Reflect With Reflexive Pronouns
Reflect With Reflexive Pronouns
Reflect With Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are like mirrors—they both reflect back to the subject! Use this lesson with your students to
give them practice correctly using reflexive pronouns in sentences.
Learning Objectives
Whiteboards subject
Whiteboard markers reflexive pronoun
T-chart for each group, labeled with "Subject
Pronouns" and "Reflexive Pronouns" (include
the following list of subject pronouns on the
chart → I, you (singular), he, she, it, you
(plural), we, they)
Index cards
Class set of lined paper
Computer or tablet with access to the Reflexive
Pronouns exercise
Introduction (5 minutes)
Present students with a riddle: I’m made of glass, this much is true. But when you look, you won’t see
through. Reflect on this, and you’ll have a clue!
Give students time to think about their answer.
Allow students to make guesses.
Tell students that the correct answer to the riddle is a mirror.
Prompt students to talk to their shoulder partners about the job of a mirror.
Accept student answers and explain that today’s pronoun lesson is connected to mirrors because of what
a mirror is made to do. A mirror’s job is to reflect back to you. Today’s lesson covers a type of pronoun
that reflects, too.
Introduce reflexive pronouns by giving the definition: a type of pronoun that refers back to the subject
of the sentence.
Remind students that the subject of a sentence is who or what the sentence is about.
Explain that reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of the sentences are the same.
(Example: The baby saw herself in the mirror. The subject is the baby, and the object is also referring to
the baby.)
Tell students that reflexive pronouns are also used to emphasize the subject. (Example: The boy will
clean up the mess himself. The word “himself” emphasizes that the boy will do the job on his own.)
Write an example sentence on the board. Circle the reflexive pronoun and draw an arrow back to the
subject to which it refers. (Example: The ladies made themselves a reservation at a nice restaurant.)
Provide a visual of the subject and reflexive pronouns so students understand that they work together.
Provide struggling students with fill-in-the-blank complete sentences or sentence starters for the
independent work time.
During the group work, intentionally group students based on ability so the struggling students are
supported by peers.
Challenge your advanced students by having them write a story about a day in the life of a dog. They
should use at least five reflexive pronouns in the story. Encourage students to then rewrite the same
story, but this time they should use incorrect reflexive pronouns. Allow students to switch stories and
make corrections on each other’s work.
Have students complete the 10 questions on the Reflexive Pronouns exercise as a formative assessment.
Walk around the room and choose students to orally tell you the answer to a question while they are
completing the worksheet. Correct their answers if necessary.
Collect the sentences from the independent work time as a check for understanding.
Ask students to respond to the following question on an index card: "How are mirrors and reflexive
pronouns alike?"
Tell students to share their answers in complete sentences with their elbow partners.
Collect index cards to serve as an exit ticket.
Read aloud three example sentences that have the wrong reflexive pronoun. (Example: My sister bought
himself a new car.)
Call on non-volunteers to correct the sentences aloud using complete sentences and a reflexive pronoun.