E82 DataSheet English
E82 DataSheet English
E82 DataSheet English
Type: Upwind rotor with active
The new ENERCON E-82 sets
pitch control
Direction of rotation: Clockwise 6 yet another milestone in the
Number of blades: 3
Swept area: 5281 m2
success story of the highly eco-
Blade material: Fibreglass (epoxy resin); ■
1 Main carrier ■
5 Rotor hub nomical use of wind energy.
integrated lightning protection ■
2 Yaw motors ■
6 Rotor blade
Rotational speed: Variable, 6 –19.5 rpm ■
3 Annular generator Especially designed for medium
Tip speed: 25 – 80 m/s ■
4 Blade adaptor
wind strengths, the E-82, with
Pitch control: ENERCON blade pitch system,
Calculated power curve
one independent pitching Wind Power P Power coefficient Cp its large rotor diameter and the
system per rotor blade with (m/s) (kW) (-)
allocated emergency supply
efficient ENERCON rotor blade
1 0.0 0.00
2 3.0 0.12 ρ = 1,225 kg/m design, guarantees optimal
Drive train with generator 3 25.0 0.29
Hub: Rigid 4 82.0 0.40 yield and considerably reduces
5 174.0 0.43
Main bearings: Dual-row tapered/single-row
6 321.0 0.46 the costs per kWh of wind ener-
cylindrical roller bearings 7 532.0 0.48
Generator: ENERCON direct-drive syn- 8 815.0 0.49 gy. Furthermore, the E-82 fulfils
chronous annular generator 9 1180.0 0.50
10 1612.0 0.50 the current grid connection
11 1890.0 0.44
Grid feeding: ENERCON inverter 12 2000.0 0.36 stipulations due to its sophis-
13 2050.0 0.29
Braking systems: – 3 independent blade pitch 14 2050.0 0.23 ticated grid feed system, which
15 2050.0 0.19
systems with emergency
16 2050.0 0.15 enables it to be integrated in all
supply 17 2050.0 0.13
– Rotor brake 18 2050.0 0.11 types of supply and distribution
– Rotor lock 19 2050.0 0.09
20 2050.0 0.08 structures.
21 2050.0 0.07
Yaw control: Active via adjustment gears, 22 2050.0 0.06
load-dependent damping 23 2050.0 0.05
24 2050.0 0.05
25 2050.0 0.04
Cut-in wind speed: 2.5 m/s
2000 0,50
Rated wind speed: 12.0 m/s
Power coefficient Cp [–]
1600 0,40
Power P [kW]
1200 0,30