Daily Lesson Plan: Content Standard
Daily Lesson Plan: Content Standard
Daily Lesson Plan: Content Standard
Content Standard
Performance Standard
I. Objectives:
At the end of the session, students should be able to:
III. Procedure
A. Motivation
Now, class! I have here some Gaming cards; I want you to identify
the name of the card that I will be given.
B. Presentation
Today Class we will discuss the Kinds of Cards. And it’s use to the
C. Discussion
Very Good!
Author Card – name of author or author’s last name printed on the top
of the card.
Title Card – title of the book printed on top of the card. Provides an
Card catalogue help
easy way for a person to find a specific book or multimedia holding by
to locate books in a
its title.
Subject Card – subject of the book printed on top of the card.
Organizes all of the library holdings by the main subjects of the title.
Author Card
Title Card
Subject Card
D. Drill/ Practice Exercise
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment