Trip To Prambanan Temple
Trip To Prambanan Temple
Trip To Prambanan Temple
Group 11 :
1. Alravido
2. Agum Cahyo Martono
3. Ana Mulyana (010115A011)
4. Eva Tamana (
5. Habibatus
6. Happiana
7. Kurnia Altiwi
Praise to Allah S.W.T who has given taufik, guidance, and inayah for we
all can finish the report with titled “Trip to Prambanan Temple” without any
problem. So author can finish an english assigment with the best.
1. Endang
2. Budi
Author say thanks to everyone who help us, so this english assigment can
be completed with the best. Constuctive criticism and sugestions are very need to
perfection this report.
Previous author apologize to all those readers primarily because there are
still many mistakes in this trip report. Please critique and suggestions.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................
1. BACKGROUND........................................................
2. PURPOSE..................................................................
3. METHODE................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.......................................................
1. ACTIVITIES...............................................................
2. HISTORY..................................................................
3. INTERVIEWS...........................................................
1. CONCLUSION........................................................
2. SUGGESTION.........................................................
Prambanan temple is one of the biggest Hindu temple in
Indonesia. In Prambanan temple there were very much tourist visiter.
That is an opportunity to us to practice speak english. As a nurse we
must can speak english well, because sience and tecnologi were
modern. That must us to can speak much language to competion in
global market in ASEAN. After that we also must learn and know
Indonesian culture. We must explore something special of Indonesia to
the world. With the result that we can make stranger interest with
Indonesian culture. Not only that, with we know the background
history of Prambanan temple, we will ever to appreciate,converse,and
save legacy of our predecessor. We also learn how to build something
big we must work hard too.
Purpose of the trip is :
1. To meet task English lesson
2. Student can more recognize of history in Indonesia
3. Student can train and improve English language
4. Improve solidarity between the student
Name Prambanan, is derived from the name of the village where the
temple stands is thought to be a change in name of the Java language dialect Para
Brahman Hindu theological term meaning "the Supreme Brahman" yaituBrahman
or the highest and greatest eternal reality that can not be described, which is often
equated with the concept God in Hinduism. Another opinion considers the
Brahman may refer to the heyday of the temple was formerly filled by
parabrahmana. Another opinion put forward the notion that the name
"Prambanan" comes from the root word in Javanese mban meaningful bear or
have a task, refer to the Hindu paradewa that the task of organizing and running
the harmony of the universe.
The original name of this Hindu temple complex is the name of Sanskrit;
Siwagrha (Home Siwa) or Siwalaya (Natural Shiva), based shivagrha inscription
which is dated 778 Saka (856 AD) .Trimurti glorified in this temple complex with
three main temple venerate Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. But Shiva Mahadeva who
occupy the main hall in the temple of Shiva is the god most venerated in this
temple complex.
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple and the grandest ever built in the
ancient Javanese royal Hindu temple construction was started by Rakai Pikatan as
a rival Buddhist temple Borobudur and Sewu temple is located not far from
And this was our interview with some tourist equipped with picture :
Group : excusme Miss...good morning
Tourist : would you like to interview with us?
Group : oh of course
Group : what is your name ?
Tourist : my name is Maria
Group : where do you come from ?
Tourist : I’m from America (U.S)
Group : how long have you been here ?
Tourist : I’m in Indonesia since one month ago
Group : where do you want to visit in Indonesia ?
Tourist : yesterday I will go to Surabaya
Group : what do you think about Prambanan temple ?
Tourist : Prambanan temple is very nice and original
Group : ok...thank you miss. Maria to interviewed with us. Have a nice
Group : hello Mr...good morning
would you like to interview with us ?
Tourist : oke
Group : what is your name ?
Tourist : Roy
Group : where do you come from ?
Tourist : I’m from Thailand
Group : how long do you live in Indonesia?
Tourist : I’m in Indonesia since 3 days ago
Group : where do you want to visit in Indonesia ?
Tourist : yesterday I will go to Borobudur
Group : what do think about Prambanan temple?
Tourist : Prambanan temple is big and very beautiful
Group : ok...thank you for your time Mr.Roy
Tourist : ok
Tourist : Prambanan temple is very beautiful and majestic. This is the first
time to me
Group : ok thanks Miss Emmily...have a nice day
Tourist :ok
4. david
Group :
Tourist :
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Tourist :
5. heni
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6. jack
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7. leon
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Tourist :
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Tourist :
8. metty
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9. Quanita
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10. hanny
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Tourist :
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Tourist :
That is our interview with tourist. After that we continued our activities.
At 13.00 p.m all student take a rest and have lunch. We continued the trip
to Malioboro at 14.00 p.m and arrived at 15.00 p.m.
We were around and bought some souvenirs for our family in home. Many
seller around street of Malioboro market. We were search many clothes and
accesories that we want. We around until 3 hours for bought something that we
This trip was fun journey and exhausted. Because we have to
interview and got information at 12.00 a.m. the sun was very hot. But with
the hard worker it can us knew that Prambanan temple was the bigger
Hindu temple in Indonesia was build on abad 19 Masehi.
Prambanan temple was included archaeological site the heir of
world UNESCO and all at once one of better temple in S.E Asia. The
temple complex was located at Prambanan distric, Sleman and Prambanan
distric, Klaten. Totality the temple in Prambanan temple has 240 temple.
Consists of 3 Trimurti temple, 3 Wahana temple, 2 Apit temple, 4 Kelir
temple, 4 Patok temple, and 224 Perwara temple.
In interview that we did with some tourist available almost of them
said that Prambanan temple was amazing, because the ornament so
original and very important for a country. They said in their country
wasn’t there temple that similar with Prambanan temple, and this was
archeological site that must proud.