John Mark H. Calixto Bsoa 1-A

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Ethics taught me the importance of doing the right and for not doing

the wrong ones. Indeed, it is just a subject that I was required to take
but if you look and thoroughly understand it, you will definitely know
that it is applicable in real-life situation. Every topic in our every
discussion gives me the knowledge on how it affects me as person who
needs to know the value of the ethics in my life. The more you 1
understand it the more it you will be more knowledgeable. I can also
relate on the topics that we discussed like how my decision making
affects the other and how can I keep it right so that it will fair for
everyone. The subject ethics helps me to improve my ethical values,
and it is effective especially when you apply it in the real life situation.
It also affects the way I view every situation that happens in my life. 3
We as person need ethical values and ethics itself, for us to be more
aware on the things that come in our everyday life. Especially we are
living in the world where in some people forget to do the right and to 4
stop the bad practices. Me who knows a little bit of knowledge about
the ethics can help others to educate them the importance of it. Still I
want to grow more and to understand complex things in the world of
ethics. It also builds my good character and lessens my bad character. I
am so grateful to have a subject like this, because it genuinely helps me
and also my fellow classmates to understand the things that we are
doing in our every life. We as student must apply all the learning that
we had about our ethical values and ethics itself. 7

John Mark H. Calixto

Bsoa 1-a
All human beings have their own feelings and emotion, and God give
us that gift for us to understand the importance of things in our life.
Emotion is also considered as feelings or intuition plays an important
part in the ethical decision of the individual. We have the high emotion
as we express our strong disapproval and approval of different acts. We
feel that if we do well for someone or in certain situation it gives us a
feeling of greatness. Our emotion and feelings are also involving in
time our decision making. We decide sometimes based on the moral
judgment, yet most of us decide by means of emotion which is not
healthy in making the right decision. However for the others feelings
help them in making the right decision. We humans also have reason
that plays a vital role and we must have the step by step process in
terms of making decision so that the result will be not bad. Most of us
do things even at risk of inconvenience; we also have our own will and
will power that also have something to do with our decision making.
We keep on developing ourselves for us to improve our mental health
and self-discipline.

Some ethicist believes that ethics is also a matter of
emotion. They hold the moral judgment at their best
should also be emotional. Some hold that reason and

emotion are not really opposites. Both abstract
inference and emotional intuitions or instincts are seen
as having relative roles of ethical thinking. Emotion, it

MORAL is thus concluded, can be rational being based at least

sometimes on good judgments about how well a
circumstance or agent accomplishes appropriate

DECISION objectives. Feelings are also visceral or instinctual by

providing motivation to act morally. Ethical judgments
are highly emotional as people emotionally express

MAKING their strong approval or disapproval for different acts.

Moral sentiments highlight the need for morality to be According to emotivism, utterances in ethics are not
based on sympathy for other people. Ethical fact-stating sentences, that is, they are used as a means
subjectivism is not about what things are good and of influencing others behavior. Thus the utterances
what things are bad. It does not tell how we should command equivalent to saying “Don‟t do that!” Moral
live or what moral norms we should practice. Iit is a sentences are used to express the speaker‟s attitude.
theory about the nature of moral judgments. Moral Ethics without feelings also appears to Christian
judgments are “truth bearers”. The theory therefore philosophy‟s emphasis of love, for love basically
proposes that when we say something is morally good, strong liking, desire or emotion. Our moral compasses
this means we approve of that thing. Emotivism is are also strongly influenced by the fleeting forces of
deemed invulnerable to many objections. This theory disgust, fondness, or fear. Humans don‟t have feelings
states moral judgment expresses positive or negative and rationale, and reason plays a vital role in ethics.
feelings. It is the most popular form of non- Moral truths are truth for reason that is moral
cognitivism, the meta-ethical theory that claims that judgment is true if it is espoused by better reasons than
ethical sentences do not convey authentic propositions. the alternatives.

Moral courage means of doing the right thing even at

However impartiality on the other hand, involves the the risk of inconvenience, ridicule, punishment, loss of
idea that each individual‟s interest and point of view job or security or social status. It requires that we rise
are equally important. Impartiality in morality requires above the apathy, complacency, hatred, cynicism, and
that we give equal and/or adequate consideration to the fear mongering in our political systems, socio
economic divisions, and cultural religious differences.
interest of all concerned parties. The seven steps in
One sense of concept “will” refers to that faculty of
moral reasoning model are, gather the facts, determine the mind which chooses at the moment of making
the ethical issues, identify the principles that have a decisions, the strongest desire from among the various
bearing on the case, list and compare the alternatives present. Within philosophy, the will is important as
with the principles, weigh the consequence and lastly one of the distinct parts of the mind along with the
make a decision. Moral Courage means of doing the reason and understanding. A pertinent concept is that
right thing even at the risk of inconvenience, ridicule, will power which refers to the inner strength to make
decision, take action, and handle and execute any aim
punishment, loss of job or security or social status.
or task until it is accomplished, regardless of inner and
outer resistance, discomfort or difficulties.
The term “character” is derived from the Greek word “character”, which was
initially used as a mark impressed upon the coin. The word “character” later came to
mean a distinct mark by which one thing was distinguished by others. In the
beginning of the Book of Nicomachean, Aristotle tells us that there are two distinct
human excellence, the excellence of thought and excellence of character. Excellence
of mortal character “ethikai aretai” is often translated as “moral virtues” and “moral
excellence. Moral character, therefore, in a philosophical sense refers to having or
lacking of virtue. If one lacks virtue, he/she may have any moral vices or may be
marked by a condition somewhere in between virtue and vice such as continence or
incontinence. In addition to that, philosophers usually think that moral character 2
traits unlike other personality or psychological traits, have an irreducibly evaluate
dimension that is involve a normative judgment. In the process of moral
development, there is the circular relation between acts that build character and
moral character itself. Not all acts help to build moral character, but those acts which 3
emanate from moral characters certainly matter in moral development. However
there appears the apparent circular relationship between individual acts and moral

A person‟s actions determine his/her moral character, but moral character itself 3
develops acts that help in achieving either virtue or vice. In the context
developing morally which also brings about self-realization and happiness,
acting in line with virtues is acting by reason. Virtuous traits of character ought
to be stable and enduring and are not mere products of fortune, but of learning, 4
constant practice, and cultivation. Greek philosopher said that, it takes someone
of good moral character to determine with regularity and reliability what
individual acts are appropriate and reasonable in a certain situation. Aristotle
also states that it is not easy to define in rules which acts deserve moral praise
and blame and that these matters require judgment of the virtuous person
someone with good moral. The American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg is
best known for his theory of stages of moral development. The Swiss clinical
psychologist Jean Piaget‟s theory of moral development but wanted to develop
ideas further. 7

We all have different characters as a human being and it helps us to determine

what kind of person are we. We all have vices and we cannot deny it. It is just
because humans are meant to have virtue or vices and we are the one who will
5 6
know how to control and remove it for ourselves. Being a virtuous person or
having a vice is the cause of our action. Our moral character itself develops acts
that help in achieving virtue or vice. We act with the virtue for a reason, yet we
need to learn, practice and cultivate it for us to determine with regularity and
reliability what we acts are appropriate and reasonable in every situation. We
don‟t have the capability to easily define rules of acts but if we are a virtuous 2
person with a good moral we can and that was stated by the famous philosopher.

Summary 1
Ethics is a set of beliefs about what is right and wrong
behavior within the society. Ethics or Moral Philosophy is a
branch of philosophy that includes systematizing and
recommending concepts about the right and wrong conduct.
And there are three major areas of study within the ethics and
the first one is the Meta Ethics which concern is the technical
1 8
meaning and reference of moral propositions, how their truth
values can be determined. Furthermore is the Normative Ethics
were in it is concern to the practical means of determining a
moral cause of action. And the last one is the Applied Ethics 2
that is concern on what a person is obligated or permitted to do
in a specific situation or a particular domain of action.
In ethics, ethical behavior defined as values driven, what
is considered ethical varies among moral reasoning and what is 3
considered ethical can vary across cultures. However Ethical
Dilemmas arise on test of personal ethics and values. People
have tendencies to rationalize unethical behaviors. In the stage
of moral development it has five stages on how the moral of a
person starts to develop. The first stage is the Infancy, where in 4
child only sense of right and wrong or what they feel good and 2
bad. The next stage is the Toddler Years, this were child learns
right and wrong from what she or he is told by the others. The
third stage is the Pre School years; the child begins to 5
internalize family values as his or her own and begins to
perceive the consequences of his or her behavior. The fourth 3
stage is the Ages 7-10 years where in the child begins to
question the infallibility of parents and the other adults, and
develops a strong sense of should and should not. The fifth and
the final stage in the moral development is the Pre-teen and 5
Teenage years, peers, rather than adults, become of ultimate
importance to the child who begins to try different values
systems to see which fits best, teens also become more aware of 7
and concerned with the longer society and begin to reason more
abstractly about the right and wrong.

Moral Reasoning is a reason for various ethical

practices and it includes the individualism view, moral Article 23 states that everyone has to right to work to
rights view, justice view, and the utilitarian view. free choice of employment, to just and favorable
Furthermore cultural relativism suggest that there is now conditions of work. Article 26 everyone has the right to
one is right way to behave, cultural context determines education. Moreover, ethical dilemma is a situation that
ethical behavior. However in moral absolution has although offering potential a benefit is unethical. Moral
certain absolute theater apply every universal value from code is the influence of our emotions.
said culture in determining what is right and wrong.

The ethics and culture excerpt from universal declaration Ethics based on individuals tells that each individual
of human rights United Nations had five articles and the have equal political right, deserve to be treated fairly,
first is the Article 1 which tells that all human beings are have the right to live as they want as long as they do not
born free and equal in dignity and right. Article 18 states harm the right of others. A good society is one that treats
that everyone has the right to freedom of thought and individuals fairly and protects their rights. This requires
conscience and religion. Article 19 states that everyone efficient, non-corrupt government and business, a clean,
has the right to freedom of opinion and expressions. non-toxic environment.
Family and community require loyalty, honor friendship, The third stage is the principled where in valuing right of
humility self-sacrifice and clean non-toxic environment. others and upholding absolute values and rights
And a good individual has the qualities that promote regardless of majorities‟ opinion. However in individual
stable, long lasting relationships, families, communities. characteristics affecting ethical behaviors, Values is the
There are stages of moral development such as pre- basic educations about what is right or wrong on a broad
conventional, conventional and principled. range of issues.

The first stage which is the pre-conventional is sticking

Development defines as a measure of an individual‟s
rules to avoid physical punishment and following rules
independence than outside influences. In the individual‟s
only when doing so is in your immediate interest. The
characteristics personality variables has the sub group
second stage is the conventional which is maintaining
which is the Ego Strength which is a personality measure
conventional order by fulfilling obligations to which you
of the strength of a person‟s convictions.
have agreed, living up to what is expected by people
close to you.

Furthermore, the locus of control is a personality

attributes that measures the degree to which people
believes they control their own life. And it has two types
of locus the internal locus which is the belief that you
control your destiny and the external locus which
pertains to the belief that what happens to you is due to
luck or chance.
Ethics is knowing what is right and wrong and it is very important to us
determine if our action will result in to somewhat good or bad. We as a human being our
understanding on what is right and wrong are developing through the years and as the
time goes by we are becoming more competitively and knowledgeable. We don‟t stick
on how we view things in the real life instead we change and make decisions for the
greater goods. It also makes our decision making be more intelligent in terms of
choosing the right thing to do against the wrong. And also knowing our own rights a
human being gives us the opportunity to live what we want yet without hurting someone
else. Ethics also helps to improve our relationship in our family, friends and community
that makes our bond stronger and long lasting. At the end of the day ethics is very
helpful for us and we need it for us to understand the things that come in our everyday


Culture is a necessity of all people; we have different perspective on how we
view the world. And for me culture is very important because that‟s the only thing that
makes each of us diverse and yet we are still connected no matter what kind of culture
every person had. You can easily tell how amazing the culture of the others because
their cultures are most likely based on their knowledge, experience and their beliefs.
Our ancestors passed the culture that they used to live through communication and
leaves big impact on each generation. And the power of the culture that we should
respect, preserve and protect so that the other generation can understand the true
essence of having a culture and how culture connects us. Culture has an important role
for each of us and we need to understand it for us to grow and be more knowledgeable.
Culture‟s role in moral behavior is “way of life” of a group of people, and it
includes moral values and behaviors along with knowledge beliefs, symbols that they
accept generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by
communications and imitation from one generation to the next. In our society, we learn
to distinguish objects like cars, windows, houses, children, and food. Furthermore,
even experientially, it is improbable, if not impossible, to live in a society without
being affected by its culture. Social learning is the process by which individuals
acquire knowledge from others in groups to which they belong, as a normal part of

Cultural Relativism is perhaps the most famous form of moral

relativism, a theory in ethics which holds that ethical judgments have
their origins either in individual or cultural standards. However, Moral
Relativism submits that different moral principles apply to different
persons or group of individuals. When the recognized standard is a
particular agent, the relativist theory is very much compatible with moral

Culture is a necessity of all people; we have

different perspective on how we view the world. And for
me culture is very important because that‟s the only thing
that makes each of us diverse and yet we are still

In moral connected no matter what kind of culture every person had.

You can easily tell how amazing the culture of the others
because their cultures are most likely based on their
behavior knowledge, experience and their beliefs. Our ancestors
passed the culture that they used to live through
communication and leaves big impact on each generation.
And the power of the culture that we should respect,
preserve and protect so that the other generation can

Reflection understand the true essence of having a culture and how

culture connects us. Culture has an important role for each
of us and we need to understand it for us to grow and be
more knowledgeable.

Ethics Summary
Project in
Filipino cultural morality, especially that which concerns social ethics, centers
on ideally having a “smooth interpersonal relationship” (SIR) with other. Pakikisama is
having and maintaining “good public relations. Hiya it is described as a feeling of
lowliness, shame or embarrassment, and inhibition or shyness which is experienced as
somewhat distressing. Amor Propio is derived from the concept of „face.‟ Although
commonly translated as „self-respect‟ or „self-esteem‟, it has been characterized as the
high degree of sensitivity that makes a person intolerant to criticism and causes him or
her to have an easily wounded pride. Utang na Loob (debt of gratitude) is likewise a
fundamental aspect of upholding group harmony and relationships demand the
balancing of obligations and debt. Filipino Hospitality refers to the innate ability and
trait of Filipinos to be courteous and entertaining to their guests. Respect for Elders
Filipinos is not only respectful to elders, but always have unique ways of expressing
this respect. These include the use of “po” and “opo” when talking to elders and

These Filipino social values are important to maintain harmony in Filipino

relationships in social institutions. The SIR, together with Filipino “pakikipagkapwa-
tao,” has been deemed as a central core of essential cultural traits that form and define
an almost stereotypic Filipino character and moral behavior. Universal values are
formed by implied behavioral standards that are necessary to live in harmonious and
peaceful society. Universal values are acquired with the family education and school.
The Basic Universal Human Values function is to make for every human to realize or
maintain the very highest and most basic universal core values of life, love and
happiness. Peace has to be seen as a basic condition for freedom and happiness and
without peace there‟s no real freedom. Love is a feelings, experience, or deep
connectedness or oneness with any other human being. Freedom means the experience
of unrestricted and to be as much as possible independent of the social pressure of the
others. Safety is the free of threat, fear and survival-stress. Intelligence is the capacity
of logic, self-awareness, understanding, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning and
problem solving. Human Respect is the feeling of connectedness come out if our
perception, empathy, and awareness that the others are basically as we are ourselves.
Justice is the proper administration of the law; fair and equitable treatment of an
individuals under the law. Nature is our understanding our physical dependence of
nature, and our awareness of being part of it. Health defines by WHO (World Health
Organization) as being “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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