User Guide Myspace Collaboration Portal Guide REV 1.0
User Guide Myspace Collaboration Portal Guide REV 1.0
User Guide Myspace Collaboration Portal Guide REV 1.0
Myspace Collaboration Portal Guide 1.0
IBM Connections empowers business professionals to develop, nurture, and remain in contact
with a network of their colleagues; respond quickly to business opportunities by calling upon
expertise in their network and organizations; and discuss and refine new creative ideas.
In our environment, we have deployed Files and Profiles components of the Connections suite.
Files is a collaboration tool in which one can upload files and let other people see and work with them.
Files provides a simple way to share files, information, communications, and ideas with other members of our team
without sending large files through email.
1. Uploading files
Upload files from your computer by logging in and clicking Upload a File from anywhere in Files.
2. Sharing files
Keep files private so that only you can read and work with them. Share files with specific people or
communities, and allow them to share the files with others. Or make files public so that anyone who can
access IBM® Connections can read them.
3. Finding files
Find files by looking through lists of files in different views. Sort views with columns. Filter views to narrow
the lists by date, by how they are shared, or by access level. Search for files or find them using tags. Pin
files you work with to quickly find them when you need them. Finally, organize files in folders to find them
more easily.
4. Following files
Open a file and click Follow to get emails when the file is edited or commented on.
5. Access levels
When you share your files with people you give them Reader or Editor access to the file. When you share
your files with communities you give them Reader access. When you share your folders with other people or
groups you can give them Reader, Contributor, or Owner access to the folder.
6. Recommending and commenting
Tags are keywords that you assign to files that make the files easier to find later.
8. Organizing files in folders
Organize your files in folders. Like files, you can follow folders to get emails when they are updated. Folders
can be private, shared, or public. Keep folders private so that only you can work with them. Share folders
with specific people or groups and choose their access. Or make folders public so that anyone who an
access IBM Connections can read them.
9. Versions
When you add a file it becomes the first version of the file. When the file is edited and saved that becomes
the second version. A third edit creates a third version, and so on. If you have enough access to read a file,
you can see its versions. If you are the owner of a file you can delete versions.
10. Trash
Move files to the trash to remove them from Files. Files in trash are not yet permanently deleted. To find a
files that you have moved to the trash click Trash in the navigation box. Other people cannot see or link files
that are in your trash.
File owners can keep their files private, share them with users or make them public.
The person who uploads a file for the first time is its owner. If the owner does not share or make the file public, the file
is private, and only the owner can read and edit it.
Owners can share their files with people. People can have Reader or Editor access to the file. Communities can only
have Reader access.
Reader access: Readers can read, comment on, download, and recommend a file, be notified of changes to
the file, and share the file. They can add a file to one of their folders, or to a folder to which they have
Contributor access.
Editor access: Editors can read, edit, comment on, download, recommend, upload a new version of, and set
properties on the file. They can be notified of changes to the file, and share it. Editors can also add a file to a
folder of theirs, or to a folder to which they have Contributor access.
Owners can also make a file public, meaning everyone who can access IBM® Connections can read the file. In some
file lists, private files are marked with a private icon , shared files are marked with a shared icon , and public
files are marked with a public icon .
To find files Click Pinned Files in the navigation box. To pin a file, click the thumbtack icon next to the
pinned by you file in a list, or open the file and click the pin icon.
To find files
uploaded by
To find files
Click Shared With Me in the navigation box.
people shared
with you
These are files shared by other people specifically with you. Files shared with you might
also be public.
6. To search for Select an item in the search menu, such as All Files, type characters into the search
files field, and then click the search icon. IBM® Connections returns files with those characters
in the title, description, or file contents. (Select All Connections to search all content in
IBM Connections.)
Option Description
Expand the Tags or Public tags section and click a tag in the tag cloud. Click list to
see tags listed. Or type a tag into the field and click the search icon to return files
with that tag.
c. Click and public or and not public. Or find a specific person by typing
their name in the search field.
3. To show files by Expand the date section. It could be any of the following, depending on the file list
date you are viewing:
The Date updated section is in the Pinned Files and My Files lists.
The Date shared section is in the Shared With Me and Shared By Me lists.
Then click Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Last 365 days.
In the Shared With Me view, expand the Role section, and then click editor.
4. To show other
people's files you
can edit
In the Shared By Me view, expand the Role section, and then click editor.
6. To add columns to a In any folder view, click Customize. Select data to display in columns in the view,
view and then click Show.
Option Description
1. To recommend files
In any list of files, find a file and click the recommend icon (a star) to
recommend the file. Click the star again and click You have recommended
to remove your recommendation.
2. To comment on Open the file page, click the Comments tab, and then click Add a
files comment. Type your comment, and then click Save.
3. To download files Open the file page, click Download this file, and then save the file.
4. To edit file
Open the file page, and then click More Actions > Edit Properties. Edit the
name and description, change the file extension if you want, and then
clickSave. You must be an owner or have Editor access to edit the
properties of someone's file.
To add files to Open the file page, and then click Add to Folders. Select a folder, and then
folders click Add to Folders. See How do I add files to folders?
1. Recommending files
The amount of space you have used is displayed in the My Files view, at the bottom of the list of files.
People and communities with whom we share files can be notified by email, depending on how they have specified
their notification settings.
Click on Settings.
2. In the File field type the file path or browse for the file.
3. In the Name field type a file name if browsing does not add one. Or change the name of the file.
Option Description
No one (private) Make the file private. Only the owner can see and edit it.
People (give Share the file with specific people. Perform these steps:
specific file
permissions to a. Select a Person.
others) b. Select the as Reader or as Editor access level:
Readers can read, comment on, download, and
recommend a file. They can add files to folders to which
they have Contributor access, be notified of changes to
the file, and share the file with other people.
Editors can read, edit, comment on, download,
recommend, upload a new version, and set properties on
Option Description
the file. They can add files to folders to which they have
Contributor access, be notified of changes to the file, and
share it with other people.
c. Perform one of the following tasks:
To share with people, type a name or email address, and
then select the person. If the name you want does not
display, click Person not list? Use full search... to search
for them.
d. Uncheck Allow others to share this file to prevent people you
share the file with from sharing with new people.
e. Add an optional message for people with whom you have
shared the file.
6. Click Upload.
When the person who has uploaded the file or someone with Editor access edits your file and uploads it again, a new
version is created.
Click on “Upload new version”
To access versions of a file, open the file page and click the Versions tab. You can see information including the
version number, when it was edited, and the person who made the edits. You can download versions of the file.
Files in private folders can only be read and worked with by their owner.
Files in shared folders can be read and worked with by people with whom the folder has been shared. People
can have Reader, Contributor, or Owner access to a folder. Readers can read files in the folder. Contributors can
add files to the folder, delete files they have added, and see information about files in the folder. Owners have
ownership of the folder along with the original owner. They can share the folder with other people, and delete
any file. The owner of a file can delete it, or remove it, from a folder. When you share a folder with people or
change their role, those people are notified by email.
Files in public folders can be read by anyone, but only the owner and people who have been made Contributor or
Owner can add files to them. A folder owner can open a folder up for group collaboration by clicking Share, and
then clicking Everyone can contribute to this folder.
Select No one (private) to make the folder private. Only the owner can see and edit it.
Select People (give specific permissions to others) to share the file with specific people. Perform
these steps:
a. Select a Person
b. Assign an access level.
c. Start typing a name or email address, then select that name or address when it displays.
d. Click Everyone can contribute to this folder to make the folder public.
Choice Description
Recent Files
Select files that were recently uploaded or recently shared with
To search across all files, type characters in the search field and
click the search icon. All files include your files, public files,
and files shared with you.
Choice Description
Other Select other people's files that are public or shared with you.
Files Start typing a name or email address in the search field and then
select it, click the search icon.
Shared Select files from folders shared with you. Expand Shared
Folders Folders, click a folder, and then select files from that folder.
d. Click Add Files.
Choice Description
Folders Below Folders I Recently Added to, select folders that you
recently added files to. Below Recently Updated Folders, select
folders you recently created, folders other people recently shared
with you, and folders other people recently added files to.
To remove files from folders, open the folder, click More in the file's row, and then click More Actions > Remove
from Folder.
To see a list of folders the file is in, open the file and click the Folders tab.
1. Do any one of the following to find folders:
Option Description
To find folders you Click Pinned Folders in the navigation box. To pin a folder,
pinned click the thumbtack icon next to the folder.
To find folders Click Folders Shared With Me in the navigation box. These
people shared with are folders shared by other people specifically with you.
Option Description
To show folders Expand the Created by filter and start typing a name. Click
created by a specific the name when it displays, or click the search icon. This is
person not available in My Folders.
To show folders by
whether and how they Expand the Sharing filter in either the My
are shared
Folders or Folders Shared With Me lists.
In the My Folders list click any of the following:
with everyone (public)
with specific people
Option Description
To show folders you Expand the Role filter, and then click
have contributor or contributor or owner.
owner access to
When you follow a file or folder, notifications are sent to your home page when the file or folder is updated. You can
also choose to receive updates by email in your email settings.
Option Description
Option Description
To see information
about a file Open the file page and click the About this File tab at the bottom of the
page. You can see when the files was added and last updated; how large it
is; and how many times a file has been recommended and downloaded,
and how many of those downloads were anonymous users. You can also
see which users (not anonymous) downloaded the file.
Tags are keywords that you assign to files that make the files easier to find later. You can find files by clicking tags
that have been assigned to them.
You can tag files you own or to which you have been given Editor access.
Follow these steps to add a tag to a file:
4. Click Save.
Move your files to trash to remove them from Files. You can restore or permanently delete files from trash.
Files in trash count toward your size quota. When you reach your quota limit you can delete files in trash to make
When you move a file to the trash, all of the file's versions, recommendations, and comments move to the trash, and
the file is hidden from people with whom you have shared it. When you restore a file from the trash, all versions,
recommendations, and comments are restored, and people with whom you have shared the file can see it again.
Moving a file to trash hides it from all folders and it no longer show ups in searches. After a file is restored it is added
back to the folders it was previously in, and all data is restored as if the file had never been moved to the trash.
1. Log in to Files.
3. Click More Actions > Move to Trash, and then click OK.
To restore the file click the arrow icon next to it, and then select Restore. Restoring a file returns it to
all views and all folders it was in before you moved it to trash.
To permanently delete the file click the arrow icon next to it, and then select Delete.
6. Optional: To permanently delete all files in the trash, click Empty Trash.
Profiles provide a directory of the people in an organization: how to contact them, and how to find out about their
projects, skills, and interests. Use Profiles to facilitate collaboration by helping you to find and get in touch with the
right people fast.
Profiles can help you to tap into the collective knowledge of the people in your organization and work collaboratively
with others.
Let people in the organization know who you are, what you do, what projects you are working on, the tools and
technologies you are using, the problems you are currently trying to solve, and what you are reading or writing. Start
by filling out your profile. Help people get to know you better by adding rich social information, such as your interests,
hobbies, and tags that indicate your area of expertise.
Become involved
Discover who in the organization is working on projects like yours or finding solutions to similar problems, and what
resources they are using to simplify their jobs. Find out who your co-workers are, what their interests are, what skills
they have, what they are publishing or reading, and get in touch with them. See who they connect to so that you can
extend your network further.
Use profiles to make useful connections. Find people with the skills and expertise you need and add them to your
network. Follow people when you want to keep up with their updates but don't want to add them to your network.
Update your personal status message to let the people in your network know what you're doing. You can keep the
people in your network informed about what you're doing by regularly updating the personal status message that
displays under your profile picture. Your status message is visible to anyone who can view your profile page. Your
previous status updates are also displayed in the Board area of your profile, where other users can comment on
To update your status message, complete the following steps.
2. Enter a brief status message in the field provided, and then click Save.
Your updated status displays under your profile picture and at the top of your board.
To edit your profile, perform the following steps.
1. Click Edit My Profile on the My Profile page. Alternatively, select Profiles > Edit My Profile from the
product navigation.
2. Depending on the type of changes you want to make, click one of the following tabs:
About Me Update the details of your work history and background information.
Pronunciation Update or remove an audio file of your name being spoken with the
correct pronunciation.
3. When you've made the necessary changes, click Save to apply them.
You can invite people to join your network by sending them an invitation.
To add someone to your network, complete the following steps.
1. Open the profile page for the person that you want to add to your network.
3. Accept the default message or enter a message of your own inviting the person to join your network.
4. Enter keywords that define how you are connected to the person in the Add tags field.
Now the invitee receives an email notification to let them know that you have invited them to join your network. If they
accept your invitation, they are added to your My Network page, and the Invite to My Network link no longer
displays when you next view their profile page.
To view network contacts for your profile or someone else's profile, complete the following steps.
To view your own network contacts, open the My Network page, and select My Network
To view another person's network contacts, open their profile page and click Show All in the
Network area of the page.
To delete a colleague from your network, perform the following steps.
2. Select the check box next to the person that you want to remove, and click Remove from My Network.
Follow a person when you want to keep up-to-date with their latest updates. You do not have to add a person to your
network in order to follow them.
Unlike inviting someone to join your network, where the person must accept your invitation to become connected to
you, following does not require the approval of the person that you want to follow. A person can see who is following
them by selecting My Network > Followers in Profiles, but they cannot remove people from their Followers list, and
they cannot block prospective followers.
To follow a person, complete the following steps.
2. Click Follow.
You can set your email preferences so that you receive regular notifications about the people that you are following.
Click on Settings.
To stop following a person, open their profile and click Stop following.
Select My Network > Following to display the full list of the people that you are following.
1. Click the Down arrow next to the Search field in the navigation bar and select one of the following
Profiles by Find someone by searching for their name. Enter a given name
Name followed by a family name.
Note: This option is the default search setting.
Profiles by Search for someone based on a keyword. This searches profiles and all
Keyword their associated content, for example, the work experience and
background information in a profile.
2. Enter a name or keyword to search for in the text field. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.
1. To access the Search the Directory form, open the Directory page in Profiles. Alternatively, click the
Down arrow next to the Search field and select Directory Search.
Every user has a message board area on their profile page known as the board, where the most recent status
updates for the user are displayed.
1. On the person's profile page, click inside the message field at the top of the Board area,
where Write a message on this profile board is displayed.
1. Locate the message or comment to which you want to respond and do one of the following:
a. If you are responding to a message, click Add comment under the message.
b. If you are responding to a comment, click Write another comment under the comment.
2. Enter your reply in the field provided, and then click Post Comment.