In the study of poetry and the close
easily redraft their work and quickly analysis of a fiction or play text,
complete comprehension exercises computers offer the student genuine
or quiz questions on poems. We are open-ended learning experiences with
talking about productive learning a range of intellectual processing that
engagement, ongoing cerebral challenge comes close to the best models of whole
and increasing the range and ‘depth of brain learning. Technology can enrich
intellectual processing’.4 Computers can and broaden the study of and response
help us to deepen the texture of learning to texts in ways that have never been
with processes ‘which are otherwise possible up to now. The medium is still a
unavailable to students in classrooms. fresh and attractive one to students, and
This aspect of online content appears most are delighted with the ability their
to provide the most potential for computer gives them to present colourful
improving learning and understanding’.5 and well laid-out work that genuinely
The best learning does not occur when reflects their individuality. This meshes
we ask students to find the tricks and with the personal and very individualistic
skills in poetic devices or unravel the nature of most literature, especially
code or remember the rhyming pattern. poetry.
Classroom strategies
Responses to poetry tasks Word/Drawing toolbar. When students
have selected one poem that appeals to
The following are several classroom
them for whatever reason, the instruction
practices tried by colleagues. Some are
for a Year 8 or 9 class could be:
better suited to one kind of poem or a
particular learning outcome than others, Annotate the poem. You will do this
and as we developed these we have tried by using at least six callout boxes. In
to be self-critical with each other about these callout boxes you will be writing
what actually worked. a total of between 100 and 150 words
of comment about the poem.
Annotating with callout boxes
Students really enjoy annotating
a poem with callout boxes from the
and Learning
Document 1
This is a metaphor,
The front-line ran through every road and street, saying that every road
A difference between
they died alone, in small groups (most were young), and street is the front
this war and other
no general offered up a balance-sheet line. The soldiers –
war is that it is not a
drivers and passengers
war fought between to justify torn limbs and silent tongue.
– die alone or in small
two countries or
groups. The passage
races. The casualties
This war was not like any other war, also states that most
are mostly self-
there was no enemy with a foreign face, of the dead are young
people, which also
we could not see what all the fuss was for
makes us think. Weren’t
– when someone died, it was some other place… most of our soldiers
Driving is a risk. young?
Maybe someday, we The rusting junk-yards were not on our maps,
will crash. Our car
the rehab hospitals off-limits too,
will be dumped to
we could not ever imagine that perhaps This passage creates
the junkyards that
someday our wheels and us might join the queue. an image of the
are never seen on the
ambulances rushing to
map, and our bodies
the site and trying to
will probably be in
And daily still, in sunshine and in rain, find any survivors. The
the rehab hospitals.
the ambulances with their strident cries nurses and doctors try
Both we and the car
sort out the barely living from the slain, to revive the seriously
will be visiting a new,
wounded, but most
unknown place. while, all invisibly, our future dies
likely, the victims of this
war will die, unseen.
Genghis Khan, it’s said, composed a hill
of skulls as tribute to his conquering hand
– he knew what he was doing; when we kill
we can only say we do not understand.
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 2
and Learning
Document 2 cont’d
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 3
Small-town dream
‘Back roads’ suggests the bus has come a long way over difficult
The back-roads school bus strains country, straining around every corner.
Document 3 cont’d
On the next gear-groaning corner Repetition of sounds – ‘gear groaning’, ‘loose-limbed’ and
‘river red’ give the reader an interesting pattern and rhythm.
a weatherboard house has settled,
a slump-shouldered caravan
sprawl in a gossiping circle Like the wrecked cars with deflated tyres, the town
isn’t going anywhere – even the camel is old and looks
depressed and diseased, covered in flies.
beside a shaggy camel, fostering flies,
Kathielyn Job
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 4
Bury Me
Bury me in a lotus pond The eels are alive and so represent that life and death is
So that eels may swish by my ears, also in the present, so life and death co-exist together.
Chu Hsiang
Translated by Kai-Yu Hsu
and Learning
Use a table from the Word/Insert Table what to look for in a particular section
function of the poem. Here is a poem presented
The verses of a poem can be put into to students in this format, with questions
a table by using the Word/Insert Table directing them to particular aspects of
function with instructions explaining each verse and space to respond:
Document 5
by Maria Lewitt
Hands shuffled, How do these lines continue the mood that has
Fingers lifted, been established?
Eyes looked
Nothing was confiscated. What cargo did they bring and how are these ideas
We were free to go. conveyed?
Our bodies bent
Under the heavy cargo
Of our past.
We smuggled in
Values and slanted opinions.
Nobody asked, nobody cared. What words or phrases convey the idea that the
We were left alone. new arrivals are ambivalent?
And wherever we go,
We leave a trail
Of unsuspected contraband,
Sometimes polluting, sometimes enriching
Our adopted Home.
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 6
and Learning
Document 7
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 8
Sinking back into his chair, just as he might What is the fourth road?
have done, I opened the book at the marker. The
(1 mark)
page before me was rough-edged and yellowed
The four roads that head to Ali Ben Gazrah.
by time. It contained only five lines, beautifully
Those of wonder, selflessness, faith, and the
inscribed, the ink so faded that I had to strain to
fourth one, The Way of Innocence.
read them:
and Learning
Document 8 cont’d
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Responding to newspaper
There is a sense of immediacy when current topics through editorials, opinion
dealing with today’s news issues in the articles and reader’s comments. Here is
classroom. Hopefully students can learn one example from a Year 11 student,
to look beyond the simplistic 30-second completed in about 30 minutes:
TV news grab, moving on to probe
Document 9
and Learning
Document 9 cont’d
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Document 9 cont’d
and Learning
Document 9 cont’d
A focus on
close reading
of the text
Annotation of cartoons
Being able to discern and articulate the Use at least three callout boxes to
elements in a cartoon is an important annotate it.
skill for students to learn. The rubric for Point out significant details and
such a task could be: explain what the message or
This cartoon below appeared in 2003 contention of the cartoonist is.
in an Iranian newspaper (soon after Here is a response by a Year 11
the declared end of the second Gulf student, completed in class in a limited
War). time:
Document 10
Israel is portrayed to be
malevolent and scoring
from the war with Iraq:
oil, favouritism from
UN, OPEC. From Iran’s
point of view, Israel are
TEHRAN Snake = Tony Blair. Backup
for USA. Hoping to ‘score’
from aftermath of war.
This Year 11 student has not managed snake in the Garden of Eden, and Africa
to get all the details right in the cartoon, is not the WTF, but for all that, we had a
but has made a reasonable attempt to good starting point for discussion when
understand an Arab perspective on a his and other responses were put up on
current and controversial topic. He has screen with a data projector.
not seen the significance of the tree and
and Learning
Wider applications
and suggested activities
Comparison of newspaper Or the Web addresses of all Australian
coverage newspapers: http://www.start4all.com/
The immediacy of this kind of teaching
can be really exhilarating. Find a topical Or http://www.newspapers.com/ for
issue and see how it is dealt with in newspapers overseas OR use a search
more than one newspaper. For example, engine to find your own.
you could compare the reporting of a Or the Internet Public Library for every
world event in a local newspaper with newspaper online from around the
the report in a Singapore or Shanghai or world http://www.ipl.org/div/news/
Berlin newspaper.
Get students started by asking them
Use the National Library web site to copy this table into a new document,
http://www.nla.gov.au/npapers/ then paste in the articles:
News topic:
My comments My comments
A focus on
close reading
of the text
1 J. McKenzie, How teachers learn technology best, FNO Press, 1999, p. 79.
2 R. Andrews, ‘Framing and design in ICT in English: towards a new subject and new practices in
the classroom’, in A. Goodwyn (ed.), English in the digital age: information and communications
technology and the teaching of English, Cassell, London, 2000, p. 27.
3 A. Goodwyn (ed.), 2000, op cit, Chapter 8, ‘Texting, reading and writing in the Internet’, p. 128.
4 D. McRae, ‘What to make and why – principles for the design and development of online curriculum
content’, Summary Document, Curriculum Corporation, Australia, March 2001, p. 4.
5 ibid., pp. 4, 5.
6 ibid., p. 9.
7 Reproduced here with permission of the author, John Schuman, singer/songwriter and former lead
singer of the band, Redgum.
8 Classroom activity prepared by Diane McDonald and the History teachers at Trinity Grammar School,
Chapter 5
a kind is] abo
of per ut cre
s ating
naviga o n able to
te cha
learn- nge an
as-the d dive
y - g rsity,
proble o, solve
ms, co
be flex llabor
ible an ate, an
d crea d
promo t i ve …
ting ca
reflex pabilit
ive an y,
learni d auto
ng, co nomou
l l a s
comm b o ration
unicat ,
ion … 1
Avoiding death by
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
and Learning
Classroom strategies
The following are some ideas for Use that slide as a basis for the
learning activities through formal and explanation of what you found
informal oral work in order to achieve significant in the story, or the way the
sound learning outcomes. writer expressed the details or any
other aspect that you found notable.
Be prepared to read aloud to the class
A single PowerPoint slide as an a section of the story. The reading and
aid to an oral presentation your explanation should take between
Here is a rubric for an oral presentation two and three minutes.
which was used with a Year 11 class For more details of the rubric, see
after they had studied an anthology of Chapter 11.
short stories in a traditional way: One student used the very simple
Choose ONE sentence from a story slide opposite to talk about the story
that is different to the one you will use ‘The Road to Rankin’s Point’ from the
for the succeeding tasks. collection The Lost Salt Gift of Blood.
Find ONE picture or drawing that for Using this single slide as a focus, he
you illustrates that sentence or assists pointed out the timeframe of the story,
your understanding of the scene. the age of the grandmother and the
harsh life she had led, the voice of the
Present the text and the illustration in
narrator grandson and the major events
ONE PowerPoint slide.
of the story. It was brilliantly simple and
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
and Learning
Yolngu is another name for Yukuwa’s tribe. children would find plus wallabies, crocodile,
Their skin is very black because they live under kangaroo which the men would hunt for, then
the high sun. They never stayed in one place they would have a feast. The Yolngu people
like the Macassans – they always moved from have strong superstition. They believe that if
beach to beach. It’s part of their culture. The you disturbed a dead person’s grave, the spirit,
Yolngu people collect their own food from the the galka, can causes trouble for the tribe and
land. They believe that the land provided them bring bad luck like One Eye Grave post. It is the
food. So they never plant their food like the Yolngu Law that if a wife deserted her injured
Macassans. Yolngu people love eating yam, husband, the women must die.
apples, and duck eggs which the women and
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
Total 20
and Learning
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
and Learning
diagram, which could be used to plot the European settlement but no treaty
consequences of land degradation:
Sycophantic courtier
Power and
with power under the
security –
new regime
a lot to gain
Loss of Polonius
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
There are a total of six different charts they could choose from a list. They were
in the diagram gallery but many students then given 30 minutes to tease out the
will probably prefer to construct their concept, find supporting evidence from
own from the AutoShapes/Flowchart at least three scenes and summarise their
patterns in Word or with an Inspiration understanding on poster paper or with
map. an Inspiration map. All then presented
Students revising Hamlet were put into their conclusions to the class within
random pairs to tease out concepts from the same lesson. Here is the diagram
the play, such as power, revenge, trust, screened by one pair via the data
greed, fear, friendship and others, which projector to support their explanation:
Claudius’ fear of Hamlet resulted in him Hamlet escapes the fate designed for him
plotting to get rid of Hamlet after his ‘play and returns. The King then takes advantage of
within a play’ set-up. He first decides to send Laertes’ anger, convincing him that Hamlet is
him to England in Act III, Scene I (a reversal to blame for the deaths of his sister and father.
on his original plan to keep him under close
Claudius also plots when he pays Rozencrantz
watch), but then upgrades the plan in Act IV,
and Guildenstern to watch Hamlet and pose as
Scene III to have him murdered in England.
his friends.
and Learning
His slide produced a hostile reaction It was a quick and interesting exercise
from the class. Not one of his peers that produced the valuable ‘teachable
agreed that the image was consistent moment’ and forced the students to look
with the intention of the poet and he had carefully at the poem. None chose the
to struggle very hard to explain why he same lines to discuss so it turned out to
had chosen it. The following example be a good summary exercise as well.
was far easier to defend:
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
Wider applications
and suggested activities
Computers offer exciting challenges the rank order is usually spot on and the
for teachers and present students with comments often mean more coming from
stimulating ways for thinking and a fellow student than they would from
responding. the teacher.
Most schools have data projectors
which can be booked and are easily
accessible to teachers. Despite the Peer evaluation of an oral book
frustrations that this may involve, report
the more they are booked and used,
Wide reading is an individual activity but
the more pressure it will place on the
it must also be accountable in some way.
administrators to buy more.
Written book reports are boring to write
Ideally there should be one projector
and read or may have been plagiarised
per room, but oral does not have to
from the http://www.amazon.com
be a whole-class experience. We have
web site. On the other hand, an oral
often split a class in half for oral work
presentation where a student can
when there has been a student teacher
show the book to peers and read some
to take some of the class to the next
sections can be very stimulating and
room. In most schools the librarians,
encourage an awareness of new genres
and sometimes colleagues, are willing
and authors. Web research may give
to assist with this kind of assessment
some wider background to the novelist,
activity. It is necessary, however, to train
plot or setting. Overleaf is the assessment
students to work in groups, and to assess
sheet we have used for this activity with
each other in these groups. Students tend
instructions to group leaders and a
to bunch the marks, being reluctant to
requirement that talks be timed:
give very high or very low scores, but
and Learning
This task could be adapted to any time for searching, they were given
subject and there are more suggestions 15 minutes for each group to prepare a
about book reports in one of the models PowerPoint summary of what they had
in Chapter 11. just discovered. For the final part of the
lesson, the teacher brought in a data
projector and each group shared what
Planning a three-day excursion they had learnt with the class.
A Year 6 class about to go on a three-day
excursion to the national capital spent
a lesson sitting on the floor in groups
Summarising arguments for a
with their wireless-enabled laptops, debate
each group searching a different place This idea of oral assessment can be just
or activity that they might be visiting or as easily applied to a ‘Power and Politics’
engaged in on the trip. Each student in topic in middle school or an economics
the group searched different resources topic in senior school. A group in a
related to their topic. After allowing middle school class could, for example,
Oral language:
Avoiding death
by PowerPoint
be asked to discuss a topic such as ‘Does show these on a screen for all the class to
Australia have enough water for us to see and debate. This is a basic classroom
be growing cotton at all?’, while another technique which is effective across many
group could deal with the consequences subjects but one that computers help to
of controlling the flow of our river facilitate. Students enjoy the challenge
systems. Each group could summarise of justifying their opinions to their
their considerations in an Excel graph, peers, just as the peers no doubt enjoy
as suggested above, or summarise their challenging the assumptions that a group
main points in a PowerPoint slide and has made.
1 Australian Council of the Deans of Education, New learning: a charter for Australian education,
ACDE, 2001, Proposition 4.
2 In Victoria, oral work is now a component of the School Assessed Course work (SAC) which accounts
for 50 per cent of the final tertiary entrance grade in English. As we might expect, higher level
assessment inevitably drives curriculum innovation in lower grades.
3 The revised New South Wales curriculum document, currently in the process of implementation,
includes a requirement for students in the middle secondary years to be able to ‘express considered
points of view in speech or writing, accurately and coherently and with confidence and fluency in
rehearsed, unrehearsed and impromptu situations.’ For this and more details see
viewed 27 April 2004.
4 W. Sawyer, K. Watson & E. Gold (eds), Re-viewing English, St Clair Press, Sydney, 1998, pp. 268–9.
5 ibid., p. 269.
6 J. McKenzie, ‘We’ve done the Internet. Now what?’ Speech presented at a seminar in Melbourne,
28 February 2004.
Chapter 6
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A challenge for
thinking skills
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
and Learning
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
Classroom strategies
Senior English text discussion In this scenario, one student from
online each of the Year 11 English classes was
randomly allocated to a group of seven
Chat rooms are a familiar milieu or eight students. Each teacher from
for students and are a mode of across the eight classes scaffolded the
communication where abbreviations and discussion and moderated several groups,
trivial comments are the accepted norm. with students not necessarily from their
But just as schoolyard or changeroom own classes. As there were over 200
chatter is not acceptable in style or students in that year level, many did
format for a formal piece of written not know each other, so there had to
work or a classroom oral presentation, be genuine communication outside the
so the conventions of student-to-student normal peer group. An electronic record
chat rooms are not acceptable in a was kept of what each student wrote.
structured academic discussion. Each teacher/moderator was asked
A group of colleagues decided to to intervene from time to time in the
test some assumptions about online discussion and evaluate the frequency
discussion for educative purposes by and quality of the student responses to
setting up Web-based chat groups the text In the Lake of the Woods by
across eight Year 11 English classes. Tim O’Brien, noting particularly how
A researcher, who viewed the process students followed and contributed to
from an external perspective, concluded a discussion, presented evidence, and
that students were able to carry out respected and responded to the views of
group discussion in an educationally others.
sound way and look at various levels The specific goals for this task were
of meaning in a text as they formulated defined as:
and re-formulated their thinking. The • Encourage students to engage in a
majority of students, she said, were able reflective and thinking activity with
to engage in scholarly dialogue with someone outside their class, normal
someone outside their normal social friendship group or normal comfort
group. Shyer students, ESL students and zone.
those who valued opportunities for more • Carry out a group discussion in a way
reflective debate appeared in particular that would be educationally sound but
to prefer online discussions to face-to- more difficult in a direct face-to-face
face discussions of the class text. Of way.
course, classroom interactions continued, • Provide a basis for further oral
but this online environment catered in a responses as students look at the
different way for students with specific various levels of meaning in the text.
personality and learning styles.9
and Learning
Teacher/Moderator: Carmen:
Before he realises Kathy is missing, John Yes – this may be true – that John decides to
decides to get his life in order. Isn’t this a get his life back into order before he realises
sign that he felt he could move on and find Kathy is missing, but it does show he can
something approaching happiness? Are we move on and approach happiness. This would
trapped by our past? Could Wade have made a have been Wade’s theory when starting out in
new life for himself that didn’t involve deceit? the political world – move on, forget Vietnam
and find happiness. As we can see this did not
Ron (responding to one early contribution):
work, and it did not help him ‘move on’ as we
Well Carmen, I happen to disagree with this
can see that a large portion of himself did not
statement of yours. Firstly John was definitely
move on from Vietnam or his childhood.
a prisoner of his past. His father’s death was
out of his control and caused him to feel angry This is a perfect example of how our past is
and at times have outbursts of anger. Due to with us always. When we do something wrong,
his past John was not a good soldier because when we make a mistake, people comfort us
he did not possess the qualities that a ‘Good by saying ‘don’t worry, the past is the past – it
Soldier’ should have. He was self-centred and is forgotten about’, and these sort of comments
scared. He only wanted to go to war to build make us feel better. John probably thought this
on his political status. His whole life, John after the whole Vietnam saga: ‘forget about it,
was in a desperate search for love, power and start a new life and let the past fade away’. In
control. His political failure after the war and the instance of Wade making a new life, well in
his diminishing marriage with Kathy shows us Wade’s case it couldn’t be done because he had
that he was indeed a prisoner of a past that left no one he could really turn to. Yes – he did love
him alone and desperate for love. Kathy – but he could not confide in her, and tell
her his secrets. If there is no one in your life
you can really trust then it is extremely hard to
It would have been better had Wade come
create a new person – as you yourself begin to
clean about his past the moment he thought
forget who you were, and therefore you lose a
about running for the US Senate, not so much
sense of purpose and reality. John’s life didn’t
that he was involved in the My Lai massacre,
really involve deceit – it was not purposeful or
but more that he tried to ‘cover his tracks’
intentional the bad things that he did. It was
by rewriting official military files. If Wade did
the way he went about covering them up that
reveal all this, Kathy would probably have
was deceitful.
stayed with him, but his political career would
be ended. People would simply not want
someone who had done so much lying to
represent them in the Government. >
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
Carmen: Teacher:
Sorry Ron – I see what you mean by me not Ron, surely Wade was a successful soldier – he
answering the question properly – I actually was promoted and received commendations.
meant it to answer the other question – that What definition are you using to support your
he was trapped by his past. So if you could argument?
bear this in mind, and re-read the question, my
answer may make a bit more sense. SORRY!
Is there such a thing as a good soldier?
We need more topics!!!!
and Learning
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
it was at least useful for the teachers to This message was viewed 345 times
see the pitfalls in this potentially positive and there were 18 replies. Two boys
learning situation. from the Australian school, one with a
Our first topic was ‘Terrorism affects conservative perspective and one with a
overseas travel’. While 107 students strong leftwing opinion, started off the
viewed the topic there were only two discussion which obviously then offended
brief replies. Clearly this did not grab the some of the American students, but got
interest of the students despite its very surprising support from some whom we
topical nature. presumed were South Africans.
The second topic ‘Why do Australians, This was the topic the teachers
who generally don’t favour capital initiated to generate discussion:
punishment, want the death penalty for The scenario: last week, George Bush
the Bali bombers?’ was read 67 times but addressed the Australian Parliament. A
drew only five brief replies. Again this Greens Senator, Bob Brown, interrupted
was a surprising deadend because it was the President and was ejected from
a topic that carried a very high profile, at the chamber. He questioned the fate of
least in the Australian media, at the time. the two Australians being held without
One student from South Africa, started charge in Guantanamo Bay. The rules
a new thread ‘The US led war in Iraq of Parliament here do not permit the
was wrong’. This was looked at 13 times filming of anyone except the person
but provoked no reaction at all. speaking. A CNN crew ignored these
A student then started a vitriolic topic: rules and filmed the interjection and
‘The US contains the most morons in the eviction and that footage was then
world’, and this became an unproductive shown on US and Australian TV. Would
slanging match, probably between two you like to comment on one or more of
students in the same school but as the free these questions:
discussion board we chose to use was not
1 Was the interruption just bad
password protected, there was no way of
knowing which school the students came
2 Does this just support the anti-war
from. Previous experience had shown
that 15-year-old students found it a bit
3 Should CNN have shown the
babyish to introduce themselves and their
school so this time we had tried to get
4 Should the President have expected
quickly into some discussion.
anti-war feeling?
Clearly the topic which sparked
5 The Chinese Premier Hu doing
the most interest was ‘The treatment
exactly the same thing the next day
of the US President in the Australian
required the public gallery to be
Parliament’, following the visit by
cleared of dissidents. Did he have
George Bush to Canberra in October
the right as a guest in a foreign
2003 to thank Australians for their
country to demand this?
participation in the second Gulf war.
and Learning
AAAA: ‘Personally I feel that Senator Bob DDDD: ‘In reply to BBBB, I would like to know
Brown and Kerry Nettle were quite immature how you classify our President, George Bush
and irresponsible in the way they treated as a terrorist in the same way as you look at
George Bush during his speech to Parliament. Saddam Hussein. Our President has done
They broke the rules of Parliament and showed nothing in comparison to Saddam.’
a complete lack of respect by interrupting EEEE: ‘My response is directed towards BBBB,
the US President twice. They are allowed to why would you classify President George
disagree and hold a silent protest, but they Bush as a terrorist? What would make you
shouldn’t have heckled the man. In regards think that he’s as bad as Saddam or Bin Ladin?
to CNN filming in Parliament during the What Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle did was very
President’s speech, I feel that they shouldn’t inappropriate. They should have respected
have been allowed to, however it was a major President Bush by not blurting out. They should
event in the Australian media at the time so the have been mature enough to wait until he was
footage would have been highly sought after.’ done.’
BBBB: ‘Just in response to AAAA: What FFFF: ‘Responding to BBBB. Why would you
Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle did was very consider President Bush a terrorist? He does
appropriate. George Bush is just as much a everything for our country to STOP terrorisms.
terrorist as Saddam Hussein and opposing I feel his decision to choose to go to war was a
him is not immature, nor is it irresponsible. It good decision. Go President Bush!!!’
is disgraceful that Parliament – the house of
the people – was closed to protestors on this GGGG: ‘I agree with BBBB a little bit, but he is
day. It was a shameful act for (Australian Prime not as much as Osama but he is a horrible pres.
Minister) Howard to jump on the unjustified Bush does not care about the environment. He
war bandwagon and now he turns away from attacked Iraq and they had nothing to do with
the people as well.’ 9/11. I think he cheated on the election. More on
my last thing – Bush took us out of the nuclear
CCCC: ‘Yes, the decision to go to war so quickly arms act, does not believe in the ozone hole
(Iraq) was questionable and I personally think and broke treaties.’
that if he went, he should’ve waited until there
was rock-hard evidence. That’s if he had to go HHHH: ‘I think that anyone that has something
to war at all. War should be the absolute last bad to say please keep it to yourself.’
option for anybody to take and in the result, I JJJJJ to HHHH: ‘Don’t be a bad example!
think it may have made the American people a Try to keep you anger inside and respect
bit more arrogant about thinking they own Iraq other people’s opinions. If BBBB thinks he is a
and Afghanistan.’ terrorist, let him. If you don’t agree, calmly
say it.’
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
Wider applications
and suggested activities
The above examples were a first attempt don’t stay focused on the same topic
to use this new medium in the style of a for long so it is important to catch
Web chat room with which the students their enthusiasm and build on it. In
were well familiar. We knew that we the same way, many of us have found
were probably breaking new ground in that a precious teachable moment in a
the ways we were going about it and classroom cannot be easily recreated
that we may very well fall on our faces. some days later. We therefore wanted
We were, however, determined to take to generate some momentum but also
hold of the Web discussion practice limit the time commitment for teachers.
in chat rooms, which was a common It was not possible to expect busy
student recreational and personal professionals to prepare, teach and
communication activity and from this correct written work at the same time
to see if there was any educational as monitoring the Web discussions of
value in this medium and what effect it several groups of students on a daily
would have on language learning and basis. At the very least, we had to agree
communication skills. To do this, we that the written contributions of students
had to get away from the ‘anything goes’ on screen were the only writing we
‘free for all’ syndrome that has become would expect the students to do during
the norm in Web chat rooms. Thus there that period and the only correcting that
had to be active teacher moderation and the teachers would do.
intervention as well as accountability. As a consequence of this decision by
We found that it was best for the the teachers, the students undertaking
groups to be password protected to raise the unit In the Lake of the Woods in
the status of the discussion and to give Year 11 needed to know that their
some control over who could access contributions to the discussion were
the site and also give us the ability to accountable and would contribute to
monitor the appropriateness of what the assessment for the whole unit of
was being said. Along with this, we work. We established very simple criteria
thought it was important to keep the for the teachers. One outcome from
groups small so that participants could the Victorian Certificate of Education
pick up the tone and voice of the various syllabus requires that:
contributors so it would in some way [The student should be able to]
mirror face-to-face discussion. explore ideas and issues orally, giving
It also seemed important that the considered reasons for a point of view
discussions be run over a very limited and listening actively to the views of
time frame. The minds of some teenagers others.
and Learning
Online discussion:
A challenge for
thinking skills
and Learning
1 P. Crawley, Principal, Knox Grammar School, Sydney. Address at the Expanding Learning Horizons
Conference, Lorne, Victoria, August 2002.
2 L. Splitter & A. Sharp, Teaching for better thinking, ACER, Melbourne, 1995, p. 3.
3 ibid., p. 182.
4 ‘Higher-order thinking’, viewed 27 May 2004, <http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics/
5 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge Massachusetts, 2003, p. 121.
6 J.G. Brooks, & M.G. Brooks, In search of understanding: the case for constructivist classrooms,
Alexandria, Virginia, ASCD, 1993, pp. 101–18.
7 J. O’Donoghue, ‘To cope, to contribute, to control’ in A. Goodwyn (ed.), English in the digital age:
information and communications technology and the teaching of English, Cassell, 2000, p. 85.
8 S. Godinho & B. Shrimpton, ‘Boys’ and girls’ use of linguistic space in small group discussions: whose
talk dominates?’ Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2003.
9 K. Love, ‘Mapping on-line discussion in senior English’, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy,
Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 382–96.
10 We used ProBoards for this discussion. See <http://www.proboards.com/index.html> See Appendix 2,
p. 158 for more details.
11 See English Unit 1 Outcome 3, viewed 27 May 2004, <http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/english/
12 Monash University Faculty of Medicine – Department of Rural Health at Traralgon Hospital.
Chapter 7
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ractice 1
A writing tool for
lateral thinking
and Learning
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
This chapter is more concerned about processing facilities in the library had
the production of text in a classroom facilitated literacy in logo-centric, print
as, for most students, the computer is a modes of text’.6 She sees the school
new writing surface that needs different library as a public space not tied to any
conventions to those of the printed page. faculty, readily accessible and with a rich
It is probable that hypertext writing will bank of image and text support resources
increasingly replace traditional linear with permanent help on hand. The
text as the standard means of writing on librarians in any school are, or should
a computer. It will allow the reader to be, at the vanguard of the new literacies.
determine where the beginning, middle In similar vein, Tara Brabazon looks
and end of a piece lies and to plot their beyond the ungainly graft of electronic
own way through the textual landscape. resources onto the 19th century models
The reality is that we are speaking a new of print, space, time and information.
language, not just new words but a new She ridicules the libraries that reinvent
way of using words.5 themselves as information resource
Students are able to interact centres. This new name, she says,
electronically with texts so that they are apparently means diverting money from
not only reading but interpreting and the acquisition of books to maintaining
making, with much greater control over database subscriptions. Her own vision
the production process. Susan Boyce, is of librarians using their expertise
a librarian, has located a publishing to ‘support new modes of reading,
suite in her library to ‘facilitate multi- writing and communication, integrating
media literacy, in much the same way and connecting discovery, searches,
that the photocopier, scanner and word navigation and use of diverse resources’.7
and Learning
Classroom strategies
Student familiarity with
Many of us may not have realised Over 70 per cent said that they found
that students are intuitive users of hypertext useful to navigate, find things
hypertext, yet we often do not draw quickly, find their way around a long
on this expertise to enrich and develop document, explore a topic, go quickly to
their learning. In 2001, we asked about a web site, and combine text and images.
150 students over three year levels in The disadvantages, a few said, were that
a secondary school about their use of the links did not always work and that
hypertext. The following table shows some of their teachers did not know how
a summary by percentage of the total to construct hyperlinks themselves.
number of students and how they said
they used hypertext.
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
with a specific audience focus. Ever wondered why when you to try to hit
a cover drive while playing cricket, it never
Your piece must include at least five
comes off the right way?
hyperlinks which could include images
Now you may be able to play a cover drive
and text but there must be no more
perfectly so you will not need to read this,
than one direct link to a web site.
but if your cover drive is not the best then
Here are some suggestions but you just read on and I will tell you about the
may choose any topic on which you correct procedure of how to play a cover
have knowledge or expertise. drive and some hints and tips on how to
correct your shot. I guarantee you it will help
• Travel directions to a place you you develop your shot better … it is your
know well for a friend who wishes choice …Yes or No …
to go there. I am happy to see that you have decided to
• A recipe in a context, e.g. camp continue on reading my document. Firstly if
cooking for a Year 10 Outdoor you don’t know what a cover drive is then
Education Camp, or preparing for a click here to find out because if you don’t
birthday party of a close friend. then you won’t understand most of what I
• How to get the most out of a visit am about to tell you.
and Learning
With the above diagram in mind the cover drive is an attacking shot played on
the ‘off side’. It is played through the ‘cover’ region; hence that is why it is called
a cover drive. Below shows where a cover drive is played on the ground.
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
and Learning
Common name Scientific name Call – click here to listen to the frogs
Victorian Smooth Geocrinia victoriana ‘wa-a-a-a-a-ark pip pip pip pip pip pip pip …’
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
In other pieces, one student put in links to previous class work he had done
links to the daily weather reports on the and to current productions of the play
ski fields, including the addresses and in the United Kingdom and the United
price lists of the ski-hire shops and a map States. These turned the piece into quite
of the best runs for the various levels a different kind of essay, though the
of skiers. Another, who wrote a guide- essential arguments on the topic were
book to a popular seaside holiday resort, included and very clear.
included a list of restaurants, personal Writing in this way and teasing out
recommendations and links to a local ideas will be a strength, certainly not a
entertainment guide. Another, who wrote disadvantage, when it comes to writing
a piece giving advice on how to pack a traditional essay in the final Year 12
for an outdoor education expedition, examination. Interestingly, the Victorian
included links to photographs of himself Curriculum and Assessment Authority
in various stages of agony trying to stuff was preparing for 1300 students to trial
all his gear into his pack. the computers for their final external
English examination in 2004 so that
they could compare the performance
Hyperlinks in a Shakespeare of those using computers with those
text response using pen and paper, and what effect
this would have on the way the markers
After the study of a Shakespeare text,
responded.8 The report added that one
one student, without prompting,
of the driving factors of this test-run was
presented an essay on ‘Shylock, villain
the concern expressed by some schools
or victim’, and decided to link what he
that their computer-literate students
wrote to the film Life is Beautiful. At
could be disadvantaged by pen and
the conclusion of his essay, he put in the
paper exams. A later report suggested
following helpful links for the reader:
that examinations could be online for
If you would like more information on
all 80,000 students within five years.
Shylock being a villain or a victim go to A Chemistry trial in June 2004, where
http://www.severi.org/studenti/ipertesti/ papers were marked both online and
jewish/merchant_of_venice.htm off-line, found no difference in marks.
If you would like to know more about the In a trial later the same year, 2000
movie Life is Beautiful go to English and Mathematics students from
http://www.amazon.com or http:// 20 schools sat one examination online
www.geocities.com/aaronbcaldwell/Life.html and another using pen and paper under
normal examination conditions. Both
papers were double marked as they
Another student wrote his final
would be at a final examination but
assessment piece on The Merchant of
results were not available at the time of
Venice, but included, at his own volition,
and Learning
How do we assess this kind of writing? A more serious issue for teachers than
In the instructional task outlined above, agreeing on the criteria was the very
the students were given the criteria on practical issue of how to collect and
which their work would be assessed in correct this kind of work. The teacher
advance. This involved a lot of faculty who wants to gather only handwritten or
discussion as we needed to agree on printed work to take home and mark as
whether we were assessing their technical they curl up by the fire, red wine in one
competence with computers or their hand and red pencil in the other, cannot
ability to write and deal with the topic. do so with this kind of writing.
Were we asking for hyperlinks as a From a practical point of view,
gimmick or as an essential element in this students who use hyperlinked writing
kind of writing? The conclusion was that must gather all the related documents
the hyperlinks would be an attention- into one folder. This can then be
grabber for the teachers because the transferred as a complete folder to the
territory was so unfamiliar and would teacher either by disc or memory stick,
definitely be a technical challenge for infra-red transfer or by lodging it on the
us. For the students, however, it was a school’s network in a ‘common drive’,
natural part of what they might expect accessible by both teacher and student.
to do and the requirement did not seem E-mail is not suitable for this purpose as
to faze them at all. The table opposite only single documents can be attached
shows the criteria we finally agreed to an e-mail message. Therefore, issues
upon. Note the emphasis on the quality of online correction and classroom
of the information and the language and student management (Chapter 10)
features and conventions in the writing. become significant factors if teachers are
We tried to judge the main piece and the going to go down this track.
linked documents as a whole, and only
in the area of coherence and organisation
did we look at the appropriateness of the
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
Grade awarded
and Learning
Wider applications
and suggested activities
There are some great new ways to • Open any existing document on your
increase the repertoire of student My Documents and Save As in the
responses. We live in a world of changing Hyperlink Trial folder.
literacy. Recognising that many students • Open any existing second document
no longer think and write in the ways and Save As in the same folder.
that we as teachers used to, we need to • Select any words in the first document,
think beyond the straightjacket of the then use Insert/Hyperlink OR Ctrl K
linear essay tradition and give students to link it to the second document.
the freedom to ‘think outside the square’, • Now open the second document, type
making it clear to them that we welcome at the bottom Return to Document 1,
a range of responses and will, in fact, select the phrase and put in a link back
reward innovative thinking and writing. to the Document 1.
Various ways of responding to poetry • Do the same to one or two more
(or any other text in virtually any documents that you copy into your
subject) were outlined in Chapter 4. To folder and also put in the reverse
that list we could now add hyperlinks. hyperlink.
Students could be asked to identify • Now put in a link to one of the web
phrases or words and hyperlink them to sites you know and have saved in your
pictures, explanations or glossaries or Favourites folder.
some other document that may indicate As mentioned earlier, when you do
the student’s personal response or this with students they must keep all
demonstrate understanding of the work. the linked documents in one folder and
There is an example of a Year 9 give the whole folder to you when they
History unit on World War II in submit it for marking, otherwise the
Chapter 11. The students were required hyperlinks will not work.
to hyperlink elements of their class
study to the final assessment essay.
History hyperlink example
Try asking students to create two stories
Experimenting with hyperlinks about two schoolboys, one living today
Try a hyperlinking task for yourself as a and one living in the time of Ancient
trial run. To do this, create a new folder Rome or Egypt or Greece. Hyperlinks
called Hyperlink Trial. could be used to enable readers to slide
through time, jumping between the
stories at various points.10
Hypertext: A
writing tool for
lateral thinking
1 J. McKenzie, How teachers learn technology best, FNO Press, 1999, p. 36.
2 I. Snyder, Hypertext: the electronic labyrinth, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1996, p. 45.
3 ibid., pp. 50–7.
4 G. Parr, ‘If in a literary hypertext a traveller…’ in Durrant & Beavis, P(ICT)URES of ENGLISH
– Teachers, learners and technology, Australian Association for the Teaching of English, Adelaide,
2001, p. 229.
5 G. Kelly, Retrofuture: rediscovering our roots, recharting our routes, InterVarsity Press, Illinois, 1999,
pp. 88, 89.
6 S. Boyce, ‘Engineering literacy in the library’ in C. Durrant & C. Beavis, 2001, op. cit., p. 136.
7 T. Brabazon, Digital hemlock: Internet education and the poisoning of teaching, UNSW Press, 2002,
p. 93.
8 The Sunday Age, 6 June 2004, p. 7.
9 The Sunday Age, 17 October 2004, p. 9.
10 This suggestion is from a SchoolKiT module. For further details see http://www.edclass.com and the
explanation in Chapter 9.
11 From the SchoolKiT activity ‘Where in Asia am I?’ for Years 6–9 Geography. The rubric of the
activity says: ‘Asia is the planet’s largest continent. In this activity you will hide yourself in a country
in Asia. Your partner must try and find you by using clue statements that you provide. Will your
partner be successful?’ For further details see http://www.edclass.com and further explanation on
page 158.
Chapter 8
rdo da
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and co vision
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that ar t e c h n
e in ha ologies
human rmony
needs.’ 1 w ith
Moving on from
text-based learning
and Learning
Visual literacies
time to filter and align it with their own Schneiderman puts forward a similar
developing world view. perspective when he says that listening
Perhaps all history students should to radio and CDs, and watching TV and
view the web site ‘The Commissar videotapes are not educational panaceas
Vanishes’, which shows a series of images as they are
of Stalin deliberately manipulated as his largely passive media, offering limited
regime continued from 1939 to 1953. capability for students to be creative
The web site says of itself, unless educators shift their focus to
The Commissar Vanishes exhibition student content generation using these
explores this censored history. By the media. Once again it is taking decades
1930s Communist ‘truth’ circulates for educators to recognise that the
worldwide in party approved books. most potent use of videotapes happens
With airbrush or ink spot, the photo when teachers offer blank ones to
censors work quietly. But despite their students.6
power, they ultimately fail. The images
expose decades of photographic lies.5
Classroom strategies
Accessing the immediate then worked in pairs, one searching any
national newspaper while their partner
Current text books for the study of
searched one from overseas for news of
media language and the presentation of
the massacre. The pair then swapped
issues drag out the still important but
seats to compare the stories, and were
well-worn topics of whales, gun licences
surprised to find that most of the reports
and capital punishment. With online
were identical, varying only in the degree
access, the issues can surely be much
of detail. Only one report that any
more immediate and capture the interest
student found made a reference to the
of the students in a way that even the
home and family of the accused gunmen.
best prepared printed text can never do.
It can be especially difficult to find a
On the day of the Columbine massacre
topic where the information is accessible
in April 1999, when 13 secondary
and able to capture the interest of a
students were gunned down by two of
group of lower secondary students.
their peers, I happened to be teaching
The confluence of text, pictures, maps
a Year 8 class in a computer lab. The
and interviews on this occasion made a
students brainstormed the titles of
compelling jumping-off point for some
national and overseas newspapers and
valuable lessons about the media, as well
and Learning
Visual literacies
and Learning
Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Ageing, Mark Latham, new
Federal Treasurer and Minister for Foreign Affairs Leader of the Opposition
Visual literacies
In 2002, a Year 9 class was set the From a teacher’s point of view, we
following task: were impressed that this student was
Find a current cartoon from an able to make a selection on a topic
American newspaper which is on a that interested him, could pick up the
theme of relevance to Australia. Copy subtleties of the message and respond to
and paste it here, then in a paragraph the details of the cartoon. This can be
below or using callout boxes to a difficult task as all of us are quick to
annotate, sum up the contention or laugh at cartoons but often find it tricky
message of the cartoonist. What is to put into words their contention and
he or she communicating? In what say how the fine points of the drawing
way is the reader being positioned contribute to our understanding.
to believe or agree with something?
This web site may help you
The topic in the news at the time,
and selected by one student, was the
Bullets emphasise the
Washington sniper. Here is how that
danger of inner city crime.
student responded:
Key point: suburbans safe but inner Sarcasm – sniper problem eliminated
city citizens in as much danger as ever. but street crime still unsafe
and Learning
Visual literacies
and Learning
Visual literacies
Another student, who was reading a doing, suggested to his parents that they
book that made reference to the spirit monitor his interests. Another student
world, decided to send an e-mail to a used the Web address in the novel to
US society for mediums to satisfy his contact the writer directly and was
curiosity. They wisely asked his age and thrilled to get a detailed reply in less than
only gave him a brief response while the 24 hours.
teacher, who found out what he was
and Learning
Visual literacies:
and Learning
Visual literacies
Remember the time I forgot to tell you the But you didn’t.
dance was
Formal, and you wore jeans? He also prepared a collage of photos
I thought you’d hate me … of himself with his best mate’s girlfriend
But you didn’t.
at a party just to make his response
really personal. He then went on to
annotate the poem with callouts to show
what particular features of it meant to
him. The result was not profound but it
engaged him like no previous task had
done so far in that class.
Wider applications
and suggested activities
A novel path to political, You will present your report in any
appropriate manner depending on the
geographical and cultural
topic you choose. It could, for example,
research be a 400–500 word essay in Word OR a
A Year 10 class was recently studying report in Publisher combining text and
the biographical novel Off the Rails by images OR a PowerPoint presentation
Chris Hatherly and Tim Cope about a with images, graphics and sound
12-month trip on a recumbent bicycle and at least 50 words of text in the
across the former Soviet Union. As speaker’s notes explaining each slide
part of the introduction to the novel OR an Inspiration diagram where you
and an opportunity for students to tease out one of the themes in the
familiarise themselves with the political, novel and have a total of at least 300
geographical and cultural background words in the Add Notes boxes.
to the trip, the students were given a
brief research task with the following
instructions: 105
and Learning
pass on any good sites they have found, movie where the poem Five Bells is read
hopefully with some helpful annotations to the complement of film clips and voice.
so that you don’t need to reinvent the Asking students to bring earphones and
wheel. access the CD from the network is a very
Three are worth mentioning: enjoyable experience for them.
A brilliant site for students in about When we used this resource, we gave
Years 6 to 9 with ideas for starting a the students a response sheet to fill
piece of writing, brainstorming a topic, out so that there was some structure
keeping a writing journal, working and purpose to their listening. This is
through the drafting process etc: particularly important with a boys’ class.
http://www.writesite.org/ Topics included:
Try the mystery writing site: Some significant facts I learnt about
http://www.mysterynet.com/learn/ as a the life of Slessor.
starting point for a piece of writing.
Some significant facts I learnt about
It can also be great fun to get students
the life and work and death of Joe
to write 55-word stories, a task which
will challenge the garrulous and focus
their minds on the structure of a short Some significant facts about the poem
story. There are plenty of examples Five Bells – e.g. when it was written,
around, including a daily story from a what prompted the writing, what it is
reader in the Melbourne Herald Sun. about.
One is the best is The New Times I read and heard at least two of
– the San Luis Obispo County’s News Slessor’s poems. Here are some
and Entertainment Weekly, who say notable images or phrases or
they invented the genre and have been repetitions or key words or other
running a competition for 16 years: things I would like to comment on:
Poem 1:
But more of this in the next chapter! Poem 2:
The examples in this chapter could be
applied to many subjects, for example,
Using online resources illustrating a cartoon in a history
One of the best-produced and most class or annotating a photograph of a
stimulating CD-ROM resources available land formation in a Geography class,
to English teachers is Five Bells,8 which especially where the photograph has
is called an ‘interactive celebration of been taken on an actual field trip.
Australia’s favourite poem’. It includes
some biographical material on Kenneth Designing a memorial
Slessor, several voices reading five of his One interesting and challenging activity
best-known short poems with musical in SchoolKiT9 is Designing a Memorial.
accompaniment and a ten-minute-long The task asks students to:
and Learning
imagine that you have been To complete this activity you will:
commissioned to design a memorial • select a person, event, or culture to
wall to commemorate a significant study;
event in history. To complete this • research information based on the
activity, you will undertake research to four theme areas;
learn all that you can about the subject • edit and write research so that it can
of the memorial, then use what you be read by people from the ages of
have learned to create a moving and 10 to 60;
informative tribute. • create an electronic virtual museum
A PowerPoint example explains the exhibit.
principles of researching and designing a Students are then given a sample
memorial with this instruction: virtual exhibit on the Aztecs and
As you develop your memorial wall, instructions on deciding upon their own
keep in mind your goals. Depending topic, preparing a data sheet, selecting
on the context, your aim may be: information, building the exhibit,
• to encourage remembrance; creating a floor and background, adding
• to honour and express gratitude; exhibits and using action buttons in
• to encourage reflection; PowerPoint.10 By the end of this task
• to educate; students will know a lot more about
• to preserve history and cultural their chosen topic, have acquired some
heritage; and/or new computer skills and presented their
• to inspire national pride. information in both visual and verbal
Then there are instructions on how to
format the page, build the stone wall as Aboriginal history or Australian Studies
a background, put in a text box, engrave exercise
the text and make the sculpture stand
out as a relief against the background. History educators who teach Aboriginal
history or Australian Studies may like to
Virtual museum of history track down a superb two CD-ROM set
Frontier – Stories from White Australia’s
Another activity which History and Forgotten War.11 It includes 90 minutes
Social Studies teachers would find very of video and audio by leading Australian
stimulating for students in about Years 6 actors, excerpts from some 150 primary
to 9 is called Virtual Museum of History. sources, 200 paintings, illustrations and
In this, students are asked to photographs, internet sites, suggestions
create an historical exhibit with for further reading and a search index.
information based on four general A great resource like this can be an
themes: History Timeline, Geography, infectious motivator for both teacher
Society/Culture, and Artefacts/Evidence. and student.
Visual literacies
1 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003, p. 4.
2 C. Durrant & C. Beavis, P(ICT)URES of ENGLISH – Teachers, learners and technology, Australian
Association for the Teaching of English, Adelaide, 2001 p. 8.
3 M. Semali, ‘Crossing the information highway: the web of meanings and bias in global media’,
viewed 7 January 2003, <http://www.readingonline.org/newliteracies/semali3/index.html>
4 ibid.
5 Viewed 10 May 2004, <http://www.newseum.org/berlinwall/commissar_vanishes>
6 B. Schneiderman, 2003, op. cit., p. 118.
7 V. Watson & M. Kairouz, ‘Student learning and information processing in the knowledge age: a case
for the strategic teaching of thinking skills’, IARTV Occasional Paper No. 75, May 2002, Melbourne.
8 K. Slessor, Five Bells, produced by Roar Films in conjunction with G3 and the support of the
Australian Film Commission and Arts Australia.
9 For further details see http://www.edclass.com and the explanation on page 158.
10 ibid.
11 Frontier – Stories from Australia’s Forgotten War, two CD-ROM set, Australian Broadcasting
Chapter 9
‘The ne
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need to . There
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teach e e
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come c o f think
ritical.’ 1 ing
use of the
World Wide Web
Critical use of the
World Wide Web
and Learning
Classroom strategies
Teaching good analysis skills collated and given to all students. A step
like this could save a huge amount of
We can’t take it for granted that students
wasted time, let alone the possibility of
will know how to search the Web
limiting frustration levels.
effectively any more than that they will
know how to structure an essay, respond
to a poem, find relevant material for Coping with frustration
research, use a dictionary, interpret the
latest trade figures or follow the patterns The Web can be an enormous time
in a novel without some guidance. If, for waster, so many students, not to
example, we ask students to analyse and mention their teachers, end up angry
annotate a web site, we need to tell them and frustrated after a session of Web
what to look for: use of colour, simplicity searching (or was it just vague Net
of layout, ease of exploration; direct grazing that they were doing?). Some of
them to the links and to the usefulness of the following suggestions may help:
the information on the splash page; ask • Library resources and class texts
for the date on which the page was last should be carefully vetted, selected
updated, the name of the author or Web and offered for reading and research
master and especially ask them to verify at a level appropriate to the age and
the quality of the information. conceptual understanding of the
We could summarise this into a series user, so we know that when we go to
of questions such as: them we will find relevant and usable
• Who created the web site? information. By comparison, we
• What is it about? must be aware that the internet has
• Where was it created? the potential to drown us in garbage.
• When it was last updated? Jamie McKenzie writes,
• How reliable is the information and Many teachers will find the Internet
how do we know?4 too poorly structured to support
Of course, this process could be efficient learning unless we invest
reversed by the teacher annotating a web in lesson and unit development that
site, then sending that model annotation meets their desire for order and
to the students so that they can review practicality. Teachers seek structured
the accuracy of what the teacher has lessons and scaffolding to deliver
done. Similarly, groups of students at the efficiency, quality and standards-based
start of a project or unit of study could learning. They also require quality
each be given a different web site to find, digital content, as the process of
explore and report on. From this, an digitizing materials has been slower
annotated list of useful resources can be than expected.5
Critical use of the
World Wide Web
and Learning
• Make Web searching fun. Try bringing • Limit the size of the response in order
into the class a packet of Smarties to force the sifting, culling, choosing
and give one the first student to find and selecting from a mass of data. If,
the answer to a Trivial Pursuit quiz. for example, you require a research
Questions could range from ‘Who report by a Year 9 class on the nature
played Nicholas in the recent BBC of Elizabethan theatre, set a word
version of Nicholas Nickleby?’ to limit. The rubric could be
‘What is the topic of today’s editorial Present a report on … The report must
in the Straits Times newspaper include a maximum of 300 words,
in Singapore?’ or ‘What is the one graphic image and a link to one
predominant colour that Baz Luhrman live web site. Direct quotes must be
uses for the Capulet family in his in quotation marks and all sources
film version of Romeo and Juliet?’. clearly footnoted. The report must be
Even: ‘Where and when did the poet laid out on one A4 page.
Sylvia Plath die?’ or ‘What is the
title of David Guterson’s most recent • Each search engine has a Help menu to
novel?’. Follow this up by discussing guide users through its particular style
the path the winners used to find the and syntax. Direct students to these
information first and what steps they and encourage them to use the search
went through. tools as the designers intended.
• Have students save the passwords
of the school’s library subscription
Web sites – resources for
services. It should be as easy for a
student to go to the Encyclopaedia thinking
Britannica online in class or at home Web sites can be transient, so the
as it is for them to pull a book off recommendation of certain web sites
the shelf in the library. If necessary, in the following pages is made with
encourage your librarians to release some qualification. This is only a very
the resources by making the web sites small sample. It is best to build up your
and passwords readily available and own list with colleagues. Like a good
don’t be afraid to check that students reference book, a good web site is like
have these saved for future use. gold, so value it, save it and pass it on
• Teach footnoting and reference skills to your faculty. If some of the web sites
so that it is clear how we expect a on the following pages are no longer
student to acknowledge sources. Tell available, just accept such transience as
them that it is OK to copy from books part of the new blueprint for learning.
or web sites. We have all done it. What
is not OK is to pretend that it is all
our own work and not give the source
proper acknowledgment.
Critical use of the
World Wide Web
and Learning
an online copy of the scripts, try almost every text we are likely to teach,
http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/ all arranged alphabetically with infinite
For free electronic books, including numbers of worksheets:
the complete works of Shakespeare, http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/
go to Project Gutenberg at For papers relating to IT in education
http://www.gutenberg.net/index.shtml across a global scenario, have a look at
http://www.globaled.com/ and subscribe
to this free service which styles itself as
Online resources for English a peer-reviewed collection of extensive
Try subscribing to this weekly resource articles for the global educator.
from New Zealand by getting it for a few Look at http://www.dictionarylink.com
weeks as you decide whether it is worth It provides a compilation of free online
continuing: dictionaries, thesaurus, language
http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz translators, encyclopaedias, crossword
solvers, quotes and other language
The Learning Federation web site is resources. It also contains an alternate
run by the Australian Commonwealth page with links to major news sources
Government. At the time of writing and newspapers.
the site was still under development, The visual thesaurus, where words
but have a look at it to see if there is keep popping up around the key word
something which you can use. like satellites around the moon, is great
http://www.thelearningfederation.edu. fun for teachers and students:
au/tlf/ http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
The online journal From Now On by online/
Jamie McKenzie is free and excellent for
practical ideas to integrate computers
into learning. Web sites for poetry
http://fno.org/ Have a look at a poetry web site. There
Another useful web site which may are plenty around. Here is one to start
be worth a look but you will need to with, probably best for upper primary or
subscribe to get the full benefit: lower secondary classes with cool poems
http://www.teachit.co.uk/ and funny poems and poetry lessons all
If you have colleagues or students laid out for you:
who debate matters of style, direct them http://www.poetry4kids.com/
to http://www.bartleby.com/141/ The If you want to hear authors reading
web site says of itself that it will provide their poetry to you, go to a site that
suggestions to ‘avoid tame, colourless, offers ‘literary audio’:
hesitating, non-committal language’. http://www.epc.buffalo.edu/sound/
Check out Spark Notes – American links.html
oriented but good teaching material on
Critical use of the
World Wide Web
Web sites for fiction The web site ‘Focus on Fiction’ offers
information about authors and books, all
Here is the web site of the International
pitched for secondary students:
Reading Association
There are some good reviews and
The Young Australia Readers Awards
teaching ideas for American novels and
is pitched at upper primary/lower
other useful information at the National
secondary and worth a look:
Council for the Teaching of English
(USA) home page at
http://www.ncte.org/ ‘Magpies’ is a great resource for
children’s and youth literature.
Have you tried to buy a book from
the world’s biggest online book store?
They have great book reviews that are Try ‘Stories from the Web’ – there
brief and accessible. Students really seems to be a range of resources for
enjoy finding reviews of books they are 11–14-year-olds:
reading. It is worth a look … http://www.storiesfromtheweb.org/
http://www.amazon.com sfwhomepage.htm
As an example of an author’s web Try this US site for study notes of 375
site, try the Roald Dahl web site with books – print on screen – but worth a
the Quentin Blake illustrations and browse if you want more worksheets:
everything you ever wanted to know http://www.pinkmonkey.com/
about him: The selection of web sites is a very
http://www.roalddahl.com personal matter. These are some that
Most authors have their own web an English faculty has found useful
site and students seem to enjoy reading and bookmarked in the ‘Favourites’
the biographical information and other folders. One measure of collegiality in
details about an author they have got to any faculty will be the extent to which
know through the printed page. resources, print or online, are shared and
A few examples of the web sites of made available to colleagues.
authors are
John Marsden
James Moloney
Libby Hathorn
and Learning
Wider applications
and suggested activities
In the last few years a whole new world with – one who is honest or courageous
of resources has opened up to everyone or resourceful or a good navigator or
that is up-to-date, visually interesting a good manager of people. Once the
and reliable if you carefully check the students have rated these qualities in
source. Should an Economics teacher rely order of importance as they see them,
on a text book that is several years old they are in a better position to evaluate
when today’s statistics are available from the information they uncover about the
the Treasury, the Bureau of Statistics or various captains they are studying.
the Bureau of Trade? The availability of Web resources that
Of course, library books and text are so immediate allow us to seize the
books should not be discarded, but we moment in quite a dramatic way. For
must acknowledge that there is now a example, around Easter 2004 when Mel
whole new array of Web resources to Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ
add to the collection. And as we have was getting saturation distribution and
said many times, this is an overwhelming was a frequent topic of conversation,
task if you are trying to do it on your one teacher of Religious Education in
own. It is absolutely imperative to build a laptop class was able to capture the
up a community of practice and foster a interest of the moment by getting his
collaborative culture that will not only students to find the web site for the film,
minimise frustration but lead to some read the reviews and then watch online
exciting new initiatives. images and the trailers of some of the
This can be all so open-ended, but in key scenes. These made a very pertinent
the best-case scenario will help equip our and immediate talking point.
young people to think for themselves
and make up their own minds. This
may depend on the kinds of questions Open-ended learning modules
we get them to ask and the evidence One excellent commercial resource is
we require to support their contention. SchoolKiT,9 which is accessed online
At his seminars, Jamie McKenzie often and enables the teacher to browse, select
reminds his audience that questions are and download hundreds of learning
the most powerful technology of all.8 modules across the Arts, Mathematics,
He gives the example of challenging Science, Social Studies, English and
his students before they begin online cross-curricular activities. Modules are
research studying the early explorers, organised under subjects and year levels.
where he asks them to say which kind For example, for Years 9 or 10 you
of captain they would most like to sail might choose modules on how to write
Critical use of the
World Wide Web
You are going to make a poetry show. You will:
create a slide master with a photograph on it;
make a slide and multiple copies of it;
write a poem, typing one phrase on each slide; and
set up a slide show to present your poem.
I know a place
To help you understand the project you are going to look at a sarr show.
Before you click the button to view the project, read these instructions
• When the slide show is finished, click to use it
• Restore the resource sheet
A sample project
To start the Project sample, click this button then minimise the sheet
Project sample
and Learning
1 V. Watson & M. Kairouz, ‘Student learning and information processing in the knowledge age: a case
for the strategic teaching of thinking skills’. IARTV Occasional Paper, No 75, May 2002.
2 J. O’Donoghue, ‘To cope, to contribute, to control’, in A. Goodwyn (ed.), English in the digital age:
information and communications technology and the teaching of English, Cassell, 2000, p. 72.
3 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003, p. 123.
4 M. Kennedy & M. Lee-Ack, ‘Review: Net texts: exploring electronic English’, English in Australia,
journal of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English, No. 137, Winter 2003.
5 From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 11, Summer 2003, viewed 10 May
2004, <http://www.fno.org/sum03/nowwhat.html>
6 J. McKenzie, 1999, How teachers learn technology best, FNO Press, 1999, p. 51.
7 ibid., p. 52.
8 J. McKenzie, ‘We’ve done the Internet. Now what?’ Speech presented at a seminar in Melbourne
28/02/04. Viewed 10 May 2004, <http://www.fno.org/sum03/nowwhat.html>
9 The author has used a number of SchoolKiT modules in the classroom to supplement and extend the
student’s activities. See Appendix 2 for further information.
Chapter 10
‘In tim
es of r
the lea adical
rners i change
n ,
earth, herit t
while t h e
themse he lear
lves pe ned fin
r d
for a w fe c t ly equi
orld th pped
exists.’ 1 at no l
to student
Can computers help?
and Learning
Responding to
student work: Can
computers help?
Yes, they do still need at times to write teachers and students have far more
under pressure in a formal written opportunity to ‘play with’ the logic
examination and this kind of writing will and emotional structures of their
still need some practice. The inherent compositions, with the teacher having
motivation, however, of getting a good several opportunities to assist the
mark in an examination has to be writer with suggestions, corrections
balanced against and additional ideas.3
[the] intrinsic motivation that comes So often we feel good about putting
from a writer having something to say red marks on a page, finding some
and also the conviction that ‘saying grammatical errors and thinking that
it the right way’ will take time and we are helping the learning of a child. In
effort. A great deal of writing under fact, if we are honest, we will admit that
pressure is forced, inaccurate and many students rushed the original work,
inadequate. In the educational attempt ignore our painstaking comments, knew
to balance such pressure, teachers will the correct spelling and syntax anyway
find that technology gives them far but could not be bothered to proofread
greater flexibility, so they can make the original, and were interested only
the most of this potential in the way in the grade. Will computers make any
they support and monitor a student’s difference to this situation or are they
development as a writer … Equally just another chore, another complication
with the texts such as the essay, … to add to our already busy lives?
and Learning
Classroom strategies
In this chapter, we will explore some
• The paper has a reasonably strong focus
suggestions that will hopefully make life on the point of making education a better
easier, not more complex, in this new and more open experience. Examples are
teaching and learning environment. good but the examples don’t completely
speak for themselves and need to be
clarified – exactly what is what that the
Keep your eye on the big teachers were trying to get out of it. What
you might also consider in this first half is
how the technology affects the teachers’
One of the huge advantages of computers own widened concepts of reaching out to
in any subject is that they make it easy the students.
for a piece of work to be revisited, • I think this should be extended as it is a
redrafted and revised with relative ease. highly important issue in terms of not
Rather than focusing on the important opening possibilities but making use of
yet somewhat trivial aspects of spelling the flexibility available.
and syntax, most of which could be dealt • This needs to be explained to a greater
with by spelling and grammar-checking extent. Why is having such a live resource
software, word processing of comments so valuable?
now allows the student and teacher to • I think a little elaboration is necessary
stand back and view the piece from a here to recognise the foreign ground that
distance. teachers were put on.
Responding to
student work: Can
computers help?
and Learning
Responding to
student work: Can
computers help?
and Learning
Responding to
student work: Can
computers help?
Wider applications
and suggested activities
Computers can save an enormous It is a good idea to first set up some
amount of marking time. The many e-mail filters that allow you to segregate
advantages include: students’ submissions from everyday
• a definite record of work submission, e-mails. This will ensure that your inbox
date and time; does not become clogged and difficult to
• no papers piled up on your desk; navigate.
• reduced risk of misplacing work; A good way of putting in shortcuts
• work comments and corrections is via Tools/Auto correct where you
that are easily retained if required, can choose the colour and size. You
allowing comparison with future work could, for example, put in ‘sy’ as the
submissions or a record for parent– abbreviation and a smiley as the text.
teacher interviews; Some personal abbreviations could be:
• easy onscreen correction mode. sx = Correct the syntax of this
There are, however, significant pa = Paragraph structure needs
disadvantages, including: attention
• tedious onscreen correction if this sp = Check spelling and proofread
means long periods in front of the before submission
computer screen; rp = You are repeating the same
• that students sometimes don’t read phrase or words
comments placed in an electronic file hf = Put in the correct header and
just as they may not have read the footer
comments on paper; pn = Punctuation needs attention
• the need for students to have access aw = Awkward expression – check this
to an e-mail account and if they are sentence
working from home, they may not bd = Poor choice of words – broaden
want to mix school work with their your vocabulary
Hotmail account; sy =
• problems with student access to the z=
network in some schools.
zx =
and Learning
Every time you now put your cursor at Students in one class were asked
a certain place in a document and press for a review and evaluation of their
Ctrl F1, a tick will be put in that place. classroom work and comments on
Choose another symbol such as a cross how their learning had changed since
or a smiley or a star or a sports the introduction of laptops. While
symbol, or whatever else you may some students felt insecure in the more
want to use, and assign a shortcut to it. open-ended learning environment, the
Have a play. Remember what you have following comments were encouraging:
assigned as the shortcut keys.
If you are making comments I learned more about myself and I tried things
electronically, it is a good idea to have that I wouldn’t normally try. These tasks have
really opened my mind and made me more
your name on the comment. To ensure
interested in English.
this happens, go to Word/Tools/Options/
User Information and insert your name The modules we did helped me and kept me
busy, let me tell you that much! I found that
and initials, but only if you always use
it was a very good way to present work to
the same computer. Your name will
students such as me, and you could always
appear on the student work you correct find extra work to do in these modules. The
electronically. Similarly, students who work was to a certain extent, endless.
work on their own computers and
I enjoyed this semester of English. It was a
exchange work or send work to a teacher much easier way to work because you can do
annotated with comments from the some whenever you have spare time rather
reviewing tool bar will have their name than having to rush homework because you
on the comment if they have personalised have to go to sport or work. I thought my
their user information. personal strengths were Creative Writing
If you are using Outlook, go to and Interpreting Current World Issues. I also
thought my poetry improved throughout
Outlook/Tools/Options when the Inbox
the year and I can interpret poetry better.
is open, and tick the box ‘Use Word as
I enjoyed the class discussions when talking
you e-mail editor’. This will ensure that about world issues. I would have enjoyed it if
the features you are used to in Word will we had more of these.
be there on your screen when you use I learnt from this module that I have amazing
e-mail. levels of untapped creative wells that I did not
We are all breaking new ground in the even know about.
area of computers and learning. While
it has always been important to ask
What more could a teacher ask?
students to evaluate and reflect on their
learning, it seems even more important
Responding to
student work: Can
computers help?
1 Eric Hoffer, quoted in I. Jukes, ‘Digital kids: learning in a new landscape’, viewed 1 December 2004,
2 A. Goodwyn (ed.), English in the digital age: information and communications technology and the
teaching of English, Cassell, London, 2000, p. 13.
3 ibid., p. 14.
4 ‘Hot Potatoes’, viewed 26 January 2005, <http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/halfbaked/> For further details see
p. 158.
5 D. Nettelbeck, ‘Computers and learning: does ICT really change the way secondary English students
learn?’ English in Australia, No. 134, journal of the Australian Association for the Teaching of English,
July 2002, p. 78.
6 These issues are dealt with more fully in Chapter 1.
7 D. Nettelbeck, 2002, op. cit., p. 83.
Chapter 11
necess has it
ary tha been m
t ore
how to people
read, w l e arn
critical rite, an
ly. It’s d think
click. not jus
t point
It’s poi
nt, rea
d, thin
k, click 1
Whole brain
learning, whole
brain assessment:
Exemplar units for
English and History
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Exemplar units for
English and History
and Learning
Classroom strategies
The following units of work make some Disney released a highly praised film
attempt to build on the theory outlined version of the novel for which the
above. They do not set out to make author was also the screenwriter. It is an
use of computers as though we have enigmatic and multi-layered story that
to find artificial ways of justifying the has spawned an abundance of teacher
expense. Instead, it is assumed that one- resources, mostly available on the Web.
to-one computing, or other generous These are generally well constructed and
provisions for connectivity, is available are sincerely intentioned, screen-delivered
as a seamless element of the teaching and worksheets. Most are just text on screen
learning environment, and that given the with a little more colour and movement
choice, students will opt for the tools than you might find on a printed page.
appropriate to their preferred learning They follow the predictable formula of
style and the nature of the task they have ‘fill in the blanks’ or ‘answer the question
chosen. by guessing what is in the teacher’s
mind’. These may be useful in some way
and will certainly be a good starting
The novel Holes – a Year 8 or 9 point for busy teachers. But where are
text study the unrestricted, mind-challenging tasks
to stimulate and encourage thinking? We
Holes, by Louis Sachar, was first
are making no pretence to succeed where
published in the United States in 1998,
others may not have done so, but the
in Britain in 2000, and has become very
following is an attempt at more open-
popular as a class text in Australian
ended tasks which build in a great deal
schools in the last few years. In 2003,
of choice for the students.
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Exemplar units for
English and History
and Learning
Theme study and oral – a wide choice of Some suggested themes to explore
response options Family Destiny
Race Bullying
• While this is an enjoyable story,
Alienation Loyalty
Sachar also deals with significant
Optimism Perseverance
themes or issues in the course of
Ancestral identity Friendship
this novel.
Power Justice
• In a group of two or three, choose
Relationships Courage
any ONE of the themes below or
Survival Kindness
any other theme that you think is
Brutality Any other theme
significant. Be sure that each group
in the class chooses a different
Character analysis using concept-
theme to explore.
mapping software
• You may explore this theme in
any way you wish, so long as you • Use Inspiration to prepare a
relate it to very specific incidents character map. It is best to design
and characters in the novel. Look your own map but you may
for patterns, opposites, reversals, get ideas from Inspiration/File/
conflicts and chain reactions as you Template/Character or Comparison
trace your theme. or Literary Web where basic maps
• You may summarise your are done for you to adapt and use,
understandings of the theme in a if you wish to do so.
Word document using AutoShapes/ • Choose any TWO significant
Connectors OR in maximum of six characters from the novel. Put them
PowerPoint slides with a maximum into TWO MAIN boxes.
of six dot points per slide and a • Now put in other boxes which
maximum of six words per dot show other characters who relate
point OR you may find it easiest to to your two main characters. You
use an Inspiration map, OR use the should choose at least half of the
Diagram Gallery from the Drawing characters from the list below.
Toolbar in Word XP. • It is essential that you name the
• Your teacher will arrange a time for links to show the relationships
you to present your findings to the between the characters.
class or to a group within the class. • Now in an Add Notes box behind
each character, record notable
personality traits (influential,
conceited, hateful, etc.) and at
least TWO incidents from the novel
where these traits are evident.
• Submit your character map by
saving to the H Drive on the date
and with the file name which your
teacher will give you.
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
Character list
Stanley Yelnats Zero
X Ray Squid
Magnet Armpit
Zigzag Warden
Charles Walker Sam
Elya Yelnats Madam Zeroni
Stanley Yelnats I Mrs Yelnats
Mr Sir Mr Yelnats
Mr Pendanski Clyde
Livingstone Derrick Dunne
shrivelled (3)
stifling (6)
pretend (7)
barren (11)
destiny (24)
despicable (25)
wreck (43)
delirious (128)
mirage (152)
shadow (166)
fugitive (188)
and Learning
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
3 Advice to the librarians about this an e-mail survey about this author
and other books for the library. around the class, or among others
4 Alternative ending. Write another who have read the book.
ending for the story. 11 Re-create a scene in a maximum of
5 Suggestions about how the six comic strip frames.
characters could have acted 12 Sound file where you recreate
differently in specific situations and the dialogue between two of the
how this may have affected the characters at a critical point in the
outcome. story OR an audio interpretation
6 Real life experiences which this of the book such as a dramatic
book reminded me of. reading, a commentary, a review,
7 Patterns and connections with a debate, an interview.
other books on the same or similar 13 Graphic interpretation of the book
theme. such as a portrait gallery, alternative
8 What I learnt about human nature settings, ‘collage’, symbolic
or moral lessons from this book representation of the main ideas,
– about people, relationships and a series of advertisements, a film
communication. What makes poster or a video clip.
the characters believable or
9 ‘One man’s junk is another Senior literature text study:
man’s treasure’ – Search for The Lost Salt Gift of Blood
differing reviews of this book and
The Lost Salt Gift of Blood is an
explanation of why I think it has
anthology of short stories by Alistair
had such a reaction. Why I liked
McLeod. The novel can be taught in the
or disliked this book and why
traditional way, but the response and
someone else may disagree. (Go to
assessment tasks below are designed
the site http://www.amazon.com, or
to take into account a whole range of
other web sites, to see what other
interests and thinking skills.
readers have said about it.)
10 Let me introduce the author to Research report
you (Find web sites produced by or
about the author. How useful is the Prepare a report on the setting and
site? What have you learned about author for the collection of stories.
the author? What has surprised You may choose to research Nova
you? What else would you like to Scotia, Cape Breton, Gaelic language,
know? Research the author’s writing Gaelic myths and traditions, the life of
context – historical, social, political, Alistair McLeod, the journeys of the
ideological etc? E-mail the author characters or any other aspect that
and conduct an interview. Prepare a may interest you.
newsletter for a ‘fan club’. Conduct
and Learning
Present the text and the illustration Put it into your Word Document either
in ONE PowerPoint slide. • by typing it in or
• by scanning it in or
Use that slide as a basis for the
• by reading it into a sound file.
explanation of what you found
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
Your task is to create a concept map Your piece must include at least three
using Inspiration. The aim will be for hyperlinks which could be to images,
you to demonstrate your detailed maps or links to any of the documents
knowledge of the text and your above, but there must be no more
understanding of the links between than one direct link to a live web site
some of the elements in the stories. and this must be clearly relevant to
the argument you are developing.
Choose one of the ideas or themes
below as your Main Idea. • ‘Cape Breton could be anywhere.
It is immediately accessible to us.’
Pain, joy, sacrifice, isolation, tradition,
weather, family, animals and people,
• ‘Every story is tragic because the
death, life cycles
characters are not only destined for
1 From the Main Idea, develop at death but they fail to connect with
least four links. These could be to life while they live.’ Do you agree?
a character or theme or symbol or • ‘Isolation is more than
some aspect of the story that you geographical.’ Do you agree?
would like to explore. • Are family ties a gift or a curse?
2 Label the links. This is most • ‘There is no room for love or hope
important as the link between the in any story in this collection.’ Do
central theme and the idea you are you agree?
exploring will help to clarify your
thinking and communicate it to the
and Learning
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
A Different Sort of Real: The Diary All Quiet on the Western Front by
of Charlotte McKenzie, Melbourne Erich Maria Remarque, Pan Paperback,
1918–19 by Kerry Greenwood, Ashton 1995
Scholastic, 2001. Shortlisted for the A novel from World War I, written from
Children’s Book Council Picture Story a German perspective.
Book Award, 2002 Fly Away Peter by David Malouf,
13-year-old Charlotte recounts the year Vintage, 1998
in which her soldier father and uncle A story set in the marshes of southern
return home; her father has shellshock Queensland and the trenches of
and can’t relate to the family, her France in World War I.
uncle has been wounded but tries to
I am David by Anne Holm, Harcourt
tough it out.
Children’s Books, 2004
My Hiroshima by Junko Morimoto, The story of a boy trying to find his
Angus and Robertson, 1988 parents at the end of World War II.
The dropping of the first atomic bomb
When the Guns Fall Silent by James
on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in
Riordan, Oxford University Press,
1945, told through the eyes of a child
2000 – may currently be out of print
who was there at the time.
This novel includes poetry and
My Dog by John Heffernan and snippets from songs at the start of
Andrew McLean, Margaret Hamilton each chapter and weaves in male,
Books, 2001 female, home front, Western Front and
The story of a family forced to flee other perspectives.
from their village during the recent
Generals Die in Bed: A Story from the
Yugoslav civil war.
Trenches by Charles Yale Harrison,
Memorial by Gary Crewe and Shaun Penguin, 2002
Tan, Lothian, 1999
Men who Marched Away
This book takes up the ideas of Anzac
An anthology of poetry from World
Day and war memorials and what they
War I.
symbolise. Superb illustrations but a
less satisfactory text.
History texts and Web resources
Other print resources Most secondary history text books have
Soldier Boy by Anthony Hill, Penguin,
good information on World War I.
For example:
The true story of Jim Martin, the Australia and the Twentieth Century
youngest Anzac. World, R. Darlington, J. Hospodaryk,
and P. Cupper, Heinemann
and Learning
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
and Learning
Whole brain learning,
whole brain assessment:
Examplar units for
English and History
and Learning
1 D. Tapscott, Growing up digital: the rise of the net generation, McGraw Hill, NY, 1998.
2 B. Johnstone, Never mind the laptops: kids, computers and the transformation of learning iUniverse,
Lincoln NE, 2003, p. 233.
3 ‘enGauge® 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age 2003’, The North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory, viewed 7 June 2004, <http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skills.htm>
4 B. Johnstone, op.cit., 2003, p. 252.
5 J. Edwards, ‘Learning and the teaching of thinking’, IARTV, Seminar Series Paper, No. 88, October
6 This unit was developed in conjunction with Joe Carrozzi, librarian at Knox Grammar School, Sydney.
7 This unit was prepared by Year 9 History teachers at Carey Baptist Grammar School, Melbourne,
under the guidance of the Head of Middle School Humanities, Sarah North, and the Director of
E Learning, Elisabeth Lenders.
8 This multi-disciplinary task was devised together with Di McDonald, History teacher at Trinity
Grammar School, Melbourne.
9 CBA Judges Report 2003, Reading Time, the journal of the Children’s Book Council of Australia,
Vol. 47, No. 3, August 2003.
Final reflections
Some experienced teachers will say, • ‘Knowledge, values and good
‘Leave it to the young ones coming out thinking are … key ingredients in the
of teacher training; they will know what educational process’.2 Computers are a
to do’. Strangely enough, it seems to be significant new tool to learn with and
the older, experienced teachers who are to think with, so let’s not undervalue
often the most enthusiastic proponents of them as simply a safe, attractive word
ICT. It is they who are confident in their processing and presentation gizmo.
discipline and have a well-tuned antenna • Constructivist teachers value children
as to what makes good learning and as makers of meaning, creative
what engages students, so they are more learners and thinkers. Schneiderman,
ready to grasp the nettle and integrate however, warns us that creativity is not
online learning into their classrooms.1 universally valued. ‘Many cultures and
This book has been designed to share communities prefer training students
examples of innovative practice with to accept existing structures rather
secondary Humanities teachers. The than training them to form new ones;
approach has been based on certain they prefer memorisation and copying
principles or assumptions which to research and creative writing.’3 His
have been dealt with in various ways book poses the intriguing question of
throughout the text. The following is by how Leonardo da Vinci might have
way of summary: used a laptop and what applications
he could have created.
• Innovation does not happen in
• Teachers, not technicians, must be
isolation. We don’t need to rush for
the driving force if there is to be any
the overkill and change everything at
innovative change in teaching and
once. Let us just take small risks, make
learning as a result of the advent of
incremental changes and do so in a
computers. The inhibitors of change
team with the support of colleagues
are not essentially hardware problems
and critical friends.
and Learning
Final reflections
1 C. Murray, ‘The crossroads: e-pedagogy and e-curriculum’, EQ Australia, Melbourne, No. 4,
Summer 2002, p. 21.
2 L. Splitter & A. Sharp, Teaching for better thinking, ACER, Melbourne, 1995. p. 1.
3 B. Schneiderman, Leonardo’s laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003, p. 131.
4 D. McDonald, ‘Hypertext and historical literacy’, doctoral thesis under preparation for submission to
Monash University, 2004.
5 B. Johnstone, Never mind the laptops: kids, computers and the transformation of learning iUniverse,
Lincoln NE, 2003, p. 329.
6 M. Fullan, Leading in a culture of change, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2001.
Appendix 1
Linking student tasks with curriculum objectives
Chapter Subject or Task Some links between tasks and curriculum
Key Learning objectives
Appendix 1
and Learning
Curriculum reviews are currently being In their research for this project, they
undertaken around the country. One identified the desire in schools for, among
example comes from the Victorian others things:
Curriculum and Assessment Authority • the ability to use innovative and
which published a discussion paper in flexible teaching styles to achieve the
2004 as part of their Curriculum Reform best learning outcomes for students;
Project. In their Guide to the Proposed • more focus on depth of understanding
Reform of Victorian Curriculum,1 rather than breadth of content;
they listed, among other things, some • the provision of skills, values and
challenges which are particularly attributes that promote life-long
pertinent to the theme of this book. They learning.
argue for a curriculum which will: Essential cross-curriculum skills include:
• enable students to develop the skills • communication skills (reading, writing
and attributes expected of people in a listening speaking, information and
modern society; communication technology, drawing,
• encourage students to think their way performance) and thinking skills
through issues and problems; (e.g. inquiring reasoning, problem
• promote innovation and variety in solving, evaluation).
teaching, according to the needs of In the summary of the proposed changes,
students and the communities in which one significant point is:
they live; • … the new approach will explicitly
• promote a range of assessment recognise the importance of values and
procedures. the ability of students to apply what
they have learnt to new situations
through deep understanding.
1 See <http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/prep10/crp/consultGuide.pdf>, viewed 1/02/05.
Appendix 2
Software packages 2 Now create four other circles, two
with reasons for and two against.
The author has used a number of
3 Put in links between the central box
software packages in the classroom
and the four others. Try putting in
to supplement and extend the student
a link between the outer boxes. The
activities. He recommends these products
most useful part of this program for
but gains no financial advantage from
students is the requirement that they
doing so.
name the links, as this forces them to
think through the relationships.
1 Inspiration 4 Now put a few sentences of notes
behind the boxes.
Examples using Inspiration software 5 Experiment with the icons and the
can be found on pages 20, 22, 23, 24, colours. Change the background of the
25 and 26. screen and of each box or change each
If Inspiration is new to you and you box into a symbol after browsing the
have downloaded a free one-month trial symbol palette. Look at the Outline
version of the software1, here are some View, Notes View, Zoom in, Zoom
suggestions: out function, change the position of
1 Find your way around the program the boxes, select text from any Word
by using it: In the first Main Idea, Document on your computer and
type the phrase, ‘Terrorism curbs Paste it into one of the Notes boxes.
overseas travel’ OR ‘Year 12 students Do the same with a picture from clip
at this school are spoon fed and art or the Web. Just play to familiarise
lack initiative’ OR ‘The “Stolen yourself with the program.
Generation” is a myth perpetuated 6 Have a look at the templates (File/
by the black arm band view of our Templates) set up for each subject.
history’. They are a good starting point,
although generally students prefer to
create their own maps.
and Learning
7 Now start another new Inspiration For further details, see the web site at
document. This time, put in as the http://www.schoolkit.com and click on
Main Idea a concept from one of your EDclass OR go directly to the EDclass
texts or topics, or some other open- web site http://www.edclass.com
ended ‘thinking question’ such as:
• Juliet’s foolishness led to tragedy in
the play Romeo and Juliet OR 3 ProBoards
• Hamlet hid behind excuses OR ProBoards is free and easy-to-use, though
• The Lord of the Rings is a boring not password protected and contains
movie OR minimal advertising, generally of tourist
• Our team is performing badly destinations. It is useful for setting up
because of poor leadership OR a discussion group in the classroom.
• Medicare is not economically viable Examples using Proboards software can
in its current form OR be found on page 75.
• Arab slave trading in Africa was the The web site address is
‘jihad’ of the eighteenth century OR http://www.proboards.com/index.html
• Australia’s water resources are badly
• Use Inspiration as a flow chart to 4 Hot Potatoes
detail the process of getting a crop
Hot Potatoes (referred to in chapter 10)
or livestock from farm to consumer
is a suite of six applications enabling
• any other open-ended and
users to create interactive multiple
provocative topic.
choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence,
crossword, matching/ordering and gap-
2 SchoolKiT fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is
An excellent commercial resource is free of charge for those working for
SchoolKiT, which is accessed online, publicly-funded, non-profit-making
enabling the teacher to browse, select educational institutions, who make their
and download hundreds of learning pages available on the Web. Other users
modules across the Arts, Mathematics, must pay for a licence. Check out the
Science, Social Studies, English and Hot Potatoes licensing terms and prices
cross-curricular activities. Modules are on the Half-Baked software web site at
organised under subjects and year levels. http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/halfbaked.
Examples using SchoolKiT software
can be found on pages 89, 107 and 119.
1 See <http://www.inspiration.com>.
Aboriginal citizenship 58 Boyce, Susan 79
adventure ‘choose your own’ 55 Brabazon, Tara 4, 79
And Now for Something Completely Burford, S 18
Different 43–6 Bury Me 37
Andrews, Richard iii–iv, 3, 13, 30 But You Didn’t 104–5
annotation 29–49
cartoons 47
newspapers 43–6, 48 Caldwell, Brian 18–9
novels 41–2 callouts 31–4, 41, 47–8, 106
poetry 31–9 carbon cycle—concept map 25
Shakespeare 40
Carter, David x
anti-communist paranoia 57
cartoon analysis 47
art discussion online 74–5 Cole, John 97
assessment: Medhi Sadeghi 47
book report 61–2 Moir, Alan 94
concept maps 21 Nicholson, Peter 96
criteria 55, 63, 87 Spooner, John 95
online Year 12 85 Caswell, Brian 5
oral presentations 53
cheating 128
peer 53, 61–2
poetry annotation 39 Chu Hsiang 37
task 19–21, 24–5, 39–42, 52–5, 61–3, 73–6, Columbine massacre 93
86–7, 102 Commissar Vanishes, The—Web site 93
Australian Literacy Educators Association 14 Cooper, L 18
auto correct short cuts 129 concept mapping 18–27
Conrad, Joseph 19
Baillie, Alan 53, 101 constructivist learning 2, 18, 52, 133,
Beavis, Catherine 13 151
Biology discussion online 74 Cope, Tim 105
book club promotion task 99–100 Corel Draw software 105
book report 61–2, 99, 138–9 cricket—hypertext response 81–2
and Learning
MacLeod, Alistair 52, 139, 142 Proboards discussion software 75, 158
classroom 3, 124 Religious Education 27, 118
factors beyond the classroom 7
research skills 112
marijuana report 56
McDonald, Diane 14, 17, 48, 143, 152
Sachar, Louis 134
McKenzie, Jamie 59, 70, 112, 113, 118
sacred texts—concept map 27
Mehdi Sadeghi 47
Schneiderman, Ben ix, 2, 66, 91, 93, 111, 151
Meiers, Marion 15
SchoolKiT xi, 120, 158
Merchant of Venice, The:
designing a memorial module 107–8
hypertext response 87
hiding in Asia module 89
response table 85, 125
open-ended learning modules 118–20
Moir, Alan 94 poetry slide show module 119
movie analysis: virtual museum of history 108
Shawshank Redemption, The 98 Schuman, John 33
multiple intelligences 21 Semali, Ladislaus M 11, 92
newspaper: Hamlet 56, 59
opinion analysis 43 Merchant of Venice, The 85, 125
Web sites 48, 115 Tempest, The 40
Nicholson, Peter 96 Twelfth Night 22
Novak, Joseph D 18 Web sites 115–6
Sharp, Ann 67, 151
O’Brien, Tim 67 Shawshank Redemption, The—visual annotation
O’Donoghue, J 111 task 98
Off the Rails 105 Small-town Dream 35–6
Only Nineteen—annotation task 33 Smith, Adam 133
Only the Heart 5 Smugglers 38
optics—revision map 26 Snyder, Ilana 14, 78
oral language 50 Songman—visual response 53, 101
organisational charts 57 Splitter, Lawrence 67, 151
Spooner, John 95
Papert, Seymour 18 Stalin, Joseph:
The Commissar Vanishes Web site 93
Parr, Graham 78
system managers 7
Passion of the Christ, The 118
peer assessment 53, 61–2
Table function in Word 38, 125
Phu An Chiem, David 5
technical support, technicans 7, 151
Piaget 133
Tempest, The—annotation task 40
picture story book task 143
Truman Show, The—response planning map 24
annotation 32 Twelfth Night—character map 22
visual responses 39
PowerPoint xi, 5, 52 War Without End 32, 39
Prain, V 11 Web discussion 7, 67, 73, 75
and Learning