Comparison of Sexual Dysfunction in Women Using Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Cyclofem
Comparison of Sexual Dysfunction in Women Using Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Cyclofem
Comparison of Sexual Dysfunction in Women Using Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Cyclofem
1- The Research Centre for Safe Motherhood, Department of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, Faculty of Nursing and
Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Biostatics, Faculty of Paramedic, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Background: Sexual affairs are one of the physiological needs affecting human
health. Sexual functioning disorders can reduce individual’s capabilities and creativi-
ties. Sexual relations are in the center of women’s quality of life. The most important
family planning is to prevent unintended pregnancies. Injectable contraceptives pro-
tect women exposed to many complications and mortality due to unintended preg-
nancies, with tolerable effects on other aspects of women’s life. An important aspect
of women’s life is sexual health. This study aimed to compare sexual function of
women using DMPA with women using Cyclofem presented to health centers affili-
ated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran in 2013.
Methods: This descriptive-comparative study was conducted on 240 women in health
* Corresponding Author: centers in Tehran, Iran. They were selected by multistage sampling. The data was
Zohre Sheikhan, The collected using a questionnaire completed by interviewing. The questionnaire had 2
Research Centre for Safe
parts, demographic characteristic section and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI).
Motherhood, Department
of Midwifery and Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent T-test, U-test, Chi-square,
Reproductive Health, Fisher exact test. The p-value less than 0.05 were applied for all statistical tests as
Faculty of Nursing and significance level.
Midwifery, Shahid Results: The difference in sexual function between Cyclofem and DMPA groups
Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences, Niayesh
was insignificant, but in terms of sexual desire in DMPA users better than and sexu-
Highway, Vali-asr Street, al pain them less than in Cyclofem users, the difference between the groups was sig-
Tehran, Iran nificant (p<0.05).
E-mail: Conclusion: In introducing hormonal contraceptive methods, health workers should
emphasize their adverse effects on sexual function. Women who use Cyclofem and
Received: Jun. 20, 2014 DMPA should be aware that they may experience some changes in libido and sexual
Accepted: Nov. 18, 2014 pain.
ex is an important aspect of quality of life ish women 48.3% (3). In Austria, 9.1% of women
that affects both physical and psychological had sexual desire disorders, 20% had sexual arousal
aspects. According to a report by American disorder, 20% had orgasm disorder, and 12.8%
Center for Health, 43% of women had unfavora- had pain (4). In another study, a third of women
ble sexual function, and 2% were unable to expe- had no sexual desires, and a fourth had not experi-
rience orgasm (1). Sexual dysfunction in German enced orgasm (5). In Iran, sexual dysfunctions are
women was reported to be 38% (2), and in Turk- wide ranging, from 17.8% to 74.6% (6-8). This is
Table 2. Comparison of sexual function in two groups (120 suppress or prevent the release of LH and FSH
women in each group) from the pituitary gland, resulting in increased
Cyclofem DMPA levels of SHBG. In decreased libido, the testos-
Domain p-value
n=120 n=120 terone level is bound to SHBG and free testos-
Desire ∗
3.60 (3.0-4.8) 3.60 (2.4-5.4) 0.018 a terone declines. This trend is intensified by an
Arousal ∗ 4.20 (3.6-4.8) 4.20 (3.6-4.5) 0.837 a
increase in estrogen (30). The first stage in sexual
Lubrication ∗ 5.25 (4.5-6.0) 5.10 (3.9-6.0) 0.273 a response cycle may be the desire stage. Women
Orgasm ∗ 4.80 (4.0-6.0) 5.20 (3.6-6.0) 0.816 a begin or consent to a sexual relationship for many
Pain ∗
6.00 (5.2-6.0) 5.20 (4.0-6.0) 0.002 a different reasons that include desire to increase
Satisfaction ∗ 4.80 (3.6-6.0) 5.20 (4.8-6.0) 0.267 a
emotional intimacy with sexual partnership. Sexu-
Total ∗∗ 29.53 (4.23) 29.78 (5.48) 0.239 b al desire leads to arousal to have sexual relation-
a: Mann-whitney test; b: Independent t-test ship. Sexual feelings may start through internal
∗ Median (IQR), ∗∗ M±SD
and external sexual innuendos, and depend on
neuroendocrine function. Neurotransmitters, pep-
but in terms of sexual desire and sexual pain, the tides, and many hormones moderate desire and
difference between the groups was significant (p< motivation. Sexual response is hastened by nore-
0.05) (Table 2). pinephrine, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and is
inhibited by prolactin and GABA. Yet, it has been
Discussion found that biological factors do not function inde-
In this study, there was a significant difference in pendently of environmental factors. Dopamine and
sexual desire between DMPA and Cyclofem groups, progesterone that act upon receptors in hypothal-
and mean sexual desire score in women using DMPA amus increase sexual behaviors (17). Clayton
was higher than Cyclofem. One of the mecha- (2003) argues that perhaps sexual hormones such
nisms of hormonal contraceptive methods is to as dopamine and serotonin in contraceptives affect
neurotransmitters and cause a change in sexual tigated. With aging of spouse, erectile and ejacu-
desire, with an unknown mechanism (31). Berek latory dysfunction increases, and daily fatigue,
(2011) believes women’s sexual desire is affected work and stress can affect sexual function of men.
by their psychological status, beliefs and values, Study results showed satisfactory level of sexual
expectations, sexual preference, priorities and en- function in women using DMPA and Cyclofem,
vironmental conditions. Sexual desire is at its with insignificant difference between them. Our
peak between 20 and 40 years of age, and declines study was in agreement with previous studies (3,
beyond that (17). Another finding in this study 20, 28, 36-37). Sexual function is very complicat-
was the significant relationship between the two ed and is affected by many factors, including the
contraceptive methods in the pain area. Mean person’s lifestyle, interpersonal relationships and
score of pain in women using Cyclofem was high- cultural conditions. Berek (2011) argues that sex-
er than in women using DMPA. Nijland et al. ual response occurs through complex mediating
(2008) admits reduced estrogen level, causing psychological, social, environmental, and biologi-
reduced blood supply to vagina, affects lubrica- cal factors (hormonal, vascular, muscular, and
tion and results in a painful intercourse (32). Van nervous) (17). Despite numerous studies, mecha-
lunsen and Laan (2004) believes that hormonal nisms of sexual disorders in hormonal contracep-
balance is necessary for initiating and continuing tive methods are still unknown and they cannot be
sexual function. Estradiol, nitric oxide, and poly- predicted for all women (38). Basson (2006) be-
peptides have an important effect on vaginal epi- lieves that despite sexual disorder symptoms,
thelium and lubrication, and estrogen has a major women can enjoy pleasant sexual relations by in-
role in effectiveness of these factors (33). Suffi- creasing their knowledge in this regard (39). It is
cient levels of estradiol are necessary for main- worth noting that women that are not afraid of
taining vaginal lubrication and preventing dyspa- unintended pregnancies may enjoy sexual rela-
reunia. In the present study, estradiol level in tionships more and score higher in sexual func-
women using Cyclofem was not measured. How- tion.
ever, in a study by Modelska et al. (2004), the im- In Iran, as one of the traditional and religious
provement in sexual function due to the effect of communities, sexual affairs are ambiguous. Lack
estradiol level was demonstrated (34). Schaffir et of training and providing information on sexual
al. (2010) argues that estradiol level had no effect affairs are the main concerns in Iranian women.
on dyspareunia and lubrication score in women Cyclofem and DMPA may be used as highly ef-
studied, and believed that, because of effects of fective, safe and convenient methods for long
progesterone on vaginal epithelium in women us- term reversible contraception. Satisfaction from a
ing DMPA, estradiol level was tangibly low, and method is often influenced by frequency of side
may even cause suppression of estrogen. On the effects and the outcomes on individuals’ health
other hand, many women using DMPA, had amen- (40).
orrhea, which may have affected their sexual de- Clearly, according to reproductive rights, women
sire or sexual enjoyment, through unexpected have the rights to experience a safe and enjoyable
bleeding (28). In family planning counseling, the sexual relationship.
effects of hormonal methods on women’s sexual
function and menstrual patterns and their adjust- Conclusion
ment with the methods should be considered. In In introducing hormonal contraceptive methods,
both groups, there was a statistically significant health workers should emphasize their adverse ef-
difference between the duration of marriage in fects on sexual function so that in addition to pre-
women which is consistent with studies of Bar- venting negative outcomes such as unintended
rientos and Dario (2006) (35). Berek (2011) ar- pregnancy, they can improve the quality of sexual
gues that sexual desire, interest, and arousal are relations and sexual satisfaction with increasing
immensely influenced by mental health and feel- people’s awareness. Women who use Cyclofem
ings of sexual partner on the occasion of relation- and DMPA should be aware that they may experi-
ship. Other factors affecting sexual response in- ence some changes in dimensions of libido and
clude duration and quality of sexual relationship sexual pain. Discontinuation of hormonal contra-
and personal-psychological factors (17). In this ceptive methods because of this reason depends
study, spouses’ sexual dysfunction was not inves- on the severity of complications.