Standard KCL Solutions For Calibrating Conductivity Cells: Technol. 96, 191, 1991

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This table presents recommended electrolytic conductivity (κ) 104 κ/S m–1
values for aqueous potassium chloride solutions with molalities t/˚C 0.01 m KCl 0.1 m KCl 1.0 m KCl H2O (CO2 sat.)
of 0.01 mol/kg, 0.1 mol/kg and 1.0 mol/kg at temperatures from 0 772.92 7 116.85 63 488 0.58
0˚C to 50˚C. The values, which are based on measurements at the 5 890.96 8 183.70 72 030 0.68
National Institute of Standards and Technology, provide primary 10 1 013.95 9 291.72 80 844 0.79
standards for the calibration of conductivity cells. The measure- 15 1 141.45 10 437.1 89 900 0.89
ments at 0.01 and 0.1 molal are described in Reference 1, while 18 1 219.93 11 140.6 — 0.95
those at 1.0 molal are in Reference 2. Temperatures are given on 20 1 273.03 11 615.9 99 170 0.99
the ITS-90 scale. The uncertainty in the conductivity is about 25 1 408.23 12 824.6 108 620 1.10
0.03% for the 0.01 molal values and about 0.04% for the 0.1 and 30 1 546.63 14 059.2 118 240 1.20
1.0 molal values. The conductivity of water saturated with atmo- 35 1 687.79 15 316.0 127 970 1.30
spheric CO2 is given in the last column. These values were sub- 40 1 831.27 16 591.0 137 810 1.40
tracted from the original measurements to give the values in the 45 1 976.62 17 880.6 147 720 1.51
second, third, and fourth columns. All κ values are given in units of 50 2 123.43 19 180.9 157 670 1.61
10-4 S/m (numerically equal to µS/cm).
The assistance of Kenneth W. Pratt is appreciated.

1. Wu, Y. C., Koch, W. F., and Pratt, K. W., J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand.
Technol. 96, 191, 1991.
2. Wu, Y. C., Koch, W. F., Feng, D., Holland, L. A., Juhasz, E., Arvay, E.,
and Tomek, A., J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 99, 241, 1994.
3. Pratt, K. W., Koch, W. F., Wu, Y. C., and Berezansky, P. A., Pure Appl.
Chem. 73, 1783, 2001.


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