Hydrometer Calibration by Hydrostatic Weighing With Automated Liquid Surface Positioning

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Published in Meas. Sci. Technol.

19 (2008) 015104

Hydrometer calibration by hydrostatic weighing with

automated liquid surface positioning
Jesus Aguilera∗, John D. Wright, and Vern E. Bean

NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology – 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD, USA

E-mail: John.Wright@nist.gov

We describe an automated apparatus for calibrating hydrometers by hydrostatic weighing (Cuckow’s
method) in tridecane, a liquid of known, stable density, and with a relatively low surface tension and
contact angle against glass. The apparatus uses a laser light sheet and a laser power meter to position the
tridecane surface at the hydrometer scale mark to be calibrated with an uncertainty of 0.02 mm. The
calibration results have an expanded uncertainty (with coverage factor of 2) of 100 parts in 106 or less of
the liquid density. We validated the apparatus by comparisons using water, toluene, tridecane, and
trichloroethylene and found agreement within 40 parts in 106 or less. The new calibration method is
consistent with earlier, manual calibrations performed by NIST. When customers use calibrated
hydrometers, they may encounter uncertainties of 370 parts in 106 or larger due to surface tension, contact
angle, and temperature effects.

Keywords: density, hydrometer, calibration

1. Introduction
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides traceability for liquid
density measurements through standard reference materials and a calibration service for
hydrometers. NIST calibrated hydrometers are used by secondary labs as working standards and
thereby provide traceability to thousands of hydrometers used in the distilling and petroleum

Until recently, NIST calibrated customers’ hydrometers by the comparison method. NIST
working standard hydrometers were periodically calibrated by floating the hydrometer in liquids
of measured density, determined by hydrostatic weighing of a sinker of known mass and volume.
Customers’ hydrometers were then calibrated by comparing them to the NIST hydrometers in
several liquids. We sought to eliminate the collection of unsafe liquids used to carry out the
comparison method (aqueous solutions of acids or mixtures of volatile hydrocarbons). We also
wished to reduce uncertainty, the labor involved, and the cost to the customer [1, 2, 3] by
automating the hydrometer calibrations.

Therefore, the NIST Fluid Metrology Group developed an automated apparatus for the calibration
of hydrometers via Cuckow’s method [4], a hydrostatic weighing approach. The NIST apparatus
employs a laser light sheet and a laser power meter to position the liquid surface at the stem mark
to be calibrated. This apparatus achieves an expanded uncertainty of 100 parts in 106 or less. Of
course, larger uncertainties can be expected during hydrometer application because of surface
tension, contact angle, and temperature effects and we provide sample uncertainty analyses in this
paper to help users of hydrometers assess the uncertainty of their liquid density measurements.

Present address: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig,

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the hydrostatic weighing (Cuckow’s) apparatus at NIST.

2. Cuckow’s Method
Cuckow derived a method for a calibration laboratory to determine the density ρL represented by
a given scale mark on the hydrometer stem [4]. Force balance equations are written for a
hydrometer in three conditions: 1) when floating freely in a liquid of unknown density (ρL), 2)
when weighed in air, and 3) when weighed while immersed to the same level as case 1, but in a
liquid of known density. By solving the three equations simultaneously, one can derive an
equation for ρL:

{ρ T [1 + β (TT − T0 )] − ρ a2 }⎛⎜⎜ αO2 + πDγ L cosθ L ⎞⎟⎟

⎝ g ⎠
ρL = + ρ a2 , (1)
πDγ T cosθ T
αO2 − αO3 + + ms − Vs ρ T [1 + β s (TT − T0 )]

with the symbols defined as:

ρT : known density of the liquid in the apparatus, in our case, tridecane,
β : volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of the glass from which the hydrometer is made,
TT : temperature of the tridecane,
T0 : reference temperature,
ρa2 : density of the air at the time the hydrometer was weighed in air,
α : calibration coefficient for the balance,
O2 : output from the balance for the hydrometer in air,
D : diameter of the hydrometer stem at the scale mark to be calibrated,
γL : surface tension of the liquid in which the hydrometer is used,
θ L : contact angle of the liquid on the hydrometer stem,

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

g : local acceleration due to gravity,

O3 : output from the balance for the hydrostatic weighing,
γT : surface tension of tridecane,
θ T : contact angle of the tridecane on the hydrometer stem,
ms : mass of the stainless steel weight added to sink a hydrometer designed to measure densities
less than that of tridecane,
Vs : volume of the stainless steel weight, and
βs : volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of the stainless steel weight.

Equation (1) includes forces due to surface tension, those due to the calibration liquid (tridecane)
as well as those due to the liquid in which the hydrometer is used by the customer. For liquids
that wet glass, surface tension causes a meniscus to rise on the stem of a hydrometer and the
weight of the meniscus pulls the hydrometer deeper into the liquid, causing the hydrometer
reading to be too low. Typically, surface tension forces on hydrometers effect density
measurements by about 0.2% for aqueous solutions and about 0.1% for hydrocarbon liquids.

If the value of γL is not known at the time of calibration (perhaps because the hydrometer will be
applied in several liquids with different surface tensions) the result of the calibration can be
reported as an equation that gives a correction to be added to each calibrated scale mark:

C L = A + Bγ L cosθ L (2)

{ρ T [1 + β (TT − T0 )] − ρ a2 }αO2
A= + ρ a2 − R (3)
πDγ T cosθ T
αO2 − αO3 + + ms − Vs [1 + β s (TT − T0 )]ρ T

where R is the hydrometer reading at the calibrated scale mark and

π D
B = ( A + R − ρ a2 ) . (4)
αO2 g

The values of A and B are the output of a NIST calibration and in section 6 of this paper, we will
give the uncertainty contributed to CL via A and B. In section 7 of this paper we will analyze the
uncertainties that arise during application of a hydrometer using a NIST calibration. For example,
the values of surface tension and contact angle in equation (2) depend on the liquid under test and
the cleanliness of the hydrometer when it is used and are not included in the NIST calibration

3. Procedures and Apparatus

Hydrometer calibration by Cuckow’s method requires that the hydrometer be weighed in air and
weighed while immersed to the selected scale marks in a liquid of known density, in our case,
tridecane. The hydrostatic weighing process has been automated. In brief, the hydrostatic
weighing process is to:
1. Hang the hydrometer from a hook on the underside of the pan of the balance so that the stem
intersects the free surface of the tridecane.
2. With the tridecane surface below the scale mark to be calibrated, center a horizontal sheet of
laser light on that selected scale mark.
3. Raise the tridecane surface 3 mm above the scale mark and then lower it until the laser power
meter mounted opposite the laser indicates a sharp decrease in the laser light intensity due to

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

the tridecane surface being in the same plane as the scale mark to be calibrated (the “surface
positioning process”, see figure 2).
4. Stop the travel of the tridecane surface, pause for the balance readings to stabilize, and record
the tridecane temperature, the reading of the balance, and the reading of the encoder that
monitors the travel of the tridecane surface.

The hydrostatic weighing of the hydrometer is done with an analytical balance located on top of a
cabinet of square cross section, approximately 0.5 meter on an edge and 1.5 meters high (see
figure 1). The balance has a capacity of 205 g and a resolution of 0.0001 g. The hydrometer is
hung by a chain from the underside of the pan of the balance, which is centered over a hole in the
top plate of the cabinet so as to be directly above the 100 mm diameter tube containing the
tridecane. This tube is mounted vertically in a cylindrical, temperature controlled bath, which is
mounted on a vertical stage such that the bath-and-tube can be raised and lowered by a motor
under computer control. A linear encoder (5 µm resolution) is attached to the vertical stage to
monitor the position of the tridecane surface. Although the linear encoder measurements are not
needed for density calculations, they are useful for calculating the repeatability of the surface
positioning process. An external bath pumps temperature controlled water through the cylinder
surrounding the tube of tridecane. A thermometer well mounted within the tridecane supports a
calibrated thermistor to measure the temperature.

Figure 2. Surface positioning process

A CCD camera provides an image of the hydrometer scale on the computer monitor upon which
cursors are placed to indicate the scale marks to be calibrated. A self-leveling class II laser (a
laser diode mounted on a magnetically dampened pendulum) is located on its own vertical stage
with a motor under computer control. The thickness of the laser light sheet (0.2 mm) is defined by
a 50 mm long optical slit with a polarizing filter, located between the laser and the bath-and-tube.
A laser power meter is mounted on the opposite side of the bath-and-tube from the laser which
detects when the tridecane surface and the scale mark to be calibrated are in the same plane by
indicating a sharp decrease in the intensity of the laser light. The laser power meter output (in
ohms) is acquired by the computer and used along with the bath-and-tube vertical stage by the
surface positioning process. A computer program controls the number of replications at each
mark and then moves the entire process onto the next mark to be calibrated. The automated
hydrometer calibrator is capable of doing the hydrostatic weighing at any number of scale marks
on the hydrometer scale without operator intervention. It will operate unattended overnight.

The apparatus can be operated in a semi-automatic mode wherein the operator centers the laser
sheet on the scale mark to be calibrated by turning the lead screw by hand while looking directly

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

at the scale or by looking at the CCD camera image of the scale on the computer monitor. Then
the automatic features move the tridecane surface, determine when the tridecane surface is at the
scale mark to be calibrated, and records the required data. The semi-automatic mode is faster than
the fully automatic mode.
Tridecane surface

Power Meter Output (Ω)

tridecane Laser sheet through
4000 tridecane

3500 Laser sheet

through air Descending

51 53 55 57
position (m m )

Figure 3. Laser power meter output versus the elevation of the liquid tridecane surface. As the
liquid surface traverses the laser light sheet, the power meter registers the transition that we use in
the surface positioning process.

4. Surface Positioning Process

In our apparatus, the laser light sheet is centered on the hydrometer scale mark to be calibrated
and the tridecane surface is aligned with the center of the laser light sheet by lowering the
tridecane and looking for the decrease in intensity of the laser light measured by the laser power
meter. A plot of the laser light intensity versus elevation of the tridecane surface is shown in
figure 3. Figure 3 actually shows traces for three measurements at the same calibration mark to
demonstrate the repeatability of the surface positioning process. The tridecane surface is raised
above the mark to be calibrated by 3 mm and then lowered until the light intensity is at the half
way point of the transition to ensure a stable and reproducible meniscus on the hydrometer stem.
In figure 3, at elevations from 51 mm to 54.8 mm the laser power meter outputs approximately
3000 ohms. At these elevations the laser sheet is passing through the walls of the tube and the
bath, the water in the bath, and through air above the tridecane surface. At about 55 mm the light
intensity moves through the transition and the power meter output rises from 3000 ohms to 4500
ohms. At tridecane elevations of 55.4 mm and above, the power meter registers the highest
intensity (4500 ohms). At these elevations the laser sheet is passing through the container walls,
the water, and the tridecane. The three traces for the descending surface end at an elevation of
about 55.2 where the surface positioning process has determined that the light intensity is at the
midpoint of the transition. At this point the tridecane surface is aligned with the scale mark to be
calibrated and after a 40 s wait for stabilization of the balance, its readings along with the
tridecane temperature are recorded to file for later processing. The vertical stage changing the
tridecane surface elevation is operated at a slow speed (0.5 mm/min) so that the surface does not
over run the desired position due to computer processing or actuation delays.

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The shape of the light intensity transition is caused by 1) the lens behavior of the tridecane filled
cylinder, 2) the vertical intensity profile of the laser light sheet, and 3) refraction and reflection of
the light sheet by the tridecane meniscus. The large change in intensity is due to the vessel of
tridecane acting as a cylindrical lens, focusing the light onto the power meter window. The width
of the transition (about 0.2 mm) is due to the width of the laser light sheet. As the tridecane is
raised and a larger portion of the light sheet passes through the liquid lens, the power meter
readings increase. Therefore, at the midpoint of the transition, the middle of the laser light sheet is
aligned with the bottom of the meniscus. Since we align the middle of the light sheet with the
hydrometer mark to be calibrated, the bottom of the meniscus is aligned with the hydrometer
mark to be calibrated.

The decrease in intensity seen between 51 mm and 55 mm in figure 3 is caused by refraction and
reflection of the laser light by the tridecane meniscus inside the cylinder. The angle formed by the
tridecane at the cylinder wall refracts or reflects (depending on the angle of the meniscus surface)
the laser light away from the power meter window. The hysteresis in the power meter output
between the rising versus descending tridecane surface is caused by the non-zero contact angle on
the cylinder and hydrometer.

5. Surface Tension and Contact Angle Effects

Surface tension and contact angle effects are the primary reason for our selecting tridecane as the
liquid of known density. The surface tension of tridecane is relatively low (25 mN/m at 20 °C)
and so all surface tension and contact error effects are about one third the magnitude of those for
water. The surface tension of tridecane (and hydrocarbon liquids in general) has low sensitivity to
contaminants. Also, we found that the contact angle is effectively zero for simple and safe
hydrometer cleaning processes using solvents, i.e. the contact angle (measured by the sessile drop
method) for tridecane on glass is only weakly sensitive to glass surface contamination.

Initially we used distilled water as the liquid of known density in our apparatus. We had difficulty
obtaining reliable results due to the large sensitivity of water’s surface tension and contact angle
due to contaminants on the water’s surface or on the hydrometer stem.

Water has large surface tension, 73 mN/m at 20 °C; however only trace contamination by
detergents or hydrocarbons will reduce the surface tension by as much as 10 mN/m. An error in
surface tension of 10 mN/m leads to errors of 150 parts in 106 for 1 g/cm3 hydrometer.

There is a similar problem caused by the contact angle formed by the water with the glass of the
hydrometer stem. The force due to surface tension on the hydrometer stem is πDγ cos θ where
θ is the contact angle of the liquid with the hydrometer stem glass surface [5]. Derivations of the
equations for Cuckow’s method generally assume that the contact angle is equal to zero, so that
the surface tension force is simply πDγ . This assumption is made because 1) it is difficult to
measure the contact angle (particularly on a curved surface such as a hydrometer stem) and 2) the
stem is thought to be cleaned well enough that the contact angle is effectively zero. However, we
have found that many cleaning processes are not adequate to justify the zero contact angle
assumption and that it is difficult to maintain the stem in a clean condition even over a period of
hours. In particular, glass cleaned with solvents, finished with ethanol and air dried does not
achieve an effectively zero contact angle. We note that if a hydrometer is cleaned with chromic-
sulfuric acid, rinsed with water, air dried, and used immediately, the contact angle is less than 10°
and cos(θ ) can be assumed equal to one. However, the glass will not remain clean for long unless
carefully protected from contamination, such as oil droplets in air.

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

6. Uncertainty of the NIST Hydrometer Calibration

We analyzed the uncertainty of a density measurement caused by the NIST hydrometer
calibration results [A and B in equation (2)] following the method of propagation of uncertainties
[6, 7, 8]. This involved obtaining normalized sensitivity coefficients, S i = (1 ρ L )(∂ρ L ∂xi ) , by
partial differentiation. We also obtained standard uncertainties ( dxi ) for the calibration inputs
from experiments with the instruments in the apparatus. We examined a number of cases and
found that the calibration results from our apparatus normally have an expanded uncertainty
(coverage factor k = 2) of 100 parts in 106 or less. In the following section, we consider
uncertainty components that arise during app°lication of the hydrometer (temperature effects, the
customer’s surface tension and contact angle) and find that they can lead to uncertainties of 370
parts in 106 (k = 2), or larger.

Table 1 gives an uncertainty analysis for a hydrometer that we have used to measure the density
of water. This hydrometer is similar in design to those that we receive for calibration. It has a
span of 0.05 g/cm3 and each scale increment is 1.3 mm long and represents 0.0005 g/cm3. The
uncertainty analysis in Table 1 includes only the components related to the calibration at NIST
using our apparatus. Table 1 has columns for 1) the input quantities to equation (1), 2) their
variable names, 3) their values, 4) the values of the standard uncertainties (k = 1), 5) the units for
each quantity, 6) the normalized sensitivity coefficients, 7) the values for the sensitivity
coefficients, and 8) the product of the normalized sensitivity coefficient and the standard
uncertainty, expressed as parts in 106. Explanations about some of the numbered uncertainty
components in the table 1 will be given now.

1. We measured the density of the tridecane used in our apparatus by hydrostatic weighing of a
spherical stainless steel sinker of known mass and known volume at temperatures between
15 °C and 23 °C. The standard uncertainty of our equation for tridecane density is 5 parts in
106 based on uncertainty analysis of the hydrostatic weighing method. (We also measured
the tridecane density with a vibrating tube densitometer that was calibrated with air and
distilled water. These results agreed with the hydrostatic weighing density within 37 parts in
106, within the uncertainty of the densitometer.) The uncertainty of the temperature of the
tridecane in the hydrometer calibration apparatus is 0.008 K and this contributes to the
tridecane density uncertainty as well ( β T = 710 × 10 −6 K-1). The standard uncertainty of the
tridecane density is 7 ×10-6 g/cm3.
2. Hydrometers are made from a variety of glasses, including borosilicate glass and soda-lime
glass. The volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of these glasses varies from 9 × 10-6 K-1
to 26 × 10-6 K-1. Unless a reliable value is specified, this component has a relatively large
standard uncertainty and contributes significantly to the expanded uncertainty of the NIST
calibration. This component can be reduced to negligible levels by operating the apparatus at
the hydrometer reference temperature. In this example we have operated the apparatus at 20
°C and used a reference temperature of 15.56 °C (60 °F) to illustrate that the component is
significant (22 parts in 106 here).

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

Table 1. Uncertainty analysis for a hydrometer calibrated with the NIST Cuckow’s apparatus.
See table 2 for extra components that arise during hydrometer usage.

xi dxi Si 106 Si
Quantity xi units Si
Value Value Value dxi

O 2 − O3 + m s
1) Density of tridecane ρT 0.756 7 × 10-6 g/cm3 1.32 9
ρ T ( O 2 − O3 + m s − ρ T Vs )
2) Hydrometer volume β 2.5 × 10-5 5 × 10-6 1/K TT – T0 4.44 22
thermal expansion
3) Temperature of β ( O2 − O3 + ms − ρ TVs ) + β sVs ρ T
TT 20.0 0.008 °C 2.5 × 10-5 0
tridecane O2 − O3 + ms − Vs ρ T
− O3 + ms − ρ TVs
4) Density of air ρa2 1.2 × 10-3 1 × 10-5 g/cm3 -0.32 -3
ρ T O2
5) Hydrometer weight − O3 + ms − ρ TVs
O2 48 0.00015 g -6.6 × 10-3 -1
in air O2 ( O2 − O3 + ms − ρ TVs )
6) Hydrometer weight 1
O3 11.6 0.0003 g 2.8 × 10-2 8
in tridecane O2 − O3 + ms − ρ TVs
π ⎡ γ Lcos(θ L ) γ Tcos(θT ) ⎤
7) Stem diameter D 0.5 0.001 cm ⎢ − ⎥ -2.3 × 10-3 2
g⎣ O2 O2 − O3 + ms − ρTVs ⎦

8) Surface tension of πDcos(θ T )

γT 25 0.5 mN/m − -4.4 × 10-5 -22
tridecane g ( O 2 − O3 + m s − ρ T V s )
9) Contact angle in cos(θ T ) −
πDγ T
1 0.015 -1.1 × 10-3 -17
tridecane g ( O 2 − O3 + m s − ρ T V s )
πD ⎡ γ Lcos(θ L ) γ Tcos(θ T ) ⎤
10) Grav constant g 980 1 × 10-2 cm/s2 ⎢ − ⎥ -1.2 × 10-6 0
g2 ⎣ O2 O2 − O3 + ms − ρTVs ⎦
11) Mass of sinker ms 0 0∗ g -2.8 × 10-2 0
O2 − O3 + ms − ρ TVs
12) Volume of sinker Vs 0 0* cm3 2.8 × 10-2 0
O 2 − O3 + m s − ρ T V s
13) Volume thermal ρ TVs ( TT − T0 )
βs 0 0* 1/K 0.74 0
expansion of sinker O2 − O3 + ms − ρ TVs
1 ∂ρ L
14) Laser positioning - - 8.3 × 10-3 cm 3.7 × 10-3 31
ρL ∂ A
15) Surface 1 ∂ρ L
- - 2 × 10-3 cm 3.7 × 10-3 7
positioning ρL ∂ A

16) Repeatability - 1 1 × 10-5 g/cm3 - 1 10

Expanded Uncertainty of NIST Calibration RSS x 2 101

Sinker not used for the hydrometer used in this example.

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

3. The temperature of the tridecane was surveyed and monitored with a thermister. The
tridecane temperature within the tube was uniform within 0.003 K and stable within 0.005 K
during the 3 hour interval necessary to calibrate a hydrometer. Three annual calibrations of
this thermister are consistent within 0.005 K. The root-sum-square (RSS) of these
temperature components is 0.008 K; we will use this value as the standard uncertainty of the
temperature of the tridecane.
5. and 6. Zero drift of the balance is the primary source of uncertainty for the hydrostatic weight
measurement (0.3 mg). Zero readings are checked before and after hydrometer calibrations
and zero readings in error by more than 3 mg trigger re-testing. Repeatability, resolution (0.1
mg), linearity (checked periodically with calibration masses), and the uncertainty of
calibration masses are negligible in comparison. For the dry weight measurement, scale
resolution and linearity are the most significant components and the standard uncertainty is
0.15 mg.
8. We measured the surface tension of our tridecane with a DuNouy tensiometer and our
measurements differed from literature values [9] by 1 mN/m or less. We have taken 0.5
mN/m as the standard uncertainty.
9. Our experiments showed that the contact angle for tridecane is small for even simple glass
cleaning procedures. Our calculations assume the contact angle is zero, but we will use a
standard uncertainty of 10° for our uncertainty analysis. For mathematical reasons, we will
deal with the uncertainty of the term cos(θ T ) and cos(θ L ) rather than θ T and θ L .
10. The gravitational constant g at the apparatus is 980.1018 cm/s2 with a standard uncertainty
of 10 parts in 106 or less. [10]
11. , 12., and 13. The sinker is needed only when calibrating hydrometers for liquids less dense
than tridecane (<0.76 g/cm3). When the sinker is used, the sinker uncertainty components are
all less than 6 parts in 106, negligible compared to other components.
14. The largest uncertainty component is one that is not explicitly found in equation (1): the
alignment of the laser light sheet with the hydrometer stem mark. The uncertainty for this
component depends on the pixel resolution of the camera system that we use during
alignment. The standard uncertainty is one half of the pixel dimension (0.016/2 = 0.08 mm).
The normalized sensitivity coefficient for this component is (1 ρ L )(∂ρ L ∂A ) where A is the
length along the hydrometer stem. For a hydrometer of the design used in this example (1.3
mm scale increments represent 0.0005 g/cm3), 0.08 mm length uncertainty corresponds to 31
parts in 106 density uncertainty. This uncertainty value is not changed when the laser is
aligned with the scale mark by the operator instead of by the computer. We have calibrated
the same stem mark repeatedly, manually moving the laser light sheet off and back onto the
mark each time, and we have found the standard deviation of the calibration results to be 20
parts in 106.
15. We also include a component due to alignment of the tridecane surface with the laser light
sheet by the surface positioning process. The process reliably locates the midpoint of the
power meter transition within 10% of the transition. The slope of the transition (see figure 3)
allows us to translate the 10% uncertainty into a length and then a density uncertainty for the
hydrometer stem design (7 parts in 106). This value is confirmed by repeatability
measurements: when we leave the laser light sheet in a fixed position and use the surface
positioning process repeatedly, the liquid surface position (as measured by the linear
encoder) has a standard deviation of 0.016 mm, 6 parts in 106 for density.
16. All of the uncertainty components discussed up to now are of type B. For a customer
calibration, we include the standard deviation of five repeated measurements made at the
same scale mark in the uncertainty analysis (type A). In our experience, this is always less
than 10 parts in 106 and we have included a component of this size in table 1.

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

Taking the root-sum-square of the components and multiplying by 2 gives an expanded,

approximately 95% confidence level uncertainty. The result is 101 parts in 106 (k = 2) for a
hydrometer of the design type we calibrate most often.

In this example, the laser positioning component is the largest contributor. This component is
analogous to the ability to “read” the position of the liquid surface on the hydrometer scale and
we can do this with our apparatus with standard uncertainty of 0.08 mm. This length corresponds
to different density uncertainties depending on the design of the hydrometer under test. For a high
resolution hydrometer, this component can drop to less than half the value in table 1. Then, the
dominant uncertainty components of our apparatus become surface tension, contact angle, and the
hydrometer thermal expansion coefficient, and the expanded uncertainty of the calibration result
falls below 100 parts in 106 (k = 2).

7. Uncertainty When the Hydrometer Is Used

Table 2 shows uncertainty analyses for hydrometers used to measure the density of water and two
hydrocarbon liquids (trichloroethylene and toluene). The table gives sample magnitudes for
illustration, but users’ values may be quite different. The examples are given to show hydrometer
users that uncertainties other than the NIST calibration must be considered and that those extra
uncertainties are significant.

Surface tension and contact angle are needed when equations (1) or (2) are used to calculate the
density of a liquid. The uncertainty of these values is dependent on the liquid under test. For
hydrocarbon liquids, handbook surface tension values are available and uncertainties of 1 mN/m
are reasonable. Simple cleaning procedures will give contact angles of nearly zero with standard
uncertainty of 10° for hydrocarbons on glass. For water and aqueous solutions, only certain
cleaning procedures will give contact angles less than 20° (for instance chromic-sulfuric acid,
water rinsed, air dried) and unless these procedures are used, large uncertainties must be assumed.
This problem is compounded by the large values of surface tension for aqueous solutions and
their large uncertainties since they are sensitive to contamination.

Uncertainty due to thermometer calibration and temperature non-uniformity of the liquid sample
in which the hydrometer is floated can be large. The sensitivity coefficient is proportional to the
volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of the liquid under test, about 200 × 10-6 K-1 for aqueous
solutions, about 1000 × 10-6 K-1 for most hydrocarbons, and 1670 × 10-6 K-1 for trichloroethylene.
The temperature uncertainty used in table 2 is half the measurement resolution recommended in
an ISO hydrometer procedure and one tenth of the allowed difference between before and after
temperature measurements [11].

Two additional uncertainty components deserve mention: the density of air and the gravitational
constant. Cuckow’s derivation assumes that the air density buoying the emergent stem is equal
during calibration and usage. We examined the case where a hydrometer was calibrated at sea
level and used at an elevation of 2000 m and found that Cuckow’s approximation introduced an
error of less than 10 parts in 106, negligible relative to the uncertainties in table 2. We also note
that the two instances of g found in equation (1) may differ since calibration and usage may occur
at different latitudes or altitudes. A difference in g of 0.25 % leads to an error of less than 10 parts
in 106.

For water, the dominant uncertainty contributors are the surface tension and contact angle. For
trichloroethylene, temperature effects dominate all others due to a large thermal expansion
coefficient. In the example for a hydrometer used in toluene, the hydrometer scale has twice the
resolution of the prior examples. This allows lower uncertainty from our apparatus (77 parts in
106, k = 2) and during usage (238 parts in 106, k = 2).

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

Table 2. Uncertainty for hydrometer density measurements in water, trichloroethylene, and toluene, using a NIST calibration.

Liquid under
Water Trichloroethylene Toluene
106 × 106 × 106 ×
Quantity xi units Si xi dxi Si Si dxi xi dxi Si Si dxi xi dxi Si Si dxi

calibration A, B - - - - 1 50 - - 1 44 - - 1 39

πDcos(θ L )
User surface
γL mN/m gO2 68 2.5 3.1 × 10-5 78 29 1 3.1 × 10-5 17 28 1 2.7 × 10-5 27

πDγ L
cos (θ L )
User contact
- 0.94 0.045 2.3 × 10-3 -102 1 0.015 5 × 10-4 8 1 0.015 5 × 10-4 12
angle gO2
1 ∂ρ L
T effects TL °C 20 0.1 2 × 10-4 20 20 0.1 1.7 × 10-3 167 20 0.1 9 × 10-4 92
ρL ∂ A
Resolution ρL g/cm3 - 1.0 1 × 10-4 - 100 1.46 1 × 10-4 - 68 0.87 5 × 10-5 - 58

Expanded Uncertainty of Hydrometer Usage RSS × 2 344 RSS × 2 373 RSS × 2 238

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

8. Validation with Liquids of Known Density

The performance of the apparatus was validated with a two step process. First we freely floated a
hydrometer in a liquid of known density. We stirred the liquid, measured its temperature, floated
the hydrometer and read it by eye, removed the hydrometer, stirred the liquid, and measured the
temperature of the liquid again. We then used our apparatus and equation (1) to calculate the
density represented by the same stem scale mark read on the freely floating hydrometer. We
performed the validation tests in four liquids; tridecane, toluene, water, and trichloroethylene. The
resolution of the hydrometer scales was 0.0005 g/cm3 for all except the toluene hydrometer which
had a resolution of 0.0002 g/cm3. The results of the validation tests are listed in table 3. The
densities based on temperature measurements and from the Cuckow’s apparatus all agree within
0.00003 g/cm3 (40 parts in 106).

Table 3. Summary of validation tests using liquids of known density.

Liquid Density from Density from Difference Difference

equation of state Cuckow’s (g/cm3) (parts in 106)
(g/cm3) apparatus
Tridecane 0.75695 0.75692 -0.00003 -40
Toluene 0.86779 0.86778 -0.00001 -12
Water 0.99825 0.99824 -0.00001 -10
Trichloroethylene 1.46550 1.46551 +0.00001 +6

The density as a function of temperature (at atmospheric pressure) for tridecane and
trichloroethylene were determined by hydrostatic weighing of a sinker as described earlier
(standard uncertainty 5 parts in 106). (The same tridecane was used for the freely floating
measurements and the Cuckow’s apparatus measurements). The density as a function of
temperature for the toluene sample was measured with a vibrating tube densitometer (standard
uncertainty 15 parts in 106), using NIST Standard Reference Material 211d (toluene) as a liquid
of reference density. The density of the water was calculated using the equation of Patterson and
Morris.12 We compared hydrostatic weighing and vibrating tube densitometer measurements of
the density of our distilled water to the equation of Patterson and Morris and found agreement
within 10 parts in 106. Therefore the standard uncertainty of the density as a function of
temperature equations for the liquids used in the validation experiments is always less than 15
parts in 106.

The validation experiments apply hydrometers in much the same way that our calibration
customers do. As a result, the validation experiments are subject to the same uncertainty concerns
for the freely floating test that are listed in table 2, i.e., the Cuckow’s apparatus results, surface
tension, contact angle, temperature, and resolution, as well as the density as a function of
temperature uncertainties given above. We used chromic sulfuric acid to clean the hydrometer
stems for the freely floating experiments and this is critical to obtaining low uncertainty for the
water validation experiment. The density agreement found in the validation experiments (40 parts
in 106) is well within our expectations based on an uncertainty analysis (373 parts in 106) for the

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

9. Comparison to NIST Historical Results for a Reference Hydrometer

NIST has a collection of reference hydrometers that have been used to calibrate customers’
hydrometers by the comparison method. The reference hydrometers have been calibrated by
placing them in liquids of known density, said density determined by hydrostatic weighing of
sinkers of known mass and volume. We have records of the calibration of one of these reference
hydrometers (KNEK 260) by Bowman and Gallagher [13] (measured in 1956, published in
1969). We calibrated KNEK 260 in our Cuckow’s apparatus at three different tridecane
temperatures and the results, along with those of Bowman and Gallagher are shown in figure 4.
The old and new calibrations agree within 160 parts in 106 over the range of density tested.







0.95 0.97 0.99 1.01 1.03
S pecific Gravity

Bowman & Gallagher, 1969

T his work 25 °C
T his work 19 °C
T his work 16 °C

Figure 4. Corrections for hydrometer KNEK 260 from our apparatus (used at three tridecane
temperatures) and from Bowman and Gallagher, 1969. Error bars are 100 parts in 106 from table

The three sets of data from our apparatus differ by as much as 40 parts in 106, and appear to be a
function of test temperature. We believe the apparent temperature dependence is due to a small
error in the value β = 23 × 10-6 / K that Bowman and Gallagher used for the volumetric thermal
expansion coefficient of the KNEK 260 hydrometer. If we replace the Bowman and Gallagher
value with β of 19 × 10-6 / K, the temperature dependence vanishes.

10. Summary
We constructed and validated an automated standard that calibrates hydrometers by Cuckow’s
method. The advantages of the automated hydrometer calibrator include:
1. It can calibrate any number of hydrometer scale marks with any number of replications while
unattended by an operator. Thus a hydrometer can be calibrated overnight.
2. Any location on the hydrometer scale can be calibrated. This is superior to the comparison
method of calibration where the location on the scale of the calibration is dictated by the
density of the liquid used for the calibration.
3. Only one user-friendly calibrating fluid is used. In the comparison method, several mixtures
of sulfuric acid/water and volatile organic solvent/oil mixtures are required.

Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

We selected tridecane as the liquid of known density in our Cuckow’s apparatus since it has
relatively low surface tension (25 mN/m) that is not sensitive to contamination, and it forms a
contact angle less than 10° with the glass hydrometer stem even with a simple ethanol cleaning
process. It has a low vapor pressure, so we do not lose liquid due to evaporation at an
unacceptable rate. It is a single component fluid: the liquid that remains will maintain a constant
density as some of it evaporates.

The uncertainty of the calibration at NIST is 100 parts in 106 for a typical hydrometer design.
Usage of a hydrometer to measure an unknown liquid density introduces several significant
uncertainty components (surface tension, contact angle, temperature effects, and resolution) that
lead to uncertainties of 370 parts in 106 or more unless great care is taken. This is particularly true
for aqueous solutions or liquids with large thermal expansion coefficients.

We validated our automated Cuckow’s apparatus using four liquids of known density and found
agreement of 40 parts in 106 or less, well within our uncertainty specifications. We compared the
results of our apparatus with historic calibrations of one of our reference hydrometers (KNEK
260). KNEK 260 is one of the hydrometers we used as a working standard to perform comparison
method calibrations of customer hydrometers. We found that the old and new calibrations agree
within 160 parts in 106, indicating that changing to our new calibration method should not
introduce any significant discontinuity in the results of calibrations performed by NIST. We
tested KNEK 260 at tridecane temperatures ranging from 16 °C to 25 °C and obtained consistent
results within our uncertainty for the thermal expansion coefficient of the hydrometer.


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Published in Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 015104

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[10] Tate D R 1967 Acceleration Due to Gravity at the National Bureau of Standards, J. of Res.
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[11] International Organization for Standardization 1981 ISO 649/2 Laboratory Glassware –
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[12] Patterson J B and Morris E C 1994 Measurement of Absolute Water Density, 1°C to 40°C,
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[13] Gallagher W H and Bowman H A 1969 An Improved High-Precision Calibration Procedure

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