With Advisory IPCRF

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Department of Education

Regional Office No. VIII

Division of Northern Samar
Lapinig, Northern Samar


Name of Teacher: _______________________ Name of Rater : LYDIA M. PANIZALES
Position :TEACHER I Position : Master Teacher 1
Review Period : SY 2017-2018 Date of Review: MAY 10, 2018
To be filled in during planning to be filled in during evaluation
MFOs KRAs OBJECTIVES TIMELINE WEIGHT/KRA Q (Quality) E (Efficiency) T (Timeliness) Q E T Ave. Rating Score
MFO1 - 1. Teaching-Learning 1. Prepared daily lesson plans June - 5- 90-100% of the criteria Based on DLL remarks Updated DLL
Acess Process and Environ- / daily lesson logs. March 10% in the CID form no.3 85% or more mastery 3 3 2 2.67 0.27
ment (35%) & 6 were observed level of planned 5- a day before the
4- 80-99% of the criteria instructional deliveries actual teaching
in the M & E form no.3/3b were met by: 4- few hours before
& 6 were observed 5- 90-100% the actual teaching
3- 70-79% of the criteria 4- 80-89% 3- an hour before the
in the M & E form no.3 3- 70-79% actual teaching
& 6 were observed 2- 60-69% 2-during the actual
2 60- 69% of the criteria 1-59% or below teaching
in the M & E form no.3 of the students 1-after the actual
& 6 were observed teaching.
1- 59% and below of the
criteria in the M & E form
no 3 & 6 were observed
2.crafted TOS and TQ 5-all criteria indicated in Submitted TOS and 5-Submitted before the
were anchored on 5% M & E form No.10 were met TQ with LCDAR agreed date 5 5 5 5 0.25
LCDAR M and E 4-6 criteria indicated in 5-no revision 4-submitted on the
Form no.10 M & E form No.10 were met 4 -an average of 1-3 items agreed date
3- 4-5 criteria indicated in were inappropriately 3-submitted a day after
M & E form No.10 were met reflected in the TOS but the agreed date
2 -3-2 criteria indicated in need not be revised 2-submitted 2 days
M & E form No.10 were met 3-an average of 4-7items after the agreed date
1- 1 criterion indicated in were inappropriately 1-submitted 3 days

M & E form No.10 was met reflected in the TOS and after the agreed date
1-3 items need revision
2-an average of 8-10items
were inappropriately
reflected in the TOS and
4-7 items need revision
1-an average of 11 items
or more were inapprop-
priately reflected in the
TOS and 8 items or more
need revision
3. Safe, conducive, June - 10% 5-Scored 95-100% in 5-Scored 95-100% in 5-all indicators were 5 5 5 5 0.5
motivating classroom March appraisal form no.4& 5 appraisal form no.4& 5 observed most of the
and school environ- 4-scored 85-94% in 4-scored 85-94% in time
ment sustained. appraisal form no.4& 5 appraisal form no.4& 5 4-sometimes
3-scored 75-845% in 3-scored 75-845% in 3-seldom
appraisal form no.4& 5 appraisal form no.4& 5 2-rarely
2-scored 65-74% 2-scored 65-74% 1-never
1-scored 55-64% 1-scored 55-64%

4. Student's records. June - 10% 5. Updated & Daily accom- 5. Submitted reports 5. Submitted reports 5 5 3 4.33 0.43
and students'bulletin March plished SFs, Class Records, with 100% completeness punctually on
(FWAW,Motivational Grade Sheets, Nutritional and accuracy. or before the target
qoutes updated Status, F-138 A & Form 137, 4. Submitted reports date of submission.
and students' bulletin with 90% completeness 4. Submitted reports
4. Lack 1 Indicators and accuracy. 2 days after the target
3. Lack 2 Indicators 3. Submitted reports date of submission.
2. Lack 3 Indicators with 80% completeness 3. Submitted reports
1. Lack 4 Indicators and accuracy. 3 days after the target
2. Submitted reports date of submission.
with 70% completeness 2. Submitted reports
and accuracy. one week after the
1. Submitted reports target date of submis-
with 60% completeness sion.
and accuracy. 1. Did not attain the
target at the end of
the school year.

2. Students' Outcomes 1. Monitored, evaluated June - 15% 5-MPS is 75% and above and 5.95-100% of the docs 5. necessary documents 3 4 3 3.33 0.5
30% & improved students prog- March number of quarterly exam were complete and were submitted a day
progress every non-passers were 10 or less accurate or on the agreed date
grading period 4- MPS met the range 65-74% 4-90-94% of the docs 4. necessary docs
and non passers were 11 were complete and were submitted a day
3-MPS met the range 45-64% accurate after the agreed date
and non passers were 12 3- 85-89% accurate & 3.necessary docs were
2-MPS met the range 35-44 complete submitted 2 days after
% and non passers were 13 2-80-84% accurate and the agreed date.
1-MPS is below 34% and complete 2-necessary docs were
non-passers are 14 or more 1-75-79% accurate and submitted 3 days after
complete the agreed date.
1-necessary documents
were submitted 4 days
and beyond.

2. Drop-out rate decreased June - 5% 5. No. of drop-out 5. Attained 100% 5. Attained target at 5 5 5 5 0.5
by .5%. March 4. Has 0.02% drop out 4. Attained 95% the end of the school
3. Has 0.05% drop-out 3. Attained 90% year.
4. Has 1% drop-out 2. Attained 85% 4. Attained target at
1. Has 2% drop-out 1. Attained 80% the end of the 3rd
3. Has 0.05% drop-out 3. Attained 90% quarter.
4. Has 1% drop-out 2. Attained 85% 3. Attained target at
1. Has 2% drop-out 1. Attained 80% end of the 2nd
2. Attained target at
the end of the 1st
1. Did not attain the
target at the end of
the school year.
3.Not mastered com- 5% 5-all criteria indicated in 5-all students attended 5-RRE session were
petencies stated in the cr form no.7 were met the RRE sessions conducted on the 1 1 1 1 0.05
LCD were properly 4- 20-24 criteria were met 4-90% of the total no. agreed date
addressed thru RRE 3- 16-19 criteria were met of students attend the 4- a day after the
2-10-15 criteria were met RRE agreed date
1-criteria were met 3-80-89% attend the RRE 3- 2 days after the
2-70-79% attend the RRE agreed date
1-70-79% attend the RRE 2-3 days after the
agreed date
1-no RRE sessions were
3.Professional Growth attended professional June- 5% 5-participated in 5 or more 5-JEL Contract targets 5-MOVs were sub-
and development meetings,INSET and other march seminars,workshops/trngs and agreements were mitted on or before 5 4 4 4.33 0.22
10% relative activities for self- 4-participated in 4 fully met the agreed date
growth and advancement seminars,workshops/trngs 4-Jel contrct targets and 4-a day after the
3-participated in 3 agreements were mostly agreed date
seminars,workshops/trngs met 3-2 days after the
2-participated in 2 3-JEL Contract targets agreed date
seminars,workshops/trngs were fairly met 2-3 days after the
1-participated in 1 2-JEL contract targets and agreed date
seminars,workshops/trngs agreements were not met 1- non attendance

performed organic functions 5% 5-incurred absences not 5-incurred absences not 5- DTR submitted on
on the expected days and more than 4 days during more than 4 days during or before the set deadline 4 4 5 4.33 0.13
time the last 6 months the last 6 months 4-DTR submittd 1 day
Attendance 3% 4-incurred 5-8 days 4-incurred 5-8 days after the set deadline
absences absences 3-DTR submitted 2 days 4 4 5 4.33 0.13
3-incurred 9-12 days 3-incurred 9-12 days after the set deadline
absences absences 2-DTR submitted after
2- 13-16 days absences 2- 13-16 days absences 3 days after the set
1 incurred more than 16 1 incurred more than 16 deadline
days absences days absences 1-DTR submitted 4 days
after the set deadline
Tardiness 2% 5-incurred 3 times tardy / 5-incurred 3 times tardy /
under time during the under time during the or before the set deadline 1 1 5 2.33 0.05
last 6 months last 6 months 4-DTR submittd 1 day
4-incurred 4-6 times 4-incurred 4-6 times after the set deadline
tardy/undertime during tardy/undertime during 3-DTR submitted 2 days
the last 6 months the last 6 months after the set deadline
3- incurred 7-10 times 3- incurred 7-10 times 2-DTR submitted after
tardy/undertime during tardy/undertime during 3 days after the set
the last 6 months the last 6 months deadline
2-incurred 11-15 times 2-incurred 11-15 times 1-DTR submitted 4 days
tardy/undertime tardy/undertime after the set deadline
1-incurred 16 times and 1-incurred 16 times and
beyong tardy/undertime beyong tardy/undertime

4.Community Involve- an increase of 2% of parents June- 5% 5. 2% increase of the 5-75% parents' 5-parents arrived on
ment (15%) participation during the March parents'participation paticipation in the time 5 5 3 4.33 0.22
HRPTA monthly conference during the HRPTAmeeting whole duration of actvity 4. parents arrived 10
4-1.5 to 1.99% increase of 4-70% participation minutes late
the parents participation in the whole duration set schedule.
during the HRPTA meeting of the activity 3-parents arrived 20
3-1.00-to 1.49% increase 3-65% parents' minutes late
of the parents'partici- participation 2-parents arrived 30
pation 2-60%parents' minutes late
2-0.95% to 0.99% increase paticipation 1-parents arrived 40
of the parents'partici- 1-55% parents' minutes late
pation participation
1-0.94% % below attendance

communicate with parents 5-100% retrieved SARDO/ 5- once a month home 5- home visitation
of SARDO and those with March 5% informed concerned visitation & maintain mentoring & counseling 5 5 4 4.67 0.23
performance deficiencies parents mentoring/counselling session were done
4- 80-99% retrieved SARDO sessions before the end of the
informed concerned 4-once every after 2 month
parents months 4-done after 2 months
3- 60-79% retrieved SARDO 3-once every after 3-done every after
concerned parents 3 months 3 months
2-40-59% retrieved SARDO 2-once every after 2-done every after 4
/informed parents 4 months months
1-10-39% retreived SARDO 1- no home visitation, 1-no home visitation
informed concerned mentoring/counselling mentoring & counseling
parents done done

3. Socio-civic events June - 5% 5-100% attendance/ 5. 95-100% attendance 5-No tardy and perfect
participated March active participation of the for the whole duration attendance 5 5 5 5 0.25

total number of activities of the activity 4- 2 times tardy

4-95-99% active 4-85-94% attendance 3-3 times tardy
participation of the total for the whole duration 2-4 times tardy
number of activities of the activity 1- 5 times tardy
3-85-90% attendanc/active 3-80-84% attendance
participation for the whole duration
2-80-84% attendance/ 2-75-79% attendance
active participation for the whole duration
1-79% and below 1-74% and below
attendance/participation attendance for the
whole duration of
4. Plus Factor (10% ) 10%
Conducted Reading Program 5 0.5



Approved by:



Date : 05-10-2018 Date : 05-10-2018 Date : 05-10-2018

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Pambujan, Northern Samar


Name of Employee: JOSEPHINE C. MEJOS Name of Rater : EMMA V. MERINO
Position : Administrative Aide IV Position : School Principal I
Review Period : SY 2015-2016 Date of Review:
To be filled in during planning To filled in during evaluation
MFOs KRAs OBJECTIVES TIMELINE WEIGHT/KRA Q (Quality) E (Efficiency) T (Timeliness) Q E T Ave. Rating Score
Gen. Admn. 1. Manual Operations/ 1. Canvass and purchased As needs 15% Prepared canvass and Updated As needs arises 5 5 4 4.67 0.7 0.7
& Support Task supplies and materials arises attachments for purchases (monthly)
Staf needed of the school. (monthly) of materials.
2. Received purchases, and As needs 15% Prepared receiving reports update As needs arises 5 5 4 4.67 0.7 0.7
deliveries of supplies, arises of supplies and materies,
books, equipments, and (monthly) equipments and etc.
3. Released supplies, equip- 15% Prepared RIS. ARE to updated As needs arises 5 5 4 4.67 0.7 0.7
ments, books and etc. to concerned person.
the concerned person
through RIS and ARE.
2. Records 1. Prepared Monthly Inventory, 15% Prepared Inventory of Updated Monthly 5 5 4 4.67 0.7 0.7
Management RSME of Supplies and Supplies and Materials,
Materials. RSME.
2. Prepared Annual Inven- Annually 30% Prepared Inventories at the Updated Annually 5 4 4 4.33 1.3 1.3
tory of: end of the Calendar Year.
a. School Buildings
b. Office Equipments
c. Technical and Scientific
d. IT Equipments
e. Furnitures
f. Textbooks/Ref. Books
g. TechVoc Tools and Equip-
h. Technical Drawing
3. Prepared Report of Unser- Annually Prepared Report of Updated Annually
viceable Property, Plant and Unserviceable Property,
Equipment. Plant and Equipment
4. Prepared Waste Materials As needs Prepared Waste Materials Updated As needs
Report. arises Report arises

2. Plus Factor (10%) Does related works such as: As needs 10% Perform as Enrolling teaching Action As needs 4 5 5 4.67 0.467 0.467
a. Acting Registrar arises Does the Issuance of Form immediately. arises
b. clerical work. 137, Certifications and
and other credentials of
the students.



Administrative Aide Iv School Principal I
Ratee Rater

Date : ______________ Date : _______________

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