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Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below: (Escolha a alternativa correta que
corresponde ao Verbo To be no passado)
1 - The money _____ on the desk last week. a) is b) was c) were
2 - We _____ together last night. a) are b) were c) was
3 - I _____ the one who told him the truth. a) did b) was c) were
4 - It _____ not a good idea to skip class. a) was b) were c) did
5 - We ______ not happy about his behavior. a) did b) were c) was
6 - My daughter’s teachers _____ not involved in her learning development. a) did b) were c) was
7 - He _____ short and had black hair. a) are b) was c) did
8 - Where ____ these photos taken? a) were b) was c) did
9 - _____ she looking for you? a) Did b) Was c) Were
10 - She _____ 20 years old when she moved to Orlando. a) is b) was c) were

2. Complete as lacunas abaixo com was ou were.

a) I ______ born in the USA.
b) ______ you tired?
c) ______ Daniel hungry?
d) Jack and Bob ______ good friends.
e) Mary ______ very happy.
f) Ryan ______ so cool.
g) John ______ at Jack’s house.
h) Vinicius and Marcus ______ sick two weeks ago.
i) ______ Bob and Samantha sleeping?

3. Complete com Was ou Were:

a) Maryann_______ my first girlfriend.
b) I _______ in Rio de Janeiro in February.
c) The cat _______ sick last week.
d) We ________ at your company last weekend.
e) They ________ on vacation last July.
f) I _______ a good english student.
g) She ______ very happy.
H) They_________in Boston last year.
I) Where_________ she yesterday?

4. Preencham os espaços em branco com a forma mais adequada do verbo "to be" no passado.
A. Jane_____________ helping her mother when I arrived there. (was, were)
B. You_____________ the most important person at that time. (was, were)
C. I____________ speaking badly of you. (wasn't, weren't)
D. We_____________ really worried about her. (was, were)
E. I think it____________ like I expected it to be. (wasn't, weren't)
F. Jane believes they____________ sleeping when it happened. (were, was)

1. Preencha as lacunas das frases com “regular verbs”.

a.I____________a good film yesterday.( to watch)

b.He ___________her friends last weekend. ( to visit)
c.They __________the violin at the party. ( to play)
d.They_____________hard last month.(to work)
e.You______________your living room very well!( to clean)
f.In the afternoon I ____________________along a lake. (to walk)
g.My cousin _____________the piano and I ____________the drinks.( to play/to prepare)
h.In the morning I _____________the birds and the sunset.( to watch)
I.On weekends we_______________parties.( to organize)

2. Analise o texto abaixo e retire

todos os verbos regulares ( regular
verbs). Escreva-os nas caixas de
texto ao lado.

3.Conjugue os verbos (to love e to

cry ) no past tense:

You You
He/She He/She
We We
You You
They They
4.Reescreva o texto abaixo substituindo os verbos grifados pelo passado. Também substitua a
expressão every day por yesterday. Obs:Letra legível)

Kevin arrives in his office at seven __________________________

o´clock every day. __________________________
He works from seven o´clock a.m. to
four o´clock p.m. and then he returns
home. He helps his wife in the kitchen
and after dinner they talk and watch
TV programs.
5.Complete as sentenças com o ”Simple Past Tense” dos verbos regulares, em seguida,
assinale na alternativa correta.

I ________my friend yesterday. ( to visit) a.( )visited b.( ) visitied

They_________a new restaurant last week. ( to open) a.( ) opened b.( ) oppened
The little boy_________your question. ( to answer) a.( ) answered b.( ) answerred
Jonas________very well yesterday. ( to dance) a.( ) danced b.( ) danceed
The children___________the new recreation center last week.(to visit) a.( )visited b.( )
You_________computer games yesterday. ( to play) a.( ) played b.( ) plaied
We________the new coffee shop.( to love) a.( )loved b.( ) loveed
My father ____________Canada at university. ( to study) a.( )studyed b.( ) studied

6.Complete a cruzadinha com os verbos regulares no passado em inglês.

1- Escolham a opção que melhor traduz os termos sublinhados a seguir.

1. Let's have some ice cream. A. Crème B. Suco C. Sorvete

2. Do you like pasta? A. Massas B. Ovo C. Carne
3. He doesn't eat cheese every day. A. Leite B. Queijo C. Frango
4. Do you want some tea? A. Café B. Chá C. Leite
5. I eat bread for breakfast. A. Pão B. Bolo C. Ovo
6. I like American pie. A. Pamonha B. Torta C. Bolo
7. Brazilians eat rice and beans every day.
A. Arroz com feijão B. Arroz com carne C. Feijão tropeiro
8. Water is good for your health. A. Suco B. Leite C. Água
9. Where are the potatoes? A. Batatas B. Ervilhas C. Alhos
10. I don't like beef. A. Carne de vaca B. Bife C. Carne de porco

Egg – ovo Figs – figo
Bread – pão Prunes – ameixa preta
Pasta – macarrão Guava – goiaba
Rice – arroz Cashew nut – caju
Cheese – queijo Coconut – coco
Meat – carne Vegetables = vegetais
Chicken – frango Tomato – tomate
Fish – peixe Potato – batata
Oil – óleo Pepper – pimentão
Butter – manteiga Beans – vagem ou feijão
Sugar – açúcar Peas – ervilha
Salt – sal Carrots – cenoura
Pepper - pimenta Cabbage – couve ou repolho
Fruits = frutas Broccoli – brócolis
Apple – maçã Cauliflower – couve-flor
Orange – laranja Garlic - alho
Lemon – limão Leeks – alho poró
Banana – banana Cucumbers – pepino
Tangerine – mexerica Corn – milho
Grapes – uvas Lettuce – alface
Pineapple – abacaxi Asparagus – aspargo
Pear – pêra Eggplant – beringela
Apricots – damasco Celery – aipo
Peaches – pêssego Onion – cebola
Strawberries – morango Drinks = bebidas
Raspberries – amora Water – água
Honeydew melon- melão Coffee – café
Avocado – abacate Tea – chá
Papaya – mamão Juice – suco
Mango – manga Milk – leite
Kiwi – kiwi Soda - refrigerante
Watermelon – melancia

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