Ducting Ahu Cleaness
Ducting Ahu Cleaness
Ducting Ahu Cleaness
Construction Materials
and Technologies
J Sustain. Construct. Mater. Technol. 1(1) (2016) 16–22 www.eds.yildiz.edu.tr/jscmt
Paper deals with analysis of cleanliness air conditioning duct for various stages of construction. There were taken
samples and these were analyzed for different type of storage duct on construction. They are compared differences between
the "right" stored duct and unprotected duct including the actual interior space and air handling units serving. In the
conclusion of this article is summarized the impact of carryover dirt from the duct and an air handling unit to the ventilation
1. Introduction
Air handling systems comprise a device for air transport and treatment (HVAC unit), sub-elements for the
regulation, reduction of sound, and in particular the distribution pipe system. The authors with the support of the
specific research project FAST-S-15-2620 are currently carrying out data collection and evaluating the
cleanliness of air pipe distribution at several stages of their life cycle. In the article, the authors focus mainly on
pollution of air ducts with solid aerosols - dust. As follows from the previous measurements and investigations,
crucial phase for the contamination of pipe ducts is the implementation phase of construction and installation.
Installation of piping of HVAC equipment is carried out mostly at the same time, regarding in terms of
time requirements and deadlines for construction activities. Realization and construction of another rough or
finishing construction works are following after installing ductwork. At this stage discipline of persons involved
in the installation of air conditioning is absolutely important. As shown in the Fig. 1, building in stage of
installation of piping and inconsistency protect of piping from their inner sides may cause, and also causes,
substantial contamination.
From Fig. 1 can be seen that the contamination inside the pipe occurred before placing or connecting other
pipes. The result is a practical destruction of pipework not only of the contaminated part, but then the whole
duct route airflow. That the contamination is happening regularly, samples from many other buildings
confirmed, see Fig. 2. The mistake is the inconsistent protection of pipes in the time between assembling the
arches and straight pipes, after arches installation the airway wasn´t blend.
To be able to quantify the contamination and undertake corrective measures, it is necessary to act in
accordance with valid or obligatory regulation. DIN EN 15780 [1] is the basic regulation, which quantifies the
quality of cleanliness of HVAC systems. According to this standard there are defined three basic acceptable
Corresponding author. Aleš Rubina
E-mail address: rubina.a@fce.vutbr.cz
A. Rubina et al. / J Sustain. Construct. Mater. Technol. 1(1) (2016) 16-22 17
classes of cleanliness. At handover to the user clean rooms HVAC should conform to the requirements of
graded acceptable cleanliness class C - High cleanliness class.
Figure 1. Sample contamination during ducts assembly (on the outside – left, on the inside - right)
Figure 2. Sample of duct contamination in response to poor protection duct in time between two consecutive
sections (left), the cleanliness of the air duct before assembly (right).
To fulfil the required classes of cleanliness the samples should exhibit lower final values than the limit
values. After cleaning the pipes and other relevant parts the level of contamination after cleaning should be less
than 0.3 g/m2. Cleanliness or contamination is primarily evaluated visually, which can be confirmed by
A. Rubina et al. / J Sustain. Construct. Mater. Technol. 1(1) (2016) 16-22 18
measurement. After assembling or before starting the air ducts must be first inspected visually, both in assessing
the need for cleaning and verification of cleaning results. Objective measurements are used in the case that the
results of visual inspections in terms of cleanliness and cleaning necessary are in mutual inconsistency.
For visual inspection it is possible to use prepared precise benchmarks of contamination and compare them
against the collected samples. However, for objective evaluation it is necessary to weigh the samples taken from
a well-defined area on the precise scales. Due to the complex logistics of sampling on site, error measurement
on precise scales (moisture of aerosol, etc.) and the overall complexity of the process of objective evaluation
there is on the Technical Building Services Institute of Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, developed the methodology of microscopic assessment of the contamination of air ducts by fixed
aerosol. This method is fast and enables trouble-free feasibility of assessment directly in the realization on the
construction site. Practically, it is a more accurate standard visual inspection with the physical benchmark, when
the data will be electronically drawn off and compared with the electronically defined benchmark (continuously
replenished databases). The sample of electronic measuring by the microscope shows the Fig. 3.
Figure 3. Example of sampling by the microscope (left) and the result (right)
On the Fig. 3 we can observe quantity of construction dust witch is compared to the investigated surface of
the pipe portion - texture of pure pipe formed from galvanized sheet (dark and bright crystals). To illustrate the
real size of the dust particles there is in the right part of the figure enclosed scale with the size of 1 mm. The
result of such high contamination is evident. The cleanness of the air duct is considered much higher than the
permissible value of low grade. With the higher resolution it is then possible to perform the calculation or
assessment of the amount of dust grain and then to define the level of contamination.
To be able to apply the methodology of dust particles microscopy, it is necessary to confront it and validate it
according to the certified method. Within the specific research there are carried out at the same places sampling
for visual comparison of contamination with standard sample (i.e. benchmark). Other examples of the sampling
spot are shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Demonstration of sampling by using tape for comparison with a standard dust concentration
As apparent from Fig. 5 according to the degree of contamination, the taken sample can be compared with
benchmark and subsequently it is possible to define the degree of contamination in g / m2 of considered area.
For the successful result of the purity of the reference indoor environment it is therefore necessary to have a
comprehensive approach to cleanliness as a complex. Currently, in particular clean rooms are built as internals
in the enclosed space of the building. The built-in space consists mostly of sandwich side panels and a tight
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ceiling with fitted lights. All technical installation, pipe and wiring devices are installed above the false ceiling
construction and in the shell of side panels. The built-in clean room example is shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 5. Example of assessment of pipework contamination by visual inspection using checking benchmark
method (right), the samples (left)
1.3. Cleanliness of indoor space
The task of building structures of these built-in parts is to ensure airtight envelope of clean room and its
cleanability, among other things. In practice, we meet with regard to the terms of realizations and
implementation of various subcontracting division into smaller units with the problem of the continuity of
individual technical professions and lack of time to properly clean the installation and cleaning around the built-
in surrounding. On pipe installations in ceilings occur large amounts of dust, rubble and various mounting
unused portions of the connecting and assembling material. Especially fine particles sized from 0.1 to 1.0
microns, with regard to their own weight, they do not settle and are thanks to different air streams transported
from the surroundings to the clean built-in spaces. Pressure conditions in the built-in space, which of course
varies during realization (overpressure, underpressure, opening doors, etc.), have a considerable influence on the
transport of these particles from surrounding to the built-in inner space. Another factor, which in turn affects the
inner cleanliness and continuous contamination of the interior space, is a lack of discipline of staff involved in
its construction.
Fig. 7 is a sample of a multi-stage cleaning the operating room before putting it into commissioning.
Cleaning is divided into several phases. Figure 7 presents the final stage of the so-called inner space
disinfection. As shown by experiments, in principle it is necessary to carry out purification in the following
dry mechanical cleaning to remove larger particles of solid matter, at least 1 time (all structures surfaces)
wet cleaning to remove fine particles, grease etc., at least 1 time (all surfaces of structures including
lights, surfaces of technology etc.)
wet chemical cleaning to eliminate not only solids, but also living organisms, so-called space
disinfection, at least 3 times (all surfaces of structures including lights, surfaces of technology etc.)
A. Rubina et al. / J Sustain. Construct. Mater. Technol. 1(1) (2016) 16-22 20
Figure 8. Sample contamination of mop head during the fourth cycle of wet cleaning phase
Figure 9. Demonstration of pollution of the filter chamber on the side of the intake of fresh air (left), solids
trapped in the joint between the panels (right)
Rough cleaning brush, then gently clean sweep and vacuum cleaning are the most common operations used
for mechanical (dry) cleaning unit according to the degree of solids clogging. For the cleaning of exchangers
(cooler, heater, heat recovery, etc.) it is commonly used mechanical cleaning with compressed air. The most
frequent mechanical cleaning elements are presented in Fig. 10. The rule to follow for mechanical cleaning is
that the method of coarse or fine cleaning unit corresponds to the degree of pollution.
Figure 11. Sample of typical examples of wet cleaning (left droplet eliminator, right filter chamber)
The so-called chemical cleaning phase follows after the wet cleaning. The chemical is applied on the pre-
cleaned surface inside the unit. The aim is to maximum of eliminate the possible microbial structures in the
interior of the unit – disinfection of the unit. Most often it is a mixture of water and disinfectant, the application
performs with the mist spray solution to all parts of the unit. An important factor is not to miss enclosures, heat
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exchangers, folds etc. After application the unit is closed and disinfection is allowed to act for a predetermined
2. Summary
The aim of the article was to acquaint readers with the problem of contamination of ductwork and air
handling units. The text makes it clear that at present, when buildings are constructed above standard speed and
the contracted price of the work does not cover nearly overhead delivery, installation and especially the quality
of installation is a very crucial factor that affects the quality of transported air and the internal microclimate. In
the case of put into operation the contaminated state of device it threatens not only the continuous contamination
of the inner space by emitted settled particles, but also shorten the life of the realized device.
The demonstrated methods for determining contamination and subsequent cleaning methods that the staff of
Institute of Building Services utilize in practice, permit during construction effective control and propose
realistic recommendations for possible correction of pollution of air ducts and in the time when it was still not
too late. The result is the successful realization of high-quality results of the internal environment.
Objective measurement that is not possible due to the limited scope of this article to present here shows that
regular maintenance and complex cleaning of equipment (phase prior to handing over of equipment to use and
subsequent periodic maintenance) leads to a significant decrease in pollution of air-conditioning systems by
solid aerosol and living organisms, (validation measured by the number of microorganisms with swabs or by an
aeroscope). Regularity in this case means adherence to timetable cleanliness. The minimum interval for
cleanroom is quarterly, for less demanding spaces at least half-yearly execution of complex cleaning and
replacement filters.