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Overview of the College Grading System

A standardized grading system for college is necessary if it is to be made part of the university’s information
system (CAMPUS++). This guide will describe the grading system used by the College Class Record
Application found in CAMPUS++. It will identify the terms and formulas used in computing the weighted
averages of students, which in turn are used to determine the corresponding grade of the student.

Definition of Terms
Performance Item
A Performance Item is defined as a graded student performance activity. There are two categories of
Performance Item: (1) Class Standing Performance Item, and (2) Major Exam Performance Item.
Class Standing Performance Item
There are many types of Class Standing Performance Item. These include quizzes, recitations, long tests,
experiments, and many other graded activities.
Major Exam Performance Item
There are three distinct Major Exam Performance Items: (1) Prelim Exam, (2) Midterm Exam, and (3) Final
Exam. As expected, these correspond to the three periods in a semester: Prelim, Midterm, and Final.
Highest Possible Score (HPS)
For each performance item (whether Class Standing or Major Examination), this is the perfect score set by
the faculty. It represents the highest number of points that the student can attain for that item.
Sum of Raw Scores (SRC)
This is the total of raw scores obtained by a student in all Class Standing Performance Items.
Sum of Perfect Scores (SPC)
This is the total of the HPS in all Class Standing Performance Items.
Class Standing Average (CSA)
The Class Standing Average (CSA) is the weighted average of all Class Standing Performance Items given
by the faculty. CSA = (SRC/SPC) * 100.
Prelim Examination Score (P)
The Prelim Examination Score (P) is the ratio of the student’s raw score and the HPS of the Prelim
Examination. It is expressed in percent form.
Midterm Examination Score (M)
The Midterm Examination Score (M) is the ratio of the student’s raw score and the HPS of the Midterm
Examination. It is expressed in percent form.
Final Examination Score (F)
The Final Examination Score (F) is the ratio of the student’s raw score and the HPS of the Final Examination.
It is expressed in percent form.
Prelim Examination Weight (PEW)
This is the value, expressed in percent form, representing the weight of the Prelim Examination when the
Major Examination Average (MEA) is computed.

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Midterm Examination Weight (MEW)

This is the value, expressed in percent form, representing the weight of the Midterm Examination when the
Major Examination Average (MEA) is computed.
Final Examination Weight (FEW)
This is the value, expressed in percent form, representing the weight of the Final Examination when the
Major Examination Average (MEA) is computed.
Major Examination Average (MEA)
The Major Examination Average (MEA) is the average of the Major Exam Performance Items, taking into
account the weight of each major examination.

MEA = (PEW)(P) + (MEW)(M) + (FEW)(F)

For most subjects, PEW = MEW = FEW = 33.33%

For certain subjects under CBA, PEW = 30%, MEW = 30%, and FEW = 40%

Passing Average (PA)

Every subject, and all classes under that subject, has an assigned Passing Average (PA). This average is the
minimum percent value that a student must achieve in order to get a passing grade. The value is set at the
subject code level and at the class code level. Normally, all class codes under the same subject code should
have the same Passing Average. However, the Passing Average can be set at the class code level different
from that set for the subject code level, provided that it is done with the approval of the dean. In
CAMPUS++, only system administrators at the ITS Office can change PA values of subject codes.
Class Standing Percent Share (CSPS)
This is the value, in percent form, representing the share from the Class Standing Average (CSA) in
computing for the student’s Computed Average (CA).
Major Examination Percent Share (MEPS)
This is the value, in percent form, representing the share from the Major Exam Average (MEA) in computing
for the student’s Computed Average (CA).
Computed Average (CA)
The overall student performance indicator is represented by the student’s Computed Average (CA). This
average is also expressed in percent form. If the CA is greater than or equal to the PA, the student’s grade
will be 3.00 or higher. If the CA is less than the PA, the student’s grade will be 5.00. This number obviously
changes throughout the semester depending on what scores the student obtains in graded performance
activities. The CA is derived from two components: (1) the Class Standing Average and (2) the Major
Examination Average.


Transmuted Value
The Transmuted Value is a whole number that is computed using a formula that includes the Computed
Average (CA) of the student and the Passing Average (PA) of the subject being taken. Using the Standard
Transmutation Table, the Transmuted Value is converted to the corresponding grade of the student.

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Current Grade
The university uses numeric grades in its grading system. These are shown in the Standard Transmutation
Table on page 4. The Current Grade is always determined by the College Class Record Application based
on raw scores currently inputted in the system.

Computing the Computed Average

Here are the formulas for computing the Computed Average (CA) at the end of the Prelim, Midterm, and
Final periods.

Computation of Prelim Computed Average

Sum of Raw Scores (SRS) This is for all Class Standing Performance
CSA = x 100 Items under the Prelim Period.
Sum of Perfect Scores (SPS)



Computation of Midterm Computed Average

Sum of Raw Scores (SRS) This is for all Class Standing Performance
CSA = x 100 Items under the Prelim and Midterm Periods.
Sum of Perfect Scores (SPS)



Computation of Final Computed Average

Sum of Raw Scores (SRS) This is for all Class Standing Performance Items
CSA = x 100 under the Prelim, Midterm and Final Periods.
Sum of Perfect Scores (SPS)



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For most subjects, the major examinations are of equal weight (PEW = MEW = FEW = 33.33%). This is shown
by the computation of MEA as a simple average. However, for some subjects under the College of Business
and Accountancy, a different weight distribution is applied when MEA is computed when the Final
Examination score is present. In this case the weights are PEW = 30%, MEW = 30%, and FEW = 40%.

MEA = (0.3)(P) + (0.3)(M) + (0.4)(F)

Obviously, the complete formula will only apply when the Final Examination Score (F) has been computed.

Computing the Transmuted Value from the Computed Average

The student’s Transmuted Value depends on his Computed Average (CA) and the Passing Average (PA) of
the subject he is taking. The formula is as follows:

(Computed Average - Passing Average) With decimal

Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75 part truncated.
(100 - Passing Average)

The Transmuted Value is always a whole number. This is the reason why the use of the formula requires a
truncation of the decimal part of the result.

From the Transmuted Value, the corresponding grade is determined using the transmutation table,
depending on what range of values is applicable.

The Standard Transmutation Table

Below is the university’s standard transmutation table for college. This table appears in the student’s official
transcript of records.

Transmuted Value Grade General Classification

97 and over 1.00 Outstanding
94 to 96 1.25 Excellent
91 to 93 1.50 Superior
88 to 90 1.75 Very Good
85 to 87 2.00 Good
82 to 84 2.25 Satisfactory
79 to 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
76 to 78 2.75 Fair
75 3.00 Passed
Below 75 5.00 Failed
6.00 Failure due to absences
8.00 Unauthorized withdrawal
9.00 Dropped with permission

Notes: Grades of “6.00” and “8.00” are not determined by the College Class Record Application but are
inputted manually by the faculty. The faculty are not authorized to input a grade of “9.00”.

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Range of Computed Averages and Corresponding Grades

In the following tables you will see ranges of Computed Averages and the corresponding Grade for each
range, even without using the formula for computing the Transmuted Value. Take note, however, that these
ranges depend on the Passing Average (PA) of the subject. A table is displayed for each PA of 40, 50, 60,
65, 70 and 75.


Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 40

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
92.8000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
85.6000 92.7999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
78.4000 85.5999 91 93 1.50 Superior
71.2000 78.3999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
64.0000 71.1999 85 87 2.00 Good
56.8000 63.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
49.6000 56.7999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
42.4000 49.5999 76 78 2.75 Fair
40.0000 42.3999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed


Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 50

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
94.0000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
88.0000 93.9999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
82.0000 87.9999 91 93 1.50 Superior
76.0000 81.9999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
70.0000 75.9999 85 87 2.00 Good
64.0000 69.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
58.0000 63.9999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
52.0000 57.9999 76 78 2.75 Fair
50.0000 51.9999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed

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Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 60

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
95.2000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
90.4000 95.1999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
85.6000 90.3999 91 93 1.50 Superior
80.8000 85.5999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
76.0000 80.7999 85 87 2.00 Good
71.2000 75.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
66.4000 71.1999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
61.6000 66.3999 76 78 2.75 Fair
60.0000 61.5999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed


Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 65

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
95.8000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
91.6000 95.7999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
87.4000 91.5999 91 93 1.50 Superior
83.2000 87.3999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
79.0000 83.1999 85 87 2.00 Good
74.8000 78.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
70.6000 74.7999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
66.4000 70.5999 76 78 2.75 Fair
65.0000 66.3999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed

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Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 70

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
96.4000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
92.8000 96.3999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
89.2000 92.7999 91 93 1.50 Superior
85.6000 89.1999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
82.0000 85.5999 85 87 2.00 Good
78.4000 81.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
74.8000 78.3999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
71.2000 74.7999 76 78 2.75 Fair
70.0000 71.1999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed


Minimum Passing Percent Average of Subject: 75

Range of
Range of Computed Averages Grade General Classification
Transmuted Values
97.0000 100.0000 97 100 1.00 Outstanding
94.0000 96.9999 94 96 1.25 Excellent
91.0000 93.9999 91 93 1.50 Superior
88.0000 90.9999 88 90 1.75 Very Good
85.0000 87.9999 85 87 2.00 Good
82.0000 84.9999 82 84 2.25 Satisfactory
79.0000 81.9999 79 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
76.0000 78.9999 76 78 2.75 Fair
75.0000 75.9999 75 3.00 Passed

Below Passing Average 5.00 Failed

Take note that these tables are presented here for reference use only. It is a quick way for a student to
know the corresponding Current Grade based on what range his Computed Average falls into. The
College Class Record Application does not use these tables. Instead, it relies on the formula for computing
the Transmuted Value and applies the Transmutation Table to arrive at the Current Grade.

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Examples of Computations for Computed Average and Current Grade

In these examples, it is assumed that the subject has a Passing Average of 50% (PA = 50), the Class Standing
Average is shared 60% (CSPS) with Major Exam Average shared 40% (MEPS), and the weights among major
examination scores is the same for each major examination (33.33%).

Let’s assume that these are the scores of a student after three Class Standing Performance Items have been


Performance Items Q1 SW1 T1 Sum
Perfect Scores (HPS) 30 10 45 85
Student Raw Scores 20 9 35 64

As indicated in the table, the student obtained 20 points out of a maximum of 30 points for Q1, 9 points
out of a maximum of 10 points for SW1, and 35 points out of a maximum of 45 points for T1.

At this point in time, the Class Standing Average of the student is as follows:

Class Standing Average = = 0.752941176 = 75.2941176 %

Since there’s no major examination score yet, the student’s Computed Average is

CA = 75.2941 (as displayed by the system)

In reality, the system uses more than 4 decimal places when it uses CA as input to another computation.

Next, the system computes the Transmuted Value corresponding to this Computed Average.

(Computed Average - Passing Average) With decimal

Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75 part truncated.
(100 - Passing Average)

(75.2941176 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 87.6470588 (Before truncation)

Transmuted Value = 87 (After truncation)

Because the Transmuted Value must always be a whole number the decimal part of the result has to be

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Why not round off to a whole number? The answer to this question lies in the impact of the Passing Average
(in this example, 50) on the resulting Transmuted Value. If you take the case of a student with a CA of 49.5,
he fails at this point because 49.5 is below 50. If you compute the Transmuted Value for 49.5, the result
(without truncation) is 74.75. If a round off is made, the whole number is 75, which in turn will result in a
grade of 3.00. This is a result that is not acceptable because it is unfair.

Continuing with the example, a Transmuted Value of 87 translates to a Current Grade of 2.00 after applying
the Standard Transmutation Table. This is the student’s Current Grade after the entry of T1 scores.

If the Prelim Examination is now given and scores inputted, the result for the student is as follows:

Prelim Exam
Perfect Score (HPS) 80
Student Raw Score 65

In this case, the faculty set the perfect score for the Prelim Exam to 80 with the student obtaining a raw
score of 65.

Therefore, in percent form,

P = 65/80 = 0.8125 = 81.25%

Since only the Prelim Exam is present, MEA = P = 81.25

At this point, there’s now at least one Class Standing Performance Item and at least one Major Examination
Performance Item. Therefore, the sharing percentages should now be applied in order to get the student’s
updated Computed Average.

For our example,

CSPS = 60%
MEPS = 40%

CSA = 75.2941176

MEA = P = 81.25

Computed Average = (CSPS)(CSA) + (MEPS)(MEA)

= (0.60)(75.2941176) + (0.40)(81.25)
= 45.17646 + 32.5
= 77.6764706

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The Transmuted Value is computed as follows:

(Computed Average - Passing Average)

Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - Passing Average)

(77.6764706 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 88.8382353 (Before truncation)

Transmuted Value = 88 (After truncation)

For a Transmuted Value of 88 the corresponding Current Grade is 1.75. Thus, after the Prelim Examination,
the student’s Current Grade improved to 1.75.

If we now pass forward to the Midterm Period, we see these additional results:


Performance Items Q2 SW2 T2 Sum
Perfect Scores (HPS) 20 15 40 75
Student Raw Scores 20 13 36 69

Since the computation of Class Standing Average is always based on accumulated scores, it has to take into
account all the student’s scores from the beginning of the semester.

Therefore, we need the sum of raw scores and the sum of perfect scores.

64 + 69
Class Standing Average = = 0.83125 = 83.125 %
85 + 75
These sums are from both the Prelim and Midterm Periods.

At this point,

CSA = 83.125
MEA = P = 81.2500

Computed Average = (CSPS)(CSA) + (MEPS)(MEA)

= (0.60)(83.125) + (0.40)(81.2500)

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= 49.875 + 32.5
= 82.375

(Computed Average - Passing Average)

Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - Passing Average)

(82.375 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 91.1875 (Before truncation)

Transmuted Value = 91 (After truncation)

Therefore, after T2 scores have been inputted, the student has a Transmuted Value of 91 which corresponds
to a Current Grade of 1.50.

When the Midterm Examination is now included:

Midterm Exam
Perfect Score (HPS) 90
Student Raw Score 81

In percentage form:

M = 81/90 = 0.9 = 90%

M = 90
P = 81.25

MEA is the average of P and M:

MEA = (81.25 + 90)/2 = 85.625

CSA = 83.125

Computed Average = (CSPS)(CSA) + (MEPS)(MEA)

= (0.60)(83.125) + (0.40)(85.625)
= 49.875 + 34.25
= 84.125

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(84.125 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 92.0625 (Before truncation)

Transmuted Value = 92 (After truncation)

Current Grade = 1.50 (After Midterm Examination)

Next, for the Final Period:


Performance Items Q3 SW3 T3 Sum
Perfect Scores (HPS) 25 20 60 105
Student Raw Scores 24 19 55 98

64 + 69 + 98
Class Standing Average = = 0.87169811 = 87.169811 %
85 + 75 + 105

CSA = 87.169811
MEA = (81.25 + 90)/2 = 85.625

Computed Average = (CSPS)(CSA) + (MEPS)(MEA)

= (0.60)(87.169811) + (0.40)(85.625)
= 52.3018866 + 34.25
= 86.5518866

(86.5518866 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 93.2759433 (Before truncation)

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Transmuted Value = 93 (After truncation)

Current Grade = 1.50 (After T3)

After the Final Examination:

Final Exam
Perfect Score (HPS) 100
Student Raw Score 98

F = 98/100 = 0.98 = 98 %
F = 98

CSA = 87.169811
MEA = (81.25 + 90 + 98)/3 = 89.75

Computed Average = (CSPS)(CSA) + (MEPS)(MEA)

= (0.60)(87.169811) + (0.40)(89.75)
= 52.3018866 + 35.9
= 88.2018866

(88.2018866 - 50)
Transmuted Value = * 25 + 75
(100 - 50)

Transmuted Value = 94.1009433 (Before truncation)

Transmuted Value = 94 (After truncation)

Current Grade = 1.25 (After Final Examination)

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To summarize:

Point in Transmuted Current

Time Value Grade
After T1 75.2941 none 75.2941 87 2.00
After P 75.2941 81.2500 77.6765 88 1.75
After T2 83.1250 81.2500 82.3750 91 1.50
After M 83.1250 85.6250 84.1250 92 1.50
After T3 87.1698 85.6250 86.5519 93 1.50
After F 87.1698 89.7500 88.2019 94 1.25

Real-time Computation of Current Grade

Because of the real-time nature of CAMPUS++, a student’s Computed Average (and the corresponding
Transmutation Value and Current Grade) is always recomputed whenever one of the following occurs:
1. A performance item is activated (with all students having an initial score of zero)
2. A student score is inputted
3. A student score is changed
4. A student score is disregarded
5. A performance item’s Highest Possible Score is changed
6. A performance item is deleted
7. Any of the subject’s grading parameters are changed

Submission of Grades
Submission of grades will be done using the College Class Record Application. The faculty are required to
submit three grades: (1) Prelim Grade, (2) Midterm Grade and (3) Final Grade. For each of these grades,
what the faculty submits is the Current Grade of the student at the time that the submission was made.
Since the Current Grade is based on a running (and cumulative) computation of a student’s Computed
Average, the timing of submission is very important.

A detailed description of the College Class Record Application is presented in the next pages.

Guide Prepared by:


Information Technology Systems and Services

11/8/2014 3:59 PM For the 2nd Semester, School Year 2014-2015 Page 14 of 14
Version 4
November 8, 2014

Engr. Renato M. Santiago

2nd Semester, School Year 2014-
What is the College Class Record Application?
The College Class Record Application in CAMPUS++ is intended
to create and maintain student performance records in all active
college classes. Aside from allowing the input of raw
performance scores, the application provides for the automatic
computation of student grades and the submission of periodic
grades by the faculty.

Note: The application is currently not designed to keep track of

student attendance.
CAMPUS++ Access
Web Browser to Use: Mozilla Firefox

URL for On-Campus Access:

URL for Off-Campus Access:
Access to Assigned Classes

Faculty access is through the use of User Name and

Password for CAMPUS++.

Only class codes assigned to a faculty (through the

employee number) can be accessed.
Example of CAMPUS++ Opening Page:
Page displayed when ‘College Class Record’ link is clicked:
Access to Assigned Classes
Clicking on the button “Display Assigned Class Codes” will
display the class codes assigned to the faculty. There is no
need to input an Employee Number. Other parameters are

Each Class Code provides a link to its corresponding class

Example of Class Code List
Web Page for Class Code 4282 (top screen)
Web Page for Class Code 4282 (bottom screen)
Performance Item

A Performance Item is a graded student performance

activity like a quiz, a recitation, long test, experiment or
major examination.

There are two categories of Performance Item:

1. Class Standing Performance Item

2. Major Exam Performance Item
Class Standing Performance Items
The following are examples of Class Standing Performance
1. Activity
2. Adviser’s Grade This is an expandable list.
3. Assignment More items can be added
4. Exercise when needed.
5. Experiment
6. Field Observation 15. Peer Evaluation
7. Fieldwork 16. Performance Evaluation
8. Group Oral Presentation 17. Practicum Report
9. Individual Oral Presentation 18. Project
10. Logbook/Diary 19. Quiz
11. Long Test 20. Recitation
12. Manuscript 21. Research
13. Mock Interview 22. Seatwork
14. Participation 23. Thesis

Note: The complete list is found in the application itself.

Class Standing Performance Item
The Highest Possible Score (HPS) of an item under Class
Standing reflects the weight of that item.

The faculty can create any number of Class Standing

Performance Items under any Grading Period.

Major Exam Performance Item

Only the following are defined as Major Exam Performance
1. Prelim Exam
2. Midterm Exam
3. Final Exam

Only one Major Exam is allowed for each Grading Period.

Grading Periods
• A semester is divided into three (3) Grading Periods of
six (6) weeks each:

1. Prelim
2. Midterm
3. Final

• A Performance Item must be set under a specific Grading

Period when it is created.

• Each Major Exam Performance Item is associated with its

corresponding Grading Period (Prelim, Midterm, Final).
Creating and Activating Performance Items

A performance item is created by completing the row of data

under “Raw Scoring Detail.”
Creating and Activating Performance Items

A Performance Item is created by specifying the following:

• Grading Period
• Type of Performance Item
• Classification (set automatically by the application)*
• Topic No. (optional label)
• Topic Description / Title (optional label)
• HPS (Highest Possible Score: from 1 up to 999)

*Classification (Class Standing or Major Exam) is set by the

application based on the Type of Performance Item. After inputting
the HPS, the faculty should click on the button “Add.”
Creating and Activating Performance Items

Clicking <select> under PERIOD will allow selection of

PRELIM, MIDTERM or FINAL. Clicking <select> under
PERFORMANCE ITEM will bring up a long list of performance
items from which faculty will select one item. Filling in the
input boxes for TOPIC No. and TOPIC DESCRIPTION/TITLE is
optional. They can be left blank. The input box for HPS should
be the perfect score of the performance item. Clicking the
“Add” button will activate the performance item.
Creating and Activating Performance Items

Prelim period selected for performance item.

Creating and Activating Performance Items

Top part of performance item list is displayed.

Creating and Activating Performance Items

Bottom part of performance item list is displayed.

Creating and Activating Performance Items

Quiz selected. CLASSIFICATION is set automatically to

Class Standing by the system.


by the user. Highest Possible Score for the performance
item is also set to 20.
Example of Activated Performance Item
(after Add button was clicked)

Immediately after the Add button is clicked, the

performance item is activated as shown above. Notice that
the Add button has now been replaced by the “update…”
link. At this point, all students have a score of zero for this

To proceed with the inputting of actual student scores,

click the “update…” link. A pop-up window will appear like
in the next page.
Inputting of Raw Scores
Under the column for SCORE
there is an input box to the
right of the name of each
student. Position the cursor
to the box and replace the
zero with the student’s actual
score (not unless he really
got a zero). Only whole
numbers are allowed.

Each score inputted must be

followed by a press of the
ENTER key or the Tab key.

The user, using the mouse,

can position the cursor to any
input box across any student
in the list.
Inputting of Raw Scores
Here are examples of inputted
scores. Whenever a score is
inputted, the system will
compute the student’s

All scores are saved upon input

and they can be from 0 to 999.
The user can stop anytime and
go back later to resume

A user can always go back to a

previously entered raw score
and change it (provided the Final
Grades have not yet been
Creating More Activated Performance
More performance items can be activated by the same
procedure. The faculty can activate as many performance items
as needed. To activate major exams, the faculty should choose
from the list of performance items “Prelim Exam”, “Midterm
Exam” or “Final Exam.” The PERIOD should be set correctly.

Below is an example wherein the Prelim Exam performance item

has been created.

It is recommended that performance items be activated only

when the faculty is ready to input the student scores immediately
after activation.
Highest Possible Score (HPS)
The Highest Possible Score (HPS) or “Perfect Score”
for any Performance Item must be a whole number from
1 to 999. It is always specified when the item is created.

An actual raw score by a student may exceed the

perfect score for the item. For example, if the HPS for a
Performance Item is 100, the application will allow the
entry of a raw score even if it is higher than 100. This is
an option when the faculty would like to give “bonus”
points to the student.
Changing Inputted Raw Scores

The faculty can change previously inputted raw scores by

clicking on the link “update…”, going to the score of a
specific student and overwriting the student’s score. Again,
user must make sure that after entering a score, it is
followed immediately with a press of the ENTER key or Tab
key before going to another input box for another student.
Editing Performance Item Properties

The faculty can change any property of an activated

performance item by clicking on the check mark under the
“Stat” column. In the example below, the check mark has
been clicked and the parameters (including HPS) can be
changed (even if scores have been inputted already). The
“Ok” button should be clicked for the changes to take hold
while clicking the “x” button will result in no change.
Viewing all Inputted Raw Scores
Raw scores for all activated Performance Items can also be
viewed using a “Spreadsheet” view of the class records.

With two active Performance Items in the example

above, “Spreadsheet” view is initiated by clicking the
button “Open Grade Book.”
Example of “Spreadsheet” View
Disregarding Performance Item Scores

When inputting a raw score for any Performance Item, the

faculty can disregard that Performance Item for a student by
entering “D” or “d”. When the system computes the
student’s Computed Average, it will take out or disregard the
performance item where the student’s raw score was set as
“D” or “d”.

For example, if there are 5 active Performance Items and

one student has one score disregarded in one Performance
Item, the application will only use the 4 Performance Items
active for that student.
Example of a Disregarded Performance
Item Score
Computed Average

The student’s Computed Average is derived from two

components: (a) the Class Standing Average, and (b) the
Major Exam Average with sharing parameters applied
between the two averages.

The student’s Computed Average is always in percentage

form. It is computed provided that at least one performance
item is activated. It is always updated as more performance
items are activated.
Class Standing Average

A student’s Class Standing Average takes into account the

performance scores in all Class Standing Performance
Items and is computed using the formula:

The Class Standing Average is expressed in percentage

form. It is computed across all Grading Periods.
Major Exam Average

A student’s Major Exam Average is the weighted average of

the performance scores in all Major Exam Performance
Items. Performance scores for major exams are first
converted to percentage form before Major Exam Weights
are applied.

Major Exam Weights

Major Exam Weights are grading parameters that define the
relative weights among the three major exams.
How Major Exam Weights are Applied




FINAL EXAM WEIGHT 1 1/3 33.33%

In this case, simple averages are used because the major

exams have the same weight.
Example of Uneven Weights for Major
Exams (for some CBA subjects)


PRELIM EXAM WEIGHT 3 3 / 10 30.00%

MIDTERM EXAM WEIGHT 3 3 / 10 30.00%

FINAL EXAM WEIGHT 4 4 / 10 40.00%

If there’s no Final Exam yet





In this case, the Final Exam Weight is not used because the
Final Exam has not yet been activated.
Grading Parameters

Grading Parameters are system settings (at the subject level

and class code level) that control how grades are computed.

These parameters are:

• Passing Average
• Class Standing Percent Share
• Major Exam Percent Share
• Major Exam Weights:
1. Prelim Exam Weight
2. Midterm Exam Weight
3. Final Exam Weight
Example of Grading Parameters


50 70 30 1 1 1

Grading Parameters are set in each subject in the system’s

Subject Table. When class schedules are created, the
subject’s grading parameters are copied to the class code’s
grading parameters.
Passing Average

The Passing Average is the minimum per cent average that a

student needs to achieve to get a passing grade. If the
student’s Computed Average is equal to or greater than the
Passing Average, his Current Grade will be 3.00 or higher. If
the student’s Computed Average is less than the Passing
Average, the student’s Current Grade will be 5.00.

Normally, all classes under the same subject should have

the same Passing Average. However, the Passing Average
can be set at the class code level different from that set at
the subject level provided that it is done with the approval of
the dean.
Class Standing Percent Share
The Class Standing Percent Share is applied to the Class
Standing Average in computing the Computed Average.

Major Exam Percent Share

The Major Exam Percent Share is applied to the Major Exam
Average in computing the Computed Average.
The Class Standing Percent Share and the Major Exams
Percent Share are applied only when there is at least one
active Class Standing Performance Item and at least one
active Major Exam Performance Item.

If there are no Major Exams activated, the student’s

Computed Average will be based solely on Class Standing
Performance Items.

If there are no Class Standing Performance Items activated,

the student’s Computed Average will be based solely on the
Major Exam Performance Items.

The Computed Average (and the corresponding Current

Grade) is computed once there is at least one active
performance item (Class Standing or Major Exam). It is
updated every time an additional performance item is
If the Class Standing Percent Share is set to 100 (and the
Major Exams Percent Share is 0), the student’s Computed
Average will be based solely on Class Standing Performance
Items. If Major Exam Performance Items are activated, they
will be ignored by the application.

If the Major Exams Percent Share is set to 100 (and the

Class Standing Percent Share is 0), the student’s Computed
Average will be based solely on Major Exams Performance
Items. If Class Standing Performance Items are activated,
they will be ignored by the application.
Can Grading Parameters be Changed?
All Grading Parameters set at the Subject Code level and
Class Code level (per class) can only be changed with the
approval of the Dean.
Transmuted Value

Once the system computes a student’s Computed Average,

a Transmuted Value is computed based on the values of the
Passing Average (of the class) and the Computed Average
(of the student).
Computation of Student’s
Transmuted Value



After applying the formula, the system will truncate the

fractional component of the computed value to arrive at a
purely whole number.
number It is this whole number that is used in
the Transmutation Table to get the corresponding Current
Grade of the student.

Transmuted Value Grade General Classification

Above 96 1.00 Outstanding
94 to 96 1.25 Excellent
91 to 93 1.50 Superior
88 to 90 1.75 Very Good
85 to 87 2.00 Good
82 to 84 2.25 Satisfactory
79 to 81 2.50 Fairly Satisfactory
76 to 78 2.75 Fair
75 3.00 Passed
Below 75 5.00 Failed
6.00 Failure due to absences
8.00 Unauthorized withdrawal
9.00 Dropped with permission

Grades of "6.00" and "8.00" are not determined by the application but are
inputted manually by the faculty.

Faculty are not authorized to input a grade of "9.00".

Current Grade

The student’s Current Grade is determined when at least

one Performance Item is activated (whether it is a Class
Standing item or a Major Exam item).

The application automatically re-computes the student’s

Computed Average whenever new performance items are
activated, new or edited raw scores are inputted, or
changes are made in the class’ grading parameters.

Whenever there’s a change in the student’s Computed

Average, there are corresponding changes in the
Transmuted Value and the Current Grade.
Deleting Performance Items
A Performance Item that has been created (even if raw
scores have been inputted already) can be deleted.

To delete a Performance Item, click the small square under “Stat”,

then click the button “Delete all checked Items.” In the screen shot
above, the Quiz will be deleted. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION.
This action cannot be undone. All previously inputted raw scores
will be lost.
Submitting Grades

• After inputting all performance scores at the end of the

Prelim Period, the Current Grade of each student can be
copied as the Prelim Grade and finalized within the

• After inputting all performance scores at the end of the

Midterm Period, the Current Grade of each student can
be copied as the Midterm Grade and finalized within the

• After inputting all performance scores at the end of the

Final Period, the Current Grade of each student can be
copied as the Final Grade and finalized within the
Copying of Current Grades can only be done when in
“Spreadsheet View” (by clicking Open Grade Book button).

First, click dropdown menu for << Select Period >> and
select a period (Prelim, Midterm, or Final).

Second, clicking the Copy button will copy the Current

Grades as Prelim, Midterm, or Final Grades, corresponding
to the selected period.
When period is set to “Prelim”, clicking the Copy button will
cause the copying of the Current Grades as Prelim Grades.

When period is set to “Midterm”, clicking the Copy button

will cause the copying of the Current Grades as Midterm

When period is set to “Final”, clicking the Copy button will

cause the copying of the Current Grades as Final Grades.

After copying, select a period and click the “View” button.

This will display the grading sheet corresponding to the
selected period.
This is an example of selecting the periodic grade when
Current Grades are being copied or viewed.
When the “Copy” button is clicked, a confirmation question
is presented.

This will show that the copy

operation was completed.
This is the page after the Current Grades were copied as
Prelim Grades. (The list of students is not complete.)
Overriding a Grade prior to Finalization

Whenever a Current Grade is copied as a Prelim Grade,

Midterm Grade or Final Grade, the application will allow the
faculty to change (or override) a student’s periodic grade to a
value different from the Current Grade, provided that the
button “Finalize All Grades” has not yet been clicked.

In the previous example, the Computed Grade is identical to

the Prelim Grade for each student after a “Copy” action was
initiated. Each Prelim Grade can be changed by direct input by
the faculty. This can also be done for Midterm and Final
Overriding a Grade prior to Finalization

Overriding a Prelim, Midterm or Final Grade is necessary when

entering grades of “6.00” or “8.00.”

To submit all grades, click the “Finalize All Grades” button.

Clicking this button will trigger submission of all grades in the

class and the act cannot be undone. It is irreversible.

Normally, overriding a grade is advisable only prior to the

submission of Final Grades and when the Passing Average is
lowered through a deliberation process. Since the faculty
cannot change the system’s Passing Average, he can just
override the grade before finalization.
Finalization of Grades

After copying the Current Grades as Prelim, Midterm or

Final Grades, and, if necessary , overriding some grades,
use the “View” button to return to the grading sheet. At the
bottom of the sheet is the button for “Finalize All Grades.”
Clicking this button will cause the submission of the grades.
Be careful. This cannot be undone.

NOTE: After FINAL GRADES are finalized (submitted), the

entire class record of the class concerned becomes “Read
Finalization of Grades

After copying the Current Grades as Prelim, Midterm or Final

Grades, and, assuming that finalization has not yet been done,
the faculty can still change the raw score of any student in any
performance item. However, if changes are made, the faculty
must repeat the “Copy” action to ensure that the student’s
Current Grade was updated based on the changes.
What happens after finalization?
After Current Grades are copied as PRELIM GRADES and
finalized, the grade details (Computed Grade and Prelim
Grade) for each student are made permanent in the grade

After Current Grades are copied as MIDTERM GRADES and

finalized, the grade details (Computed Grade and Midterm
Grade) for each student are made permanent in the grade

After Current Grades are copied as FINAL GRADES and

finalized, the grade details (Computed Grade and Final
Grade) for each student are made permanent. Also, the class
record becomes “Read Only” which means that the faculty
could no longer make any changes to the class record.
What happens after finalization?
After the finalization of Prelim or Midterm Grade, changes to
previously inputted scores will no longer impact the
submitted grades even though the Current Grade will
continue to be re-computed every time a student score is
inputted or changed.

Submission of Prelim or Midterm Grade by the faculty can be

considered as an act of taking a “snapshot” of each Current
Grade and submitting it, respectively, as a Prelim Grade or a
Midterm Grade, at that point in time when the finalization of
grade was initiated.
Timing is Crucial
When submitting a periodic grade, the system does not take
into account the grading period of the performance items.
Since the system computes the Current Grade based on
cumulative performance scores, the faculty, at the time of
submission, “declares” the Current Grade as the Prelim,
Midterm or Final Grade, regardless as to when it was

However, as per standard practice, the Prelim Grades are

submitted soon after the Prelim Exam scores are inputted.
The Midterm Grades are submitted soon after the Midterm
Exam scores are inputted, and, of course, the Final Grades
are submitted soon after the Final Exam scores are inputted
(and after deliberations, if any).
Summary of Grade Submission Procedure

Steps for Submitting PRELIM Periodic Grades

1. From List of Assigned Class Codes, click link for selected Class Code.
2. From Update Gradebook page, click Open Grade Book.
3. From Grade Book Details page, select Period PRELIM.
4. From Grade Book Details page, click Copy.
5. From Grade Book Details page, select Period PRELIM.
6. From Grade Book Details page, click View.
7. From Grade Detail page, override grades (only if necessary).
8. From Grade Detail page, click Finalize All Grades.
9. From Grade Detail page, click Back.

The same procedures works for the Midterm and Final Grades.
Hard Copy Class Records

Faculty will still be required to keep their own “hard copy”

records or electronic records and not rely entirely on
Export to Excel
When in “spreadsheet” view (All Performance Items), there is
an option to copy all performance item scores and computed
averages by clicking the button “Export to Excel.”

The example below shows the bottom of a “spreadsheet”

view showing the button “Export to Excel.”
What about Printing?

Because of the wide range of differences in the number of

performance items created by faculty, the system has no
direct way of printing class records. For printing purposes it
is suggested that the records be “Exported to Excel” and the
faculty can use the Excel file to print the records.
Access by Administrators and Students
Administrators with “Read Only” rights can access class

Students are given “Read Only” access rights to their

own performance records in all their enrolled classes.
The routine name for their access is “Display Own Class
Records.” In the student’s SUMMARY OF GRADES, the
“Computed Grade” is the Current Grade at the time of
submission by the faculty while the “Submitted Grade” is
the finalized grade. Normally, the “Computed Grade” is
the same as the “Submitted Grade.” If this is not the
case, it means the faculty manually changed the
“Submitted Grade” (by doing an override) prior to
Example of Student Access Page

If you have questions on how to use the

College Class Record Application, please
consult with your chair or dean.

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