22 IntroductionTo Arduino I

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Introduction to Arduino Programming – Part I

Dr. Sudip Misra

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: smisra@sit.iitkgp.ernet.in
Website: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~smisra/

Introduction to Internet of Things 1

Features of Arduino

▪ Open source based electronic programmable board

(micro controller)and software(IDE)
▪ Accepts analog and digital signals as input and gives
desired output
▪ No extra hardware required to load a program into the
controller board

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Types of Arduino Board

▪ Arduino boards based on ATMEGA328 microcontroller

▪ Arduino boards based on ATMEGA32u4 microcontroller

▪ Arduino boards based on ATMEGA2560 microcontroller

▪ Arduino boards based on AT91SAM3X8E microcontroller

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Arduino UNO
Feature Value

Operating Voltage 5V

Clock Speed 16MHz

Digital I/O 14

Analog Input 6



Interface USB via ATMega16U2

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Board Details
▪ Power Supply: USB or
power barrel jack
▪ Voltage Regulator
▪ LED Power Indicator
▪ Tx-Rx LED Indicator
▪ Output power, Ground
▪ Analog Input Pins
▪ Digital I/O Pins
Image source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/UnoConnections.jpg

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Arduino IDE

▪ Arduino IDE is an open source software that is used to

program the Arduino controller board
▪ Based on variations of the C and C++ programming
▪ It can be downloaded from Arduino’s official website
and installed into PC

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Set Up

▪ Power the board by connecting it to a PC via USB cable

▪ Launch the Arduino IDE
▪ Set the board type and the port for the board
▪ TOOLS -> BOARD -> select your board
▪ TOOLS -> PORT -> select your port

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Set up (contd..)

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Arduino IDE Overview

Program coded in Arduino IDE

is called a SKETCH

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Arduino IDE Overview (contd..)
▪ To create a new sketch
▪ File -> New
▪ To open an existing sketch
▪ File -> open ->
▪ There are some basic ready-to-use
sketches available in the EXAMPLES
▪ File -> Examples -> select any

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Arduino IDE Overview (contd..)

▪ Verify: Checks the code for

compilation errors
▪ Upload: Uploads the final code
to the controller board
▪ New: Creates a new blank
sketch with basic structure
▪ Open: Opens an existing sketch
▪ Save: Saves the current sketch

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Arduino IDE Overview (contd..)

▪ Serial Monitor: Opens the serial

▪ All the data printed to the
console are displayed here

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Sketch Structure

▪ A sketch can be divided into two parts:

▪ Setup ()
▪ Loop()
▪ The function setup() is the point where
the code starts, just like the main()
function in C and C++
▪ I/O Variables, pin modes are initialized
in the Setup() function
▪ Loop() function, as the name suggests,
iterates the specified task in the

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Supported Datatype
▪ Arduino supports the following data

Void Long
Int Char
Boolean Unsigned char
Byte Unsigned int
Word Unsigned long
Float Double
Array String-char array
String-object Short

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Arduino Function Libraries
▪ Input/Output Functions:
▪ The arduino pins can be configured to act as input or output pins using the
pinMode() function

Void setup ()
pinMode (pin , mode);
Pin- pin number on the Arduino board

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Arduino Function Libraries (contd..)
▪ digitalWrite() : Writes a HIGH or LOW value to a digital pin

▪ analogRead() : Reads from the analog input pin i.e., voltage applied
across the pin

▪ Character functions such as isdigit(), isalpha(), isalnum(), isxdigit(),

islower(), isupper(), isspace() return 1(true) or 0(false)

▪ Delay() function is one of the most common time manipulation function

used to provide a delay of specified time. It accepts integer value (time
in miliseconds)

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Example- Blinking LED
▪ Requirement:
▪ Arduino controller board, USB connector,
Bread board, LED, 1.4Kohm resistor,
connecting wires, Arduino IDE
▪ Connect the LED to the Arduino using the
Bread board and the connecting wires
▪ Connect the Arduino board to the PC using
the USB connector
▪ Select the board type and port
▪ Write the sketch in the editor, verify and

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Example- Blink (contd..)

Connect the positive terminal of

the LED to digital pin 12 and the
negative terminal to the ground
pin (GND) of Arduino Board

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Example- Blink (contd..) image setup
void setup() {
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // set the pin mode
void loop() {
digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Turn of the LED

Introduction to Internet of Things19

Example- Blink (contd..)
Set the pin mode as output which
is connected to the led, pin 12 in
this case.

Use digitalWrite() function to set

the output as HIGH and LOW

Delay() function is used to specify

the delay between HIGH-LOW
transition of the output

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Example- Blink (contd..) image setup

▪ Connect he board to the PC

▪ Set the port and board type

▪ Verify the code and upload, notice the

TX –RX led in the board starts flashing as
the code is uploaded.

Introduction to Internet of Things21


✓ "UnoConnections.jpg", 1sfoerster, 11 September 2011,


Thank You!!

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