Pattern Strabismus PDF
Pattern Strabismus PDF
Pattern Strabismus PDF
Figure 1 Preoperative (a) and postoperative (b) photographs of a patient who had Y pattern due to Brown syndrome, who underwent
superior oblique tenotomy.
Pattern strabismus, A pattern, V pattern
R Kekunnaya et al
have A esotropia and V exotropia, whereas patients with pattern strabismus and dissociated vertical deviation
antimongoloid slant have V esotropia and A exotropia.11 (DVD).
The ‘theory of sagittalisation of oblique muscles’ as a
cause of pattern strabismus was put forward by Gobin12
Could A pattern strabismus be a special form of skew
According to this theory, reduction in angle between
visual axis and muscle axis results in cyclophoria that is
compensated by contraction of respective cyclovertical Donahue and Itharat17 reported 13 cases of A pattern
muscles, thereby resulting in overelevation or strabismus with neurologic abnormalities like
overdepression in adduction. hydrocephalus, spina bifida, perinatal stroke, and global
Pseudoparalysis of superior oblique and V pattern developmental delay. In all, 11 out of 13 patients had no
may be seen in plagiocephaly owing to shallow orbit on difference in vertical misalignment during right and left
affected side.13 Similarly pseudo A pattern may be seen head tilts. Hence, they proposed that in A pattern
in patients with hydrocephalus.8 strabismus, damage to utricular pathways resulted in
decrease in anterior semicircular canal input and increase
Abnormalilties of extraocular muscle (EOM) pulleys in posterior semicircular canal input that causes
increased bilateral depressor tonus of superior oblique
EOM pulleys are condensations of posterior tenon’s
and inferior rectus muscles. However, the superior
capsule composed of collagen, elastin, and smooth
oblique muscle is an incyclotorter and the inferior rectus
muscles, which act as the functional origin of EOMs.
muscle is an excyclotorter, which should nullify the
Muscle pulleys are thought to minimize sideslip relative
torsion effects of each other when there is an increase in
to orbit during globe rotations. Clark et al14 have studied
bilateral depressor tonus.
EOM pulley positions using high-resolution MRI. They
have shown that small mislocations (o2 mm) of rectus
muscle pulleys can result in incomitance in vertical gaze. Ocular torsion as a cause of pattern strabismus
They found inferior displacement of the lateral rectus
Association of excyclotorsion with V pattern and
pulley is associated with apparent overelevation in
incyclotorsion with A pattern was first reported by
adduction, whereas superior displacement of the same
Piper18 in 1963. Weiss19 used campimetric measurements
causing apparent overdepression in adduction. They
of position of blind spot to confirm ocular torsion. He
concluded that pulley heterotopy can itself cause
postulated that apparent rotation of insertion of rectus
incomitance without dysfunctional oblique muscles,
muscles due to excyclotorsion of the globe is the
hence resulting in A or V pattern strabismus.
etiological factor for pattern strabismus. For example, if a
patient has a V pattern with inferior oblique muscle
Neural mechanisms
overaction, each eye will be extorted. This will rotate the
Several neural mechanisms have been proposed to insertions of the rectus muscles counterclockwise in the
explain pattern strabismus. Miller and Guyton15 studied right eye and clockwise in the left eye. An abducting
pre- and postoperative courses of patients who were force will be created from superior rectus in upgaze and
overcorrected after surgery for intermittent exotropia. adducting force from inferior oblique in downgaze,
About 43% patients with consecutive esotropia, vs only which will result in a V pattern. In addition, the medial
5% controls, developed A or V pattern strabismus at 28 rectus muscle acts like a partial elevator and lateral
months after surgery. The authors say that loss of rectus muscle acts like a partial depressor in abduction,
fusional control leads to torsional drift, which is similar which will exacerbate the V pattern. This complex action
to exotropic drift seen in sensory strabismus. Torsional of all EOMs was also supported by an investigation
drift may cause altered vector forces of vertical rectus conducted by Kushner20
muscles, which may lead to pattern strabismus. Guyton21 proposed that loss of fusion predisposes the
Abnormal supranuclear circuits have been postulated oculomotor system to cyclodeviations of the eyes, which
as one of the neural causes for pattern strabismus. In an in turn causes A and V patterns according to the
animal study, Das and Mustari16 have studied burst mechanism proposed by Weiss. Ocular torsion has been
neuron activity from oculomotor nucleus in three attributed as a major etiological factor for pattern
juvenile rhesus monkeys with A pattern exotropia as strabismus by the author. He also introduced the term
they performed horizontal or vertical smooth pursuit sensory torsion.22 Similarly, Miller and Guyton15 showed
during monocular viewing. The authors concluded that occurrence of sensory torsion in patients with subnormal
in animal models with sensory-induced strabismus, binocularity resulting in alteration of vector forces of
innervation to EOMs from motor nuclei produce the horizontal rectus muscles, which in turn results in
inappropriate cross-axis eye movements, resulting in pattern strabismus.
Pattern strabismus, A pattern, V pattern
R Kekunnaya et al
Fundus torsion is also described as a marker for palsy and extorsion in a study conducted by Clark et al.28
subsequent development of inferior oblique overaction in However, there was no displacement of other EOM
cases of infantile esotropia by Eustis and Nussdorf.23 The pulleys that suggests torsion may not be the primary
authors say that inferior oblique overaction developed in cause of pulley heterotopy.28
every child who showed fundus extorsion and it is
suggestive of a 100% positive predicitve value for the same.
Surgical implications
Good correlations were found between fundus
intorsion, superior oblique muscle overaction, and A It is important to correct pattern deviations along with
patterns; and between fundus extorsion, inferior oblique correction of horizontal deviations if it is clinically
muscle overaction, and V patterns in a study conducted significant.
by Deng et al.24 The authors also say that correlations Apart from measurement of deviation in all diagnostic
increased in the absence of stereopsis. positions of gazes, workup of patient should also include
Early onset strabismus may lead to sensorial measurement of vertical deviation (hyper/hypotropia in
adapatations such as suppression, cylcofusion, or adduction) and careful search for the muscle insertion
anomalous retinal correspondence that may not reveal any during slit lamp examination. Accomodative esotropia
torsion on subjective methods of assessment. Correlation and increased AC/A ratio may simulate pseudo V
between subjective and objective torsion was studied by pattern. Imaging of the orbit may be considered in
Kushner and Hariharan25 and the authors claim that better selected cases where pattern cannot be attributed to any
correlation exists in patients with late onset strabismus or of the ocular motility findings and also in unusual cases.
with good stereopsis. They also observed that patients with The most popular surgical modalities to treat pattern
early onset strabismus with absent binocularity may not strabismus include weakening of oblique muscles and
experience subjective torsion.25 vertical transpositions of horizontal muscles. Other
An experimental study published by Kushner26 surgical modalities described in literature are insertion
evaluated whether ocular torsion is a primary factor for slanting procedures and horizontal transposition of
the development of pattern strabismus, or is just a vertical rectus muscles. Introperatively, one may inspect
contributing factor. He studied trajectory of eye the course of horizontal rectus muscle course, which may
movements in five patients with oblique muscle provide additional clues for the surgical management.
overaction and found that for all five patients elevation
or depression of the eye was curvilinear as the eye was
Oblique muscle surgery
moved from abduction to adduction owing to primary
oblique muscle overaction. The second investigation was When vertical deviation is greatest in adduction
on two patients with unilateral superior oblique palsy (overelevation in adduction), primary oblique muscle
who underwent Harada–Ito procedure for torsional overaction could be the commonest cause. Primary
diplopia, which was abolished after surgery. However, inferior oblique overaction is usually associated with V
patients persisted to have significant inferior oblique pattern and extorsion. Similarly, primary superior
overaction. The third investigation quantified increase in oblique muscle overaction is associated with A pattern
fundus torsion after horizontal muscle transposition for and intortion. The amount of anatomic torsion usually
pattern strabismus in five patients whereas the pattern correlates with the amount of oblique muscle overaction.
collapsed after surgery. The mean increase in fundus Ocular torsion is said to be a more reliable indicator of
torsion was 6.41 with a range of 5–71. Hence the authors oblique muscle overaction than versions.29
concluded that ocular torsion may not be the primary Oblique muscle weakening is appropriate in cases of
etiological factor for pattern strabismus. pattern deviations with oblique muscle overaction as it
Sharma et al27 studied pre- and postoperative torsion decreases torsion, which may contribute to the pattern.29
subjectively by synoptophore and objectively by fundus Primary position deviation does not get affected by
photography in 21 patients who underwent monocular surgery on oblique muscle. Hence, horizontal muscle
surgery with horizontal rectus transposition for pattern surgery should be planned according to horizontal
strabismus. They also demonstrated worsening of torsion deviation in primary position. Thus, V esotropia or
as well as occurrence of new onset torsion after exotropia with overelevation in adduction requires
horizontal muscle surgery. inferior oblique weakening with horizontal muscle
It has been argued that ocular torsion may lead to surgery. Similarly, horizontal muscle surgery with
heterotopy of orbital pulleys and displacement of pulleys posterior tenotomy of superior oblique can be done for A
may result in altered vector forces in the presence of pattern with overdepression in abduction. The decision
cyclotorsion.22 Upward displacement of medial rectus of posterior tenotomy can be titrated based on forced
pulley alone was found in patients with superior oblique traction test for superior oblique.
Pattern strabismus, A pattern, V pattern
R Kekunnaya et al
The various weakening procedures available for inferior horizontal muscle is transposed, its primary action is
oblique are recession, myectomy and anterior decreased while it gains a new action in the direction of
transposition. Anterior transposition is preferred in the transposition. Thus when a medial rectus muscle is
presence of a DVD or in very severe overaction. The shifted downwards it gains a depressor action, which is
choice between myectomy and recession varies between maximum in the downgaze and less in the upgaze
surgeons. Most of these procedures reduce the exotropia (Figures 2a and b). The anticipated decrease in the
and increase esotropia in upgaze to an extent of 15–25 PD. horizontal action of the muscle determines the direction
Many surgeons prefer posterior tenotomy of superior of the transposition of the muscle. Thus, the insertion of a
oblique muscle as it preserves the anterior fibers that are muscle should be moved in the direction in which it is
responsible for intorsion and thereby prevents unwanted desirable to most decrease its horizontal action and in the
postoperative cyclotorsion, especially in patients with direction opposite that in which one wishes its horizontal
good fusion. action to be more effective. Hence in the case of a V
A study by Yu et al30 compared fundus extorsion before esotropia, an inferior transposition of the medial rectus
and after inferior oblique myectomy using fundus corrects increase in the horizontal deviation in
photography combined with horizontal muscle surgery downgaze. Table 2 shows various types of pattern
for horizontal deviations. They found significant strabismus and possible combination of surgeries for the
reduction in excyclotorsion after inferior oblique treatment and Figure 3 shows direction of transposition
myectomy. Similarly, Wu et al31 showed significant of horizontal rectus muscles.
reduction in intorsion after weakening of superior oblique. Kushner,32 in a retrospective case series, illustrated
occurrence of ocular torsion after transposition of
horizontal muscles for pattern strabismus in three
Vertical offset of horizontal rectus muscles
patients and development of pattern strabismus after
In cases where the oblique muscles are not overacting, vertical rectus transposition for ocular torsion in five
transposition of horizontal rectus muscles is another patients. Hence, he states that horizontal muscle
effective surgery to collapse pattern strabismus. When a transposition surgery can have adverse effect on torsion
Figure 2 Preoperative (a) and postoperative (b) photographs of a patient who had A esotropia, who underwent bilateral medial
rectus recession with superior transposition.
Pattern strabismus, A pattern, V pattern
R Kekunnaya et al
Pattern Surgery
V esotropia/exotropia with inferior oblique overaction Horizontal muscle surgery with inferior oblique weakening
A esotropia/exotropia with superior oblique overaction Horizontal muscle surgery with Superior oblique weakening
V esotropia without oblique muscle overaction Bimedial recession with downshift
V exotropia without oblique muscle overaction Bilateral lateral rectus recession with upshift
A esotropia without oblique muscle overaction Bimedial recession with upshift
A exotropia without oblique muscle overaction Bilateral lateral rectus recession with downshift
MR MR In conclusion, pattern strabismus is a relatively common
condition. The exact pathophysiology behind occurrence
of pattern strabismus is still an enigma. In most cases
LR where an associated oblique overaction can be clinically
determined, it may be believed to be causative. Careful
Figure 3 Direction of transposition of horizontal rectus
attention should be paid to associated craniofacial
abnormality or orbital asymmetry, which may be
contributory in specific cases. Table 2 summarizes the
if it is done for pattern and vice versa. As five out of
possible surgical options. Although many options are
eight patients had Grave’s orbitopathy, the author
described, surgical management depends on presence or
hypothesizes that torsion or alphabet pattern could have
absence of oblique overaction. However, in the author’s
been more owing to tight muscles. Also, patients who
experience, weakening of oblique muscles usually gives
underwent surgery for torsion had bilateral surgery,
satisfactory results in cases of oblique muscle overaction
which could be having an added effect on the
with pattern strabismus.
development of torsion.
A monocular recession/resection procedure with
Conflict of interest
vertical transposition is also commonly practiced for
pattern strabismus. Worsening of existing torsion or The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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