Greek Mythology: Introduction To
Greek Mythology: Introduction To
Greek Mythology: Introduction To
Greek Mythology
Polytheism=many gods
Ancient Greek beliefs and characteristics
It is constantly referenced to in
everyday life
Some references you may have seen…
The creation of the world (according to
Greek Mythology)
Titans Monsters
Oceanus and Tethys 3 of each:
Hyperion and Thea Hecatonchires (hundred
Coeus and Phoebe
Cronus and Rhea
Cyclopes (one-eyed)
Uranus hated all his children most
especially the monsters…
Locked the monsters in Tartarus
Gaea was upset and asked the Titans to help
Cronus, the youngest and strongest,
overthrew is father, Uranus, and seized the
rule of the Universe.
Cronus took Rhea for a wife and divided the
Earth among his fellow Titans
Cronus and Rhea had 6 children: The
Cronus feared that his children would overthrow
him the way he overthrew his father…
Cronus swallowed all of his children…except the
last one.
Rhea replaced the infant with a stone to prevent
Cronus from swallowing Zeus. He grew up in
hiding (Crete)
When Zeus was grown he made his dad
regurgitate his siblings
Zeus and his siblings raged war against their
father, Cronus
Titanomochy , or War of the Titans
Cronus VS Zeus
Titans His siblings
Mount Othrys Hecatonchires & Cyclopes
Mount Olympus
Zeus, with the use of his lightning bolt given to him by the
Cyclopes, defeated Cronus and his army. Most of the
Titans were confined to Tartarus. Zeus divided the world
among his sibling gods…
Goddess of Agriculture
Often shown carrying a
bundle of grain
Symbols: wheat,
poppies, cornucopia
Goddess of love,
beauty and fertility
One legend states
that she is the
daughter of Zeus and
QuickTime™ and a
Dione. Another
are needed to see this picture.
legend says that she
was born from sea-
She is associated
with the dove
Goddess of
wisdom and war
She was the patron
goddess of Athens
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture. Her symbol is the owl
She is the favorite
daughter of Zeus
Protector of the