Letter of Reference For Erik Bentzel - RGrove
Letter of Reference For Erik Bentzel - RGrove
Letter of Reference For Erik Bentzel - RGrove
This letter is a recommendation for Dr. Erik Bentzel, who was the Assistant Superintendent at the Conrad Weiser
Area School District from July 2013 until J�ne :2017.1 had the opportunity to work with Dr. Bentzel on many initiatives.
Dr. Bentzel came to our district with a we�lth of experience and background in the areas of educational technology,
administrative work and teaching and learning, He oversaw all of the curriculum, instruction and assessment areas
throughout our district and provided leadership and development to support change. Dr. Bentzel also took the lead
in several other areas including the devel()pment of our new website, launching the development of a new safety
plan and overseeing our Federal.programs'.and PIMS tracking and reporting protocols.
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As Dr. Bentzel came into our di�trict.�ewere eml:>arking on several areas of growth and change. These included a
proposed one-to-one initiative, theiimplementatic>n .of Hybrid Learning and the need to develop a K-12 written and
aligned curriculum with a focus on assessment. Dr. Bentzel worked with middle school and high school
administrators to develop final plans for a'long-term one-to-one computing program coupled with a move to Hybrid
Dr. Bentzel put together K-12, discipline sp·ecificteams of teachers and administrators to begin developing curriculum
maps that are aligned to standardsand vertically articulated. He engaged our building level administrators in this
process to ensure they were invested l:l.nd understanding of the final products.
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Dr. Bentzel met with our teachers a��odiation .IE:�aders on a regular basis to listen to their concerns and also to share
his insights into the district's long-term vision. Over the last two years we have had a big change in our teacher
leadership council and his work with this group has•been invaluable in helping us move forward with positive
Dr. Bentzel left the Conrad Weiser Area School District at the end of the 2017 school year to become the
superintendent of the Northern Lebanon County School District. If you would like more information about Dr.
Bentzel's time at the Conrad Wei.Ser Area School District, do not hesitate to call me.