HMT Report

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Elastic instability is suggested as a potentially effective way to accelerate heat transfer under
circumstances with very low Reynolds numbers. Yet, the start of elastic instability and its impact on heat
transmission heavily depend on the polymer solution's unrevealed rheological characteristics. The
efficacy of heat transmission due to differences in rheology in a swirling flow arrangement between
parallel plates is evaluated by adjusting polymer concentration, sucrose proportion, and salt level. The
findings show that while the swirling velocity is fixed, both an increase in polymer content and a
decrease in salinity can easily cause elastic instability, improving heat transfer performance. Yet, as the
whirling velocity keeps rising, the effects of salinity become less significant, and the maximal
enhancement appears to be independent of salinity. In particular, at low Reynolds numbers, the heat
transfer performance based on pure elastic instability exhibits more improvement than that of inertial-
elastic instability.
Table of Contents
Theoretical background..............................................................................................................................5
Start up.......................................................................................................................................................7
Experimental procedure.............................................................................................................................7
Conclusion and Recommendations..........................................................................................................10
Raw Data...............................................................................................................................................13
Data Analysis.........................................................................................................................................16
Sample Calculations..............................................................................................................................16
Elastic instability is suggested as a potentially effective way to intensify heat transfer under
circumstances with very low Reynolds numbers. However, the rheological characteristics of the fluid
have a significant impact on the onset of elastic instability and how it affects heat transfer. The
performance of heat transfer caused by variations in rheology is examined by varying the heat transfer
fluid at various temperatures in a swirling flow configuration between the measuring cylinder and the
measuring bob with an attached Viscotherm for heat exchanger.

In particular, at low Reynolds numbers, the heat transfer performance based on pure elastic instability
exhibits greater improvement than that of inertial-elastic instability. Power generation, information
computing technology, chemical production, and the extremely high heat flux encountered in the
aerospace industry are just a few of the industrial sectors where efficient heat transfer is crucial. The
development of high-performance heat transfer techniques at low Reynolds numbers, Re, has been
actively studied over the past few decades, driven by industrial needs for process intensification and
device miniaturization. Inducing turbulent-like flow motion through geometrical changes is a traditional
way to increase heat transfer at low Re numbers, but this approach is not always feasible due to the
laminar flow nature encountered.
Theoretical background
When monitoring low-viscosity liquids at high shear rates, secondary flow effects could happen. This
could result in turbulent flow behavior, which would raise the flow resistance. The following only applies
to perfect viscous fluids with little elastic behavior.

In a Searly cylinder's yearly gap, Taylor vortices and the Ta number were observed MS for liquids flowing
in the annular gap of a concentric cylinder MS, there is a critical upper limit between laminar and
turbulent flow behavior at which flow instabilities are happening (i.e. when utilizing the Searle
technique), if the bob is rotating and the cup is stationary. This is a result of the fluid's mass-induced
inertial effects and centrifugal forces. The Tylor number (Ta), which depends on the rotational speed,
here expressed in terms of the angular velocity in [rads/s] or in [s-1], as well as the radius Ri [m] of the
bob, the density [kg/m3] and viscosity [Pas] of the liquid, and the shear gap dimension of the cylinder
MS, here expressed in terms of the ratio of the radii Scc.

In the cylinder MS that displays a spinning cup and a stationery bob, Tylor vortices are not visible.

Calculation of Ta number:

Equation 1. Ta=
[ ω c . ρ . Ri2 . ( δ cc−1 ) ] ≥ 41.2

Therefore, the stability criterion for the critical angular velocity ω c when Ta vortices occurring are met if:

( 41.2 . η )
Equation 2. c 3
2 2
[ ρ . Ri . ( δ cc−1 ) ]

Figure 1 Viscosity flow curve.

Reynolds number in a cylinder's circular gap (MS). In the event that the crucial Reynolds number (Re) is
attained, turbulent flow behavior also happens. The ratio of the forces resulting from the fluid's mass
inertia and flow resistance is represented by the Re number.

When using the Searle approach or the Couette method, as well as both types of cylinder MS, flow
instabilities due to Reynolds are also present.

Calculation of Re number in the general form:

Equation 3. ℜ=(V m . L . ρ)/η

With the density ρ [kg/m 3], the viscosity η [Pas], and the mean velocity V m [m/s] of the fluid, the
geometrical dimension L [m].

For an annular gap: Equation 4. L= (Re – Ri)

Related to the middle of the gap holds, using the “representation values”.

Equation 5. V m = ω. Rrep, with Rrep = (Re + Ri) / 2

With the angular velocity ω [rads/s]. Therefore

Equation 6. ℜ=¿ ω. (Re + Ri). (Re – Ri). ρ] / (2. η) = [ω. ρ. (Re 2 – Ri2)] / (2. η)

[ 2
Or ℜ= ω . ρ . Ri . ( δ cc −1 ) /(2 . η)

There are two critical Re numbers existing:

1. Rec1 ≥1 occurrence of “end effects”, causing flow instabilities around the edges of the upper and
lower end of the cylindrical part of the bob.
2. Rec2 ≥1000 (to 10 000): occurrence of turbulence in the circular gap itself.

Convection Heat Transfer

The entire energy transfer procedure in convective heat transfer is greatly influenced by the bulk fluid
velocity of the fluid. As a result, understanding the velocity distribution close to a solid surface is crucial.

Convection's governing equation is:

Equation 7. Q conv = =hA ( T w −T ∝)

Equation 8. Rconv =
Equation 9. As = лDL,

L = Length of rod, (distance from T1 to T8), (m)

D = diameter of rod, (m)
h = heat transfer coefficient, W/ (m2. k)
Tw= Surface temperature, °C
T͚ = Fluid temperature, °C
A= total convection area, m2

 Anton-Paar Rheometer
 Viscotherm
 Viscous fluid oil

Figure 2 Anton-Paar Rheometer Figure 3 Viscotherm

Start up
 To allow the air to pass through the rheometer, we turned on the compressor and closed the
filters. Inspected the air pressure and make sure it is 6 bars.
 Used the on/off button on the rheometer's left side to turn it on.
 On the computer, we launched the Rheology program.
 The airflow rate was adjusted to between 150 and 200 LN/h.
 Initialized the system after removing any associated measuring equipment from the rheometer.
 Connected the heat exchanger with the viscotherm to control the temperature.

Experimental procedure
 We removed the hood cover to regulate the temperature of the fluid.
 We then placed the Anton Paar Measuring system CC18 – 18 mm and the boob measuring
system, used a smooth bob because the fluid had no bubbles.
 We took off the cup and filled it with the oil until the measuring level. It is important not to
overfill the cup.
 After filling the measuring cup we placed it to its position and screwed it tight.
 Started the rheology software's viscotherm.
 Set the Rheometer temperature to 25°C and the viscotherm temperature to 15°C.
 Set the testing temperature on the software to 25°C to 100°C and launch the viscosity flow curve
 Decided on a 5mm measurement gap.
 Once the temperature is stabilized, start the test.
 We waited for the temperature to stabilize before repeating the test at 100°C


Chart Title
Viscosity [mPa.s]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Shear Rate [1/s]

Figure 4 The graph for temperature at 25

Chart Title


Viscosity [mPa.s]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Shear Rate [1/s]

Figure 5 The graph for temperature at 100


Viscosity values range from 44.867 mPa.s at 25 to 4.1980 mPa.s at 100. The average kinetic energy of
molecules increases as the liquid's temperature rises. The outcome is that the molecules defeat the
intermolecular attractive interactions, which causes the viscosity of the oil to drop. The viscosity of
Newtonian liquids is temperature-dependent, meaning that it gets thinner as the temperature rises. We
have flow instability at 25. The calculations show that the occurrence of the Reynolds number is the end
result that leads to the flow instabilities at the edge of the upper and lower end of the cylindrical
component of the bob. The centrifugal forces and inertial effects brought on by the fluid's bulk are what
generate the flow instabilities. The degree of smoothness of the measuring system's walls also affects
these flow anomalies. Flow instabilities start to happen when the angular velocity reaches a critical
point. The degree of smoothness of the measuring system's walls and the smooth bob that was
employed are what ultimately cause the Reynolds number occurrence for both at 25 and 100 degrees.

Low-speed spinning results in a decrease in salinity and an improvement in heat transfer for a given
whirling velocity. However, the amplification becomes salinity-dependent when the whirling velocity
surpasses a particular threshold, which is made feasible by the reduction of the shielding effect. It is
clear that the polymer content restricts the greatest improvement while the salinity influences the
beginning of elastic instability. Additionally, due to the significant changes in shear-thinning, Re's
dependence on Wc varies with different salinities. Shear-thinning phenomena are more pronounced in
low salinity polymer solutions, which prevents a rise in the amplification of heat transfer. Understanding
the impacts of solvent content on the enhancement is challenging because of the coupling effects
between inertial and elastic nonlinearity. However, for low Reynolds numbers, the improvement merely
based on elastic instability is the most striking and encouraging.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In this paper we were investigating heat and mass flow instability and secondary flow effects in cylinder
measuring system. At the temperature of 25 and 100. We can conclude that the viscosity of the fluid is
directly proportional with the temperature, since we got a high viscosity at 25 and low viscosity at 100.
The Tylor vortices do not appear in cylinder measuring system showing a rotational cup and a stationery
bob. The inner cylinder is rotating. we observed that even at high rotational speeds, the annular gap still
remains filled with the sample, the precondition is that the sample was filled into the cup up to the
required level. We can conclude that the flow instability are caused by the Reynolds number occurrence.

1. Good temperature control of the sample is guaranteed due to the relatively large contact area
at the wall of the cup.
2. Even at high rotational speeds, the annular gap still remains filled with the sample, Precondition
is that the sample has been filled into the cup up to the required level.
3. In order to counter wall slip effects, measuring bobs and/or cups with sandblasted or profiled
cylinder surfaces might be used.
4. In order to prevent solvents evaporating, a cover might be used, and if desired, also a solvent
1. Megzer, T. G. (2014). The Rheology Handbook. Germany: Vincent Network Hanover.

2. Yao, G, Zhao, J, Shen, X et al. (2 more authors) (2020) Effects of

rheological properties on heat transfer enhancements by elastic instability in von-Karman
swirling flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152. 119535. p. 119535. ISSN


4. S Topayev, Chérif Nouar, J. Dušek. Secondary instabilities in Taylor Couette flow of shear
thinning fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 933, ff10.1017/jfm.2021.1036ff. ffhal-

Symbol Description Units

Ta Tylor vortices No units
Wc Angular velocity m/s
p Density Kg/m^3
Ri Radius m
Scc Radii No units
ņ Viscosity Kg/m s
Re Reynolds number No units
Qconv Convection heat transfer W
h Heat transfer coefficient W/m^2 K
Tw Surface temperature °C
Tf Fluid temperature °C
A Total convection area m^2
L Length m
d Diameter m
Pie No units
Raw Data
Point Shear Shear Stress Viscosity Temperature Torque
No. Rate

[1/s] [Pa] [mPa·s] [°C] [mN·m]

1 0,1 0,00023813 2,3818 100,11 1,27E-05
2 0,117 0,001327 11,381 100,12 7,05E-05
3 0,136 0,001171 8,6133 100,11 6,23E-05
4 0,159 0,0012877 8,1231 100,1 6,85E-05
5 0,185 0,0011701 6,3305 100,1 6,22E-05
6 0,216 0,0014455 6,7073 100,09 7,69E-05
7 0,251 0,0015375 6,1161 100,08 8,17E-05
8 0,293 0,0016357 5,5838 100,07 8,70E-05
9 0,342 0,00056832 1,664 100,06 3,02E-05
10 0,398 0,0005961 1,497 100,05 3,17E-05
11 0,464 0,0020039 4,3157 100,05 0,00010653
12 0,541 0,002672 4,9357 100,04 0,00014205
13 0,631 0,0033681 5,3369 100,04 0,00017906
14 0,737 0,0035922 4,8721 100,04 0,00019098
15 0,858 0,0040061 4,668 100,04 0,00021298
16 1 0,0047058 4,6967 100,04 0,00025018
17 1,17 0,0049887 4,2765 100,04 0,00026522
18 1,36 0,005825 4,2761 100,04 0,00030968
19 1,59 0,0066226 4,1744 100,04 0,00035208
20 1,85 0,0070084 3,7912 100,03 0,0003726
21 2,16 0,0084169 3,9019 100,03 0,00044748
22 2,52 0,010263 4,0777 100,03 0,00054561
23 2,93 0,012509 4,2661 100,03 0,00066504
24 3,42 0,014581 4,2617 100,03 0,00077516
25 3,99 0,017209 4,3137 100,03 0,00091489
26 4,65 0,020039 4,3089 100,03 0,0010654
27 5,42 0,022624 4,1755 100,03 0,0012028
28 6,32 0,025772 4,0793 100,03 0,0013701
29 7,36 0,031476 4,2754 100,03 0,0016734
30 8,59 0,036111 4,2018 100,03 0,0019198
31 10 0,041685 4,1607 100,03 0,0022162
32 11,7 0,049809 4,2643 100,03 0,0026481
33 13,6 0,057352 4,2111 100,03 0,0030491
34 15,9 0,066353 4,1791 100,03 0,0035276
35 18,5 0,078453 4,2379 100,03 0,0041709
36 21,6 0,090545 4,1949 100,03 0,0048138
37 25,1 0,10566 4,2017 100,02 0,0056175
38 29,3 0,12469 4,2526 100,02 0,0066291
39 34,2 0,14614 4,2747 100,02 0,0077694
40 39,8 0,16687 4,1909 100,01 0,0088714
41 46,5 0,19457 4,1887 100,01 0,010344
42 54,1 0,22788 4,2093 100,01 0,012115
43 63,1 0,27348 4,3323 100,01 0,014539
44 73,6 0,31674 4,3038 100,01 0,016839
45 85,8 0,36696 4,2747 100,01 0,019509
46 100 0,42672 4,2646 100,01 0,022686

Point No. Shear Rate Shear Stress Viscosity Temperature Torque

[1/s] [Pa] [mPa·s] [°C] [mN·m]

1 0,1 0,004477 44,758 24,99 0,00023802

2 0,117 0,0050994 43,712 24,99 0,00027111

3 0,136 0,0057662 42,405 24,99 0,00030656

4 0,159 0,0070421 44,4 24,99 0,00037439

5 0,185 0,0081905 44,274 24,99 0,00043544

6 0,216 0,009069 42,066 24,99 0,00048215

7 0,252 0,010628 42,252 25 0,00056502

8 0,293 0,012765 43,553 24,99 0,00067863

9 0,342 0,014531 42,514 24,99 0,00077251

10 0,398 0,016666 41,83 24,99 0,00088604

11 0,465 0,020085 43,232 25 0,0010678

12 0,542 0,023476 43,303 25 0,0012481

13 0,632 0,027632 43,715 25 0,001469

14 0,737 0,032503 44,114 24,99 0,001728

15 0,859 0,037879 44,094 25 0,0020138

16 1 0,044507 44,438 24,99 0,0023662

17 1,17 0,052033 44,56 25 0,0027663

18 1,36 0,061011 44,821 24,99 0,0032436

19 1,59 0,071102 44,774 25 0,0037801

20 1,85 0,082981 44,83 25 0,0044116

21 2,16 0,096894 44,91 25 0,0051513

22 2,52 0,11312 44,967 24,99 0,0060139

23 2,93 0,13192 44,98 24,99 0,0070133

24 3,42 0,15361 44,927 24,99 0,0081668

25 3,99 0,17857 44,793 24,99 0,0094936

26 4,65 0,2084 44,83 24,99 0,011079

27 5,42 0,24235 44,718 25 0,012885

28 6,32 0,28291 44,778 24,99 0,015041

29 7,37 0,33064 44,885 25 0,017578

30 8,59 0,38565 44,907 25 0,020503

31 10 0,44884 44,829 25 0,023862

32 11,7 0,52293 44,798 24,99 0,027801

33 13,6 0,61133 44,919 25 0,032501

34 15,9 0,71111 44,815 24,99 0,037806

35 18,5 0,83074 44,907 24,99 0,044166

36 21,6 0,96646 44,807 25 0,051381

37 25,1 1,1288 44,888 24,99 0,060011

38 29,3 1,3171 44,922 24,99 0,07002

39 34,2 1,5342 44,882 25 0,081564

40 39,9 1,79 44,91 25 0,095163

41 46,5 2,0895 44,966 25 0,11108

42 54,2 2,4247 44,759 25 0,12891

43 63,2 2,8418 44,994 25 0,15108

44 73,6 3,3136 44,996 25 0,17616

45 85,9 3,8615 44,977 25 0,2053

46 100 4,488 44,834 25 0,2386

Data Analysis

Heat transfer fluid Temperature (°C) Kinematic viscosity Density (g/cm^3)

Grades LS#2 No. 2 – D 25°C 44.867 0.853
(ASTM D445)
Grades LS#2 No. 2 – D 100°C 4.1980 0.7963
(ASTM D445)

Sample Calculations
At 25°C


Ta = 41.2

p = 0.853 g/cm^3 = 853 Kg/m^3

Ri = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m

Scc = 1.0847

h = 500 W/m^2 K

Diameter of the cup d = 28.943 mm = 0.028943

Radius of the cup r = 0.0144715 m

Length of the cup L = 0.08 m

Viscosity ņ = 44.867 mPa.s = 0.044867 Kg/m.s

( 41.2 × ņ )
( 41.2 × 0.044867 )
Wc=562.64 m/s

[ w × p × R i2 × ( Scc−1 ) ]
( 2× ņ )

[ ( 562.64 ) ( 853 ) ( 0.0125 )2 ( 1.0847−1 ) ]
( 2× 0.044867 )
ℜ=70.78 end effects

Q=hA ( Tw−Ts )
A=pie × D × L
¿ ( 3.14 )( 0.028943 ) ( 0.08 )
−3 2
¿ 7.27 ×10 m

Q= (500 ) ( 7.27 × 10−3 ) ( 25−15 )

Q=36.35 W forced conversion

Q 36.35 w
h= = =500 2
A ( Tw −Ts ) ( 7.27 × 10 ) ( 25−15 )
m K

At 100°C


Ta = 41.2
p = 0.7963g/cm^3 = 796.3 Kg/m^3

Ri = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m

Scc = 1.0847

h = 500 W/m^2 K

Diameter of the cup d = 28.943 mm = 0.028943

Radius of the cup r = 0.0144715 m

Length of the cup L = 0.08 m

Viscosity ņ = 4.1980 mPa.s = 0.004198 Kg/m.s

( 41.2 × ņ )
(41.2 ×0.004198)
Wc= ¿¿

[ w × p × R i2 × ( Scc−1 ) ]
( 2× ņ )

[ ( 56.39 )( 796.3 ) ( 0.0125 )2 ( 1.0847−1 ) ]
( 2 ×0.004198 )
ℜ=70.78 end effects

Q=hA ( Tw−Ts )
A=pie × D × L
¿ ( 3.14 )( 0.028943 ) ( 0.08 )

¿ 7.27 ×10−3 m 2

Q= (500 ) ( 7.27 × 10 ) ( 100−25 )


Q=272.625W forced conversion

Q 36.35 w
h= = =500 2
A ( Tw −Ts ) ( 7.27 × 10 ) ( 25−15 )
m K

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