Wael GC3 Observation Sheet

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GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate’s observation


Sheet number ​ ​ of _____

Student name Wael Saad Student number 00394866

Place inspected Tent construction in Abu Dhabi 5 stars hotel Date of inspection 06 / 08 / 2017

Observations Control measures Timescale

Hazards and consequences Immediate and longer term actions

1. ​Collison hit by objects ,and fall ​ hort Term action​. Stop the trucks
S Immediately
hazard T​ rucks loading heavy items ( Iron and Send Email to beach club facility
pillars, and Purlin ) and the loads are not
well-adjusted on the truck . There are extra
and transportation to divert the club
protuberance and edges emerging from the cars driveway to safe area like front of
truck the same trucks use the guest club cars house driveway instead of beach side,
driveway to reach to the construction site.
and instruct the main contractor to
send safe load trucks and adjust the
Consequences​: Risk of Collison can load by using JCB or forklift before
cause accidents to the hotel guests sending to the site. deploying one
and to workers there is also risk of banksman to escort the trucks every
items fall and striking pedestrians. time coming inside
And this will lead to loss of life and
property damage. Long Term action
Fixing barricades on the whole way 4 days
leading to the tent construction site
starting from the hotel service entrance
till the site. Fix signs for sharp items
on the way leading to the construction
site, continuous supervision, .
All traffic shall observe the site speed
restrictions and on site traffic
management plan.
Management to monitor
2 Weeks

Short Term action​ Prohibit any one

2. Fire hazard. ​Labours were from smoking at site, place trash bins
smoking nearby left over trash which in separate isolated dry area, place fire
was placed opposite to diesel tank. extinguishers, place prohibition signs
for smoking.
Consequences fire emission if Long term action​ Provide Designated
cigarette buds throw on any source of smoking area. Monitor and advice for
fuel. Which can cause death, injures safety concerns. Ensure that all
and fire in property.

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contractors adhere to the site
regulations regarding smoking
3. ​Trip ​Hazard ​workers placed the
pillars poles, many items and cables Short term action​ Remove all
on the floor in disorder way. equipment’s to safe and clear area, 1 day
Area to be surrounded with barricades,
Consequences ​fall and trip to workers
fencing and ropes. Monitor the surface
and individuals on site which can
condition of all footpaths on site
cause injury, bone fracture. Break to
during site inspection.
hand, arm or wrist.
Long term action.
Supervision to ensure floors are
always maintained and clear form any
obstruction. Ensuring that there is
competent foremen on site to monitor 3 hours
contractor’s activities.
4. ​Forklift turnover and Collison
hazard​. ​Forklifts driver is loading
and offloading tent materials without
Short term action​. Stop the fork lift
using any signage’s, and is rounding
driver brief him to drive slowly Immediate
in a congested with high speed
especially while he is turning. And
without securing the load
nominate banksman to monitor and
supervise the movement, place
barricades and barriers to deter
Consequences Forklift turnover and
pedestrian from the work area.
collision with pedestrian and this will
cause injury or may lead to death.
Long term action​. Contractors to be
aware of traffic rules and design
pedestrian separate routs. Work site to Ongoing.
be monitored by onsite supervisor to
ensure they drive in a safe manner.
5. ​Hazard of excavation​. ​Workers
are conducting excavation work to fix
cement bases for the tent and they did
not do any detection to the buried Short term Acton​. Stop the
services before they start. excavation process and calling
engineering to detect if there is any
Consequences risk of touching and buried cables and mark sings for the Immediate
damaging buried electrical cables findings as well. Barricade the area
which have extreme possibility for with warning signage.
cables cut and causing electric shock
and damage to the cables as well. Long term action​. Safety meeting and
ensure conducting inspection and
check if procedures are in place.
adequate lighting and warning signs
and barricades to be placed before 1day
work start.
PTW to be followed

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6. Chemical Hazard from cement
dust. ​Workers use powder cement
bags to make bases to the tent pillars,

Consequence there is a risk of Short term action​. Stop the work and
allergic dermatitis due to direct advise to change the work process
handling to cement without starting with reducing the emission of
protection, such repeated exposure dust by watering .if there is no chance
will may cause, choking asthma and to do that , workers must wear proper
breathing difficulty. And it will cause protective equipment like full
skin corrosion. respiratory filter protective masks,
gloves ,and rubber boots.

Long term action​. and substituting by

using cement mixture, or they can
bring ready cement bulks 1 week
reducing the work hours by giving
more breaks. Giving prior training to
the labour to stress on the importance
7. ​Physicalhazard​ ​In-house guest
of chemical handling, hygiene and
and kids felt curiosity to see hence
wearing PPE.
they walk around the construction
side and got attracted to enter to the
site area.
Short term action​ .stop the work till
take those kids out, immediately fixing
Consequence​. They will be
temporary fencing around the work Immediate
Stricken by machinery. Objects can
site, place prohibit access signs to be
fall on them, they can be hit by
placed clearly. And deploying security
vehicles and forklifts, they can fell on
guard to control any unauthorised
potholes, they can be exposed to
electrical shock, and they can be
exposed to inhale the cement dust.
​Long term action​ Contractor to
And finally they can be exposed to
construct designated area for visitors
slips and trips as well.
and guest to pass, and making safe
separated routs to them to be fenced
with signs, good light before work
Placing signs to prohibit pedestrian’s
bicycles, scooters and any beach club
facility means passing by the tent site. 1 day
Security to be aware about all these

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1 hour


4 days

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8.​ Fall hazards​ ​from scaffold Short term action​ .stop work
Labours built the scaffolding and immediately , and ensure that they Immediate
placed it on the sand and started to build firm and even wooden base
work. plates before they start. Inspect
Consequence​. The scaffolding will scaffold to avoid any wrong
collapse , workers will fall, and procedures
items will fall also and injure Long term action​. Give training for 2 days
how to build and use scaffolding,
permanent scaffolding specialist on
site to guide and monitor the labours Ongoing
how to build scaffolding.

9. ​Spillage Hazard​ Diesel tanks ​Short term action​. Stop the truck
which were brought from outside to outside the parking in dry clear safe
supply fuel to the generators were area and place tray underneath the leak
leaking on the driveway to the site Report immediately to the concerned
consequence​.​ This can create fire,
pollution threat. Slips to guest, Long term action​. Inspection of any
visitors and any pedestrians. fuel tanks before entering the property.
Conduct training how to response to
spill to drivers and keep spill kit
contractors and subcontractors to
follow procedures.

Short term action​. Deny work in heat

peak times, provide cool water on
10.​ Sun light heat hazard ​due to location all time provide shades,
work in the heat season and working electrolites, fans or coolers to refine
under direct sun exposure labours the weather if applicable.
may face extreme ill-health. On-going
Consequence​. ​Heat stroke, exhaust. Long term action​ ensuring that they
Fatigue or loss of consciousness. are wearing light clothes.
monitoring to labours work status and 2days
giving labours training on the hazards
from the work under heat, contractors
to build shade tents and refuges for
workers rest time.

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11.​ Risk of falling from Ladder​ one ​Short term action​. Stop worker and
labour using ladder to fix fabric wall advise the worker to use correct angle Immediate
to one of the tent sides and he was not which is 75. And recommending to
opening the ladder to full angel. use scaffolding or man lift instead, On-going
continue to monitor work practices
Consequence​. Fall from the ladder with ladders
which will cause injury, fracture. Long term action
continuous monitoring and training
to know how to use the ladder in right 1 day
Ensuring that access to hazardous and
height areas will be restricted to
essential crew only with continues Ongoing
monitoring form site supervisor.

12. ​Radiation and fire hazard​. Short term action​. Workers must
Workers were observed using welding wear suitable PPE (dark visor and full Immediate
machine to join the windows metal overall to cover all his body), use
frames to the wall of the tent without protection shield, cleaning the area
using any protection. and remove any flammable
Consequences​. They are exposed to substances, and keeping the welding
direct ultra violet radiation from arc area in dry and neat status. Placing
welding. Which can cause blindness DCP fire extinguishers close to the
and kin burns, the heat of welding can welding area.
spread to touch any ashes and can Long term action
cause fire. PTW to be done before start of work 1week.

13. ​Manual Handling Hazard​. Short term action​ .stop the workers
Workers carrying AC ducts parts by from working by this way and
their hand to join it to each other, the instructing them to use any automated Immediate
size of the AC ducts part was larger machine (forklift, JCB telescope,
and heavier than their capacity. cranes, or trollies.

Consequence​. This will cause back Long term action. ​Let workers to
1 hour
pain, ligaments, pain to arm, muscle, arrange the loading area for
and disc injury. machinery movements, Carry out
regular reassessment of carrying
items and tools on site

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14.​ Fall from height Hazard​ Labour Short term Action​ Stop work and
was ascending to the tent roof to join change this work hazard by using Immediate
the roof purlin without using either other safe means like scaffolding
height lifting means or any PPE. .boom lifts, scissor lifts if applicable,
and let workers to wear harness
Consequence​ ​fall from height this .
would cause fatality or fracture due to Long term action​. Training on fall
fall and it will may cause broken from height hazard, and PPE to wear
bones. before they work.
Daily site inspection should be made
and any working by this danger way 2days
to be reported to the site manager.

15. ​Crane collapse hazard​ crane ​Short term action​ Stop crane
operator is loading generators without operation immediately and check
placing the legs properly. competent operator. Ensure that the
Consequence ​this will cause crane is positioned correctly and the
collapsing, or the crane toppling over, outriggers were placed correctly on
and there is possibility to the load fall even floor Barricade the operating
and it can strike the workers and area and deny access of unauthorized
injure as well. persons.
Long term action​. Establish crane
operation and ground risk assessment
On going
before the crane start every time.
Ensuring that no any crane work or
start unless a competent and qualified
operator is provided

16. ​Crushing hazard by fork lift Short term action​ Stop forklift
driver accelerating quickly in reverse driver and isolate the forklift on a
while placing some cement bricks on side till ensuring safe system of work,
the floor while labour is guiding him do not allow the driver to drive
inattentively to place the brick on the speedily, Ensure all workers are
floor. wearing high visible clothes

Consequence ​t​his would cause to Long term action​ instruct the

crushing to the labours body, fracture contractor to place mirrors on corners 1 day and every
to one of their body parts like hand, to help driver to see the blind spots. time before
legs .and it will may cause death too. Speed rules sings to be placed. operating the
Deploying one banksman to guide the crane.
driver movement.
Ensuring that there is effective means
of communications between the 2hours
drivers and banksman.
Providing visible clothing to labours
working on floor.

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17. ​Gas cylinder explosion hazard​. Short term action​. Instruct the
Contractor brought LPG cylinders contractor to remove them 2 days
which will be used for the tent immediately and return them back till
kitchen and placed it exposed to the kitchen get built or cylinders have to
sun without covering or protection. be placed properly in a shade clean
Consequence​. The cylinders can area , and warning signs , fire
explode due to exposing to high extinguishers to be placed Secure the
temperature, big fire can happen too cylinders (with chain) . Ongoing
and this will cause a big loss of
people and property as well. Long term action​ .contractor to
build a separate store room outside
the tent and ensure that it is covered,
clean from any other flammable
substances, dry and well ventilated.
Ensure that persons involved with
handling, storage and transportation 1 week
of gas have been trained in the correct
procedures that conform with
relevant legislations

18. ​Assault hazard​. One supervisor Short term action​. Talk to the
was screaming to one of the labours supervisor to be moderate and to
to hurry up pulling the ceiling rope respect the labours roles, and discuss Immediate
because of the short time demands of with the project responsible to find
the tent delivery. other suitable ways to speed the task
Consequence. ​Those workers will be by increasing the labours number and
working under stress, and this will providing more machinery.
cause disability to perform their job Long Term action​. Place policy
properly, it will effect on their stating breaches against any bullying 1 Week
physical health by causing some on the place, and management should
symptoms like high blood pressure, monitor, and keep supervise and
headache and it may also cause support all the time.

19. ​Noise Hazard​. Workers are Short term action​. ensuring that
drilling the tent floor by flooring drill workers are wearing proper hearing Immediately
machine without wearing any hearing protection equipment’s like ear
protection. muffs, or ear plugs.
Long term action​, Replace the work
process by fixing ready floors essay
Consequence​ this will cause tinnitus, to be joined without drilling,
temporary hearing loss, stress and it Ensuring that staff have adequate Ongoing.
will expose them to other risks like breaks and are not positioned for long

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hit by other objects and they will not periods of time in noisy areas. And
observe because of noise. monitor noise levels all times.


20. ​Electrical shock hazard​ the Short term action​. Check the site
contractor fixed generators electrical supervisor immediately to gather
cables improperly. They were loose, technicians to locate the cables
not insulated and connected from the correctly ,connect them tightly to the
generator to the tent without sockets, cover the cables by ramps or 5 days
insulation or protection burry them in a safe matter to be far
form vehicles or people movement.
Consequence​. Electrical shock. Long term action​.
Burning, fire. . using double insulating cables
Implement safe system of work by Daily
nominating competent people only to
carry out the electrical works with
permit to work, conduct periodical
inspection and locate warning signs
to prohibit any one to enter to 3hours
electricity connection.
lighting levels around the site to
cover all hazards at night.

21. ​Physical Hazard by impact with Short term action​. Stop the work
crane. ​During the offload of the Deploying banks man to direct and
generator one labour was close to get monitor the movement. Restrict the 2 days and
hit by the hook and get injury because incompetent workers provide hard ongoing
he was not wearing proper PPE and hats and gloves and overalls to
was standing on unsafe place workers.
Consequence​ hit​ by the crane hook, Long term action​. ensure that the 2 days
will cause bones break, impact can contractor provide permanent
cause death or head crash and sever competent supervisor to monitor any
injury. crane loading process,

22. Welfare facilities. ​Contractor built Should by kept clean all the time.
one small tent equipped with air fan, This reflect one of the employers ongoing
water, first aid box for the labours to responsibility commitment towards
have rest during their break time, it is the workers, and show their
used for having their food meals, and complying to the rules of OSHAD
they located two mobile toilets near code of practice COP 8.0- General

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the tent as well to avoid using the work place amenities version 3.0
workers to the guest toilets. July 2016

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