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Chapter 1

Measurement (conversions, time)


1. 1.1 The floor requires 3 m3 of concrete. Therefore the number of bags of

cement = 3 × 7,7 bags = 23,1 bags ≈ 24 bags..
1.2 1.2.1 1,75 wheelbarrows of stone are required for every 1 bag of cement.
Therefore no. of wheelbarrows
= 2,7 m3 × 5,8 bags of cement × 1,75 = 27,405 ≈ 27 wheelbarrows full
1.2.2 Total litres = 65 ℓ × 27 = 1 755 ℓ = 1,755 kl ≈ 1,8 m3
1.3 Floor = 23,1 bags
Wall foundation = 2,7 m3 × 5,8 bags = 15,66 bags.
Total bags of cement required = 23,1 + 15,66 = 38,76 ≈ 39 bags
(note that in this case we only round off at the end of the calculation).
1.4 The total area to be painted = 2 × 30 m2 (for two coats) = 60 m2.
Volume of paint required = 60 m2 ÷ 11 m2/ℓ = 5,45 ℓ
Even though this amount is more than 5 litres, only 1 tin would need to be
bought as it is very close to 1 tin. So the total cost is R449,00.
2. 1 bag of cement = 33,2ℓ
1,75 wheelbarrows of sand = 1,75 × 65 ℓ = 113,75 ℓ
So the ratio of cement : sand : stone = 33,2 ℓ : 113,75 ℓ : 113,75ℓ
= 1 bucket : 3,4 buckets : 3,4 buckets
(after dividing the first number in the ratio by itself, we need to divide every other
number in the ratio by the same value.)
3. 3.1 Kerkira
3.2 8:20, 14:45, 18:00
3.3 7:00, 9:45, 16:15, 19:15
3.4 There is a travel time of 55 minutes, so the arrival time will be: 8:20 + 0:55 = 9:15
3.5 Total cost = 17 Euros × 5 people = €85
3.6 Arrival in Paxoi = 14:45 + 0:55 = 15:40. Latest departure is 19:15 on a
Monday. Therefore total time available = 19:15 – 15:40 = 3 hours 35
minutes. They will not have enough time on the island. They will have to
take an earlier ferry to Paxoi.
3.7 Time to get to Kerkira = 48 km ÷ 40 km/h = 1,2 hours = 1 hour 12 minutes.
They will need to be there at least half an hour before the departure,
therefore their latest departure time is: 8:20 – 1:12 – 0:30 = 6:38

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)

Section 1: Tariff systems and break-even analysis

(LB pages 34-41)

The content of this section on Tariff systems and break-even analysis, as part of
the Finance Application Topic, is drawn from page 50 in the CAPS document.

As stipulated in the CAPS document, Grade 12 learners need specifically to be

able to compare two or more different options for a tariff system to determine the
most appropriate option for individuals with particular needs by:

• performing calculations
• drawing graphs to represent the different options and interpreting the points of
intersection and other regions on the graphs in relation to the context.

Contexts and integrated content

• Learners need to be able to work in the context of larger projects that take place
in the household, school or wider community. These could include several
contexts (e.g. municipal tariffs, telephone tariffs, transport tariffs, bank fees,
• Drawing and interpreting graphs draws on the skills in the patterns, relationships
and representations section of the basic skills topic.

When comparing two or more tariff systems (e.g. water tariffs, cell phone contracts,
electricity systems, etc.), a standard approach can be used:

Here are three contract options for a different photocopier supplier than the one
mentioned in the Learner’s Book:

Key costs for photocopy rentals

Monthly rental fee Additional fee Free pages
(per page per month)
Contract 1 R600,00 30 cents None
Contract 2 R850,00 20 cents 400 pages
Contract 3 R1 150,00 10 cents 800 pages

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)

Step 1: Analyse the options individually:

To calculate the total monthly cost for contract 1, we need to add the fixed
monthly rental fee to the total amount for the no. of pages copied made. We
can therefore express this situation with the following formula:

Contract 1:
Monthly cost = R600,00 + R0,30 × no. of pages copied

Fixed Amount Tariff

Variable Amount
This monthly rental This rate determines how
This amount will depend on
fee will need to be paid much the total amount
the number of copies made.
even if no copies are changes per copy.
The tariff is multiplied by the
made for the month. Note:
Note The units (Rands in
independent variable ( of
this case) must be the same
as that of the fixed amount.

Contract 2:
• If 400 copies (or less) are made using contract 2, then only the monthly rental
fee of R850,00 will be paid.
• However if more than 400 copies are made then we would adjust the monthly
cost formula to look like this:
Monthly cost = R850,00 + R0,20 × (no. of pages copied – 400 copies)

Fixed Amount Tariff Variable Amount

The monthly rental for The tariff being used is Because the user will only start
contract 2 needs to be specific to contract 2 paying for copies after 400 copies,
paid regardless of the they need to be removed from the
total that is paid for.
Contract 3:
• If 800 copies (or less) are made using contract 3, then only the monthly rental
fee of R1 150,00 will be paid.
• However if more than 800 copies are made then we would adjust the monthly
cost formula to look like this:
Monthly cost = R1 150,00 + R0,10 × (no. of pages copied – 800 copies)

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)

Step 2: Show the options in graph form

Considering the three options, the following observations can be made:

• Option1: There is only one graph portion and it will be a straight line graph due
to the constant tariff being applied.
• Option 2: There will be two sections to the graph:
o The first section will be constant graph due to one amount being
charged with no tariff applied. This will continue until 400 copies.
o The second section will be a straight line graph starting just after 400
copies due to the constant tariff being applied.
• Option 3: There will be two sections to the graph:
o The first section will be a constant graph due to one amount being
charged with no tariff applied. This will continue until 800 copies.
o The second section will be a straight line graph starting just after 800
copies due to the constant tariff being applied.
To aid in drawing the graphs, draw a table with the important values as the
independent variable. The important values are where the changes in each option
occur. Then fill in some other values in between to make drawing the graph easier:

Changing point for Changing point for

Always try to Option 2 Option 3
include 0 After 400 copies After 800 copies

Cost table for photocopy contracts

Copies 0 200 400 401 600 800 801 1 000
Contract 1 R600 R660 R720 R720,30 R780 R840 R840,30 R900
Contract 2 R850 R850 R850 R850,20 R890 R930 R930,20 R970
Contract 3 R1 150 R1 150 R1 150 R1 150 R1 150 R1 150 R1 150,10 R1 170

Drawing the graph we see that we have a problem

because we need to see where the options cross each

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)
So, by continuing the number of copies to 4 000, we get a much clearer graph of
the three options:

Option 3 changes at
800 copies

Option 2 changes
at 400 copies

The crossing points

(points of intersection) are
now clearly visible

Step 3: Identify points of intersection and regions on the graph

Intersection of
Options 1 & 3
(2 350 copies)

Intersection of
Options 2 & 3
(3 000 copies)
Intersection of
Options 1 & 2
(1 700 copies)

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4

• Option 1 is the • Option 2 is the • Option 2 is still the • Option 3 is the
cheapest until cheapest between cheapest between cheapest between
1 700 copies 1 700 and 2 350 2 350 and 3 000 after 3 000 copies
(R1 110). copies (R1 110 to copies (R1 240 to (R1 370).
• Option 2 is the next R1 240). R1 370). • Option 2 is the next
cheapest. • Option 1 is the next • Option 3 is the next cheapest.
cheapest. cheapest.

The values for the number of copies can be read off the graph and then substituted
into the formulas to get the Rand-values.

Step 4: Using the analysis

Once the analysis is complete, the regions can assist in making decisions.

A small business estimates that they will make between 1 500 and 2 500 copies
per month. Which option should they choose?

Answer: 1 500 copies occurs in Region 1 where Option 1 is cheapest, but if the
business is going to use up to 2 500 copies then Option 2 will ultimately be better
as it will allow them to make more copies than their minimum in a more cost
effective way.

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)

Section 2: Income-and-expenditure statements and


(LB pages 42-47)

The content of this section on Income-and-expenditure statements and budgets, as
part of the Finance Application Topic, is drawn from pages 51-52 in the CAPS

As stipulated in the CAPS document, Grade 12 learners need specifically to be

able to analyse the income and expenditure statements and budgets for small
businesses and larger organisations (e.g. government) by:

• analysing and preparing income-and-expenditure statements and budgets for a

small business (e.g. a spaza shop).
• analysing (not preparing) the income and expenditure statements and budgets
for a large organisation.

Contexts and integrated content

• Learners need to be able to work in the context of larger projects that take place
in the household, school or wider community. These could include several
contexts (e.g. a small business or a larger corporation).

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Chapter 2
Finance (tariff systems and break-even, income and expenditure, cost and
selling price)
This section follows on from similar discussions in Grade 11, but the context now
expands to include national statistics. The two documents that are examined in the
Learner’s Book are the budget and the income-and-expenditure statement. Here is
a summary of the two documents as used in the context of the government.

Budget Income-and-Expenditure Statement

Purpose: Purpose:

A yearly plan that sets out how the government A summary of the income taken in and money spent.
plans to spend money to achieve goals for the
country as well as the proposed income it is to
Features: Features:

• Divided in to key areas of expenditure (e.g. • Shows all of the actual incomes and
education, health, etc.) expenditures in a given year.

• Expected income is identified. • Values look as if they are shown in thousands,

• These are not actual incomes and but each value should then be multiplied by a

expenditures, but rather expected income and million (e.g. R3 745 means R3 745 000 000)
expenditures. • Shows the data for two different periods (e.g.

• Based on the information from the Income-and- 2011 and 2012) so that the two years can be

Expenditure statement of past years as well as compared.

the needs of the country.

• Can be a deficit spending budget but will then

need to be financed by loans which will need to
be paid off in the future
Limitations: Limitations:

• Expected amounts and not actual amounts. • Does not show the precise amount spent on
Estimates could change during the year or each sub-section, but rather shows broad
money not be spent as expected or income not headings (e.g. provinces and municipalities,
received as expected. but not specifically the Free State’s Mangaung

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