Brochure Mapecrete GB 10-2012 PDF

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Surface protection

systems for concrete

Mapecrete Range
Certain concrete surfaces are characterised by their water and low temperatures typical at this time of year.
high surface porosity, and tend to absorb any water or It is essential, therefore, that building surfaces are
liquids which come into contact by capillary absorption. treated with specific formulates that penetrate into
Not only is this property of concrete surface elements the cementitious matrix, and chemically bond to the
responsible for anti-aesthetic actions that occur elements that make up the matrix without altering
following the formation of efflorescence and stains, its transpiration properties or original colour, making
it may also be responsible for triggering off a slow, the concrete water-repellent and stain-resistant for a
irreversible process of deterioration of the surface long time.
due to repeated freeze/thaw cycles during the winter,
caused by the combined effect of the presence of
Protecting concrete surfaces
Water-repellent, stain-resistant, consolidating.



• Transpirant, by penetrating deep • Transpirant, by penetrating deep •

Silicate-based treatments that
into the porosity of the substrate into the porosity of the substrate seal the porosity of concrete
and repelling water while allowing and repelling water while allowing surfaces.
air and water vapour to pass. air and water vapour to pass.
• Do not form a film on the surface,
• Suitable for both internal and • Suitable for both internal and but create a seamless, non-
external use. external use. detachable layer.
• Impede the formation of mould, • Particularly suitable for floors in •
Impede the formation of
mildew and efflorescence. contact with liquid and oily food efflorescence and stains.

Protect materials against • Treated surfaces are smoother
deterioration caused by •
Protect materials against and, thanks to their anti-dust
atmospheric agents. deterioration caused by effect, are also easier to clean.
atmospheric agents.
• With silicate-based treatments,
the durability and mechanical
strength of surface concrete are

The Mapei solution for water-repellent surfaces IN COMPLIANCE WITH

EN 1504-2 (H)

Mapecrete Creme Protection



Solvent-free, silane-based, thixotropic impregnator in water dispersion for water-

repellent treatments on concrete
Concrete is treated with Mapecrete Creme Protection to form a water-repellent surface. The pores and
capillaries are coated internally without filling them. No skin forms on the surface of the concrete and there
is no change in its appearance.


• One-component, solvent-free, silane-based, thixotropic,

creamy formulate in water dispersion.
• Protects concrete against capillary penetration of
water, chloride ingress and the constant exposure of
surfaces following freeze/thaw cycles.
• Very little evaporation during application, so the
amount of penetration is easy to assess.
• Makes surfaces water-repellent without altering their
transpiration properties or appearance.

Where is it used?

Application • Horizontal and vertical surfaces of normal or fibre-

on a vertical
surface reinforced concrete.
• Concrete structures exposed to atmospheric agents
such as bridges, joists, walkways and structures in
marine environments.
• Concrete structures such as silos, cooling towers and
buildings in general.
• Concrete flooring in external areas.
on a ceiling


• Excellent reduction of water absorption.

• Protects against attack from de-icing salts.
• Excellent resistance to alkalis.
• Excellent penetration into concrete.
• Promotes good adhesion for successive painting
Surface treated
operations. Untreated with Mapecrete
surface Creme Protection
• Solvent-free.
• Dispersed in water.
• Environment friendly.
• Thixotropic, may also be applied on vertical surfaces
and ceilings.

Application of the product

Spread Mapecrete Creme Protection directly on the becomes a whitish colour with a creamy consistency
surface to be treated with a squeegee, an airless spray which gradually becomes transparent while it dries
gun, by trowel or with a roller. (from 30 minutes to several hours).
The product may be applied in one or two coats,
according to the absorption and condition of the
concrete substrate.
Immediately after applying the product, the surface

Appearance just after spreading Appearance Appearance

Mapecrete Creme Protection after 15-30 minutes after 3 hours

The Mapei solution for stain-resistant surfaces

Mapecrete Stain Protection

Water and oil-based stain-resistant treatment in water dispersion for concrete,

natural stone, stone and cementitious surfaces

Concrete is treated with Mapecrete Stain Protection to form a stain-resistant finish on the surface. The pores
and capillaries are partially filled. This product does not form a film on the surface of concrete.


• One-component, solvent-free formulate made from

micro-emulsions dispersed in water.
• Very efficient in protecting concrete or cementitious-
based substrates from staining caused by oil, grease,
coffee, soft drinks and watery substances in general.
• Has the capacity to penetrate deep into substrates
without modifying their appearance.
• No film forms on the treated surface, it has a dust-
repellent finish and helps keep the surface clean.

Where is it used?
Water Oil Coca Cola Vinegar
• Concrete surfaces with either a rough or ground
• Concerete industrial floors for shopping centres,
discount food stores and storage depots, particularly
those used by supermarkets or for storing foodstuffs.
• Ground industrial floors, including floors with a
“terrazzo veneziano” finish with natural or artificial

Effect on the surface after applying

Mapecrete Stain Protection


• Excellent stain-resistance against liquids and oily

• Efficient barrier to stains caused by capillary rising damp.
• Reduces water absorption of treated surfaces.
• Excellent penetration into concrete.
• Good penetraton capacity, including into hairline cracks in
• Does not modify the appearance of the treated surface.
• Easy to apply, solvent-free watery solution.
• Stable if exposed to UV rays, so suitable for external use.

Application of the product

Appearance just after application

Spread a single coat of Mapecrete Stain Untreated
Protection directly on the surface with an surface
airless spray gun or by brush.
The drying time of the product depends on Surface treated
with Mapecrete
the porosity of the substrate on which it is Stain Protection
applied (from 2 to 4 hours, depending on
the temperature and level of humidity).
The full efficiency of Mapecrete Stain
Protection is reached approximately 24
hours after application.

Appearance after 2 hours


Surface treated
with Mapecrete
Stain Protection

The Mapei solution for consolidating surfaces

Mapecrete LI Hardener

Surface liquid treatment with a consolidating effect for new or existing concrete
floors and concrete with a dusted surface
Mapecrete LI Hardener is suitable for new or existing industrial and commercial cementitious floors thanks
to its capacity to seal the porosity of the cementitious paste and, as a result, increase the strength of the
surface of the floor.


• Solution of UV-resistant, modified lithium silicates.

• Penetrates into the pores of the concrete to react
chemically with the free lime and create a dense
• The chemical reaction forms non-soluble hydrated
silicates that increase the density of the surface and
strengthen the cementititous paste.
• Thanks to the effect of the lithium salts against the
alkali-aggregate reaction, increases the durability of

Application of Spreading Mapecrete LI Where is it used?

Mapecrete LI Hardener Hardener with a large brush

Industrial and commercial concrete flooring
(department stores, shopping centres, car parks,
garages and craft workshops).
• Industrial and commercial concrete flooring dusted
with cement dust.
Going over the surface with Finished floor • Cementitious flooring where higher resistance to
a polishing machine
abrasion, scratches and aesthetic defects is required.
• Cementitious flooring after polishing the surface.
• Industrial and commercial flooring to create a dust-
repellent finish.


• Non-filming treatment that reacts chemically with the

• Penetrates into the surface to form strong, chemically-
resistant, non-soluble compounds.
• Increases the abrasion-resistance of surfaces.
• Reduces the formation of dust and keeps floors cleaner.
• Treated surfaces are more attractive and have a shinier
• Contains no sodium or potassium which could cause
damaging alkali-aggregate reactions.
• Increases the durability of floors, reducing maintenance

Application of the product

Appearance just after application

Mapecrete LI Hardener may be applied just Surface treated
2-3 days after the concrete has been poured, with Mapecrete
polished and dusted with cement dust such LI Hardener
as Mapetop N AR6.
Apply Mapecrete LI Hardener by spraying surface
it on the surface to be treated with a low
pressure pump, or by pouring it directly on
the floor and then immediately spreading
it out to form an even coat. In both cases,
the part of the floor treated must be kept
constantly wet for at least 20-30 minutes
with Mapecrete LI Hardener to allow it to Appearance after 2 days
penetrate into the substrate. Surface treated
Remove any excess liquid and dry and polish with Mapecrete
LI Hardener
the treated surface either manually or with
suitable equipment. Untreated
After completing the application and drying surface
operations, we recommend waiting until the
following day before stepping on the surface,
even if the consolidating effect of the product
continues for several days.

Mapei Research & Development
The Mapecrete range of protection systems for concrete equipment and instruments, interface with each other
surfaces is the result of new, in-depth research carried constantly, as well as with scientific and industrial
out by the Mapei Research Laboratories. research institutes. They also offer precious, valid
Mapei has always dedicated a great deal of effort support to our Technical Services Department by
into Research, with more than 5% of annual turnover investigating into a wide range of issues, including
channelled into Research & Development. those regarding the jointless flooring sector.
Our laboratories, equipped with the most up to date

ESEM-FEG electron microscope

Chemical elemental analysis by X-ray fluorescence

VOC analysis
C.P. MK 706830 (GB) 10/12

Via Cafiero, 22 - 20158 Milan
Tel. +39-02-37673.1
Fax +39-02-37673.214

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