Soal 2019 UNSRI

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A woman- 23 years old come to hospital with chief complaint in RE :

decreased vision and pain in her right eye. In RE examination founded TIOD:
30mmHg, with gonioscopy outcome PAS (+) extend anterior to schwalbe’s
line. The diagnosis from the patients is:
A. ICE syndrome
B. Neovascular glaucoma
C. Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy
D. Chandler syndrome
E. Cogan reese syndrome
Answer : B, AAO 10 2014-2015 p124
2. A woman, 65 years old come with chief complaint in the left eye are history of
poor vision and sudden of pain. In examination in left eye founded
hypermature cataract with IOP 35 mmHg, corneal edema, cell and flare
without keratic precipitates and open anterior chamber angle. What the
diagnosis of the patient?
a. lens particle glaucoma
b. phacolytic glaucoma
c. phacoanaphylaxis glaucoma
d. phacomorphic glaucoma
e. exfoliation syndrome
Answer : B, AAO 10 2014-2015 p90

3. A woman- 45 years old come to RSMH with chief complaint in LE :ocular pain
, headache, blurred vision, and rainbow colour the light with nausea and
vomiting. From the examination founded TIOS 45 mmHg, the gonioscopy
ODS closure angle, the cornea edema (+), shallow COA (+) and the pupil
dilated. What the diagnosis the case above??
a. acute primary angle closure
b. chronic angle closure
c. intermittent angle closure
d. primary open angle
e. normal tension glaucoma
Answer : D, AAO 10 2014-2015 p100

4. A 60 years old man came to rsmh with chief complain pain and blured vision
in RE, recurrent red eye (+). History of cataract surgery 1 years ago in RE .
VOD: 1/300, tiod: 30,4 mmhg, from slitlamp examination found malpositioned
anterior chamber IOL, hyphemas and secondary iris neovascularization.
What diagnose for this patient?
a. Neovasccular glaucoma
b. Phacoantigenic glaucoma
c. Pigmentary glaucoma
d. Exfoliation syndrome
e. Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphemia
Answer: E, aao

5. A 55 years old man come to rsmh with chief complain worsening vision,pain
and red in RE since 5 days ago, VOD: 1/300 TIOD: 35,8 mmhg. From
slitlamp examination found conjungtival hyperemia,microcystic corneal, cell
and flare without keratic precipitate, wrinkle & intact lens capsule. From
gonioscapy examination open anterior chamber angle.what diagnose for this
a. Phacolytic glaucoma
b. Pigmentary glaucoma
c. Exfoliation syndrome
d. Phacomorfic glaucoma
e. Uveitis- glaucoma- hyphemia
Answer: A, aao 10 2011-2012,p 108)

6. A 55 years old man come to rsmh with chief complain worsening vision,pain
and red in RE since 5 days ago, VOD: 1/300 TIOD: 35,8 mmhg. From
slitlamp examination found conjungtival hyperemia,microcystic corneal, cell
and flare without keratic precipitate, wrinkle & intact lens capsule. From
gonioscapy examination open anterior chamber angle. If this patient do
trabeculectomy, what is the late complication of filtering surgery?
A. hyphema
B. hipotony
C. cystoid macular edema
D. persisten uveitis
E. blebitis
Answer : E, aao 10 2011-2012,p 203

7. A woman 48 years old came to eye policlinic with main complain headache
and sometime seen like the rainbow since 3 month ago. The examination
found VOD 6/12 PH(-) VOS 6/6. TIODS 25,8 mmHg and TIOS 15,6 mmHg.
Radius curvature cornea and diameter cornea is small USG: axial length 20
mm , COA depth 2,0 mm.Visual field loss, glaucomatous optic nerve
damaged and PAS are present.
The possible diagnosis for this patient is
a. Primary open angle glaucoma
b. Primary congenital glaucoma
c. Primary angle closure glaucoma
d. Pigmentary glaucoma
e. Secondary angle closure glaucoma
Jawaban : C (AAO section 10, 2014-2015, p.114)
8. An 30 year old white male with myopia in both eye. The examination revealy
an IOP of 19 with krukenberg spindle and mid peripheral iris transillumination
The most likely diagnosis is :
A. Extoliatin Syndrome
B. Pigmentary glaucoma
C. Phacoanaphy laxis
D. ICE syndrome
E. Phacolytic glaucoma
Answer : B AAO 2011-2012 p87
9. Seorang wanita 45 tahun dengan riwayat hipertensi dan diabetes tipe 2
selama 10 tahun datang dengan keluhan penglihatan buram. Pada
pemeriksaan didapatkan VOD 2/60 TIO OD 13, OS 10 mmHg, terdapat
katarak imatur ODS, sudut bilik mata depan terbuka. Pada funduskopi
didapatkan deep, focal notching, pada neuroretinal rim inferior ODS terdapat
perdarahan spinter pada diskus kiri.
Faktor risiko keadaan diatas adalah..
a. Vasospastik disorder
b. Raynaud phenomenon
c. High myopia
d. Penyakit vaskular iskemik
e. Penyakit autoimun
Jawaban : C (AAO section 10, 2014-2015, p.79)
10. A 62 yo woman has been taking anti glaucoma eye drop for the past 2 years.
The pressures in both eyes measure 18 mmHg. Examination reveals the
presence of hypertrichosis.

What medication is she likely to be on?

a. Pilocarpine
b. Timolol
c. Dorzolamide
d. Brimonidine
e. Latanoprost

Jawaban: E (AAO 2014-2015, Section 10 hal 162)

11. Anak laki-laki berumur 4 tahun datang dengan keluhan gatal pada kedua
matanya. Kejadian ini dirasakan berulang pada waktu tertentu. Pada
pemeriksaan oftalmologis didapatkan adanya epifora, hiperemis, dan nodul putih
didaerah superior limbus. Diagnosis pada pasien ini adalah?
a. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
b. Vernal keratokonjunctivitis
c. Atopic keratokonjunctivitis
d. Viral conjunctivitis
e. Bacterial conjunctivitis
(jawaban: B. AAO 6. Pg.198)

12. An 52 y.o woman, complain about burning with foreign-body sensation on both
eyes since 2 years ago. She has filmy vision and history of recurrent chalazia.
She's been taking anticoagulants medication for this past 5 years. Her BCVA is
20/20 on both eyes. On ophthalmologic examination reveal hyperemic eyelid with
foamy tear, papillary reaction on the inferior tarsus, marginal epithelial and
subepithelial infiltrates with corneal neovascularization. Which is the best
management for this patient ?
a. Short period of topical nonpreserved corticosteroid
b. Tetracycline 250 mg orally, every 6 hours for the first 3 – 4 weeks
c. Lower and upper punctual occlusion
d. Minocycline 100 mg, every 12 hours for the first 3 – 4 weeks
e. Topical retinoid acid ointment, every 12 hours

13. A 44 year old woman with occasionally blurred vision, filmy vision, burning and
foreign body sensation. Redness of posterior eyelid and conjunctiva, teleangiectasis
blood vessels of lid margin. White plug of kerato protein on lid magin.

This case, need examination for screening is:

A. Anel test
B. Aesthesiometry
C. Tear meniscus and BUT
D. Ferning test
E. Impression cytology
Jawaban : C

14. A 11 year old boy, with chronic hepatitis, muscular rigidity and Parkinson. Rised
SGOT and SGPT, low serum ceruloplasmin.

Direct illumination slit lamp examnation will be seen:

A. Stocker’s line
B. Coat white ring
C. Band keratopathy
D. Fleischer ring
E. Kayser Fleischer ring
Jawaban : E

15. Seorang wanita umur 40 tahun. Mengeluh sering mengalami mata kanan dan
kiri merah sejak 2 tahun terakhir. Nyeri dirasakan jika mata merah, tetapi akan
sembuh sendiri beberapa saat kemudian. Biasanya mata kanan lebih parah.
Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan hipertrofi papiler dan hiperemia pada
conjungtiva palpebra superior. Disamping itu ditemukan filament dilimbus
bagian superior. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut akan didapatkan:
A. Banyak sel epitel yang mengalami keratinisasi
B. Banyak sel Leber (sel epiteloid)
C. Banyak sel plasma dan makrofag
D. Halberstaedler-Prowazek
E. Hilangnya sel Goblet dan terdapat piknosis inti sel (snake nuclei)

Jawaban : E
16. Sehabis berkemah di musim panas, beberapa murid SD menderita batuk
pilek disertai mata merah pada kedua mata. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan
hyperemia folikuler konjungtiva disertai keratitis epitel. Pada beberapa anak
ditemukan khemosis konjungtiva dan perdarahan subkonjungtiva. Tetapi
tidak didapatkan membran ataupun pseudomembran pada murid-murid
tersebut. Mana pernyataan yang benar
A. Dengan pengobatan yang adekuat, penderita akan mengalami
jaringan parut
B. Sembuh sendiri tanpa pengobatan bila daya tahan penderita cukup
C. Perlu diberikan steroid topikal
D. Perlu diberikan anti inflamasi non steroid topikal
E. Perlu diberikan cidofovir topikal

Jawaban : B

17. Seorang ibu 27 tahun mengeluh kedua kelopak mata gatal sejak 6 bulan
terakhir. Pada pemeriksaan terdapat kemerahan dan bengkak pada palpebra
disertai krusta dengan kulit berminyak. Penderita menderita ketombe pada
rambut dikepalanya beberapa tahun terakhir. Kadang-kadang penderita
mengeluh ngeres.
Pengobatan yang dianjurkan adalah :
A. Ekstirpasi krusta
B. Elektro epilasi cilia mata
C. Keramas dengan “Coal tar based shampoo”, kompres hangat dan
memijat palpebra superior
D. Keramas dengan shampoo bayi dan kompres dingin palpebra
E. Keramas dengan shampoo khusus anti rambut berminyak

Jawaban : C

18. Seorang petani laki-laki 50 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kanan merah,
nyeri, berair, dan silau sudah 2 bulan. Pada pemeriksaan didapat hiperemia
konjungtiva dan perikornea terutama pada bagian temporal. Ulkus kornea
tampak pada jam 1 sampai jam 5 pada bagian perifer, disertai
neovaskularisasi. Tidak didapatkan hipopion. Tidak jelas adanya riwayat
penyakit sistemik. Penderita sudah ke beberapa dokter mata didaerahnya,
tetapi belum sembuh.
Diagnosis penderita ini adalah:
A. Ulkus kornea karena virus
B. Ulkus Mooren
C. Ulkus kornea perifer yang berhubungan dengan penyakit imun
D. Ulkus kornea karena jamur
E. Ulkus kornea karena bakteri
Jawaban : B

19. Terapi yang tepat untuk penderita diatas adalah:

A. Kortikosteroid topikal, lensa kontak, eksisi konjungtiva pada daerah
B. Antibiotika topikal, bila sudah tenang keratoplasti
C. Anti virus topikal, kortikosteroid topical, dan lensa kontak
D. Siklosporin topikal dan antibiotika sistemik
E. Antibiotika topikal dan kortikosteroid sistemik
Jawaban : A

20. Seorang anak perempuan 3 tahun dibawa ibunya ke klinik, dengan keluhan
anaknya sering tersandung dan terbentur pada saat sore hari serta sering
mengucek matanya. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan keratinisasi pada
konjungtiva bagian interpalpebra.
Terapi pada penderita ini adalah:
A. Tetrasiklin topikal selama 2 bulan ditambah air mata buatan
B. Suplemen vitamin A, kalori dan protein serta air mata buatan
C. Eritromisin salep mata dan air mata buatan
D. Siprofloksasin tetes mata
E. Asam fusidat tetes mata
Jawaban : B

21. In the funduscopy examination can find multiple inferior peripheral punched-
out chorioretinal lesions, that they share a similar immunopathogenesis
with :
B. Sarcoidosis
Answer: C

Man 22 yo, comes with painful vesicular dermatitis on the right eye, including
nasociliary, frontal and lacrimal branches. The clinical diagnosis is HZO, and some
ophthalmic complication can occur, and of that is ARN,
22. In this case, we must carefully for immunocompromised patients, including
those with AIDS, because:
A. Young man
B. Defecting three branches of nerve
C. Cause by HZO
D. Ophthalmic complication such as ARN
E. No suggestion, for immunocompetent patient.
Answer: A

23. Laboratories finding for this patient, CD 4 T lymphocytes 25 cells/µl, fundus

examination for ARN its important differential considerations including CMV
Retinitis, toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, retinal vasculitis such as Adamantiades
Behcet disease. When diagnosis is uncertain, intraocular fluid analysis of
aqueous and or vitreous should be performed, used of:
A. Goldmann-Witmer coefficient
C. Radioimmunoassay
E. Retinal Biopsy
Answer: D

24. American Uveitis Society Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Retinal Necrosis
Syndrome is:
A. One or more foci of retinal necrosis with discrete borders, located in the
central retina
B. Rapid progression in the antiviral therapy
C. centripetal spread
D. occlusive vasculopathy with arteriolar involvement
E. prominent vitritis with no anterior chamber inflammation
Answer: D

25. A 60-year old woman came to our hospital with chief complain of droppy upper eyelid on her
right eye since 2 years ago. No visual disturbance was found, but she felt difficult to read a
book. Right eye : MRD1 1 mm and MRD2 5 mm, levator function 9 mm, upper eyelid crease
was higher than the fellow eye’s. Left eye : MRD 1 4 mm and MRD2 6 mm, levator function 13
mm. Both ocular movement and pupil was in normal limit. There was no trauma and ocular
surgery before.
The diagnosis of this case is …………… .
a. Myogenic ptosis on right eye.
b. Mechanical ptosis on right eye.
c. Traumatic ptosis on right eye.
d. Neurogenic ptosis on right eye.
e. Aponeurotic ptosis on right eye

Answer : E
26. The appropriate management of this case is ……………….
a. Fasanella-Servat procedure
b. Levator resection
c. Observation
d. Frontalis suspension surgery

Answer : B
27. . Sixth months after repair of a orbital floor blow out fracture in the right orbit, the patient
shown has vertical diplopia when he tries to read. He demonstrated 2∆ right hiperphoria in
primary position but a 25∆ right hypertropia in down gaze. Limitation of depression of the
right eye after blow out fracture in down gaze.

The most suitable procedure for the patient is:

A. a Faden procedure
B. a right Harado Ito procedure
C. recession of the contralateral inferior rectus with or without an adjustable suture
D. recession of the ipsilateral inferior rectus with an adjustable suture
E. recession of the ipsilateral inferior rectus without an adjustable suture
Answer : C

28. A woman 49 years old came to eye policlinic, she was consulted from dermatology
and venereal department with main complain the LE not close since 2 last years with
superior eyelid returning out of eye. Previously she was suffered leprosy desease. The LE
often watering eye and not balmy. Poor blinking. History of diabetic retinopati (-), history
of hipertensi (-) and history of using spectacle (-). Visual acuity in RE 6/6 and LE 6/20. In
anterior segment LE was found lid retraction (+), scleral show (+) and posterior segment
in normal limit. What is diagnose of this case?
a. Cicatricial entropion
b. Ptosis neurogenic
c. Lagoftalmus with paralytic ectropion
d. Cicatricial ectropion
e. Congenital ectropion
Answer : C

29. A 35-year-old patient come to the emergency room. He is struck over the left eye.
The radiography shows a fracture of the orbital floor.
Which one of the following bones orbita that contain of orbital floor?
a. Frontal, maxilla, palatine
b. Frontal, maxilla, orbital plate of zygomatic
c. Sphenoid, frontal, maxilla
d. Maxilla, palatine, orbital plate of zygomatic
e. Ethmoidal, maxilla, palatine
Answer D

30. A 65-year-old woman presents in your office with chief complaint disability in opening
the right eyelid. After examination, the diagnosis of this patient is ptosis.
Which of the following muscle is the most elevates the upper eye lid?
a. M. Levator palpebra
b. M. Rectus superior
c. M. Obliqus superior
d. M. Sfingter pupillae
e. M. Orbicularis Oculi

31. Seorang wanita, 56 tahun mengalami ptosis kelopak mata kanan sebesar 4 mm dan 1 mm
retraksi kelopak mata kiri atas. Dia mempunyai lid crease yang tinggi dan fungsi levatornya
baik pada kedua mata. Pilihan terapinya adalah :
a. Reseksi tarsoconjungtiva interna (Fasanella –Servat operation) pada kelopak atas
mata kanan
b. Resesi levator kelopak atas mata kiri
c. Levator aponeurosis advancement pada kelopak atas mata kanan
d. Pendekatan posterior, menggunakan mullerectomy standad pada kelopak atas mata
e. Suspensi otot frontalis pada kelopak atas mata kanan menggunakan silikon agar dapat
dinilai kembali paska operasi

Jawab : C

32. Which of the following statement about accomodative esotropia is not true

a. Onset between 6 month and 7 years

b. Ussualy intermitten at onset
c. Often herediter
d. Not asssocited with ambliopia
e. Diplopia may occur in older children

Answer : D

33. Seorang anak usia 5 tahun, dengan tajam penglihatan 6/6 pada kedua mata, pada
pemeriksaan ditemukan 30 PD XT pada posisi primer, upgaze 50 PD XT dan saat
downgaze 10 PD XT, inferior oblique overaction pada kedua mata, dengan kontrol fusi
buruk. Pembedahan yang dapat dipertimbangkan pada kasus ini adalah:
a. Recess rektus lateral pada kedua mata
b. Recess rektus lateral dengan infraplacement pada kedua mata.
c. Recess rektus lateral dengan supraplacement pada kedua mata.
d. Recess rektus lateral dengan inferior oblique anteriorization pada kedua
e. Recess rectus lateral dengan inferior oblique anteriorization dan supraplacement
pada kedua mata.

34. The parents of a 12 year-old girl notice that one of her daughter’s eye turns outward
some of the time. She is otherwise very well and developmentally normal for her age. Her
visual acuity was 20/20 for both eyes. Prism cover test reveals a deviation of 20 PD for
near and 40 PD for distance. After occlusion test, prism cover test reveals deviation of 20
PD for near and 30 PD for distance. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Basic type intermitten exotropia
b. Convergence insufficiency intermitten exotropia
c. Convergence excess intermitten exotropia
d. True divergence excess intermitten exotropia
e. Simulated divergence excess intermitten exotropia

35. Which of the following is true about divergence excess exotropia :

a. Surgery management was planned as soon as possible because the deviation
for distance was not cosmetically acceptable
b. The prognosis was poor because no fusion mechanism can be found
c. Lack of accomodation was the main cause of this condition
d. Convergence exercises were recommended to improve the binocular
e. Further management was not planned and the child remain under observation

36. A patient is found to have A pattern exotropia with a compensatory head posture. The
most likely head posture is :
a. Chin up
b. Chin down
c. Right head tilt
d. Right face tilt
e. Left face tilt

37. A 6-year-old came with his mother to ophthalmologist complaining asymmetrical in

both eyes. Hirschberg test on left eye showed light reflex in the mid-iris region. VOD:
1.0. VOS: 0.4 with +2.00 D spheric lens. Anterior and posterior segments are within
normal limit.
The most likely complication to occur is:
a. Muscles contraction
b. Aniseiconia
c. Anisometropia
d. Amblyopia
e. Anophthalmia

Answer: d
38. The treatment for patient in the case above is:
a. Immediately surgical correction
b. Observation
c. Long-acting cholinesterase
d. Right eye occlusion
e. Full-time wear of full hyperopia correction

39. A 6-year-old girl with her father came to the eye hospital with chief complain inward
deviation in her both eyes. VOD and VOS 1.0. Hirschberg test on both eyes showed light
reflex in pupillary nasal margin. Cover test revealed no movement. Psterior segment is
within normal limit. The diagnosis:
a. Exophoria
b. Esophoria
c. Pseudoexotropia
d. Pseudoesotropia
e. Ortophoria

40. In the case above, the condition may result from:

a. Negative angle kappa
b. Negative angle kappa together with ocular abnormalities
c. Positive angle kappa
d. Positive angle kappa together with ocular abnormalities
e. Narrow interpupillary distance

Answer: c

41. A woman came to clinic complaining her 3-year-old boy has outward deviation in left
eye, especially during times of visual inattention, angry or illness. Cover test revealed
manifest exotropia and patient resumes fusion rapidly. The diagnosis:
a. Exophoria
b. Esotropia
c. Intermittent exotropia
d. Pseudoexotropia
e. Pseudoesotropia

Answer: c

42. Nonsurgical management for patient in the case above:

a. Correction of even mild myopia
b. Mild to moderate degrees of hyperopia are routinely corrected
c. Additional plus lens power
d. Base-out prism
e. Full-time patching of the dominant eye

Answer: a (AAO Section 6 p.102)

43. The most common surgical procedure for the case above is:
a. Recession of 1 lateral rectus muscle combined with resection of the ipsilateral
medial rectus muscle
b. Symmetric recession of both lateral rectus muscles
c. Unilateral lateral rectus muscle recession
d. Unilateral medial rectus muscle resection
e. Botulinum toxin injection into 1 medial rectus muscle

Answer: b
44. On a prism test to a patient revealed exodeviation that is greater at distance fixation
than at near. It can be classified into:
a. Basic exotropia
b. Divergence excess
c. Convergence insufficiency
d. Convergence paralysis
e. Dissociated horizontal deviation

Answer: b

45. An 8-year-old girl came with her mother to ophthalmologist with chief complain of
double vision during reading her books. Double vision did not appear while reading
billboard on the street. VOD and VOS: 1.0. Primer position: orthotropia. Cover test
revealed no deviation. 10 PD inward deviation found in upgaze and 10 PD outward
deviation in downgaze. The diagnosis:
a. Intermittent esotropia
b. Intermittent exotropia
c. A pattern
d. V pattern
e. Dissociated vertical deviation

Answer: c

46. In the case above, the deviation from primary position:

a. 10o upgaze and 45o downgaze
b. 20o upgaze and 35o downgaze
c. 25o upgaze and 25o downgaze
d. 35o upgaze and 20o downgaze
e. 45o upgaze and 10o downgaze

Answer: c

47. Seorang anak laki-laki umur 6 tahun, diantar ibunya dengan keluhan kadang-kadang
juling keluar sejak usia 2 tahun. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan VODS 6/6. Segmen
anterior dan posterior baik, pergerakan bola mata baik, kedudukan bola mata pada fiksasi
dekat 15 PD XT, fiksasi jauh 40 PD XT, baik sebelum maupun sesudah oklusi mata kanan
selama 1 jam. Diagnosis yang paling sesuai untuk kasus ini adalah :
a. Eksotropia intermittent
b. Eksotropia tipe convergence excess.
c. Eksotropia tipe true divergence excess.
d. Eksotropia tipe simulated divergence excess.
Jawab : c

48. Seorang anak usia 5 tahun, dengan tajam penglihatan 6/6 pada kedua mata, pada
pemeriksaan ditemukan 30 PD ET pada posisi primer, upgaze 50 PD ET dan saat
downgaze 10 PD ET, inferior oblique overaction pada kedua mata, dengan control fusi
buruk. Pembedahan yang dapat dipertimbangkan pada kasus ini adalah :
a. Recess rektus lateral pada kedua mata.
b. Recess rektus lateral dengan infraplacement pada kedua mata.
c. Recess rektus lateral dengan supraplacement pada kedua mata.
d. Recess rektus lateral dengan inferior oblique anteriorization pada kedua mata.
e. Recess rektus lateral dengan inferior oblique anteriorization dan supraplacement pada
kedua mata.
Jawab : b

49. Seorang anak perempuan berumur 9 tahun dating bersama ibunya dengan keluhan
mata kanan juling. Pemeriksaan oftalmologis :

Vod : 5/50 S +2,00 5/5

Vos 5/5 E
Posisi primer : OD Esotropi
Deviasi + 30 ∆
Setelah 2 minggu memakai kacamata pasien control, Vod 5/5 dengan kacamata
Vos 5/5 E
Posisi primer OD esotropi
Deviasi + 10 ∆
Kemungkinan diagnosisnya adalah
A. Refractive acomodative esotropia
B. Non Refractive acomodative esotropia
C. Partially acomodative esotropia
D. Basic esotropia

50. Wanita umur 35th, datang dg keluhan jika mata melirik kekanan,posisi bola mata
kanan lebih rendah, dan jika mata melirik kiri,posisi bola mata kiri lebih rendah. Pada
down gaze, mata akan divergen
a. A Eso
b. A Exo
c. V Eso
d. V Exo
e. X deviasi
51. Kelainan yang terjadi pd muskulus
a. Obligus Superior
b. Obligus Inferior
c. Rektus Superior
d. Rektus Inferior
e. Rektus Lateral

52. Strabismus incidence were found in more than 2-4 % of population. A-V Pattern
incidence compared with all cases of strabismus:

a. 1-2 % of strabismus

b. 5- 10 % of strabismus

c. 10-20 % of strabismus

d. 15-25 % of strabismus

e. 20-30 % of strabismus

53. A-V Pattern of strabismus happened because of instability of extra ocular muscles. In
V-Pattern, the instability could be caused by:

a. “Under action” of inferior oblique muscle

b. “Over action” of inferior oblique muscle

c. “Over action” of superior oblique muscle

d. “Under action” of lateral rectus muscle

e. “Under action” of medial rectus muscle

54. A-V Pattern surgery could be performed by several ways such as tenotomy,
tenectomy, recession, or myectomy on over action muscles. Bilateral superior oblique
tenotomies” could correct A-Pattern for about:

a. 5-15 PD

b. 10-20 PD

c. 15-25 PD

d. 25-35 PD

e. 35-45 PD
55. Anak usia 4 tahun datang dibawa orang tuanya dengan residual esotropia post operasi
18 bulan yang lalu. Tidak ditemui nistagmus, deviasi vertikal, ataupun inferior oblique
overaction. Visus OD 20/20, OS 20/200. Pemeriksaan dengan sikloplegik mata kiri S
+1,00 D. Tindakan berikutnya yang direncanakan.....
a. Operasi strabismus ulang segera
b. Pemberian kacamata sesuai hasil refraksi sikloplegik
c. Oklusi mata kanan
d. Pemberian kacamata dan oklusi mata kanan
e. Observasi 3 bulan

56. Tindakan/operasi strabismus yang telah dilakukan pada pasien diatas adalah....
a. Bimedial rectus resection
b. Bimedial rectus recession
c. Tucking medial rectus muscle
d. Anteriorization medial rectus muscle
e. Weakening lateral rectus muscle

57. Seorang anak umur 5 tahun, datang diantar ibunya dengan keluhan juling kedalam
sejak usia 2 tahun. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan segmen anterior dan posterior baik.
VOD 6/10 S+5.00  6/6 VOS 6/8.5 S+4.00  6/6. Deviasi jauh dan dekat tanpa koreksi
kacamata 40 PD. Deviasi jauh dan dekat dengan koreksi kacamata sesuai hasil refraksi
diatas ortoforia jauh dan dekat. Terapi yang paling sesuai untuk kasus ini adalah:

0 a. Kaca mata bifokus

1 b. Kaca mata hipermetropia dengan tambahan prisma

2 c. Kaca mata hipermetropia dengan koreksi penuh

3 d. Kaca mata hipermetropia dengan tambahan reses rektus medial bilateral

e. Reses rektus medial bilateral

58. A 7-year-old boy. comes with a chief complaint of protrusion of the right eye since 2
years ago. occur slowly, painless. VOD ophthalmology examination optic disc swelling,
CT-scan found fusiform enlargement of the optic nerve. RAPD (+). The most likely
diagnosis is:

a. optic nerve glioma

b. meningioma
c. Schwannomas
d. all of the above is true

Ans. B (

59. What are the treatment options for the above case
a. observation
b. surgical excision
c. radiation therapy
d. chemotherapy
e. all of the above is true

Ans. b (

60. The following is a therapeutic recommendation for conjuctival melanoma:

a. excision of conjuctival 4 mm beyond the clinically apparent margins of the tumor
b. cryotherapy applied to the conjunctival margins
c. treatment of the remaining sclera with absolute alcohol
d. Topical mitomycin E
e. all above

Ans. e (

61. The most common nerve sheath tumor is

a. Neurofibroma

b. Neurilemoma

c. Neurofibromatosis

d. Schwann cell carcinoma

e. Fibrous dysplasia

Ans. a

62. The most common primary tumors metastasizing to the eye in men is?
a. Prostate

b. Renal

c. Liver

d. Brain

e. Lung

Ans. e

63. Which one of lacrimal gland neoplasia is a benign neoplasm?

a. Pleomorphic adenoma

b. Adenoid cystic carcinoma

c. Adeno carcinoma

d. Benign mixed carcinoma

e. Lacrimal gland neoplasia

Ans. a

64. Which one is the most common type of melanoma malignant?

a. Lentigo maligna

b. Nodular
c. Superficial spreading

d. Acral lentiginous

e. Atypical mitotic

Ans. c

65. Which one of the common organ is a metastatic uveal melanoma?

a. Renal

b. Prostate

c. Skin

d. Lung

e. Liver

Ans. e (AAO 2014 – 2015, section 7, page )

66. A 9 year old boy came to the hospital with his mother, complaining nodules,
on his left eye conjunctiva. Decresed visual aquity. The nodule were pink-red,
strawberry like papillary growths. Some lesions were found in his uncle’s eye.
The nodules in the case above are associated with :
a. Human immunodefisciency virus
b. Human papillomavirus subtypes 6 and 11
c. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes such as p53
d. Mutation in the G protein alpha subunit gene
e. Hereditery deficiency of DNA repair

Answer : B,

67. A 50 years old man came with a white mass on the right eye since 2 years ago.
There is no history of pain on the mass, not easily bleed and no complain of blurry vision.
On physical examination, the visual acuity is 6/15 with pinhole 6/6. The mass was small,
arises adjacent to the limbus which extends onto the peripheral cornea with a corkscrew
vascular pattern. Histologically, the epithelium exhibits hyperplasia, loss of goblet cells,
loss of normal cell polarity, nuclear hyperchromasia and pleomorphism, and mitotic
figures neoplasia. These kind of cells are contained by basement membrane. What is
the possible diagnosis of this patient?

a. conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia

b. carcinoma in situ
c. invasive carcinoma
d. squamous cell carcinoma
e. mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Answer : A,

68. A 50 years old man came with a white mass on the right eye since 2 years
ago. There is no history of pain on the mass, not easily bleed and no complain of
blurry vision. On physical examination, the visual acuity is 6/15 with pinhole 6/6.
The mass was small, arises adjacent to the limbus which extends onto the
peripheral cornea with a corkscrew vascular pattern. Histologically, the
epithelium exhibits hyperplasia, loss of goblet cells, loss of normal cell polarity,
nuclear hyperchromasia and pleomorphism, and mitotic figures neoplasia. These
kind of cells are contained by basement membrane. What is the treatment of
this patient?

a. incicional biopsy
b. wide excision
c. wide excision with cryotherapy
d. radiotherapy
e. medication with long term corticosteroid
Answer : C
69. A 54 years old woman came with a white mass on the right eye since 3 years
ago. There is no history of pain on the mass, not easily bleed and no complain of
blurry vision. On physical examination, the visual acuity is 6/15 with pinhole 6/6.
The mass was small, arises adjacent to the limbus which extends onto the
peripheral cornea. Histologically,full-thickness involvement of the epithelium is
seen with squamous eddies and keratin whorls. What is the possible diagnosis
of this patient?
a. conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia
b. carcinoma in situ
c. invasive carcinoma
d. squamous cell carcinoma
e. mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Answer : B,

70. Seorang perempuan berusia 40 tahun datang dengan keluhan adanya

benjolan kecil pada bagian putih mata kanan. Pasien menyadari adanya
benjolan sejak usia anak-anak. Keluhan nyeri (-), gatal (-), berdarah (-). Pada
pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan visus 6/6. Pada konjungtiva bulbi mata kanan
tampak massa kistik di inferior sekitar limbus, ukuran 1x2 mm, warna
kecoklatan, konsistensi lunak, tidak mudah berdarah. Pada pemeriksaan
histologi didapatkan gambaran melanosit yang bulat, oval maupun pear-shaped
dengan adanya epitel dalam susunan bentuk seperi sarang (nest pattern).
Kemungkinan diagnosis pada pasien ini adalah:

a. hemangioma
b. melanositosis dermal
c. nevi melanositik
d. nevi amelanositik
e. melanokeratosis
Answer : C,

71. Clinically.a conjunctival epithelial inclusion cyst the lesion appears as a

transparent, cystic elevation on the ocular surface. Histology shows a cystic

space lined by conjunctival epithelium, located in
a. substantia nigra
b. Substantia propria
c. Endothelium
d. Base of membrane epithelium
e. Outer layer epithelium

Answer B

72. This lession associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes 6 and 11

that occur more commonly in children, the histologic examination demonstrates

papillary fibrovascular fronds covered by hyperplastic squamous epithelium. The
explanation above is related about
a. Melanocytic nevi
b. Sessile papillomas
c. Xeroderma pigmentosum
d. Mucoepidrmoid carcinoma
e. Pedunculated papillomas

Answer E :

73. This lesion occur in the Middle age , size and pattern Diffuse and usually

unilateral, this location in Conjunctiva (mainly bulbar) and also has a potential
to malignancy. The clinical ocular surface melanocytic lesion above is related
a. Benign Aquired melanosis
b. Oculodermal melanocytosis
c. Ocular melanocytosis
d. Primary acquired melanosis
e. Conjunctival nevus

Answer D

74. A 25-year-old white male with a history of conjunctivitis presents with a flesh-
colored mass with a central umbilication on the upper eyelid. Examination of
the pathologic specimen reveals invasive lobular acanthosis, a central
umbilication, and eosinophilic and basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
a. Molluscum contagiosum
b. xanthelasma
c. basal cell carcinoma
d. squamous papilloma
e. melanoma maligna
Answer A :

75. A 24-year-old female presents with a painless, nontender, flesh-colored,

hyperkeratotic eyelid mass. Pathologic examination shows acanthotic epithelium
surrounding a fibrovascularcore. What is the most likely etiology?
a. bacterial
b. inflammation
c. sun exposure
d. Mold
e. Viral
Answer E.

76. Whatisappropriatetherapyforthiscase :
a. observation
b. surgical excision
c. radiation therapy
d. chemotherapy
e. all ofthe aboveis true
jawaban A (AAO 2014-2015 section 4 C 15 P 257)

77. A boy 5 years old come to clinic with complain of lumb in inferotemporal quadrant
of conjungtiva OS since 1 year old. The lump is firm, dome-shaped, and white
yellow papule. The size is about 5x5 mm. From the histology, showed ceratinized
epitelium, dense stroma, and sebaseous gland with hair follicles. From the
examination, VA was 6/6.
What is the diagnose of this patient?
a. dermolipoma
b. dermoid cyst
c. osseous choristoma
d. hamarthoma
e. melanomas
answer : B (AAO Section 4 C 13, p 207 )

78. Male, 70 years old came to policlinic with complain a 2 years history of a
painless, Progressive enlarged mass in central aspect of right upper eyelidsince
2 years. He have history of prolonged sun exposure, and history of cigarette
smoking.He never take any medicine before.In ophtalmology examination has
resulted in distortion of the eyelid margin and loss of eyelashes. Phisical
examination pearly white on the mass and prominent vessels. The most likely
diagnosis is

a. Sebaceous gland carcinoma

b. Squamous cell carcinoma

c. Amelonotic melanoma

d. Basal cell carcinoma

e. Dermal nevus
Answer D , AAO 2014-2015 Section 7, p 182

79. Seorang wanita berusia 44 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kiri menonjol
sejak sekitar 3 bulan yang lalu. Keluhan mata kabur (-), nyeri (+), riwayat operasi
(-), riwayat trauma (-). Pada pemeriksaan oftalmologis didapatkan adanya
massa di palpebra daerah superotemporal dengan ukuran 10x8 mm, warna
sama dengan sekitar, immobile, nyeri tekan (+), permukaan rata, kapsul (-),
proptosis (+). Pada pemeriksaan histologi ditemukan adanya gambaran
basaloid. Prognosis pada pasien ini adalah?

a. 5 years survival 20%

b. 5 years survival 50%

c. c .5 years survival 70%

d. Prognosis baik tanpa ada kecenderungan keganasan

e. Prognosis tidak dapat ditentukan

Jawab: A (

80. Seorang wanita berusia 38 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kiri menonjol
sejak sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu. Mata kanan kabur (+) perlahan, nyeri pada mata
kiri (-), mata merah (-), riwayat pemakaian pil KB (+) selama 5 tahun. Pada
pemeriksaan didapatkan visus mata kiri 5/60 PH (-), proptosis (+), oftalmoplegi
(+), RAPD (+). Pada segmen posterior didapatkan gambaran papil atropi. Pada
CT scan terdapat gambaran pembesaran tubular difus saraf optik. Kemungkinan
diagnosis pada pasien ini adalah?

a. Meningioma

b. Schwannoma

c. Neurofibromatosis

d. Glioma

e. Rabdomiosarkoma

Jawab: A
81. Seorang wanita berusia 38 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kiri menonjol
sejak sekitar 1 tahun yang lalu. Mata kanan kabur (+) perlahan, nyeri pada mata
kiri (-), mata merah (-), riwayat pemakaian pil KB (+) selama 5 tahun. Pada
pemeriksaan didapatkan visus mata kiri 5/60 PH (-), proptosis (+), oftalmoplegi
(+), RAPD (+). Pada segmen posterior didapatkan gambaran papil atropi. Pada
CT scan terdapat gambaran pembesaran tubular difus saraf optik.
Penatalaksanaan pada pasien ini adalah?

a. Observasi

b. Radioterapi

c. Kemoterapi topikal

d. Kemoterapi sistemik

e. Operatif

Jawab: E

82. Seorang laki-laki usia 68 tahun datang dengan keluhan adanya benjolan pada
kelopak mata kiri atas sejak sekitar 3 tahun lalu. Riwayat sering terpapr sinar
matahari (+). Benjolan dirasakan semakin membesar, kerompeng (+), keluhan
nyeri (-), pandangan kabur (-). Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan adanya massa
pada palpebra superior kiri ukuran 2x3 mm, nodular (+), warna sama dengan
sekitar, ulserasi di sentral, telangiektasia (+). Pemeriksaan histologi
menunjukkan adanya gambaran sel-sel basalis yang membentuk sarang,
dengan adanya palisading perifer. Kemungkinan diagnosis pada pasien ini

a. BCC tipe nodular

b. BCC tipe morpheaform

c. BCC tipe pigmented

d. Squamous cell carcinoma

e. Sebaceous gland carcinoma

Jawab A

83. A man, 76 years came with complaints of left eye blurred suddenly perceived 2 days earlier.
No pain, no red eyes and other subjective complaints. On examination obtained VOD 6 /6,
VOS 1 / 300. Fundoscopy obtained picture 'cherry red spot' which already looks is reddish.
In FFA: centralis retinal artery reperfusion. Therapy that can be taken include the following

A. Massage of eye, betabloker, parasintesis

B. Parasintesis, betabloker, vitreus aspiration
C. Massage of eye, parasintesis, vitreus aspiration
D. Decreased TIO, parasintesis
E. No correct

Jawaban : A

84. A 72 year old man presents with signs and symptoms of decreased vision since 6 month ago.
On dilated fundus examination: we found drusen, neovascular abnormalities, and FFA shows
predominantly classic, subfovealchoroidal neovascularization (CNV). What treatment option
has been shown in controlled clinical trial to get the best visual acuity?

A. Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

B. Photodynamic therapy in combination with intravitrealtriamnicolone
C. Intravitreal injections of the anti-VEGF agent
D. Laser photocoagulation to cover the entire CNV
E. Parasinthesis

Answer : C

85. man, 54 years came with complaints of left and right eye gradually perceived blurry since 3
months ago. No pain, red eyes (-) and no other subjective complaints. On examination
obtained VOD 3/60, VOS 1/60. ODS fundoscopy obtained vitreous cells (-) picture of micro
aneurysms in four quadrants, macular exudates and hemorragik in the fovea, and intra
retinal microvascular. There were no neovascularization. Patients have a history of diabetes
mellitus since 15 years ago. Isthe main causes ofmicroaneurysmsin patientson?

A.Increasedlevels ofHBAC
B.The loss of retinal blood vessel cell sperisit
C.Reducedoxygenationin theretinallayers
D.The occurrence of micro vascularth romboembolismin the retina

Answer : B

86. What diagnosis the patient?

A. Moderate NPDR
B. PDR low risk
C. Severe NPDR
D. PDR high risk
E. Mild PDR
Answer: C

87. A man, 76 years came with complaints of left eye blurred suddenly perceived 2 days earlier.
No pain, no red eyes and other subjective complaints. On examination obtained VOD 6 /6,
VOS 1 / 300. Fundoscopy obtained picture 'cherry red spot' which already looks is reddish.
In FFA: centralis retinal artery reperfusion. Therapy that can be taken include the following

A. Massage of eye, betabloker, parasintesis

B. Parasintesis, betabloker, vitreus aspiration
C. Massage of eye, parasintesis, vitreus aspiration
D. Decreased TIO, parasintesis
E. No correct

Answer: A

88. Laki, 47 th dtg dg keluhan kesulitan membaca dekat, mata mudah terasa lelah disertai
pusing apabila membaca terlalu lama. Penderita tidak ada keluhan utk penglihatan
jauhnya. Yg harus anda lakukan?
a. mengkoreksi visus jauhnya
b. menetapkan visus jauhnya
c. Segera memeriksa visus dekatnya
d. Lgsg memberikan resep KM baca s+1.50 D
e. mengkoreksi visus jauhnya kemudian ditambahkan s+1.50 D utk visus dekatnya
jawaban E

89. Wanita 55 th dgn keluhan mata kiri buram, tidak merah, tidak sakit. Mata kanan tidak
ada keluhan. Avod 6/30 s +2.00 - 6/6. Avos 1/60 ttk. Tio od 25 mmhg, tios 45 mmhg.
bMD ods vh 2. Cdr od 0.3, os 0,9. Nasalisasi. Lapang pandang od normal. Os tunnel
vision. Diagnosis od?

a. Gl.primer sudut terbuka

b. PACG kronis
c. PAC
d. Gl. Sekunder krn lensa intumesen
e. Gl.sekunder krn steroid
Jwb : C

90.A 3 yo girl reported to have an inward turning of her eyes. Distant refractive error
examination shows AV OD 5/60 -- S+3 -- 6/6 OS 3/60 - S+4.50 - 6/6. Wearing
eyeglasses distant and near prism measurement show a residual esotropic deviation. The most
appropriate management shuld be
a. surgery only
b. base out prism
c. Bifocal eyeglasses and surgery
d. Plus eyeglass and surgery
e. Bifocal eyeglasses and surgery
Jwb: D

91.Seorang wanita 23 tahun datang dengan keluhan buram pada mata kanan sejak 1 minggu
yang lalu. Pasien adalah pengguna lensa kontak lunak (LKL) dan baru 10 hari menggantinya
dengan ukuran terbaru. Saat datang pasien masih menggunakan lensa kontaknya, VOD 6/15
berubah-ubah , tampak udara dibawah lensa, sentrasi kurang, pergerakan lensa berlebihan.
Apa penyebab penglihatan buram pada mata kanan pasien tersebut?
a. fitting lensa kontak too high
b. fitting lensa kontak too tight
c. under refraction
d. over refraction
e. fitting lensa kontak too loose
jwb : E
92.Seorang anak laki-laki usia 6 tahun datang dengan keluhan tidak dapat melihat tulisan
papan tulis. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan VOD 6/60 dan VOS 20/400. Hasil pemeriksaan
retinoskopi dengan siklopegik didapatkan OD S-3.50 C-3.50 x 180  20/400 dan OS S-2.75
C-3.00 x 180  20/80. Hasil pemeriksaan segmen anterior dan posterior dalam batas normal.
Posisi bola mata ortotropia dan gerak ke semua arah baik. Tindakan yang paling tepat untuk
kondisi diatas adalah :
a. Segera lakukan oklusi OD
b. Segera lakukan oklusi OS
c. Kontrol kembali 6 bulan yang akan datang
d. Berikan kacamata sesuai dengan hasil streak retinoskopi pada kedua mata dan kontrol 2
bulan yang akan dating
e. Berikan kacamata sesuai dengan siklopegik pada kedua mata + oklusi OS
Jwbn E
93.Seorang anak laki-laki usia 6 tahun datang dengan keluhan tidak dapat melihat tulisan
papan tulis. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan VOD 6/60 dan VOS 20/400. Hasil pemeriksaan
retinoskopi dengan siklopegik didapatkan OD S-3.50 C-3.50 x 180  20/400 dan OS S-2.75
C-3.00 x 180  20/80. Hasil pemeriksaan segmen anterior dan posterior dalam batas normal.
Posisi bola mata ortotropia dan gerak ke semua arah baik. Faktor ambliogenik pada kasus
diatas adalah :
a. Anisometropia
b. Isoametropia
c. Deprivasi
d. Strabismus
e. Astigmat meridional
Jwb E
94.Seorang anak 10 tahun datang dengan keluhan tidak dapat melihat tulisan pada papan tulis.
Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan VOD 6/60 pH 6/12; VOS 6/6. Hasil pemeriksaan refraktometer
dengan sikloplegik didapatkan OD S-2.00 C-2.50 x 180 = 6/9 dan OS S-0.50 C-0.50 x 180 =
6/6. Hasil pemeriksaan segmen anterior dan posterior dalam batas normal. Apakah tindakan
yang paling tepat untuk kondisi di atas?
a.Berikan kacamata sesuai dengan hasil sikloplegik pada kedua mata
b. Berikan kacamata sesuai dengan hasil sikloplegik untuk OD dan OS plano
c. Berikan kacamata sesuai dengan hasil pemeriksaan subjektif tanpa sikloplegik
d. Tunda pemberian kacamata
e. Segera lakukan oklusi untuk mata kanan
jwb A

95.The refractive correction is S-4.00 C+1.50 x 90. K measurements along the two principal
meridians are 7.80 mm horizontal (43.50 @ 180) by 7,65 mm vertikal (42.00 D @ 90). The
contact lens base curve is chosen to be 7,65 mm. What is the anticipated power of the contact
A. -3.00 D
B. -3.50 D
C. -4.75 D
D. -2.50 D
E. -3.25 D
Jawaban C

96.Seorang laki-laki berumur 52 tahun ingin membaca 0.8M pada jarak 30cm. Jika
amplitude akomodasinya didapatkan sebesar 2.5 D, berapakah power yang dibutuhkan
pasien tersebut?
a. 2.0 D
b. 1.75 D
c. 1.5 D
d. 1.25 D
e. 0.75 D

97.Wanita berusia 24 tahun akan menggunakan lensa RGP. Dari pemeriksaan didapatkan
steeper than K dengan kelainan refraksi -3.50 D, nilai K= 7.65 mm dan base curve 7.80
mm. Bagaimanakah bentuk tear lens dari pasien ini?
a. Plano
b. Teardrop
c. Concave
d. Convex

98.Wanita berusia 24 tahun akan menggunakan lensa RGP. Dari pemeriksaan didapatkan
steeper than K dengan kelainan refraksi -3.50 D, nilai K= 7.65 mm dan base curve 7.80
mm. Berapakah kekuatan lensa RGP yang harus diberikan pada pasien ini?
a. -2.75 D
b. -3.50 D
c. -3.75 D
d. -4.25 D
99.Dibawah ini merupakan bahan Lensa kontak yang paling mudah menyebabkan
hipoksia kornea adalah
a. Lensa kontak PMMA
b. Lensa kontak RGP
c. Lensa kontak silicone acrylate
d. Lensa kontak lunak dengan kandungan air rendah

100. Seorang remaja datang ke poliklinik refraksi dengan keluhan pandangan kabur. Hasil
pemeriksaan tajam penglihatan OD 5/30 dan OS 5/5. Dilakukan streak retinoskopi pada
mata kanan dengan jarak kerja 67 cm. axis 90 0 netral dengan S+2.00 dan axis 180 0 netral
dengan S+3.50. koreksi mata kanan pada pasien tersebut adalah

a. S+2.00 C-1.50 x900

b. S+2.00 C+1.50 x 1800
c. S+0.50 C+1.50 x 1800
d. S+0.50 C+1.50 x 900
e. S+0.50 C-1.50 x 900

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