301 Lab2
301 Lab2
301 Lab2
A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction of
positively charged hydrogen ions with oxygen or another oxidizing agent.The first fuel cells were invented in 1838.
The first commercial use of fuel cells came more than a century later in NASA space programs to generate power
for satellites and space capsules. Since then, fuel cells have been used in many other applications. Fuel cells are used
for primary and backup power for commercial, industrial and residential buildings and in remote or inaccessible
In 1939, British engineer Francis Thomas Bacon successfully developed a 5 kW stationary fuel cell. In 1955, W.
Thomas Grubb, a chemist working for the General Electric Company (GE), further modified the original fuel cell
design by using a sulphonated polystyrene ion-exchange membrane as the electrolyte.[2][3]
Free electrons or other substances could travel through the electrolyte, they would disrupt the chemical reaction.
Whether they combine at anode or cathode, togetherhydrogen and oxygen form water, which drains from thecell. As
long as a fuel cell is supplied with hydrogen and oxygen, it will generate electricity.[3]
Fossil Fuels Are Still Needed - In order to separate the atoms of the hydrogen and oxygen and actually
generate hydrogen fuel, fossil fuels are needed. This completely defeats the purpose of an alternative energy
source. If we ran out of fossil fuels we would no longer be able to produce hydrogen energy. [3]
Costly To Produce.
Cells Cant Hold Much
Part 1.2.1
The apparatus was set into operation as described in the relevant operating instruction.
The voltage on the power source in 0.1V was continuously increased in increments from 0-2V, while
recording each voltage and the corresponding current in a table. A time of 20 seconds was lapsed
between each pair measurement to obtain the representative values. The starting gas production was
noted and its corresponding voltage was marked in the table accordingly.
The measurement decade was switched from small to large resistance step by step while recording each
voltage and its corresponding current in a table. A time of 20 seconds was lapsed between measurements
to obtain the representative values. The start of the gas production was noted and the corresponding
voltages were marked.
Part 1.2.2
The apparatus was brought into operation as described in the operating instructions.
Several minutes of gas production was allowed before starting the experiment. Then the supply of the
power to the electrolyzer was interrupted. The outlet values of the gas storage tanks were opened
completely to release the gas produced. When the gas had been entirely removed, the storage tanks were
filled right up with distilled water. Then the outlet values of the gas storage tanks were closed.
The time was measured from the moment when the electrolyzer was connected to the power source. The
voltage applied to the electrolyzer and the current flowing through it were recorded. The time voltage
and current were recorded when the main graduations were reached. Final measurements were taken
when the hydrogen storage tank was completely full of gas.
Part 1.3.1
The outlet valves of the fuel cells were closed. The outlets of the source of hydrogen were connected to
the inlets of the fuel cells. The outlet valves of the fuel cell were opened, the cell was briefly purged with
hydrogen, and the valves were closed again. That removed the gas residues that led to measuring errors.
To prevent the fuel cells using any hydrogen before the measurements were taken, it was switched to
open circuit.
The recording of the current voltage characteristics started with opening the circuit voltage. The decade
resister was switched from larger to smaller values and the voltage and current was recorded for each
resistance. A time of 20 seconds could elapse between each pair of measurements to obtain
representative results.
The electrolyzer was connected to the power source to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The outlets of the
electrolyzer was connected to the inlets of the fuel cells. The outlet valves of the fuel cells were closed.
After producing about 5 cm3 of hydrogen, the outlet valves of the fuel cell were opened, purged with
gases, then closed again. This removed gas residue that led to measuring errors. To prevent the fuel cells
using any hydrogen before the measurements were taken, it was switched to open circuit.
Then the hydrogen was produced. The current-voltage characteristics with the open-circuit voltage was
recorded, then the decade resistor was switched from larger to smaller values. The voltage and current
for each resistance was measured and recorded. A time of 20 seconds was elapsed between each pair
measurements to obtain representative results.
Part 1.3.2
The apparatus was brought into operation as described in the operating instructions
The outlets of the hydrogen storage tank of the electrolyzer was connected to the inlets of the fuel cell.
The outlet valves of the fuel cell were closed. About 20 cm3 of hydrogen was produced and the clamps
on the outlet of the fuel cell was briefly opened to vent the system. The maximum volume of hydrogen
was produced with the system. The supply of power to the electrolyzer was interrupted. The electrical
connection between the fuel cells and the decade resistor was disconnected. The decade was switched to
the resistance at which the energy efficiency was to be determined. The circuit between the fuel cell and
decade resister was reconnected and the time was measured from this moment.
The measured time, voltage and current after constant volume increments was recorded with an
unchanged resistance. It was ensured that the values of the current did not fluctuate too much. Any
substantial reduction in the current during measurement would probably be due to gas residues that
impaired the operation of the fuel cell remaining in the storage tanks. This problem was only slight as it
only arouses when there was a small volume of hydrogen remaining in the storage tank.
Part 1.2.1
V [volts] I [mA]
0 0
0.2 3.0
0.4 3.15
0.6 3.30
0.8 3.41
1.0 3.47
1.2 3.60
1.4 6.00
1.6 96.00
1.8 360.00
2.0 550.00
Current (mA)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Voltage (V)
It is clear from the graph that the magnitude of current flowing through the electrolyzer does not reach an
appreciable level until a certain voltage is reached. In this case, the recorded voltage where current begins to
significantly flow is ~1.9V. The noted decomposition voltage is ~1.51V. It should be noted that, as
discussed in the provided lab material, the expected hydrogen and oxygen splitting occurs at V > 1.51.
Part 1.2.2
Part 1
Volume (cm^3)
10 (cm^3)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (s)
Part 2
Energy efficiency of the electrolyer;
2 .
(2 105 )(12.745 106 )
= . = %
Part 1.3.1
0.4 U(V)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Current (mA)
60 P(mW)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Part 1.3.2
Volume H2 (cm^3)
t (s)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s)
= =
2 .
With the conclusion of the experiment, the target efficiencies of both the electrolyzer and the fuel cell were
determined with success. Although, it is important to put the determined efficiency values of the devices in
their respective contexts;
Electrolyzer efficiency: The electrolyzer efficiency was determined to be 85%. This means that 85% of the
applied power, and thus the same fraction of total energy, is stored in the hydrogen gas from the split H20.
The remaining energy loss is attributed to the overvoltage of the electrolytic cell, its internal resistance and
diffusion. [1][2]
Fuel Cell: The fuel cell efficiency was calculated to be 40%. This means that 40% of the energy that was
stored in the consumed hydrogen gas was harnessed as electrical power output. The remainder of the energy
is lost as heat.[1][2]
In conclusion, the experiment was concluded successfully as both the electrolyzer efficiency and the fuel
cell efficiency were determined from the experimental values. These values were found to be 85% and 40%
respectively. Also, the Faraday efficiency was determined to be 98%. It should be noted that the Faraday
efficiency is estimated to be too high. This is attributed to the fact that the ambient temperature was not
recorded at the time of the experiment and thus has been assumed.
Some sources of erroneous results may be attributed to the following contributing factors;
Faulty voltage supply in lab
Faulty multimeter
Absence of a reliable temperature reading (student error)
[1]"A Basic Overview of Fuel Cell Technology", Americanhistory.si.edu, 2017. [Online]. Available:
http://americanhistory.si.edu/fuelcells/basics.htm. [Accessed: 19- Mar- 2017].
[2]"Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Science Behind Fuel Cells", Sepuplhs.org, 2017. [Online]. Available:
http://sepuplhs.org/high/hydrogen/hydrogen.html. [Accessed: 19- Mar- 2017].
[3] Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A.D., Renewable Energy Resources, 3rd edition (2015), Routledge, TJ
808 .T95 2015