Ecd-430 Overhand Throw Lesson Plan

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Overhand Throw Lesson Plan

National, State, or District Standard to be addressed: ​Manipulative Skills

1.9 Throw a ball, using the overhand movement pattern with increasing accuracy.

Background Information: ​Children must keep in mind safety precautions, and must always be
alert and ready.

Group Size: ​The group size will include twenty two third graders organized into 11 groups of
Objective:​ Involve students in active play by providing them with a throwing activity. Once
completed students will learn how to throw a softball using the overhead method correctly.
Materials: ​Cones, Softballs, gloves, and whistle.

Review -​ Remind students that they must always keep their eyes on the ball at all times
will decrease the risk of any injuries.
Overview -​ In today's activity, we are going to learn how to throw a softball using the
overhead method. I will do a demonstration before we begin the activity.
Let’s remember our safety procedures during the activity
Everyone grab a partner and face them.
Using your feet take three steps back while still facing your partner.
How to Correctly Throw a Softball
Step 1 Cradle:​ Begin with your glove shoulder facing your target
standing feet shoulder width apart, and knees slightly bent.
Step 2 Scarecrow:​ From a scarecrow position by swing both arms out slightly bent, downward
facing position.
Step 3 Hulk:​ Bring arms up to shoulder height, with the back throwing arm at bent as if your
flexing your muscles.
Step 4 point at your target:​ your glove hand should be straight out pointing at your target.
Step 5 Posture: ​While you're in your Hulk stance make sure your knees are still bent.
Step 6: ​When ready throw the ball at your partner
Step 7:​ Try to repeat all the steps now blending them all.
Step 8:​ If you feel comfortable begin playing catch with your partner.

Discussion Questions:
1. Why is it important to always look at your target when throwing?
2. What will happen if we you don't pay attention while throwing?
3. What parts of your body are you working during this activity?
4. DId you enjoy this activity?
5. What did you not like for this activity?

Evidence of Learning:
Throughout the activity, I will observe students by looking at their form and making sure they
are throwing overhead. If students can combine steps 1-5, I will know they have met the

Next Steps:
If students met the objective in future activity, I would address them to throw at a further
distance with their partner to practice their form. If some students need more help meeting the
objective, I will revisit the activity. This time we'll do it together without the ball. Setting more
focus on the hand motions together as a class.

- Have students seated for demonstration.

• Demonstrate overhand throw emphasizing key components.
• Overhand Throw: Step toward target with opposite foot and point to target with
opposite hand, Draw throwing hand back past ear, Extend throwing arm, Lead with
elbow and follow through.
• Have students all stand and shadow practice overhand throw without a ball.
• Demonstrate 2-handed catch.
• 2-Handed Catch: Catch ball below waist with hands open with thumbs out, Catch ball
above waist with hands open with thumbs in or together, absorb shock with a slight
inward movement of hands (“soft hands”).
• Students shadow proper 2-handed catches for above and below waist.

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