Attestatsiya Mock Test 1 Javobi

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Attestatsiya mock test 1.

1. So'zning to'g'ri fonetik transkripsiyasini tanlang.

1. "teacher" so'zining to'g'ri fonetik transkripsiyasini tanlang:

a) /tiːʧə/
b) /tɪtʃər/
c) /tiːkər/
d) /taɪʧə/

2. "canoeing" so'zining to'g'ri fonetik transkripsiyasini tanlang:

a) /kəˈnuːɪŋ/
b) /kæˈnəʊɪŋ/
c) /kæˈnuːɪŋ/
d) /kəˈnəʊɪŋ/

3. “thoughtful” so'zning to'g'ri fonetik transkripsiyasini tanlang.

a) /ˈθɔːt.fəl/
b) /θɔːtˈfʊl/
c) /ˈθʊt.fəl/
d) /θɔːt.fʊl/

4. Quyidagi so'zlardan qaysi birida diftong tovushi bor?

a) "sit" - /sɪt/
b) "sigh" - /saɪ/
c) "hot" - /hɒt/
d) "red" - /red/

5. They haven’t had a holiday ………… ten years.

a) since
b) in

c) all

d) –

6. When we got home last night, we found that somebody ……… into the flat.

a) has broken

b) broke

c) had broken

d) will have been broken

7. We …………… travel by train, but then we decided to drive instead.

a) were going to

b) are going to

c) used to

d) were used to

8. I thought it ……… but it didn’t.

a) would rain

b) is going to

c) was going to rain

d) was going

9. Find the synonym. It was the voice of a born ORATOR.

a) addressee

b) speaker

c) talker

d) order

10. Boxing was his PROFESSION, people came and paid money to see the fight.

a) subject

b) wish

c) trade

d) life

11. There was something CRUEL in his voice.

a) strange

b) severe

c) funny

d) fresh

12. One of the novels by Jack London was “Martin Eden”, in which the writer
DESCRIBED his life.

a) printed

b) depicted

c) pointed out

d) noticed
13. The whole excursion took APPROXIMATELY ten hours

a) exactly

b) about

c) precisely

d) apparently

14. Find the odd word out.

a) cycling

b) wardrobe

c) skating

d) badminton

15. Find the odd word out.

a) according

b) snowboarding

c) surfing

d) baseball

16. Find the odd word out.

a) hockey

b) rugby

c) early

d) tennis
17. Find the odd word out.

a) volleyball

b) sport

c) rugby

d) cinema

18. Find the odd word out.

a) bat

b) win

c) racket

d) stick

18 Find the odd word out.

a) ball

b) board

c) run

d) game

19. Qaysi variantda Britaniya inglizchasi to'g'ri ko'rsatilgan?

a) color
b) flavor
c) humour
d) honor
20. American Englishda qaysi so'z ishlatiladi?

a) pavement
b) trousers
c) elevator
d) lorry

21. Britaniya inglizchasida qaysi variant to'g'ri?

a) cookie
b) flashlight
c) flat
d) gas

22. You want to politely ask your friend to return an expensive book they
borrowed from you. Which phrase would be the politest?

a) Give me back my book!

b) I want my book back.
c) Can you return my book now?
d) Could you please return my book when you have time?

23. If you want to politely ask a friend for help with a task, which phrase is
most appropriate?

a) Would you mind helping me with this task?

b) Help me with this!
c) I need you to do this.
d) You should help me.

24. If you want to apologize for being late, which option shows the most
a) I’m late, so what?
b) I’m really sorry for being late. It won’t happen again.
c) I know I’m late, deal with it.
d) I’ll try to be on time next time.

25. She always remembers a name or a date- she has a memory like …….

a) an elephant

b) a horse

c) a cow

d) a giraffe

26. You had better prepare some extra food for Bob- you know he eats like a……

a) donkey

b) pig

c) horse

d) sheep

27. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, the world was entering a new and exciting
period of change. For instance, in that year, for the first time, wireless signals had
crossed the Atlantic and, in the following year, an airship flew from Europe to
America. Already the motor car had come into use and was making life much
easier. Telephones, also, were becoming fairly common. Politically and
economically, people looked forward to a time of peace, wealth and progress. In
fact, nothing seemed to stand in the way of such a future.

It is obvious from the passage that the twentieth century _____.

a) opened with a decline in industrial and economic activity.

b) inherited, from the previous century, very many serious social and political

c) began in a spirit of hope and confidence which was more or less world-wide.

d) was ushered in by a wave of despair and discontent.

28. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, the world was entering a new and exciting
period of change. For instance, in that year, for the first time, wireless signals had
crossed the Atlantic and, in the following year, an airship flew from Europe to
America. Already the motor car had come into use and was making life much
easier. Telephones, also, were becoming fairly common. Politically and
economically, people looked forward to a time of peace, wealth and progress. In
fact, nothing seemed to stand in the way of such a future.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, people _____.

a) were still not fully aware of the benefits of the telephone.

b) believed that technological and economic progress could not be halted.

c) preferred to make their long distance journeys by airship.

d) were extremely upset by the death of Queen Victoria.

29. When Queen Victoria died in 1901, the world was entering a new and exciting
period of change. For instance, in that year, for the first time, wireless signals had
crossed the Atlantic and, in the following year, an airship flew from Europe to
America. Already the motor car had come into use and was making life much
easier. Telephones, also, were becoming fairly common. Politically and
economically, people looked forward to a time of peace, wealth and progress. In
fact, nothing seemed to stand in the way of such a future.
From the passage one can conclude that at the turn of the new century _____.

a) the drawbacks of industrialization became evident.

b) it seemed that nothing more could be invented.

c) progress and change were to be seen on every side.

d) Technological progress was hampered by an economic crisis.

30. There can be few more depressing stories in the entire history of man’s
exploitation of nature than the wide-spread destruction of whales. Whales have not
only suffered untold cruelty but now face total extermination. Already entire
populations have been wiped out, and the only reason why no species has yet been
finished off is due to the vastness and inaccessibility of the oceans. Hence, a few
have always managed to escape, but how much longer can this go on?

The author points out that of all the animals in nature it is probably the whales that

a) have aroused most sympathy among ordinary people.

b) have attracted the least scientific attention.

c) alone can survive man’s hunting instincts.

d) have suffered most from man’s cruelty.

31. There can be few more depressing stories in the entire history of man’s
exploitation of nature than the wide-spread destruction of whales. Whales have not
only suffered untold cruelty but now face total extermination. Already entire
populations have been wiped out, and the only reason why no species has yet been
finished off is due to the vastness and inaccessibility of the oceans. Hence, a few
have always managed to escape, but how much longer can this go on?
According to the passage, if whales have so far survived, it is because _____.

a) they have taken refuge in the vast expanses of the oceans.

b) they breed fast and are difficult to catch.

c) modem man has recognized the need to preserve them.

d) various measures have been taken to save them from total extermination.

32. There can be few more depressing stories in the entire history of man’s
exploitation of nature than the wide-spread destruction of whales. Whales have not
only suffered untold cruelty but now face total extermination. Already entire
populations have been wiped out, and the only reason why no species has yet been
finished off is due to the vastness and inaccessibility of the oceans. Hence, a few
have always managed to escape, but how much longer can this go on?

In the passage the author expresses his doubts about whether _____.

a) many species of whales ought to be preserved.

b) the exploitation of nature can be justified.

c) whales can actually survive in the future.

d) man really is as cruel to whales as some people have claimed.

33. It is to be expected-that, by the year 2050, people’s eating habits will have
changed beyond recognition. With a world-wide growth in population very many
new mechanical and scientific methods will come into being, to step up food
production. There may well be an end to food as we know it today. In fact, meals,
as we know them, may become a thing of the past. Food constituents and vitamins
may be taken in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. The thought of these highly
artificial food constituents replacing present day foods may not be very relishing,
but they may be the answer to food shortage and world famine.
It is suggested in the passage that, at a not too distant date, _____.

a) the world will face severe famine.

b) the rate of growth in the world population will have been slowed down.

c) the world’s food production will decline tremendously despite the population

d) our traditional eating habits will have been completely replaced.

34. It is to be expected-that, by the year 2050, people’s eating habits will have
changed beyond recognition. With a world-wide growth in population very many
new mechanical and scientific methods will come into being, to step up food
production. There may well be an end to food as we know it today. In fact, meals,
as we know them, may become a thing of the past. Food constituents and vitamins
may be taken in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. The thought of these highly
artificial food constituents replacing present day foods may not be very relishing,
but they may be the answer to food shortage and world famine.

The author points out that artificial food _____.

a) will unfortunately be deficient in vitamins.

b) can be economically and easily produced.

c) is not practical but it is delicious.

d) may provide a solution to the problem of a world food shortage.

35. The main point emphasized in the passage is that _____.

a) present-day eating habits must be preserved.

b) in the twenty-first century the wide-spread use of artificial food will be

c) famine and food shortage in the world can only be overcome by reducing the
population growth rate.

d) artificial foods need not conflict with traditional eating habits.

36. O'quvchi bir loyiha ustida ishladi. O'qituvchi tomonidan loyiha taqdimotiga
to'g'ri bildirilgan fikr variantlarini toping.
1) Vazifani belgilangan muddatdan oldin bajarganligini ta'kidlamoqchiman.ammo
taqdimotdagi 1-muammo uchun keltirilgan ma'lumotlarni joriy yil bo'yicha
vangilash lozim. Umuman olganda yomon emas. Ba'zi joylarida xatoliklar bor,
ularni birga tahlil qilishimiz lozim.
2) bo'lgani uchun keyinroq ko'rishsak, yaxshiroq tushuntirib beraman.
3) Loyiha ishi talab darajasida bajarilgan. Taqdimotga ba'zi o'zgarishlar kiritish
lozim. Darsdan so'ng ular haqida batafsil gaplashib olish uchun ko'rishsak ma'qul
4) Barakalla. Taqdimot ustida zo'r ishlabsan. Menga juda yoqdi.


37. Maktabda ta'lim sifatini aniqlash uchun monitoring o'tkazish rejalashtirildi.

Uning vazifalari to'g'ri ko'rsatilgan qatorni aniqlang.
1) Talim sifati,uni tahlil qilish va baholash haqida kerakli va yetarli ma'lumotlarni
2) Sifatli ta'lim uchun ijtimoiy buyurtmaning bajarilishini nazorat qilish.
3) Ta'lim jarayoni ishtirokchilariga rag'batlantiruvchi va motivatsion ta'sirini
tashkil etish.
4) Ta'lim jarayoni ishtirokchilarining ijtimoiy hotirjamligi to'g'risidagi
ma'lumotlarni yig'ish.
5) Ta'limni yanada rivojlantirish prognozi va zarur tuzatishlar kiritish bo'yicha
tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish.
A) 1,2,5
B) 2,4,5
C) 1,2,3,5

38. O'qituvchi o'quvchiga mustaqil bajarish uchun vazifa berdi. Vazifani bajarishga
faqatgina berilgan adabiyotlar ro'yhatidan foydalanmasdan,o'z shaxsiy fikr va
mulohazalari bilan boyitishni so'radi. Shunda o'qituvchi o'quvchining ijodkorligini
rivojlantirish uchun qanday ta'lim turidan foydalandi?
A)Shaxshga yo'naltirilgan ta'lim
B)Darsdan tashqari ta'lim turi
C)Muammoli ta'lim turi
D)Ijtimoiy ta'lim turi

39. Rejalashtirilayotgan darsning shakl va usullari nimalarga mos kelishi lozim.

A) Darsning maqsadlari, o'quvchilarning yosh xususiyatlari va
o'zlashtirishiga mos kelishi lozim.
B)Turli xil ta'limiy ehtiyojlar, shuningdek iqtidorli o'quvchilar bilan ishlash
tamoyillariga mos kelishi lozim.
C) Bolalar bilan muloqat qilish, ularning qadr-qimmatini tan olish
tamoyillariga mos kelishi lozim.
D)O'quvchilarning jamoaviy va loyiha ishlarini tashkil etish va nazorat
qilishga mos kelishi lozim.

40. O'qituvchi mualliflik dasturi va maktabni rivojlantirish konsepsiyası ustida ish

olib bordi. Bunday jarayon o'qituvchining qaysi faoliyat turiga kiradi?
A) O'qituvchining qo'shimcha faoliyati
B) O'qituvchining ishdan tashqari faoliyati
C) O'qituvchining ijtimoiy faoliyati
D) O'qituvchining innavatsion faoliyati

41. Ta'lim-bu....
A) Ta'lim maqsadi va vazifalariga erishish yo'lidagi faoliyat turlari.
B) Belgilangan maqsadga erishish yo'lida o'qituvchi va o'quvchining
C) Ta'lim jarayonining yakuniy natijalariga erishish yo'llari
D) Ta'lim jarayonida o'zlashtirilgan bilim, ko'nikma,malaka va fikrlash
usullari tizimi.

42. O'quvchilar Konstitutsiya kuniga bag'ishlangan tadbir uyushtirmoqchi bo'ldilar.

Bunga boshqa sinf o'quvchilarini ham jalb etmoqchi ekanliklari haqida
o'qituvchiga ma'lum qildilar. O'qituvchi bu vazifani ular mustaqil bajarishlari
uchun barcha shart sharoitlarni yaratib berdi. Shunda o'qituvchi tarbiyaviy faoliyat
turning qaysi yo'nalishini amalga oshirgan hisoblanadi?
1.O`quvchilarning o'zini o'zi boshqarish organlari faoliyatini tashkil qilishda
yordam berish va qo'llab quvvatlash
2.O'quvchilarga zamonaviy ommaviy axborot vositalari dunyosida havfsiz
ishlashga yordam berish
3.O'quvchilarda kognitiv faollik, mustaqilllik, tashabbuskorlik, fuqarolik pozitiyasi
madaniyatini rivojlantirish
4. O'quvchilarda fuqarolik kompetensiyalari va media savodxonligini shakllantirish


43. Bir guruh o'quvchilar loyiha ishi ustida juda ko'p mehnat qildilar. Uni bajarib
bo'lgach darsda sinfdoshlari oldida taqdimot o'tkazdilar. O'qituvchi loyiha ishida
ba'zi kamchiliklar bo'lsa-da, vazifa yaxshi bajarilganligi va dolzarbligi haqida
gapirib, guruh a'zolarini maqtab qo'ydi. U nima uchun bunday qildi?

A)o'quvchilarning yutuqlarini baholash orqali, ularni o'qishni davom

ettirishga qiziqtirish uchun
B)o'quvchilarning erishgan yutuqlari natijalarini tahlil qilish uchun
C)o'quvchilar ta'lim jarayonida to'qnashgan qiyinchiliklarini qayd etish uchun
D)o'quvchilarning yutuqlarini baholash va bahoni asoslab berish uchun

44. Berilganlardan qaysi biri o'quvchilarning ta'limiy yutuqlarini baholashning

mezonlarga asoslangan tizimiga bog'liq emas? Ya'ni baholashning mezonlarga
asoslanmagan javob.
A)o'quvchining o'zlashtirishini ta'minlovchi yaxlit yondashuvni
shakllantirishga yo'naltiriladi
B)har bir sinf va fan bo'yicha o'quv mazmuni dasturidan kelib chiqqan holda
baholashning turli usullari
C)ta'lim berish, o'rganish va baholash orasidagi o'zaro bog'liqlikka asoslanadi
D)tarbiya berish tamoyillariga, nisbiy baholash mezonlariga, har bir sinfning
o'zlashtirish darajasiga asoslanadi
45. Ta'lim samaradorligini oshirish uchun o'qituvchi darsda ko'rgazmali
qurollardan foydalanishni rejalashtirdi. Qo'l ostida ko'rgazmali va tarqatma
materiallar juda ko'p edi. O'qituvchi tomonidan to'g'ri tanlangan tarqatma
materiallar qatorini belgilang.
A)Turli yo'nalishlardagi grafik va animatsion taqdimotlar
B)o'quvchilarning faqat qiziqishlariga mos keladigan tarqatma materiallar
C)Turli mavzularni qamrab oluvchi tarqatma materiallar
D)Dars mavzusiga mos keladigan namoyish va tarqatma materiallar

46. O'qituvchining pedagogik jarayonda sog'lom muhitni yarata olishi, o'quvchilar

va ta'lim jarayonining boshqa ishtirokchilari bilan ijobiy muloqotni tashkil etishi,
turli ziddiyatlarni o'z vaqtida anglay olishi va bartaraf etishi qaysi kasbiy
kompetensiyada namoyon bo'ladi?

47. Pedagogning o'z ustida ishlash bosqichlarining to'g'ri ketma-ketligini aniqlang:

1. Ushbu qaror bo'yicha amaliy harakatlarni samarali tashkil etish yo'llarini izlash
2. Yutuqlarini boyitish va kamchiliklarni bartaraf etish yuzasidan aniq qarorga
3. O'z faoliyatini tahlil qilish asosida yutuq va kamchiliklarni aniqlash

48. Bir o'quvchining onasi o'g'lining hatti-harakatlarida o'zgarish sezganligini, u

qo'pol muomalada bo'lishini, onaga nisbatan hurmatsizlik qila boshlaganini aytib,
sinf rahbaridan maslahat so'radi. O'qituvchi oiladagi muhit bilan tanishib, bu ota-
ona orasidagi munosabatlarning oqibati ekanligini aniqladi va onaga o'z
maslahatlarini berdi. Shu bilan birga o'quvchining fikrlari, xohish-istaklari,
qiziqishlari, intilishlarini oʻrganish hamda unga yordam berish maqsadida u bilan
suhbatlar olib bordi.
Bunda o'qituvchining ta'lim jarayoni ishtirokchilariga qanday munosabati aks
A) pedagogik tasavvur
B) pedagogik texnika
C) pedagogik antipatiya
D) pedagogik hamdardlik

49. Qaysi holatlarda namunaviy o'quv rejalariga o'zgartirish kiritish

A) Yuqori tashkilot va maktab ma'muriyati buyrug'iga asosan
B) O'quvchilarning ehtiyojlari va qiziqishlaridan kelib chiqqan holda
C) Ota-onalar va o'quvchilarning ehtiyoji va talablariga binoan
D) Maktab ma'muriyati va metodik birlashma takliflariga ko'ra

50. O'qituvchi muayyan mavzu bo'yicha o'quvchilarga tayyor bilimlarni taqdim

etib, so'ng mustahkamlash umumlashtirish, tizimlashtirish va nazorat qilish
jarayonini tashkil etdi. Bu jarayon qanday ta'lim turiga taalluqli?
A)shaxsga yo'naltirilgan ta'lim
B)reproduktiv ta'lim
C)muammoli ta'lim
D)tabaqalshtirilgan ta'lim

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