From 4G To 5G - SON Meets Machine Learning PDF
From 4G To 5G - SON Meets Machine Learning PDF
From 4G To 5G - SON Meets Machine Learning PDF
Abstract—In this paper, we provide an analysis of self- defined in the area of network management. We give an
organized network management, with an end-to-end perspective special emphasis to the access segment of 4G cellular Long
of the network. Self-organization as applied to cellular networks Term Evolution (LTE) network through the concept of Self-
is usually referred to Self-organizing Networks (SONs), and it
is a key driver for improving Operations, Administration, and organizing Network (SON). SON is a common term used to
Maintenance (OAM) activities. SON aims at reducing the cost of refer to mobile network automation and minimization of hu-
installation and management of 4G and future 5G networks, by man intervention in the cellular/wireless network management.
simplifying operational tasks through the capability to configure, This concept has been introduced by 3GPP in Release 8 and
optimize and heal itself. To satisfy 5G network management it has been expanding across subsequent releases. 3GPP work
requirements, this autonomous management vision has to be
extended to the end to end network. In literature and also in some is inspired by a set of requirements defined by the opera-
instances of products available in the market, Machine Learning tors’ Alliance Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN).
(ML) has been identified as the key tool to implement autonomous The main objective of SON can be roughly classified into
adaptability and take advantage of experience when making three main points: 1) to bring intelligence and autonomous
decisions. In this paper, we survey how network management adaptability into cellular networks, 2) to reduce capital and
can significantly benefit from ML solutions. We review and
provide the basic concepts and taxonomy for SON, network operation expenditures (CAPEX/OPEX), 3) to enhance net-
management and ML. We analyse the available state of the art work performances in terms of network capacity, coverage,
in the literature, standardization, and in the market. We pay offered service/experience, etc. SON is considered today as a
special attention to 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) driving technology that aims at improving spectral efficiency,
evolution in the area of network management and to the data simplifying management, and reducing the operation costs
that can be extracted from 3GPP networks, in order to gain
knowledge and experience in how the network is working, and of the next generation Radio Access Networks (RANs). The
improve network performance in a proactive way. Finally, we go overall complex SON problem has been decomposed in a set
through the main challenges associated with this line of research, of useful use cases, which have been identified by 3GPP,
in both 4G and in what 5G is getting designed, while identifying NGMN, 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5GPPP)
new directions for research. and different EU projects [1]–[6]. The academic literature has
Index Terms—Network Management, Machine Learning, Self- dedicated significant effort to SON algorithms in the context
Organizing Networks, Mobile Networks, Big Data of the above mentioned use cases, providing smart solutions to
optimize network operator performance, expenses and users’
I. I NTRODUCTION experience. Many of these works are already reviewed here
Traditionally, and up to 4G, the evolution from one gen- [7]. The market also offers already complete sets of SON so-
eration of mobile networks to another, has been driven by lutions, (e.g. [8]–[11], among others) many products have been
hardware technology advancements. The revolution of 5G advertised and presented in Mobile World Congress (MWC)
is different, and novel advancements of software technology 2016 and 2017 [12], [13]. For example, AirHop’s eSON
will be critical, especially in the way the network will be from Jio & AirHop communications [11], which employs a
managed. With the advent of these software advancements, multi-vendor, multi-technology, real-time SON solution based
and unprecedented levels of computational capacity, the vision on scalable and virtualized software platform has recently
of autonomous network management can be put into practice been awarded for the 2016 Small Cell Forum Heterogenous
taking advantage of also other cross-disciplinary knowledge Network (Het-Net) management software and service award
advancements in the area of Machine Learning. This vision [14].
aligns with the concepts of self-awareness, self-configuration, However, to the best of our knowledge, the SON solutions
self-optimization, and self-healing, which have already been available in the market are 1) mainly based on heuristics,
2) the automated information processing is usually limited to
The research leading to these results has received funding from the Spanish low complexity solutions like triggering, 3) many operations
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TEC2014-60491-R
(Project 5GNORM). This work also was supported by the Spanish National are still done manually (e.g. network faults are usually fixed
Science Council and ERFD funds under Project TEC2014-60258-C2-2-R. directly by engineers), 4) SON solutions do not really capi-
talize on the huge amount of information that is available in the analysis of data already generated by the network, can
mobile networks to build next generation network management pursue the self-awareness by driving the network management
solutions, and 5) several open challenges are still unsolved, from reactive to predictive. Big data analytics are currently
like the problem of coordination of SON functions [15], [16], receiving big attention in research and in the market, due to
or the proper solution of the trade-off between centralized and their capability of providing insightful information from the
distributed SON implementations [17]. In addition, this self- analysis of data already available to operators.
organized network management vision should be extended also In this paper, we will not focus on these uses of data
beyond the RAN segment and should include all the segments analytics and ML, but we will only focus on the applica-
of the network, from the access to the core, while fulfilling tions to 4/5G network management. Differently from other
the requirements of different kind of vertical service instances. surveys on SON proposed before [7], [20] or from other
To achieve this vision, the networking world is exploring surveys related with 5G network management [21], we focus
new directions. Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) is here on the study and analysis of the available literature on
expected to bring the economy of scale of the Information SON and network management considering ML as the tool
Technology industry to the Telecom industry. When combining to implement automation and self-organization, from a 5G
NFV with Software Defined Network (SDN) principles, the perspective. We review and provide the basic concepts and
benefits of programmability and flexibility are brought to the taxonomy of traditional SON and 5G network management
fore. in Section II. We pay special attention to the evolution of
Another aspect that should be considered is that, as we 3GPP in the area, following its nomenclature, and referring to
observed in [18] a huge amount of data is currently already the specific use cases defined by the standard in this matters.
generated in 4G networks during normal operations by control We then provide, in Section III, guidelines to select the most
and management functions, and more is expected to come appropriate ML algorithm and approach, based on the network
in 5G networks due to the densification process [19], het- management issue to address. In Section IV, we review the
erogeneity in layers and technologies, the additional control main sources of information relevant for a knowledge based
and management complexity in NFV and SDN architectures, network management, data that is actually already generated
the advent of Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of by the network, and we survey the literature on ML-based
Things (IoT) paradigms, the increasing variety of application network management. We then highlight challenges for future
and services, each with distinct traffic patterns and Quality of works in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the survey.
Service (QoS)/Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements, etc.
5G network management is expected to provide a whole new
set of challenges due to 1) the need to manage future network
complexity, due to ultra dense deployments, heterogeneous
nodes, networks, applications, RANs coexisting in the same SON is a key driver to maximize total performance in
setting, 2) the need to manage very dynamic networks, where cellular networks. The main idea is to bring into them in-
operators may do not have any control in the deployment telligence and autonomous adaptability by diminishing human
of some nodes (e.g. femto-cells), energy saving policies are involvement, while enhancing network performance, in terms
in place generating a fluctuating number of nodes, active of network capacity, coverage and service quality. It aims at re-
antennas are a reality, etc. 3) the need to support 1000x ducing the cost of installation and management by simplifying
traffic, and 10x users, and improve energy efficiency, 4) the operational tasks through the capability to configure, optimize
need to improve the experience of the users by enabling and heal itself.
Gbps speeds, and highly reduced latency, 5) the need to The main motivation behind the increasing interest in the
manage new virtualized architectures, 6) the need to handle introduction of SON from operators, standardization bodies
heterogeneous spectrum access privileges through novel LTE- and projects is twofold. On the one hand, from the market
Unlicensed (LTE-U), Licensed Assisted Access (LAA), MuL- perspective, the ever increasing demand for a diversity of
TEFire paradigms and the availability of both traditional sub offered services, and the need to reduce the time to market
- 6 GHz bands, and above 6 GHz mmWave bands. In this of innovative services, further add to the pressure to remain
challenging context, we believe that the use of SON and of competitive by effectuating cost reductions. On the other hand,
smart network management policies is crucial and inevitable from the technical perspective, the complexity and large scale
for operators running multi-RAT, multi-vendor, multi-layer of future radio access technologies imposes significant oper-
networks, where an overwhelming number of parameters need ational challenges due to the multitude of tunable parameters
to be configured and optimized. The high level objective is and the intricate dependencies among them. In addition, the
to make the networks 1) more self-aware, by exploiting the advent of heterogeneous networks is expected to tremendously
information already available in the network to gain experi- increase the number of nodes in this new ecosystem, so classic
ence in the network management, 2) more self-adaptive, by manual and field trial design approaches are just impractical.
exploiting intelligent control decisions procedures which allow Similarly, manual optimization processes or fault diagnosis
to automatize the decision processes based on the experience. and cure, performed by experts are no longer efficient and need
We believe that Machine Learning (ML) can be effectively to be automatized, as this causes time intensive experiments
used to allow the network to learn from experience, while im- with limited operational scope, or delayed, manual and poor
proving performance. In particular, big data analytics, through handling of cell/sites failures. Key operational tasks, such
C. Self Optimization
Self-optimization embraces all the set of mechanisms which
optimize the network parameters during operation, based on
Fig. 2: SON implementations. measurements received from the network. In the following we
provide a brief overview of the main self-optimization function
that have been introduced across the different recent releases
[78]. From Release 9, we highlight work on:
OAM, S1 and X2 links and finally sets itself in operational 1) MLB. The MLB is the SON function in charge of
mode. After the eNB is configured, it performs a self-test to managing cells’ congestion through load transfer to
deliver a status report to the network management node. Since other cells. The main objective is to improve the end-
Release 8 ANR and Automated Configuration of Physical Cell user experience and achieve higher system capacity
Identity (PCI) use cases have been considered [75], [76]. The by distributing user traffic across the system radio re-
ANR function resides in the eNB and manages the conceptual sources. The implementation of this function is gener-
Neighbour Relation Table (NRT). Located within ANR, the ally distributed and supported by the load estimation
Neighbour Detection Function finds new neighbours and adds and resource status exchange procedure. The messages
them to the NRT. ANR also contains the Neighbour Removal containing useful information for this SON function
Fig. 3: High-level example of how the iterations of multiple SON functions may interfere.
(resource status request, response, failure and update) Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH). ICIC can
are transmitted over the X2 interface [40]. MLB can be be static, semi-static or dynamic. Dynamic ICIC relies
implemented by tuning the Cell Individual Offset (CIO) on frequent adjustments of parameters, supported by
parameter. The CIO contains the offsets of the serving signalling among cells over X2 interface. To support
and the neighbour cells that all UEs in this cell must proactive coordination among cells the High Interference
apply in order to satisfy the A3 handover condition [80]. Indicator (HII) and the Relative Narrowband Transmit
2) MRO. The MRO is a SON function designed to guaran- Power (RNTP) indicators have been defined, while to
tee proper mobility, i.e. proper handover in connected support reactive coordination, the Overload Indicator
mode and cell re-selection in idle mode. Among the (OI) has been introduced [40].
specific goals of this function we have the minimization 4) RACH. RACH optimization aims at optimizing the ran-
of call drops, the reduction of Radio Link Failures dom access channels in the cells based on UE feedback
(RLFs), the minimization of unnecessary hand-overs, and knowledge of its neighbouring eNBs RACH config-
ping-pongs, due to poor handover parameters settings, uration. RACH optimization can be done by adjusting
the minimization of idle problems. Its implementation is the Power control (Pc) parameter or change the preamble
commonly distributed. The messages containing useful format to reach the set target access delay [82].
information are: the S1AP handover request or X2AP In Release 10, 3GPP defined new use cases.
handover request, the handover report, the RLF indi-
cation/report. Release 11 focused on different improve- 1) Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO) is a SON
ments of the handover optimization [81]. MRO operates function that aims to design self-optimizing algorithms
over connected mode and idle mode parameters. In that achieve optimal trade-offs between coverage and
connected mode, it tunes meaningful handover trigger capacity. Different mechanisms can be considered to
parameters, such as the event A3 offset (when referring dynamically improve coverage and capacity, such as
to intra-RAT, intra-carrier hand-overs), the Time to Trig- ICIC, scheduling, and the combination of such mecha-
ger (TTT), or the Layer 1 and Layer 3 filter coefficients. nisms. The targets that can be optimized may be vendor
In idle mode, it tunes the offset values, such as the Qoff- dependent and include coverage, cell throughout, edge
set for the intra-RAT, intra-carrier case. cell throughput, or a weighted combination of the above.
3) Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC). ICIC aims 2) ES aims at providing the quality of experience to end
to minimize interference among cells using the same users with minimal impact on the environment. The
spectrum. It involves the coordination of physical re- objective is to optimize the energy consumption, by
sources between neighbouring cells to reduce interfer- designing Network Elements (NEs) with lower power
ence from one cell to another. ICIC can be done in consumption and temporarily shutting down unused
both uplink and downlink for the data channels Physical capacity or nodes when not needed [45]. In particu-
Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH), and Physical Up- lar, many works in literature have been focusing on
link Shared Channel (PUSCH), or uplink control channel switching ON/OFF eNBs or small cells, in an efficient
way, in order to guarantee a target level of Quality
of service/experience, while minimizing the dissipated Systems (NMS), as part of the Operation and Support System
energy. (OSS). This implementation benefits from global information
Release 11 provides enhancements to MLB optimization, HO about metrics and Key Performance Indicator (KPI)s, as well
optimization, CCO, and ES. Release 12 has focused on a study as computational capacity to run powerful optimization algo-
on enhancements of OAM aspects for distributed MLB [72]. rithms involving multiple variables or cells. However, it suffers
from long time scales. In order to avoid oscillations of decision
parameters, 3GPP requires [53] that each SON function asks
D. Self-healing for permission before changing any configuration parameter.
Self-healing [44] focuses on the maintenance phase of This means that a request must be sent from the SON function
a cellular network. Wireless cellular systems are prone to to the SON coordinator and a response has to be returned.
faults and failures, and the most critical domain for fault In Centralized SON (C-SON) all these requests must pass
management is the RAN. Every eNB is responsible for serving through the Interface-N, which is not suitable for real-time
an area, with little or none redundancy. If a NE is not able to communication, so that there is no possibility to give priority
fulfill its responsibilities, it results in a period of degradation of to SON coordination messages over other OAM messages.
performances, during which users are not receiving a proper If in turn, distributed coordination is used, the interaction
service. This results in severe revenue loss for the operator. between the SON function and the local SON coordinator
Self-healing was initially studied in Release 9 [35], but it will be over internal vendor-specific interfaces, with much
is in Release 10, when the main work has been carried out lower latency characteristics. This makes the Distributed SON
and features for detection, and adjustment of parameters have (D-SON) architecture much more flexible and adequate for
been specified [83]. These specifications have been further small cell networks, which experience very transitory traffic
updated in Release 11 [44]. The main defined use cases are loads, thus requiring high reactivity to propagation and traffic
the following. conditions.
1) Self-recovery of NE Software. If the NE software failed An example of this can be observed in Figure 3, where
due to load earlier software version and/or configu- we provide an analysis of how the iterations among several
ration, the most important thing is to ensure that the SON functions implemented in centralized and distributed
NE runs normally by removing the fault software, and manner can generate conflicts in the network. In particular,
restoring the configuration. this figure focuses on the SON output parameter conflict, i.e.,
2) Self Healing of board Faults. This use case aims to solve when two or more SON functions aim at optimizing the same
hardware failures in the NE [84]. output parameter with different actions request, and where at
3) Cell Outage Management. This use case is split in two least three possible conflicts can arise: 1) the resource conflict
main functions: 1) Cell Outage Detection. The main between MRO and MLB; 2) the one among CCO and ICIC,
objective here is to detect a cell outage through the and/or 3) the one among COC and ICIC use cases. We can
monitor performance indicators, which are compared identify output parameters, which are affected by two opposite
against thresholds and profiles, and 2) Cell Outage decisions of two different functions, trying to achieve their
Compensation. This use case aims at alleviating the own targets. As a result, to define and implement a self-
outage caused by the loss of a cell from service [44]. coordination framework is considered a necessity [2], [85],
It refers to the automatic mitigation of the degradation [86].
effect of the outage by appropriately adjusting suitable Market implementations of C-SON are offered by vendors
radio parameters, such as the pilot power and the antenna like Celcite (acquired by AMDOCS), Ingenia Telecom and
parameters of the surrounding cells. Intucell (acquired by Cisco), while D-SON solutions have
traditionally been more challenging to implement and vendor
specific, not allowing for easy interaction of products from
E. Self Coordination different vendors, so that a supervisory layer is commonly still
SON functionalities are often designed as stand-alone func- needed to coordinate the different instances of D-SON across
tionalities, by means of control loops. When they are executed a much broader scope and scale. Only recently, vendors like
concurrently in the same or different network elements, the Qualcomm or Airhop have started proposing D-SON as a SON
impact of their interactions is not easy to be predicted, and mainstream, as small cells and Het-Net require the millisecond
unwanted effects may even occur among instances of the same response times of D-SON.
SON function, when implemented in neighbouring cells. The
risk of unacceptable oscillations of configuration parameters
or undesirable performance results increase with the number F. Minimization of Drive Tests
of SON functions. MDT enables operators to collect User Equipments (UEs)
3GPP has proposed different architectures for SON imple- measurements together with location information, if avail-
mentation, ranging from centralized C-SON to distributed D- able, with the purpose of optimizing network management
SON. The choice of the architecture has a strong impact on while reducing operational effects and maintenance costs.
the efficiency of the self-coordination framework. If C-SON This feature has been studied by 3GPP since Release 9 [87],
is used, SON functions are implemented in the Operation and among the targets there are the standardization of solutions
Maintenance Center (OMC) or in the Network Management for coverage optimization, mobility, capacity optimization,
parametrization of common channels, and QoS verification this view beyond the radio access border, by proposing a
[84]. Since operators are also interested in estimating QoS SON over NFV architecture, where SON functions, aimed
performance, in Release 11, MDT functionality has been at tackling the main radio access and backhauling challenges
enhanced through QoS performance to properly dimension of extremely dense deployments, are virtualized and run over
and plan the network by collecting measurements indicating generic purpose hardware. The NFV infrastructure is to be
throughput and connectivity issues [88]. These MDT functions managed by an orchestrator entity, as proposed in ETSI
have been further elaborated in Release 11, while Release 12 architecture. Out of all the NFV architecture entities, this
has included specific enhancements in terms of correlation of is the brain with the broadest view of the vertical service
information, which can be found in the study on enhanced characteristics and the resource availability in the network.
network management centralized CCO. These improvements Therefore, it coordinates the allocation of functions across the
and extensions of SON enhancements introduced until Release different segments of the dense, heterogeneous network. At
13 can be found in [23]. the methodological level, the orchestrator can take advantage
of the huge amount of information travelling through the
G. Core networks network, in terms of measurements, signaling information,
QoS and QoE indicators, etc., by means of machine learning
The core network operations can be managed through
based approaches.
self-organizing functionalities. The benefits also in this case
In the market there already exist start-ups which advertise
come from the reduced human intervention and from reduced
the concept of C-SON in the cloud. SON over NFV eliminates
operational costs. self-organization in the core network allows
software and hardware dependencies, besides system scaling
to self-adapt traffic loads and prevent bottlenecks. In addition,
limitations, and offers reduction of costs through automatic
self-organization for Core enables the core network to handle
processes. Cellwize [12] is one of them. They are promising a
signalling more efficiently. In this regard, Nokia [89] already
technology with deployment in the cloud, capable of working
automates core networks operations based on SON technology.
seamlessly across different vendors, spectrum and technolo-
The objective is to automatically and rapidly allocate core net-
gies. This research line is extremely novel and not much work
work resources to meet unpredictable behaviours and demands
can be found so far. However, we highlight the work that is
in terms of broadband. Notice that SON use cases for core
under development in the context of the article and COGNET
networks are not limited to LTE networks, but many of them
projects [5], [6].
can be taken into account also for other kinds of networks,
like 2/3G.
H. Virtualized and Software defined networks In this section we classify at high level the different net-
The wireless industry is currently working towards being work management classes of problems that one may need to
prepared for a 1000x data traffic growth. It is unlikely, deal with when aiming at managing the network in a self-
though, that users will want to pay more for the service organized manner. For each class of problem, we identify the
than they are paying today, which set a serious challenge machine learning tools that can be used. The objective of
for both mobile operators and vendors, i.e. how to improve ML is to improve performance of a particular sets of tasks
the infrastructure 1000 times, without increasing the CAPEX by creating a model that helps find patterns through learning
and OPEX. Besides SON, another trend in this direction, algorithms. ML taxonomy is traditionally organized onto: 1.
initiated by an ETSI industrial study group in 2012, is the Supervised Learning (SL), 2. Unsupervised Learning (UL),
NFV, which allows to exploit the economies of scale of the IT 3. Reinforcement Learning (RL). Recently, new trends in the
industry, by moving traditional network functions away from area of ML are taking momentum, thanks to the progress of
specialized hardware to general purpose computation, storage software engineering, computational capabilities and memory
and memory pools, distributed throughout the network and in availability. Deep learning has been proven feasible and ex-
data centers. NFV virtualizes the functional elements of the tremely effective in different applications, like language, video,
network, instantiating the corresponding functions as programs speech recognition, object and audio detection, among others.
that run on commercial off-the shelf, and less expensive The most exemplary one is the win of AlphaGo, beating
hardware. This concept, combined with a SDN architecture, is the world champion at the Chinese board game Go. The
introduced to make mobile network deployments more cost- victory of AlphaGo was due to the implementation of a deep
effective [21], [90]. reinforcement learning algorithm capable of self-learning.
The main idea behind these novel architectures is to pro- Keeping in mind the SON and NM functions introduced in
vide a framework capable of assisting network operators to the previous section, the classes of problems that need to be
solve management problems, such as, cyber attacks, network addressed when managing the network autonomously are:
failures, optimization to improve network performance, and • Variable estimation or classification: The tasks belonging
QoE of the users, among others. In this context, SON can be to this class of problem aim at e.g. estimating the QoS
useful to achieve real time autonomous network management. or the QoE of the network, at predicting performances or
In this novel softwerized visions, we can benefit of all the behaviours of the network, by learning from the analysis
opportunities offered by centralized, distributed and local of data obtained from past behaviours of the network. NM
implementations proposed for SON at RAN level, to extend and SON functions where these tasks are useful are QoS
estimation and other MDT use cases, the prediction of output value (y)) to develop a predictive model, by inferring
behaviours to optimize network parameters, etc. Solutions a function f (x), returning the predicted output ŷ. For that,
to these problems can be translated into finding the the construction of a dataset is needed. The dataset contains
relationship between one variable and some others, or training samples (rows), and features (columns), and is usually
Identifying which class of a set of pre-defined classes divided into 2 sets. The training set, used to train the model,
the data belongs to. Solutions are then to be found in and the test set, used to make sure that the predictions are
the SL literature, with both regression and classification correct. The goal of the training model is to minimize the
tasks. error between the predictions and the actual values. Hence,
• Diagnosis of network faults or misbehaviours: The tasks by applying ML, we aim to estimate how well a learning
belonging to this class of problems aim at detecting issues algorithm generalizes beyond the samples in the training set.
ongoing in the network, which may be associated to faults The input space is represented by a n-dimensional input vector
and anomalous setting of network parameters. This kind x = (x(1) , . . . , x(n) )T ∈ Rn . Each dimension is an input
of problems relates to self-healing issues and solutions variable. In addition a training set involves m training samples
can be found in UL literature, and in particular in the ((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym )). Each sample consists of an input
anomaly detection solution. vector xi , and a corresponding output yi . Hence xi is the
• Dimensionality reduction: The network generates contin- value of the input variable x(j) in training sample i, and the
uously a huge amount of data. For an appropriate process- error is usually computed via |yˆi − yi |. The SL technique has
ing and to extract useful information, it is convenient to two main applications, classification and regression. On the
eliminate the noise present in the data base, by reducing one hand, classification is applied when y, the output value we
the dimensionality of data. Solutions to this problem are try to predict is discrete, e.g., we want to predict if a cancer
to be found in the UL literature, and specifically among is benign or malign, based on a dataset constructed based on
the dimensionality reduction solutions. medical records, and collecting many features, e.g. tumour
• Pattern identification, grouping: The tasks belonging to size, age, uniformity of cell size, uniformity of cell shape. On
this class aim at identifying patterns, group of nodes the other hand, a regression problem is applied when y is a
with similar characteristics, according to some kind of real number.
criteria. An objective may be to apply to them similar A huge amount of SL algorithms for classification can be
optimization approaches. Self-configuration use cases are found in the literature, and a study to evaluate the performance
intuitive application for these issues. Solutions to these of some of them can be found in [91]. In the following we
problems can be translated into learning the set of classes briefly introduce the most common algorithms.
the data belongs to. UL literature offers solutions in the 1) k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) can be used for classifica-
area of clustering. tion and regression. k-NN is a non-linear method where
• Sequential decision problems for online parameter ad-
the input consists of the k closest training samples in
justment: This class of problems is extremely common the input space. The predicted output is the average of
in the area of autonomous management, where we face the values of its k nearest neighbours. A commonly used
control decision problems to online adjust network pa- distance metric for continuous variables is the Euclidean
rameters, with the objective to meet certain performance distance. The k-NN method has the advantage of being
targets. This kind of decision problems, where we learn easy to interpret, fast in training, and the amount of
the most appropriate decision online, based on the re- parameter tuning is minimal. However, the accuracy of
action of the environment to the actions the network is the prediction is generally limited.
taking, can be addressed through RL solutions. All self- 2) Generalized Linear Models (GLM). The linear model
optimization use cases can be addressed through these describes a linear relationship between the output and
solutions, as well as COC problems. one or more input variables, and where the approxima-
In the rest of the section, we relate each class of NM tion function maps from xi to yi as follows,
problem to the possible ML literature to solve it. The re-
(1) (n)
view of ML literature provided in the following, is far from yˆi = θ0 + θ1 xi + . . . + θn xi (1)
being exhaustive. Many methods and techniques will not be
described, because the purpose is here to provide a useful where θi are the unknown parameters. The idea is
taxonomy to address NM and SON problems and to analyze to choose θi so that yˆi minimizes the loss function.
and understand the related literature using ML solutions. For Typically, we make the assumption that the samples in
a deeper understanding of ML solutions, the reader is referred each dataset are independent from each other, and that
to more specific literature. the training set and testing set are identically distributed.
Note that if the relation is not linear, the model should
be generalized, in an attempt to capture this relationship
A. Supervised Learning (SL) [92].
This ML technique could be extremely useful when the 3) Naive Bayesian. The method is used for classification
NM function to address requires estimation, prediction, clas- and is based on Bayes theorem, i.e., calculating proba-
sification of variables. SL is a ML technique which takes bilities based on the prior probability. The main task is
training data (organized into an input vector (x) and a desired to classify new data points as they arrive. A NB classifier
assumes that all attributes are conditionally independent, 7) Hidden Markov Model (HMM) can be used for classifi-
and is recommended when the dimensionality of the cation, and also for other purposes. They can be used as
input is high [93]. Since NB assumes independent vari- a Bayesian classification framework, with a probabilistic
ables, it only requires a small amount of training data model describing the data.
to estimate the means and variances of the variables. Methodologies have also been proposed to take the best
4) Support Vector Machines (SVMs) can be used for classi- out of the available data, to boost the prediction performance.
fication and regression. SVMs are inspired by statistical Some of these methodologies are classified among the so
learning theory, which is a powerful tool for estimating called Ensemble methods. Ensemble methods combine the
multidimensional functions [94], [95]. This method can predictions of multiple learning algorithms to produce a final
be formulated as a mathematical optimization problem, prediction. This technique has been investigated in a huge va-
which can be solved by known techniques. For this prob- riety of works [100], [101]. A general method is sub-sampling
lem, given m training samples ((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym )), the training examples, where the most useful techniques are re-
the goal is to learn the parameters of a function which ferred to as bagging and boosting [102]. Bagging manipulates
best fit the data. It samples hyperplanes. Thus, the the training examples to generate multiple hypothesis. It runs
hyperplane with the main minimum distance from the the learning algorithm several times, each one with different
sample points is maintained. The sample points that subset of training samples. On the other hand, AdaBoost
form margin are called support vectors and establish maintains a set of weights over the original training set, and
the final model. This method in general shows high adjusts these weights by increasing the weight of samples that
accuracy in the prediction, and it can also behave very are misclassified, and decrease the weight of samples that are
well with non-linear problems when using appropriate correctly classified [103], [104].
kernel methods. Also, when we cannot find a good linear
separator, kernel techniques are used to project data
B. Unsupervised Learning (UL)
points into a higher dimensional space where they can
become linearly separable. Hence the correct choice of This kind of learning can be extremely useful when the
kernel parameters is crucial for obtaining good results. NM function requires identifying anomalous behaviours, rec-
In practice, this means that an exhaustive search must ognizing patterns or reducing the dimensionality of the data.
be conducted on the parameter space, thus complicating UL is a ML technique, which receives unlabelled input pat-
the task [96]. terns with the objective to find a pattern in it. In this case,
5) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a statistical learning we let the computer learn by itself, without providing the
model inspired by the structure of a human brain, correct answer to the problem we want to solve. The goal
where the interconnected nodes represent the neurons is to construct representation of inputs that can be used for
producing appropriate responses. ANN supports both predicting future inputs without giving the algorithm the right
classification and regression algorithms. The basic idea answer, as in turn we do in case of supervised learning [105].
is to efficiently train and validate a neural network. Then, The three most important families of algorithms are clustering,
the trained network is used to make a prediction on the dimensionality reduction and anomaly detection techniques.
test set. In this method the weights are the parameters There are many examples of UL applications in our daily
in charge of manipulating the data in the calculations. life, e.g.,, understanding genomics, organize
Here, the interconnection pattern between the different computer clusters, social network analysis, astronomical data
layers of neurons, the learning process for updating analysis, market segmentation, etc. In the context of SON, UL
the weights of the interconnections, and the activation algorithms are applied mainly on self-optimization and self-
function that converts a neuron’s weighted input to its healing use cases.
output activation are the most important parameters to 1) Clustering. This technique aims at identifying groups
be trained [97]. ANNs methods require parameters or of data to build representation of the input. The most
distribution models derived from the data set, and in common methods to create clusters by grouping the
general they are also susceptible to over-fitting. data are: non-overlapping, hierarchical and overlapping
6) Decision Trees (DT) is a flow-chart model in which clustering methods. K-means [106] and Self-organizing
each internal node represents a test on an attribute. Maps (SOMs) [107] methods belong to non-overlapping
Each leaf node represents a response, and the branch clustering techniques. When the clusters at one level are
represents the outcome of the test [98]. DTs can be used joined as clusters at the next level (cluster-tree), this is
for classification and regression, and they have nuisance referred in literature as a hierarchical clustering method
parameters, such as the desired depth and number of [108]. In case that an observation can exist in more than
leaves in the tree [99]. Also, they do not require any one cluster simultaneously, this is known as overlap-
prior knowledge of the data, are robust (i.e., do not ping or fuzzy clustering. Fuzzy C-means and Gaussian
suffer the curse of dimensionality as they focus on the mixture models belong to this kind of technique [106],
salient attributes) and work well on noisy data. However, [109]. Also HMM can be used for clustering This kind
DTs are dependent on the coverage of the training of algorithms have been proposed in a wide range of
data as with many classifiers. Moreover, they are also fields, such as, robotics, wireless systems, and routing
susceptible to over-fitting. algorithms for mobile ad-hoc networks, among others.
2) Dimensionality Reduction. High-dimensional datasets world applications, such as autonomous helicopters, network
present many challenges. One of the problems is that, in routing, robot legged automation, etc. [117]–[119].
many cases, not all the measured variables are necessary The learner or decision maker is called agent, and it interacts
to understand the problem of interest. In the state of the continuously with the so-called environment. The agent selects
art we can find a huge amount of algorithms to predict actions and the environment responds to those actions and
models with good performance from high-dimensional evolves into new situations. In particular, the environment
data. However it is of interest for many problems to responds to the actions through rewards, i.e., numerical values
reduce the dimension of the original data. For example, that the agent tries to maximize over time.
in [110], [111], the authors face the problem of the huge The agent has to exploit what it already knows in order to
amount of potential features the system has as input, obtain a positive reward, but it also has to explore in order to
and they suggest that the regression analysis has a better take better actions in the future. Learning can be centralized in
performance in a reduced space. In this context, the most a single agent or distributed across a multiple agents. In single
common methods are: Feature Extraction (FE) and Fea- agent systems, ML approaches are capable of finding optimal
ture Selection (FS) [112]. Both methods seek to reduce decision policies in dynamic scenarios with only one decision
the number of features in the dataset. FE methods do so maker. In multi agent systems, the distributed decisions are
by creating new combinations of features (e.g. Principal made by multiple intelligent decision makers, and the optimal
component analysis (PCA)), which project the data onto solutions or equilibria are not always guaranteed [120].
a lower dimensional subspace by identifying correlated The problem is then defined by means of a Markov De-
features in the data distribution. They retain the Prin- cision Process (MDP) {S, A, T , R, γ}, where S, is the set
cipal Components (PCs) with the greatest variance and of possible states of the environment S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sn },
discard all others to preserve maximum information and A, is the set of possible actions A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , aq } that
retain minimal redundancy [113]. Correlation based FS each decision maker may choose, T (s′ |s, a), is the transition
methods include and exclude features present in the data function denoting the probability of getting s′ giving an action
without changing them. For example, Sparse Principal a in state s, R(s, a) is a reward function, which specifies the
Component Analysis (SPCA) extends the classic method expected immediate return obtained by executing action a in
of PCA for the reduction of dimensionality of data by state s, and 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 is a discount factor, which gives
adding sparsity constraint on the input features. more importance to immediate rewards compared to rewards
3) Anomaly Detection. Anomaly detection identifies events obtained in the future [121].
that do not correspond to an expected pattern. By mod- The MDP represents the theoretical basis for the RL
eling the most common behaviors, the machine selects framework [121]. At each time step, the agent implements a
the set of unusual events [114]. Self healing is one of mapping from states to probabilities of selecting each possible
the main functionality in which this kind of techniques action. This mapping is the agent’s policy.
are applied, some examples are [115], [116]. The two The objective of each learning process is to find an optimal
most common techniques are: policy π ∗ (s) ∈ A for each s, to maximize some cumulative
• Rule based systems: they are very similar to DTs,
measure of the reward r received over time. Almost all RL
but they are more flexible than DTs as new rules algorithms are based on estimating a so called value function,
may be added, without creating a conflict with the which is a function of the states estimating how good it is
existing ones [114]. for an agent to be in a given state. For MDPs the state-
• Pruning techniques: they aim at identifying outliers,
value function, denoted as Vπ (s), is the expected return when
where there are errors in any combination of vari- starting in state s and following policy π thereafter. For more
ables. information the reader is refereed to [121].
RL literature offers two approaches to solve MDPs. These
4) Latent Variable models. This kind of techniques allows
two approaches are: model-based and model-free.
learning a model where some unseen variable helps
1) Model-based. Dynamic Programming (DP) and Monte
simplify and describe the data. An example is the non
Carlo (MC) methods fall into the category of model-
negative matrix factorization.
based approach.
a) DP is able to solve MDPs by relying on the
C. Reinforcement Learning (RL) knowledge of the state transition probability be-
The ML approaches under this category can be used to ad- tween two states after executing a certain action.
dress NM functions which require network parameter control. DP is an algorithmic paradigm that solves a given
Differently from the case of SL, RL aims to learn from interac- complex problem by breaking it into sub-problems
tions how to achieve a certain goal. In many real applications and stores the results of sub-problems to avoid
and in particular, in sequential decision and control problems, computing the same results again. DP algorithms
it is not possible to provide an explicit supervision to the are based on update rules derived from the Bellman
training (i.e. the right answer to the problem). In these cases, equation. The first key component is known as
we can only provide a reward/cost function, which indicates the policy evaluation process, according to which
to the algorithm when it is doing well and when it is doing a policy provides information about how much
poorly. RL has already been proven effective in many real reward is going to be received in the MDP. This
solution is used to build the first overall solution IV. M ACHINE LEARNING ENABLED N ETWORK
by finding the optimal policy known as the policy M ANAGEMENT
iteration process. Finally the value iteration makes
As we have mentioned in the introduction of this work,
the value function better and better by applying
mobile networks constitute a huge source of data which could
Bellman’s equation intuitively. DP is used to solve
be analyzed with proper tools, with the primary goal to make
problems such as, scheduling, graph algorithms,
more informed decisions when it comes to efficiently manage
bioinformatics, among others.
the overall 4G or 5G network. In this context, ML is a great
b) MC method only requires experience, i.e., sam-
opportunity due to its capability of providing insightful infor-
ple sequences of states, actions and rewards. The
mation from the analysis of data already available to operators,
estimations are only updated after the episodes
which can be used to make improvements or changes.
conclude. Although their application on practical
cases is limited, they provide foundation for other In this section we focus on how ML can specifically be
RL methods. applied to SON and novel network management concepts.
First, we present all the relevant sources of information that
could be extracted from a mobile network. All these data are
2) Model-free. Temporal Difference (TD) methods are available to operators, and may happen to be sensitive data
model free approaches to solve RL problems. TD learn- for the users’ privacy. However, some interesting data can
ing is a combination of MC and DP ideas. It uses the be derived from open databases or sniffed from unencrypted
current estimate Vtπ of the value function instead of the control channels like the PDCCH. We will then discuss on
exact V π , as it happens in DP. If T is known, we can these options. Third, we will go through again the main SON
solve the MDP through DP, otherwise we need to rely and network management functions and provide a classifi-
on TD methods. cation of the main inputs and outputs that we would need
Some common examples of TD methods are: Q- available in the form of data, when designing an appropriate
learning, Sarsa and Actor Critic (AC) [121]. TD methods ML algorithm to target the specific use case, and the KPI
can be found in each SON functionality. indicators that we would need to monitor. Finally, we provide
an overview of SON and network management’s related work,
a) Q-learning and Sarsa are based on the estimation where ML techniques have been adopted, classifying this work
of the state-action value function, Q(s, a). Learn- as a function of the targeted use case, the specific high level
ing is performed by iteratively updating the Q- problem to solve and the ML technique that the authors have
values, which represent the expert knowledge of picked to address the problem.
the agent, and have to be stored in a representation
mechanism. The most intuitive and common rep- A. Data generated by mobile cellular networks
resentation mechanism is the lookup table, i.e., the
TD methods represent their Q-values in a Q-table, As we observed in [18] a huge amount of data is cur-
whose dimension depends on the size of the state rently already generated in mobile networks during normal
and action sets. The difference between them is operations by control and management functions. This kind
that, Q-learning is an off-policy learner. This means of data can be exploited to find patterns and extract useful
that, the agent will use the policy corresponding to information from them. This allows to take more informed
the best action in the next state, given the current decisions to effectively manage network performance. Some
agent experience, whereas Sarsa is an on-policy examples of the different sources information generated by
learner. On-policy learners evaluate the policy π, to mobile networks, together with the kind of usage currently
perform the decisions. This means that, the policy provided by operators, and related references of interest, is
followed by the agent to select its behaviour in detailed in Table II.
a given state is the same used to select the action 1) Charging Data Records (CDR). They are defined in
based on which it evaluates the followed behaviour. [122] and provide a comprehensive set of statistics at the
b) AC methods have a separate memory structure to service, bearer and IP Multimedia System (IMS) levels.
represent the policy independently of the value These records are typically stored for offline processing
function. The policy structure is known as the by the operator. The granularity of this information in
actor, since it is used to select the actions, while the time domain is however quite coarse, as records
the estimated value function is known as the critic. are generated in correspondence with high-level service
The critic learns and critiques whatever policy is events (e.g., start of a call).
currently being followed by the actor and takes the 2) Performance management functionality. This data source
form of a TD error δ, which is used to determine [123] [36] provides data regarding the network per-
if at was a good action or not. δ is a scalar signal, formance and it covers, among others, aspects of the
which is the output of the critic and drives the performance of the radio access network, such as, radio
learning procedure. After each action selection, the resource control and utilization, performance of the
critic evaluates the new state to determine whether various bearers (both on the radio part and in the back-
things have gone better or worse than expected. haul), idle and connected mode mobility.
3) Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT). The data extracted • antenasgsm: It offers information on maps and positions
from this source refers to the radio measurements of both of cells, with added information on the operator and the
idle and connected mode mobility, coverage items, such assigned bandwidth [130].
as, power measurements and radio link failure events, • Google geolocations API: It allows queries based on the
and can be associated with position information of the cell ID to get cell related information and WiFi Access
UE performing the measurement. More information on Points (AP), such as latitude and longitude [131].
these data has already been provided also in section II-F. The information provided by these databases is precious, but
4) E-UTRA Control plane protocols and interfaces, such still does not give sufficient insight on the behaviour of the
as Radio Resource Control (RRC), S1-AP, X2-AP pro- network, and mainly offers an overview of the coverage pro-
tocols, are another huge source of information, espe- vided by the single operators. To get more information, still we
cially concerning aspects, such as cell coverage, user can do something more and access directly to the unencrypted
connectivity, mobility in idle and connected mode, inter- PDCCH and extract information exchanged between the users
cell interference, resource management, load balancing, and the associated eNB. In particular, it is possible to build a
among others. sniffer, as the one described in [132], from which to collect raw
5) Data plane traffic flow statistics, also are a huge source communication traces exchanged by the users and the associ-
of information, which can be gathered at various points ated eNodeB. This allows to have access not only to aggregate
of the network, like the eNB, or the PDN Gateway base station statistics, but also to more valuable information
(PGW) and Serving Gateway (SGW). The Internet Pro- derived from the radio protocols, such as the resource block
tocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is an example of allocation and the link adaptation mechanism of the system.
standardized format to exchange this kind of statistics In particular, the OWL sniffer [132] is an online decoder
[124]. of the LTE control channel, which uses a Software Defined
All these data are available to the network operators, but Radio (SDR) to send the raw LTE signal to a PC running the
in most cases this is not made available to the academic decoding software. This open-source software is capable of
community due to privacy issues and network operators’ reliably logging the LTE downlink control information (DCI)
interests. There are some exceptions, like the Data for Devel- broadcasted by base stations. In fact, LTE uses an unencrypted
opment (D4D) initiative from the Orange group [126], which control channel to assign network resources to users for both
made available anonymous data extracted from the Senegal’s downlink and uplink communications. Resources are assigned
network to research laboratories. However these data are in to devices through their radio network temporary identifiers
general aggregated and do not allow deep insight into the (RNTIs), every millisecond, specifying the number of resource
operator’s network. blocks (RBs) and the modulation and coding scheme (MCS)
This lack of data represents a great limitation for the to be used. There are works in literature using this sniffer to
advancement of the ML based network management research. collect and analyze traces from different European cities [133].
However, some network data can be derived in other ways. Finally, let us review the main SON use cases in Table
Some databases are available, providing a huge insight in III, by analyzing the main input information that their design
mobile network operators. Some examples are listed in the would require, in terms of data, together with the main
following, together with information that can be extracted from identified output actions and meaningful associated KPIs.
B. Overview of ML based Network management’s relevant
• opencellid: It contains information on specific cells, such
as: network type (GSM, UMTS, LTE), Mobile Country
Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC), Location This section reviews SON and Network management’s
Area Code (LAC) for GSM and UMTS, Tracking Area recent work in the area of ML. We will go through each main
Code (TAC) for LTE, Cell ID for (CID) for GSM and LTE function and use case and review significant literature and ML
networks, Primary Scrambling Code (PSC) for UMTS approach that has been used to approach the problem. Table IV
networks, Physical Cell ID (PCI) for LTE networks, summarizes the main works in this area and classifies them
longitude and latitude in degrees, estimates of range in per 3GPP use case, technique and specific algorithm adopted
meters, total number of measurements collected from the by the authors.
tower, defines if the coordinates of the cell tower are exact 1) Use case: Indicates the 3GPP targeted use case.
or estimated, information of the date when the cell tower 2) Reference: Indicates the reference of the related work.
was first added to the data base and updated, average 3) Technique: Indicates the applied ML method (Super-
signal strength from all measurements received from the vised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement
cell in dBm, or as defined in [127]. This data base also Learning).
receives funding from important vendors like Qualcomm 4) Problem: Indicates the general problem to solve.
[128] and offers some formula of free access to portion 5) Algorithms: Indicates the specific ML algorithm applied
of data for academic purposes. to the data (see TableIV).
• opensignal: It offers information on achievable data rates, 1) Mobility Load Balancing: The literature offers some
latency and availability, per operators, but not information examples of application of ML techniques to the MLB use
per cell tower [129]. case. The majority of applications fall in the area of RL, as
the main problem to solve is a sequential decision problem Considering clustering in large realistic scenarios is an added
about how to set configuration parameters, which optimize value to reduce computational complexity and take advantage
network performance and user experience. An example of a of what is learnt in other regions of the network where we
RL application for MLB use case can be found in [135]. observe similar environment characteristics.
Here the authors present a distributed Q-learning approach
that learns for each load state the best MLB action to take, 2) Mobility Robustness Optimization: Also for the case of
while also minimizing the degradation in HO metrics. Another MRO, we find in literature different solutions based on RL to
option to take advantage also of fuzzy logic capabilities of solve a control decision problem. In [141], [142], the authors
dealing with heterogeneous sources of information is provided focus on the optimization of the users’ experience and of
in [136], where fuzzy logic is combined with Q-learning in the HO performance. In [141] the authors take advantage of
order to target the load balancing problem. For similar reasons, the Q-learning approach to effectively reduce the call drop
fuzzy logic is also proposed in [137] to enhance the network rates, whereas in [142], unlike other solutions that assume a
performance by tuning HO parameters at the adjacent cells. general constant mobility, the authors adjust the HO settings in
Approaches incorporating fuzzy logic with RL capabilities response to the mobility changes in the network by means of
have the advantage to capture the uncertainty existing in real a distributive cooperative Q-learning. Differently from [141],
world complex scenarios, while schemes considering only [142], in [143], the authors take advantage also of fuzzy logic
learning approaches may be limited by the fixed variable capabilities. These solutions are based on control optimiza-
definition. When combining fuzzy logic with RL, also the tion of HO parameters through RL, so they propose similar
subjectivity with which the fuzzy variable may be defined solutions to those found in the literature of MLB. In this
is overcome by the adjusting capabilities of the learning. case we can do the same considerations about the advantages
Alternatively, a centralized solution is approached in [138], of considering fuzzy logic in order to gain in flexibility in
where a central server in the cellular network determines all the uncertain and complex real network context. Different
HO margins among cells by means of a dynamic programming approaches in turn, address the problem by identifying suc-
approach. Besides RL, also clustering schemes have been cessful HO events, through solutions based on unsupervised
proposed in this area, to group cells with similar characteristics learning. In particular, the works of [144] and [145] propose an
and provide for them similar configuration parameters [139]. approach to HO management based on UL and SOM analysis.
The idea is to exploit the experience gained from the analysis
of data of the network based on the angle of arrival and the mobility, which allows to anticipate smart HO decisions.
received signal strength of the user, to learn specific locations 3) Coverage and Capacity Optimization: In case of CCO,
where HOs have occurred and decide whether to allow or different approaches in literature focus on RL solutions based
forbid certain handovers to enhance the network performance. on continuous interactions with the environment, oriented to
The solutions enable self-tuning of HO parameters to learn online adjusting antenna tilts and transmission power levels
optimal parameters’ adaptation policies. Similarly, in [146] the through TD learning approaches. In [151] and [152] a fuzzy Q-
authors exploit the huge amount of information generated in learning approach to optimize the complex wireless network,
the network to predict user traffic distribution. In particular, by learning the optimal antenna tilt control policy has been
they take advantage of semi-Markov model for spatiotemporal proposed, and a similar approach is followed also in [153]
mobility prediction in cellular networks. Finally, the works in and [154]. In addition, they also propose to combine fuzzy
[147]–[150], propose schemes to make predictions about UE’s logic with Q-learning, in order to deal with continuous input
and output variables. [153] also proposes a central control Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process tools to trigger the
mechanism, which is responsible to initiate and terminate the switch off actions, and jointly consider multiple decision
learning optimization process of every learning agent deployed inputs for each cell. This last work uses smart decision theory
in each eNB. Finally, [154] innovates with respect to other approaches, which though are not able to take advantage of
approaches since in order to adjust the antenna tilt and trans- the previous decisions made in the same environment, as in
mission power parameters, it considers the load distribution turn does the work proposed in [159], as a result of the TD
of the different cells involved in the optimization process, and learning approach. This allows that the work in [159] offers
introduces novel mechanisms to facilitate cooperative learning a more solid solution, considering also past information in
among the different SON entities. the decision. Also for HetNets, we find several works, such
4) Inter-cell Interference Coordination: Similarly to the as, [161], [162], where the authors take advantage of KPIss
CCO case, ML has been proposed in the literature of ICIC use available in the network for the construction of different kind
case as a valid solution, where RL is the principle used tool, of databases to analyse the potential gains that can be achieved
with special emphasis to TD methods, in order to target the in clustered small cell deployments.
optimization of control parameters. Several works target the 6) Cell Outage Compensation: The literature already offers
problem to minimize the interference among cells by using the different works targeting the problem of COC. For this use
most common TD learning method, Q-learning [155]–[158]. case RL has been proven as a valid solution since it is a
The work in [155] is related to control inter-cell interference in continuous decision making/control problem. In this context
a heterogeneous femto-macro network. The work combines in- a contribution in the area of self-healing has been presented
formation handled by the multi-user scheduling with decisions in [163], [164], where the authors present a complete solution
taken by a learning agent based on Q-learning, which tries to for the automatic mitigation of the degradation effect of the
control the cross-tier interference per resource block. [156] outage by appropriately adjusting suitable radio parameters
proposes a distributed solution for ICIC in OFDMA networks of the surrounding cells. The solution consists of optimizing
based on a Fuzzy Q-learning implementation. The proposed the coverage and capacity of the identified outage zone, by
solution achieves joint improvement for all users, i.e., the adjusting the gain of the antenna due to the electrical tilt
improvements of users with bad quality does not come at the and the downlink transmission power of the surrounding
expense of users with good quality. Moreover, a decentralised eNBs. To implement this approach, the authors propose a RL
Q-learning framework for interference management in small based on actor-critic theory to take advantage of its capability
cells is proposed in [157]. The authors focus on a use case in of making online decisions at each eNB, and of providing
which the small cell networks aim to mitigate the interference decisions adapting to the evolution of the scenario in terms
caused to the macro-cell network, while maximizing their own of mobility of users, shadowing, etc., and of the decisions
spectral efficiencies. Finally, in [158] also a decentralized Q- made by the surrounding nodes to solve the same problem.
learning approach for interference management is presented. A COC contribution also based on ML is targeted in [165],
The goal is to improve the systems performance of a macro- where fuzzy logic is proposed as the driving techniques to
cellular network overlaid by femto-cells. In order to improve fill a coverage gap. The authors show performance gains by
the time of convergence, a mitigation approach has been using different parameters, such as, the power transmission,
introduced, allowing them to have significant gains in terms the antenna tilt, and a combination of the two schemes. These
of throughput for both, macro and femto users. Interesting two works are compared in [163] and the work in [163] is
trade-offs can be studied to compare centralized vs. distributed proven superior thanks to the ability to learn from the past
solutions. In the novel context of small cells distributed solu- experience introduced by the RL actor-critic approach.
tions to interference management are to be preferred over more 7) Cell Outage Detection: As we already mentioned, COD
complex centralized solutions, but convergence and instability aims to autonomously detect cells that are not operating
approaches may appear to affect the TD learning schemes, properly due to possible failures. For this kind of problem,
compromising system performances [155]. anomaly detection algorithms offer an interesting solution
5) Energy Savings: Energy savings schemes for wireless that allows to identify outliers measurements, which can be
cellular systems have been proposed in the past, enabling cells highlighting a hidden problem in the network. Proposals of
to go into a sleep mode, in which they consume a reduced solutions for this problem can be found in [166] and [167]. In
amount of energy. In order to reduce the energy consumption particular, [166] presents a solution based on diffusion maps,
of the eNBs, we can found several works related to ML by means of clustering schemes, capable of detecting anoma-
techniques. An example of that can be found in [159], where lous behaviours generated by a sleeping cell. [167] presents
the authors take advantage of RL to propose a decentralized Q- a solution based on fuzzy logic for the automatic diagnosis
learning approach to allow energy savings by learning a policy of a troubleshooting system. In order to determine if there is
by the iterations with the environment taking into account a failure, the authors propose a controller, which receives as
different aspects over time, such as the daily solar irradiation. an inputs a set of representative KPIs. A similar approach is
Also, in [160], the authors switch off some underutilized cells presented by [168], where the authors present an automated
during off peak hours. The proposed approach optimizes the diagnosis model for Universal Mobile Telecommunications
number of base stations in dense LTE pico cell deployments System (UMTS) networks based on Naive Bayesian classifier,
in order to maximize the energy saving. For the purpose, and where the model uses both network simulator and real
they use a combination of Fuzzy Logic, Grey Relational UMTS network measurements. In the context of this king of
classifiers , the works in [174], [175], also take advantage of the received QoS. A similar objective is targeted in [110],
NB for automated diagnosis based on different inputs network however, differently from the previous works, here the authors
performances. The work in [169] addresses both the case focus on multi layer heterogeneous networks, so in a more
of outage and the one where in turn the cell can provide complex and realistic scenario than the traditional macrocell
a certain level of service, which though does not allow to one. In particular, they present an approach, based on regres-
fulfil the expected UEs requirements. The approach relies on sion models, which allows to predict QoS in heterogeneous
ensemble methods to train KPIs extracted by human operators networks for UEs, independently of the physical location of
to make informed decisions. In [185], the authors consider the UE. This work is extended in [182] by taking into account
large data sets to identify anomaly behaving base station. They the most promising regression models, but also analysing
proposed an algorithm consisting of preprocessing, detection dimensional reduction techniques. By doing PCA/SPCA on the
and analysis phases. The results show that by using dimension- input features, and promoting solutions in which only a small
ality reduction and anomaly detection techniques irregularly number of input features capture most of the variance, the
behaving base stations can be detected in a self-organized number of random variables under consideration is reduced.
manner. In [164] data gathered through MDT reports is used Based on previous results, in [111], [183] the same authors
for anomaly detection purposes. Furthermore, the works of define a methodology to build a tool for smart and efficient
[171]–[173] take advantage of k-NN algorithm to propose a network planning, based on QoS prediction derived by proper
self-healing solution, in particular to tackle the fault detection data analysis of UE measurements in the network.
domain. Finally, in [170], the authors consider a HetNet and Moreover, the work in [187] presents a system based on
they take advantage of HMM to automatically capture the a fuzzy logic controller to improve network performances by
dynamic’s of four different states and probabilistically estimate adjusting antenna tilts values in a LTE system. Differently
if there exist a possible failure. from previous works, the authors consider the use of call
8) SON Conflicts Coordination: As the deployment of traces to identify the level of coverage, overshooting and
stand-alone SON functions is increasing, the number of con- overlapping problems, which are the inputs to the algorithm.
flicts and dependencies between them also increases. Hence, Also, in [188], the same authors take advantage of connection
an entity has been proposed for the coordination of this kind traces (signal strength, traffic, and resource utilization mea-
of conflicts. In this context, current literature includes several surements) to improve the network infrastructure in terms of
works based on ML. In [176] the authors focus on the classi- spectral efficiency. The proposed method is designed to be
fication of potential SON conflicts and on discussing the valid integrated in commercial network planning tool. Finally, in
tools and procedures to implement a solid self-coordination [189] the authors take advantage of the MDT measurements
framework. Q-learning, as a RL method, has been proposed to build a Radio Environment Map (REM) by applying spatial
in [177] to take advantage of experience gained in past interpolation techniques (Bayesian kriging). The REM (Radio
decisions, in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with Environmental Map) is then used to detect coverage holes and
the impact of the SON coordinator decisions when picking an predict the shape of those areas.
action over another to resolve conflicts. In [178], the authors 10) Core Networks: As we already mentioned in section
use Q-learning to deal with the conflict resolution between II, the operational aspects of core networks elements can be
two SON instances. Decision trees have been proposed in enhanced through, for example, the automatic configuration of
[186] to properly adjust Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) and the neighbour cell relations function. In this regard, the idea of
transmission power. Additionally, in [179] the authors provide applying ML to this function is not new. In [184] the authors
a functional architecture that can be used to deal with the study the benefits of using ML to root-cause analysis of session
conflicts generated by the concurrent execution of multiple drops, as well as drop prediction for individual sessions. They
SON functions. They show that the proposed approach is present an offline Adaboost and SVM method to create a
general enough to model all the SON functions and their predictor, which is in charge of eliminating/mitigating the
derived conflicts. First they introduce these SON functions session drops by using real LTE data.
in the context of the general SON architecture, together with 11) Virtualized and Software Define Networks: Also when
high-level examples of how they may interfere. Second, they we go beyond the RAN and we focus on the network in
define the state and action spaces of the global MDP that general, ML concepts have already been proposed in different
models the self-optimization procedure of the overall RAN works to build cognitive based techniques to operate the
segment. Finally, they show that the global self-optimization network. An example of these proposals is well summarized
problem can be decomposed onto as many Markov decision by [190]. In this work, a Knowledge Plane is advocated, which
sub-processs (subMDPs) as SON functions. would bring many advantages to the networks in terms how the
9) Minimization of Drive Tests: The great majority of network is operated, automated, optimized and troubleshooted.
literature using the MDT functionality to target MDT use Conceptually this vision is aligned with different others pro-
cases, takes advantage of supervised and unsupervised learning posals in other areas, such as the black-box optimization [191],
techniques to provide different solutions for the different use the autonomic self-x architectures [192], or the work presented
cases. An example of that can be observed in [180], [181], in [193]. In this context, the work in [194] analyzes the reasons
where the authors address the QoS estimation by selecting why the vision proposed in [190] has still not been brought to
different KPIs and correlating them with common nodes reality, and the main reason that they find is in the challenges
measurements, to establish whether a UE is satisfied with that appear when it comes to autonomously manage a network
in a distributed fashion. In particular, the work argues that patterns in them to understand aspects that should be optimized
the emerging trend of centralization in control brought by the in the network.
novel SDN vision, will significantly reduce this complexity This research line, additionally, faces important privacy and
and favour the realization of the ML vision in the network. confidentiality issues. It is important to ensure that the data
As a result, in [194] some initial experimental results based that is used is properly anonymized. As mentioned in section
on the vision defined in [190] are brought into reality in the IV, data come from different sources of the network, but
context of a SDN based architecture. Further work in this can also be offered by third parties, e.g., data generated by
area is carried put in the context of different European H2020 the user, open data, sensor data, among others. Therefore, to
projects [6]. The work in [195] presents a novel cognitive come up with a unified privacy policy is extremely challenging
management architecture that manages multiple use cases, at security and privacy levels, due to the variety and the
like the Service Level Agreement (SLA) and the Mobility granularity of the data. If we add to this the speed at which data
Quality Predictor. Both use cases are tackled using machine are created and need to be analysed, the security challenges
learning approaches, the Long Short Term Memory, and a per are huge. In this context, big data is changing the security
user bandwidth predictor. The work in [196] implements SLA analytics, where robust and scalable privacy preserving mining
through ML approaches. It uses an ANN for evaluation of algorithms are critical to ensure that the most sensitive private
cognitive SLA enforcement of networking services involving data is secure. As a result, privacy-preserving data mining
Virtualized Network Functions and SDN controllers. is a challenging research line that has to be investigated.
In particular, in order to guarantee privacy protection, it
V. C HALLENGES FOR FUTURE WORKS is important to define the privacy requirements taking into
account the lifecycle of the analytics. For example, in the
In this section, we focus on some open challenges that still
data collection phase, it is important to identify the personal
need to be addressed when it comes to making ML based
data needed for processing. The idea is to extract only the
network management a reality.
needed data for the specific purpose. Aggregated information
can also be used instead of personal data. In this context, one
A. Real data of the most relevant techniques is anonymization, which is
It is possible to find databases related to signals and cov- the process of modifying personal data in such a way that no
erage data [126], [129], by using/designing applications that identification is possible. Regarding the data analysis phase,
collect information such as Reference Symbol Received Power different privacy models are available in the context of big data
(RSRP) and Reference Symbol Received Quality (RSRQ). analytics, where two of the most important families are: K-
However, it is not easy to find contributions analysing real anonymity and differential privacy. A review in more detail of
network management data. Some work can be found in the the aforementioned methods can be found in [200]. Moreover,
context of 3G networks, but currently, in the context of in order to protect personal data in databases (data sotrage
4G networks it is very hard to find works considering real phase), encryption is a fundamental security technique, which
data [197], [198]. These works though do not take into transforms data in a way that only authorized parties can read
account the data analysing them through ML techniques, to it. For more information, the reader is referred to [200], [201].
extract experience from them. We consider that it is extremely
important for this research line to get to the next level, B. Big Data and Deep Learning
to get access to operator’s network data. An alternative to Deep learning is a new trend in ML that allows computer
real data, could be to sniff data from unencrypted LTE systems to improve with experience and data. It achieves great
control channels, as we have shown in [133] or to use a power and flexibility to operate in complicated real-world
high-fidelity network simulator ns-3 LTE/LTE-EPC Network environments, by learning to represent the world through a
Simulator (LENA) module, to generate realistic data [199]. nested hierarchy of concepts. The ML algorithms that we
This simulator has been built around industrial Application have reviewed in this paper have a strong dependency on the
Programming Interface (API) defined by the small cell forum features on which the algorithms are applied. Based on that,
and offers high-fidelity models from Media Access Control much effort has been devoted to design ML algorithms that
(MAC) to application layers. It has also been designed with yield to useful representations. This is known as representation
the requirement to simulate tens of eNBs and hundreds of UEs, learning, and deep learning is one way of learning representa-
and to specifically test Radio Resource Management (RRM) tions [202], [203]. The main representation of deep learning is
and SON algorithms. Consequently it could be a very useful through a Multilayer Perceptron, which is a multilayer neural
tool to build realistic scenarios based on information available network function mapping some sets of input values to output
in public databases, generate data to analyse, build algorithms values. Each layer of this representation learns a hierarchy
based on this analysis and close the loop on the simulator to of the output. Deep Learning has the ability to do successful
test the designed algorithms. In this context, it is also hard to training from the bottom layers to the higher ones. This is
find contributions where ML approaches are used not only done by applying computational models that are composed
in network simulators, but in real networking products. In of multiple levels of representation and abstraction that help
general, it seems vendors are reluctant to test algorithms whose make sense of data.
behaviour is not predictable. An important research line is then Historically, DL has become more useful as the amount
how to find or generate meaningful network data, and find of training data has started increasing (big data). Also, the
research on deep learning has benefited from the increase of with intelligence and self-awareness. In particular, the man-
computer infrastructure at both hardware and software levels. agement of densified and heterogeneous, in both technologies
All this has made that deep learning has solved increasingly and layers, architectures, requires the evolution of complex
complicated applications with increasing time and accuracy. SON concepts, which have traditionally been designed and
The potential of these improved techniques in the area of standardized for LTE based networks. Also, self-organization
NM, in case the big data associated to the management of in the context of NR technology is still to be completely
the complex 4G, 5G network ecosystem is available, is still to defined. Before reaching this vision, multiple challenges need
be evaluated and open for research. to be addressed, e.g. the self-coordination problem and the
solution of conflicts among SON functions executed in dif-
ferent nodes, or networks, which put the network at risk of
C. Theoretical research instability, or the most appropriate location of SON functions
With respect to online control decision problems that allow and algorithms, to solve properly the distributed vs. central-
to continuously take RRM/SON decisions, we are aware of ized SON implementation issue. Many aspects have to be
some approaches, which take advantage of reinforcement considered when locating and designing a SON function, e.g.
learning to solve this problem. The current approach is to response time, complexity, size of databases, computational
use single agent algorithms and extend them to multi-agent capability of nodes, etc. Centralized (i.e. a large number of
settings. However, this kind of algorithms require a consider- cells is involved), distributed (approx. 2 cells are involved,
able amount of time before finding a solution, and it increases coordinating through X2) and local (only one cell is involved)
with the state and action spaces. So, reinforcement learning implementations of SON functions have been proposed. No
approaches dealing with this issues have to be investigated. architecture can be claimed superior to the other. The growing
Moreover, no proof of convergence is available demonstrating complexity, dynamicity, and heterogeneity of 5G networks
that this approach actually reaches meaningful conclusions. will substantially increase the number of scenarios to solve.
Even though ML literature offers different algorithms that So, there is the need for exploiting their complementarity by
can find interesting solutions (e.g. NashQ [204]), the space virtualizing and dynamically deploying them.
of possible solutions is so big that this kind of approaches
is not feasible to be used in a realistic network where the E. Network management of novel softwarized and virtualized
time constraints of RRM/SON problem have to be met. So, architectures
more research in the area of multi-agent systems, which are To benefit of all the opportunities offered by centralized,
also compatible with real network requirements need to be distributed and local implementations, and towards the need of
investigated. virtualizing resources in order to reduce network costs, while
In the context of data analytics, it is well known that meeting the stringent new service verticals’ requirements,
the analysis of the data requires a substantial amount of there is the need to further study autonomous NFV and
”black art”, and consequently it requires the availability in SDN architecture, where end-to-end SON functions, aimed
the research groups of multi-disciplinary researcher profiles at tackling the main radio access and backhauling challenges
knowledgeable of information technology, computer science, of extremely dense deployments, are virtualized and run
and telecom engineering, to properly optimize the network over generic purpose hardware. This infrastructure is to be
accordingly. In this context, ML trends, like deep learning can managed by an orchestrator entity (in coordination with the
be very useful, however little work can be found applying these corresponding virtual network function and virtual infrastruc-
new promising techniques to network management [205]. ture managers), as proposed in European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) architecture. This orchestrator or
SDN controller is the brain of the network and needs the ability
D. Network management of multi-technologies networks and
to adapt to ever-changing conditions. The network should not
of future New Radio
only react to failures, but adapt to the demand, predict it, based
Autonomous network management of multi-technology net- on data analytics, and facilitate in this way the task of the net-
works, where heterogeneous networks including different Ra- work management. Research on deep reinforcement learning
dio Access Technologies (RAT), or different layers of the implementations of the orchestrator will allow the controller to
network are coexisting, e.g., Wi-Fi, mmWave, mobile network self-learn after every decision. Automation will require also all
layer, transport layer, among others, is still immature. How- the advancements of the Information Technology sector, with
ever, these scenarios will tend to emerge with the advent of the increased computational capacity, more CPUs and memory
unlicensed spectrum paradigm and with technologies such as space. However, future orchestrators will need to handle a
LAA or New Radio (NR), the new radio access technology huge amount of data and learn from them through novel deep
for 5G, which is currently under definition in 3GPP. NR, learning approaches, the smart network management decisions.
in particular, will be defined to work over a wide range of This research line is still highly immature and requires a lot
spectrum opportunities, ranging from sub 6 GHz and up to of efforts.
mmWave spectrum, and under multiple spectrum paradigms,
such as licensed, unlicensed and shared. The opportunities VI. C ONCLUSIONS
of autonomous network management in this area are huge. In this work we have motivated the need for ML to be
ML has still not been exploited to handle these networks considered as a crucial and inevitable tool in order to address
automation, self-awareness and self-organization in current [12] Cellwize. Driving value through SON. [Online]. Available:
and future mobile networks. The SON features have been
[13] AVIAT. Wireless products for small cell applications. [Online].
considered fundamental in LTE definition and have been Available:
introduced in this technology since its very beginning in [14] S. C. Forum. Small cell industry award. [Online]. Available:
Release 8. We believe that this need of automation will be
[15] 3GPP, “Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;
further enhanced with the expected complexity that future Telecommunication Management; Self-Organizing Networks (SON);
5G network management will have to handle. On top of Concepts and requirements (Release 13),” 3GPP, TS 32.500, v13.0.0,
that, we have shown that current cellular networks, already 2016.
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