Chanthaburi CBT Travel
Chanthaburi CBT Travel
Chanthaburi CBT Travel
CBT Travel
Alliance of good neighbors,
together for sustainable tourism
Offering a unique
Local Experience
in the East of Thailand
Chanthaburi Cathedral
(Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Chanthaburi) Chanthaboon Riverside Community
...The Highlight
The Whole
New Experience
10 11
Mat Weaving Village
@ Samed Ngham Village
Chathaboon Mat is one of the most famous
handicrafts of Thailand. The handicrafts
include handbag, shoe, bed sheet, wallet,
basket, and etc. Visit “Samed Ngham
Mat Weaving” village of Chanthaburi and
experience how each and every piece
of local handicraft is made. There are
40 steps required to make one piece.
From the plantation, coloring, weaving,
Fisherman Village
and finishing, visitors are invited to
participate in each and every step
of the work. Color up your day at
@ Thachalap Samed Ngham Village.
Photo Reference :
Chanthaburi Dream Like Photo Contest
Chanthaburi CBT Travel
Maneechan Resort