Academic Course Description

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description

4. Academic Course Description

SRM University
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC1017 Digital Signal Processing
Fifth Semester, 2016-17 (odd semester)

Course (catalog) description: The purpose of this course is to introduce the concepts of Digital signal
processing and DSP Processor. The mathematical analysis of FIR and IIR filter design and simulation using
MATLAB are dealt with in detail.

Compulsory/Elective course: Compulsory for ECE students

Credit hours: 4 credits

Course coordinator(s)
Mrs. M. NeelaveniAmmal, Assistant Professor (Sr. G), Department of ECE

Name of the Office Phone (domain:
handlin Class Hours Consultation
instructor location Number @ktr.srmuniv.a
Mrs. M. Neelaveni Day2- 9th &10th hr
V sem/
TP12S4 9791194790 Day3- 3rd hr, neelaveni.m 12.45 -1.15PM
Ammal Batch1
Day4- 2nd hr
Day2- 9th &10th hr
Mr. S. Yuvaraj V sem/
TP1015 9789810237 Day3- 3rd hr, yuvaraj.s 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2nd hr
Mrs. D. Day2- 9th &10th hr
V sem/
TP1203A 8489332112 Day3- 3rd hr, Vijayalakshmi.d 12.45 -1.15PM
Vijayalakshmi Batch1
Day4- 2nd hr
Day2- 9th &10th hr
V sem/
Mrs.C.R.Umakumari TP1203A 9486963828 Day3- 3rd hr, Umakumari.c 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2nd hr
Mrs.S. Diana Day2- 9th &10th hr
V sem/ dianaemeralda
TP903A 9488463322 Day3- 3rd hr, 12.45 -1.15PM
Emerald Aasha Batch1 asha.s
Day4- 2nd hr
Day2- 4th &5th hr
Mrs. A. Vinnarasi V sem/
TP1003A 9840909572 Day3- 8rd hr, vinnarasi.a 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2nd hr
Mrs.S.Hannah Day2- 4th &5th hr
V sem/
Pauline TP1017 9443931596 Day3- 8rd hr, hannapauline.s 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2nd hr
Day2- 4th &5th hr
Mrs. Suganthi V sem/ suganthibrindh
TP1003A 8903987167 Day3- 8rd hr, 12.45 -1.15PM
Brindha. G Batch2 a.g
Day4- 2nd hr
Day2- 4th &5th hr
V sem/
Mr. K. Paldurai TP1206A 8973277670 Day3- 8rd hr, paldurai.k 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2nd hr
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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description
Name of the Office Phone (domain:
handlin Class Hours Consultation
instructor location Number @ktr.srmuniv.a
Day2- 4th &5th hr
Mrs. Gayathri. S. S. V sem/ Day3- 8rd hr,
TP1203A 7094911908 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2 hr
Day2- 4th &5th hr
Mrs. Vimala. C V sem/ Day3- 8rd hr, vimala.c
TP1306A 9894126387 12.45 -1.15PM
Day4- 2 hr

Relationship to other courses

Pre-requisites : EC1008- Signals and Systems
Assumed knowledge : The students will have a physics and mathematics background
obtained at a high school (or equivalent) level. In particular, working
knowledge of basic mathematics including differentiation and
integration techniques is assumed.

Following courses : EC1112- Digital Image Processing

Syllabus Contents
Unit-I: Review of discrete time signals and systems (9 hours)
Overview of signals and systems – DFT–FFT using DIT and DIF algorithms – Inverse DFT-FFT using DIT
and DIF algorithms – Applications – Circular convolution – MATLAB programs for DFT and FFT.

Unit-II: Design and implemention of IIR filters (9 hours)

Design of analog filters using Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations – IIR digital filter design from
analog filter using impulse invariance technique and bilinear transformations – Matlab programs for IIR
Unit-III: Design and implemention of FIR filters (9 hours)
Linear phase response- and -Design of Linear phase FIR filters - Fourier series method and frequency
sampling method - Design of Linear phase FIR filters using windows: Rectangular, Hanning and
Hamming windows- MATLAB program of FIR filters.

Unit-IV: Finite word length effects in digital filters (9 hours)

Fixed point arithmetic -effect of quantization of the input data due to Finite word length. - Product round
off - need for scaling- Zero input limit cycle oscillations- Limit cycle oscillations due to overflow of
adders - Table look up implementation to avoid multiplications.

Unit-V: Processor Fundamentals (9 hours)

Features of DSP processors - DSP processor packaging(Embodiments)- Fixed point Vs floating point DSP
processor data paths - Fixed point Vs floating point DSP processor data paths – pipelining - TMS320
family of DSPs (architecture of C5x)- Memory architecture of a DSP processor (Von Neumann - Harvard)
- Addressing modes.

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description
Text book(s) and/or required materials:

[1]. John. G. Proakis and Dimitris C. Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and
Applications," Pearson Education, Third edition 2006

[2].Sanjit Mitra, "Digital Signal Processing - "A Computer based approach", Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi,


[3].B.Venkataramani, M.Bhaskar, "Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and Application",

Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003

[4].M.H.Hayes, "Digital Signal Processing", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003

Computer usuage : MATLAB is used to facilitate analysis and design of Digital Filters.

Professional component
General - 0%
Basic Sciences - 0%
Engineering sciences & Technical arts - 0%
Professional subject - 100%

Broad area : Communication | Signal Processing | Electronics | VLSI | Embedded

Test Schedule

S. No. Test Portions Duration

1 Cycle Test-1 1 session to 13th
2 Periods

2 Cycle Test-2 14th session to 26th 2 Periods

3 Model Test 1st session to 45th 3 Hrs

Course objectives
Correlates to Program
The objectives of this course is to learn

1 .Structures of Discrete time signals and systems 1,2

2. Fast Fourier Transform Implementations, Frequency response and design of FIR and IIR 1,2,3

3.Finite word length effects in digital filters 2,3

4. DSP processor fundamentals –architecture and addressing modes 2,3,4

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description

Mapping of Instructional Objectives with Program Outcome

This course provides the education in Digital Filters analysis and designing Procedures. To know Correlates to
about the Finite word length Problems in Fixed and Floating point processors. It enable to learn the program
internal architecture of a DSP Processor and various addressing modes.. Through lecture, laboratory, outcome
and out-of-class assignments, students are provided learning experiences that enable them to
understand: H M L

1 .Structures of Discrete time signals and systems d j k

2. Fast Fourier Transform Implementations, Frequency response and design of FIR and IIR filters. a j k

3.Finite word length effects in digital filters b d -

4. DSP processor fundamentals –architecture and addressing modes b c d

H: high correlation, M: medium correlation, L: low correlation

Draft Lecture Schedule

Topics Solving Text / Chapter
1 Overview of signals and its types [1] chapter(s) – 1,2
Yes [2] chapter(s) - 2
Overview of systems and its types
2 DFT –FFT using DIT algorithm

Problems in DFT –FFT using DIT algorithm Yes [1] chapter(s) – 7.8
3 [2] chapter(s) – 3,6
Problems in IDFT –FFT using DIT algorithm Yes
4 DFT –FFT using DIF algorithm

Problems in IDFT –FFT using DIF algorithm Yes

5 Problems in DFT –FFT using DIF algorithm Yes [1] chapter(s) – 7.8
[2] chapter(s) – 3,6,8
6 Applications No

7 Circular Convolution Yes

Filtering long duration sequences-Overlap save Yes [1] chapter(s) – 9

8 method [2] chapter(s) – 6,11
And Overlap add method
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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description
Topics Solving Text / Chapter
9 MATLAB programs for DFT and FFT No

10 Design of analog filters using Butterworth No

[1] chapter(s) - 9
approximations-derivation for order N of LPF [2] chapter(s) – 7
11 Solve Problems for analog filter design Yes

Transformations technique-Impulse invariance and No

Bilinear Transformation Techniques.
Design Butterworth filters(LPF,HPF) using above Yes
Design of analog filters using Chebyshev No [1] chapter(s) - 9
14 [2] chapter(s) – 7
approximations-derivation for order N
15 Design problems for analog LPF Yes

Design chebyshev(LPF,HPF) using Impulse Yes

invariance method
Design chebyshev(LPF,HPF) using bilinear Yes
transformation method
18 MATLAB program of IIR Filter No

Linear phase response- and -Design of Linear No

phase FIR filters
Design techniques for FIR filters- Fourier series Yes
Design techniques for FIR filters- frequency No
sampling method [1] chapter(s) – 8
22 Yes [2] chapter(s) – 10
Design problems in frequency sampling method
FIR filters using windows: Rectangular for Yes
FIR filters using windows:Hanning for Yes
FIR filters using windows: Hamming for Yes

26 FIR filter design-problem solving No

27 Matlab programs FIR filters
Fixed point arithmetic -effect of quantization of No 1] chapter(s) - 10
28 [2] chapter(s) – 12
the input data due to Finite word length.
29 Product round off No

30 Need for scaling No

31 Zero input limit cycle oscillations
32 Problems in Zero input limit cycle oscillations Yes [1] chapter(s) - 10
[2] chapter(s) – 12
33 Limit cycle oscillations due to overflow of adders

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description
Topics Solving Text / Chapter
Table look up implementation to avoid
35&36 Solve problems
Features of DSP processors - DSP processor No
Fixed point Vs floating point DSP processor data Yes
40 pipelining
41&42 TMS320 family of DSPs (architecture of C5x). [3] chapter(s) – 2,3,4,5

Memory architecture of a DSP processor (Von No

Neumann - Harvard)
45 Addressing modes

Teaching Strategies
The teaching in this course aims at establishing a good fundamental understanding of the areas covered
 Formal face-to-face lectures
 Tutorials, which allow for exercises in problem solving and allow time for students to resolve
problems in understanding of lecture material.
 Laboratory sessions, which support the formal lecture material and also provide the student with
practical construction, measurement and debugging skills.
 Small periodic quizzes, to enable you to assess your understanding of the concepts.

Evaluation methods
Cycle Test – I - 10%
Cycle Test – II - 10%
Model Test - 20%
Attendance - 5%
Surprise Test - 5%
Final exam - 50%

Prepared by: Mrs. M. Neelaveni Ammal, Assistant Professor (Sr.G), Department of ECE

Dated: 30-06-2016

Revision No.: 00 Date of revision: NA Revised by: NA

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description

Course Teachers Class Signature

Mrs. M. Neelaveni Ammal V sem/ Batch1

Mr. S. Yuvaraj V sem/ Batch1

Mrs. D. Vijayalakshmi V sem/ Batch1

Mrs.C.R.Umakumari V sem/ Batch1

Mrs.S. Diana Emerald Aasha V sem/ Batch1

Mrs. A. Vinnarasi V sem/ Batch2

Mrs.S.Hannah Pauline
V sem/ Batch2

Mrs. Suganthi Brindha. G V sem/ Batch2

Mr. K. Paldurai V sem/ Batch2

Mrs. Gayathri. S. S. V sem/ Batch2

Mrs. Vimala. C V sem/ Batch2

Course Coordinator Academic Coordinator Professor In-Charge HOD

(Mrs. M. NeelaveniAmmal) (Mrs. R. Manohari) (Dr. Shanthi Prince) (Dr. T. Rama Rao)

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EC1017 Digital signal processing: Course Description


ABET Outcomes expected of graduates of B.Tech / ECE / program by the time that they graduate:
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Program Educational Objectives

1. To prepare students to compete for a successful career in Electronics and Communication Engineering
profession through global education standards.
2. To enable the students to aptly apply their acquired knowledge in basic sciences and mathematics in
solving Electronics and Communication Engineering problems.
3. To produce skillful graduates to analyze, design and develop a system/component/ process for the
required needs under the realistic constraints.
4. To train the students to approach ethically any multidisciplinary engineering challenges with economic,
environmental and social contexts
5. To create awareness among the students about the need for life long learning to succeed in their
professional career as Electronics and Communication Engineers.

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