John Mark H. Calixto Bsoa 1-A
John Mark H. Calixto Bsoa 1-A
John Mark H. Calixto Bsoa 1-A
the wrong ones. Indeed, it is just a subject that I was required to take
but if you look and thoroughly understand it, you will definitely know
that it is applicable in real-life situation. Every topic in our every
discussion gives me the knowledge on how it affects me as person who
needs to know the value of the ethics in my life. The more you 1
understand it the more it you will be more knowledgeable. I can also
relate on the topics that we discussed like how my decision making
affects the other and how can I keep it right so that it will fair for
everyone. The subject ethics helps me to improve my ethical values,
and it is effective especially when you apply it in the real life situation.
It also affects the way I view every situation that happens in my life. 3
We as person need ethical values and ethics itself, for us to be more
aware on the things that come in our everyday life. Especially we are
living in the world where in some people forget to do the right and to 4
stop the bad practices. Me who knows a little bit of knowledge about
the ethics can help others to educate them the importance of it. Still I
want to grow more and to understand complex things in the world of
ethics. It also builds my good character and lessens my bad character. I
am so grateful to have a subject like this, because it genuinely helps me
and also my fellow classmates to understand the things that we are
doing in our every life. We as student must apply all the learning that
we had about our ethical values and ethics itself. 7
Some ethicist believes that ethics is also a matter of
emotion. They hold the moral judgment at their best
should also be emotional. Some hold that reason and
emotion are not really opposites. Both abstract
inference and emotional intuitions or instincts are seen
as having relative roles of ethical thinking. Emotion, it
Moral sentiments highlight the need for morality to be According to emotivism, utterances in ethics are not
based on sympathy for other people. Ethical fact-stating sentences, that is, they are used as a means
subjectivism is not about what things are good and of influencing others behavior. Thus the utterances
what things are bad. It does not tell how we should command equivalent to saying “Don‟t do that!” Moral
live or what moral norms we should practice. Iit is a sentences are used to express the speaker‟s attitude.
theory about the nature of moral judgments. Moral Ethics without feelings also appears to Christian
judgments are “truth bearers”. The theory therefore philosophy‟s emphasis of love, for love basically
proposes that when we say something is morally good, strong liking, desire or emotion. Our moral compasses
this means we approve of that thing. Emotivism is are also strongly influenced by the fleeting forces of
deemed invulnerable to many objections. This theory disgust, fondness, or fear. Humans don‟t have feelings
states moral judgment expresses positive or negative and rationale, and reason plays a vital role in ethics.
feelings. It is the most popular form of non- Moral truths are truth for reason that is moral
cognitivism, the meta-ethical theory that claims that judgment is true if it is espoused by better reasons than
ethical sentences do not convey authentic propositions. the alternatives.
A person‟s actions determine his/her moral character, but moral character itself 3
develops acts that help in achieving either virtue or vice. In the context
developing morally which also brings about self-realization and happiness,
acting in line with virtues is acting by reason. Virtuous traits of character ought
to be stable and enduring and are not mere products of fortune, but of learning, 4
constant practice, and cultivation. Greek philosopher said that, it takes someone
of good moral character to determine with regularity and reliability what
individual acts are appropriate and reasonable in a certain situation. Aristotle
also states that it is not easy to define in rules which acts deserve moral praise
and blame and that these matters require judgment of the virtuous person
someone with good moral. The American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg is
best known for his theory of stages of moral development. The Swiss clinical
psychologist Jean Piaget‟s theory of moral development but wanted to develop
ideas further. 7
Summary 1
Ethics is a set of beliefs about what is right and wrong
behavior within the society. Ethics or Moral Philosophy is a
branch of philosophy that includes systematizing and
recommending concepts about the right and wrong conduct.
And there are three major areas of study within the ethics and
the first one is the Meta Ethics which concern is the technical
1 8
meaning and reference of moral propositions, how their truth
values can be determined. Furthermore is the Normative Ethics
were in it is concern to the practical means of determining a
moral cause of action. And the last one is the Applied Ethics 2
that is concern on what a person is obligated or permitted to do
in a specific situation or a particular domain of action.
In ethics, ethical behavior defined as values driven, what
is considered ethical varies among moral reasoning and what is 3
considered ethical can vary across cultures. However Ethical
Dilemmas arise on test of personal ethics and values. People
have tendencies to rationalize unethical behaviors. In the stage
of moral development it has five stages on how the moral of a
person starts to develop. The first stage is the Infancy, where in 4
child only sense of right and wrong or what they feel good and 2
bad. The next stage is the Toddler Years, this were child learns
right and wrong from what she or he is told by the others. The
third stage is the Pre School years; the child begins to 5
internalize family values as his or her own and begins to
perceive the consequences of his or her behavior. The fourth 3
stage is the Ages 7-10 years where in the child begins to
question the infallibility of parents and the other adults, and
develops a strong sense of should and should not. The fifth and
the final stage in the moral development is the Pre-teen and 5
Teenage years, peers, rather than adults, become of ultimate
importance to the child who begins to try different values
systems to see which fits best, teens also become more aware of 7
and concerned with the longer society and begin to reason more
abstractly about the right and wrong.
The ethics and culture excerpt from universal declaration Ethics based on individuals tells that each individual
of human rights United Nations had five articles and the have equal political right, deserve to be treated fairly,
first is the Article 1 which tells that all human beings are have the right to live as they want as long as they do not
born free and equal in dignity and right. Article 18 states harm the right of others. A good society is one that treats
that everyone has the right to freedom of thought and individuals fairly and protects their rights. This requires
conscience and religion. Article 19 states that everyone efficient, non-corrupt government and business, a clean,
has the right to freedom of opinion and expressions. non-toxic environment.
Family and community require loyalty, honor friendship, The third stage is the principled where in valuing right of
humility self-sacrifice and clean non-toxic environment. others and upholding absolute values and rights
And a good individual has the qualities that promote regardless of majorities‟ opinion. However in individual
stable, long lasting relationships, families, communities. characteristics affecting ethical behaviors, Values is the
There are stages of moral development such as pre- basic educations about what is right or wrong on a broad
conventional, conventional and principled. range of issues.
different perspective on how we view the world. And for
me culture is very important because that‟s the only thing
that makes each of us diverse and yet we are still
Ethics Summary
Project in
Filipino cultural morality, especially that which concerns social ethics, centers
on ideally having a “smooth interpersonal relationship” (SIR) with other. Pakikisama is
having and maintaining “good public relations. Hiya it is described as a feeling of
lowliness, shame or embarrassment, and inhibition or shyness which is experienced as
somewhat distressing. Amor Propio is derived from the concept of „face.‟ Although
commonly translated as „self-respect‟ or „self-esteem‟, it has been characterized as the
high degree of sensitivity that makes a person intolerant to criticism and causes him or
her to have an easily wounded pride. Utang na Loob (debt of gratitude) is likewise a
fundamental aspect of upholding group harmony and relationships demand the
balancing of obligations and debt. Filipino Hospitality refers to the innate ability and
trait of Filipinos to be courteous and entertaining to their guests. Respect for Elders
Filipinos is not only respectful to elders, but always have unique ways of expressing
this respect. These include the use of “po” and “opo” when talking to elders and