FB 2
FB 2
FB 2
1- Ever since mankind ---- hunting to preserve itself, over-hunting and fishing ---- a large and dangerous problem.
A)began/has been
B)has begun/was
C)had begun/is
D)would become/has been
2- There ------ evidence that there ---- significant changes in Amazon rainforest vegetation over the last 21.000 years
through the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation.
A)was /have been
B)is/had been
C)has been/were
D)is/have been
3- According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, the combination of climate change and deforestation ------- the drying
effect of dead trees that -------- forest fires.
C)increase/have fueled
E)are increasing/fuels
4- While most of us ------- slavery with 18th and 19th century America, the truth is that the African slave trade started
long before America --------- involved.
A) associated/became
B) are associating/had become
C) associate/became
D) have associated/has become
E) had associated/wouldbecome
5- Astronomers estimate that the Solar System as we know it today ---- drastically until the Sun ---- almost all the
hydrogen fuel in its core into helium.
B) as people who consume more of vegetable or fruit juices live longer and healthier than those who don't.
C) though almost every fourth man considers the traditional division of housework to be normal.
D) which causes the accumulation of a toxic compound in the blood known as lactic acid.
D) help parents have a better understanding of some of the laws which affect their children.
9- Films of violence ------ on television until after 9.30 at night, the time when the majority of children ---- to bed.
10- It’s true that happiness ------ with money, but some money ------ life easier.
11- The United Kingdom ---- a period of time until 1995 to clean up its beaches by the European Union, but Morecombe
Bay in Lancashire was so dirty that it ---- two more years to bring the area up to the required standard.
A) was given / was allowed B) is given / has allowed C) gives / will have allowed D) has been given / has allowed
13 - Film music —- significant in many ways, of course, but not as music, which is why the proposition that better
composers —- better film music is not necessarily true.
E) would be / produced
14- On my trip last year, I was able to visit some places -------------- in a long time.
a) Who I hadn’t seen b) I hadn’t seen. C) hadn’t seen d) who hadn’t seen
A. would have both been B. would both be C. could have been D. will be
16 - The Great Wall of China was the only man-made structure on earth which ______ when they were circling the dirt.
17 -Scientists suggest that huge amounts of greenhouse gases will be ---- into the atmosphere if rising temperatures
18- Labour unions ---- with employers over the wages, working hours and working conditions of their members.
19 - The process of economic and social reforms that began in the 1990s in some developing countries has had a
profound --- on the functioning and adjustment of their labour markets.
20 - For the world‘s automotive industry, this year‘s Dubai Motor Show is a rare opportunity to ---- serious business
Jess Hallett used to be a booker, taking bookings for models, organizing their programs and generally
running their lives. She talks about what she had to do in order to protect her girls.While bad behavior in
the modelling world evidently exists, there are many people in the fashion industry who work very hard to
try and make sure it doesn’t. I know this based on my experience.(22)___. I left because I didn’t have the
energy to be a kind of substitute mother to another beautiful teenager. Bookers care for and protect these
young models to such a point that they are often too tired at the end of the day even to go home.We did all
kinds of things for our girls. (23) . Sometimes, we listened to them, and sometimes, we had to talk to
them and cheer them up even when they did get the job they wanted; such as the cover of Italian “Vogue”
or the Chanel show in Paris. They were terrified they were going to do it badly, and the booker would
reassure them and tell them that they looked fantastic.The trend of using girls as young as 14 or 15 means
a lot of responsibility. The consequences of not taking good care of them are too huge for any agency to
consider. (24) . Backstage at any show in New York, Paris, or Milan, you see bookers from all over
the world, there to support their girls and make sure that another agency doesn’t try to attract them with a
better contract.One danger that we had was to protect models from was their parents. (25) . It was quite
clear that she was humiliated by his behavior and wasn’t at all interested in being a model.There were
some parents who would let their daughter go alone to fashion shoots if it meant fame and fortune.(26)
. At the model agency where I worked, parents were usually encouraged to get involved in their
daughters’ careers and travelled with them whenever they could.The fact is that the majority of girls love
the lifestyle, and you don’t hear many complaints. Russian model Lida Egorova told me recently how
happy she was, working with creative and talented people. She was wealthy and living in Paris, and the
night before she had met Madonna at a party. What more could any girl want?
A. One father insisted that his daughter was better-looking than anyone in “Vogue” and
complained because I wouldn’t employ her
B. If you don’t look after them properly, then someone else will
C. After recent news stories of drug-taking amongst teenager models, the catwalk world has
once again come under public criticism
D. Others never allowed them to go anywhere unaccompanied
E. Whenever they had hard times, we were always ready to help them
F. She said she was having a wonderful time and couldn’t imagine doing any other job
G. I spent almost ten years as a booker and became emotionally involved with almost every
girl in my care
1 Industrialized nations are typically divided into three main groups: the US, Western Europe, and
East Asia. The group defined as Western Europe includes such countries as England, France, and
Germany while East Asia includes highly developed Asian countries such as South Korea and
Japan. Other nations around the world do not fit so easily into these three groups. For example,
one might expand “the US” group to become North America, and thus include Canada in
industrialized countries of that region. However, what should one do with Australia? One idea is
to group it with other industrialized countries of East Asia. However, grouping Australia together
with the other industrialized countries of East Asia seems to be odd. It is Australia’s social
similarity with the countries of Western Europe, which makes it different from East Asian
countries. Therefore, another idea is to group Australia with the industrialized countries of
Western Europe. This is a much better idea of course. When viewed collectively by groups, the
societies of these three groupings of industrialized countries differ markedly in many respects.
27. Which group of industrialized nations does the writer think Australia should be
included in?
28. Which of the following means nearly the same as “markedly” in paragraph 1?
2 Consider, for instance, the role of women in society within each of the three groups: the US,
Western Europe, and East Asia. East Asia has the highest rate of gender integration in the
workforce, meaning women can be found working alongside men in more types of occupations.
This is attributed to a tradition from the past of women in East Asian societies participating in
manual labor. The US falls in the middle. The rate of gender integration in the workforce is
higher than Europe’s rate, but lower than East Asia’s rate. In general, Female LFP (Labor Force
Participation) has been on the rise in all industrialized countries for quite some time, while male
LFP has been declining. One factor to account for this change would be the improvement in
social support for working women in industrialized countries. Women receive the best system of
social support in Western Europe, led by Sweden where they receive one year of maternity leave
with 75% pay. By comparison, working women in the US typically receive twelve weeks of
maternity leave with no pay. It should be noted, however, that the greater social support for
women in Western Europe may also be linked to the lower rate of workforce integration of
women. This is due to the fact that social security nets for maternity often affect women’s
chances of employment or career advancement. Many companies are less likely to hire a female
for an important position since they may be forced to replace her and give her extended paid
leave if she becomes pregnant.
29. What is the reason for greater workforce integration in the East Asia group?
A) the decrease in the male workforce C) the reforms made in social support
B) the efforts made in Western Europe D) the improvement in women’s wages
31. It may be more difficult for women to find higher level jobs in Western Europe
because of .