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Employee handbook

guide to working at the town

Message from the
Chief Executive Officer
The Town of I am proud of the team of
Victoria Park employees who work in a range
is a vibrant of different areas; they are
and diverse passionate, talented and skilled
town situated people. In recognition of this,
just across the Town will strive to provide
from the Perth a welcoming and inclusive
CBD. We have place to work that will support
great cafes our employees to achieve their
restaurants professional aspirations.
and unique
Victoria Park’s mission is to be a
retail stores. We have some of the
dynamic place for everyone and
most exciting tourist attractions
we need dedicated employees to
including Crown Casino, Optus
help us achieve this now and in
Stadium, West Coast Eagles
the future. The Town’s values are
Football Club, Belmont Park
being proactive, having integrity,
racecourse, Swan River foreshore
being innovative and caring. Our
and Curtin University.
employees endeavour to work
Our population is more than 32,000 towards these values in every
and is expected to grow to 75,000 aspect of their day.
people by 2050.
This employee handbook
The Town is committed to creating provides a range of information to
a great place to work, live learn assist you in familiarising yourself
and play. We value our employees with our functions, work culture
and understand that a good work- and the terms and conditions of
life balance is important. your employment.
Welcome to the Town of Victoria Park.

Anthony Vuleta
Chief Executive Officer

2 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 3
Anthony Vuleta
Chief Executive Officer
• Stakeholder Relations
• Human Resources
• Governance

Ben Killigrew
Chief Operations Officer
• Building/Property • Street Improvement
Management • Strategic Waste
• GIS • Environment
• Fleet Services • Project Management
• Assets

Natalie Martin Goode

Chief Community Planner
• Community Development • Building Services
• Healthy Community • Urban Planning
• Library Services • General Compliance

Organisational structure • Digital Hub

• Environmental Health
• Strategic Town Planning

As part of the CEO’s 2020 Vision agenda, in 2016 the Town commenced
a review of its organisational structure. The aim of this exercise was
to reshuffle the structure to better align with the service needs of the Nathan Cain
community which were identified through Evolve. Chief Financial Officer

The Town of Victoria Park utilise approximately 27 services areas including • Financial Services • Leisurelife
ranger services, library services, economic development, communications • Information Systems • Aqualife
and engagement, community development, leadership and financial • Records Services • Parking Management
services to deliver strategic community outcomes. The Town employs • Rangers
approximately 400 staff.

4 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 5
Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer Chief Community Planner Chief Operations Officer

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Leadership Project
Resources & Stakeholder Corporate Business Development Place Technical Infrastructure
& Governance Organisational Community Management
Relations Support Services Services Planning Services Operations

Communications Financial Community Environmental Asset Street

Leisurelife Sustainability
& Engagement Services Development Health Planning Operations

Customer Information Healthy Building Place Street Waste

Relations Systems Community Services Management Improvement Services

Ranger Library Urban Economic Fleet Parks

Services Services Planning Development Services Operations

Digital General
Town Environment
Hub Compliance

Leadership HR Stakeholder Corporate Business Community Development Place Project Engineering Infrastructure
& Governance & OD Relations Support Services Services Services Planning Management & Assets Operations

CEO Finance Community Planning Operations

Functional Area Functional Area Functional Area Functional Area
Our mission
The mission focuses on what will
be done to achieve the vision.
Our mission is based on the four
pillars (or the quadruple bottom
line) of sustainability. Each pillar
has a number of accompanying
strategic outcomes.
We will communicate with,
empower and support the
community and promote social,
economic and environmental
sustainability to create our vision.
Social Our values
To promote sustainable connected, 1. We will be proactive
safe and diverse places for everyone. We will look to cause positive
Economic things to happen rather than
waiting to respond.
To promote sustainable diverse,

Vision, mission and values resilient and prosperous places for

2. We will have integrity
We will be honest, accountable
and transparent in how we
Our vision do things.
To promote sustainable liveable, 3. We will be innovative
The Town of Victoria Park: a dynamic place for everyone. healthy and green places for We will be courageous in
We are Perth’s most empowered and engaged community. everyone. introducing new ideas to meet
We are Perth’s premier place for entertainment and entrepreneurship. Civic leadership community need and improve
our services and project.
We lead in sustainability. To show leadership by
communicating with, empowering 4. We will be caring
We put people first in urban design and safety.
and supporting people in the We will display kindness
We are inclusive and connected with a thriving community. community. and concern.

8 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 9
Depot Library
The depot is the base for Rangers, The Victoria Park library has a
Engineering, Streetscapes, wide range of books, magazines,
Waste Management, Parks and CDs and DVDs to borrow and also
Fleet Services. provides a local history collection,
children’s section, public computers
199 Star Street,
and free WiFi. Membership is free
and not limited to those who live in
9311 8111
the Town.
Leisurelife Centre
27 Sussex Street,
Leisurelife is a dry facility that has
East Victoria Park
indoor sports courts and a gym.
9373 5500
Cnr Kent and Gloucester Streets,
East Victoria Park
9373 5450

Council facilities and workplaces

Administration building Digital Hub
The administration building is the The Victoria Park Digital Hub
central office for the Town and provides free computer courses
provides a customer service point and online training for the
for all enquiries and applications. local community, not-for-profit
organisations and businesses.
99 Shepperton Road,
Residents can participate in friendly,
Victoria Park
interactive training sessions to learn
9311 8111
how to access and explore the
Aqualife Centre online world.
Aqualife is focused around an
1 Harper Street,
outdoor 50m pool, indoor pool,
Victoria Park
health club and crèche.
9329 4238
42 Somerset Street,
East Victoria Park
9373 5400

10 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 11
Emergency response New employees
In the event of an emergency please Prior to your commencement at Social Media policy
follow the directions of your area the Town of Victoria Park you
Customer Service Charter
fire warden. If you do not know who will have received a new starter
your warden is, please ask your employment pack, with the Customer Service Behaviours
supervisor to provide information on following items included: Strategic Community Plan
escape routes and outside assembly
areas. For further information Letter of offer What is PIIC?
regarding Occupational Health and Position description Diversity Questionnaire
Safety please refer to the Safety
Induction Handbook for employees. Code of Conduct  ouncil Access Skills
Agreement of Confidentiality and Multilingual Register

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

(Optional) form
Employee commencement details
 pplication for Private or
Tax File Number Declaration form Secondary Employment form
The Town’s DAIP 2017–2022 has to recruitment and employment for
been developed in consultation with people living with a disability. Important Information Well@Work ongoing perks
people living with a disability, carers, regarding Superannuation
The DAIP demonstrates the Well@Work events calendar
community members, the Disability Contributions letter
Town’s commitment to creating
Services Commission, and local  own of Victoria Park Library
and fostering an inclusive and Choice of superannuation fund
service providers. Membership form
accessible community for all to live, – Standard choice form
The DAIP addresses seven work, play, invest and visit, while Lotto Club Membership form
outcome areas that improve also recognising the importance of WA Super – Product Disclosure
access and inclusion to services working in collaboration with the Statement Social Club Membership form
and events, buildings and facilities, community to break down social
information, quality of service,
complaints procedures, consultation
barriers to inclusion and to drive
sustainable change from within the Probation
processes, and addressing barriers community itself.
(permanent postions only)
All new employees at the Town of the Victoria Park are subject to a six
Service plans month probationary period. During your probationary period your manager
will assist you to become familiar with the objectives of your Business
All employees are responsible for area’s business plan goals, and Unit and your individual performance objectives. Your manager will
the performance of their duties as any other work responsibilities as meet with you prior to the end of your probationary period to formally
outlined in the service area plan, allocated from time-to-time by their discuss your performance and will be required to complete a probation
their position description, the work managers or supervisors. assessment.

12 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 13
Performance development system
and performance management
– see Performance Management, Development and Review policy
Performance reviews are in place performance, and allows for
to ensure all employees and their early interventions such as
supervisors are aware of the training and development,
expectations and opportunities increased monitoring, risk
available for planning, managing, reviews and the development of
monitoring, reviewing, recognising mitigation strategies.
and improving individual employee
Proactive and constructive
communication will ensure
It is the responsibility of every opportunity is given to
the employee to act on the an employee where under-
responsibilities outlined in the performance is identified. An

name, bank accounts, please
position description. It is the evidence-based performance
update your details using HRF011 –
responsibility of the supervisor process also supports both you and
Change of Details form located on
to monitor the employee’s the supervisor on the clarification Pay period the intranet and send to the Payroll
performance to ensure the of under-performance issues.
Your salary is paid fortnightly in Officer.
achievement of the desired outputs
Where under-performance cannot arrears by electronic transfer into
of those responsibilities. Leave forms
be resolved within a reasonable your nominated account. Payments
The performance management time frame and to the satisfaction are usually made on Tuesday, Leave forms need to be approved
cycle is focused on the ongoing of the manager, the processes of however depending on your bank and forwarded to the Payroll Officer
monitoring, review and coordination HRP013 – Formal Discipline and it may not be deposited until 48 for processing.
of those annual work priorities. Dismissal may be implemented. hours after. Superannuation
It is based on a proactive and
The process includes quarterly Pay slips
constructive communication The Payroll Officer will calculate
performance reviews as well as
environment between staff member A copy of your payslip will be and pay 9.5% of your
an annual review and includes
and supervisor. Both staff member emailed to you every fortnight. If superannuation contribution to
setting smart goals. This process
and supervisor are responsible for you do not have access to email, a a superannuation fund of your
allows better planning and provides
maintaining this work environment. hardcopy can be provided. choosing. The 1% extra paid by
clarity for staff in regard to
the Town of Victoria Park and any
Regular monitoring and performance expectations. Change of details
further contributions made by the
communication on performance
If any of your personal details employee must go to the WA Local
also identifies shortfalls in
change, including your address, Government Superannuation fund.

14 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Induction Booklet 15
The employer and employee Five weeks annual leave
may agree to flexible working Full time employees are entitled to
arrangements which includes 190 hours (25 days) of annual leave
flexitime, banked hours, make- every year. All full-time employees
up time, accrued and rostered must take 76 hours (10 days) (pro
days off, and/or seasonal working rata for part-time employees based
arrangements. on average number of hours per
An eligible employee and manager week the employee works) of
may agree on average hours worked annual leave each year.
over a four week cycle to be worked Personal/carers leave
on anywhere between 16 and 20
days. This also includes: Full-time employees are entitled
to 10 days personal leave per
• 76 hours averaged over nine days year (pro rata for part-time
(see example below); employees). Personal leave may
• 19-day four-week cycle; or be used for personal illness
or injury, or for the purpose of
• further extended cycles as providing care to a member of the
agreed between the manager employee’s immediate family or
and employee which produces household. Further information
an average of 38 hours per week. regarding leave is provided in the
Town of Victoria Park Enterprise
Employee benefits
All full-time employees who receive
a rostered day every calendar month Agreement 2016.
are required to work an eight hour
Work-life balance Flexible working arrangements day, (40 hour week) of which two
The Town is committed to providing The Town strives to provide flexible hours per week are put aside for
a workplace with work-life balance. and responsive work arrangements this. This eight hour day does not
Some of the initiatives we offer that assist its employees to include your 30 minute lunch break.
include: balance their work and other life Employees who do not work flexible
responsibilities. working arrangements will work 7.6
• flexible working arrangements
Flexible working arrangements may hours per day (38 hours per week or
• rostered days off be available to employees where it pro rata for part time employees).
• job sharing and part-time can be applied without detriment Please refer to the Flexible Working
opportunities to individual or team performance Arrangments Policy and Procedure
or the Town’s operations, and located on the intranet for further
• paid parental leave subject to agreement between information.
• five weeks annual leave. management and employees.

16 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 17
Training and development classes with a matching number
of hours to be taken in the staff
The Town is committed to providing
member’s own time.
job related training to its employees
in order to improve their skills and For more information on study
knowledge to the mutual benefit of assistance and study leave refer to
the Town and employees. HRP020 – Study Assistance.
The Town will undertake training
as required to assist employees in
maintaining and developing their
level of skills and knowledge.
Training will be identified through
the Performance Development
System and courses offered through
the annual Corporate Training and Workplace health

Financial benefits allowing employees to make the

most of their take home pay.
Further information can be found
Development calendar.
Study assistance program
The Town is committed to providing
its employees with a safe and
Discounts on corporate health healthy workplace. Current
on the Human Resources intranet Town of Victoria Park employees
insurance initiatives include:
page under the Employee can apply for study assistance and
The Town has an agreement with Benefits tab. study leave. Applicants must provide • free use of gym and aquatic
corporate health providers HBF reasonable evidence that their
facilities (conditions apply)
and Medibank whereby employees chosen area of study has substantial
can receive great corporate health and relevant work related benefits • annual flu injections
benefits. Visit the Town’s Human
Resources intranet page under the development to the Town. All submissions must
be made in writing and submitted
• annual skin cancer screenings
• health assessments
Employee Benefits tab for further Learning and growth to the Strategic Management
information on the benefits that Group via the relevant manager. • fruit delivered to the workplace
HBF or Medibank provide. The Learning & Growth Plan Reimbursement is provided to
2017–2022 focuses on structuring • bike to work program
Novated leasing options a maximum of $500 per unit
work, training and development upon successful completion of • promotion of charitable events
Town of Victoria Park employees are opportunities around the service the course.
eligible for a number of employee needs of the Town’s Strategic • TravelSmart initiatives
benefits including salary packaging Community Plan work priorities, Study leave
• yoga in the park/Pilates
your vehicle. The Town’s novated and the individual needs of the Once a course of study is
leasing partner is Easifleet and they staff to learn and grow, and • nutrition workshops
approved employees can apply for
can assist employees to novate advance their career opportunities a maximum of five hours of paid • access to Healthy Intel, a free
the purchase of their next vehicle and aspirations. leave per week, in order to attend online wellbeing program.

18 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 19
You Me Community this. This eight hour day does not
include your 30 minute lunch break.
For example:
tops that expose the midriff, shorts
that expose the buttocks, thongs,
bare feet, singlets, faded jeans,
What is You Me Community?
Start time: 8am frayed jeans, board shorts or other
You Me Community is about more items of clothing deemed unsuitable
Lunch break: 12–12.30pm
than just providing the service that by an appropriate officer.
Finish time: 4.30pm
is being asked of you. It is about
Hours worked = 8 hours Please refer to the Corporate
building relationships with the people
you interact with and trying to make Employees who do not receive a Uniform, Dress Code and Hygeine at
all experiences a positive one. rostered day off work 7.6 hours per Work Procedure for full details.
day (38 hours per week or pro rata Casual Friday
To help you do this, we have for part time employees).
developed customer service Every Friday employees are
behaviours that enable us to all be on Alarm system Dress standards encouraged to wear casual dress
the same page with the service that Access to the building for all The Town may require employees for a small donation to a nominated
we are providing. employees is 6am–6pm. Please to wear a uniform. Usually, a charity. Every day dress standards
What are the behaviours? note that if you access the building compulsory Town of Victoria Park still apply, with the exception
outside of these hours you are at uniform will be provided at no cost of jeans.
The behaviours are summarised as: risk of triggering the building alarm. to the employee. In some cases, an
If you would like further information
• prompt attention If you need to access the building allowance may be provided for the
about the nominated charity for the
outside of these times please purchase and maintenance of
• helpful attitude year please contact Susan Fraser,
ensure that you contact the Building a uniform.
Personal Assistant to the Chief
• careful listening Unit Manager – Assets prior to
Employees who are not required Community Planner on ext. 190.
doing so.
• problem resolution to wear uniforms must present for
Smoking areas work in a professional manner and Employees can also nominate to
• demonstrating appreciation. be suitably attired for their work have their donation deducted as a
The designated smoking area for pre-tax item from their fortnightly
activities. The standard for both men

General office
employees in the administration payroll. If you would like to set this
and women is smart business dress.
building is at the bottom of the stairs up please fill out HRF033 Workplace
near the staff parking. Please note Smart business dress for work
information that employees are not under any
circumstances permitted to smoke
may include, tailored trousers,
tailored skirts, collared business
Giving form.
Corporate name badges
Hours of work at the front of any of the Council’s shirts, tailored shorts, tailored All employees are required to wear a
work facilities. jackets, dresses, blouses, smart/ Town of Victoria Park name badge on
All full-time employees who receive
business shoes, socks, appropriate their clothing or uniform, which for
a rostered day every calendar month Members of the public are permitted
underwear, belts and ties. permanent and contract employees
are required to work an eight hour to smoke at the front of the building,
day (40 hour week), of which two but must be at least five metres Smart business dress for work does will be ordered on commencement
hours per week are put aside for away from the automatic doors. not include low cut or sheer tops, with the Town.

20 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 21
Private phone calls/internet Program (EAP). The EAP provides a
confidential counselling service for
Private phone calls should be kept
all employees and their immediate
to a minimum during work hours.
families to resolve personal or work
Email and internet use are for work
related issues including but not
related purposes only; a phone call
limited to:
and email policy will be available by
the end of the year. • relationships
• work-life balance
Absence from work
• career
If an employee is unable to attend • change
work for any reason, the employee • anxiety, stress and depression
must give their immediate
• bereavement, grief and loss
supervisor as much notice as
• legal and financial
practical. Failure to give the required
notice may result in non-payment of • conflict
any absence. • drug and alcohol addictions.
If the employee is unable to If you are unsure whether you
communicate with their immediate should seek counselling, you can
supervisor, they must communicate telephone to discuss your concern
with the supervisor/manager next in before making an appointment on
line and advise them of the absence. 1800 870 080.

When notifying the employer of Confidentiality of information

an inability to attend work, the The contents of correspondence of the City are the copyright of the members are treated to many free
employee must explain the reason and the records of the Town of organisation and not the officer events, as well as discounted tickets
and the anticipated duration of the Victoria Park are confidential. In no concerned. to three major events each year.
absence. Should the absence extend circumstances should information, Past events have included Swan
Files and other official documents
beyond the anticipated duration as which becomes available to officers Valley wine tours, sundowners,
must not be left unattended on lunch at Rottnest Island, river
advised, the employee must contact in the course of their official duties,
their immediate supervisor with a desks or counters where the cruises, movie nights, ten-pin
be divulged in public or to the media.
revised anticipated duration of the public may read them. It is your bowling and dinners.
absence as soon as practicable. Similarly, information and reports responsibility to ensure the security
prepared by officers for in-house of all documents in your care. Lotto
Employee assistance program utilisation are not available to The Town of Victoria Park has a
outside organisations without prior Social club
Lifeskills has been contracted lottery syndicate. Employees can
by the Town of Victoria Park to approval. Reports, research, surveys The Town has a very active social join at the cost of $2 per fortnight,
provide an Employee Assistance or any correspondence prepared club that get together on a monthly which can be setup as a payroll
by officers for, and at the expense basis. For a small membership fee, deduction.

22 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 23
Customer service charter Equal employment opportunity
The Town of Victoria Park is The Town of Victoria Park applies
committed to being a customer- the principal of equal employment
focused organisation. We will provide opportunity in all areas of its
excellent customer service that operation in accordance with
is adjusted to suit our customers legislation that makes it unlawful
needs, is valuable and is of the to discriminate against a worker
highest possible standard. We will or applicant on the grounds
achieve this through the following of sexual orientation, marital
customer service behaviours: status, pregnancy, race, religious

Policies and procedures Prompt attention: we will respond conviction, political persuasion,
to cusatomers and staff quieries in disability or age.
a timely fashion and we wilol keep The Town has clearly defined
Town of Victoria Park Enterprise We encourage you to read your customers and staff updated on
Agreement 2016 agreement and address any queries guidelines and formalised
progress. procedures by which employees
you may have with your manager or
An enterprise agreement is a Helpful advice: we will be polite, have work related grievances
the Human Resources team.
voluntary and negotiated agreement courteous, professional and treat addressed and resolved in a
between employees (or their union Code of Conduct customers and staff with respect and serious, sympathetic, fair, prompt
representatives) and their employer. without personal bias. and confidential manner. All issues,
The Town has adopted a Code
Enterprise agreements cannot of Conduct which provides Careful listening: we will seek grievances, complaints and disputes
override state laws which cover elected members and staff in to understand customer and staff will be handled in a consultative
OHS, workers compensation, local government with consistent needs before we take any action. and participatory manner to avoid
discrimination, child labour, equal guidelines for an acceptable the adverse impact on employees,
Problem resolution: we will take customers and the organisation.
employment opportunity and standard of professional conduct.
responsibility to address customer
training arrangements. Enterprise The code addresses in a concise and staff needs and we will be Grievances and complaints
agreements are regulated by the manner the broader issue accountable for an appropriate The Town has a grievance handling
Fair Work system which started on of ethical responsibility and outcome. policy. The Town supports and is
1 July 2009. encourages greater transparency
Demonstrating appreciation: We committed to the equitable and
and accountability throughout the
Most staff at the Town are covered will show gratitude when customer timely resolution of employee
by the Enterprise Agreement and staff needs are brought to our grievances. A grievance should
which is located on the intranet, The Code of Conduct can be attention and we will actively seek be resolved promptly and in an
and on the internet at the Fair accessed via the intranet on the feedback on customer and staff atmosphere of mutual respect
Work Commission website. Human Resources page. experiences. and cooperation.

24 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 25
All employees have a right to corporate communications and Networking with peers: working of alcohol and illicit or other drugs,
have a complaint, disagreement community-building tool. The Town locally and globally to find solutions. and remain, while at work, free
or claim heard without fear of of Victoria Park encourages every from the adverse effects of alcohol
Developing policy: using this
unfair treatment or victimisation. employee to express themselves and illicit or other drugs thereby
global network to research
If the complainant(s) does/do and communicate online in many enabling them to perform their
and implement best practice,
not believe the issue is being ways, such as through social media, duties safely and competently.
resolved, recourse will be available consulting with public, private, and
professional networking sites, blogs, government experts. For further information please refer
to increasing levels of authority to online news sites and personal web
promote a resolution. to the Drugs and Alcohol in the
sites. However, all employees need Collaborating: to achieve any
Workplace policy.
This policy exists to safeguard to use good judgment about what of the above aims. Adding to
employee rights, to ensure a material appears online, and in what discussions that are industry Working a second job?
safe working environment and context. related but not specific to the Town. Received a gift?
a positive relationship between Improving the Town’s customer The Local Government Act 1995
These procedures are intended to
staff, to promote job satisfaction, service: through social media. requires employees to declare any
show the different directions social
and to improve the efficiency and interests that may conflict with
media can take: Joining: existing conversations.
effectiveness of service delivery. their duties as officers with the
Social media policy Engaging with the community: Drugs and alcohol in the Council. Employees should ensure
discussing Town information and workplace policy that there is no actual (or perceived)
Guidelines are intended to provide services with individuals and
The Town of Victoria Park conflict or incompatibility between
clarity to employees on how to groups.
recognises that alcohol and illicit their personal interests and
conduct themselves in social media
Disseminating information: or other drug usage becomes an the impartial fulfilment of their
and are provided in the Social Media
providing real-time service occupational safety and health professional duties. These conflicts
policy. Staff are responsible for
information. issue if a workers ability to exercise may include things like owning
ensuring they understand this policy
judgement, coordination, motor shares in a particular company that
and the supporting procedures. Raising awareness of services
control, concentration and alertness has dealings with Council.
The Town of Victoria Park embraces and resources: promoting Town
at the workplace is impaired, Employees wishing to undertake
the use of social media as a services to a wider audience.
leading to increased risk of injury employment (a second job) or
or incidents to themselves or any private work outside of local
other person at the workplace. government should advise the
Town to ensure that there is no
The Town of Victoria Park has
conflict of interest. If during the
determined that the consumption
course of your work here at the
of alcohol and illicit drugs whilst
Town, you receive gifts from
at work is unacceptable. The Town
suppliers or vendors, you may need
of Victoria Park expects all of its
to declare that gift to Council.
workers to present themselves for
work free from the adverse effects Welcome to the team!

26 Employee handbook – Town of Victoria Park Town of Victoria Park – Employee handbook 27
Town of Victoria Park
Administration Centre
99 Shepperton Road, Victoria Park
9311 8111

This information is available in an alternative format

to people with a disability on request to 9311 8132

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