Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome
- Most children with Down syndrome struggle with basic number skills
- Number skills are typically some 2 years behind their reading skills.
- Create Modification changes in regards to materials, handouts, and tests, so they
match the language abilities of the child.
- Research suggests that people with Down syndrome learn better when they can see
things illustrated.
“Where hope Grows” Global Perspective
“Calvin Campbell is a former professional baseball Africa
- Where babies with down syndrome are called
player sent to an early retirement due to his panic
“the devil child”.
attacks at the plate. Even though he had all the talent - Gaps in knowledge
for the big leagues, he struggles with the curveballs life - Many children with Down syndrome are
has thrown him” excluded
- Special treatment for the mentally ill and for
“Faith, work, purpose and most importantly family, people with intellectual disabilities is usually
blossom into Calvin’s life as their friendship develops. non-existent
The unlikely pair becomes intertwined giving Calvin’s
life new meaning and purpose”
Bagheri, S, Cantillo, J, Chakraborty, M, Singh, S.(Producers) & Dowling, C (Director). 2014.
Crosta, P. (2017, December 06). Down syndrome: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis. Retrieved
Exceptional Lives Enhanced Pearson Etext Access Card Special Education in Today's Schools.
'The Devil Child': Down Syndrome in Sierra Leone. (2017, January 17). Retrieved from
What is Down Syndrome? | National Down Syndrome Society. (n.d.). Retrieved from